Water Resources Planning and Management
Water Resources Planning and Management
Water Resources Planning and Management
1. Introduction
4.1. Approaches
4.1.1. Top-Down Planning and Management
4.1.2. Bottom-Up Planning and Management
4.1.3. Integrated Water Resources Management
4.2. Planning and Management Aspects
4.2.1. Technical Aspects
4.2.2. Economic and Financial Aspects
4.2.3. Institutional Aspects
4.3. Analysis for Planning and Management
4.4. Models for Impact Prediction and Evaluation
4.5. Shared-Vision Modelling
4.6. Adaptive Integrated Policies
4.7. Post-Planning and Management Issues
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1. Introduction
Over the centuries, surface and ground waters have been a source of water supplies for
agricultural, municipal and industrial consumers. Rivers have provided hydroelectric energy and
inexpensive ways of transporting bulk cargo between different ports along their banks, as well as
water-based recreational opportunities, and have been a source of water for wildlife and its
habitat. They have also served as a means of transporting and transforming waste products that
are discharged into them. The quantity and quality regimes of streams and rivers have been a
major factor in governing the type, health and biodiversity of riparian and aquatic ecosystems.
Floodplains have provided fertile lands for agricultural production and relatively flat lands for
roads, railways and commercial and industrial complexes. In addition to the economic benefits
that can be derived from rivers and their floodplains, the aesthetic beauty of most natural rivers
has made lands adjacent to them attractive sites for residential and recreational development.
Rivers and their floodplains have generated and, if managed properly, can continue to generate
substantial economic, environmental and social benefits for their inhabitants. Human activities
undertaken to increase the benefits obtained from rivers and their floodplains may also increase
the potential for costs and damage when the river is experiencing rare or extreme flow
conditions, such as during periods of drought, floods and heavy pollution. These costs and
impacts are economic, environmental and social in nature and result from a mismatch between
what humans expect or demand, and what nature (and occasionally our own activities) offers or
supplies. Human activities tend to be based on the ‘usual or normal’ range of river flow
conditions. Rare or ‘extreme’ flow or water quality conditions outside these normal ranges will
continue to occur, and possibly with increasing frequency as climate change experts suggest.
River-dependent, human activities that cannot adjust to these occasional extreme conditions will
incur losses.
The planning of human activities involving rivers and their floodplains must consider certain
hydrological facts. One of these facts is that flows and storage volumes vary over space and time.
They are also finite. There are limits to the amounts of water that can be withdrawn from surface
and groundwater bodies. There are also limits to the amounts of potential pollutants that can be
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discharged into them without causing damage. Once these limits are exceeded, the
concentrations of pollutants in these waters may reduce or even eliminate the benefits that could
be obtained from other uses of the resource.
Water resources professionals have learned how to plan, design, build and operate structures that,
together with non-structural measures, increase the benefits people can obtain from the water
resources contained in rivers and their drainage basins. However, there is a limit to the services
one can expect from these resources. Rivers, estuaries and coastal zones under stress from
overdevelopment and overuse cannot reliably meet the expectations of those depending on them.
How can these renewable yet finite resources best be managed and used?
How can this be accomplished in an environment of uncertain supplies and uncertain and
increasing demands, and consequently of increasing conflicts among individuals having different
interests in the management of a river and its basin? The central purpose of water resources
planning and management activities is to address and, if possible, answer these questions. These
issues have scientific, technical, political (institutional) and social dimensions and thus, so must
water resources planning processes and their products.
River basin, estuarine and coastal zone managers –those responsible for managing the resources
in those areas – are expected to manage them effectively and efficiently, meeting the demands or
expectations of all users and reconciling divergent needs. This is no small task, especially as
demands increase, as the variability of hydrological and hydraulic processes becomes more
pronounced, and as stakeholder measures of system performance increase in number and
complexity. The focus or goal is no longer simply to maximize net economic benefits while
ensuring the equitable distribution of those benefits. Thereare also environmental and ecological
goals to consider. Rarely are management questions one-dimensional, such as:
‘How can we provide more high-quality water to irrigation areas in the basin at acceptable
costs?’ Now added to that question is how those withdrawals would affect the downstream water
quantity and quality regimes, and in turn the riparian and aquatic ecosystems. To address such
‘what if’ questions requires the integration of a variety of sciences and technologies with people
and their institutions. Problems and opportunities change over time. Just as the goals of
managing and using water change over time, so do the processes of planning to meet these
changing goals. Planning processes evolve not only to meet new demands, expectations and
objectives, but also in response to new perceptions of how to plan more effectively.
Reducing the frequency and/or severity of the adverse consequences of droughts, floods and
excessive pollution are common goals of many planning and management exercises. Other goals
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include the identification and evaluation of alternative measures that may increase the available
water supplies or hydropower, improve recreation and/or navigation, and enhance the quality of
water and aquatic ecosystems. Quantitative system performance criteria can help one judge the
relative net benefits, however measured, of alternative plans and management policies. System
performance criteria of interest have evolved over time. They have developed from being
primarily focused on safe drinking water just a century ago, to multipurpose economic
development a half-century ago, to goals that now include environmental and ecosystem
restoration and protection, aesthetic and recreational experiences, and more recently,
sustainability (ASCE, 1998). Some of the multiple purposes served by a river can be conflicting.
