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Modeling of Packed Absorption Tower For Volatile Organic Compounds Emission Control

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J. Rahbar
Kaghazchi Modeling of packed absorption...
© Autumn 2005, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 207-215

Modeling of packed absorption tower for volatile organic compounds

emission control
M. S. Rahbar and 2T. Kaghazchi
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, AmirKabir University, Tehran, Iran

Received 8 February 2005; revised 12 June 2005; accepted 10 August 2005 onlined 30 September 2005

Development of chemical industry and high vapor pressure of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been caused
that these materials recently be considered as a source of air pollution. These are different methods for separation of
VOC from air that absorption by suitable and selective solvent is an efficient method. In this research, mathematical
modeling of a packed absorption tower for separation of VOCs from air has been presented. Then, acetone vapors
separation in this tower and with Intalox saddle packing has been investigated. Concentration of acetone in inlet air
stream was 1.5 mol % which has reduced to 150 ppm (0.015 mol %) in effluent air stream. The results show that the packed
absorption tower with this type of packing can separate 99% of acetone vapors. Comparison of the results obtained by
Intalox saddle packing with the results obtained by another type of packing (with trade mark of Kerapak patented by
Sulzer Company) shows that the tower gives the same efficiency for acetone separation. Thus, the efficiency of absorption
process, mainly, depends on solvent type, composition of VOC in feed air, desired composition of VOC in outlet air (or
percentage of VOC separation) and pressure drop.

Key words: VOC, absorption, modeling , acetone, packed tower

*Corresponding Author, E-mail: msrahbar@yahoo.com

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are released to the atmosphere. The fourth, solvent
generated by power plants, municipal waste substitution does not reduce the quantity of organic
combustors, motor vehicles, solvent use, and the emission and has been only marginally effective in
chemical and food industries. They are also emitted reducing ambient concentrations of photochemical
from natural sources like forests. VOCs in the oxidants (Butcher, 2005).
atmosphere have two major health impacts: some Carbon adsorption should continue to find use
are directly toxic and they can combine with nitrogen where the solvent has a relatively high market value
oxides to form ozone. These hazardous air pollutants and is amenable to recovery by such techniques.
are associated with cancer as well as adverse Incineration is expected to remain a viable alternative
neurological, reproductive, and developmental when organic concentrations can be maintained at
effects (Hwa et al., 2000 and Palmgren, et al., relatively high levels, so that auxiliary fuel
2001). Abatement methods for such emissions can requirements are not excessive, or when energy in
generally be classified into four categories: the hot exhaust elsewhere in the plant. Absorption
• “Add-on” technology to destroy (incineration), method is an effective way to reduce VOCs
recover (adsorption) or otherwise remove emission from the different chemical process plants.
(absorption wet scrubbing) VOC emissions from Absorption is a physical process that involves
exhaust gases. transfer of one or more components from the gas
• Reformulation of compounds to minimize organic phase into a liquid solvent. It is one of the so-called
solvent content-for example, low-solvent coatings stage wise or equilibrium-stage operations. In some
(waterborne, high-solids and powder coatings). cases, a portion of the solvent may be transferred
• Process modifications and/or improved house than the main intent of the absorption process.
keeping practices to reduce fugitive VOC. Absorption may be carried out on a once-through
• Substituting of solvents that are less basis. Generally, however, the solvents used are
photochemically reactive. expensive, so they are processed to remove the
The first three are positive reduction techniques absorbed gas and are then returned to the system
in that they actually reduce the mass of VOC (Buonicore, 1980).
M. S. Rahbar and T. Kaghazchi Modeling of packed absorption...

