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Af Culture Outline

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(Jesuit School of Theology)


First Semester, 2010/2011 (August - December 2010)

COURSE: T 14: African Culture.

CREDITS: 1 Credit Hour
MEETINGS: Wednesday 9:30am -11:30am, Auditorium
LECTURER: Zacharia Wanakacha Samita
EMAIL: zsamita@yahoo.com


Ayisi, Eric O. 1972. 1992. An Introduction to the Study of African Culture. Nairobi: EAEP.
Gennep, Arnold Van. 1960. Rites of Passage. London: University of Chicago Press.
Gyekye, Kwame. 1996. African Cultural Values: An Introduction. Accra: Sankofa Publishing Co.
Kenyatta, Jomo. 1978. Facing Mount Kenya. Nairobi: Heinemann.
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2008. African Cultural Domains: Life Cycle of an Individual. Nairobi: MIAS.
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2005. African Cultural Knowledge: Themes and Embedded Beliefs. Nairobi: MIAS.
Khamalwa, Wotsuna. 2004. Identity, Power, and Culture: Imbalu: Initiation Among the Bamasaba of Uganda.
Bayreuth African Studies no. 68.
Luzbetak, Louis J. 1989. The Church and Cultures. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.
Magesa, Laurenti. 1997. African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Mbiti, John S. 1969, 1979. African Religions and Philosophy. Reprint. Nairobi: Heinemann.
__________. 1975, 1992. Introduction to African Religion. 2nd edition. Nairobi: East African Educational
Publishers Ltd.
Shorter, Aylward. 1998. African Culture: An Overview. Nairobi: Paulines.


AMECEA and IMBISA. 2000. Communication, Culture and Community. Vol. 2. Nairobi: Paulines.
Bahemuka, Judith. M. 1983. Our Religious Heritage. Nairobi: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.
Bourdillon, M.F.C. 1990. Religion and Society: A Text for Africa. Harare: Mambo Press.
Cox, James L. 1998. Rites of Passage in Contemporary Africa . Cardiff: University of Chicago Press.
Githiga, John Gatungu. 1996. Initiation and Pastoral Psychology: Towards African Personality Theory. Canyon:
Githiga Int. Ministries.
Healey, J. & Sybertz, D.1996. Towards an African Narrative Theology . Nairobi: Paulines.
Hesselgrave, David. 1991. Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally. 2nd Edition, Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Publishing House.
Kayongo, Male & Onyango, P. The Sociology of the African Family.
Kilbride, P.H. & Kilbride, J. C. 1990, 1993. Changing Family Life in East Africa. Nairobi: Gideon S. Were Press.
Kipury, Naomi. 1983. Oral Literature of the Maasai. Nairobi: Heinemann.
Mbiti, John S. 1973. Love and Marriage in Africa. London: Longman.
Mugambi, Jesse N. K. 1989. African Heritage and Contemporary Christianity. Nairobi: Longman.
Mwiti, Peter R. 1999. Understanding Grief as a Process: An Innovative Journal Towards Healing Growth and
Reconciliation. Nairobi: Uzima Press.
Ngugi, James 1973. The River Between. Nairobi: Heinemann.
Nyathi, Pathisa. 2001. Traditional Ceremonies of AmaNdebele Gweru: Mambo Press.
Odunze, Don. 1993. Successful Family Living: An African View. Nairobi: Evangel Publishing House.
Ongong'a, Jude. J. l983. Life and Death: a Christian/Luo Dialogue, Spearhead No. 78. Eldoret: Gaba Publications.
Sanford, John A. 1999. Between People: Communicating One-To-One. Mumbai: Paulines.
Sanneh, Lamin. 1989. Translating the Message: the Missionary Impact on Culture. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis
Schirato, Tony & Susan Yell. 2000. Communication and Culture: An Introduction. London: Sage.
Smith, Donald K. 1992. Creating Understanding: A Handbook for Christian Communication Across Cultural
Landscapes. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
Theological Advisory Group. 1994. A Biblical Approach to Marriage and Family in Africa. Machakos: Scott
Theological College.
Turner, Victor. 1969. The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure. New York: Aldine De Gruyter.
Van Breugel, J. W. M. Van. 2001. Chewa Traditional Religion. Kachere Monograph No. 13. Blantyre: Christian
Literature Association In Malawi (CLAIM).
Wanjohi, Gerald J.1997. The Wisdom and Philosophy of the Gikuyu Proverbs. Nairobi: Paulines.
Waruta, Douglas W. ed. 1999. Caring and Sharing: Pastoral Counselling in the African Perspective. Nairobi: ATIEA.
Waruta, Douglas W. & Hannah W. Kinoti, eds. 1994. Pastoral Care In African Christianity: Challenging Essays in
Pastoral Theology. Nairobi: Acton Publishers.
Zahan, D. 1979. The Religion, Spirituality and Thought of Traditional Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Zuesse, E. M. 1985. Ritual Cosmos: The Sanctification of Life in African Religion. Ohio: Ohio University Press.


