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Specification Backoffice and GOS

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Heverlee, February 2007

Back Office
Pedestal Control System


Document version: 1.1

Camco Technologies
Technologielaan 13
B- 3001 Heverlee
Phone: 0032 (0) 16 389272
Fax: 0032 (0) 16 389274
Email : Jan.Bossens@Camco.be

CAMCO Technologies page 1 15/5/2006

Specifications Back office
1. GLOBAL GATE SYSTEM OVERVIEW........................................ 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 3
2. BACK OFFICE HARDWARE..................................................... 4
2.1. APPLICATION SERVERS ............................................................. 4
2.2. STORAGE ............................................................................ 4
3. SOFTWARE ........................................................................... 5
3.1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 5
3.2. VMWARE ............................................................................ 6
3.3. DATABASE ........................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Database users .............................................................. 7
3.3.2 Selection of the Database ................................................ 7
3.3.3 Database Replication ...................................................... 7
3.4. AGS SOFTWARE (SUPERGATE OCR PORTALS) ................................. 8
3.4.1. LaneManager and LaneManagerInterface .......................... 8
3.5. ACS SOFTWARE (ACCESS CONTROL SOFTWARE)............................. 10
3.6 STORAGE MANAGER ................................................................ 10
3.7. GOS (PEDESTAL CONTROL SYSTEM)........................................... 11
3.7.1. Introduction ............................................................... 11
3.7.2. VisitManager............................................................... 13
3.7.3. Kiosk Interfaces (GOS Equipmentconnector) ................... 14
3.7.4. Print Manager ............................................................. 15
3.7.5. JobManager................................................................ 17
3.7.6. Picture manager.......................................................... 18
3.7.8. Tos Interfacing ........................................................... 20
3.7.9. GOS Visit Event Reporting ............................................ 21
3.8 OPERATOR/CLERK CONSOLE...................................................... 23
3.9 PEDESTAL SCREENS ................................................................ 24
3.9.1 Introduction ................................................................ 24
3.10 SECURITY SCREENS .............................................................. 26

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Specifications Back office
1. Global Gate System overview
1.1 Introduction

Camco’s Global Gate system concept is based on 3 separate applications. All those
applications are today commercial products can be used in stand alone mode or
combined. In the center we have the GOS. The GOS is the Pedestal Control system
communicating with the TOS.

AGS Application (SuperGate)

This application dialogs with the different OCR Portals. It controls the cameras
and gathers all pictures and data. On one side it communicates with the
cameras and on the other side it communicates with the GOS. Pictures are
stored on a server. A small dedicated embedded database allows quick access
of the pictures.
GOS Applications
This is the brain of the Global Gate System. It’s a collection of several
applications, communicating between each other
ACS Application (as an option in SAPO project)
This application grants access rights to the users of the gate system. The
access rules are stored in an Access Control Database.
Pre- Announcement (not in SAPO project)
Not on the drawing, it’s a module between the GOS and the ACS

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Specifications Back office
2. Back office Hardware
2.1. Application Servers

For SAPO we configured 2 identical physical servers. One is the operational server,
the second one is a backup server. These servers will host all software applications:
• AGS (SuperGate OCR portals)
• GOS (Pedestal control system) and TOS Interface

Camco standardized on DL360/DL380 systems with VMware.

• Minimum 4 GB Memory
• Minimum one, preferably a Dual XEON 3Ghz Processor
• 6 x 145GB RAID SAS Disks

2.2. Storage
As SAPO wants to keep pictures only for 6 months on line, storage can be done on
both application servers.

In case pictures have to be saved longer then 6 months we propose:

HP DL360 R04 3Ghz 1GB RAM SATA 3x250GB +
HP MSA 20 + 12*250GB SATA disks (3 Terrabyte)

For storage 1,5MByte per passage should be calculated. For instance the system can
be configured up to 3Tbyte disks allowing up to 2,4 million pictures of trucks to be
saved. This is an average of 6.600 passages a day that can be saved for one year.

With the dropping prices of hard disks we propose to backup pictures to a second
identical configuration or to a platform that hosts the SuperGate Internet picture
retrieval software.

