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Water resources engineering is the quantitative study of the hydrologic cycle the distribution and
circulation of water linking the earth's atmospheres land and oceans, water resources engineering can
be broadly divided into the three categories of groundwater, hydrology and hydraulics. Water resources
engineers fulfill a wide variety of roles in designing and managing water-based systems.

These roles include designing major water distribution systems that transport water to users and
collection systems that convey waste and storm water, managing surface and ground water resources,
metering and quantifying flows in rivers and streams, modeling and designing major water resources

Development and Environment

* What is Development?

Development is a process that makes growth, Progress, Positive change or the addition of physical,
economic, environmental, social and demographic components.

* Sustainable development

"Development that meets the present needs compromising the ability of the future generation to meet
their own needs".

1. Sustainability of a project is achieved when it meets objectives and is maintained by its uses over a
Period of time.

2. Water resources development and management

3. Important part of water resource development is water recycling and reusing of water.

Historical background

WRM for human use, a subset of management of natural water cycle, for optimal use of water resource
through Planning, developments and distribution. Major stakeholders of water consumption are
agriculture in rural sector and domestic, industrial other institutional use in urban and other sectors.
Various attempts were made by the water managers considered interrelation among the competing
demands of resource from different stakeholders to evaluate the effective use of water resource.
Water is also known as an important component of environment. Engineering component of
environment and management in demand to meet the water needs of a growing world population
within given environmental and social constraints. It is using in agriculture and M and I.

* Sustainable Water Resource Development and Management.

Sustainable water resource development and management is a comprehensive volume on this

important topic. It broadly covers the sources, availability, demand and supply of water and its uses in
irrigation and crop production in agriculture. It then delves into many specific aspects of water resource
development and management. Including Irrigation creation and utilization

* Water storage efficiency, conveyance efficiency, distribution efficiency, and application efficiency.

* The role of water in plant systems and soil - water - Plant relationships.

* Estimating the water need for irrigation along with management strategies.

* Water quality in agriculture as well as the impact of water on human health.

* Water pricing

*A wetland management and water productivity.

*Water pollution in agriculture and water contamination in urban and rural areas.

Relationship between water resources and Civil Engineering.

Water engineering is a division of civil engineering, focusing specifically on water based Projects and
may include water treatment, waste water, or infrastructure development .Water resource engineers
will play fundamental roles in developing the plans for new infrastructure and taking them through the
planning approval stages, to procurement, Construction, commissioning and operation.

It offers a multidisciplinary engineering degree Program in the areas of water, Environment,

Transportation, Geotechnical and structural engineering .The main objectives of the department are to
provide a sound academic base for graduate Civil Engineers.

Water resources Engineers have wide scope to Work in sectors such as: Environmental impact,
assessment and mitigation, water supply and treatment. Air quality management etc.

Why environmental issues are concerned in water resource engineering?

Major environmental issues of water resources are challenges and threats for the availability of water
resources include: water security, water Pollution, water conflict and climate Change.

Major Environmental Impacts of water resources Projects: The impacts caused by construction of dams
and reservoirs include changes in the microclimate, loss of vegetation cover, soil erosion, variation in
water table and enhanced seismic activities due to pressure of water. Water for the environment
underpins a range of activities and outcomes throughout the state.

Application of water resources engineering

Applications include design of hydraulic structures, such as sewage conduits, dams and breakwaters, the
management of waterways, Such as erosion Protection and flood protection, and environmental
management, such as

Prediction of the mixing and transport of pollutants in surface Water.

Applications of Engineering Hydrology

Hydrology provides guidance for undergoing proper planning and management of water resources.
Calculates rainfall, surface run off and precipitation. It determines the water balance particular region. It
mitigates and predicts flood, landslide and drought risk in the region.

Hydrology is an indispensable tool in planning building hydraulic structures .Hydrology is used for city
water supply design which is based on catchments area, amount of rainfall, dry Period, Storage capacity,
runoff evaporation and transpiration.