An absorber is shown schematically in Fig. 1. Lean line on the graphical plot for absorption. If all liquid-
solvent enters the top of the absorber and flows stream compositions are based on the pure solvent
downward in countercurrent contact with the rising rate (l0) and all gas-stream compositions are based
vapor stream. Through mixing and contact, either on the nondiffusing gas rate ( v N +1 ) to the absorber,
on plates or packing, solute is transferred from the the overall column material-balance becomes:
vapor phase to the liquid solvent. The ideal solvent
l 0 X 0 + v N +1 YN +1 = l 0 X N + v N +1 Y1 (5)
must be defined as nonvolatile, free (or low-cost),
no corrosive, stable, no viscous, no foaming, Along of tower l0 and vN+1 are constant.
noninflammable, and with an infinite solubility for And the component balance for any tray becomes:
the solutes. Solvent selection is still very much “cut l 0 X n −1 + v N +1 Yn +1 = l 0 X n + v N +1Yn (6)
and try” procedure. There is no infallible a priori The mole fraction of a component in any stream
way to determine that a given material will make a can be expressed as:
good solvent for a given process. For a vapor stream:
Absorption may involve the transfer of only one
soluble component from an inert gas phase or yn Yn
conversely may involve the transfer of a multitude Yn = ⇒ yn =
1 − Yn 1 + Yn
of solutes from the gas phase to the solvent. In one
of the most widely used applications of absorption, v N +1Yn (7)
or yn =
in natural-gas processing for liquids recovery, all Vn
components in the gas phase are soluble to some
extent in the liquid phase (McNulty and Chopey,
1994). This research has been done in Imam v1 l0
Hossein University during years of 2003-2004. V1 L0
y1 x0
Materials and Methods
Mathematical modeling of a packed absorption tower
Y1 X0
For the absorber shown in Fig. 1, a material balance
around the column for any component can be
L 0 x 0 + VN +1 y N +1 = L N x N + V1 y1 (1)
For any plate in the absorber, the material balance 2
for any component would be:
L n −1 x n −1 + Vn +1 y n +1 = L n x n + Vn y n
The expression for the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve
can be written as: n
yn = K n x n (3)

Substituting from equation (3) into equation (2) then N-1

yields, after rearrangement:
(L n + Vn K n ) x n L n −1 x n −1
y n +1 = − (4)
Vn +1 Vn +1
Equation (4) will not plot as a straight line on y-x
coordinates. Constant molar overflow cannot be vN+1 lN
assumed, because this would mean that no y N+1 xN
absorption takes place. Any solute transferred from YN+1 XN
the vapor phase to the liquid phase must result in a
VN +1 LN
decrease in total vapor flow rate and increase in
total liquid flow rate. For these reasons, a different
approach is employed to provide a straight operation Fig. 1: Schema of a tray absorption tower

M. S. Rahbar and T. Kaghazchi Modeling of packed absorption...

For a liquid stream:

xn Xn
Xn = ⇒ xn =
1− xn 1+ Xn
l 0 Yn (8)
or xn =
The equilibrium constant can be expressed in
terms of Y and X as:
v N +1 Yn K l Y
yn = = Knxn = n 0 n (9)
Vn Ln
⎛K V ⎞⎛ l 0 ⎞
Yn = ⎜⎜ n n ⎟⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎟X n (10)
⎝ Ln ⎠⎝ v N +1 ⎠
The reciprocal of the group in the first parenthesis,
i.e., the group [Ln/(KnVn)], is know as the “absorption
factor”. Equation (5) can be rearranged to:
Fig. 2: Operating lines for an absorber
⎛ l ⎞ ⎛ lX ⎞
Yn +1 = ⎜⎜ 0 ⎟⎟X n + ⎜⎜ Y1 − 0 0 ⎟⎟ (11) The value of Lmin corresponds to a value of XN
⎝ v N +1 ⎠ ⎝ v N +1 ⎠ (leaving the bottom of the tower) in equilibrium with
The line is referred to as the “operating line” for YN+1, the solute concentration in the feed gas. It
the absorber because it primarily depends on the takes an infinite number of derived from (12) as
lean-solvent flow to the absorber (l0) and the rich- follows. For stage N, (3) becomes:
gas flow rate to the absorber (vN+1) (Walas, 2005
and Suleimandiab, 1982). YN +1 /(1 + YN +1 )
KN = (13)
Minimum absorbent flow rate
X N /(1 + X N )
Operating lines for four different absorbent flow
rates are shown in Fig. (2), where each operating Solving (13) for XN and substituting the result into
line passes through the terminal point, (Y1 , X0), at (12) gives
the top of the column, and corresponds to a different vN+1 (YN+1−Y1 )
liquid absorbent rate and corresponding slope, l0/vN+1. Lmin = (14)
To a chieve the desired value of Y 1 for {YN+1 /[YN+1 (KN − 1) + KN ]} − X0
given YN +1 , X 0 , and v N+1 , the solute–free
absorbent flow rate l0 must lie in the range of ∞ For dilute-solute conditions, where Y ≈ y
(operating line 1) to Lmin (operating line 4). The value
of the solute concentration in the outlet liquid, XN, and X ≈ x , (14) becomes
depends on l0 by a material balance on the solute
for the entire absorber. From (5), for n = N, ⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
y − y1
v N +1 (YN +1 − Y1 ) L min = v N +1 ⎜ N +1 ⎟
⎜ y N +1 ⎟ (15)
l0 = (12) ⎜ − x0 ⎟
(X N − X 0 )
⎝ KN ⎠
Note that the operating line can terminate at the Furthermore, if the entering liquid contains no solute,
equilibrium line, as for operating line 4, but cannot that is, X 0 ≈ 0 , equation (15) becomes:
cross it because that would be a violation of the (16)
second law of thermodynamics. L min = v N +1K N (fraction of solute absorbed)

