Steps in The Accounting Process (Cycle) : Lecture Notes
Steps in The Accounting Process (Cycle) : Lecture Notes
Steps in The Accounting Process (Cycle) : Lecture Notes
Cash P4,800
1. Comparison of the balance sheet of OUTREACH at the Accounts Receivable 2,570
end of 2019 with its balance sheet at the end of 2015 Prepaid Insurance 700
showed a decrease in total assets of P69,000 and Equipment P-8,000
owners' equity by P15,000. The change in liabilities Accounts Payable 4,500
during the year was Property Tax Payable 560
a. Increase of P84,000 c. Decrease of P54,000 Mistake, Capital 11,200
b . D e c r e a s e of P 8 4 , 0 0 0 d. Increase of P54,000 Service Revenue 6,960
Salaries Expense 4,200
Advertising Expense 1,100
2. Tung Company had total assets of P20,000,000 and Property Tax Expense 880
shareholders' equity of P15,000,000 on January 1. P20,890 24,500
During the year, assets increased by P3,000,000 and
liabilities decreased by P1,000,000. Tung Company
should report what amount of shareholders' equity on The corrected trial balance of the company should
December 31? show total debits of
a. P18,000,000 c. P19,000,000 a. P24, 350 c. P 2 2, 8 5 0
b. P17,000,000 d. P16,000,000 b. P23, 070 d. P 2 1, 5 7 0
3. The following transactions and events relate to Booty Use the following information for the next two questions.
Company for the current accounting period.
a) S old me r cha n d ise cost ing P 450, 000 for For each situation, reconstruct the adjusting entry that
P100,000 cash and P700,000 on open account. A was made to arrive at the ending balance. Assume that
perpetual inventory system is used. the entity prepares statements and adjusting entries only
b) Pur ch as ed land f or P 1, 00 0, 00 0 ca sh a nd a once each year.
P3,000,000 mortgage.
c) Received payment on account, P120,000. 5. Prepaid Insurance:
d) Estimated that utilities expense for the _coming
Balance beginning of year 5,600
six months will total P80,000.
Balance end of year 6,400
e) Declared a cash dividend totaling P100,000.
The dividend will be paid in six weeks. During the year, an additional business insurance
policy was purchased. A 2-year premium of P2,500
The foregoing transactions and events increased was paid and charged to Prepaid Insurance.
a. Total assets by P4,920,000
b. Total liabilities by P3,000,000 a. Deb it I ns u ra n ce Exp en s e a nd cr ed it Pr ep a id
c. Total equity by P700,000 Insurance, P1,700.
d. Net Assets by P250,000 b. Debit Prepaid Insurance and credit Insurance
Expense, P1,700.
c. Debit Prepaid Insurance and credit Insurance
Expense, P800.
d. Debit Prepaid Insurance and credit Insurance
Expense, P6,400,
6. Unearned Rent:
Balance beginning of year P11,000
Balance end of year 15,000
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. A
Ware ho use q uart er ly ren t r ece ive d in adva nc e is 3. P r e p aid e xp e n se s — r e c or d ed c a s h p a y me n t s f o r
P18,000. During the year, equipment was rented to benefits not yet received or only partially so.
another company at an annual rent of P9,000. The
4. Unearned income—recorded cash receipts for services
quarterly rent payments were credited to Re nt
to be rendered in the future or only partially rendered
Income; the annual equipment rental was credited to
at the balance sheet date.
Unearned Rent.
5. Asset depreciation —a systematic allocation of an
a. Debit Rent Income and credit Unearned Rent, asset's cost to expense and a reduction, using a contra
P4,000 (or offset) account, in carrying value for a period
b. Debit Unearned Rent and credit Rent Income, during which the asset is used in operations.
c. Debit Rent Income and credit Unearned Rent, 6. Doubtful accounts—estimated amount of uncollectible
P5,000 accounts receivable charged to current period's income
d. Debit Unearned Rent and credit Rent Income, as bad debt expense.
P5,000 7. Adj u st ing th e in ve nt or y a c co u n t.
