Soc Modelling
Soc Modelling
Soc Modelling
Simon Southwell
October 2023
This document brings together 2 articles written in October 20223 and published on
LinkedIn, covering the software modelling of SoC systems in C++.
Simon Southwell
Cambridge, UK
October 2023
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................... 4
MODELLING THE PROCESSING ELEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 7
GENERIC PROCESSOR MODELS .................................................................................................................................. 8
Memory Accesses .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Interrupts .................................................................................................................................................... 10
INSTRUCTION SET SIMULATORS ............................................................................................................................... 12
TIMING MODELS .................................................................................................................................................. 18
DEBUGGING......................................................................................................................................................... 19
MULTIPLE PROCESSING ELEMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 19
CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................... 22
FPU ................................................................................................................................................................... 23
BUS AND INTERCONNECT ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Connection to the Processing Element ........................................................................................................ 26
MEMORY MODEL ................................................................................................................................................. 27
Cache ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
MMU ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
INTERFACES ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Modelling the Software View ...................................................................................................................... 31
Modelling Protocols .................................................................................................................................... 33
TIMERS ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
Real-time Clock............................................................................................................................................ 36
Speed of SoC Models for Real-time ............................................................................................................. 37
ALGORITHMIC MODELLING ..................................................................................................................................... 38
SOURCES OF INTERRUPTS........................................................................................................................................ 39
CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 40
Part 1: Modelling Processing Elements
In this two part document I want to discuss the modelling of System-on-Chip (SoC)
systems in software. In particular in C++, but other programming languages could be
used. The choice will depend on many factors but, as we shall see, there are some
advantages in modelling with a language that will also be the ‘programming
language’ of the model. Modelling processor-based systems in software is not
uncommon. In my own career alone, I have seen this done, to varying degrees, at
Quadrics, Infineon, Blackberry, u-blox and Global Inkjet Systems and have been
involved in constructing some of these models and used the models at all of them.
SoCs are generally characterised by having on a single chip many of the functions
that might, in the past, have been separate components on a PCB, or set of PCBs. We
can define some common characteristics of an SoC that we’re likely to find on any
device. The SoC will have one or more processor cores, and this immediately implies
a memory sub-system, with a combination of one or more devices from ROM, Flash,
SRAM, DDR DRAM etc., to facilitate running programs and operating systems. The
cores may have caches to varying levels, and may support virtual memory, implying
an MMU (memory management unit) or, if not VM support, at least memory
protection in the form of an MPU (memory protection unit). Some memory mapped
interconnect or bus will be needed for the core(s) to access memory and other
devices, so an interconnect/bus system will be present, such as Amba busses (APB,
AHB, AXI, CHI), or Intel/Altera busses (Avalon). Almost certainly, the processor will
need to support interrupts, and an interrupt controller would then be needed for
multiple nested interrupts with, perhaps, support for both level and edge triggered
interrupts. If support for a multi-tasking and/or real-time operating system is
needed, then a real-time timer that can generate interrupts will be present, along
with other counter/timer functionality, including perhaps watchdog timers.
Once we have the processor system, with memory and interconnect, the SoC will
need to interact with the real world via peripherals. These might be mapped on the
main memory address map, but there may be a separate I/O space. The peripherals
might be low bandwidth serial interfaces (UART, I2C, SPI, CAN), or higher bandwidth
interfaces, such as SDIO, USB, Gigabit Ethernet or PCIe. Moving data from the
interfaces (especially those with high bandwidth) might require direct memory access
(DMA) functionality, utilising streaming bus protocols. Encryption and security
support may also be required. For control and status of external devices, a certain
number of general purpose I/O (GPIO) pins may be supported, as well as analogue-
to-digital converters (ADCs) and/or digital-to-analogue convertors (DACs). There
may also be peripherals to drive display devices such as LCD displays.
Having a set (or sub-set) of these general-purpose functions, where required, custom
functions, specific to the system being developed, can be added. In an FPGA based
SoC these might be implemented in the logic part of the device. The diagrams below
show two commonly used FPGA devices that have SoC hard macro logic (Custom
ASIC type logic implementation): one from AMD and one from Intel.
These two devices have very similar architectures and sets of SoC components. This is
not surprising for two reasons. Firstly, they serve the same market and are
competitors in that market, and secondly, they are based around the same processor
system, namely the ARM Cortex-A, using the same Amba interconnect. They do,
however, give a good reference point to what a generic SoC might look like, and
what functionality is present. They contain a lot of options for interfaces and
protocols, and a specific implementation may not use all of them, so any modelling
of a given system need only model what is going to be present and used in the
SoCs are not restricted to FPGAs, and many ASICs follow this same pattern. I worked
on a Zigbee based wireless ASIC which was also ARM based and had a smaller set of
peripherals, but not dissimilar to those above so customers to adapt the chip for
their specific application.
Having defined a typical set of functions one might find in an SoC, we find that there
are a lot of complex things present, from the processor cores to the peripherals and
all the functionality and protocols in between. How can we make a model that covers
all this functionality?
In the rest of this part of the document, and the following part, I want to break down
each of the functions we looked at for an SoC and look at strategies for putting
together software models to quickly and usefully construct a system that can be used
to develop software and explore a design space either before committing to a logic
development or used in parallel with a development to shorten schedules and
mitigate risk. We will begin by looking at ways to have a processing element on
which we can run our embedded software.
The first answer is, I hope you’ll see, the obvious answer, and we will look at
constructing instruction set simulators later, including with timing accurate
The second option is not so obvious. Whatever we model, we want to run a program
that can read and write to memory (or I/O space) and be interrupted, just like a real
processor core. If we present an API to that software so that it can do these memory
accesses and have interrupt service routines called when an external interrupt event
occurs, then we are close to a solution. The model, presumably, is compiled and run
on a PC or workstation, likely compiled for an x84-64 processor. Even if the
embedded software is targeted for a different processor, such as a RISC-V RV32G
processor, then it might still be possible to cross-compile it for the model’s host
machine—especially if steps are taken to ease this process, as we will discuss shortly.
This saves on constructing a specific processor model, which requires a good
understanding of the processor’s instruction set architecture (ISA), or when no third
party model is available. Since an instruction set simulator is, itself, just a program,
once we have a generic processing element model, we can simply make the program
we run on it an ISS and, voila, we have a model that can run code for an architecture
other than the host computer’s processor. The diagram below summarises these two
Hopefully it is clear that one is, in general, just an extension of the other and that
taking a generic processor route has an ‘upgrade path’ for more accurate processor
modelling as the next logical step.