M. S. Rahbar and T. Kaghazchi Modeling of packed absorption...

This equation is reasonable because it would be P Ab or πYAb (22)

Y Ab = PAb =
expected that L min would incr eases with π − P Ab 1 + YAb
iincreasing v N +1 , K-value, and fraction of solute Making this substitution, we have:
⎡ π Y Ab π Y Ai ⎤
The selection of the actual operating absorbent VdY = k g ⎢ − ⎥ α AdH (23)
flow rate is based on some multiple of L min , typically ⎣ 1 + Y Ab 1 + Y Ai ⎦
from 1.1 to 2. A value of 1.5 corresponds closely to Combining and simplifying:
the value of 1.4 for the optimal absorption factor π k g αA
(1 + YAi )(1 + YAb )
mentioned earlier. In Fig. 2, operating lines 2 and 3 dY = dH (24)
correspond to 2.0 and 1.5 times, respectively. As YAi − YAb V
the operating line moves form 1 to 4, the number of In order to obtain the height of packing required
required equilibrium stages, N, increases from zero in a given application, equation (24) must be
to infinity. Thus, a trade-off exists between L and N, integrated:
and an optimal value of L exists (Suleimandiab, 1982
YA1 (1 + Y A i )(1 + Y A b )
and Walas, 2005).
∫ YA 2 Y Ai − Y Ab
Packed column calculations π k gαA H
In many instances, absorption is carried out in a =
V ∫0 dH
packed column, which may be considered to be a The relationship between bulk and interfacial
differential contactor. For the contactor shown in compositions is, in general, not easily expressible in
Fig. 1, the volume of the differential element of height simple fashion that will allow for analytical
will be: integration. For this reason, equation (25) must
ordinarily be integrated graphically or numerically
Volume = AdH (17)
(Shulman and Margolis, 2004; McNulty and Chopey,
The interfacial area available for mass transfer
is a function of the type and size of packing used in Transfer units
the tower. By incorporating a characteristic of the There are two ways in which the total column
packing what is an indication of the interfacial required for making a given solute recovery can be
contact area, we have: estimated. One is through the use of the height
Interfacial area = αAdH (18) equivalent to a theoretical plate (H.E.T.P.), and the
second is through the use of the height of a transfer
The mass transfer that occurs in the differential
unit (H.T.U.). The H.E.T.P. must be experimentally
height in be expressed in terms of either the change
determined in the laboratory, using the specific size
in the gas-phase composition or the change in the
and kind of packing of interest. The same thing is
liquid phase composition.
true of the H.T.U. Many feel that for a packed
Mass transfer = dN = VdY =LdX (19)
column, which approximates a differential contactor,
In this case:
use of the H.T.U. is more rigorous than using the
dN =kg (PAb – PAi) αAdH (20)
stepwise H.E.T.P.
= kl(CAi – CAb) αAdH
The number of equilibrium stages, N, based on
vapor-phase mass transfer and with considering of
kn be constant

is given by: ∗ ⎤
VdY = kg(PAb – PAi) αAdH ⎛ y A ,in − y A , out ⎞
ln ⎢(1 − K nV / L ) ⎜ ⎟ + K V / L⎥
= kl(CAi – CAb) αAdH = LdX (21) ⎢ ⎜y ∗ ⎟ n