The only requirement is that the data should be stored in at least 2 different physical
locations (to prevent loose by theft or fire).

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Specifications Back office
3. Software
3.1. Introduction
Languages and platforms
Camco’s Global Gate solution is based on different computing platforms requiring
different operating systems and programming languages.
Camco owns a lot of expertise on all those platforms.

Cameras: Linux based, software is written in C and C++.
Windows: Software is written in C++, C# and.NET
LEC: Software is written in C
JBoss, J++,C#, .NET
C# and .NET
Uses Linux with software written in C

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Specifications Back office
3.2. VMWare

VMware is a virtual windows system, every application runs in its own virtual
windows environment in depended of the physical hardware.

Theoretically one physical server can hosts all Global Gate System applications. For
reason of redundancy we configure 2 to 3 identical hardware platforms. On every
physical platform we have VMWare installed. Every application runs in its own virtual
Windows on one of the systems. In case of problems, an application image can be
started on any of the physical servers.
Virtualization software as VMWare simplifies computing infrastructure by partitioning
and isolating servers in secure and transportable virtual machines each of which can
run standard Windows. To ensure high performance, each virtual machine has direct
access to the host machine’s resources such as CPU, memory, disk, networking, and

Pre-configured virtual machine servers can be built once quickly and deployed
anywhere immediately; provisioning a new server is as easy as copying a file, or just
PXE boot a new VM to download a system image.

VMWare makes our proposal more expensive but at the other hand creates a very
use friendly software maintenance solution and backup facilities.

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Specifications Back office
3.3. Database
3.3.1 Database users

Both GOS, AGS and ACS make uses of SQL Databases.

GOS (Pedestal Control System) uses a database to keep track of the trucks passing
trough the terminal based on a “visitnumber”. Those access records are kept for one
year in the database. This is the most complex database.

AGS (SuperGate OCR Portal) uses one dedicated small database to store and
retrieve the picture zip-files. This database is embedded into the storage software.

ACS (Access Control System) has several tables:

• Registered users of the access control system
• Admin (access rules, access managers,…)
• Logging (All accesses to the terminal)

Configuration of all applications are also stored in the central database (GOS).

3.3.2 Selection of the Database

Camco’s implementation supports SQL with limited implementation effort needed to
use other SQL databases.

The available databases are:

• Firebird (mainly for embedded applications)
• IBM DB2 Express Server
• Sybase
• Microsoft SQL
• Oracle (not yet available, can be supported on request).

Because support for multiple databases is required, a database abstraction layer

isolates the service code from the actual database used.

Interfaces to the database providers are loaded dynamically using reflection, so that
multiple providers can be added without creating dependency problems.

Camco will use IBM DB2 Express Server for the SAPO project.

3.3.3 Database Replication

Depends of the selected database, some implementations requires specific versions.

Those costs are on customer’s account

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Specifications Back office
3.4. AGS Software (SuperGate OCR Portals)
The AGS Server dialogs with all the outside OCR equipment. All the information (data
and pictures) are packaged and transferred to other applications as the GOS and
Storage Services.

3.4.1. LaneManager and LaneManagerInterface

The LaneManager module handles the “outside” communication. For each OCR portal
lane a separate copy of this program runs. A LaneManager communicates on one
side via Ethernet with the hardware in the lane (Camera’s, traffic barrier, loops,
traffic lights..) and the other side across the LaneManagerInterface via an internal
TCP/IP interface with the GOS Service. Images (full, thumbnails, and cut-outs), data
(Tagreaders, Proximity readers) and OCR results are transferred from the Image
acquisition system (cameras) and LEC’s via the LaneManagerInterface to the GOS
and he Storage application.

LaneManager of an OCR Portal Lane

This is a LaneManager of a Damage and OCR Portal lane. On the left the status of the
different cameras, on the right the results of the latest passage.

The LaneManager merges from every lane the received access data, timestamps,
OCR results and images into one ZIP- file. Such a file, called “passage-file”,
contains several sub-files. The first sub-file is an XML formatted file with all the

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Specifications Back office
textual data information. The other sub-files are all JPEG images. Every image has
also a thumbnail version used on the operator console and on the web application.