In the next section I want to look at this generic processing element approach,
before looking at methods for constructing instruction set simulators for specific
processor instruction set architectures (ISAs).
Memory Accesses
It's fair to say, I think, that most SoC processors memory accesses will be done
through the equivalent of load and store instructions of fairly limited functionality,
perhaps being able to load or store from bytes to double words etc. From a software
viewpoint, this is largely hidden (unless writing in assembly language), and the
software manipulates variables, arrays, structures, class members etc. In a generic
processor model these memory data structures can just be part of the program and
reside on the host. It gets interesting when accessing memory mapped peripherals
and their registers.
The simplest API for accessing memory mapped space within the SoC model is
perhaps a pair of C like functions, or C++ methods in a class, to read and write such
as shown below (assuming ultimately targeting a 32-bit processor):
The type argument defines the type of access—byte, half-word and so on. Of course,
these will be wrapped up as methods in an API class, and there may be I/O
equivalents. This isn’t an document on C++, but the functions could be overloaded
so that the type of data (the return type for read_mem, and the data argument for
write_mem) could define the type of access, dropping the type argument. Where
possible I will avoid obfuscating the points being made with this kind of ‘best
practice’ optimisations. When writing your own models, you should use good coding
style (and comment liberally), but I want to keep things simple. You can, of course,
write the whole thing in C, and the embedded code to be run on the model may well
be in that language in any case.
In many of the embedded systems I have worked on, the software has a virtualising
layer between the main code and accessing the registers of the various memory
mapped hardware. This is a Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and might consist of a
set of classes that define access methods to all the different registers and their sub-
fields—perhaps one per peripheral—built into a hierarchy that matches that of the
SoC. I.e., a sub-unit may consist of a set of peripherals, each with their own register
access class, and even, perhaps, some memory, gathered into a parent class for the
sub-unit. The advantage here of having a HAL is that it can be used to hide the
access methods we defined above and make compiling the code for both the target
and the host running the model that much easier. Ultimately, the HAL will do a load
or a store to a memory location. If we arrange things so that, when compiled for the
target, the HAL simply makes a memory access (a = *reg or *reg = a), but when
compiled for the model references the methods (a = read_mem(reg, WORD, fault)
or write_mem(reg, WORD, fault)) then the embedded software gets the same view
of the SoC registers whether running on the target platform or running on the
generic processor as part of the SoC model. Indeed, this was done at one of my
employers and the HAL was automatically generated from JSON descriptions, as was
the register logic, ensuring that the software and hardware views agreed. Again,
avoiding C++ nuances, it is possible (for those interested) that if the register types
are not the standard types (e.g., uint32_t) but a custom type, accesses such as a =
*reg or *reg = a can be overloaded to call the read and write methods, so retaining
pointer access. This is more complicated, and a HAL would virtualise this away
anyway, making it unnecessary.
Whether overloading pointers, using a HAL, or just calling a read and write API
method directly, from a software view we have an API for reading and writing to a
memory mapped bus. We haven’t discussed what goes in these methods yet, but we
will get to this when we talk about modelling the bus/interconnect.
The other interface to the model of a processing element we identified was for
interrupts. Notoriously, on a PC or workstation, when running user privilege
programs we don’t have access to the computer’s interrupts directly. Fortunately, we
do not need to.
In a real processor core, at each execution of an instruction, the logic will inspect
interrupt inputs, gating them through specific and then master interrupt enables and
if one is active, and enabled, will alter the flow of the program in accordance with the
processor’s architecture. Thus the granularity of an interrupt is at the instruction level.
For our generic processor model, we aren’t running at the instruction level, but just
running a program on a host machine. We do, however, access the SoC model with
the read and write API calls. Since the SoC model will be the source of interrupts, this
is a good point to inspect the current interrupt state. Glossing over just how that
state might get updated for the moment, so long as, at each read and write call, the
interrupt state can be inspected, we can implement interrupts and have interrupt
service routine functions.
If the read_mem and write_mem methods of the memory access class call a
process_int method as the first thing they do, then this can keep interrupt state and
make decisions on whether to call an interrupt service routine (ISR) method. The
main program is stalled at the memory access call whilst the ISR is running, and so
will return to that point when the ISR method exits. The ISRs themselves can access
memory and can also be interrupted by higher priority interrupts allowing
hierarchical interrupt modelling to be achieved. A sketch for an API class with
interrupts is shown below:
class ApiWithInterrupts
static const int max_interrupts = 32;
ApiWithInterrupts () {
int_active = 0;
int_enabled = 0;
int_master_enable = false;
void write_mem (uint32_t addr, uint32_t data, access_type type, bool &fault) {
/* write access code */
uint32_t read_mem (uint32_t addr, uint32_t *data, access_type type, bool &fault) {
/* read access code */
void process_int();
pVUserInt_t isr[max_interrupts];
uint32_t int_enabled;
bool int_master_enable;
uint32_t int_req;
uint32_t int_active;
Here we have a class with the two methods for read and write, and I’ve shown these
with some code to show that an internal process_int method is called before
actually processing the access. The class contains some state, with an array of
function pointers, set to NULL in the constructor, which can be set to point to external
functions via the registerIsr() method. A master interrupt variable,
int_master_enable, can be set or cleared with enable- or disableMasterInterrupt
methods. Similarly, the individual enables can be controlled with enableIsr and
disableIsr methods. To actually interrupt the code, the updateIntReq method is
called with the new interrupt state, which would set the int_req internal bitmap
variable, which process_int will process. A bitmap int_active variable is also used
by process_int to indicate which interrupts are active (i.e., requested and enabled).
There can be more than one active, and the highest priority will be the one that is
This type of method is used with the OSVVM co-simulation code and I write about
how this is done with more detail in a blog on that website. In this environment there
is an OsvvmCosim class with, amongst other methods, a transRead and transWrite
methods. This is used as a base class to derive an OsvvmCosimInt class, then
overloads the transRead and transWrite methods (and others) to insert a
processInt method call which models the interrupts. The ISRs don’t reside within the
class, but external functions can be registered by the user to be called for each of the
ISR priority levels. The blog gives more details and the referenced source code can
be found on OSVVM’s github repository, so I won’t repeat the description here, and
the details of the processInt methods of that code serves to show how this would
be done with the sketch class described above, and its process_int method.
So here we have a framework to build an SoC and run a program. We have defined a
class with read and write capabilities and the ability to update interrupt state and
have the running program interrupted with prioritised and nested interruptable
interrupt service routines, provided externally by registering them with our class. We
can now write a program and a set of ISRs that uses this class to do memory mapped
accesses and support interrupts. I’ve left off the details of the read_mem and
write_mem methods, for now, as this is how we will talk to the rest of the model
which will be dealt with in the next part of the document.
