English - B.A
English - B.A
English - B.A
First Year
1) To encourage the students to speak English
2) To enable students to use English in day-to-day communication
3) To build up their confidence in the usage of English
4) To expose them to light prose and poetry
5) To develop their written communicative competence
Textbook entitled ‘Prism: Spoken and Written Communication, Prose & Poetry’
published by Orient Longman
1) The Bet – Anton Chekov
2) Socrates and the Schoolmaster – F. L. Brayne
3) An Astrologer’s Day – R. K. Narayan
4) The Gift of the Magi – O’ Henry
5) With the Photographer – Stephen Leacock
6) Speech on Indian Independence – Jawaharlal Nehru
1) The Felling of the Banyan Tree – Dilip Chitre
2) Stay Calm – Grenville Kleiser
3) On Television – Roald Dahl
4) Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth – Arthur Hugh Clough
5) No Men are Foreign – James Kirkup
6) Abou Ben Adhem – James Leigh Hunt
Spoken Communication:
1) Meeting People, Exchanging Greetings and Taking Leave
2) Introducing Yourself
3) Introducing People to Others
4) Giving Personal Information
5) Talking about People and Places
6) Answering the Telephone and Asking for Someone
7) Dealing with a Wrong Number
8) Taking and Leaving Messages
9) Making Inquiries on the Phone
10) Calling for Help in an Emergency
11) Getting People’s Attention and Interrupting
12) Giving Instructions and Seeking Clarifications
13) Making Requests and Responding to Requests
14) Asking for Directions and Giving Directions
15) Thanking Someone and Responding to Thanks
16) Inviting and Accepting and Refusing an Invitation
17) Apologizing and Responding to an Apology
18) Congratulating and Responding to Congratulations
19) Paying Compliments, Showing Appreciation, Offering Encouragement and
Responding to them
20) Asking for, Giving and Refusing Permission
Written Communication:
1) Summarizing
2) Note Making and Note Taking
Question paper pattern and the guidelines for Internal assessment will be circulated
in due course of time.
Syllabus B. A. Optional English
1) To introduce the students to the speech mechanism
2) To enable them to classify vowels and consonants
3) To acquaint them with the phonetic symbols and phonetic transcription
4) To acquaint them with different features of Spoken English
5) To introduce them to different clause types and their form and function
6) To develop their sensibility towards correctness and appropriateness of language
7) To comment upon the form and meaning
8) To give practice in transformation of sentences
A. Phonetics
The Organs of Speech
The Description and Classification of Speech Sounds
The Description and Classification of Vowels
The Description and Classification of Consonants
Phonetic symbols and the IPA
Phonemic and Phonetic Transcription
Phoneme sequences and Consonant Cluster
The Syllable
Word Accent
Accent and Rhythm in Connected Speech
Varieties of English Pronunciation
B. Grammar and Communication Skills
I. Word Classes:
Open Word Classes: - Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns
Closed Word Classes: - Pre-determiners, Determiners, Numerals,
Enumerators, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Auxiliary Verbs, Interjection
II. Morphology:
Bound and Free Morphemes
Affixes, Stems and Roots
Morphological Analysis
III. Phrases:
Noun Phrase
Verb Phrase
Genetive Phrase
Adjective Phrase
Adverb Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
IV. Clauses:
Clause Elements, Clause Types, Kinds, Concord
V. Sentences:
Simple Sentences, Compound Sentences, Complex Sentences
VI. Sub Ordination:
Sub-Clauses, Finite and Non-Finite Sub-Clauses
VII. Co-ordination:
Linked and Unlinked Coordination, Synthesis
VIII. Ambiguity:
Types of Ambiguity, Structural and Lexical Ambiguity
IX. Common Errors:
Nouns and Pronouns, Articles, Verbs, Concord, Adjectives, Adverbs,
Prepositions, Vocabulary
C. Oral/Internal – 20 marks
Directions for internal assessment will be given in due course of time.
