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(2002) Control of A Heavy-Duty Robotic Excavator Using Time Delay Control With Integral Sliding Surface

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Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711

Control of a heavy-duty robotic excavator using time delay control

with integral sliding surface
Sung-Uk Lee*, Pyung Hun Chang
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Science Town, 373-1 Koosung-dong, Yusung-ku,
Taejon 305-701, South Korea
Received 22 March 2001; accepted 14 December 2001


The control of a robotic excavator is difficult from the standpoint of the following problems: parameter variations in mechanical
structures, various nonlinearities in hydraulic actuators and disturbance due to the contact with the ground. In addition, the more
the size of robotic excavators increase, the more the length and mass of excavator’s links; the more the parameters of a heavy-duty
excavator vary. A time-delay control with switching action (TDCSA) using an integral sliding surface is proposed in this paper for
the control of a 21-ton robotic excavator. Through analysis and experiments, we show that using an integral sliding surface for the
switching action of TDCSA is better than using a PD-type sliding surface. The proposed controller is applied to straight-line
motions of a 21-ton robotic excavator with a speed level at which skillful operators work. Experiments, which were designed for
surfaces with various inclinations and over broad ranges of joint motions, show that the proposed controller exhibits good
performance. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Time-delay control; Robust control; Switching action; Robotic excavator; Trajectory control

1. Introduction several tasks to be automated, Bradley and Seward

(1998) developed the Lancaster University computerized
A hydraulic excavator is a multi-functional construc- intelligent excavator (LUCIE) and used it to automate
tion machine. Workers in the construction industry use the digging work. Stentz, Bares, Singh, and Rowe (1998)
it for tasks such as excavating, dumping, finishing, developed a complete system for loading trucks fully
lifting work, etc. However, operators who control autonomously on a 25-ton robotic excavator. Chang
hydraulic excavators must be trained for many years and Lee (2002) automated straight-line motions on a 13-
to do such work quickly and skillfully. A hydraulic ton robotic excavator under working speed conditions.
excavator has three links: boom, arm and bucket; and Here, the straight-line motion represents the important
the operator has two arms. Thus, it is not easy for task of scraping or flattening the ground and serves as a
beginners to execute elaborate work that manipulates fundamental element used as a basis for developing
three links at the same time. Moreover, because the more complicated tasks. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the end-
operators have to run work in various dangerous and effector of the manipulator needs to be controlled to
dirty environments, the number of skillful operators is track a linear path on the task surface. An operator
ever decreasing. For that reason, studying the automa- should manipulate three links simultaneously to execute
tion of hydraulic excavators is necessary for improving it. Though an operator is skillful, performing the
productivity, efficiency, and safety. straight-line motions for a long time results in the
The automation of hydraulic excavators has been fatigue of an operator and decreases productivity.
studied by several researchers (Singh, 1997). Among the The control of robotic excavator is difficult from the
standpoint of the following problems: parameter varia-
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-42-869-3266; fax: +82-42-869- tions in mechanical structures, various nonlinearities in
5226. hydraulic actuators, and disturbance due to the contact
E-mail address: s sulee123@cais.kaist.ac.kr (S.-U. Lee). with the ground. In mechanical structures, the inertial

0967-0661/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 7 - 0 6 6 1 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 2 7 - 8
698 S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711

Fig. 2. Appearance of Robex210LC-3 excavator.

Fig. 1. Illustration of straight-line motion.

