Performance of CPT-Based Methods To Assess Monopile Driveability in North Sea Sands
Performance of CPT-Based Methods To Assess Monopile Driveability in North Sea Sands
Performance of CPT-Based Methods To Assess Monopile Driveability in North Sea Sands
Ocean Engineering
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Keywords: Offshore pile driving is a high-risk activity as delays can be financially punitive. Experience of pile driving for
Pile driveability offshore jacket structures where pile diameters are typically < 2 m has led to the development of empirical pile
Static capacity driveability models with proven predictive capability. The application of these methods to larger diameter piles
UWA-05 is uncertain. A major component of driveability models involves estimating the static resistance to driving, SRD,
a parameter analogous to pile axial capacity. Recent research on axial capacity design has led to improved
models that use Cone Penetration Test, CPT data to estimate pile capacity and include for the effects of friction
Offshore wind fatigue and soil plugging. The applicability of these methods to estimating pile driveability for larger diameter
Base resistance-settlement piles is of interest. In this paper, recent CPT based axial capacity approaches, modified for mobilised base
resistance and ageing, are applied to estimating driveability of 4.2 m diameter piles. A database of pile in-
stallation records from North sea installations are used to benchmark the methods. Accounting for factors such as
pile ageing and the relatively low displacement mobilised during individual hammer blows improves the quality
of prediction of pile driveability for the conditions evaluated in this study.
1. Introduction damage to the piles can also threaten the feasibility of an offshore
project. Therefore, a comprehensive driveability analysis should be
The majority of offshore structures, whether conventional oil and undertaken that considers the entire driving system including the
gas platforms or wind turbines, are supported by driven open-ended hammer performance, pile geometry, site specific soil conditions and
steel piles, used as single, large diameter laterally loaded monopiles or the soil-structure interaction problem.
multiple axially loaded piles for a jacket structure. The piles resist both The Static Resistance to Driving (SRD) is a profile of shaft and toe
the topside loads and the environmental wind and wave forces (Arany resistance developed during pile installation, and an estimate of this is
et al., 2017; Prendergast et al., 2018) and efficient installation is cri- required to perform a driveability study. An SRD profile differs from a
tically important to minimise time delays and prevent material damage. static capacity profile in that it models the cumulative increase in shaft
Piles are installed using large hammers, which are usually hydraulically capacity with further pile penetration and has a toe resistance asso-
powered to provide a controlled driving force. Prior to selecting an ciated with each driving increment, as opposed to a static profile with a
appropriate hammer, a driveability analysis is usually performed to single base resistance. Moreover they differ in terms of time, degree of
ensure the selected equipment is capable of installing the pile to the mobilisation and consolidation. Accurately predicting the soil-structure
target depth in a reasonable time-frame and without overstressing the interaction is critical to the driveability process and is arguably the
steel pile shaft. This process is essential to the smooth installation of any most challenging aspect (Prendergast and Gavin, 2016; Wu et al.,
offshore structure, as driving delays can result in significant financial 2018). Traditional approaches for predicting SRD such as Stevens et al.
overspends due to vessel down-time. Premature refusal or structural (1982), Toolan and Fox (1977), and Semple and Gemeinhardt (1981)
Corresponding author. Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom
E-mail addresses: (T. Byrne), (K. Gavin), (L.J. Prendergast), (P. Cachim), (P. Doherty), (S. Chenicheri Pulukul).
Received 31 January 2018; Received in revised form 6 June 2018; Accepted 6 August 2018
Available online 13 August 2018
0029-8018/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
are largely empirical and therefore, extrapolation to pile geometries shallow penetrations of the monopile the variance was much larger and
and soil conditions outside of the dataset on which they are based is methods which under-predicted the blow-counts for shallow penetra-
highly questionable. The application of such methods in the extreme tions, tended to over-estimate the resistance at depth and vice-versa.
hard tills or very dense sands (where the CPT end resistance qc value is This suggests some fundamental inherent bias in the models which
typically in the range 30–100 MPa) in the North Sea and for the large would lead to inconsistent estimates of the full pile driving process.
