Section 3
Section 3
Section 3
Section three of my MSED portfolio will include 8 academic artifacts that I have
produced. These artifacts will showcase my instructional skills in variety of teaching areas and in
different formats and platforms. The artifacts will highlight my teaching strategies and will be
supported with the Ontario Teaching Standards, New York Teaching Standards, and the
INTASC standards. Lastly, I will provide rational for the artifacts identified in the portfolio. The
artifacts included are as follows: 1) A Cyber Safety PowerPoint Presentation, 2)A Pecha Kucha
PowerPoint Presentation, 3) a Weebly Website classroom webpage,4) a ELA Lesson Plan for
making Inferences using the Kobe Bryant Mamba Mentality Book, 5) a review of the Toronto
District School Board website, 6) a Classroom management Design and Analysis, 7) a Survey
These artifacts fall in line with my philosophy of education and the way that I approach
the teaching profession. The 8 artifacts were all produced by the writer throughout his time in the
educational, workplace and fieldwork experiences have all played a role in the development of
the artifacts and the artifacts result. Many of the artifacts were developed through the lens of a
strength based, goal-oriented individual who focused on academic progress and achievement,
while using student assets to further develop students social and life sills. Lastly, these artifacts
will highlight understanding of educational pedagogy and its application using assignment which
Slide 1
Cyber Safety
Slide 2
Cellphone Evolution
Slide 4
Even classrooms have evolved
Slide 5
Everyone is connected
Slide 6 We are connected through…
Slide 7
YES! Even Online
Connects us all
Slide 8
Slide 9
Slide 10
A couple extra
tips for parents
Slide 11 STUDENTS!
Incase you skipped the tip sheet,
Slide 12
Applicable Standards
I developed this Cyber Safety PowerPoint presentation to educate my students on the importance
of being safe while being on the internet. The internet is very big, and we are all connected in
some way through internet. The PowerPoint highlights certain “red flags” or things for students
to look out for while being on the internet. This is not just the web browser but also social media
platforms and email. The PowerPoint showcases different ways that we can keep safe on the
internet and ways in which we can address unwanted behaviors that we encounter online. The
Cyber Safety PowerPoint also highlights how we should conduct ourselves online – which is
referred to as Netiquette. We encourage students to not share any personal information online
and to always check in with others about suspicious behavior. Lastly, this was an educational
resource for parents to use as well, as it highlights things parents should look out for and how
Slide 4 – What does this mean for students? It means , Create a routine. Get yourself ready for
school or work at the same time, in the same way, every day. Exercise, eat a balanced diet and
get enough sleep. Remember, coping with ADHD is something you need to practice on a daily
Slide 6 – So what do teachers need to ask themselves? What is the physical arrangement of
the classroom? How is the day scheduled? How are students grouped for learning? What is the
general climate of the classroom? What are the classroom rules and procedures? How is
discipline handled? Answers to these a questions provide a picture of the environment in which
students are expected to function.
Slide 8 - Montague and Warger summarize modifications of instruction for students with ADHD
into three categories: maintaining student involvement in group lessons, maintaining student
involvement in seat work and helping students engage in learning tasks. Social skills instruction
is also showing promise as a classroom intervention.
Slide 9 - Recent research offers a new way of understanding this disorder and a different view of
how medication treatment actually works in the brain. Medications affect the executive functions
in the brain. The executive functions affect ones ability to do which include :
• Organize and get started on tasks.
• Attend to details and avoid excessive distractibility.
• Regulate alertness and processing speed.
• Sustain and, when necessary, shift focus.
• Use short-term working memory and access recall.
Slide 10 – In research of children, one model includes six components of executive functioning
with has a single-word label, they are not unitary variables like height, weight, or blood pressure.
Instead, each is like a basket containing a cluster of related cognitive functions.
Slide 11 - The six executive functions that work together in various combinations are
• Activation: organizing, prioritizing, and activating for work.
• Focus: focusing, sustaining, and shifting attention to tasks.
• Effort: regulating alertness and sustaining effort and processing speed.
• Emotion: managing frustration and modulating emotions.
• Memory: using working memory and accessing recall.
