Business Intelligence Solutions in Healthcare A Case Study: Transforming OLTP System To BI Solution
Business Intelligence Solutions in Healthcare A Case Study: Transforming OLTP System To BI Solution
Business Intelligence Solutions in Healthcare A Case Study: Transforming OLTP System To BI Solution
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Abstract – Healthcare environment is growing to include not to make the right decision whether at enterprise or
only the traditional information systems, but also a business departmental level, and this service requires many other
intelligence platform. For executive leaders, consultants, and important components, such as clinical/operational data
analysts, there is no longer a need to spend hours in design and stores (ODS), data warehouse (DW), OLAP, query and
develop of typical reports or charts, the entire solution can be
reporting, data mining (DM), etc.
completed through using Business Intelligence “BI” software.
This paper discusses current state-of-the-art B.I components
(tools) and outlines hospitals advances in their businesses by II. WHAT IS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI)
using B.I solutions through focusing on inter-relationship of BI is the one of hottest buzzword for the last 4-5 years in
business needs and the IT technologies. We also present a case the business administration and information management
study that illustrates of transforming a traditional online fields. There are a lot of definitions for BI as follows:
transactional processing (OLTP) system towards building an
online analytical processing (OLAP) solution. A “BI is a strategic initiative by which organizations
Keywords- business intelligence; healthcare informatics; data measure and drive the effectiveness of their competitive
warehouse; data mining; data analytics; decision support; strategy” [1]. In order to achieve this grand goal, there is
need for analysis, software, resources, technical leadership,
I. INTRODUCTION process specialists, executive leaders and much more.
Health Informatics is one of the rapidly growing fields that Gartner [2] also defines a BI platform as a “software
focus on applying “Computer Science” and “Information platform that delivers the 14 capabilities within three main
Technology” to medical and health data. categories of functionality” as follows:
Every day hospitals are collecting huge volumes of data, 1) Integration: BI infrastructure, Development tools,
and the challenge they now have is how to make the raw data Metadata management, Collaboration.
inside the relational databases meaningful information for 2) Information Delivery: Reporting, Ad-hoc query,
executive leaders in the organization to make effective Dashboards, Data integration, Search-based BI, Mobile BI.
decisions based on what is going on now and to predict what 3) Analysis: Online analytical processing (OLAP),
will happen in the near future. Interactive visualization, Data mining and Predictive
The implementation of BI solutions within healthcare modelling, Scorecards (Key Performance Indicators -KPIs,
settings is still one of the controversial issues among Performance Management Methodology) [2].
healthcare providers, analysts and executive managements’
levels, which executive leaders like to see high level of III. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ARCHITECTURE
aggregated data to make strategic decisions. On the other Fig. 2 represents the essence of BI with the proper
side, analysts need to work with the transactional data to workflow of the interdependent components as follows:
build daily basis operational and monitoring reports.
The hierarchy of different organizational solutions based A. The Multidimensional Data Warehouse
on their complexity and strategic insight levels can be Data Warehouse (DW) is the core of any solid BI solution.
depicted in the Fig. 1. Data Warehouse can be defined as a “repository for keeping
High data in a subject oriented, integrated, time variant and non-
volatile manner that facilitates decision support” [3][4].
Strategic Insight
ICCIT-2013: Special Session-Computational Intelligence Applications in Software Engineering (CIASE), Beirut
which made data access easier for end users. In this layer the 3) Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): Support analysts
database fields can be translated into Objects, each object has with the capability of perform multi-dimensional analysis of
a business definition. These objects can be easily dragged data (i.e rollup, drill down, slice-and-dice, ‘what if’ analysis).
and dropped onto a report, making report creation easy. 4) Query and Reporting Services: Provide quick and easy
access to the data with predefined report design capabilities.
G. BI portal: 5) Data Mining (Predictive Model): Examines data to
When the amount of different reports begins to grow, the discover hidden facts in databases using different techniques
best solution is to create a single point of access to (i.e, statistical analysis, machine learning, frequent
information within the organization. Usually the efforts of pattern/relation finding, infer predictive and descriptive
creating a single point of access is results into building some information). Examples of successful predictive models
kind of intuitive portal solution that contains different reports include [12][13][14].
with clear descriptions of the scope of each report, as well as 6) Operational Data Services: Collect data from end users,
indication who is the business owner of the report. organizing data, establishing solid data structures and store
them in different databases, retrieve data from multiple
H. Data mining: databases.
Data mining is “the automated process of discovering 7) Integration Services: Design and implement of process
previously unknown useful patterns within structured data.” flow of data extracting, transforming, and loading to the data
The data warehouse is a perfect environment to conduct data warehouse.
mining exercises along with online analytical processing
OLAP in which users can slice and dice, pivot, sort, filter B. Business Solutions: Business focused analytical
data to discover patterns often using visual data mining form. applications, as follows:
Without applying data mining techniques, it is difficult to 1) Patient Analysis: Focuses on analysis of patients’
realize the potential of data collected within healthcare demographic and satisfaction processes.
organization as data under analysis is massive, multi- 2) Electronic Health Record Analysis: Focuses on analysis
dimensional, distributed and uncertain [10]. of the quality of clinical data (illness, diagnosis, medication,
IV. BI APPLICATIONS FOR HEALTHCARE 3) Performance Analysis: Streamline and optimize the way
BI applications in healthcare can be categorized in two that a business uses its resources (budget, human,
major sets of solutions as shown in Fig. 4 [11]: equipment).