A reservoir used solely for hydropower or water supply is better able to meet its objectives when
it is full of water, rather than when it is empty. On the other hand, a reservoir used solely for
downstream flood control is best left empty, until the flood comes of course.
A single reservoir serving all three purposes introduces conflicts over how much water to store in
it and how it should be operated. In basins where diversion demands exceed the available
supplies, conflicts will exist over water allocations. Finding the best way to manage, if not
resolve, these conflicts that occur over time and space are other reasons for planning.
Issues involving inadequate supplies to meet demands can result from conflicts or concerns over
land and water use. They can result from growing urbanization, the development of additional
water supplies, the need to meet instream flow requirements, and conflicts over private property
and public rights regarding water allocations. Other issues can involve trans-basin water transfers
and markets, objectives of economic efficiency versus the desire to keep non-efficient activities
viable, and demand management measures, including incentives for water reuse and water reuse
financing. Measures to reduce the demand for water in times of supply scarcity should be
identified and agreed upon before everyone has to cope with an actual water scarcity. The
institutional authority to implement drought measures when their designated ‘triggers’ – such as
decreasing storage volumes in reservoirs – have been met should be established before the
measures are needed. Such management responses may include increased groundwater
abstractions to supplement low surface-water flows and storage volumes. Conjunctive use of
ground and surface waters can be sustainable as long as the groundwater aquifers are recharged
during conditions of high flow and storage volumes.
Damage due to flooding is a direct result of floodplain development that is vulnerable to floods.
This is a risk many take, and indeed on average it may result in positive private net benefits,
especially when public agencies subsidize these private risk takers in times of flooding. In many
river basins of developed regions, the level of annual expected flood damage is increasing over
time, in spite of increased expenditures on flood damage reduction measures. This is mainly due
to increased economic development on river floodplains, not to increased frequencies or
magnitudes of floods. The increased economic value of the development on floodplains often
justifies increased expenditure on flood damage reduction measures. Flood protection works
decrease the risks of flooding and consequent damage, creating an incentive for increased
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economic development. Then when a flood exceeding the capacity of existing flood protection
works occurs, and it will, even more damage results. This cycle of increasing flood damage and
cost of protection is a natural result of the increasing values of floodplain development. Just what
is the appropriate level of risk? It may depend, as Figure 1.18 illustrates, on the level of flood
insurance or subsidy provided when flooding occurs. Flood damage will decrease only if
restrictions are placed on floodplain development. Analyses carried out during planning can help
identify the appropriate level of development and flood damage protection works, on the basis of
both the beneficial and the adverse economic, environmental and ecological consequences of
floodplain development. People are increasingly recognizing the economic as well as
environmental and ecological benefits of allowing floodplains to do what they were formed to
do: store flood waters when floods occur.
The discharges of wastewater by industry and households can have considerable detrimental
effects on water quality and, hence, often on public and ecosystem health. Planning and
management activities should pay attention to these possible negative consequences of industrial
development, population growth and the intensive use of pesticides and fertilizers in urban as
well as in agricultural areas. Issues regarding the environment and water quality include:
➢ upstream versus downstream conflicts on meeting water quality standards
➢ threats from aquatic nuisance species
➢ threats from the chemical, physical and biological water quality of the watershed’s
aquatic resources
➢ quality standards for recycled water
➢ non-point source pollution discharges, including sediment from erosion
➢ inadequate groundwater protection compacts and concerned institutions.
We still know too little about the environmental and health impacts of many of the wastewater
constituents found in river waters. As more is learned about, for example, the harmful effects of
heavy metals and dioxins, our plans and management policies should be adjusted accordingly.
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Major fish losses and algae blooms point to the need to manage water quality as well as
Aquatic and riparian ecosystems may be subject to a number of threats. The most important
include habitat loss due to river training and reclamation of floodplains and wetlands for urban
and industrial development, poor water quality due to discharges of pesticides, fertilizers and
wastewater effluents, and the infestation of aquatic nuisance species.
Exotic aquatic nuisance species can be major threats to the chemical, physical and biological
water quality of a river’s aquatic resources, and a major interference with other uses. The
destruction and/or loss of the biological integrity of aquatic habitats caused by introduced exotic
species is considered by many ecologists to be among the most important problems facing
natural aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. The biological integrity of natural ecosystems is
controlled by habitat quality, water flows or discharges, water quality and biological interactions
including those involving exotic species.
Once exotic species are established, they are usually difficult to manage and nearly impossible to
eliminate. This creates a costly burden for current and future generations. The invasion in North
America of non-indigenous aquatic nuisance species such as the sea lamprey, zebra mussel,
purple loosestrife, European green crab and various aquatic plant species, for example, has had
pronounced economic and ecological consequences for all who use or otherwise benefit from
aquatic ecosystems.
Industrial and related port development may result in the demand for deeper rivers to allow the
operation of largerdraught cargo vessels in the river. River channel improvement cannot be
detached from functions such as water supply and flood control. Narrowing the river for shipping
purposes may increase floodwater levels.
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changes in river courses due to bank erosion and bank accretion are important inputs to land use
planning in river valleys and the choice of locations for bridges and hydraulic structures.
Environmental and morphological impacts downstream of the dam are often due to a changed
river hydrograph and decreased sediment load in the water released from the reservoir. Lower
sediment loads result in higher scouring of downstream riverbeds and consequently a lowering of
their elevations. Economic as well as social impacts include the risk of dams breaking.