However, almost all the research works above tend to
be limited to experiments on a mini excavator under
relatively lower speed conditions. Among the experi-
force and gravitational force varies largely with joint mental research works above, only that of Chang and
motions. Hydraulic actuators, massively coupled and Lee (2002), which was performed on the control of a
complexly connected, have various nonlinear compo- heavy-duty 13-ton robotic excavator, was performed
nents. For such reasons, various difficulties exist in under working speed conditions. The more the size of
controlling a robotic excavator. excavators increase, the more the length and mass of
To solve these problems, several research works have excavator’s links increase, and the more the parameters
been performed, which may be categorized as either of a heavy-duty excavator vary. Therefore, the control
simulation studies or experimental studies. In terms of of a heavy-duty excavator becomes more difficult than
simulation studies, for instance, Chiba and Takeda the control of a mini excavator. The control of a heavy-
(1982) applied an optimal control scheme to the control duty excavator (a 21-ton robotic excavator (Fig. 2) used
of the manipulator of an excavator. Morita and Sakawa in this paper) requires a robust controller.
(1986) used PID control with feedforward control based In this paper, we apply time-delay control with
on inverse dynamics. Medanic, Yuan, and Medanic switching action (TDCSA) using an integral sliding
(1997) proposed a polar controller-based variable surface (ISS) to the control of a 21-ton robotic excavator
structure control. Song and Koivo (1995) used a and validate the proposed control algorithm through
feedforward multiplayer neural network and a PID experiments on a straight-line motion tracking control.
controller over a wide range of parameter variations. As In addition, we show the advantage of the TDCSA using
for experimental studies, Bradley and Seward (1998) an ISS. TDCSA, which was proposed by Chang and
used a high-level controller that was based on rules Park (1998), consists of a TDC and a switching action.
obtained by observation of skilled operators, and a PID The switching action based on sliding mode control
low-level motion controller that moved the end-effector (SMC) compensates for the error of the time-delay
in response to a demand from the high-level controller. estimation (TDE) and makes the TDC more robust.
Lee (1993) used P control together with a fuzzy control Chang and Park (1998) used a PD-type sliding surface
technique that used response error and its derivative on (PDSS) for the switching action and applied the TDCSA
the phase plane. Sepehri, Lawrence, Sassani, and using a PDSS to a pneumatic system for compensating
Frenette (1994) analyzed the phenomenon of coupling the stick-slip, but we use an ISS for the switching action
in the hydraulic actuator, and proposed a feedforward to improve the control performance in this paper
scheme that compensates coupling and load variation by (Slotine & Li, 1991; Utkin & Shi, 1996). As a similar
using a simple valve model and measured pressure. controller, a new integral variable structure regulation
Yokota, Sasao, and Ichiryu (1996) used disturbance controller, designed using an integral sliding surface and
observer and PI control, and applied it to a mini disturbance observer, was proposed by Lee and Youn
excavator. Chang and Lee (2002) used time-delay (1999). Lee and Youn, however, have demonstrated the
control (TDC) and compensators based on the dy- usefulness of their proposed algorithm by simulations
namics of the excavator and applied it to straight-line about regulation controls of a two-link manipulator. In
motions of a 13-ton excavator with a bucket speed of contrast, we will perform experiments on the control of
0:5 m=s; a speed level at which skillful operators work. a robotic excavator.
S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711 699

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section vary largely, since the total weight of boom, arm and
2 will briefly analyze the characteristics of the robotic bucket used in this research is 2:67 ton and the range of
excavator system, Section 3 presents the design of joint angles are broad. The size and variation in each of
controller. In Section 4, the effectiveness of the proposed the inertial and the gravitational forces in a straight-line
controller will be verified through experiments on a 21- motion with incline of 01 are shown in Fig. 3. We can
ton robotic excavator. Finally, conclusions will be observe that the inertial forces and gravitational forces
drawn in Section 5. vary largely.

2.2. Hydraulic actuators

2. Overview of robotic excavator system
The hydraulic actuator of the robotic excavator used
This section describes briefly the characteristics of the in this paper has at least three kinds of nonlinearities as
robotic excavator. More details about the model of a follows: valve characteristics, dead zone and time lag.
robotic excavator can be found in Chang and Lee
(2002). In this paper, the swing motor together with the 2.2.1. Valve characteristics
traveling motor is not considered for straight-line Hydraulic valves are devices that transfer the flow
motion; only the boom, arm and bucket are considered. from the pump to cylinder.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi From the general valve flow
The mathematical model that is needed for designing a equation ðQ ¼ cd A DPÞ; the flow that is transferred
controller is described in Appendix A. Since a robotic from the pump to cylinder is determined by flow
excavator consists of a manipulator and actuators, the coefficient, the area of the valve and pressure difference.
characteristic of these two parts will be described briefly. The area of a spool valve has a nonlinear shape as
shown in Fig. 4. Therefore, valves have nonlinear
2.1. Manipulator characteristics
ffi to the nonlinear area of the
valve and DP:
In the dynamic equation (Eq. (A.1)), the inertial
forces and gravitational forces as well as the centrifugal 2.2.2. Dead zone
and Coriolis forces vary nonlinearly with the change of The geometry of the spool valve used in a Ro-
angles of the links, and have coupling elements between bex210LC-3 excavator is an overlapped shape as shown
links. Among these terms, the centrifugal and Coriolis in Fig. 4 and causes the dead zone nonlinearity. The
forces have a smaller effect on the control performance, overlapped region is designed for the convenience of an
since the velocity of each link is not that great. In operator. Therefore, when the spool is displaced in the
comparison, the inertial forces and gravitational forces overlapped region, the valve becomes closed: this causes

(a) Inertial force 4 (b) Gravitational force

x 10
3000 20
boom boom
arm arm







_3000 _5
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time[sec] time[sec]

Fig. 3. Inertial forces and gravitational forces of boom and arm.