• Reading an instruction
• Decoding the instruction
• Executing the instruction
These three basic functions are repeated, in an execution loop, indefinitely or until
some termination condition has been reached, such as having executed a particular
number of instructions, executed a particular instruction (like a break for example) or
some such state, set up prior to running the processor. In addition to these basic
functions, some state also needs to be modelled for things like internal registers and
the program counter. These can all be collected into a processor model class.
For reading an instruction we are already set up, as we can use our API with the
read_mem method to read instructions preloaded into memory though, as we’ll see
later, this will be done via an indirection. For RISC type processors, only one word is
read per instruction such as ARM, RISC-V and LatticeMico32 processors. Therefore
the decode process is completely isolated from the other steps. This is the case for
my RISC-V and LatticeMico32 ISS models. For non-RISC, usually older, processors,
instructions may be variable in length, with a basic instruction opcode followed by
zero or more arguments. Therefore a decode, or partial decode needs to be done,
and then any further bytes/words read before moving to execution. Thus, reading
and decoding can be entwined somewhat, complicating the first two stages, though
only mildly so. This is the case for my 6502 processor and 8501 microcontroller
Decoding an instruction will involve extracting opcode bits to uniquely identify the
instruction for execution, with the other bits being ‘arguments’ such as source and
destination registers, immediate bits and the like. Depending on how many opcode
bits the processor’s ISA defines will determine how many possible unique
instructions there can be, though they might not all decode to a valid instruction. The
number of opcode bits might be quite small, such as for the LatticeMico32, which
has 6 bits and 64 possible instructions and the 8051 which has 8 bits for 256 possible
instructions. For other processors it may be much higher and the RISC-V RV32I
processor’s R-type instructions have 17 bits (see my article on RISC-V for more
details). Many ISS models I have seen use a switch/case statement for the decoding.
For the small opcode processors, like the LatticeMico32 with 6 bits, a switch
statement with 64 cases to select the execution code is manageable. For the larger
opcode spaces, such as the 17 bits of RISC-V RV32I, this then becomes 131072 cases
most of which will be invalid instructions. To manage all of the different architectures,
I prefer to use a hierarchy of tables which have pointers to instruction execution
methods as part of each entry. For the smaller opcode spaces, this table hierarchy
can be one deep (i.e., a single flat table), but for the large spaces this is broken down.
The RISC-V instruction formats have a common 7-bit opcode, and then have various
other functX fields of various sizes, such as a three bit funct3 or a seven bit funct7
fields. We can use this to produce a hierarchy. An initial primary table can be made
with the number of entries for the opcode (i.e., 128). Each entry in the table can have
a flag saying whether it is an instruction, and then has a pointer to an instruction
execution method, or points to another table. A secondary table would have entries
for the funct3 field, and a tertiary table would have entries for the funct7 field. This
can be repeated for any depth required. Decoding then walks down the table until it
finds an instruction entry.
The diagram below, taken from the RV32 ISS Reference Manual, shows this situation.
So what might each table entry look like? Here we define a structure (class) to group
all the relevant information and make an array of these structures for the tables. The
code snippet below shows a top-level structure for the rv32 ISS.
typedef struct rv32i_decode_table_t
// Flag to indicate 'ref' a sub-table reference (and not an instruction entry)
bool sub_table;
This structure has the sub-table flag, a union of either a pointer to a decoded
instruction data structure or to another table and then a pointer to an instruction
execution function (which is null if a sub-table). The decoded instruction data
structure is all the fields of the instruction extracted out, which is ‘filled in’ by the
decode code. Since this will be passed to all the instruction execution functions, it
contains all possible fields for all instruction types, so that the instruction execution
methods can simply pick the out appropriate values they need.
typedef struct {
uint32_t instr; // Raw instruction
uint32_t opcode; // Opcode field
uint32_t funct3; // Sub-function value (R, I, S and B types)
uint32_t funct7; // Sub-function value (R-type)
uint32_t rd; // Destination register
uint32_t rs1; // Source register 1
uint32_t rs2; // Source register 2
uint32_t imm_i; // Sign extended immediate value for I type
uint32_t imm_s; // Sign extended immediate value for S type
uint32_t imm_b; // Sign extended immediate value for B type
uint32_t imm_u; // Sign extended immediate value for U type
uint32_t imm_j; // Sign extended immediate value for J type
rv32i_table_entry_t entry; // Copy of instruction table entry
} rv32i_decode_t;
The decode table arrays are constructed and filled by the constructor, to link the
table hierarchies and point to the instructions’ execution methods. In the execution
loop, decoding does the ‘table walk’, indexing down the table with the opcode and
functX values as indexes, until it reaches an instruction execution entry. The entry
decode table is filled in from the raw instruction value, and then the instruction
method, pointed to in the entry, is called with the entry decode table as an
argument. If the pointer is pointing to a ‘reserved’ method, then the decoding
reached an invalid/unsupported instruction, and an exception can be raised.
The instruction execution methods are now simply a matter of executing the
functionality of the instruction. Below is an example of an add instruction method:
void rv32i_cpu::addr(const p_rv32i_decode_t d) {
if (d->rd) {
state.hart[curr_hart].x[d->rd] = (uint32_t)state.hart[curr_hart].x[d->rs1] +
As you can see, this is now fairly straight forward. The branch and jump instructions
will update the PC (with the former on a condition), whilst the load and store
instructions will do reads and writes. Now these could use the API class that we
defined earlier, but a better way (as I hope I will convince you) is to have internal
read and write methods which call an external callback function registered with the
ISS model. (If you are not familiar with pointers to functions and callback methods, I
talk about these in one of my articles on real-time-operating systems, in the
Asymmetric Multi-Processor section.
The reason I think this is better is because it decouples the ISS completely from the
rest of the SoC model, allowing the ISS to drop in to any SoC model, which can
register its external memory access callback function and run code on the ISS for that
environment. The rv32 ISS read and write methods check for any access errors (such
as misaligned addresses) and then executes the external memory callback function if
one has been registered. If one hasn’t been registered, or if the call to the callback
returns indicating it didn’t handle the access, the ISS will attempt to make an access
to a small 64Kbyte memory model it has internally. If the access is outside of this
range, then an error is generated.