Pictures are stored in a structured directory with an embedded database to keep

track of the files. Another application (GosSnapshotDataProvider) allows easy
retrieval of any passage or visit by use of this database.

The LaneManegerInterface module will store a link to the picture file in the “visit”
record of the concerned truck.

LaneManagerInterface monitor window

This is the GUI of the LanMangerInterface. On the left of this monitor screen a list
with references. Every line is a passage with reference to a “visitnumber”, ticket
number, timestamps etc.

The bottom part shows the readed container numbers.

Pictures can be zoomed by clicking on them.

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Specifications Back office
3.5. ACS Software (Access Control Software)
Not configured for SAPO, is an option
Acces granting
The ACS application manages the Access Control database. It gets access permit
requests from the GOS and grants access to vehicles in function of:

• An entry in the ACS database

• Check with black list from the community system.

The ACS application also feeds via a Web Admin interface the Access control
database. It allows customers via a browser or computer systems (XML interface) to
dialog with the Access Control System.

Access administration
The ACS software is partly a J2EE based application; HTML JSP pages are
dynamically generated by using data from the database. The pages use a JDBC
connection towards the database to find the requested record.

Access data retrieval

The Web interface allows queries on different fields (license plate, container number,
Card, driver, owner, timestamp etc..). Access point equipped with cameras returns
the thumbnails of the front and back of the vehicles.

3.6 Storage manager

Instead of making backup of the picture server Camco believes more in distributed
storage. Practically we store all images on 2 systems that are physically installed
with wide enough distance between them to prevent damage on both systems at the
same time (for instance fire).

The Storage Manager is a client/server application. The client sends the ZIP-files to
different physical Storage Servers. This software does the distribution and updating
of images and data between the different platforms.

The server part receives the picture files (ZIP-files). The files are stored in a
structured directory system. By use of the enclosed XML data files a local embedded
database is created. This allows retrieving the name and location of the image files
(ZIP files) by use of SQL queries.

This software is not an ordinary file-copy program but an intelligent file distribution
and updating system. A record changed in the source database is also updated in the
destination database.

The Storage Manager software also does automatically cleanup of the local
system. When the disk gets full, the oldest passage files will be deleted.

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Specifications Back office
3.7. GOS (Pedestal Control System)

3.7.1. Introduction

• GOS is a name for a group of related .NET applications.

• Some applications are standard executables; others DLL’s. Internet related

applications runs in a JBOSS environment.

• GOS is new developed software with state of the art tools, it’s a real C# .NET
application build up from scratch.

• GOS is a general framework build up of several inter-linked modules.

• Most part of the GOS is standard, customer specific parts are isolated into
what we call “Customer Business Process Software Components”

• GOS needs to be interfaced to the TOS, we have several operational TOS


• Kiosks screens is one of the “Customer Business Process Software

Components” and have also to be customized.

• Every GOS application is based on the same structure. It contains a GUI for
monitoring and logging. This GUI can be exported to a global monitoring and
logging system allowing easy maintenance.

GOS Components
• GOSVisitManager: Manage visits in database
• GOSEquipmentConnector Equipment communication modules
• GOSPrintManager Does printer management
• GOSJobManager Does the job management
• GOSSnapshotDataProvider Allow query of snapshots via the network
• GOSTosInterfacing TOS interaction component
• More…

GOS Interfaces:

• AGS Application (OCR data and pictures)

• ACS Application (access queries, black list,..)
• Kiosks (Pedestals)
• Hand Helds
• Pre-announcement/Pre booking information (community system)
• TOS (Terminal Operating System)
• Operator consoles
• VoIP Phone System
• Management consoles and monitors

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Specifications Back office
Global GOS Architecture
Business Process
Inbound Gate Transaction
Outbound Gate Transaction
Kiosk Process
Driver arrives at Inbound Security Kiosk Kiosk Process
Camera Gate Process Interchange
terminal Process Camera Gate Process Outbound Security Kiosk Driver leaves
Kiosk Process
Inbound Gate Transaction Outbound Gate Process terminal
Hand-held Process Transaction Hand-held
Software Implementation Software Implementation
Software Implementation Software Implementation
of Business Process Software Implementation of Business Process Software Implementation Software Implementation
of Business Process of Business Process
of Business Process of Business Process of Business Process

