HRA Brochure Min PDF
HRA Brochure Min PDF
HRA Brochure Min PDF
Batch 10th
In continuance of the Government’s vision of promoting excellence in managerial
education, the 8th Indian Institute of Management was established in Rohtak
(Delhi/NCR) on November 16, 2009. It aspires to impart knowledge of business
disciplines with a unique cross-functional perspective to prepare ethical and innovative
leaders for the betterment of the world. The Institute seeks to build in its students
advanced leadership skills, an appreciation for the impact of management systems on
the working of organizations, and an understanding of the strategic, economic and
operating significance of even the smallest of events in the current and foreseeable
socio-economic scenario.
Welcome to Nulearn, an organization which carefully traces the needs of the
individuals and organizations, and curates resources to meet their skill gaps.
We take accountability for pouring our education system forward to the
assistance of all our participants and providing best-in-class services. This is
accomplished by our constant focus on quality, consistency, strength, career,
value and customer service. We always exercise ethical business practices
and maintain respect for every individual. Our State of the art LMS ( Learning
Management system) with cutting-edge features ensures a quality learning
experience. The LMS combines the support of classroom learning with the flexibility
of online Education.
Executive Certificate Program in HR Analytics with IIM Rohtak India is a blended learning program of 3.5 months duration.
Learn about the newest trends and tools from India’s top-notch faculty and Industry Mentors.
Predictive analytics offers insights into the future, focusing on probabilities and impact, providing flexibility to the organization’s needs.
According to the recent report by Deloitte, 75% of companies believe in the importance of human resource analytics, yet only 8% believe
Over 70% of executives are making strides to integrate data into everyday decision-making processes.
The workforce analytics can play a vital role, helping companies understand employees better and map their behavioral trends.
Campus visit at the end of course so that
Industry relevant courses and certificate students can Interact with their faculties at the
f r o m p r e m i u m i n s t i t u te e m p o w e r s a campus in the most innovative ways possible.
successful career kick start, giving the best
career opportunities
Dr. Rama Shankar Yadav is a faculty in the area of Human Resource Management at
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak. He has completed Fellow Program in
Management (FPM) from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.
He worked as an HR Manager with Tata Motors for two years before joining his doctoral
studies. Prior to IIM Rohtak, he was teaching at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Dr.
Yadav is also serving as an Associate Editor for Indian Journal of Human Relations and
Indian Journal of Social Science Researches.
Dr. Koustab Ghosh is a Faculty in the Area of HRM at IIM Rohtak. He earned his Ph.D. from
VGSOM, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, attended Faculty Development
Programmes from IIM Calcutta and MBA from Bengal Engineering and Science
University (BESU), Howrah, West Bengal. He has worked on various academic
assignments and industrial projects with a number of organizations including with the
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), MMTC, RITES, NTPC, Tata Power etc.
With more than ten years of experience in industry and academics, he has conducted a
number of in-company training programmes and management development
programmes for various private and public sector organizations. Dr. Ghosh has
published a number of academic research papers in journals of national and
international repute and is also on the editorial board of various peer reviewed
international and national journals. He is also in the reviewer panel of a few peer reviewed Dr. Koustab Ghosh
international journals. He contributes and presents papers in various international and PH.D (IIT-KOLKATA)
national conferences on a regular basis.
He is a life member of Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD); professional
member of Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) USA; and Executive
Committee member of Asian Forum on Business Education (AFBE), Bangkok.
Dr. Ankur Jain is a faculty in the Organization Behavior and Human Resource
Department at the Indian Institute of Management Rohtak. He obtained his Ph.D. from
the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.
His articles have featured in the NHRD Network Journal and he has written book
reviews for IIM Bangalore Management Review and South Asian Journal of
Management. He was awarded a Bharti scholarship for his outstanding academic
performance during his MBA.
Duration: 3.5 months blended 2.5 hrs on every Sunday & alternate Saturday at 4.00 PM
Delivery mode: Nulearn Plug n Learn Total Numbers of Online Hours: 47.5 Hours
Frequency: Twice in a week Total Number of Offline Hours: 10 Hours.
Course Commencement Date: 25th October, 2020
The form of delivery will be Blended (Campus, Self
pace and Online), with 2 days workshop at the end
of the course for project submission. All other
sessions will be through digital platform & Operiodic evaluations have been built in
delivered LIVE by the eminent faculty of IIM-R. throughout the duration of the course in the form
Students will have access to Self Service Learning of quiz, assignment, project, case studies and
through which they may access Webinars, past other objective/subjective assessments. The
projects, assessments, notes, Alumni testimonials evaluations are designed to ensure continuous
etc. student engagement and to encourage learning.
ELIGIBILITY Students who successfully clear the same along
with the requisite attendance criteria will be
Graduation or equivalent degree from any awarded a Certificate from IIM Rohtak.
recognized University or Institute. No separate grade sheet will be shared with the
Corporate Nominated (graduation criteria may participants.
be considered for exemption in cases where
participants have some prior experience HR HOW TO APPLY
Working Professionals with a minimum of 3 To apply, students and working professionals
years of experience. can register at
On case-to-case basis less experience can be or call at +918880099302 (Toll Free)
For Indian Residents INR 60,000 + GST* 1st INR 20,000 + GST*/$500 Payment Deadline On selection
2nd INR 20,000 + GST*/$500 Payment Deadline 20th September 2020
For International Students $1,450 3rd INR 20,000 + GST*/$450 Payment Deadline 10th November 2020
Spring House: B1/638, Second Floor,
Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058
Contact No.: +91-8880099302