diameter monopiles supporting wind turbines should be assessed. In this paper, records from a number of pile installations in the
Aldridge et al. (2010) highlights the difficulties in predicting the in- North Sea are used to compare the performance of conventional dri-
stallation resistance of 2.6 m diameter piles at the Clair platform in the veability analyses and new CPT approaches modified to account for
North Sea, west of the Shetlands, where the undrained shear strength of important processes including pile ageing, friction fatigue, low base
the underlying glacial till exceeded 2500 kPa. In this instance, a series displacement and plugging (Gavin and Lehane, 2007). The pile driving
of pile driving trials were conducted in advance of the platform in- data from six sites, namely Caravel, Cutter, Shamrock, L09FA1, L09FB1
stallation to ensure the piles could reach the target depth. Predictions and Skiff are used to compare the predictive performance of the models.
based on the IC-05 (Jardine et al., 2005) methodology which accounts The Skiff platform is supported on a jacket with 0.762 m diameter piles,
for high strength of the clay, the pile geometry, group effects and cyclic whilst the remaining platforms are founded on single, 4.2 m monopiles.
loading provided much more consistent estimates of the pile resistance The limitations and biases of each driveability method are assessed and
than standard offshore methods. recommendations are made for a more accurate scientific approach.
Schneider and Harmon (2010) proposed a pile driveability model
based on the UWA-05 (Lehane et al., 2005) method that incorporates
2. Modelling process
friction fatigue and accounts for the effects of pile plugging. They note
that inertial effects during driving mean that the soil plug remains at or
Determining the optimum pile geometry is an iterative process,
near the sea bed level during installation. As a result they propose a
where the trade-off between the higher capacities achieved using larger
methodology in which the base resistance develops only on the pile
piles is offset by the increased difficulty and risk associated with driving
annulus, and the shaft resistance develops both on the external pile
these piles to the desired penetration. A flow-chart describing the
surface and internally on the pile plug. They suggest that the stress on
principal inputs required and the analysis procedure used to conduct a
the pile annulus be taken as 35% of the CPT qc value at the pile tip and
driveability study is shown in Fig. 1. The three main inputs are the soil
the shear resistance mobilised by the soil plug is 50% of the external
parameters, pile properties and hammer details. The pile properties and
shear resistance. They found this approach gave consistent predictions
hammer characteristics are relatively well understood and can be de-
of driving resistance for four, open-ended pipe piles driven with dia-
termined with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Given the difficulties in
meters ranging from 0.356 m to 2 m at three sites, in Japan, USA and
sampling and testing offshore soils in-situ Cone Penetration Testing
the Netherlands.
(CPT) is widely undertaken for offshore projects with most installations
Byrne et al. (2012) examined the ability of commonly employed pile
having at least one complete CPT profile. Given the similarities between
driveability models (Semple and Gemeinhardt, 1981; Stevens et al.,
CPT and pile installation, many correlations have been developed
1982; Toolan and Fox, 1977) to predict the installation response of a
linking pile end, qb and shaft resistance, qs to the CPT end resistance, qc
0.762 m diameter skirt pile and a 4.2 m diameter monopile installed in
which usually give better predictions of pile response than approaches
dense North Sea sand. Somewhat surprisingly the models provided
which use soil parameters within an effective stress framework (Jardine
poorest predictions of the installation response of the 0.762 m pile with
et al., 2005). The main output of interest for this paper is a prediction of
the range of measured to predicted blow-counts varying from 30% to
the blow-counts required to drive a given pile, as this will be compared
180% at the final penetration depth of 34 m. The methods provided
to the real blow-counts across the investigated sites. It should be noted
much closer estimates for the 4.2 m diameter pile at the final penetra-
that there is potential for several combinations of the input parameters
tion depth of 31.5 m (estimates in the range 55%–135%). However, for
to yield similar output values. The SRD profiles in this paper are derived
Fig. 1. Flow-chart of principal inputs and outputs available from a wave equation based driveability analysis.
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
using measured CPT profiles as input. To ensure that the modelling is as accompanying set of standard damping values. Also specified are quake
accurate as possible, information from the monitoring reports related to values, the displacement required to achieve yield, see Fig. 2. The
hammer type, input energy, driving delays, etc. for each pile is carefully parameters used in this study are presented in Table 1 and are derived
considered in each driveability analysis to ensure the predictions for from original references, where possible.