• Action: monitoring and self-regulating action
Students with ADD can function in regular classrooms if they are set up for success. This can
look in many different ways. They can have their own support staff, own space and own
resources depending on the amount of resources available from the school. Incorporating these
children in the classroom is easy. Incorporating them for them to be successful is the challenge.
Slide 13 – Students will learn and behave better if they are having fun. For example when
learning math try and make it fun. Here is some example:
Play games. Use memory cards, dice, or dominoes to make numbers fun. Or simply use your
fingers and toes, tucking them in or wiggling them when you add or subtract.
Draw pictures. Especially for word problems, illustrations can help kids better understand
mathematical concepts. If the word problem says there are twelve cars, help your child draw
them from steering wheel to trunk.
Invent silly acronyms. In order to remember order of operations, for example, make up a song
or phrase that uses the first letter of each operation in the correct order.
Slide 14 – Its beneficial for the student with ADD along with the others in the class if there is a
discussion about the condition and how to manage it accordingly. You would be surprised how
many students are understanding and want to help out other fellow students:
Slide 15- a cool way to initiate discussion is by using a book. Some examples are :
Baxter Turns Down His Buzz: A Story for Little Kids About ADHD
James M. Foley and Shirley Ng-Benitez
Otto Learns About His Medicine: A Story About Medication for Children with ADHD
Slide 16 – Remember to answer all the children questions clearly and honestly. The children
need to learn about this in order to help the students in the class. Be sure to encourage parents to
discuss these topics with there children.
Slide 17 – Online resources are great for students and teachers to check out if they have
questions or just want to inform themselves about ADD and any other disorders.
Slide 18- A great resource is the center for awareness of Canada online. And Emental health .ca.
both websites provide great support resources within the communities for each individuals.
Programs in the community will be up on this website and it is great for parents to help engage
Slide 19 – For students, kids quest is a great website that provides simple and accurate
information about ADHD and several other health impairments. is another great
resources that has great educational online games for the students in order to engage them in
something productive and educational.
Slide 20- thankyou for listening and I hope you learned something new from this presentation.
Applicable Standards
I used this Pecha Kucha assignment to put together a presentation on Attention Deficit
Disorder. The reason I chose a Pecha Kucha assignment was because I felt it would be an
effective way to provide insightful information to the individuals who were listening. Along with
providing pictures, I was able to present an audio and express myself as if I was presenting this
to an audience. I feel like this really gave me the opportunity to connect with the reader and
connect the information to our everyday lives inside of classrooms, as educators and support
Artifact #3: Weebly Website
Applicable Standards
This website was developed as a resource for my students and their parents to connect them to
our classroom. With much of our education being online and many of the students having access
to electronic devices, it is crucial that this website is developed and updated in a way that will
better support our students in being successful. This website will provide students and parents
with several resources such as author study’s, contact information, classroom rule, tech tools,
virtual fieldstrips and my elementary education portfolio. Along with being a great resource for
students and parents, this website will give me the opportunity to showcase my skills to develop
online content that is up to date and relevant. I will present this website to future administrative
staff and employers to showcase my ability to provide a quality online educational platform with
my students.
Artifact #4: Title. ELA Lesson Plan for making Inferences using the Kobe Bryant Mamba
Mentality Book
Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: _______ Suburb: _______ Town:_______
Rural: ______
Subject and Lesson Topic: ELA – making inference and interpreting text
The central focus of this learning segment would be for students to make inferences and
interpret the text using prior knowledge, textual and/or picture clues, and details within the text.
The learning standard from the previous grade in the state of New York was: 5R1: Locate and refer to
relevant details and evidence when explaining what a text says explicitly/implicitly and make logical
The learning standard from the previous grade in the province of Ontario was : 1.5 use stated and implied
ideas in texts to make inferences and construct meaning Teacher prompts: “What do you think will happen
based on what the author has told you so far?” “What is the author suggesting ’between the lines’?”