Many (but not all) of the instructions can generate exceptions and in the rv32 ISS a
process_trap method is defined to handle these called, as appropriate, from the
instruction execution methods, with the trap type. The process_trap method simply
updates register state for the exception and sets the PC to the appropriate exception
address. Since interrupts are forms of exception, we can also have a
process_interrupts method. This, though, is not called from the instruction
methods, but is in the execution loop so that it is called every instruction. Some
processors have a mixture of internal and external interrupt sources. So, for example,
the RISC-V processor can generate timer interrupts internally (ironically from timers
that are allowed to be external), whilst also have an external interrupt input. In order
for the ISS to be able to be interrupted by external code we, once again, use an
externally registered callback function. At each call to process_interrupts this
callback (if one registered) is executed and returns the external interrupt request
state. This is then processed against interrupt enable state and, if enabled, a call to
the process_trap is made, with an interrupt type instead of an internal exception
type and the PC will be altered similarly to that for an exception.
So we now have all the components for the basic functionality, with decode,
execution, memory access and exception/interrupt handling. To run an actual
program we just need a run loop.
while (!halt) {
if (!process_interrupts()) {
// Fetch instruction
curr_instr = fetch_instruction();
// Decode
p_entry = primary_decode(curr_instr, decode);
// Execute
if (p_entry != NULL)
error = execute(decode, p_entry);
We can now refine our ISS diagram a bit with the callback functions provided by the
external model software, called by the ISS for memory accesses and inspecting
interrupt state, and then these callbacks making use of the API we defined earlier.
Timing Models
If modelling timing to some degree is important (and it may not be), then what is
possible will depend on the choice of whether using a generic model or a processor
specific model. With the generic model the software running on the processing
element is just a program running on the host machine and only when it interacts
with the rest of the model (e.g., do a read or write) is there any concept of the
advancement of ‘model’ time. Of course, if there is some data on the average mix
between memory access and non-memory access instructions in a similar real-world
system, then an estimate for clock cycles run between calls to the API read and write
methods can be made, and some state kept that’s updated when calls to the
methods made. It will, necessarily, be a crude estimate, but may be a useful
approximation of how a system might perform. However, the generic method is not
really suitable for more accurate performance measurements.
With an ISS things become a lot better. Processor execution times are usually well
understood and documented for a given implementation. For example, from the
documentation of the rv32 RISC-V softcore we have:
This is a fairly straight forward specification, and the ISS instruction execution
functions can update some count state to keep track of cycle time. The exception is
the memory access instructions which also have a wait state element. This wait delay
is a black-box as far as the processor is concerned, as it is caused by the external
modelling of the memory sub-system. Therefore, the memory callback function
prototype specifies a return value which is the additional cycles added by the
memory access, and the SoC model memory functionality will calculate this. Thus, the
memory access instructions will add their base timing to the cycle count, and the
callback return value will then be subsequently added. From a processor point of
view, then, we have cycle accurate behaviour. Of course, if the core has complex
features, such as out of order execution, dynamic branch prediction, or is superscalar
in architecture, accurate cycle counts become harder as the model must take these
factors in to account.
With my software hat on, the first question I might ask when presented with a
software model of a system to program is, how will I debug my code? Here, I’m
talking about the code that is running on the model, rather than the code that is the
model—which can be debugged using the normal tools and methods as it’s just an
application running on the host machine. In fact, for the generic processor model,
the code to be executed is just an extension of that model code, perhaps usefully
separated from the model code, but compiled and linked with it. So the same
techniques and tools can be used here and the issue is sorted.
For an ISS based model things are a little bit more complicated—but not much. Here
the software running on the model (using the ISS) is probably cross-compiled for the
particular processor, and the host tools can’t be used and one would need to use
those supplied with the toolchain for that modelled processor architecture. However,
taking gdb as a common debug tool, it has a remote mode where it can connect to a
processor remotely, via a TCL/IP socket, and then send ‘machine’ versions of the
common commands to load programs, set breakpoints, run code, inspect memory,
step and continue the program etc. If the ISS model has some TCP/IP server code
that can receive and decode the gdb machine commands, and then act appropriately,
sending any required responses, a debugging session can be set up using the
processor’s version of gdb. This has, in fact, been done for my RISC-V and
LatticeMico32 ISS models, and the source code can be inspected for how this is
implemented. The LatticeMico32 ISS documentation has sections on the gdb
interface, and an appendix on how to set up the Eclipse IDE with gdb so that a full IDE
can be used for debugging. So, now we have a full debug environment and can
debug code.
For the ISS based modelling we don’t need to rely on threads or mutexes and can
maintain a single threaded application. How? It was implied, when discussing
debugging, that the ISS model is able to be stepped one instruction at a time. The
run loop code snippet shown earlier had a ‘while not halt’ as the main loop, where
halt is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Actual real code will have a whole host of possible
reasons to break out of the loop, allowing breaks on reaching a certain address in the
instructions (a break point) or after a certain number of instructions have been run,
such as 1 (a step). We can use this step feature to advance the processor externally
instead of free running. Now a run loop can have calls to step multiple ISS objects
and step them in sequence. With access to the ISS objects’ concept of time, the
execution order can be improved by, at each loop iteration, only step the ISS object
that has a smaller cycle count time. This, then, minimises the error in cycle counts
between the processor models and keeps them synchronised. This is discussed in
more detail in the LatticeMico32 documentation, under the Multi-processor System
Modelling section, for those wanting to know more about this subject. This method
can be done for any number of processor cores required to be modelled and can
even be done with different processor models, which is not an uncommon situation
in some embedded systems.
We have started our look at constructing software models of SoC systems by looking
at ways to allow us to run embedded software on a ‘processing element’. This might
be a virtual element where a specific processor isn’t modelled, or an instruction set
simulator, where the target processor is fully modelled. In either case we present an
API that does the basic processor external operations—read and write to memory
space and get interrupted.
For the generic model, the API can be used directly for reads and writes, and
strategies were discussed to model nested interrupts whilst maintaining single
threaded code. Timing modelling with the generic processor model was shown to be
limited in accuracy but may have some useful application with real-world based
The ISS modelling was broken down to mimicking the basic steps of a core and we
looked at using a table hierarchy for instruction decoding and the use of pointers to
instruction execution methods in the table, to be executed when the decoding
terminates in the decoded instruction entry within the tables. To de-couple the
processor models from the rest of the modelling, the API was not used directly, but
callback functions used for memory space accesses and inspecting interrupt request
state, which can then use the API, allowing modelling of the bus and interconnect to
be external to the processor model, which we’ll discuss in the part of the document.
Methods were also discussed for accurate timing models and debugging, as well as
how to handle the modelling of multiple processor cores.
