Backup-Recovery-Services-Data-Sheet-En-67922 - DELTAV
Backup-Recovery-Services-Data-Sheet-En-67922 - DELTAV
Backup-Recovery-Services-Data-Sheet-En-67922 - DELTAV
April 2019
Introduction Benefits
Protecting digital information helps maintain business Receive professional installation and configuration: Save
continuity and reduce downtime caused by a loss of data. time and effort by having Emerson’s trained service personnel
Congratulations! By purchasing Emerson’s Backup and install and configure your Backup and Recovery. You can
Recovery solution, you have taken one of the first steps to be assured that your Backup and Recovery installation is
protecting your digital information. However, since resources functioning at peak performance and that all of your backed-up
are normally stretched thin, you may not have the time or data is recoverable in the event of an emergency.
the resident skillset to effectively and efficiently implement
Consult to meet specific requirements: Some customers have
Backup and Recovery.
the ability and the staff to perform the installation, but some
The Backup and Recovery Services offer the customer the “do-it-yourselfers” may require a little guidance. Emerson’s
flexibility of performing their own installation in concert with consultation service provides the direction and expert advice to
Emerson’s consultative services or to have their installation install and configure Backup and Recovery.
and configuration performed by Emerson’s experienced service
Ensure backup data is verified and recoverable: Your backed-
personnel. Verification and Recovery services provide ongoing
up data is verified that it was backed up and is recoverable
confirmation that the Backup and Recovery solution is working
at the completion of the Backup and Recovery installation.
as expected.
Additionally, a verification health check can be performed at
Emerson’s Backup and Recovery Services delivers peace of any time during the ownership period of the Backup and
mind knowing that the Backup and Recovery solution has Recovery solution.
been installed, configured and verified by Emerson’s expert
Gain peace of mind: If disaster strikes, you will have peace
service personnel.
of mind knowing that an effective disaster-recovery plan is
available, allowing you to confidently recover your data quickly,
easily and with a minimum of process downtime.
Backup and Recovery Services April 2019
Ordering Information
This service requires a written scope of work, deliverables, timing and budget. A service request must be received and reviewed by
Emerson. Emerson will in turn provide a written proposal to the customer for review and acceptance.
Backup and Recovery – Implementation Service Please Contact Your Local Emerson Sales Office
Backup and Recovery – Consultation Service Please Contact Your Local Emerson Sales Office
Backup and Recovery – Verification Service Please Contact Your Local Emerson Sales Office
Backup and Recovery – Recovery Service Please Contact Your Local Emerson Sales Office 2
Backup and Recovery Services April 2019
DeltaV DCS
Backup and Server 2008
Recovery v3.3 Server2008R2
Sever 2008 Win 7
Win 7 Win 10 Server 2016 Server 2012
Server 2008R2 Win 10
Server 2012R2
Server 2016
Notes: The backup agents and management server are supported for use on the DeltaV DCS versions running the operating systems as listed in the table above. The backup agents
and management server are supported for use on non-DeltaV workstations and servers running the same versions of the operating systems listed in the table above. 3
Backup and Recovery Services April 2019
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+41 41 768 6111 use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on
request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of our products at any time without notice.