each proposed soil resistance are genuine. GRLWEAP has an extensive archive of hammer types with a data-
The total resistance of a pile to driving results from a combination of base of their properties (such as hammer masses and drop heights,
the static SRD, dynamic increases in pile capacity due to inertial effects among other properties). Monitoring reports from each of the installa-
and increases in capacity due to viscous rate effects. Driveability tions considered in this paper included details of events such as delays
methods used to derive the static SRD are discussed in Section 3. The occurring during driving, thereby allowing the hammer performance/
remaining effects (inertia, viscous rate effects) are accounted for within efficiency and driving system to be modelled accurately. With the ex-
the wave equation analysis problem. In this paper, a commercially ception of the monopile at Cutter, each pile was dynamically monitored
available finite-difference software GRLWEAP Off-Shore 2010 (Pile which enabled the pile enthru energy (energy that the pile experiences)
Dynamics, 2010) was used to perform the operations and analyse the to be calculated and replicated in the analysis. Hammer stroke heights
energy transferred to the pile from each hammer blow. GRLWEAP is a were adjusted during the modelling process so that the output energies
1-D wave equation analysis software capable of simulating the response matched the recorded values. Standard efficiencies were applied based
of a pile to pile driving equipment, and is fundamentally based on on suggested values for each hammer.
solving the wave equation shown in Eq. (1) The friction fatigue effect, whereby shear resistance in a given layer
reduces as the pile tip advances is included in the later SRD models,
δ 2u δ 2u
ρ⎛ 2 ⎞ = E ⎛ 2 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ usually by means of including a degradation term in the calculation of
⎝ δt ⎠ ⎝ δx ⎠ (1) the shear stresses of the form (h/R)n where h is the vertical distance
where ρ is the mass density (kg/m ), E is the elastic modulus (N/m2).
3 from the pile tip to the soil horizon in question and R is the pile radius,
The wave speed, c is a function of the mass density and elasticity as see Fig. 3.
Because the term causes the shape of the shear resistance distribu-
follows, c = E .
ρ tion to change with pile penetration, some averaging technique is ne-
GRLWEAP has a number of inbuilt static SRD models, however, it cessary. Schneider and Harmon (2010) found that the shape of the shaft
also allows the user manually input shaft and end resistance profiles, friction distribution had a negligible effect on the resultant bearing
thus making it ideal for the problem in this paper. The dynamic forces graph. They suggest the change in shaft capacity between two succes-
and viscous rate effects are represented by damping values, which vary sive depth increments be used to calculate the pseudo average shaft
according to soil type. It is usual for an SRD model to be used with an
Table 1
Quake and damping values.
Method Sand Clay Reference
Alm and Hamre (2001) 2.5 2.5 0.25 0.5 2.5 2.5 0.25 0.5 (Alm and Hamre, 2001)
Toolan and Fox (1977) 2.5 2.5 0.17 0.5 2.5 2.5 0.66 0.03 (Hirsch et al., 1976)
Stevens et al. (1982) 2.5 2.5 0.27 0.5 2.5 2.5 0.1 0.5 (Stevens et al., 1982)
UWA (2005) 2.5 2.5 0.25 0.5 2.5 2.5 0.65 0.5 (Schneider and Harmon, 2010)
IC (2005) 2.5 2.5 0.16 0.5 2.5 2.5 0.65 0.5 GRLWEAP standard values
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Soil-Air Interface
Depth to tip, h
Pile with
radius, R
Pile tip
Fig. 3. Definition of (h/R) expression.
⎝ σ ′v0 ⎠ (4)
API method (API, 2007). Limiting input values of unit skin and toe
resistance are assigned while the model defines lower (LB) and upper
bound (UB) static predictions for plugged and coring conditions. Large 4. Application of axial static capacity approaches to driveability
open-ended pipe piles, similar to those installed at the six locations
considered in this paper, usually remain fully coring during pile in- The CPT based design methods for calculating the axial static re-
stallation (internal soil core level approximately at external sea bed sistance of piles in sand known as the IC-05 and UWA-05 methods drew
level). The lower bound case adopts an internal shaft friction half that heavily on the findings from highly-instrumented model pile tests un-
of the exterior, with the upper bound assuming that both are equal. The dertaken by a number of researchers at Imperial College London
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Table 2
Site description.