Environmental impacts may result from sedimentation control measures (e.g., sediment flushing)
and reduced oxygen content of the out-flowing water. The ecological, environmental and
economic impacts of dams and reservoirs are heavily debated among planners and
environmentalists. In creating a new framework for decision-making, the World Commission on
Dams compiled and considered the arguments of all sides of this debate (WCD, 2000).
Figure 1.19 illustrates the interaction between these subsystems, all three of which should be
included in any analysis performed for water resource systems planning and management.
Inadequate attention to one can destroy the value of any work done to improve the performance
of the others.
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Watersheds or river basins are usually considered logical regions for water resources planning
and management. This makes sense if the impacts of decisions regarding water resources
management are contained within the watershed or basin. How land and water are managed in
one part of a river basin can affect the land and water in other parts of the basin. For example, the
discharge of pollutants or the clearing of forests in the upstream portion of the basin may degrade
the quality and increase the variability of the flows and sedimentation downstream. The
construction of a dam or weir in the downstream part of a river may prevent vessels and fish
from travelling upstream. To maximize the economic and social benefits obtained from the entire
basin, and to ensure that these benefits and accompanying costs are equitably distributed,
planning and management is often undertaken on a basin scale.
While basin boundaries make sense from a hydrological point of view, they may be inadequate
for addressing particular water resources problems that are caused by events taking place outside
the basin. What is desired is the highest level of performance, however defined, of the entire
physical, socio-economic and administrative water resource system. To the extent that the
applicable problems, stakeholders and administrative boundaries extend outside the river basin,
the physically based ‘river basin’ focus of planning and management should be expanded to
include the entire applicable ‘problem-shed’. Hence, consider the term ‘river basin’ used in this
book to mean problem-shed when appropriate.
Water resources planning requires looking into the future. Decisions recommended for the
immediate future should take account of their long-term future impacts. These impacts may also
depend on economic, demographic and physical conditions now and on into some distant future.
The question of just how far into the future one need look, and try to forecast, is directly
dependent on the influence that future forecast has on the present decisions. What is most
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important now is what decision to make now. Decisions that are to be made later can be based on
updated forecasts, then-current information and planning and management objectives. Planning
is a continuing sequential process. Water resources plans need to be periodically updated and
adapted to new information, new objectives, and updated forecasts of future supplies, demands,
costs and benefits.
The number and duration of within-year time periods explicitly considered in the planning
process will be dependent in part on the need to consider the variability of the supplies and
demands for water resources and on the purposes to be served by the water resources within the
basin. Irrigation planning and summer season water recreation planning may require a greater
number of within-year periods during the summer growing and recreation season than might be
the case if one were considering only municipal water supply planning, for example. Assessing
the impacts of alternatives for conjunctive surface and groundwater management, or for water
quantity and quality management, require attention to processes that take place on different
spatial and temporal scales.
Sustainable water resources systems are those designed and managed to best serve people living
today and in the future. The actions that we as a society take now to satisfy our own needs and
desires should depend not only on what those actions will do for us but also on how they will
affect our descendants. This consideration of the long term impacts on future generations of
actions taken now is the essence of sustainable development. While the word ‘sustainability’ can
mean different things to different people, it always includes a consideration of the welfare of
those living in the future. While the debate over a more precise definition of sustainability will
continue, and questions over just what it is that should be sustained may remain unanswered, this
should not delay progress toward achieving more sustainable water resources systems. The
concept of environmental and ecological sustainability has largely resulted from a growing
concern about the long-run health of our planet. There is increasing evidence that our present
resource use and management activities and actions, even at local levels, can significantly affect
the welfare of those living within much larger regions in the future. Water resource management
problems at a river basin level are rarely purely technical and of interest only to those living
within the individual river basins where those problems exist. They are increasingly related to
broader societal structures, demands and goals. What would future generations like us to do for
them? We don’t know, but we can guess. As uncertain as these guesses will be, we should take
them into account as we act to satisfy our own immediate needs, demands and desires. There
may be tradeoffs between what we wish to do for ourselves in our current generation versus what
we think future generations might wish us to do for them.
These tradeoffs, if any, between what present and future generations would like should be
considered and debated in the political arena. There is no scientific theory to help us identify
which tradeoffs, if any, are optimal.
The inclusion of sustainability criteria along with the more common economic, environmental,
ecological and social criteria used to evaluate alternative water resources development and
management strategies may identify a need to change how we commonly develop and use our
water resources. We need to consider the impacts of change itself. Change over time is certain –
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just what it will be is uncertain. These changes will affect the physical, biological and social
dimensions of water resource systems. An essential aspect in the planning, design and
management of sustainable systems is the anticipation of change. This includes change due to
geomorphologic processes, the aging of infrastructure, shifts in demands or desires of a changing
society, and even increased variability of water supplies, possibly because of a changing climate.
Change is an essential feature of sustainable water resources development and management.