How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)
In previous lessons throughout the year the students have learned to understand text by summarizing
important ideas and citing supporting details. The students now have the opportunity to learn to make
deeper inferences and interpret text while we read “Kobe Bryant, The Mamba Mentality How I play “. Kobe
Bryant was regarded as one of greatest basketball players of all time. This past year Kobe Bryant passed
away in a tragic helicopter accident. It was all over the news, and for some students it might have been the
first time they heard about Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant was also an entrepreneur, father, visionary, and an
advocate and role model for African Americans all around the world. Many of the young students that I
teach are African American and look up to Kobe as a basketball icon. They wear his shoes and his jersey;
however, I do not know if they know much more to him than his 40-point games. What made Kobe Bryant’s
Mamba Mentality a world renown thing? While reading this book with my students, they will be able to
make deep inferences and interpret the text based on the information they gather, through pictures and
text. As they distinguish the character development of Kobe Bryant through the years as a rookie to a
veteran player, my students’ inferences could change and hopefully be of deeper thought and/or meaning.
They will be able to appreciate and have a deeper understanding of what it takes to be great at something
and perfecting a craft, which Kobe Bryant was able to do.
Many of the students that I teach are African American therefore I decided to choose an African American
individual who help spark interest in the students in order to learn about making inferences. I believe Kobe
Bryant is the perfect fit, especially for young African American boys who love the game of basketball and have
dreams of become an NBA player. This book would give them an in depth look at what it took to be an NBA
player and in particular one of the best of all time.
How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)
Inferring is something that students do daily, however are they able to do it with text?The students are in
grade 6 and are entering a time of more responsibility and leadership in their school. Very soon they will be
intermediate students. The students will need to develop a sense of leadership and learn to be good role
models for the community. Along with this the students will need to overcome barriers in regard to their
intersectionality. Students will be able to make deep inference and think beyond the obvious using the life
lessons learned in the stories that Kobe Bryant shared with several people. His character development will
also impact the inferences these students will make , as Kobe shares his stories from when he was young
rookie wanting to be the best and years later being a veteran player, looking for ways to prolong his career
and instill the Mamba Mentality in these player.
Curriculum Standards
NYS Next Generation Standards: ELA: 6R1: Cite textual evidence to support an analysis of what the
text says explicitly/implicitly and make logical inferences.
Ontario Curriculum ELA: Grade 6: Reading: Making Inferences/Interpreting Texts 1.5: develop
interpretations about texts using stated and implied ideas to support their interpretations
Syntax Students will use the The inference inventory will be provided to
Describe ways in which inference inventory to all students. This inventory will be used
students will organize organize the when writing down the prior knowledge,
language (symbols, words, information they text evidence and the students inference. An
phrases) to convey gather from prior anchor chart describing inferencing will be
knowledge and the displayed in the classroom for students to
text. refer too.
Discourse My students will use The students will be given sentence starters
How members of a discourse by or phrases to use such as “_____ and _____
discipline talk, write, and explaining their happened in the text and I know _____.
participate in knowledge inference using prior Therefore, I can infer that _____. I can infer
construction and knowledge and text that _____ because _____, _____, and_____.
communicate their
evidence. I will support my students by using this
understanding of the
concepts sentence starter when explaining my own
Drill Question for the day: Can we infer more accurately using
visual or text? or both together?
*Materials from YouTube, teachers pay teachers, and created by Gerardo Magno
Inference Inventory
Directions: After reading the passage, list the character and his/her traits. Make an inference based on
the evidence you gathered. Please explain your inference.
Applicable Standards
This lesson plan is something that I created on my own and is one that is truly special to
me. I believe in using my students’ assets and my students interests to help instruct. Kobe Bryant
was a role model and an inspiration for many people. He was a great basketball player, a great
father and a great human being. As a former competitive athlete, myself, I can relate to Kobe
when it comes to sports and a desire to win. I try to instill this mentality in my other teammates
and ultimately into my students. I want my students to be winners in the classroom and outside
of the classroom. I believe that by using this book to teach inferencing, the students will be able
to learn the skill while having fun, and also, they will be able to explore and ask questions about
Kobe’s reasoning behind his decision making and his so-called Mamba Mentality. By using this
General Information:
Name & Address of the School District/Board: Toronto District School Board
Include an image of the district/board logo and photo of the elementary school.
Please Note: Additional Items 1-3: Select items on the website not specifically identified on the graphic
organizer chart that you feel are important to the school education program offerings.