Caravel Shamrock L09FB1 L09FA1 Cutter Skiff
North Sea Location UK 49/20 UK 49/20 Dutch L09 Dutch L09 UK 49/09 UK 48/20
Pile Diameter (m) 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 0.762
Wall Thickness (m) 50/55/60 50/60/70 50/60 50/60/65/70 50/60 38.1
Pile Length(m) 40.5 43 40 43 41 41
Penetration (m) 31.5 34 31 34 29 34
Water Depth (m) 31 30 22 23.5 32 26
Hammer MHU-600 MHU-600 MHU-600 MHU-600 IHC S-600 IHC S-90
Conditions MED DENSE -VERY MED DENSE - VERY silica fine to medium silica fine to medium DENSE fine to medium DENSE fine to
DENSE fine to medium DENSE slightly silty SAND with Stiff - Hard SAND with Stiff - Hard SAND with shell medium SAND with
SAND below 8 m with SAND below 8.5 m with clay layers present clay layers present fragments, clay layers Stiff clay layers
clay layers clay layers present present
Sand Friction Angles 28°–30° 27°–30° 29°–31° 26°–30° 28°–30° 28°–31°
(Direct Shear:
Clay Layer Su (kPa) 150–400 30–100 175–300 100–300 75–175 50–400
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
10 10
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
20 20
30 30
40 40
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Relative Density (Dr) Relative Density (Dr)
Fig. 6. Site CPT qc and Relative Density (Dr) Profiles. (a) Caravel Fig. 6. (continued)
(b) Shamrock
(c) L09FB1
(d) L09FA1
( )
ratio, Ar , eff = 1 − IFR Di , D and Di are the external and the internal
diameter of the pile respectively. IFR is the incremental filling ratio (or
(e) Cutter
change in soil plug length for an increment of pile penetration).
(f) Skiff.
The unit base resistance is calculated using the expression in Eq. (8).
(Jardine et al., 2005; Lehane et al., 2005). In particular these tests qb0.1 / qc,avg = 0.15 + 0.45 Ar,eff (8)
provided new insights into the mechanisms controlling the develop-
While not explicitly designed for determining a soil SRD, similarities
ment of shaft friction for displacement piles in sand. The IC-05 method
between the mechanisms controlling installation resistance and static
for estimating the ultimate shaft resistance is shown in Eq. (5).
capacity suggest that with modification and adaptation these methods
0.13 −0.38 could prove appropriate for use in driveability analyses. A case study
⎡ ⎛ σ′ ⎞ ⎡max ⎛ h , 8⎞⎤ ⎤
τf = a ⎢0.029⋅b⋅qc ⎜ v0 ⎟ + Δσ ′rd ⎥ tan δf presented by Overy and Sayer (2007) indicated that the IC-05 method
⎢ p ⎢
⎣ ⎝ R* ⎠⎥ ⎦ ⎥
⎣ ⎝ ref ⎠ ⎦ (5) gave reasonable predictions for drill-drive operations of the main con-
ductor piles at the same Skiff site considered in this study.
Where a = 0.9 for open-ended piles, b = 1.0 for piles in compression,
In this paper the possible contribution of four factors that could
R* is the equivalent radius of a closed-ended pile (assuming no plugging
differentiate the installation and static loading processes are con-
occurs during installation) and Δσ′rd is the change in radial stress due to
interface dilation. This term can be ignored for offshore piles.
The unit base resistance is given by Eq. (6).
(i) The phenomenon of pile ageing (capacity increase with time after
qb D ⎞ installation) is becoming more widely accepted. The recent CPT
= ⎛0.5 − 0.25 log
⎜ ⎟
based design methods are calibrated using load tests performed
qc ⎝ DCPT ⎠ (6)
generally 10–30 days after installation. Therefore, the pile re-
Where: DCPT is the diameter of the CPT penetrometer. sistance during installation will be lower than the models suggest.
The UWA-05 method has a similar formulation for shaft resistance (ii) Given the relatively low displacements experienced during in-
as shown in Eq. (7). dividual hammer blows the rate of pile base mobilisation is con-
−0.5 sidered explicitly.
ft ⎡
τf = 0.03⋅ q ⋅ A 0.3 ⎡
max ⎛ h , 2⎞⎤ + Δσ ′rd ⎤
fc ⎢ c r , eff
⎢ ⎝ D ⎠⎥ ⎥ tan δf
⎣ ⎣ ⎦ ⎦ (7) The behaviour of the soil plug during installation and under static
ft loading can differ substantially. Due to inertial effects during driving
Where: = 1 for compression and 0.75 for tension. The effective area
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
10 10
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
20 20 CPT
30 30
40 40
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Relative Density (Dr) Relative Density (Dr)
Fig. 6. (continued) Fig. 6. (continued)
the internal soil plug resistance is low and large diameter piles usually account for this effect. A three-stage base resistance-settlement model,
remain near fully coring (the soil plug moves inside the pile at a similar proposed by Gavin and Lehane (2007), is implemented as a means of
rate to the pile penetration). In SRD and static capacity models two estimating the base resistance mobilised during each hammer impact.