700 S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711

the dead zone nonlinearity. The overlapped region is pump pressure begins to exceed the pressure of the
about 30 percent of the whole spool displacement. boom cylinder plus the offset pressure, as shown in
Fig. 5. This phenomenon occurs only when the boom
2.2.3. Time lag link begins to move and it does not exist any more once
A phenomenon similar to a dead zone occurs because the pump output pressure reaches the pressure level
of the time taken for the pump output pressure to reach sufficient to move the link. Moreover, this phenomenon
the pressure level that is sufficient to move the link. Note can be compensated by the compensator which will be
that this phenomenon is somewhat different from the proposed in Section 3.2.
pure time delay often found in transmission lines. Fig. 5
illustrates this phenomenon with the experimental
results. In the presence of maximum control input, the 3. Controller design
boom does not move until the time is 0:13 s; when the
A robotic excavator has the following nonlinearities:
variations in the inertial and gravitational forces in the
manipulator; and nonlinear valve characteristics, dead
zone and time lag in the hydraulic actuator. To
overcome these aforementioned nonlinearities, Chang
and Lee (2002) suggested the TDC and compensators
and used these to control a 13-ton robotic excavator, but
we need a more robust controller to control a 21-ton
robotic excavator effectively. The greatest difference
between the 21-ton robotic excavator used in this paper
and the 13-ton robotic excavator used in Chang and Lee
(2002) exists in the length and mass of excavator’s links.
The links of the former are one and half times the length
overlap region and weight of those of the latter. Therefore, the
parameter variations of a 21-ton excavator are more
serious than those of a 13-ton excavator. A more robust
controller than TDC is required to control the straight-
Spool displacement line motion of a 21-ton robotic excavator.
For controlling a 21-ton robotic excavator, we have
Fig. 4. Rough shapes for areas of spool valve. considered TDCSA, which is more robust than TDC.

(a) Pressures of pump and head side of boom cylinder




50 head side of boom cylinder

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

(b) Boom response







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 5. Illustration of the nonlinearity due to time lag.

S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711 701

Then, instead of a PDSS used by Chang and Park occurred during the time delay ðLÞ; caused TDE error
(1998), we use an ISS in this paper for improving the as follows:
control performance (Slotine & Li, 1991; Utkin & Shi, %  HðtÞ
HðtÞ # %  Hðt
¼ HðtÞ %  LÞ ¼ DHðtÞ: ð7Þ
Among the aforementioned nonlinearities, however, More specifically, the friction dynamics cause large TDE
the dead zone and the time lag cause the large tracking error. Because of the TDE error, TDC does not have the
errors. Hence, proper compensation is demanded. For desired error dynamics of Eq. (3), but the following
that reason, we design the two controllers: first the error dynamics:
TDCSA using an ISS as the baseline control and second, % 1 DHðtÞ;
e. ðtÞ þ Kv e’ ðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ ¼ M ð8Þ
compensators to overcome the dead zone and the
where the right term ðM % 1 DHðtÞÞ denotes the effect of
time lag.
the TDE error.
3.1. Design of the TDCSA The TDCSA is proposed by adding the switching
action based on the sliding mode control to TDC, as
3.1.1. TDCSA using an ISS follows:
In order to apply the controller to a robotic % .ld ðtÞ þ Kv e’ ðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ þ utdcsa ðt  LÞ
utdcsa ðtÞ ¼ M½
excavator, Eq. (A.5) is rearranged into the following: % .lðt  LÞ þ Kw sgnðsÞ;
M ð9Þ
M% .lðtÞ þ HðtÞ
% ¼ uðtÞ: ð1Þ
where s represents the sliding surface and Kw is a
Note that M % is a constant matrix representing the switching gain matrix. The TDCSA has the following
known angle of MK ; whereas HðtÞ % consists of terms error dynamic:
representing uncertainties and time-varying factors, % 1 DHðtÞ  M
% 1 Kw sgnðsÞ: ð10Þ
e. ðtÞ þ Kv e’ ðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ ¼ M
which are expressed as
% % .lðtÞ: In Eq. (10), we see that the switching action can reduce
HðtÞ ¼ HðtÞ þ ðMK ðtÞ  MÞ ð2Þ
the TDE error.
Now we define the desired dynamics of the closed-loop In order to match the desired error dynamics (Eq. (4))
system with the following error dynamic: with the sliding surface (s), we use the integral sliding
e. ðtÞ þ Kv e’ ðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ ¼ 0; ð3Þ surface as follows:
Z t
where eðtÞ ¼ ld ðtÞ  lðtÞ denotes the position error vector sðtÞ ¼ e’ ðtÞ þ Kv eðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ dt  e’ ð0Þ  Kv eð0Þ; ð11Þ
with ld ðtÞ denoting the vector of desired piston displace- 0