Sustainable water resources systems are those designed and operated in ways that make them
more adaptive, robust and resilient to an uncertain and changing future. They must be capable of
functioning effectively under conditions of changing supplies, management objectives and
demands. Sustainable systems, like any others, may fail, but when they fail they must be capable
of recovering and operating properly without undue costs. In the face of certain changes, but
with uncertain impacts, an evolving and adaptive strategy for water resources development,
management and use is a necessary condition of sustainable development. Conversely,
inflexibility in the face of new information, objectives and social and political environments is an
indication of reduced system sustainability. Adaptive management is a process of adjusting
management actions and directions, as appropriate, in the light of new information on the current
and likely future condition of our total environment and on our progress toward meeting our
goals and objectives. Water resources development and management decisions can be viewed as
experiments, subject to modification, but with goals clearly in mind. Adaptive management
recognizes the limitations of current knowledge and experience as well as those that we learn by
experimenting. It helps us move toward meeting our changing goals over time in the face of this
incomplete knowledge and uncertainty. It accepts the fact that there is a continual need to review
and revise management approaches because of the changing, as well as uncertain, nature of our
socio-economic and natural environments.
Changing the social and institutional components of water resources systems is often the most
challenging task, because it involves changing the way individuals think and act. Any process
involving change will require that we change our institutions – the rules under which we as a
society function. Individuals are primarily responsible for, and adaptive to, changing political
and social situations. Sustainability requires that public and private institutions also change over
time in ways that are responsive to the needs of individuals and society.
Given the uncertainty of what future generations will want, and the economic, environmental and
ecological problems they will face, a guiding principle for the achievement of sustainable water
resource systems is to provide options to future generations. One of the best ways to do this is to
interfere as little as possible with the proper functioning of natural life cycles within river basins,
estuaries and coastal zones. Throughout the water resources system planning and management
process, it is important to identify all the beneficial and adverse ecological, economic,
environmental and social effects – especially the long-term effects – associated with any
proposed project
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There are two general approaches to planning and management. One is from the top down, often
called command and control. The other is from the bottom up, often called a grass-roots
approach. Both approaches can lead to an integrated plan and management policy.
Over much of the past half century, water resources professionals have been engaged in
preparing integrated, multipurpose ‘master’ development plans for many of the world’s river
basins. These plans typically consist of a series of reports, complete with numerous appendices,
describing all aspects of water resources management and use. In these documents alternative
structural and non-structural management options are identified and evaluated. On the basis of
these evaluations, the preferred plan is presented. This master planning exercise has typically
been a topdown approach that professionals have dominated. Using this approach there is usually
little if any active participation by interested stakeholders. The approach assumes that one or
more institutions have the ability and authority to develop and implement the plan, in other
words, that will oversee and manage the coordinated development and operation of the basin’s
activities that affect the surface and ground waters of the basin. In today’s environment, where
publics are calling for less governmental oversight, regulation and control, and increasing
participation in planning and management activities, top-down approaches are becoming less
desirable or acceptable.
Within the past decade water resources planning and management processes have increasingly
involved the active participation of interested stakeholders – those affected in any way by the
management of the water and land resources. Plans are being created from the bottom up rather
than top down. Concerned citizens and nongovernmental organizations, as well as professionals
in governmental agencies, are increasingly working together towards the creation of adaptive
comprehensive water management programs, policies and plans.
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Successful planning and management involves motivating all potential stakeholders and sponsors
to join in the water resources planning and management process, determining their respective
roles and establishing how to achieve consensus on goals and objectives. Ideally this should
occur before addressing conflicting issues so that all involved know each other and are able to
work together more effectively. Agreements on goals and objectives and on the organization (or
group formed from multiple organizations) that will lead and coordinate the water resources
planning and management process should be reached before stakeholders bring their individual
priorities or problems to the table. Once the inevitable conflicts become identified, the settling of
administrative matters doesn’t get any easier.
Bottom-up planning must strive to achieve a common or ‘shared’ vision of goals and priorities
among all stakeholders. It must be aware of and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
It should strive to identify and evaluate multiple alternatives and performance criteria –including
sustainability criteria – and yet keep the process from producing a wish-list of everything each
stakeholder wants. In other words, it must identify tradeoffs among conflicting goals or measures
of performance, and prioritize appropriate strategies. It must value and compare, somehow, the
intangible and non-monetary impacts of environmental and ecosystem protection and restoration
with other activities whose benefits and costs can be expressed in monetary units. In doing so,
planners should use modern information technology to improve both the process and product.
This technology, however, will not eliminate the need to reach conclusions and make decisions
on the basis of incomplete and uncertain data and scientific knowledge.
These process issues focus on the need to make water resources planning and management as
efficient and effective as possible. Many issues will arise in terms of evaluating alternatives and
establishing performance criteria (prioritizing issues and possible actions), performing
incremental cost analysis, and valuing monetary and nonmonetary benefits. Questions must be
answered as to how much data must be collected and with what precision, and what types of
modern information technology (e.g., geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing,
Internet, decision support systems, etc.) can be beneficially used for both analyses and
The concept of integrated water resources management (IWRM) has been developing since the
beginning of the eighties. IWRM is the response to the growing pressure on our water resources
systems caused by growing population and socio-economic developments. Water shortages and
deteriorating water quality have forced many countries in the world to reconsider their options
with respect to the management of their water resources. As a result water resources
management (WRM) has been undergoing a change worldwide, moving from a mainly supply-
oriented, engineering-biased approach towards a demand-oriented, multi-sectoral approach, often
labeled integrated water resources management.