⎝ A, out − y A , out ⎠
N = ⎣ ⎦
An order to use equation (21), one must be able ln( L / k nV ) (26)
to relate partial pressure and composition in the gas
phase, or concentration and composition in the gas The number of equilibrium stages for the liquid phase
phase, or concentration and composition in the liquid is given by:
⎡ ⎛ x A,in − x ∗A, out ⎞ ⎤
phase. For the gas phase, we can relate the partial ln ⎢(1 − L / K nV )⎜ ⎟+ L/ K V ⎥
⎢ ⎜x ∗ ⎟ n

pressure and composition by: ⎝ A,out − x A,out ⎠
N= ⎣ ⎦
ln( K nV / L) (27)

M. S. Rahbar and T. Kaghazchi Modeling of packed absorption...

In like fashion, the number of vapor-phase transfer Height of transfer units

unite (NTU)OG is given by: The overall height of a transfer unit can be
defined as the height of a packed section required
(NTU)OG = to accomplish a change in concentration equal to
(28) the average driving force in that section. Values of
⎡ ⎛ y A , in − y ∗A , out ⎞ ⎤
ln ⎢(1 − K n V / L)⎜ ⎟ + K n V / L⎥ (HTU)OG for a particular system are sometimes
⎜y ∗ ⎟
⎢⎣ ⎝ A , out − y A , out ⎠ ⎥⎦ available directly from the literature or from pilot-
1− K n V / L plant tests, but often they must be estimated from
The number of liquid-phase transfer units empirical correlations for the individual coefficients
(NTU)OL is given by: or the individual heights of a transfer unit.
(NTU)OL = Overall gas:
⎡ ⎛ x
A , in − x A , out
⎞ ⎤ V/A
ln ⎢ (1 − K n V / L ) ⎜ ⎟ + L / K V⎥
( HTU ) OG = (35)
⎢ ⎜ ∗
⎝ x A , out − x A , out

⎥ k ga
⎣ ⎦
1− L / K nV Overall liquid:
The number of liquid-phase transfer units
(NTU)OL is not the same as the number of gas-phase ( HTU ) OL = (36)
transfer units ((NTU)OG unless the operating and k la
equilibrium lines are straight and parallel. For The equation for column height can be written as
absorption column, the operating line is usually follows:
steeper than the equilibrium line, which makes V / A b dy
k g a ∫ a y − y∗
(NTU)OG greater then (NTU)OL, but this difference ZT = (37)
is offset by the difference between (NTU)OG and
the column height can be determined using either The integral in equation (37) represents the
approach. The (NTU)OL and (NTU)OG, also, can be change in vapor concentration divided by the
calculated by graphical method and using of equation average driving force and is called the number of
(30 and 31) (Walas, 2005 and Strigle, 1988). transfer units (NTU)OG . The subscripts show that
dy (NTU)OG is based on the overall driving force for
( NTU ) OG = ∫y−y ∗ (30) the gas phase. The other part of equation (37) has
the units of length and is called the height of a
dx transfer unit (HTU)OG. Thus a simple design method
( NTU ) OL = ∫ ∗ (31) is to determine (NTU)OG from the y-x diagram and
x −x
multiply it by (HTU) OG calculated from mass-
Estimating mass-transfer coefficients transfer correlations(Wike and Stockar, 2003):
A number of methods have been suggested for ZT = (NTU)OG . (HTU)OG
estimating mass-transfer coefficients for absorption.
All of these tend to be both system and packing- Packed tower diameter
type dependent. As a result, few have wide-range In this modeling, we use a quick method for
general applicability, and all must be used with estimation of packed tower diameter presented by
considerable caution. By far the best procedure is
to obtain experimental data for the specific system Table 1: Constants for typical tower packing
and packing type being considered. Liquid and gas Packing n Z
film coefficients can be calculated by the equations
Raschig rings Ceramic 1.553 27800
as follows (Chhabra, et al., 1980):
Metal (0.8-mm wall) 1.305 7364
0.82 (32)
⎛ L + LN ⎞ Pall rings Metal 0.913 843
k l a = (0.152)⎜ o ⎟
⎝ 2A ⎠ Plastic 1.043 1641
0 .7 0 .25 (33) Flexi-ring 0.874 770
V ⎛ ⎞ ⎛L ⎞
( k g a ) upper = (0 .028)⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎜ o⎟ Hy-Pak 1.021 1139
⎝ A ⎠ ⎝ A ⎠ Berl saddles (ceramic) 1.387 9850
0 .7 0.25
⎛V ⎞ ⎛L ⎞ Intalox saddles Ceramic 1.337 7091
(k g a ) bottom = (0.028)⎜ N +1 ⎟ ⎜ N ⎟ (34)
Plastic 0.651 268
⎝ A ⎠ ⎝ A ⎠