failure conditions are considered, for static loading: (i) a plugged failure The model, schematically presented in Fig. 4, considers the pile tip
occurs when the soil beneath the pile tip displaces and the inner column displacement (wb), normalised by the pile diameter (D), and plotted
of soil remains in contact with the inner pile surface, advancing with against the mobilised base resistance (qb).
the downward moving pile under failure, in effect almost akin to a The base resistance-settlement model considers the initial settle-
closed ended pile, (ii) an unplugged failure, where the internal soil ment response to be linear until a yield strain (wby/D) is reached (as-
cylinder remains stationary as the pile progresses. In reality, both me- sumed to occur at 1.5% of pile diameter), followed by a non-linear
chanisms may take place during failure. parabolic stage to a strain at 10% of pile diameter (i.e. wb/D of 0.1).
The IC-05 method has a procedure and guidance to predict whether The linear stage (wb/D < wby/D) is governed by the small strain soil
plugged or unplugged failure develops. In the instance of unplugged elastic stiffness (E0). While E0 should be computed from shear wave
failure (which was the mode of failure predicted for all piles in this velocity measurements based on seismic cone or bender element tests,
study) the full CPT resistance is applied over the annular base area only in practice, these may not be available and it can be approximated
and the plug resistance (internal shaft friction) is not taken into account using correlations with CPT qc data (Prendergast et al., 2013), such as
explicitly. For the UWA-05 model, the plug is presumed not to fail those reported by Robertson (1990) and Schnaid et al. (2004). The
during static loading and a modified unit base resistance (which con- linear portion of the curve can be represented by Eq. (9).
siders the effective area ratio and accounts directly for the degree of
plugging during installation) acts over the gross pile area. This takes w
into consideration the reduced base stiffness developed during coring qb = ⎡k ⎛ b ⎞ ⎤ + qb, res
⎣ ⎝ D ⎠⎦ (9a)
installation of the pile. While these may provide accurate static capacity
estimates, it may not model or represent the interaction between the and
pile and soil plug during driving, as noted by Overy and Sayer (2007)
for North Sea pile installations. 4 E0
k = ⎛ ⎞⎡ ⎤
The base capacity evaluated from the IC-05 and UWA-05 models ⎝ π ⎠ ⎣ 1 − ν2 ⎦ (9b)
assume pile tip displacements (wb) of 10% of the pile diameter (D), as
the failure criteria. During driving, the pile penetration per blow is where ν is the Poisson's ratio. The parabolic portion (wby/D < wb/
much lower than this value and a reduction factor should be applied to D < 0.1) is given in Eq. (10):
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
10 10
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
20 20
30 30
Dr Dr
40 40
0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Relative Density (Dr) Relative Density (Dr)
Fig. 6. (continued) Fig. 6. (continued)
wby w n Table 3
qb = ⎡k ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ b ⎞ ⎤ + qb, res
⎢ ⎝ D ⎠ ⎝D⎠ ⎥ (10) Relative Density (Dr) definitions (Lambe and Whitman, 1969).
⎣ ⎦
Consistency Relative Density Dr (%)
The residual base stresses (qb,res) associated with previous hammer
blows may be of the order of 1%–10% of the CPT qc value at a given Very Loose 0–15
depth and the sensitivity of the analysis to a range of potential residual Loose 15–35
stress conditions is assessed in this paper. The base-settlement model Medium Dense 35–65
Dense 65–85
was implemented as a modified form of the UWA-05 approach with the
Very Dense 85–100
wb/D ratio being estimated based on typical displacements recorded for
piles installed at the sites considered.
Soil plug measurements were recorded at sea bed level for Cutter
5. Pile database after driving ceased and although no soil plug measurements were
made at the remaining sites, the monopiles would most likely have been
The installation database assembled by Shell UK was interrogated fully coring. It is also reasonable to assume that the Skiff skirt pile
and the results from the installation of five monopiles were selected for would be coring (or partially plugged), according to IC-05 plugging
analysis. These monopiles are 4.2 m diameter steel open ended piles guidelines.
installed at Caravel, Shamrock, L09FA1, L09FB1 and Cutter, respec- Geotechnical logs, in addition to in-situ and laboratory test reports,
tively. In addition, a 0.762 m diameter skirt pile supporting a jacket were available for each location and provided a comprehensive cata-
structure at the Skiff site was also analysed for comparative purposes. logue of the site conditions from which soil profiles could be derived.