Books Recommended:
1. Balasubranium, T. 1981, A Textbook of Phonetics for Indian Students. New
Delhi: Macmillan
2. Sethi, J. & P. V. Dhamija, 1997, A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English. New
Delhi, Prentice-Hall
3. O’Connor, J. D. Better English Pronunciation
4. Jones, Daniel et al English Pronouncing Dictionary. UBS New Delhi
5. Crystal, David. 1985, Rediscover Grammar with David Crystal. Longman
6. Bakshi, R. N. A Course in English Grammar. Orient Longman
7. Close, R. A. Reference Grammar for Students of English. Orient
8. Krishnaswamy Modern English – A Book of Grammar, Usage & Composition.
Macmillan India Ltd.
9. Aroor, Usha (Ed.) WordMaster Learner’s Dictionary of Modern English. Orient
10. Hewings, M. 1999, Advanced English Grammar. Cambridge University Press
Question paper pattern for Modern English Structure (B.A.F.Y.)
Total marks – 80 Duration of Time – 3 hours
Section A (Phonetics)
Q.1. (a) Give a three term label (5 out of 7) 05
(b) Answer in two or three sentences each (5 out of 7) 05
Q.2. (a) Word transcription (5 out of 7) 05
(b) Sentence transcription (2 out of 4) 05
Q.3. (a) Word accent (5 out of 7) 05
(b) Intonation (2 out of 4) 05
Q.4. Short notes (2 out of 4) 10
Section B (Grammar)
Q.5. (a) Identify the subordinate clause and mention its function (2 out of 4) 05
(b) Answer in two or three sentences each (5 out of 7) 05
Q.6. (a) State whether the following sentences are correct. Account for the
incorrectness if any (2 out of 4) 05
(b) Comment on the form and meaning of the following pairs of sentences
(2 out of 4) 05
Q.7. (a) Analyze the following sentences into their constituent parts using
functional and form class labels (2 out of 4) 05
(b) Transformation of sentences (5 out of 7) 05
Q.8. Short notes (2 out of 4) 10
Paper-II: Reading Fiction (B.A.F.Y.)
1) To introduce the students to the literary genre ‘fiction’
2) To make them aware of the various types of fiction
3) To develop the critical sensibility of the students while reading and
comprehending fiction
4) To encourage the students for further reading
A. Introduction – 10 marks
i) Prasad, B. A Background to the Study of English Literature. Macmillan (From
Section III Novel and Short Story)
ii) Rees, R. J. English Literature: An Introduction for Foreign Readers. Macmillan
(Chapters – I, V & VIII)
B. Novels – 45 marks
i) George Orwell Animal Farm
ii) E. M. Forster A Passage to India
iii) Shashi Deshpande Roots and Shadows
iv) Paulo Coelho The Alchemist
Recommended Reading:
1) Forster, E. M. 1949, Aspects of the Novel.
2) Lukas, Georg. The Theory of the Novel. London: Merlin
3) Standard and authentic editions of the texts published by publishers like OUP,
CUP, Longman, Macmillan, Penguin, Routledge, Signet Classic, etc.
Question paper pattern for Paper – II: Reading Fiction (B.A.F.Y.)
Q.1. (a) One essay type question based on the books by B. Prasad/R. J. Rees
(1out of 2) – 10 marks
(b) Answer in two or three sentences each. These questions are to be based on the
short stories on which essay type questions are not set (5 out of 7) – 10 marks
Note: There will not be any specific internal choice. Internal choice will be at
Additional English – I (Second Language) B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. F.Y.
1) To introduce the students to the ways of reading
2) To make them understand different points of view
3) To guide them how to read and understand poetry
4) To expose them to satire, humour and drama
5) To imbibe human values in them
6) To develop their written communication
A. Textbook titled Fluency in English by the University of Delhi, Macmillan India Ltd.
The following topics from the book are prescribed for study:
1. It’s Only a Game. Enjoy – Tarun J Tejpal
2. Girls – Mrinal Pande
3. Sisters – Saleem Peeradina
4. A Ten Day Fast – Harishankar Parsai
5. Go, Kiss the World – Subroto Bagchi
6. Amalkanti – Nirendranath Chakrabarti
7. Hitting Dowry for a Six – Kalpana Sharma
8. Chocolate – Manju Kapur
9. To Mother – S. Usha
10. Soapnut Leaves – Chasso
11. Lamb to the Slaughter – Roald Dahl
12. Routes and Escape Routes – Datta Bhagat
Question paper pattern and the guidelines for Internal assessment will be circulated
in due course of time.