Summary of the typical adjusting entries and the effect or pro ft, assets, liabilities and equity of the failure to prepare t he
necessary adjusting entry:
Effect on
Nature of adjustment Adjusting journal entry Profit Assets Liabilities Equity
1. Ac c ru ed e xpe n se Expense xx Over NE Under Over
Payable xx
2. Ac c ru ed inc o me Receivable xx Under Under NE Under
Income xx
3. Prepaid expense Prepaid expense xx Under Under NE Under
(expense method) Expense xx
7. The accountant of Review Company made the following If annual rent is received in advance every March 1.
adjusting entry on December 31. the original transaction entry made was
Prepaid Rent P1,800 a. Debit Cash and credit Unearned Rent Income,
Rent Expense P1,800 P900.
b. Debit Cash and credit Rent Income, P1,080.
If annual rent is paid in advance every October 1, the c. Debit Cash and credit Rent Income, P5,400.
original transaction entry made was d. Debit Rent Income and credit Cash, P5,400.
a. Debit Prepaid Rent and credit Cash, P1,800.
b. Debit Rent Expense and credit Cash, P1,800. 9. Caddis Co. had these unadjusted account balances on
c. Debit Rent Expense and credit Cash, P2,400. December 31:
d. Debit Rent Expense and credit Cash, P7,200. Inventory, January 1 P188,250
Purchases 142,700
8. The accountant of Mutya Company made the following Freight-In 12,880
adjusting entry on December 31. Purchase Discounts 2,140
Rent Income P 900 Purchase Returns 26,710
Unearned Rent Income P 900
6. D
7. C
8. C
b. Cash P1,800
Interest Receivable
c. Cash
Interest Receivable P1,800
Interest Income 600
1. The beginning-of-the-year total equity for a firm was c . Debit insur ance expense for P6 7,50 0 a nd c redit
P40,000. During the year, the firm issued ordinary prepaid insurance for P67,500.
shares for a total proceeds of P20,000, earned P20,000 d. Debit insurance expense for P23,100 and credit
net in come, and pa id P 5,00 0 in cash div idends . If prepaid insurance for P23,100.
ending total liabilities are P100,000, what is ending
total assets? 5. Daguioman Company received P9,600 on April 1, 2019
a. P165,000 c. P1 75,0 00 f o r o n e ye a r ' s re n t in ad v a n ce a n d r e c o rd ed th e
b P 45,000 d. P 1 0 0, 0 00 transaction with a credit to a nominal account. The
December 31, 2019 adjusting entry is
a. de bit Re nt I nc o me and cred it Un ear ned R ent,
2. Moon Company purchased equipment on November 1, P2,400.
2019, by giving its supplier a 12-month, 9 percent b . d e b it R e n t I n c o m e a n d c r e d it U n e a r n e d R e n t ,
note with a face value of P48,000. The December 31, P7, 200.
2019, adjusting entry is r , a e b it U n e a r n e d R e n t a n d c r e d it R e n t I n c o m e ,
a. debit Interest Expense and credit Cash, P720. P2,400.
b. debit Interest Expense and credit Interest d . de b it U n ea r n ed R e n t a n d c re d it Re n t I n c o m e,
Payable, P720. P7,200.
c. debit Interest Expense and credit Interest
Payable, P1,080. 6. Dunlap Company sublet a portion of its warehouse for
d. debit Interest Expense and credit Interest 5-years at an annual rental of P15,000, beginning on
Payable, P4,320. March 1. The tenant paid 1 year's rent in advance,
which Dunlap recorded as a credit to unearned rental
3. Rice Corporation loaned P60, 000 to a nother income. Dunlap reports on a calendar-year basis. The
corporation on December 1, 2019 and received a '3- adjustment on December 31, of the first year should
month, 8% interest-bearing note with a face value of be
P60,000. What adjusting entry should Rice make on a. No entry.
December 31, 2019? b. Unearned rental income P2,500
a. Debit Interest Re ceivab le and credit I nterest
Rental income P2,500
Income, P1,200. c. Rental income P2,500
b. Debit Cash and credit Interest Income, P400. Unearned rental income P2, 500
c. Debit Interest Re ceivab le and credit I nterest d. Unearned rental income P12,500
Income, P400. Rental income P12,500
d. Debit Cash and credit Interest Receivable: P1,200.