Topic Area Summary of Importance Specific URL Link
District Information
District Demographics The Toronto District School
Board (TDSB) is the largest Us
school board in Canada. Due to
Canadas multiculturalism and
Toronto’s population the
TDSB is very diverse
providing education and
programs for a wide variety of
people. We serve
approximately 246,000
students in 582 schools
throughout Toronto, and more
than 140,000 life-long learners
in our Adult and Continuing
Education programs. The
TDSB has approximate 38,000
employees across all sectors.
Additional Item 1
Additional Item 2
Additional Item 3
I currently work for the Toronto District School Board as a CYW in an intensive support
program for children with Autism between grade 4 and 8. We currently have 8 students in our
classroom. After completing this assignment, I have learned and seen things through a teacher
lens rather than a support staff lens. I have come to realize that I currently work for the biggest
school board in Canada and the school board with the most diverse population in every aspect. I
feel this is a big responsibility for an educator seeing as we are part of the biggest school board
in one of the top 5 biggest countries in the world. I have learned that as educators we can
potentially be encountered with unique situations. Each student in the city of Toronto bring with
them their own story, upbringing, social and emotional baggage with them. As an employee of
the Toronto District School Board I believe we must do the best we can to provide these students
with the best opportunity so that they can reach their full potential in every way possible.
I have learned that the resources in the school board are there for the employees and the
students to use, therefore teachers must educate themselves in order to accurately educate parents
and students on the services provided by the school board. We need to be well informed for us to
advocate for students that cannot advocate for themselves for whatever reason it may be. In my
personal case working as a CYW in a school, I am constantly advocating for the students in the
school for equity, equality and for opportunities. Every student should be given an opportunity,
however what they choose to do with this opportunity is their own decision, but the important
I have learned that the assessment process is a continues cycle as an educator in the
TDSB. The assessment is ongoing and can be formal or informal. For each student the
assessment can look different. These assessments could also be in written form and verbal, which
adds on to the formal and informal. I believe that connecting the assessment to Action Research
is important. Looking back at the previous modules, I believe that keeping track of data and
performing action research can assist in the evaluation process for any situation that we
encounter in schools. It is evident that some situations might take on more importance than
others, however the data does not lie. This action research can assist with academic assessment
provide feedback to our students and engage the parents in this process. This will encourage the
parents to push their students for further success and it will drive the students to achieve short-
Learning about students with special needs is something that is very important to me. I
believe that many students have been falling through the cracks and have not been provided with
the same opportunities and supports as others because educators at times have not identified
students who may be at risk. This assignment has helped me look at children with special needs
with the lens and perspective of a teacher and not a support staff. As a support staff we don’t
focus on the academics and paperwork that goes along with it. We focus more on behavior and
on setting goals in order to achieve social and emotional success. An easy example is that as a
support staff I will not provide the students with academic support however I can provide him
with tools necessary to motivate and empower him/her to try and accomplish whatever they are
doing academically. As a teach I understand the steps in teaching students with special needs
academics and what it will take to assess them formally and informally. I believe that technology
is very important for children with special needs. Technology is a resource that is an everyday
thing for children in our day and age. I feel like we need to teach fundamentals however we also
must give opportunity to use technology because that is the way our world will go moving
forward. Technology also allows for creativity and a wide variety of expression for many
believe can help with the hiring process. I think that the board is diverse in so many ways. The
student population, the programs provided, the school structures and programming and the
opportunities are endless. Being able to offer these programs and supports as well as community
supports to school can strengthen your opportunities to get hired with such a profound school
board. I feel that the more we learn about something the more that we can offer our employers.
Applicable Standards
resources. With this assignment I intend to show my students the importance of finding accurate
information from the direct source for agencies. It also showcases the knowledge that I have
gathered about an institution that I currently work for. I truly value my workplace and strive to
make the best of every day inside of my classroom in order to make positive teachable moments
for my students.
Artifact #6: Title. Classroom management Design and Analysis
EDU 504
Classroom Management Design and Analysis
Part I (Classroom Design) Directions: After reading the Marzano et. al. text, watching the APA
“Practical Classroom Management” video, and consulting at least one additional scholarly
source, choose a grade level and design your ideal classroom set-up within a square room. You
may create your design by hand or on the computer. Include all required details (e.g., location of
teacher desk, student desks, supplies, and walkways, posted information on walls, etc.).