Customer Business Customer Business Customer Business Customer Business Customer Business Customer Business
Customer Business
Process Software Process Software Process Software Process Software Process Software Process Software
GOS Software Process Software

CAMCO Technologies
Component Component Component Component Component Component
Uses Uses Uses Uses Uses Uses

Specifications Back office

GOS Standard Business GOS Standard Business GOS Standard Business GOS Standard Business GOS Standard Business GOS Standard Business
GOS Standard Business
Process Software Process Software Process Software Process Software Process Software Process Software
Process Software
Components Components Components Components Components Components

Uses Uses Uses Uses Uses Uses


GOS Standard Software GOS Standard Software GOS Standard Software GOS Standard Software GOS Standard Software GOS Standard Software
GOS Standard Software
Components Components Components Components Components Components

.NET Application .NET Application .NET Application .NET Application .NET Application .NET Application
.NET Application

Layer Uses

communication layers

page 12
Hot Standby Main
Data and Image Database High Availability Data Database
Hot standby High Availability Data Main
Image file store Redundancy Image file store

Virtual Servers
Virtual Server Virtual Server
Virtual Server Virtual Server
Virtual Server Virtual Server

Runs on Runs on
Runs on
Runs on Runs on
Physical Servers Runs on

Server Server

3.7.2. VisitManager

Main function
The VisitManager .NET assembly implements a service component to create, update
and control the visit data of trucks on a terminal.
Other components manipulate the data of a visit to execute a business process, such
a component is called a "visit processor". Those visit processors may not interact
directly with a database, but use data objects to execute their task.

The datamodel is not static but slightly different for each site. Therefore the
component uses the meta-data from the database at startup to build the internal
datamodel. The most important changes are on the level of columns of a table.
Tables are programmed fixed, together with keys and reference keys. However for
the data columns the meta information should be interpreted during service start.

VisitManagerViewer service
This service provides a GUI to allow monitoring the Visit processes
Some of the functions

• view a list with all visits which have an open transaction

• view a list with most recent visits with a committed transaction
• view a list with most recent visits with a rolled back transaction
• view the details (data in the database) of selected visits
• performance counters (sliding window, 1 minute time window, updated every
2 seconds)
o created visits per minute
o open transactions per minute
o committed transactions per minute

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Specifications Back office
3.7.3. Kiosk Interfaces (GOS Equipmentconnector)

Main function
This component provides a communication message link between the components
deployed on the server and the equipment installed in the field trough TCP/IP. It
concerns basicly the kiosks and other intelligent technology not related to the OCR
The GOS does not address physicly the kiosks hardware. A kiosk is seen as a named
“equipment” with additional named “devices” that can be controlled. The kiosk has a
“message controller” for communication between kiosk and the GOS and a “Device
controller” that steers the devices in the Kiosk.

GosEquipmentViewer service
This service provides a GUI to the GOSEquipmentconnector message handler
It delivers an overview of all equipment configurations
Per equipment
• status of the TCP connection
o timestamp connection created
o number of connections drops since service start
• number of messages received per minute (sliding time window 5 minutes,
updates each 30 seconds)
o from equipment to messagehandling
• number of messages send per minute (sliding time window 5 minutes,
updates each 30 seconds)
o from messagehandling to equipment
• for each equipment
o radiobutton to enable/disable freeze message updates on gui
o content of last 10 messages received
o content of last 10 messages send

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Specifications Back office
3.7.4. Print Manager

This component is responsible to manage all printing devices and to execute a print
job on a print device. It also knows how to format certain document types based
upon visit information.

Main functions
• provide a uniform print mechanism for other components
• provide a customer dependent and a customer independent part

This service consists of 3 major parts working together:

• server part: general part in charge of 2 other parts, customer independent,
printer independent
• printer part: contains printers/communication protocol with printers,
customer independent
• document/layout part: contains actual document and layout definitions,
customer dependent, printer dependent

PrintManagerClient service
This optional service provides a simplified interface to launch print jobs over directly
exchanging print job messages with PrintManagerServer.

