Career Skills: Class Assignment
Career Skills: Class Assignment
Career Skills: Class Assignment
Many people assume 'etiquette' refers to which fork you use for the salad and how
quickly you should send a thank you note after receiving a gift. When it comes to the
business world, however, the way you behave says a lot about your professionalism.
Even the tiniest misstep can hurt your career more than you realize. After all, no one
wants to work with someone who is rude or inconsiderate. By being conscious of
business etiquette you can help set yourself apart professionally.
Here are 10 business etiquette rules you need to be aware of and avoid breaking at
all cost:
In the professional world, being polite is about more than minding your P's and Q's.
But if you follow these business etiquette rules, you'll be able to get ahead in your
career a lot easier.