In this first part, we have just focused on processor modelling, and we still have to
look at the bus/interconnect, memory sub-system and all the various peripherals, as
well as looking at interfacing to external programs to extend the model’s usefulness
into such domains as co-simulation or to interface to other external models. I will
cover these subjects in part 2 of the document.
Part 2: Infrastructure
In the part 1 in this series, we looked at the modelling of the processing element of
an SoC. In this second part I want to talk about the reset of the system model. When
writing this second part, the size of what I wanted to cover in this subject grew and
grew, and I had to start trimming the details down in order to get a document that
was of digestible length, knowing that many reading this document are new to the
subject, or less familiar with software than they are with logic. So, I have made this
second part into an overview of approaches but have tried to compliment this with
references to examples that I have made available in the open-source domain, and of
other relevant documents and articles that describe how these are constructed so
that people can dive deeper to the level of their interest. I have, professionally, been
involved in modelling using additional techniques than covered here for which I
don’t have examples available. I have mentioned a few which extrapolate from the
techniques described below but have tried to keep this to a minimum. I hope I’ve
succeeded, though, in laying a foundation from which someone can start
constructing their own models.
We will do ourselves a great favour if, when constructing the rest of an SoC model,
we separate out certain aspects of the blocks we wish to model:
• Basic functionality
• Specific protocols
• Timing
Usually (not always) the basic functionality of an SoC block is easy to describe. For
example, an AXI bus facilitates a read or a write of data between (using ARM
terminology) a ‘manager’ (such as a processor) and a ‘subordinate’, as indexed with
an address. This is also true of the AHB, APB, Avalon bus, or wishbone or any
memory mapped bus or interconnect protocol. There is a ‘transaction’ between the
manager and the subordinate in the data exchange. It would be easiest to model at
this transactional level. The details of the protocol really only manifest themselves at
this transaction level as timing for the transaction and some specific facilities, such as
privilege level—which may be common between other similar protocols or may not.
By separating out the different aspects of the functionality like this we can restrict
what is modelled to meet the specific needs. If transactional modelling meets
requirements, then a model of a block can more constructed more easily and quickly.
Timings would then, of course, be approximations—if timing is of interest at all. To
get more accurate timings, the certain parts of the block’s detailed functionality may
need to be modelled. This might be at the level of “operation a takes m cycles,
operation b takes n cycles” etc., if the functionality is that linear, all the way to a full
blown cycle accurate model with full protocol modelling. This latter is most
important if it interfaces with another model that needs the proper protocol, for
example your interfacing to a 3rd party model that expects the received bits to be
fully fledged ethernet packets, say. There are no short cuts, and the requirements on
the model will depend on the intended use from purely functional to allow initial
software architecture testing, to the ability to get accurate estimates for software and
hardware performance. With separation of these aspects, complexity and features
can be added over time to refine the model, whilst still having a system up and
running before all aspects are implemented.
In this document it is not possible to go through every single SoC type block and
discuss in detail how to model these. I want to mention the most common and
reference some of my open-source code that uses these methods by way of working
examples. The open-source examples can't be as complete as a whole professional
system (I'm only a one man band) such as the systems I worked on at Infineon as a
software modelling developer. Here, for instance, the idea was to have a GUI where
you could pick components from a library—core, bus, memory, peripherals as
required, etc.), and then automatically generate a software model from this, ready to
run embedded software. Also, the 8051 model was used at Silicon Labs when I
specified a 'soft MAC' for the Zigbee systems and modelled a solution, using the
8051 model to Silicon Lab's product specs, which could run some prototype
embedded code that the software team had done some time before. Naturally, the
code for these system models is not in my possession or open-source. What I’m
hoping is that I have enough examples to show how to approach modelling an SoC,
starting with an easy base system which can be quickly constructed, especially if the
embedded software architecture is constructed with software modelling in mind, to
adding complexity as and when needed.
In part 1, we left modelling processor’s behind. However, we didn’t talk about
floating point functionality. Many embedded processors don’t support FP arithmetic,
but many do. From the modelling perspective, though, we can treat floating point
support as a separate extension.
Naturally, when modelling a processor in C++ running on a host, access to floating
point functionality is built into the language, so the FP instruction code can just do
floating point arithmetic using the float and double types as appropriate. For many
cases this is all that’s required. However, not in all cases.
The RISC-V F and D extensions specify different rounding modes. I won’t go into
details (see the The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume I sections 8 and 9), but
rounding modes can be set for things like rounding towards zero, rounding down
etc. By default, your host will do one of these, but to get accurate results we need to
round as appropriate to the configuration. Fortunately, the fenv library provides a
means to program which mode is used by the processor running our program via the
fsetround function. The rv32 RISC-V ISS uses this library to set the rounding mode to
match that programmed for the processor (see the update_rm method in the file
Another option which I’ve used before, professionally, is the softfloat library. This is a
standalone library to implement IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic. The
advantage of this is that it is agnostic to the features of the host computer that the
SoC model is being run on. The disadvantage is that it is slower than using the host’s
floating point capabilities, if that is an issue. The choice will depend on the priorities
of the model performance and features.
Thus, modelling the bus and interconnect functionality is fairly straight forward.
Layering on timing and protocol to this model will involve calculations due to the
nature of the transactions, type of operation and any arbitration resolution. The
accuracy of this is dependent on the effort for accurately modelling the protocol
used and the device doing the decoding or routing. With all the models I have
encountered in my career, none have actually claimed a 100% cycle accuracy with the
real bus system. This is because this would involve having every event from external
sources happening precisely as it would in the real system. Because of arbitration
may go a different way if an access request is just one cycle different, and these
errors accumulate. What is achievable though, is a system that behaves consistently
with the exact same inputs over a model’s run (repeatability) and is stochastically
representative (precise) over many transactions, so it is worth putting good timing
modelling in the bus models if performance measurements are required. Again,
precision is a function of effort.
In the first part of this document I mentioned the use of callback function from the
processing element model which is called whenever it does a load or store (read or
write) operation, but I did not elaborate on what that might look like in any detail.