The locations of each of the installations are shown in Fig. 5 and Relative densities were evaluated by interpreting the CPT cone re-
Table 2. The piles were predominantly driven in medium dense (≈40% sistance based on the relationship proposed by Jamiolkowski et al.
overall) to dense sand (≈20%) with frequent very dense zones (1988) shown in Eq. (11).
(≈30%). There were instances of loose to very loose sand (< 10%) and
layers and bands of clay were occasionally present. 1 qc
Dr = 100 ⎡ ln ⎤
Table 2 compares the primary geotechnical properties at each site 0.51 ⎥
⎢ 2.93 205σ ′m (11a)
⎣ ⎦
and provides other relevant information such as results from laboratory
tests conducted during the site investigation. The sites are broadly si- where Dr is the estimated relative density (%), qc is the measured cone
milar with some expected variation in sand relative densities and CPT resistance (kPa), σ′m is the estimated mean effective stress at the test
qc profiles at given depths. depth (kPa) and
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Blows/0.25m Blows/0.25m
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
Fig. 7. (continued)
Fig. 7. Blow count predictions vs measured, (a) Skiff 6. Results
(b) Caravel.
In this section, the results are presented as the application of the
p ′ (1 + 2K 0) ⎤ various methods to the driveability problem, namely traditional ap-
σ ′m = ⎡ 0
⎣ 3 ⎥
⎦ (11b) proaches (section 6.1), static capacity approaches (section 6.2) and
modified static capacity approaches (section 6.3). The performance of
where p0′ is the effective overburden pressure (kPa) and K0 is the the various approaches to analysing monopile driveability is critically
coefficient of lateral earth pressure. Tentative upper and lower bound evaluated and discussed.
values of K0 were used to estimate the relative density profiles which
are illustrated in Fig. 6 and are accompanied by the corresponding CPT
6.1. Traditional driveability approaches
qc profiles from each site. The consistency of the sand can be cate-
gorised according to the ranges of relative densities proposed by Lambe
The pile installation performance was predicted by performing wave
and Whitman (1969) as presented in Table 3.
equation analyses using the driveability software. Having entered the
When the Dr traces abruptly return to zero percent, this indicates the
pile properties and SRD profiles the driving process was simulated by
transition from a sand layer to a clay layer and likewise, where the
adjusting hammer stroke heights and a profile of blow-counts with
relative density spikes sharply from zero, this indicates the return to a
depth was predicted. Blow count profiles with depth from two of the six
sand layer. The resistance of stiff-hard clays to an advancing CPT cone
sites considered namely; Skiff (pile diameter 0.762 m) and Caravel (pile
is usually less than that of medium dense to dense sand and it would be
diameter 4.2 m) are shown in Fig. 7. These types of plot are frequently
expected that the measured total cone resistance in clay would be no-
produced during the pile design phase to determine if excessive blows
ticeably less than that of the sand. In this way, the two traces should
would be required to drive a pile. It is common in practice to have best
mimic each other at the interface zones between clay and sand. This is
and upper estimates. Usually, a nominal number of 250 blows per
mostly true for the sites in Fig. 6. Each 0.5 m depth increment used in
0.25 m penetration is defined as pile refusal, however, this limit can be
the calculation of the respective methods’ SRDs had an associated CPT
substantially lower for large diameter monopiles, due to the increased
qc value. A simplified profile (ignoring the extremes in CPT qc) was not
risk of damage associated with the use of larger hammers required to
assumed as this would be un-conservative because of the potential to
drive the piles. It is evident in Fig. 7(a) that a number of the approaches
underestimate the soil strength. Instead, values close to the actual CPT
predicted more than 250 blows/0.25 m were required to drive the piles
qc traces were assigned in each case.
at Skiff.
For example the upper bound estimates for the established ap-
proaches of Stevens et al. which assumes the pile is plugged predicts
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Table 4
Total blow-counts measured and predicted for Skiff and Caravel.