GOS Interaction
Its deployed as a service
Uses MessageHandling to receive print jobs

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Specifications Back office
PrintManagerViewer service
This service provides the GUI to one or more PrintManagerServer instances.

• Overview of pending print jobs (content, state, start time)

o Possibility to remove a pending print job, view complete document

• Overview of successfully finished print jobs (content, truck plate?, start time,
end time, duration), will be marked as failed after a certain amount of time
o Possibility to view complete document content

• Overview of failed print jobs (content, start time, end time, duration)
o Possibility to view complete document content

• Overview of printers with their configuration (popular name, device name,

equipment name, status, print cnt.)
o Possibility to print a test page
o Possibility to see their status like out of printing paper...

• Overview of document types Possibility to add a free text remark (max. 255
chars) to each document

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Specifications Back office
3.7.5. JobManager

This component provides a mechanism implementation regarding job management

and scheduling. A job represents the availability and the description of a task. This
component doesn't execute the task itself, but other components use the
jobmanager to get notifications of the availability of a task.
The Jobmanager component provides a mechanism to select a job on a safe way: a
Job can only be selected by 1 component.

Main features

• manage different job queues

• manage the life-cycle of jobs
• provides a notification mechanism to other components regarding the life-
cycle of jobs in a job queue
• multiple components including remote components can interact with the job
manager including job allocation
• copy semantics is used for Jobs
• provides a mechanism to implement job queue scheduling/rescheduling based
upon specific job properties
• uses database as backing store for job queues/jobs to prevent data loss
during application restart

A Job represents a unit of tasks. Each Job is in a certain state. A component can add
application specific properties to a Job.
A JobQueue represents a sorted Collection of Jobs. When a Job is registered (added)
to a JobQueue, it state changes to Registered. A Job can only be added to a
JobQueue when its state is Created.
A component can implement a Listener interface to receive events on a state change
of a JobQueue.

JobManager Viewer service

This service provides one GUI control to the service layer

• Job Queues
o info on all job queues
o columns: Name, #jobs
• Job Queue: ..." listview
o info on all jobs in the selected job queues
• Remote clients

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Specifications Back office
3.7.6. Picture manager
The SnapShotDataProvider component provides snapshot data like images via http to
an image displaying control on other clients. The client application specifies via HTTP
GET parameters which image they would like to receive.

Applications using SnapShotDataProvider

• Web application to retrieve pictures

• Operator consoles to retrieve pictures
• Other applications needing access to pictures

The SnapshotDataProvider component uses the GOSVisitManager and the snapshot

zipfile store to provide images to the client component. The client component has to
specify which type of image of which visit it would like to receive and display.

The client component can use a rich image control to display the image on the

The server component contains a build-in http server to process http request of the
client component or other http client software.

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Specifications Back office
SnapShotDataProvicer Viewer service
This service provides one GUI control to the service layer
• cache tabpage
o contains listview with information regarding to cache content
ƒ columns: visitid,
o contains Statistics groupbox
ƒ hitrate/hour, hitrate/day
ƒ total hits since service start
ƒ total request since service start
ƒ total hitrate since service start

• http tabpage
o contains for each http-server instance a separate tabpage
o contains Configuration groupbox
ƒ displays current configuration
ƒ enable/disable max download speed
ƒ enable/disable request limitation
o contains listview with last 50 request
ƒ columns: src ipadress, request param string, username, http
response code, turn-around time in msec (http request-
response), cache used?
o contains Statistics groupbox
ƒ download size/hour
ƒ download size/day
ƒ total nb request since service start
ƒ total download size since service start

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Specifications Back office
3.7.8. Tos Interfacing
In function of the TOS several transactions have to be defined.
Camco develops first a stand alone simulator to test the transactions on the target

Preferably we work with XML based transactions over window sockets.

GOSTosInterface Viewer service

This service provides one GUI control to the service layer
This is very implementation depended

• Status of each lane-socket (waiting for reply, free, disconnected, ...)