Taking the RISC-V model, for example, the callback type is defined as:
typedef int (*p_rv32i_memcallback_t) (const uint32_t byte_addr,
uint32_t &data,
const int type,
const rv32i_time_t time);
When a callback, of this type, is registered with the model (using the
register_ext_mem_callback method) it will be called at each memory access by the
processor with a byte address, a data value (on write type accesses), an access type
and also the processor model’s current time value. The type value takes one of some
defined values in the form of either MEM_WR_ACCESS_XX or MEM_RD_ACCESS_XX, where
XX is one of BYTE, HWORD, WORD, or INSTR. On read accesses, the value is returned in the
data argument. The callback has a return value which is normally a cycle count
(which can be 0) returning the number of additional cycles the access took over and
above the processor instruction cycles, allowing wait state counts to be inserted, and
these are added by the model to include in its elapsed time reckoning. If the callback
returns RV32I_EXT_MEM_NOT_PROCESSED, then this lets the model know that the
external call did not decode to any active block and get processed by it. The model
will then try to see if it decodes to its own internal memory, otherwise it raises an
exception. The 6502, 8501 and the LatticeMico32 models all have very similar
This callback, then, is the entry point for the rest of the model and where accesses to
any read and write API functions can be made. For simple systems, the callback
function itself could do the top level decode and call the read and write API calls for
each modelled sub-block or, for more complex systems, a top level API (such as that
discussed in part 1) could virtualize away the detail, and a hierarchical call structure
made to reflect the system structure. The diagram below shows a simple example of
For a virtual processing element, the only difference from the above diagram is that
the code modelling the embedded software calls the API directly, and has no
This isn’t an document on code structure, and I don’t want to dictate how one might
definitively go about putting together software models, and good judgment should
prevail for each implementation. However, bear in mind that you could very well, in
the future, want to re-use components from your model in another model that has a
different mix of components, so keep re-use in mind when structuring your code.
Memory Model
The first major ‘peripheral’ we will definitely need is memory. A system may have
more than one type of memory, such as DDR3 main memory, eeprom, flash, ROM
etc. These, of course, could all be modelled as different components, each with its
own memory model. From a processor’s point of view, though, there is just one flat
memory space (excluding any I/O space). Depending on how much detail of the
different characteristics for each memory type are required, they could all be
modelled as a single structure. This brings us to our first problem. A 32-bit processor
has a 4Gbyte address space, and we can’t simply create a byte array of that size (well,
we could but perhaps shouldn’t). Things only get worse when modelling a 64-bit
architecture. An SoC system is unlikely to have populated the entire address space,
but it may have main memory of 512Mbytes or more, and memory may be
distributed within the memory map.
The solution is to have a ‘sparse’ memory model. This is where memory is allocated
on demand as the memory is accessed, usually in blocks (or ‘pages’). At start up, the
model has no memory allocated, and the first access, with whatever address is
provided, will break the address down to access a series of tables that eventually
point to a block of memory, dynamically allocated for that access. Any subsequent
access to the address space covered by that block will not cause another allocation
but will simply access that block of memory. If a new access doesn’t land on an
allocated block a new one is created and so on. The diagram below, is adapted from
the documentation of my memory model.
Here a primary table pointer is initially set to NULL. On the first access a new primary
table is allocated with 4K entries. The top bits of the address are ‘hashed’ to generate
a 12 bit number to index an entry in the primary table. The primary table entry has
the address for the base of the space—that is, the provided address with only the
bits (63 down to 24) used, and the others set at zero. A valid flag marks the entry as
having been set, and then there is a pointer to a secondary table. At first access,
there are no secondary tables, so memory is allocated for a table with 4K entries. The
secondary table is just a set of pointers to byte memory. The entry is indexed by bits
23 down to 12 of the access address, and then that entry points to a dynamically
allocated 4Kbyte space, with the bottom 12 bits used to index into there and this is
the actual storage space where data is written and read back. As the model is
accessed further, secondary tables and 4Kbyte spaces are created as needed, or
previously created tables and memory blocks are accessed by walking down the
primary and secondary tables, and then writing or reading the allocated memory
block. Thus, we have a memory model that spans an entire 64-bit address space, but
only uses the amount of memory actually needed, without having to configure it.
More details can be found in the model’s documentation. Any memory protection or
invalid regions would be modelled externally to this model by, say, an MMU or MPU
model or, at it’s simplest a wrapper class which maps actively present memory and
generates an error outside these configured regions.
The memory model was originally targeted for co-simulation with logic, but the core
source code (in files mem.h and mem.c) is purely software and provides an API that
allows for both processor type accesses (bytes, half-words, words, double words) but
also allows for block accesses. This is important because most SoC main memory
systems provide ports for burst accesses and DMA. The model also allows big- or
little-endian storage and for multiple ‘nodes’ allowing more than one memory space
to be defined. I would expect that the model (written in C) would be wrapped up in a
class so that these different types of APIs could have exposure to the reset of the
model, with checks and validations. This might be in the form of a ‘singleton’, so only
one memory model is accessed via this singleton’s API object that can be
constructed where needed, effectively modelling different ports to the memory. No
additional API functionality is provided for loading data, such as the code that might
be in a ROM, but this would be loaded using the same API (with an ‘instruction’ type,
say) prior to the model being executed.
From a program’s viewpoint, a cache is ‘invisible’, in that reading and writing data,
whether it is in a cache or not does not make a difference in terms of the values
stored and retrieved (and it shouldn’t, otherwise something has gone horribly
wrong). The main difference is that the access time is much faster when the memory
being accessed is in the cache (see my article on caches for more information on how
they work). Therefore, the first level that one might model a cache is to adjust wait
states that are generated by an access. If accurate timing is not important, then one
can skip modelling the cache and, perhaps, use an estimated average for the timing
(based on measured data) which incorporates probabilities of when data access in
main memory, versus when it is in the cache.
Even with just modelling for more accurate timing, the cache operation must be
modelled to know when cache lines are loaded and flushed, and when accesses hit or
miss, and then the appropriate timings reported. The LatticeMico32 model has a
model of a cache for just this purpose (lm32_cache.cpp).
If the model needs to host an operating system which uses virtual memory (e.g.
Linux) then a memory management unit (MMU) will be present and may need
modelling. I discuss how VM and MMUs work in my article on the subject, and use
RISC-V as an example. The functionality is not so complex (but it’s all relative) as the
complexity mainly resides in the software. There is no real way around this if the
model is to boot a VM OS. The diagram below, from my article, summarises the basic
components of a virtual to physical page number lookup for a RISC-V SV32 VM spec.,
that would need to be modelled for a RISC-V RV32 based system, with the TLB
(translation lookaside buffer) being a cache of page translations.
The LatticeMico32 model does have some basic MMU modelling, based on that
added to the LatticeMico32 logic for the MilkyMist project by M-LABs. The
LatticeMico32 model does, in fact, boot a version of Linux though, ironically, it is an
‘MMU-less’ version of Linux call μClinux, and doesn’t use the MMU features. See the
ISS documentation for details.