Recorded Stevens Plugged LB Stevens Plugged UB Stevens Cored LB Stevens Cored UB A&H Best A&H Upper T&F
Skiff Total Blowcounts 6729 3609 5667 2188 3271 4405 5147 9157
Notes – – Refuses at 29 m – – – Refuses at 33 m Refuses at 33.5 m
Blows/0.25m Blows/0.25m
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
0 0
IC-05 IC-05
UWA-05 UWA-05
Recorded Recorded
5 5
10 10
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
15 15
20 20
25 25
30 30
35 35
Fig. 8. Blow counts/0.25 m for all sites with unmodified CPT-based static ca- Fig. 8. (continued)
pacity approaches (a) Skiff
(b) Caravel to within acceptable limits at deeper penetrations. It is at the engineer's
(c) Shamrock discretion and best judgement must be used in deciding whether these
(d) Cutter periods of perceived hard driving would be acceptable during the
(e) L09FA1
course of a driveability study, considering that it is the upper bound
(f) L09FB1.
estimate of Alm & Hamre that predicts this. The best estimate (A&H
Best) falls comfortably below 250 blows/0.25 m penetration.
refusal at 27.5 m. In reality the pile was installed in a partially plugged For the methods that assume the pile is coring through installation,
mode and Stevens et al. (1982) recommend using the Plugged Lower e.g. Stevens et al. (Stevens Cored LB & UB), the predicted blow counts
Bound (Steve Plug LB) prediction as a best estimate for piles in dense increased steadily with penetration for both the Skiff and Caravel piles
sands, even for piles which have a high probability of coring during and were not overly sensitive to abrupt changes in soil profile. The
installation. The lower bound line here is in reasonably good agreement estimates tend to under predict the recorded blow counts at each site. It
with the measured blow counts, albeit underestimating the pile re- is somewhat unexpected to see the high degree of variation in the
sistance for pile penetrations in excess of 25 m. In contrast, when this predictions for Skiff in comparison to the relatively narrow band pro-
method was applied to the large diameter monopile, refusal was pre- duced at Caravel, excluding the Stevens plugged estimates. It is worth
dicted within the first few metres of penetration. A similar trend was noting that the soil profile at Skiff has a much higher proportion of
noted for all the monopiles considered. The Stevens approach was de- dense to very dense sand over the embedded pile length that may in-
veloped using a dataset of installations consisting mainly of piles of less fluence the disparity in the predictions. Table 4 shows the total blow-
than 2 m in diameter, typically used during the 1970's and 1980's. counts required to drive the piles as estimated from each method, for
While the approach provides an acceptable estimate here for the both Skiff and Caravel.
0.762 m diameter skirt pile at Skiff it is totally inadequate for the In addition to comparing blow counts it is important to consider
monopiles, where refusal was almost immediate. This highlights the both the driving stresses and installation time to ensure that the pile is
potential pitfalls in extrapolating existing methods to piles of larger not damaged and the installation costs are not excessive. This is parti-
diameters. cularly important for wind farm sites where a large number of piles
Although the Toolan & Fox (T&F) and Alm & Hamre Upper Bound need to be driven. While neither of these aspects were explicitly con-
(A&H UB) both predicted early refusal for the pile at Skiff, they return sidered in the present study, it is noteworthy that moderately high but
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Blows/0.25m Blows/0.25m
0 50 100 150 200 0 100 200
0 0
5 5
10 10
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
15 IC-05
20 Recorded
Fig. 8. (continued)
Fig. 8. (continued)
0 50 100 150 200 6.2. Unmodified static capacity approaches
In this section, the application of more recently developed CPT-
based static (axial) capacity approaches to estimating driveability is
investigated. The IC-05 and UWA-05 static capacity methods are first
applied in their raw (unmodified) form to estimate driveability, by
deriving SRD profiles for the shaft and toe resistance based on each
method (Jardine et al., 2005; Lehane et al., 2005). The friction fatigue
10 effect, which results in the distribution of shaft friction varying with
advancing pile tip, is incorporated by calculating the pseudo-average
shaft friction between adjacent depths, see Eq. (2). The results of the
Penetration (m)
driveability analysis for the six sites derived using the IC-05 and UWA-
15 05 and compared to the recorded blow counts are shown in Fig. 8.
From the results in Fig. 8, it can be observed that for Skiff, Caravel,
Cutter and Shamrock, both methods broadly over-predict the blow
20 counts required to install each pile. For Caravel and Shamrock, the IC-
05 method provides a reasonable estimate of the driveability with some
significant over-prediction in places (e.g. Caravel upper layers). How-
ever, for L09FA1 and L09FB1, the IC-05 approach tends to under-pre-
25 dict somewhat. The relatively poor predictive resistance of these
methods in their unmodified form is unsurprising as they were devel-
oped to predict the medium-term (10–30 day following installation)
30 static capacity of piles. Moreover, the base resistance calculated from
IC-05 the IC-05 and UWA-05 approaches assumes a base displacement of 0.1D
UWA-05 is mobilised. Nonetheless, the methods appear to provide reasonable
Recorded profiles on the driveability resistance (mirroring the blow counts in the
35 different layers) and therefore the next section considers some mod-
Fig. 8. (continued) ifications that could be applied to the methods to simulate the actual
driving process more closely.
acceptable driving stresses can become an issue with fatigue damage, if
prolonged periods of high blow counts are expected, so an indirect
6.3. Modified static capacity approaches
measure of this is provided.