M. S. Rahbar and T. Kaghazchi Modeling of packed absorption...

Mahajani (Mahajani, 1985). He utilized a series of 0.06

empirical correlation tells the gas superficial mass
velocity (mean) (Vm) at flooding conditions once the 0.05
packing factor (F) is known:

Y, mole fraction in gas

Ln B = -3.3861-1.0814 Ln C – 0.1273 Ln C2 (38) 0.04 equilibrium
line 21 C
Vm2 Fµ 0L.1 V 2 F µ 0.1
B= = m L , (39) 0.03
ρ G (ρ L − ρ G ) ρG ρ L
V1 + V N +1
Vm = 0.02 A

outlet air 0.01

0.01 0.02 0.03

washing liquid (water)
X, mole fraction oceione in liquid
distributor Fig. 4: Equilibrium curve of acetone-water
packing (structural) Packing factor (F) is correlated empirically with the
packing properties:
packing support F = Zd –n (42)

Where z and n are constants listed in the table

inlet air (1) and d is the nominal packing diameter (mm).
Design practice generally specifies a gas superficial
mass velocity 60% that of the flooding velocity for
absorbers. Once Vm at flooding is known, therefore,
spent liquid one can calculate tower diameter (in meter) from a
Fig. 3: A packed absorber with structural packing simple geometric relation:
1 1
L ⎛ ρG ⎞ 2
L ⎛ ρG ⎞ 2 1/ 2
C = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ~ ⎜ ⎟⎟ , ⎛ 4 ⎞⎛ V ⎞
V ⎜⎝ ρ L D = ⎜ ⎟⎜⎜ N +1 ⎟⎟ (43)
V ⎝ ρL − ρG ⎠ ⎠
(40) ⎝ π ⎠⎝ 0.6Vm ⎠
L0 + LN
Lm =
2A Numerical example: Packed tower design for separation
L ⎛ ρG ⎞ 2
of acetone vapors from air stream
C~ m ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (41) Acetone is an organic volatile compound, which
Vm ⎝ ρC ⎠ uses in chemical industry widely. Due to its high
ven L0,VN+1 and the physical properties, one can vapor pressure, it can enter into air very easily.
calculated C and then figure B from equation (39). Acetone vapors can be separated can be separated
To find Vm from B, the packing factor (F) is needed. from air by absorption process.

Table 2: Specifications of inlet streams

Inlet air (CFH) Amount of acetone in inlet Amount of acetone in inlet Amount of acetone in inlet Inlet air density
air (wt %) air (mol %) solvent (wt %) (lb / ft3)
105 3 1.5 0 0.0754

Table 3: Operation conditions of the absorption tower

Amount of consumed
Press. (atm) Temp. (oC) Tower type Packing Packing dia. (in.) Flooding (%)
1 21 Packed Intalox saddle 1 60% 2Lmin

M. S. Rahbar and T. Kaghazchi Modeling of packed absorption...

Table 4: Composition of different streams in absorption tower

Acetone Dry air Solvent

Stream moles YA or xA YA or XA moles YG or xG YG or XG moles Ys or xg Ys or
Inlet gas 3.893 0.015 0.01523 259.537 0.98500 0.98500 ---- ---- ----
Outlet gas 0.0389 0.00015 0.0001500 255.683 0.99985 0.9846 ---- ---- ----
Inlet solvent 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---- ---- ---- 712.669 1.00 1.00

Outlet solvent 3.8541 0.0054 0.0054 0.00 0.00 0.00 716.523 0.9946 1.00

Table 5: Different parameters for calculation of tower diameter

B C Z n d (mm.) F Vm (kg/sec.m2) D (m.)