Grade 4
Informative Posters for Students and teacher
Door to Exit
Books Display
Teacher Desk 1 on 1
Smart Board
Support Staff
Desk Chalk Board with Calendar and Reminders.
Resources on shelves below.
Part II (Classroom Analysis) Directions: Based on the physical arrangement of the classroom
you designed, please answer the following questions. Use the Marzano et. al. text, the Module 4
APA “Practical Classroom Management” video, and at least one other scholarly source (cite in
APA style) to inform your answers.
1. How does this set-up match your teaching style or personality? What were your main
goals in choosing this design?
I believe that this set up best suits my teaching style and personality. I think that all students
should have their own space therefore the students will be sitting individually facing the
smartboard. The teaching will be done from in front of the smartboard. This enables the teacher
to be able to see all students and for the students to see the board and the teacher. The table in the
back can be used for silent reading groups and the desks can also be joined in order to create
groups. This classroom design incorporates the classroom teacher in a neutral space not facing
the students therefore it looks less authoritative. My main goal in choosing this classroom was
that it looked innovative and had things that were relative to the grade 4 level on the walls. I do
not want too much things in the class and around the room, but I do think students should have
things that interest them and spark new ideas.
2. How was your classroom design influenced by the grade level you chose?
The classroom designed is influenced by the grade level. In my classroom there is a space for
them to join to do work, nevertheless the student will have their own space to do independent
work. Students will be able to gather ideas and inspiration from things that are around the walls
of the classroom. By having the teacher on one end of the room and the support staff on the other
end it keeps constant observation of the students when one staff cannot give the class their full
undivided attention.
This seating arrangement will promote the student to focus on their individual work. As the
educator, I can use the smart board to bring innovative ideas to educating the children. The
opportunity for group work will arise and the students are encouraged to discuss educational
topics amongst themselves, however for the beginning of the year I believe each student should
have their own space.
4. Can the students see the teacher or do they have to move their chairs or turn their desks to
do so? Explain how this might work in different teaching situations.
The students will always be able to see the teacher. The teacher will be teaching from the
smartboard and interacting in between the student’s desks throughout the lesson. The times the
teacher is at his/her desk will be when the students are doing independent work. In group settings
sometimes the students will not be able to see the teacher. Also depending on the location of the
teachers desk it can be very difficult to make eye contact. In this classroom the students can see
the teacher and the teacher can always also see the students.
5. How will the seating arrangement promote or inhibit students’ interactions with each
other? When might this be helpful or harmful in your classroom?
The seating arrangement promotes the students to work independently. They will have other
students infront, behind and to the sides they can communicate with, however the idea is for the
students to focus on their own work. The teacher will decide when it is appropriate to open the
lesson to group work. In our classroom it can be very helpful for those students who are
impulsive and need their own space. It will also help the students that are gifted and want to go
above and beyond. Many times, working in groups can hinder those students and make them feel
like they are taking on all the responsibility. As an educator we need to control classroom
behavior and I feel by sitting the students in this format, the occurrence of misbehavior is
6. How does the arrangement of student desks and work spaces accommodate normal traffic
The students can move to the right or the left when getting out of their seats. This enables
constant flow of traffic within the classroom. There is adequate room to move in between,
infront and behind all desks.
7. Describe where and how students will turn in homework or other materials (e.g., lunch
orders, school supplies, etc.).
In the back of the classroom the students will turn in assignments to their folders. The teacher
will collect folders daily. Lunch is eaten in the lunch room and the students are encouraged to
keep their lunches in their bags. At lunchtime the students will go get their lunch and transition
to the lunchroom. Supplies will be stored below the student’s homework folders in the back of
the classroom, therefore all students have access to these supplies whenever they need it.
8. What will you display on the walls of your classroom? (Include pictures or describe them
here.) Why did you choose those things?
On the walls I would display motivational and inspirational posters for students. It can be
athletes, a celebrity figure, a historical figure and/or phrases that are said to keep a positive
mindset. The students work will also be displayed, and social skill posters will be displayed.
Social skill activities made by the students would also be displayed. A word wall will be
displayed directly infront of the students beside the smart board. This is right in the line of vision
of all students therefore they can clearly see it and reference the world wall whenever they need.
9. What class rules will you post? Why did you choose these rules? Where in your
classroom design will they be posted and why?