Imbalu; Rite of Passage; The Chosen One; Inculturation in Malawi; Maasai Manhood.

Course Objectives
Help students to relate with diverse forms/aspects of African culture, their importance and uniqueness in human
societies and situations; relate indigenous/traditional African cultures and cultural diversity to Christian and other
contemporary realities/ situations/contexts; highlight the implications of traditional culture for social, economic
development in Africa; underline change, challenges and prospects with respect to traditional/indigenous African

Course Content
1. Concept of Culture: definitions/meanings, dimensions, categories, nature, organization,
characteristics, manifestations and functions; meaning of traditional/indigenous and
perceptions/approaches to them.

Ayisi, Eric O. 1972. 1992. An Introduction to the Study of African Culture., # 1.

Hesselgrave, David. 1991. Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, pp.99-107.
Luzbetak, Louis J. 1989. The Church and Cultures, # 5-7.
Mbiti, John S. 1969, 1979. African Religions and Philosophy, # 2.
Sanneh, Lamin. 1989. Translating the Message: the Missionary Impact on Culture.
Shorter, Aylward. 1998. African Culture: An Overview, # 1-3.
Smith, Donald K. 1992. Creating Understanding.

2. Social groupings: types e.g. marriage and family/extended family; clan, community/kinship,
non-kin networks vis-à-vis the individual; changes, challenges and prospects.

Ayisi, Eric O. 1972. 1992. An Introduction to the Study of African Culture, # 4.

Bahemuka, Judith. M. 1983. Our Religious Heritage. # 12.
Bourdillon, M.F.C. 1990. Religion and Society: A Text for Africa.
Gennep, Arnold Van. 1960. Rites of Passage.
Gyekye, Kwame. 1996. African Cultural Values, # 2-5.
Kayongo, Male & Onyango, P. The Sociology of the African Family, # 2.
Kenyatta, Jomo. 1978. Facing Mount Kenya # 1.
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2005. African Cultural Knowledge : Themes and Embedded Beliefs # V, X
Magesa, Laurenti. 1997. African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life, # 4.
Mbiti, John S. 1969, 1979. African Religions and Philosophy, # 10.
________________.1973. Love and Marriage in Africa.
__________. 1975, 1992. Introduction to African Religion.
Nyathi, Pathisa. 2001. Traditional Ceremonies of AmaNdebele.
Odunze, Don. 1993. Successful Family Living: An African View.
Shorter, Aylward. 1998. African Culture: An Overview, 12 and 13.
Theological Advisory Group. 1994. A Biblical Approach to Marriage and Family in Africa.

3. African Traditional Belief Systems: ATR/ATRs? World religion? Taxonomy of ATR:

worldview; key tenets cosmologically and anthropologically; myths of origin; sources; objects,
places, facilitators, methods/approaches in liturgy; supernatural world/personnel; supernatural
powers: good and evil, witchcraft and magic; health and healing.

Bahemuka, Judith. M. 1983. Our Religious Heritage. # 2, 5, 13.