ments, Kv the derivative gain matrix, and Kp the where the sliding surface (s) has the initial value of zero
proportional gain matrix. The TDC law that meets the and its derivative is equal to desired error dynamics
requirement is obtained as (Eq. (3)). The necessity and advantage of using an
% .ld ðtÞ þ Kv e’ ðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ þ HðtÞ; integral sliding surface will be shown in Section 3.1.4.
utdc ðtÞ ¼ M½ ð4Þ
where HðtÞ %
denotes an estimate of HðtÞ: 3.1.2. Stability analysis of TDCSA using an integral
The estimated HðtÞ can be obtained by using both sliding surface
Eq. (1) and the fact that HðtÞ is usually a continuous For the stability analysis of the overall system, we use
function. More specifically, when L is small enough, the second method of Lyapunov. If the Lyapunov
then function is selected as V ¼ 12 sT s; its time derivative is as
HðtÞE %  LÞ ¼ uðt  LÞ  M
Hðt % .lðt  LÞ: ð5Þ follows:
V’ ¼ sT s’ ¼ sT ½.e þ Kv e’ þ Kp e
Combining Eq. (5) with Eq. (4), the TDC law is
obtained as follows: ¼ sT ½.ld  M
% 1 u þ M % þ Kv e’ þ Kp e
% 1 H
% .ld ðtÞ þ Kv e’ ðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ
utdc ðtÞ ¼ M½ ¼ sT f.ld  M # þ Kw sgnðsÞ
% .ld þ Kv e’ þ Kp eÞ þ H
% 1 ½Mð
% .lðt  LÞ:
þ utdc ðt  LÞ  M ð6Þ þ M % þ Kv e’ þ Kp eg
% 1 H
More details about the stability condition and the design ¼ sT ½M # þM
% 1 H % M
% 1 H % 1 Kw sgnðsÞ
of TDC can be found in Youcef-Toumi and Ito (1990)
and Hsia and Gao (1990). % 1 DH  M
¼ sT ½ M % 1 Kw sgnðsÞ: ð12Þ
L should be sufficiently small for TDC to meet the Therefore, the following condition is needed so that the
desired error dynamics of Eq. (3). The valve used for L; time derivative of the Lyapunov function should be
however, is set to be that of the sampling time, when negative definite:
TDC is implemented in a real-time controller. The
variation of system nonlinearities and disturbances, ðKw Þii > jðDHÞi j for i ¼ 1; y; 3: ð13Þ
702 S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711

In other words, the magnitude of the switching gain  Z

K wi
ðKw Þ must be larger than that of the term due to the TD Kwi satðsinti ; fi Þ ¼ e’i ðtÞ þ Kvi ei ðtÞ þ Kpi ei ðtÞ dt ;
estimation error.
for jsinti jpfi : ð17Þ
3.1.3. Saturation function
TDCSA uses a switching action for compensating the Combining Eqs. (16) and (17) each with Eq. (15), we can
TDE error, but the switching action in TDCSA causes a rearrange Eq. (15) into Eqs. (18) and (19), respectively:
chattering problem. Therefore, we use a saturation i
% i ½l.d ðtÞ þ Kv e’i ðtÞ þ Kp ei ðtÞ þ upd ðt  LÞ
upd ðtÞ ¼ M i i i i

function to reduce the chattering problem (Slotine & Li,

1991). A saturation function can be used as follows: M % i l.i ðt  LÞ þ wi ð’ei ðtÞ þ li ei ðtÞÞ
8 sðtÞ fi
<ð f Þ if jsðtÞjof;

satðsðtÞ; fÞ ¼ ð14Þ Kwi
: ¼M% i l.di ðtÞ þ Kvi þ M % 1
i e’i ðtÞ
sgnðsðtÞÞ otherwise; fi
where f is the boundary layer of saturation function. As 
% 1 Kwi li
a result, TDCSA with saturation function is obtained as þ Kpi þ Mi ei ðtÞ
% .ld ðtÞ þ Kv e’ ðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞÞ þ utdcsa ðt  LÞ
utdcsa ðtÞ ¼ M½ % i l.i ðt  LÞ;
þ updi ðt  LÞ  M ð18Þ
% .lðt  LÞ þ Kw satðs; fÞ:
M ð15Þ % i ½l.di ðtÞ þ Kvi e’i ðtÞ þ Kpi ei ðtÞ þ uinti ðt  LÞ
uinti ðtÞ ¼ M
By using satð Þ in the place of sgnð Þ; we can expect a "
reduction of the chattering in the control input and the . Kwi
 M % i li ðt  LÞ þ e’i ðtÞ þ Kvi ei ðtÞ
state vector. If a large boundary layer is selected, the fi
chattering will be reduced, but the tracking error will be Z #
increased. So, the proper selection of the boundary layer þ Kpi ei ðtÞ dt
is needed.