The classroom rules will be posted behind the teacher’s desk. The 10 commandments would be a
good poster to put up. Also, in the social skills poster wall, there could be posters which overlap
I theme with the rules. The rules will be displayed behind the teacher to show that these are the
teachers believes and that the teacher will also abide by these rules.
10. Choose two of the four Marzano categories for successful classroom management (e.g.,
rules and procedures, disciplinary interventions, teacher-student relationships, mental set,
student responsibility) and explain how those categories are addressed in your classroom
Rules and procedures are displayed in our classroom because of the posters and the rules placed
behind the teacher’s desk. Our classroom is welcoming, and we are a community. Every student
has a choice and they can choose to do the right one or the wrong one. Usually the right choice is
part of the correct procedure when doing something inside our classroom.
Teacher student relationships is also shown in our classroom. The teacher has an extra desk
beside their desk in order to work one on one with students that need that extra support.
Applicable Standards
This assignment brings to the forefront what I envision my classroom environment to be.
It shows the dynamics of the classroom and how it would flow. This was one of the assignments
I truly enjoyed from beginning to end. The classroom environment is a culmination of the
experiences I have witnessed throughout my career and what I would instill in my own
Thematic Concern
The purpose of this survey is to determine the importance of the use of technology in the
classroom by parents. This survey will highlight several ideas of how technology can be
incorporated in the classroom effectively and will address parents concerns of technology in the
classroom. These results can directly affect the way students learn in the classroom.
Target population
The target population of this survey is for the parents of the students in the grades one to six.
We live in a society where we are interested in instant gratification. We are used to
having things right away, and technology has been a big influence in this phenomenon. It is
important to understand that technology is only going to get bigger and better and our children
will have to know how to operate these systems in order to make things easier for them. Some
young people do not know what it is to go to a bank to cash a cheque because of the simplicity of
The use of technology in schools, if used effectively, can enhance the learning of our
children. Technology is not only a computer. The use of technology can encompass a cellphone,
visual screens, audio and visual games. It can also incorporate databases where the student can
share work with their support system, for example, teacher, parents, principal, support staff etc.
Children who are ESL can now have speech to text in order to make the speech and writing
process less stressful for them. Children who struggle with motivation to do mathematics can
now do mathematics on a computer and incorporate it with areas of interest such as video games,
sports or entertainment. The use of technology will also empower the teachers by giving them
further resources and knowledge in order to better the education experience for their students.
The teachers will also be able to educate the parents on the benefits of the use of technology in
the classroom and in many cases the child can use the technology at home.
technology is for students in a classroom. The responses to the questions will be anonymous.
Please be sure to read the question thoroughly and select the answer you feel fits best. Please
3. Do you believe the lack of technology in the classroom hinders the student from reaching
their full potential?
1 2 3 4 5
4. Do you think more technology in the classroom will create a disconnect between teacher
and students?
1 2 3 4 5
5. Do you think more technology in the classroom will create disconnect between
1 2 3 4 5
6. Do you think children will be more engaged in school work if it uses technology?
1 2 3 4 5
7. Do you think each student should have access to their own device?
1 2 3 4 5
8. Do you think the technology should be to assist the child in their learning instead of it
being used 100% of the time?
1 2 3 4 5
9. Do you think children should be monitored regarding what they are researching on the
1 2 3 4 5
What subject areas do you feel would benefit the most from the use of technology?
What subject areas do you feel would not benefit from the use of technology? Or which subject
areas do you feel do not need to incorporate technology?
Will you assist your child in the use of technology and education at home?