4, Gehrig Corporation renewed an insurance policy for 3 7. A 3-year insurance policy was purchased on October 1
f o r P 6 , 0 0 0 , a n d p r e p a id in s u r a n c e w a s d e b it e d .
years beginning July 1, 2019 and recorded the P81,000
As s u m in g a De ce mb er 3 1, ye ar -e nd , w ha t is t he
p r e m i u m i n t h e p r e p a id in s u r a n c e a c c o u n t . T h e
reversing entry at the beginning of the next period?
P81,000 premium represents an increase of P23,400
a. None is required.
fro m t he P 5 7,6 0 0 pre m iu m c har ged 3 yea rs a go.
b. Prepaid insurance P5,500
Assuming Gehrig's records its insurance adjustments
Prepaid insurance P5,500
only at the end of the calendar year, the adjusting
entry required to reflect the proper balances in the c. Prepaid insurance P500
insurance accounts at December 31, 2019, Gehrig's Insurance expense P500
year-end is to d. Insurance expense P500
a. Debit insurance expense for P13,500 and credit Prepaid insurance P500
prepaid insurance for P13,500.
'b. Debit prepaid insurance for P13,500 and credit
insurance expense for P13,500
9. B
10. C
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. A
1. Which among the following is the last step in the accounting cycle?
A. Preparation of reversing entries
B. Preparation of financial statements
C. Journalizing and posting of closing entries
D. Preparation of the post-closing trial balance
6. Accruals are
A. Adjusting entries where cash flow precedes revenue or expense recognition
B. Adjusting entries where revenue or expense recognition precedes cash flow
C. Adjusting entries where cash flow and revenue or expense recognition are
D. Adjusting entries where revenue or expenses are recognized in the absence of cash
flow evidence
15. Adjusting entries that are reversed include those for prepaid or unearned items that
A. Create an asset or a liability account
B. Were originally entered in a revenue or expense account
C. Were originally entered in an asset or liability account
D. Create an asset or a liability account and were originally entered in a revenue or
expense account
16. An entity initially records prepayment in real accounts and makes reversing entries when
appropriate. Which of the following year-end adjusting entries should be reversed?
A. The entry to record depreciation expense for the period
B. The entry to record the portion of service fees received in advance that is earned by
C. The entry to record supplies used during the period
D. The entry to record service fees earned by year-end but not billed
17. An entity initially records prepayment in nominal accounts. Which of the following year-
end adjusting entries may be reversed?
A. The entry to record inventory at year-end
B. The entry to record the portion of rental received in advance that is unearned at
C. The entry to record the portion of supplies previously acquired that is consumed as of
D. The entry to record the portion of interest paid in advance that expired at year-end
21. In preparing a worksheet and the entity is profitable in the current period, the total of the
statement of financial position credit column will be
A. Larger than the total of the statement of financial position debit column
B. Smaller than the total of the statement of financial position debit column
C. Larger than the total of the income statement debit column
D. Larger than the total of the income statement credit column
22. Which of the following is a “source document” and which source document requires an
entity in the books?
A. Chart of accounts B. General Journal C. Purchase order D. Sales invoice
23. Which among the rules on debit and credit below is not correct?
A. The normal balance of any account appears on the side for recording increases.
B. Assets and expenses are debited when increased, and liabilities, revenues and equity
are credited when increased.
C. The debit is always on the left side of the accounting double entry.
D. Debit means increase, and credit means decrease.
24. Debits
A. Increase assets and decrease expenses, liabilities, revenue, and equity
B. Increase assets and expenses and decrease liabilities, revenue and equity
C. Increase assets and equity and decrease liabilities, expenses and revenue
D. Decrease assets and expenses and increase liabilities, revenue and equity
25. Which of the choices that follow is not a “book of original entry”?
A. Sales journal B. Voucher register C. General Journal D. General ledger
28. An accounting record into which the essential facts and figures in connection with all
transactions are initially recorded and in chronological order is called
A. Account B. Trial balance C. Ledger D. Journal