K wi
3.1.4. The necessity and advantage of an ISS % i l.di ðtÞ þ Kvi þ M
¼M % 1
i e’i ðtÞ
In this section, we will study the necessity and fi
advantage of the TDCSA using an ISS in comparison 
% 1 Kwi Kvi
with the TDCSA using a PDSS. þ Kpi þ Mi ei ðtÞ
fi The necessity of an integral sliding surface. Z
Kwi Kpi
TDCSA consists of TDC and switching action of SMC. þM % 1
i e i ðtÞ dt þ uinti ðt  LÞ
TDC makes, on the one hand, the plant follow the
desired error dynamics. On the other hand, the sliding % i l.i ðt  LÞ
 M ð19Þ
surface for the switching action should be obtained from
the desired error dynamics. Therefore, it becomes From Eqs. (18) and (19), each closed-loop error
necessary to match the desired error dynamics of dynamic is as follows:
TDC and the derivative of the sliding surface—the K wi 1 Kwi li
% 1
e.i ðtÞ þ Kvi þ M i ’
e i ðtÞ þ K pi þ %
M i ei ðtÞ
equal error dynamics of SMC. More specifically,
R the ISS fi fi
is given as sint ¼ e’ ðtÞ þ Kv eðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ dt  e’ ð0Þ 
Kv ð0Þ: Its derivative becomes e. ðtÞ þ Kv e’ ðtÞ þ Kp eðtÞ ¼ 0; ¼ M % 1
i DHi ðtÞ; ð20Þ
which is equal to the desired error dynamics of TDC  
K wi 1 Kwi Kvi
given in Eq. (3). In comparison, the PDSS is given as e.i ðtÞ þ Kvi þ M % 1
i ’
e i ðtÞ þ K p i
þ M % i
spd ¼ e’ ðtÞ þ leðtÞ; the derivative of which is not equal to fi fi
Eq. (3). Z
Kwi Kpi
% 1
ei ðtÞ þ M i ei ðtÞ dt ¼ M % 1
i DHi ðtÞ: ð21Þ
fi The advantage of an integral sliding surface. For
the sliding surface inside the boundary layer (f), the Eq. (20) is the closed-loop error dynamic of TDCSA
switching action of TDCSA using a PDSS and TDCSA using a PDSS and Eq. (21) is that of TDCSA using an
using an ISS is obtained as Eqs. (16) and (17) ISS. In Eqs. (20) and (21), the closed-loop error dynamic
Kw of TDCSA using a PDSS is similar to that of TDC, but
Kwi satðspdi ; fi Þ ¼ i ð’ei ðtÞ þ li ei ðtÞÞ; for jspdi jpfi ; differs in gain terms; however, the closed-loop error
dynamic of TDCSA using an ISS has different integral
ð16Þ term, which is caused by an ISS.
S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711 703

For the case where TDE error is constant ðDHi ðtÞ ¼ (24) is shown in Fig. 6. The TDCSA using an ISS has the
const:Þ; ei ðtÞ of Eq. (20) does not converge to 0. Thus, in same high-frequency behavior as the TDCSA using a
the presence of any TDE error, a nonzero tracking error PDSS and TDC. In the low-frequency range, however,
is unavoidable. As t-N; e.i ðtÞ ¼ e’i ðtÞ ¼ 0; and since TDCSA using an ISS has a lower gain than the other
Kwi > jDHi j; the minimum tracking guarantee is controller. Thus, the TDCSA using an ISS reduces
% 1 effectively the position error, which is caused by TDE
M i DHi ðtÞ
jessi jo : ð22Þ error in the low-frequency range, and then the TDCSA
K pi þ M% 1
i ðKwi li =fi Þ using an ISS is more robust than the other controller
For a constant right-hand side of Eq. (21), however, the against the disturbances and variation of parameters
Rsteady-state solution of Eq. (21) is ei ðtÞ-0 and which occur in the low-frequency range.
0 e i ðtÞ dt-0: Therefore, TDCSA using an ISS can
drive the tracking errors resulting from bias in 3.2. Design of compensators
uncertainties (such as constant and slowly varying
parametric errors) to zero. Compensators are designed to overcome the dead
From Eqs. (20) and (21), the relationship in the zone and the time lag.
Laplace domain between the TDE error and position Since the size of the dead zone coming from the
error ðeðtÞÞ is as follows: overlapped area of the spool valve is constant, we add

Ei ðpÞ M % 1
¼ 2 ; ð23Þ
% 1
DHi ðpÞ p þ ðKvi þ M i ðK w i
=fi ÞÞp % 1
þ ðKpi þ M i ðKwi li =fi ÞÞ

Ei ðpÞ M% 1
i p
¼ 3
DHi ðpÞ % 1 2
p þ ðKvi þ Mi ðKwi =fi ÞÞp þ ðKpi þ M % 1 % 1
i ðKwi Kvi =fi ÞÞp þ Mi ðKwi Kpi =fi Þ

M% 1
i p
¼ ; ð24Þ
% 1
ðp þ M i ðKwi =f i ÞÞðp 2þK pþK Þ
vi pi

where p is the Laplace operator. Eq. (23) is that of the the size of the dead zone to TDCSA input as follows:
TDCSA using a PDSS and Eq. (24) is that of the
TDCSA using an ISS. The bode plot of Eqs. (23) and u ¼ utdcsa þ ucomp1 ; ð25Þ

|E (s)|/|delH (s)|
_1 i i




10 TDC
TDCSA using a integral sliding surface
TDCSA using a PD type sliding surface

10 _2 _1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10


Fig. 6. Bode diagram of closed-loop error dynamics.

