Novel Study of The Rail's Geometry in The Electromagnetic Launcher
Novel Study of The Rail's Geometry in The Electromagnetic Launcher
Novel Study of The Rail's Geometry in The Electromagnetic Launcher
5, MAY 2015
Abstract— This paper proposed a railgun with sector of projectile due to magnetic flux density and the current passed
circular rails. The center of the sector of circular rails is located at through the projectile. This force is proportional to L and
the outside of the railgun bore. The distance between the sectors square of amplitude of the passing current through the rails [1].
of two circles is s, opening angle facing outward θ, the inner
and outer radius are also assumed to be R i and Ro, respectively. To increase the magnetic force without increasing the
The influence of internal curvature of the rails, the rail thickness amplitude of the applied current, L should be increased.
and the distance between rails on the current density, magnetic L in a simple railgun [1]–[4] or multiprojectile [5], [6]
flux density, and inductance gradient (L ) have been studied and is a quantity that is related to the geometry of the railgun
analyzed using finite-element method. First of all, the different bore [7]–[9], rails materials [10], and dimensions [1], [4].
values of θ, s, R i , and Ro are calculated for various values of the
area of the railgun bore (SC ) and cross section of the rails (S R ). In recent years, analyses of railgun using numerical and
The current density, magnetic flux density, and L have been analytical methods have been reported, some of which are
calculated for different values. The area of the railgun bore is studied along with their results in the following. L and
assumed to be 9 and 10 cm2 and the area of rails are assumed to current density have been studied for a rectangular railgun
be 9, 6, 3, and 1 cm2 . In next section, L is found as a function with and without overhang structure. The railgun bore has
of s, R i , and Ro for θ = 90°, 120°, 150°, and 180°. Finally,
L is compute for rail thickness equals to one-tenth of bore size size equals to 20 mm × 20 mm and copper rails have cross
and θ on the interval [180°, 360°]. According to the achieved section 5 mm × 20 mm. The current density and L can be
results it can be observed the behavior of L in terms of railgun changed according to the overhang ratio [11]. L is calculated
dimensions changes and it is compared with other geometries. by conformal mapping where the skin depth is smaller than
Index Terms— Circular rail, current distribution, any rail dimensions [12]. By investigating the effect of rail
finite-element method (FEM), inductance gradient, railgun. dimensions on L and current density in a rectangular railgun,
I. I NTRODUCTION it can be found that increasing the distance and reducing the
width of the rail leads to L increment and thickening of the
L FOR SC = 9 cm 2 AND S R = 3 cm 2
L FOR SC = 9 cm 2 , S R = 9 cm 2
L FOR SC = 9 cm 2 AND S R = 6 cm 2
Fig. 10. Simulation left side of full circular railgun using FEM for
rail thickness equal to one-tenth of bore size. (a) Current density distribution
on the rail cross section. (b) Magnetic flux density around the rail.
the rail cross section and magnetic flux density around the
Fig. 7. L as a function of inner radius for various opening angles and rail, respectively.
s = 2 cm, Ro = 3 cm.