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top-down ‘water master planning’ (see Section 5.1.1), which focuses on water availability and
development, towards ‘comprehensive water policy planning’ which addresses the interaction
between different sub-sectors, seeks to establish priorities, considers institutional requirements
and deals with the building of management capacity.
IWRM considers the use of the resources in relation to social and economic activities and
functions. These also determine the need for laws and regulations for the sustainable use of the
water resources. Infrastructure made available, in relation to regulatory measures and
mechanisms, will allow for effective use of the resource, taking due account of the
environmental carrying capacity (Box 1.2).
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Technical aspects of planning include hydrological assessments. These identify and characterize
the properties of, and interactions among, the resources in the basin or region, including the land,
the rainfall, the runoff, the stream and river flows and the groundwater.
Existing watershed land use and land cover, and future changes in this use and cover, result in
part from existing and future changes in regional population and economy. Planning involves
predicting changes in land use/covers and economic activities at watershed and river basin levels.
These will influence the amount of runoff, and the concentrations of sediment and other quality
constituents (organic wastes, nutrients, pesticides, etc.) it contains as a result of any given pattern
of rainfall over the land area. These predictions will help planners estimate the quantities and
qualities of flows and their constituents throughout a watershed or basin, associated with any
land use and water management policy. This in turn provides the basis for predicting the type
and health of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the basin. All of this may affect the economic
development of the region, which in part determines the future demands for changes in land use
and land cover. Technical aspects also include the estimation of the costs and benefits of any
measures taken to manage the basin’s water resources. These measures might include:
➢ engineering structures for making better use of scarce water
➢ canals and water-lifting devices
➢ dams and storage reservoirs that can retain excess water from periods of high-flow for
use during the periods of low-flow (and may reduce flood damage below the reservoir by
storing floodwater)
➢ open channels that may take the form of a canal, flume, tunnel or partly filled pipe
➢ pressure conduits
➢ diversion structures, ditches, pipes, checks, flow dividers and other engineering facilities
necessary for the effective operation of irrigation and drainage systems
➢ municipal and industrial water intakes, including water purification plants and
transmission facilities
➢ sewerage and industrial wastewater treatment plants, including waste collection and
ultimate disposal facilities
➢ hydroelectric power storage, run-of-river or pumped storage plants,
➢ river channel regulation works, bank stabilization, navigation dams and barrages,
navigation locks and other engineering facilities for improving a river for navigation
➢ levees and floodwalls for confinement of the flow within a predetermined channel.
Not only must the planning process identify and evaluate alternative management strategies
involving structural and non-structural measures that will incur costs and bring benefits, but it
must also identify and evaluate alternative time schedules for implementing those measures. The
planning of development over time involving interdependent projects, uncertain future supplies
and demands as well as costs, benefits and interest (discount) rates is part of all water resources
planning and management processes. With increasing emphasis placed on ecosystem
preservation and enhancement, planning must include ecologic impact assessments. The mix of
soil types and depths and land covers together with the hydrological quantity and quality flow
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and storage regimes in rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers affect the riparian and aquatic ecology
of the basin. Water managers are being asked to consider ways of improving or restoring
ecosystems by, for example, reducing:
➢ the destruction and/or loss of the biological integrity of aquatic habitats caused by
introduced exotic species
➢ the decline in number and extent of wetlands and the adverse impacts on wetlands of
proposed land and water development projects
➢ the conflicts between the needs of people for water supply, recreation, energy, flood
control, and navigation infrastructure and the needs of ecological communities, including
endangered species.
And indeed there are and will continue to be conflicts among alternative objectives and purposes
of water management. Planners and managers must identify the tradeoffs among environmental,
ecologic, economic and social impacts, however measured, and the management alternatives that
can balance these often-conflicting interests.
The fourth Dublin principle states that water has an economic value in all its competing uses and
should be recognized as an economic good. This principle addresses the need to extract the
maximum benefits from a limited resource as well as the need to generate funds to recover the
costs of the investments and of the operation and maintenance of the system.
The maximization of benefits is based on a common economic market approach. Many past
failures in water resources management are attributable to the fact that water has been – and still
is – viewed as a free good. Prices of water for irrigation and drinking water are in many countries
well below the full cost of the infrastructure and personnel needed to provide that water, which
comprises the capital charges involved, the operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, the
opportunity cost, economic externalities and environmental externalities (see GWP, 2000).
Charging for water at less than full cost means that the government, society and/or environment
‘subsidizes’ water use and leads to sub-optimal use of the resource. Recognizing water as an
economic good does not always mean that full costs should be charged. Poor people have the
right to safe water and this should be taken into account. For that reason the fourth Dublin
principle is often referred to as water being an economic and social good.
Cost recovery is the second reason for the fourth Dublin principle. The overriding financial
component of any planning process is to make sure that the recommended plans and projects are
able to pay for themselves. Revenues are needed to recover construction costs, if any, and to
maintain, repair and operate any infrastructure designed to manage the basin’s water resources.
This may require cost-recovery policies that involve pricing the outputs of projects. Beneficiaries
should be expected to pay at least something, and in some way, for the added benefits they get.
Planning must identify equitable cost and risk-sharing policies and improved approaches to
risk/cost management. In many developing countries a distinction is made between cost recovery
of investments and cost recovery of O&M costs. Cost recovery of O&M costs is a minimum
condition for a sustainable project. Without that, it is likely that the performance of the project
will deteriorate seriously over time.