704 S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711

where u denotes the overall control input and ucomp1 the has the following specifications: it weights 21 ton; the
3 1 vector whose elements are constants equivalent to total length of the manipulator is 10:06 m and the total
the dead zone of each link. weight of boom, arm and bucket is 2:67 ton: In the
To compensate for the time lag, Chang and Lee experiments, the average speed of the bucket is set to be
(2002) designed the compensator using the pressure 0:5 m=s ð4 m in 8 s), the speed level at which only an
difference of the pump and cylinder. This compensator expert operator can perform a task.
increases the pump pressure to cylinder pressure quickly
and works until pump pressure begins to exceed the 4.1. Experimental setup
pressure of the cylinder plus the offset pressure, but it
needs pressure sensors. In this paper, as shown in Fig. 7, Fig. 8 shows the overall structure of the excavator
we add the constant value ðucomp2 Þ to the control law control system. The trajectories of boom, arm and
until the pump pressure is increased to the pressure level bucket for a task are calculated on a DSP controller.
sufficient to move the link, and then decrease the value The angles of each links are measured with a resolver
slowly to zero once the link begins to move. and then converted by an A/D converter for generating
The whole control input, which now consists of the a control input. The control input for each link is
TDCSA input and the compensation inputs, is obtained calculated on a DSP controller according to the control
as follows: law, by using the trajectories generated and the angles
u ¼ utdcsa þ ucomp1 þ ucomp2 : ð26Þ measured. The control inputs obtained are converted
through a D/A converter and fed to operate the electri-
Note that ucomp2 is used for the control inputs of boom proportional pressure reducing (EPPR) valve, which
and arm. transforms the electrical signal into the hydraulic
pressure signal. The pilot pressure from the EPPR valve
moves the spool of each main valve, thus making each
4. Experiment link move. Here, the sampling frequency of a DSP
controller is selected as 100 Hz:
To evaluate TDCSA using an ISS in real circum-
stance, we have experimented the method in a heavy- 4.2. Trajectory generation
duty excavator carrying out realistic tasks. The task of
concern is primarily a straight-line motion in free spaces; To automate the straight-line motion, the trajectories
yet, we have applied the straight-line motion to scraping of the end-effector and the joint angle are needed.
the ground with the bucket in contact with the ground. Once the incline of the task surface is given, the end-
The excavator used is a Hyundai Robex210LC-3, which effector path is determined, and then the velocity
trajectory of the end-effector is determined by consider-
ing the average speed of the end-effector. Here, this
Compensator Compensator for time lag
velocity profile is for the direction tangential to the task
Input (Ucomp2) surface, with the velocity in its normal direction being
kept at 0 m=s: The displacement trajectory of the
end-effector is obtained by integrating the velocity
Compensator for dead-zone trajectory.
To control each link, the displacement trajectory of
the end-effector is transformed into the joint angle
trajectory of each link. Moreover, during a straight-line
motion, the constraint exists that the attack angle of
bucket (the angle of the bottom surface of bucket)
is kept constant with respect to the task surface.
Fig. 7. Compensator for dead zone and time lag. The joint angles of boom and arm are calculated by

Trajectory EPPR
Controller DAC Excavator
Generation valve

DSP ADC Resolver

Controller Angles

Fig. 8. Overall structure of control system.

S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711 705

using excavator kinematics from Fig. 9, as Eqs. (27) Then, the joint trajectories for three task surfaces with
and (28): respective inclines of 301; 01 and 301 is shown in
x2a þ y2a þ L21  L22 ya Fig. 11. This trajectory is made to realize the practice
yboom ¼ sin1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  tan1 ; ð27Þ that straight-line motions are usually carried out from a
2L1 xa þ ya 2 xa
stretched posture to a folded one.
x2a þ y2a  L21  L22
yarm ¼ cos1 ; ð28Þ 4.3. Experimental results
2L1 L2
where xa and ya is the position of the bucket joint. From In implementing the control law in Eq. (15), we
the aforementioned constraint, the angle of the bucket is determined each gain for utdcsa as follows:
determined as follows: 2 3
M%1 0 0
ybucket ¼ yinit  yboom  yarm ; ð29Þ 6 7
M% ¼6 0 M % 2 0 7;
where yinit is the sum of the boom angle, arm angle, and 4 5
bucket angle in initial posture. From the above, we can 0 0 M %3
determine the joint trajectory of each link.
2 3
We use the velocity trajectory obtained that meets the 2x1 w1 0 0
specified average speed of 0:5 m=s as shown in Fig. 10. 6 7
Kv ¼ 6
4 0 2x2 w2 0 7;
0 0 2x3 w3

2 3
w21 0 0
6 7
Kp ¼ 6
4 0 w22 0 75; ð30Þ
0 0 w3
where xi and wi denote the damping coefficient and the
frequency for desired error dynamics of each link. In
addition, M% i is selected in the stable range through
experiments. The switching gain ðKwi Þ; satisfying the
condition of ðKw Þii > jðDHÞi j; is selected by tuning. The
Fig. 9. Excavator kinematics. boundary layer of the saturation function ðfi Þ is

End Effector velocity trajector y








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 10. End-effector’s velocity trajectory for horizontal direction.