• Overview table with last 20 transactions to the TOS
• Columns:
o visit_id to which the transaction refers
o time request was sent
o time reply was received
o contents of request (complete xml message)
o contents of reply (complete xml message)
o contents of reply from manual planner (complete xml message)

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Specifications Back office
3.7.9. GOS Visit Event Reporting

A Visit is the unit of data in the complete GOS. The interaction with a Visit during a
complete gate operation is:
• complex
• executed by different other GOS software components
• executed in a relative large timeframe (30-90 minutes)

Therefore a uniform visit event logging/reporting system would assist in:

• tracing the complete main events which are performed on a visit
• providing statistics (KPIs) on sets of visits

Relation with VisitManager / GOSDataModel

The GOS data model has a VisitLog concept in a 1-n relation with Visit.
The VisitLog will be used to record the visit event logs.

The VisitLog has the following properties:

• LOG_LEVEL which should be DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
• LOG_TIMESTAMP is 'now' and is filled in automatically
• SOURCE specifying an ID of the source component
• EVENT specifying an ID of event which is logged
• STATEMENT specifying a free text description
The combination of SOURCE and EVENT should make each event unique.

Visit Event Reporting service

This service is a web based tool to analyze the visit event logs. It allows to
generate statistics on a configurable way.
Main features
• reports can be generated from configuration file
• report generation can be scheduled
• reports can be generated in txt/html/xml(/pdf) format (optional)
• disposition of reports to a folder, by e-mail, ...

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Specifications Back office
Comments on attached Visit Report

The metrics showed are the standard ones, on customer requests other can
be implemented. Some metrics are counts, others are duration (expressed in
seconds). The statistics are from our system at APMT Rotterdam. It’s based
on 2 security kiosk ISPS kiosks, 2 SuperGates and 2 In-Gate kiosks.

“isp-xxxx” are the first kiosks where we do (ISPS) identification.

“igtp-xxx” are the In- Gate transaction kiosks

• During that day (26/7/2006) 993 trucks passed trough the 2 ISPS kiosks
and 2 SuperGates (isp-start). It took average 16,32 seconds for
identification (isp-duration). This time is exclusive truck start/stop time.
• From those 993 trucks, 1/3 or 322 trucks drove trough the 2 automated
In-Gate lanes (igtp-start). Those 2 lanes were processed with only one
operator opposed to the other 4 lanes that had 4 operators.
• It took average 96 seconds for a trucker to enter all data at the in-gate
kiosk (igtp-driver-duration).
• About 96 transactions (igtp-auto-attempt) could be started in automatic
mode (without operator intervention as all data was available and
• From those 96 about 62 transactions were finished successfully (igtp-
auto-success), the remaining 34 truckers needed operator intervention
• About 47 truckers have been send to the help desk because of
uncompleted or wrong booking information (igtp-helpdesk)
• It took average 112 seconds before the checker did check the seal ( igtp-
• It took average 91 seconds for the operator to finish a transaction (igtp-
• A trucker had to wait average 60 seconds before the operator handled his
transaction (igtp-operator-delay-duration)
• The total time from ISPS security kiosk until the truck drives to the
interchange area takes average 277 seconds (A-check time)

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Specifications Back office
3.8 Operator/Clerk Console

The operator console is adapted to the customers need.

This example shows a solution where on the top the screen the current truck is
showed. In the middle we have 3 inbound and up to 3 outbound panels (container1,
container2,..). Those panels are pre-filled from the OCR Portal (AGS system).
In case the OCR data has a high confidentiality it’s written straight into the fields, if
it’s lower then 99% it’s put in orange, if lower then 90 it’s put in red.

The left panel gives all data available about this truck, including timestamps, speed,
name of driver, company etc…

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Specifications Back office
3.9 Pedestal screens

3.9.1 Introduction
The kiosks (pedestals) runs or Linux or Windows.
The basic software makes part of our GOS Frame, only the screens are customized to
the customers requirements in different languages.

Some example of screens:

Driver has to select the type of action by touching one of the pictograms.

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This is an example of Inbound transaction at the gates. The container number has
been pre-filled by SuperGate. The trucker can change the container number by use
of a virtual keyboard.

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Specifications Back office
3.10 Security screens

A 2 lane security operator screen controlling 2 ISPS security pedestals.

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Specifications Back office

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