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In most WRM studies, financial viability is viewed as a constraint that must be satisfied. It is not
viewed as an objective whose maximization could result in a reduction in economic efficiency,
equity or other non-monetary objectives.
The first condition for successful project implementation is to have an enabling environment.
There must exist national, provincial and local policies, legislation and institutions that make it
possible for the right decisions to be taken and implemented correctly. The role of the
government is crucial. The reasons for governmental involvement are manifold:
Water is a resource beyond property rights: it cannot be ‘owned’ by private persons. Water rights
can be given to persons or companies, but only the rights to use the water and not to own it.
Conflicts between users automatically turn up at the table of the final owner of the resource – the
Water is a resource that often requires large investment to develop. Many water resources
development projects are very expensive and have many beneficiaries. Examples are
multipurpose reservoirs and the construction of dykes along coasts and rivers. The required
investments need large financial commitments which only can be made by the government or
state-owned companies.
Water is a medium that can easily transfer external effects. The use of water by one person often
has negative effects on others (externalities). The obvious example is the discharge of waste into
a river that may have negative effects on downstream users.
Only the government can address these issues and ‘good governance’ is necessary for good water
An insufficient institutional setting and the lack of a sound economic base are the main causes of
water resources development project failure, not technical inadequacy of design and
construction. This is also the reason why at present much attention is given to institutional
developments in the sector, in both developed and developing countries. In Europe, various types
of water agencies are operational (e.g., the Agence de l’Eau in France and the water companies
in England), each having advantages and disadvantages. The Water Framework Directive of the
European Union requires that water management be carried out at the scale of a river basin,
particularly when this involves transboundary management. It is very likely that this will result
in a shift in responsibilities of the institutions involved and the establishment of new institutions.
In other parts of the world experiments are being carried out with various types of river basin
organizations, combining local, regional and sometimes national governments.
Analyses for water resources planning and management generally comprise several stages. The
explicit description of these stages is referred to as the analytical (or conceptual) framework.
Within this framework, a set of coherent models for the quantitative analysis of measures and
strategies is used. This set of models and related databases will be referred to as the
computational framework. This book is mainly about the computational framework.
The purpose of the analyses is to prepare and support planning and management decisions. The
main phases of the analytical framework therefore correspond to the phases of the decision
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process. Such a decision process is not a simple, one-line sequence of steps. Inherent in a
decision-making process are factors causing the decision makers to return to earlier steps of the
process. Part of the process is thus cyclic. A distinction is made between comprehension cycles
and feedback cycles. A comprehension cycle improves the decision-makers’ understanding of a
complex problem by cycling within or between steps. Feedback cycles imply returning to earlier
phases of the process. They are needed when:
solutions fail to meet criteria. new insights change the perception of the problem and its solutions
(e.g., due to more/better information). essential system links have been overlooked.
situations change (political, international, societal developments).
As an example, the analytical framework that is used by Delft Hydraulics for WRM studies is
depicted in Figure 1.20. The three elementary phases of that framework are:
➢ inception
➢ development
➢ selection.
During each phase the processes have a cyclic component (comprehensive cycle). Interaction
with the decision makers, or their representatives, is essential throughout the process. Regular
reporting through inception and interim reports will improve the effectiveness of the
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communication. The first phase of the process is the inception phase. Here the subject of the
analysis (what is analysed under what conditions) and its object (the desired results of the
analysis) are specified. Based on this initial analysis, during which intensive communication with
(representatives of the) decision-makers is essential, the approach for the policy analysis is
specified. The results of the inception phase are presented in the inception report, which includes
the work plan for the other phases of the analysis process (project).
In the development phase tools are developed for analysing and identifying possible solutions to
the WRM problems. The main block of activities is usually related to data collection and
modelling. Various preliminary analyses will be made to ensure that the tools developed for the
purpose are appropriate for solving the WRM problems. Individual measures will be developed
and screened in this phase, and preliminary attempts will be made to combine promising
measures into management strategies. The development phase is characterized by an increased
understanding of the functioning of the water resources system, starting with limited data sets
and simplified tools and ending at the levels of detail deemed necessary in the inception phase.
Scanning of possible measures should also start as soon as possible during this phase. The
desired level of detail in the data collection and modelling strongly depends on what is required
to distinguish among the various measures being considered. Interactions with decision makers
are facilitated through the presentation of interim results in interim reports.
The purpose of the selection phase is to prepare a limited number of promising strategies based
on a detailed analysis of their effects on the evaluation criteria, and to present them to the
decision-makers, who will make the final selection. Important activities in this phase are strategy
design, evaluation of strategies and presentation. The results of this phase are included in the
final report.
Although it is clear that analyses are made to support the decision-making process, it is not
always clear who will make the final decision, or who is the decisionmaker. If analyses are
contracted to a consultant, careful selection of the appropriate coordinating agency is
instrumental to the successful implementation of the project. It is always advantageous to use
existing line agencies as much as possible. Interactions with the decision-makers usually take
place through steering commissions (with an interdepartmental forum) and technical advisory
The process of planning has undergone a significant transformation over the past several
decades, mainly due to the continuing development of improved computational technology, and
various water resource simulation and optimization models together with their associated
databases and user-friendly interactive interfaces. Planning today is heavily dependent on the use
of computer-based impact prediction models. Such models are used to assist in the identification
and evaluation of alternative ways of meeting various planning and management objectives.