706 S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711

(a) Boom angle (b) Arm angle

100 140

90 120



50 60

40 40
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time[sec] time[sec]

(c) Bucket angle







0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 11. Angle trajectories for task surface (solid line stands for incline of 01; dashed line for incline of 301; and dotted line for incline of 301).

properly chosen by tuning, without the chattering. Then, Fig. 15 shows the experimental results of the above
the magnitude of ucomp2 is to be tuned from a small value three controllers for the task surface with an incline of
until satisfactory performance is achieved. 01; and Fig. 16 shows the power spectral density of the
tracking errors in Fig. 15. In Fig. 15, the difference due
4.3.1. Noncontact condition to TDCSA using an ISS is not that significant; yet there
In free spaces, we experimented with three controllers: exists a noticeable trend. As shown in Fig. 16, TDCSA
TDC, TDCSA using a PDSS and TDCSA using an ISS; using an ISS results in the DC components of the power
for task surfaces with inclines of 301; 01 and 301; spectral densities considerably smaller than those of the
respectively. Here, among the gains of the TDCSA, the other two controllers. This trend is a direct outcome of
desired error dynamics are the identical with those of the offset of the tracking error of TDCSA using an ISS
TDC. The switching gain of the TDCSA using an ISS is smaller than those of the other two controllers. A close
identical with that of the TDCSA using a PDSS. inspection of the tracking errors in Fig. 15 (a) reveals
Fig. 12 shows the experimental results for TDC. As that the tracking error due to TDCSA using an ISS
shown in Fig. 12, the vertical distance error of the end- tends to fluctuate around zero, whereas those due to the
effector is within 73 cm for the task surface with an other controllers tend to drift from zero. These results
incline of 301: For the task surface with an incline of suggest that TDCSA using an ISS can decrease the
301; however, the vertical distance error is within offset of the tracking error effectively, which still occurs
76 cm: According to the task surface and joint for TDC and TDCSA using a PDSS.
positions, the tracking error of the boom varies greatly.
Namely, the control performance for the TDC varies
greatly with the task surface and joint positions. 4.3.2. Contact condition
The experimental results for the TDCSA using a The above experiments do not involve any contact
PDSS and for the TDCSA using an ISS are shown in with the ground; but the straight-line motion in free
Figs. 13 and 14, respectively. The control performance spaces. Therefore digging or excavating work is not our
of TDCSA is better than that of TDC. The control immediate concern. Nevertheless, we have applied the
performance of TDCSA does not vary greatly with the straight-line motion to leveling work, scraping the
task surface and joint positions. The whole vertical ground with the bucket in contact with the ground.
distance error of the end-effector is within 74 cm for When leveling work is being done, friction due to the
TDCSA using an ISS, whereas the vertical distance contact behaves as a disturbance to position control of
error is over 74 cm for TDCSA using a PDSS. TDCSA using an ISS. Since TDCSA using an ISS has
S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711 707

(a) Bucket vertical error (b) Boom angle error

6 1


0 0


_6 _1
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

(c) Arm angle error (d) Bucket angle error

2 2




_2 _3
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 12. Experimental results of TDC for task surface (solid line stands for incline of 01; dashed line for incline of 301; and dotted line for incline
of 301).

(a) Bucket vertical error (b) Boom angle error

6 1


0 0


_6 _1
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

(c) Arm angle error (d) Bucket angle error

2 2





_2 _3
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 13. Experimental results of TDCSA using a PDSS for task surface (solid line stands for incline of 01; dashed line for incline of 301; and dotted
line for incline of 301).

shown effectiveness in rejecting the disturbances, it does and 301; respectively. The soil used at the experiments
not require additional force control scheme. is classified into gravel (GP group)—poorly graded
We have applied TDCSA using an ISS to leveling gravel and graded-sand mixtures—by the United Soil
works for the ground surfaces with inclines of 301; 01 Classification, a generally used classification in civil
708 S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711

(a) Bucket vertical error (b) Boom angle error

6 1


0 0


_6 _1
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

(c) Arm angle error (d) Bucket angle error

2 2



_2 _3
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 14. Experimental results of TDCSA using an ISS for task surface (solid line stands for incline of 01; dashed line for incline of 301; and dotted line
for incline of 301).