0.0588 0.2608 7091 -1.337 25 95.85 2.572 1.00

Table 6: Gas and liquid phase mass transfer coefficients in absorption tower

(Kl α) (Kg α) upper (Kg α) bottom (HTU) OG upper (HTU) OG bottom

62.18 20.07 20.593 1.538 1.515

Table 7: Tower size, consumed solvent and acetone separation

Amount of Tower diameter Tower packed section Total tower Acetone separation Amount of
consumed solvent (m.) height (m.) height (m.) (%) acetone in outlet
(kg/sec) air (ppm)
1.2 1 3.66 4.5 99 150

Table 8: Comparison between the absorption towers

In absorption process, water contacts with gas with two types of packing
stream counter currently in a tower and absorb Packed tower with: Intalox saddle Kerapak
acetone vapors. The tower operates at 21°C and 1
atm. Fig. 3 presents a schema of this absorption Total height (m.) 4.5 4.1
tower with structural packing type. Diameter (m.) 1 1.1
Table 2 shows the characteristic of inlet airflow
stream. Packing is “Intalox saddle” type with 1 (in.) Pressure drop (atm.) 0.05 0.04

4000 y = 2.9958x-0.9114
3000 Ntoy=Area=7.8322
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016
Fig. 5: Graphical calculation of NOG for acetone separation tower

M. S. Rahbar and T. Kaghazchi Modeling of packed absorption...

Purifide Air

Acetone mol % = 0.015



4.5 m
3.66 m

Acetone + Air

Acetone mol % = 1.5

Acetone + Water

Acetone mol % = 0.54

Fig. 6: Detailed data of packed absorption tower with

Intalox saddle packing for separation of acetone Fig. 7: The schema of a- Intalox
vapors from air saddle b- kerapak packings

in diameter and of ceramic (Fig. 7). Table 2 presents Discussion and Conclusion
the specifications of inlet streams. The results in Table 7 and Fig. 5 showe that the
The Fig. 4 presents equilibrium curve of acetone tower with intaloxsaddle pcking can separate 99%
water at 21°C. Equilibrium curve can be assumed of acetone inlet by water as solvent and then, air
as equilibrium line as (Wike and Stockar, 2003) : with minimum content of acetone vapors leaves the
column. The result in Table 8 showe that kerapak
y = 1.4 x or Y = 1.4 X (44) packing gives less presuree drop and packet tower
Table 3 shows the column operation conditions. head in compariny with intaloxsaddle packing, but
the column with intalox saddel has less diameter for
Results the same efficiency. Packed absorption tower can
separate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in
The compositions of different streams are
efficient manner. The efficiency of absorption
presented in Table 4, Table 5 and 6 present the
process, mainly, depends on solvent type, composition
effective parameters for column diameter
of VOC in feed air, desired composition of VOC in
calculations and different mass transfer coefficients.
outlet air (or percentage of VOC separation) and
The number of transfer units is calculated by
pressure drop. Numerical example shows that effect
graphical method which is presented in Fig. 6. The
of type of packing on efficiency of packed
results of all of calculations are listed in Table 7 and
absorption for separation of VOC is negligible in
Fig. 5. For considering of role of packing type in
comparing with other parameters. In the cases
absorption tower efficiency for separation of
which solvent is cheap, ratio of L/Lmin can be high
acetone, another type of packing is applied. This
which causes decreasing of height of absorption
packing which is named “kerapak” (as trade mark)
tower and consequently, reduction of fixed capital
and patented by Sulzer Company. In opposite of
cost of plant and better maintenance and control.
Intalox saddle, this packing is a structural type. Fig.
7 presents the schema of two types of packing. The
absorption column mentioned above for acetone References
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