They provide an efficient way of analysing spatial and temporal data in an effort to predict the
interaction and impacts, over space and time, of various river basin components under alternative
designs and operating policies.
Many of the systems analysis approaches and models discussed in the accompanying chapters of
this book have been, and continue to be, central to the planning and management process. Their
usefulness is directly dependent on the quality of the data and models being used.
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Models can assist planning and management at different levels of detail. Some are used for
preliminary screening of alternative plans and policies, and as such do not require major data
collection efforts. Screening models can also be used to estimate how significant certain data and
assumptions are for the decisions being considered, and hence can help guide additional data
collection activities. At the other end of the planning and management spectrum, much more
detailed models can be used for engineering design. These more complex models are more data
demanding, and typically require higher levels of expertise for their proper use.
The integration of modelling technology into the social and political components of the planning
and management processes in a way that enhances those processes continues to be the main
challenge of those who develop planning and management models. Efforts to build and apply
interactive generic modelling programs or ‘shells,’ on which interested stakeholders can ‘draw
in’ their system, enter their data and operating rules at the level of detail desired, run simulations,
and discover the effect of alternative assumptions and operating rules, has in many cases helped
to create a common or shared understanding among these stakeholders. Getting stakeholders
involved in developing and experimenting with their own interactive data-driven models has
been an effective way of building a consensus–a shared vision.
One of the first issues to address when considering water resources planning and management
activities is the product desired. If it is to be a report, what should the report contain? If it is to be
a model or a decision support system, what should be its capabilities?
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Clearly a portion of any report should contain a discussion of the water resources management
issues and options. Another part of the report might include a prioritized list of strategies for
addressing existing problems and available development or management opportunities in the
Recent emphasis has shifted from structural engineering solutions to more non-structural
alternatives, especially for environmental and ecosystem restoration. Part of this shift reflects the
desire to keep more options open for future generations. It reflects the desire to be adaptive to
new information and to respond to surprises – impacts not forecasted. As we learn more about
how river basins, estuaries and coastal zones work, and how humans can better manage those
resources, we do not want to regret what we have done in the past that may preclude this
adaptation. In some situations it may be desirable to create a ‘rolling’ plan – one that can be
updated at any time. This permits responses to resource management and regulatory questions
when they are asked, not just at times when new planning and management exercises take place.
While this appears to be desirable, will planning and management organizations have the
financing and support to maintain and update the modelling software used to estimate various
impacts, collect and analyse new data, and maintain the expertise, all of which are necessary for
continuous planning (rolling plans)?
Consideration also needs to be given to improving the quality of the water resources planning
and management review process, and focusing on outcomes themselves rather than output
measures. One of the outcomes should be an increased understanding of some of the
relationships between various human activities and the hydrology and ecology of the basin,
estuary or coastal zone. Models developed for predicting the economic as well as ecologic
interactions and impacts due to changes in land and water management and use could be used to
address questions such as:
What are the hydrological, ecological and economic consequences of clustering or dispersing
human land uses such as urban and commercial developments and large residential areas?
Similarly, what are the consequences of concentrated versus dispersed patterns of reserve lands,
stream buffers and forestland?
What are the costs and ecological benefits of a conservation strategy based on near-stream
measures (e.g., riparian buffers) versus near-source (e.g., upland/siteedge) measures? What is the
relative cost of forgone upland development versus forgone valley or riparian development? Do
costs strongly limit the use of stream buffer zones for mitigating agriculture, residential and
urban developments?
Should large intensive developments be best located in upland or valley areas? Does the answer
differ depending on economic, environmental or aquatic ecosystem perspectives? From the same
perspectives, is the most efficient and desirable landscape highly fragmented or highly zoned
with centres of economic activity?
To what extent can riparian conservation and enhancement mitigate upland human land use
effects? How do the costs of upland controls compare with the costs of riparian mitigation
What are the economic and environmental quality tradeoffs associated with different areas of
various classes of land use such as commercial/urban, residential, agriculture and forest?
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Can adverse effects on hydrology, aquatic ecology and water quality of urban areas be better
mitigated through upstream or downstream management approaches? Can land controls like
stream buffers be used at reasonable cost within urban areas, and if so, how effective are they?
Is there a threshold size for residential/commercial areas that yield marked ecological effects?
What are the ecological states at the landscape scale that, once attained, become irreversible with
reasonable mitigation measures? For example, once stream segments in an urban setting become
highly altered by direct and indirect effects (e.g., channel bank protection and straightening and
urban runoff ), can they be restored with feasible changes in urban land use or mitigation
The answers to these and similar questions may well differ in different regions. However, if we
can address them on a regional scale – in multiple river basins – we might begin to understand
and predict better the interactions among economy, environment and ecology as a function of
how we manage and use its land and water. This in turn may help us better manage and use our
land and water resources for the betterment of all – now and in the future.
Once a plan or strategy is produced, common implementation issues include seeing that the plan
is followed, and modified, as appropriate, over time. What incentives need to be created to
ensure compliance? How are the impacts resulting from the implementation of any decision
going to be monitored, assessed and modified as required and desired? Who is going to be
responsible? Who is going to pay, and how much? Who will keep the stakeholders informed?