So we’re at the point where we have processing elements (from the first part of the
document) with connection to the rest of the model, address decoding and
bus/interconnect infrastructure, and a memory sub-system with optional caching and
virtual memory. So we can run programs, but it’s not really an SoC unless we have
some peripherals and connections to the outside world.
Modelling the Software View
The functionality of the model for the interfaces, once a register view is established,
need not model the protocol used by the interface. There is also the question of
what will be connected to the other end of the interface and need modelling. An
example of a register accurate, but non-protocol accurate model is that of the
LatticeMico32 ISS UART (lnxuart.cpp). This is modelled on the Lattice 16550 UART IP
core, and models registers that match this specification. The internal behaviour,
however, is to emulate a terminal connected to the UART, printing characters to
where the program was run from, and receiving keyboard inputs to return from the
UART, using the C library functions available to our model code. The UART model has
a lm32_uart_write, lm32_uart_read and lm32_uart_tick function as way of an API
to the rest of the model, called when the peripheral is addresses. The tick function
returns the interrupt status of the interface, allowing connection to the interrupt
structure (more later).
As another example, the 8051 ISS model exports its GPIO pins (amongst other
things) by allowing the registering of an external callback function that’s called on
every special function register (SFR) access, which includes the port registers mapped
to the GPIO pins. The external functional can decode the SFR access and respond to
port 0 to 3 accesses but return a ‘not handled’ status for any SFRs that are not
modelled, and the ISS will handle these internally. If no callback is registered the
GPIO port registers are handled by the ISS with registers that can be read or written
but have no external connection.
This same basic structure can be used for any of the interfaces mentioned (and
others, I’m sure). The actual modelling is restricted to emulating what would actually
be connected to the interface. With ethernet, though, the libraries available can allow
a TCP/IP client or server (say) to be set up in software that can actually be connected
from an external program, and even be a remote device. In the OSVVM co-simulation
environment an example of a server TCP/IP socket class (OsvvmCosimSkt.cpp) is
provided that allows the sending of read and write commands to the co-simulation
software from an external connected device. In a demonstration test case, the
external client is a python program (both with a GUI and for running as a batch
program), but the OSVVM software is agnostic to who is sending the commands, and
so the model can be connected to any external client. The co-simulation
documentation has more details. Now this example is for co-simulation with a logic
simulator, but the connection over the socket is to software, which then does the
actual communication with the simulator, so method this works for purely software
modelling as well. So, we have a means of actually connecting one of the interfaces
to the outside world. In projects I have worked on, a TCP/IP socket connection
between the embedded system and an external control program running on a
remote host machine is the main data link with the SoC. If our model can
communicate with the actual control software in this same manner, we have
increased the potential software test coverage to include this application code.
Modelling Protocols
Sometime, having a behavioural model of a peripheral isn’t quite enough and a more
detailed model is required. We’ve seen before that this might be because accurate
timing estimates are desirable, but it might be that we need a valid protocol to
interface with a model that is expecting it. My own experience of this has always
centred around co-simulation and driving logic IP from a software model, though
this isn’t restricted to doing so. However, the advantage here is that, having created a
model and used it to develop the initial embedded software, once the logic that
connects to the interface becomes available, with a software model of the protocol
the logic IP can be connected into the model over a co-simulation link to a simulator
and the model can drive the real IP, replacing the emulation code that was originally
there. This gives us an upgrade path for the model and a basis of a test platform for
logic and the driving software.
I’ve written about the logic simulators and their programming interfaces for co-
simulation in more detail before in a set of articles (see parts 1, 2 and 3 for more
details), but it’s worth looking at an example in summary of what is required. As well
as a software modelled TCP/IP traffic generator, I have also created a PCIe model,
both of which have been used to drive logic IP for test purposes. A slightly modified
diagram from the PCIe model’s documentation is shown further below.
The model provides an API (left of the diagram) to generate PCIe gen 1 or gen 2 data
for all three layers of the protocol, the ultimate output and input being 8b10b
encoded data (on the right of the diagram). The model is aimed at co-simulation,
where the “External Model” block is an interface to my Virtual Processor co-
simulation element, but this has a simple interface of VWrite, and VRead functions
which mostly index the lanes to update or read the current 8b10b code, so this can
easily be used with other software models. All the functionality for the PCIe protocol
is done in the software model and only (optional) serialisation was ever done in the
logic HDL domain.
For the case of a reliable system clock rate, a model of the timer block just needs to
know the time. When we discussed the memory callback of the processor models, I
indicated that the processor’s view of the time is passed into the callback. This might
be passed down to the timer using the memory access hierarchy, but that would
mean it would only get an update if a register was accessed in the timer block. The
callback function could save the time off to some accessible means, which is better,
but the granularity would only be at the load/store instruction execution rate—which
might be acceptable. If a clock tick granularity is needed, then the timer will need to
be called every clock cycle to inspect the current time so that it can generate any
interrupts that may have been set up. This requires that the processor models’ step
function has clock based stepping as well as instruction based stepping, and the
execution loop can then step the processors and call a timer function at a clock
granularity. My experience is that this level of granularity isn’t really necessary, down
to the low nanosecond precision, as the interfaces to the timer are the memory
mapped registers, which require a load/store instruction to access (and thus can
update the available time) or the interrupts generated by the timer block with, often,
a variable latency before the processor responds, making clock cycle precision just
part of the ‘noise’.
So, these approaches work for running a simulation, where executing the model
behaves correctly for its own sense of time but is not synchronised with real time and
runs at whatever rate as dictated by the host performance capabilities that the model
is running on. Its advantage is repeatability, since its timing is not reliant on outside
events. What about running in real-time?
Real-time Clock
As we shall see later, basic SoC system models can run in the mega-instructions per
second range. This lends itself to running in real time. It may be that the real SoC will
run at a faster rate, but the model is sufficiently fast still to run at a human level
interaction, such as keyboard input, or even a blinking LED at a once-per-second
blink rate, and this can be very useful.
For this, then, we need a real-time clock model for our timer block. The host machine
will have a real-time clock which we can access through library functions. The RISC-V
rv32 ISS is configurable to use its internal cycle count state or a real time clock as the
clock value for its mtime Zicsr register. A method is defined as show below:
#include <chrono>
uint64_t real_time_us() {
if (use_cycles_for_mtime)
return cycle_count;
using namespace std::chrono;
return time_point_cast<microseconds>(system_clock::now()).time_since_epoch().count();
Here the chrono library is used, and the system clock accessed and cast to
microseconds since the ‘epoch’ and returned by the method. This is used by the
RISC-V model in a small SoC model which can run the FreeRTOS multi-tasking
operating system, scheduling task with time-slicing, and a demonstration is provided.