4) Fund Channel Analysis: Devise, implement, and
Business Solutions Technology Solutions evaluate fund strategies, then use the corporate metrics to
continuously monitor and enhance the fund process
Patients (Demographic and 5) Productivity Analysis: Focuses on building business
Satisfaction) Analysis
Decision Support Systems
metrics for activities such as quality improvement, risk
Electronic Health Record mitigation, asset management, capacity planning, etc.
Analysis Executive Information Systems 6) Behavioural Analysis: Understanding and predicting
Performance Analysis trends and patterns that provides business advantage.
(Staffing & Scheduling, Case Costing) Online Analytical Processing 7) Supply Chain Analysis: Monitor, benchmark, and
Fund Channel Analysis (OLAP) improve supply chain activities from materials ordering
Query & Reporting Services through service delivery.
Productivity Analysis 8) Wait Time Analysis: Focuses on the factors that are
Data Mining (Predictive Model) associated with longer waiting times and the effects of delays
Behavioural Analysis
in scheduling and operation.
Operational Data Services
Supply Chain Analysis
Integration Services (ETL) There is a big competition among BI vendors based on
Wait Time Analysis many factors, such as performance, customization, risk
tolerance, and business improvement.
Fig. 4: BI business and technology focused applications [11]
A. Technology Solutions: It’s Data & Information Tools and RELATIONAL DB TO B.I SOLUTION
Services, as follows: A. Corporate Project Purpose
London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) continues to have
1) Decision Support Systems (DSS): Support managerial significant challenges related to infection rates, reporting
decision making, usually day-to-day tactical. rates well above the provincial average and often showing
2) Executive Information Systems: Support decision making LHSC as one of the poorest performing teaching centres in
at the senior management level which provide and Ontario. The corresponding costs to the organization (time,
consolidate metrics-based performance information. energy, supplies and equipment) are extreme. Reducing
infections has become a strategic priority for LHSC.
ICCIT-2013: Special Session-Computational Intelligence Applications in Software Engineering (CIASE), Beirut
The infection safety solution will consist of multiple • Creating a solid data infrastructure which is made up by a
projects and strategies to improve infection rates of antibiotic collection of heterogeneous systems
resistant organisms (AROs) across LHSC. Having a solid • Automating the process of extraction, transformation, and
framework for collecting, managing and reporting data and loading in order to integrate all the different data sources
information will be a key success factor in these projects and in central repository.
overall solution. • Building multi-dimensional cubes to provide with all the
The intent of this project is to define and recommend an required information to different level of users (managers,
appropriate data management and reporting structure to specialists, consultants, analysts, etc.).
support the Infection Safety corporate strategy. This will
include (but may not yet be inclusive) the following 4) Infection Prevention and Control (IPaC) Reporting
deliverables: Tool/Dashboard
1) Hand Hygiene Audit Technology • Review existing Internal and External reporting
2) Corporate Data Warehouse with Data Integration and processes, tools and reports for ARO and Safer healthcare
Analysis Tools Now (SHN) indicators and evaluate effectiveness and
3) Infection Prevention and Control (IPaC) Reporting Tool efficiency of data analysis and review.
/ Dashboard • Obtain feedback from IPC and identify internal
departmental reporting needs.
B. Project Scope: • Solicit clinical director and manager level feedback re
This project will cover the approaches of analysis and current ARO reports, formats, delivery.
implementation of B.I solution for traditional OLTP • Consider dashboard/ business intelligence approach;
relational database in order to expand the classical use of benchmark with other healthcare organizations regarding
data from different perspectives through showing how SQL software tools, review potential vendors in collaboration
Server 2008 Integration and Analysis Services solves many with ITS and make recommendations
business problems in a simple and cost-effective manner via
providing a simple, integrated view of data, data mart and D. Technology used for design and implementation:
specialized application consolidation, intelligent views of • For Data Mart Building: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
data, and real-time business intelligence data. Management Studio
The most challenging part of this project was the analysis • For Data Transformation (ETL): SSIS packages
and design of data warehouse model by using the Star (Business Intelligence Development Studio with Visual
schema as well as building the cube and KPI. Studio 2008
• For Reporting: SSRS or MS Excel 2010
C. Project Outcomes: E. Traditional System’s Diagram:
The expected outcomes from the project include the Fig. 5 illustrates the traditional solution architecture and
following: workflow.
1) All Data Management and Reporting
• Understanding of our current state regarding how data is
collected, analysed, and disseminated including what
infrastructure, tools and support exist.
• Defining standards and processes regarding future
collection, analysis and reporting of data related to
infection safety.
• Recommending infrastructure, appropriate tools and
technology required to support quality data management
and reporting.
ICCIT-2013: Special Session-Computational Intelligence Applications in Software Engineering (CIASE), Beirut
F. Project Methodology:
In this project as a mid-sized solution, the BI developer
was applying the following development life cycle phases:
1) Design the data warehouse first through using SQL
Server Management Studio. In particular, design the tables
(dimensions and fact) that are needed as part of the DW,
ignoring any staging tables as shown in the Fig. 6.
Fig. 6: Star schemal data mart design (dimensions and fact tables)
ICCIT-2013: Special Session-Computational Intelligence Applications in Software Engineering (CIASE), Beirut
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The primary motivations of the case study in this paper
have been to expand the horizon of a software engineer to
mix the business acumen with the technical expertise in order
to maximize the strategic thinking through moving from
classical information systems towards enterprise BI
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