Who will keep the plan current? How often should plans and their databases be updated? How
can new projects be operated in ways that increase the efficiencies and effectiveness of joint
operation of multiple projects in watersheds or river basins – rather than each project being
operated independently of the others? These questions should be asked and answered, at least in
general terms, before the water resources planning and management process begins. The
questions should be revisited as decisions are made and when answers to them can be much more
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Planning (the formulation of development and management plans and policies) is an important
and often indispensable means to support and improve operational management. It provides an
opportunity to:
assess the current state of the water resources and the conflicts and priorities over their use,
formulate visions, set goals and targets, and thus orient operational management provide a
framework for organizing policy relevant research and public participation increase the
legitimacy, public acceptance of (or even support for) the way the resources are to be allocated
or controlled, especially in times of stress facilitate the interaction, discussion and coordination
among managers and stakeholders, and generate a common point of reference – a management
plan or policy.
Many of the concerns and issues being addressed by water resources planners and managers
today are similar to those faced by planners and managers in the past. But some are different.
Most of the new ones are the result of two trends: first, a growing concern for the sustainability
of natural ecosystems and second, an increased recognition of the need of a bottom-up ‘grass
roots’ participatory approach to planning, managing and decision making.
Today planners work for economic development and prosperity as they did in the past, keeping
in mind environmental impacts and goals as they did then, but now recognizing ecological
impacts and values as well. Water resources management may still be focused on controlling and
mitigating the adverse impacts of floods and droughts and water pollution, on producing
hydropower, on developing irrigation, on controlling erosion and sediment, and on promoting
navigation, but only as these and similar activities are compatible with healthy ecosystems.
Natural ecosystems generally benefit from the variability of natural hydrological regimes. Other
uses prefer less variability. Much of our engineering infrastructure is operated so as to reduce
hydrological variability. Today water resource systems are increasingly required to provide
rather than reduce hydrological (and accompanying sediment load) variability. Reservoir
operators, for example, can modify their water release policies to increase this variability.
Farmers and land-use developers must minimize rather than encourage land-disturbing activities.
Floodplains may need to get wet occasionally. Rivers and streams may need to meander and fish
species that require habitats along the full length of rivers to complete their life cycles must have
access to those river reaches. Clearly these ecological objectives, added to all the other economic
and environmental ones, can only compound the conflicts and issues with respect to land and
water management and use.
So, how can we manage all this conflict and uncertainty? We know that water resources planning
and management should be founded on sound science, efficient public programme administration
and the broad participation of stakeholders. Yet obtaining each of these three conditions is a
challenge. While the natural and social sciences can help us predict the economic, environmental
and ecological impacts of alternative decisions, those predictions are never certain. In addition,
these sciences offer no help in determining the best decision to make in the face of multiple
conflicting goals held by multiple stakeholders – goals that have changed, and no doubt will
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continue to change. Water resources planning and management and decision-making is not as
easy as ‘we professionals can tell you what to do, all you need is the will to do it’. Very often it
is not clear what should be done. Professionals administering the science, often from public
agencies, non-governmental organizations, or even from universities, are merely among all the
stakeholders having an interest in and contributing to the management of water.
Each governmental agency, consulting firm, environmental interest group and citizen typically
has particular limitations, authorities, expertise and conflicts with other people, agencies and
organizations, all tending to detract from achieving a fully integrated approach to water resources
planning and management. But precisely because of this, the participation and contributions of
all these stakeholders are needed. They must come together in a partnership if indeed an
integrated approach to water resources planning and management is to be achieved and
sustained. All views must be heard, considered and acted upon by all involved in the water
resources planning and management process. Water resources planning and management is not
simply the application and implementation of science. It is creating a social environment that
brings in all of us who should be involved, from the beginning, in a continuing planning process.
This process is one of:
➢ educating ourselves about how our systems work and function
➢ identifying existing or potential options and opportunities for enhancement and resource
development and use
➢ resolving the inevitable problems and conflicts that will result over who gets what and
when, and who pays who for what and when and how much
➢ making and implementing decisions, and finally of
➢ monitoring the impacts of those decisions.
Water resources planning and management processes should identify a vision that guides
development and operational activities in the affected region. Planning and management
processes should:
➢ recognize and address the goals and expectations of the region’s stakeholders
➢ identify and respond to the region’s water-related problems
➢ function effectively within the region’s legal/institutional frameworks
➢ accommodate both short and long-term issues
➢ generate a diverse menu of alternatives
➢ integrate the biotic and abiotic parts of the basin
➢ take into account the allocation of water for all needs, including those of natural systems
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➢ be stakeholder driven
➢ take a global perspective
➢ be flexible and adaptable
➢ drive regulatory processes, not be driven by them
➢ be the basis for policy making
➢ foster coordination among planning partners and consistency among related plans
➢ be accommodating of multiple objectives
➢ be a synthesizer, recognize and deal with conflicts
➢ produce recommendations that can be implemented.
All too often integrated planning processes are hampered by the separation of planning,
management and implementing authorities, turf-protection attitudes, shortsighted focusing of
efforts, lack of objectivity on the part of planners, and inadequate funding. These deficiencies
need addressing if integrated holistic planning and management is to be more than just
something to write about. Effective water resources planning and management is a challenge
today, and will be an increasing challenge into the foreseeable future. This book introduces some
of the tools that are being used to meet these challenges. We consider it only a step towards
becoming an accomplished planner or manager.
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