I write about this in my series of articles on real-time operating systems (see parts 1,
2, 3 and 4). In part 4 I discuss porting this to the RISC-V rv32 based SoC model. The
SoC system modelled to run FreeRTOS is shown in the diagram below, taken from
the 4th article, which uses the UART and memory model we’ve already discussed, and
the real-time library functionality for the timer, as described above. With this it’s
possible to set up concurrent tasks that execute at real-time delays of, say, 1 second
and have available all the other features of the real-time OS.
This is a simple SoC model, but already it is sufficiently able to run an OS supported
by a large commercial company (Amazon Web Services) with real-time capabilities
and uses many of the techniques discussed already. With components already
available—the memory taken from the co-simulation memory model, the UART
adapted from the mico32 model, and the rv32 ISS was already implemented—only
the timer functionality needed to be implemented (as described above) and the
components put together. Thus, a working system is constructed that can run
embedded software in a short space of time that is then the starting point for adding
more functionality to build a more complex model.
The RISC-V system, on this same machine runs at between 10 and 12Mips. Why the
disparity? Well, firstly I have not, as yet, gone through the same exercise as I have for
the LatticeMico32 model to strip down to barebones code. I’ve run a profiler when
executing the code and, as one would expect, the functions in the execution loop
take up most of the time, with the decode method and the processing of interrupts
method taking up most of this time. Compared to the LatticeMico32, these two
functions are much more complicated. The mico32 decoding is only one table deep
with a single 6-bit opcode for indexing, whilst the RISC-V model has depth up to four
tables. As for the interrupts, the RISC-V architecture has many more sources of
exceptions and more complex enabling and status constructions (with the Zicsr
extension). Thus, the model runs more slowly, though still at a fast enough pace to
allow real-time operation.
None-the-less, more complex models with, say, multiple processors and more
sophisticated peripheral models will run slower still, and coding techniques matching
in complexity may be needed to maintain a real-time operation, if this is really
required. This might be in the form of utilizing multiple cores in the host’s processor,
running model components, such as the processor models, in different threads, or
using the virtual processing techniques discussed in part 1, which will run much
faster than an ISS. When writing models professionally, speed of execution is always
a constraint, and coding is always done with this in mind.
Algorithmic Modelling
So far, we have talked about interface modelling and the processors. Some
peripherals are not interfaces, however, but process data in an algorithmic way
instead. Such things might include ECC, data compression or encryption. How much
of the algorithms is modelled depends on what the requirements are.
When I was at Hewlett Packard, I was putting together an FPGA based emulator for a
tape storage drive data channel and mechanism. It had to look, to the main
controller logic and embedded software, like the tape mechanism and be able to
read and write a section of ‘tape’. In order to keep things simple, the hardware and
FPGA logic just implemented a large buffer to store a partial tape image, with some
logic to produce emulated signalling, such as the head spinning signal, and to ‘move’
up and down the tape. All of the tape image was going to be generated in software,
and one of the first reasons I went down that path is that I knew some of the
software I needed already existed. The engineer developing an ECC solution had
already constructed a C model of the algorithm to test and then match against the
logic, when it had been developed. I was developing a data compression solution
and had done a similar exercise for this. There were some missing bits in the DSP
part of the channel, though, and no available model (the design spec. was not even
fully complete). Part of this did have to be on the hardware and so a block was
constructed that did basically nothing (an effective delta-function for the channel)
but looked like the component to the rest of the system. This example demonstrates
the kind of modelling decisions that need to be made, making use of existing
models, or simplifying the modelling to implement enough for a valid algorithm
case, even if this is ‘don’t alter the data’. I don’t have access to these models, but I
did re-implement a simplified data compression model, based on the LZW algorithm
used at HP (DCLZ), but stripped of unnecessary fluff, and this is an example of an
algorithmic model.
Sources of Interrupts
In part 1 of the document, I discussed modelling interrupts for a processing element,
with techniques for a virtual processor without resorting to complex coding, and ISS
models that use an interrupt callback to check the status of interrupt requests. For
both these cases it is likely that an interrupt controller block is modelled. In the SoC
model running FreeRTOS mentioned above, for example, the interrupt functionality
models the RISC-V CLIC specification. This interrupt controller model, from the
processor side, can either call a method to update interrupt state with the virtual
processor, or update system state that the ISS interrupt callback can inspect when
The sources of interrupts can come from various places, and, in an SoC, most
peripherals will likely be a source of interrupts, including things closer to the
processor such as MMUs. The interrupt controller block just needs to provide
methods to allow each peripheral to update its interrupt request state, both set and
clear. If edge triggered interrupts need to be modelled (perhaps configurably), then
the interrupt controller model will need to hold request state after the input is
returns to inactive, until cleared explicitly by a write to the controller, as dictated by
the controller functionality being modelled, such as the ARM NVIC, for example.
In this, the final part of the document on modelling SoC systems in C++, we’ve
concentrated on the other devices other than the processors. This, and part 1, has
only been an introduction to this subject, but there have been plenty of references to
example code and documentation to allow further investigation. There has not been
room to mention all the features a model might have. For example, the mico32 ISS
models hardware debug registers, which can be utilized by the gdb debugger, and
also has save and restore features.
I have covered only in summary the subject of connection to external programs and
co-simulation with a logic simulator, but I detail this in a previous set of articles on
PLI and on the co-simulation features of OSVVM, including articles on interrupt
modelling, and more on modelling event driven, multi-threaded programs on a
virtual processor as part of a document on OSVVM co-simulation nodes, both of
which are relevant to this discussion.
I hope I’ve given some insight into modelling SoC systems in C++ but had to trim
this to a sensible length. If people would like more detailed discussions on a
particular topic, or clarification on the points I’ve raised, let me know by dropping me
a message. Perhaps smaller, targeted, and more detailed documents can be done in
the future, if there is interest.
I have rarely had a job where software modelling wasn’t used in some capacity, even
if I wasn’t directly involved (which usually I was). It bridges the gap between
embedded software and the logic and hardware at the earliest possible stage, from
architecture exploration, to allowing early integration, and then feeds forward as a
platform for testing IP, either as means to co-simulate logic with the model, or as a
model for comparative verification with the logic with a simulation test bench. Either
way, it is useful for embedded software engineers, logic design engineers and design
verification engineers to understand what is possible with such models, and for early
cooperation and early engagement between these disciplines.