The IC-05 and UWA-05 static capacity methods are modified in this
section and applied to estimating driveability. In the first instance, to
account for the fact that pile ageing effects are inherently considered in
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Blows/0.25m Blows/0.25m
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200
0 IC-05 MOD
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
15 20
UWA-05 25
20 Recorded
Fig. 9. Blow counts/0.25 m for all sites with modified CPT-based static capacity
approaches (a) Skiff
(b) Caravel
30 (c) Shamrock
(d) Cutter
(e) L09FA1
(f) L09FB1.
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Blows/0.25m Blows/0.25m
0 50 100 150 200 0 100 200
0 0
Recorded 5
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
30 UWA-05 MOD
Fig. 9. (continued)
Fig. 9. (continued) Blows/0.25m
0 50 100 150 200
Blows/0.25m 0
0 100 200 IC-05 MOD
0 UWA-05 MOD
5 Recorded
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
35 Fig. 9. (continued)
Fig. 9. (continued)
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Penetration (m)
35 25
Fig. 9. (continued)
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
Blows/0.25m Blows/0.25m
0 20 40 60 80 0 50 100 150
0 0
+0.01qc +0.02qc +0.01qc +0.02qc
+0.05qc +0.08qc
+0.05qc +0.08qc
5 +0.1qc 5
10 10
Penetration (m)
Penetration (m)
15 15
20 20
25 25
30 30
35 35
Fig. 11. Predicted and recorded blow counts for Shamrock with residual added
Fig. 10. (continued)
stress and modified base IC-05 method.
7. Conclusions
of potential residual base stresses of up to 10% of the qc value at a given
This paper examined the feasibility of applying both existing pile depth gave a further improvement to the model that is keeping with
driveability approaches and modifying static capacity approaches to field measurements, though still resulted in an under-prediction in each
monopile foundations installed in North Sea sand. No single method case. The modifications applied, while not a formal method for pre-
investigated proved reliable for predicting blow counts across all the dicting driveability, should certainly be considered as a guide in esti-
sites considered. For the traditional approaches, there is a tendency to mating the blow counts for monopiles.
underestimate the blows for sites with medium dense to dense sand. An Comparisons between the monopiles and skirt pile are difficult to
exception being the use of the Stevens et al. plugged approach, which evaluate as only a single, isolated case was considered at Skiff. Overall,
should not be applied for large diameter piles. The recommendation of however, the IC-05 with modified shaft friction and the UWA-05 with
using the lower bound prediction of the plugged case in dense sands modifications including additional residual base stresses provided rea-
applied for smaller diameter piles is clearly not suitable for monopiles. sonable estimates of the blow counts for the cases considered, and
Applying axial static capacity approaches (IC-05 & UWA-05) in their would certainly provide an estimate of the expected behaviour of a
raw unmodified form is mostly unsuitable for monopile driveability, monopile under driving to an acceptable industry tolerance. If adopted
with substantial overestimates frequently produced. This is particularly in tandem, they may provide an envelope of the expected response,
true for the UWA-05 approach, which vastly over-predicted blow with perhaps a tendency toward under-prediction as per L09FA1 and
counts in all cases. This is a result of the method taking an average base L09FB1. As with all approaches, engineering judgement should be
resistance (accounting for plugged behaviour during static loading) taken when choosing a method and the analysis in this paper aims to
acting across the entire pile base area. The IC-05 approach over-predicts highlight the potential disparity in predictions from the various avail-
the blows for Skiff, Cutter and the upper layers of Caravel while pro- able approaches.
viding a somewhat reasonable estimate for Caravel lower layers and The study undertaken in this paper has looked at the applicability of
Shamrock. The IC-05 approach generally under-predicted the blow the various approaches to monopiles with diameters of 4.2 m. A future
counts at L09FA1 and L09FB1. Adopting the base settlement model in study is recommended on larger diameter monopiles to further in-
the UWA-05 approach provides a significant improvement, albeit the vestigate the remaining uncertainties associated with these emerging
predictions tend to fall short of the recorded blow counts. The inclusion geometries.
T. Byrne et al. Ocean Engineering 166 (2018) 76–91
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