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. Your responses have been very
helpful and are taken very seriously. This survey will help students use technology in the
use of technology in the classroom. The results of the quantitative data show that there is a strong
importance to the use of technology in the classroom for students between the grades of one and
six. The data also indicates that technology will create a more inclusive environment for students
The parents of the students did not think that the technology would create a disconnect
from the students and teacher, nor from the students and their classmates. The quantitative data
also shows that most parents who completed the survey have access to a computer and internet at
home. The qualitative data derived from the open-ended questions showed similar results
throughout all the surveys. Most of the parents suggested that the use of technology would best
suit subject areas such as English and history. Two surveys suggested science as well. No
It is evident that technology is having a big impact on society and how things work,
therefore it is important to incorporate it in our classroom properly. If the resources are available,
then why not use this to our advantage when teaching children. Having knowledge on how to use
technology for certain things will only make them stronger. The use of this technology will also
create a fun and innovative learning environment where children will ant to come to school to
Question 1 2,3,4,5,5,4,4,2,4,4
Question 2 4,4,4,5,4,5,5,3,5,5
Question 3 1,2,2,2,3,1,1,3,2,2
Question 4 1,1,2,1,3,4,1,1,1,1
Question 5 1,2,3,4,4,4,2,1,2,1
Question 6 4,4,5,5,3,4,4,2,4,4
Question 7 5,5,5,5,4,5,5,5,5,5
Question 8 3,3,4,4,3,2,5,5,3,3
Question 9 5,5,4,5,5,4,4,5,4,5
Question 10 4,5,5,5,4,5,4,5,5,5
Question 11 4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,4
Question: What subject areas do you feel would benefit the most from the use of technology?
English X10
History X6
Science X2
Question: What subject areas do you feel would not benefit from the use of technology? Or
which subject areas do you feel do not need to incorporate technology?
Math X8
Gym X6
Question: Will you assist your child in the use of technology and education at home?
Plan of Improvement
This survey was very beneficial. It enabled the parents to be incorporated in the learning
process for teachers on which areas the technology should be incorporated in and how important
it is to the parents. Along with the results of the survey there are some questions that do come to
mind. When asking these questions, we must keep in mind the lived experiences of the
individuals who took the survey in order to have an idea of why they answered a question a
certain way. For example, one question I ask myself is “why was Math not an answer for an area
to incorporate technology?”. Is this because the parents believe that it should be pen to paper? Is
it because they don’t think calculators is technology? is it because they believe it is just adding
and subtracting? I ask myself these questions and then I realize that we need to educate the
Technology can be used to show videos of formulas and how to implement them, how to
measure for area and perimeter and much more. Addition and subtraction are just one small part
of what is in math. My plan of improvement in this topic area will be to educate the parents on
the different ways that we can incorporate technology in the classroom, how these ways will be
inclusive to all and in my own personal bias, how we can apply this outside the classroom. I
believe that we should be sending a message of how we can use what we learn in school in the
real world outside our classrooms. I believe that children will be more encouraged to learn new
things if they know exactly when, how and where they will be using these new tools.
I believe that we live in a country with great opportunities and access to technology is
one of them, therefore why not empower the children to make great decisions with this
technology for them to reach their full potential and put a smile on their face.
Applicable Standards
This assignment highlights an assessment that I have done with individuals. Assessments
in the classroom can be formal or informal. It can be a cumulative test, a pop quiz, a show of
hands or a simple thumbs up. Surveys are a part of the assessment process. Surveys in an
education setting can eb done within classrooms, around the school, by students and by teachers
themselves in order to get an understanding on a certain topic. In this case, I used a survey
analysis in order to see which subjects’ parents believed students would benefit the most from if
they were taught using a heavy influence of technology. Technology is something that has been
revolutionizing our classrooms and has been a strength for many educators to implement.
Students who have struggled in the past putting pen to paper and handing in traditional
assignments have now strived using technology. Technology has shown that teachers along with
students are able to adapt to what is needed and when used properly technology can be a very
that enables students to be creative and unique in their approach and delivery of acclaimed
Artifact #8: Title. Certificate of completion of the DASA training
Applicable Standards
harassment, bully, cyberbullying and discrimination in schools. Our schools are very
multicultural, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. In my classroom everyone is
welcome. I believe in treating everyone with kindness and respect and to discuss any differences
that we as individuals may have. We need to understand, and we need to listen most importantly.
This training made a positive impact in my development because it provided me with insight and
knowledge on how to deal with situations that can arise in our schools in which we as educators
In Section three of this portfolio I was able to showcase several assignments that I have
produced throughout my time at Medaille College. These artifacts are a combination of planned
tools and professional development. The assignments are directly supported with the Ontario
Curriculum standards, New York curriculum standards and INTASC standards. These artifacts
demonstrate the foundational skills that I have developed in the Masters of Elementary
Education program and highlight how I implemented them into several assignments throughout
my time. This reflects hours of observation, implementation and professional development which