Sustainable development of water resource in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is considered one of most vulnerable countries in the world to the impact of climate change
.Hydro_ meteorological shocks, including inundation of Coastal plain for relative sea level rise, Salinity
ingress in cropland and fresh water resources, drainage congestion and sanitation, reduction in crop
yield, soil moisture loss, loss of biodiversity due to decline of the coastal mangrove forest,and impact on
human health will prove to be the major challenges related to climate change in Bangladesh. Most land
area in Bangladesh belongs to the Bengal Delta that requires uninterrupted, natural flow of fresh water
to keep salinity intrusion at bay and sedimentation rates that are larger than rate of sea level rise.
Integrated water Resources Management

IWRM Definition

* Global water Partnership (2000) defines

IWRM is a process, which promotes the Co-ordinated development and management of water, land
and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable
manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystem.

*Here are the focus points:

* Economy.

* Equity.

* Sustainability.

Integrated WRM

* What do you mean by" Integration"

"Regular interaction of independent groups of items forming a uniform whole”

Integrating the night amount of these items into a whole is necessary for success.

Challenges to IWRM

* Increasing demand.

* Spatial and temporal variability of water.

* Economic and social welfare.

* Environmental sustainability

*water from many domain- knowledge gap

* Data and information.

*Quality and management.

* Problems in managing water in BGD

* Flat topography - no storage facility available.

* Marked difference between wet and dry season (water availability)

* Lack of integrated Planning and management

*unplanned transport network.

* FCDs result conflicts in fisheries, transport, salt Production.

*Increased water logging in some places.

* Local People interest was overlooked and food security was prioritized.

* Several plans are merely donor driven.

* Poor performance in cost recovery and economic return.

Lack of participation from local people.

* Mostly based on donor prescription

*People feel as charity and are not willing to pay for the service.

* BGD does not have control over the basin level at high flow and does not receive minimum flow at dry

*Lack of regional cooperation. Few steps in cooperation; however, those all are bilateral whereas basins
are shared by multi-country

Challenges for future

* Increasing cost of new supply on Supply augmentation.

* Wasteful use of existing supply

* Malfunctioning of existing structure,


*Ground water depletion

* Water quality and costal salinity.

* Water allocation and ecosystem maintenance

1. Environmental flow.

* Massive subsidies

* Regional cooperation.

Advantages and Disadvantages of water resources engineering

*Dams can prevent flooding in the area.

* They are made to last a very long time.

* Dams provide cheap electricity for millions of people.

*Dams Provide irrigation control. They also provide rubbish control (debris control).

Disadvantages of water resource engineering

* Dams provide irrigation control

* Rainfall is unpredictable.

*water tanks can be very hard clean.

* Some cleaning systems cost a lot of money.

*I have to refill my water tanks, it may cost my money.

* I can't connect as much water as I like, as it over flows.

* Water tanks have getting dirty.

Climate change and its impact top

The following impacts of climate Changes have already been observed in Bangladesh. Summers are
becoming hotter monsoon irregular, untimely rainfall, heavy rainfall over short period causing water
logging landslides, very little rainfall in dry period, increased river flow and inundation during monsoon.
Humans and wild animals face new challenges for survival because of climate change. More frequent
and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans


Our water resources, irregularly distributed in space and time, are under pressure for major population
change and increased demand. Access to reliable data on the availability, quality and quantity of water
and its variability, form the necessary foundation for Sound management of water resources.

The different options for augmentation expand the boundaries of the water resource in a conventional
sense, helping to match demand and supply. All components of the hydrological cycles and influence of
human activities on it, need to be understood and quantified to efficiently and sustainably develop and
Protect Water Resources

It is important to better control the use of underground water that will not be replenished. Longstanding
practices, such as collecting rainwater, are being refined and supplemented by newer techniques such
as artificial recharge, desalination and re-use. Growing changes in the availability of water resources will
require Political support for the collection of information on water resources.

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