(a) Bucket vertical error (b) Boom angle error

5 0.6


_1 _0.2

_2 _0.4
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

(c) Arm angle error (d) Bucket angle error



0 _0.5

_0.5 _1

_1 _1.5

_1.5 _2
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 15. Experimental results for task surface with incline of 01 (solid line stands for TDCSA using an ISS; dashed line for TDCSA using a PDSS;
and dotted line for TDC).

engineering (Bowles, 1982). Fig. 17 (a) shows the contacting condition, the ground will prevent the bucket
experimental results that the bucket vertical error is vertical error from having the large error of (-) direction
mostly within 74 cm for three task surfaces, which is by supporting the end-effector of the excavator, and the
similar to the results for non-contact condition. On the friction force between the end-effector and the ground
S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711 709

(a) Bucket vertical error (b) Boom error



Power spectral density

Power spectral density



500 2

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Freq[Hz] Freq[Hz]

(c) Arm error (d) Bucket error

60 40

Power spectral density

Power spectral density


30 20


0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Freq[Hz] Freq[Hz]

Fig. 16. Power spectral density of tracking errors for task surface with incline of 01 (solid line stands for TDCSA using an ISS; dashed line for
TDCSA using a PDSS; and dotted line for TDC).

(a) Bucket vertical error (b) Boom angle error

6 1


0 0


_6 _1
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

(c) Arm angle error (d) Bucket angle error

2 2





_2 _3
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
time(sec) time(sec)

Fig. 17. Experimental results for TDCSA using an ISS for task surface in contact the end-effector with the ground (solid line stands for incline of 01;
dashed line for incline of 301; and dotted line for incline of 301).

deteriorates the control performance of the arm link; on the TDCSA is effective in handling the contact
however, it does not affect largely the error of the bucket condition.
vertical error due to the posture of the excavator. These From the experimental results of applying TDCSA
results verify that the position control approach based using an ISS to a 21-ton robotic excavator, the vertical
710 S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711

distance error of the end-effector is mostly within

74 cm for the task surfaces with inclines of 0; 301
and 301; respectively. Considering that the accuracy
achieved by an expert operator is usually within an error
of 75 cm at 0:5 m=s speed level, these results verify
good tracking performance of our proposed control law.

5. Conclusion

A TDCSA using an ISS was proposed in this paper

for the control of a 21-ton robotic excavator. From
analysis, we observed that the proposed control is more
robust against the disturbances and the parameter
variations, which occur in the low-frequency range,
than that of TDC and TDCSA using a PDSS. Through
experiments, we observed that TDCSA using an ISS is
effective enough to control a 21-ton robotic excavator;
and that our proposed control achieves better tracking Fig. 18. Overall structure of the hydraulic circuit for boom, arm and
performances than an expert operator does. Considering bucket.
that the experiments have been made over a broad
motion range, under realistic working speed conditions,
and on task surfaces with various inclines, we can
confirm the validity of our proposed control algorithm.

Appendix A. Dynamic modeling of the excavator system

We will obtain the brief model of the robotic

excavator to design the controller. More details about
the model of a robotic excavator can be found in Chang
and Lee (2002).
The dynamics of the manipulator consisting of boom,
arm and bucket can be mathematically modeled as
F ¼ Ml ðlÞ.l þ Vl ðl; ’lÞ þ Gl ðlÞ þ Frl ðl; ’lÞ; ðA:1Þ
where F denotes the 3 1 vector of forces acting on the
pistons in the cylinders, and l is the 3 1 vector, each
element of which represents the piston displacement
relative to the cylinder responsible for each link. Ml ðlÞ is
the 3 3 inertial matrix, Vl ðl; ’lÞ is the 3 1 vector of Fig. 19. Detailed structure of the hydraulic circuit pertaining to a link
centrifugal and Coriolis terms, Gl ðlÞ is the 3 1 vector (boom, arm and bucket).
of gravity terms, and Frl ðl; ’lÞ is the 3 1 vector
consisting of various friction terms. link as follows:
Fig. 18 shows the hydraulic actuator circuit of a 2 32 3
Hyundai Robex210LC-3. In Fig. 18, the flow from Kpa ai 0 Kpa ci Pai
pump 1 is divided and supplied to the boom cylinder 6 76 7
6 0 Kpb Kpb 76 Pbi 7
and the bucket cylinder, via main valves; whereas pump 4 bi ci 54 5
2 supplies flow to the arm cylinder. Fig. 19 shows one set Kpc ai Kpc bi Kpc ci Pci
of a main valve and cylinder pertaining to a specific link.
Now, consider the divide above, ignoring the com- 2 3
pressibility of oil at junctions (a)–(c) in Fig. 19. Then, Aai l’i  Ku ai ui  Qrm ai
6 7
from the continuity equation of flow at junctions (a)–(c) ¼6
4 Abi l’i  Ku bi ui  Qrm bi
5 ðA:2Þ
and a linearized valve flow equation (Chang & Lee,
2002), one can obtain linearized relationships of at each Qsec i  Ku ci ui  Kpc di Pdi  Qrm ai
S.-U. Lee, P. Hun Chang / Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002) 697–711 711

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