Bourdillon, M.F.C. 1990. Religion and Society: A Text for Africa.
Gyekye, Kwame. 1996. African Cultural Values, # 1, 12.
Kenyatta, Jomo. 1978. Facing Mount Kenya, 10. 11.
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2005. African Cultural Knowledge : Themes and Embedded Beliefs # I-IV, XIII-IX
Magesa, Laurenti. 1997. African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life, # 2, 4-7.
Mbiti, John S. 1969, 1979. African Religions and Philosophy, # 3-9.
__________. 1975, 1992. Introduction to African Religion, 1-7.
Mugambi, Jesse N. K. 1989. African Heritage and Contemporary Christianity, # 5, 6..
Van Breugel, J. W. M. Van. 2001. Chewa Traditional Religion, #1, 11.
Zahan, D. 1979. The Religion, Spirituality and Thought of Traditional Africa.

4. African Traditional Communication Systems: Language, symbolism, art and cross-cultural


AMECEA and IMBISA. 2000. Communication, Culture and Community. Vol. 2, 30-46.
Bahemuka, Judith. M. 1983. Our Religious Heritage. # 10.
Hesselgrave, David. 1991. Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally, Part II: Communication & Culture, 95-189.
Healey, J. & Sybertz, D. Towards an African Narrative Theology # 6.
Kipury, Naomi. 1983. Oral Literature of the Maasai.
Mbiti, John S. 1975, 1992. Introduction to African Religion, # 8, 12, 13.
Sanford, John A. 1999. Between People: Communicating One-To-One.
Schirato, Tony & Susan Yell. 2000. Communication and Culture: An Introduction..
Smith, Donald K. 1992. Creating Understanding:, # 11, 12.
Wanjohi, G.J. 1997. The Wisdom and Philosophy of the Gikuyu Proverbs, # 2, 7.

5. African Economic System: Nature and organization of economy and notions of property; socio-
cultural aspects/modes of production, distribution and transportation; ecology, technology;
attitudes to work; division of labour; Leisure.

Ayisi, Eric O. 1972. 1992. An Introduction to the Study of African Culture, # 11.
Bahemuka, Judith. M. 1983. Our Religious Heritage. # 14.
Gyekye, Kwame. 1996. African Cultural Values, # 6.
Kenyatta, Jomo. 1978. Facing Mount Kenya, # 1-4.
Kilbride, P. H. & Kilbride, J. C. 1993. Changing Family Life in East Africa. # 8

6. African Traditional Education Systems: Types, objectives and stages of education;

instructors/experts in education (content, methodology, resources).

Gyekye, Kwame. 1996. African Cultural Values, # 9.

Kenyatta, Jomo. 1978. Facing Mount Kenya, # 5, 6.
Khamalwa, Wotsuna. 2004. Identity, Power, and Culture: Imbalu: Initiation Among the Bamasaba of Uganda.
Kilbride, P. H. & Kilbride, J. C. 1993. Changing Family Life in East Africa. Section III.
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2008. African Cultural Domains: Life Cycle of an Individual. # IV
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2005. African Cultural Knowledge : Themes and Embedded Beliefs # V, X
Magesa, Laurenti. 1997. African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life.
Mbiti, John S. 1969, 1979. African Religions and Philosophy, # 12, 15.
__________. 1975, 1992. Introduction to African Religion,# 14, 16.
Mugambi, Jesse N. K. 1989. African Heritage and Contemporary Christianity, # 12, 13.
Nyathi, Pathisa. 2001. Traditional Ceremonies of AmaNdebele Gweru: Mambo Press.
Kayongo, Male & Onyango, P. The Sociology of the African Family # 2.
Wanjohi, G.J. 1997. The Wisdom and Philosophy of the Gikuyu Proverbs, # 2,7.

African Traditional Political Systems: Types and styles of political organisation; leadership: the leader
and the led – expectations and challenges; implications to modern leadership in Africa.

Ayisi, Eric O. 1972. 1992. An Introduction to the Study of African Culture, # 8, 9.

Bourdillon, M.F.C. 1990. Religion and Society: A Text for Africa, # 8.
Gyekye, Kwame. 1996. African Cultural Values, # 7
Kenyatta, Jomo. 1978. Facing Mount Kenya, # 8.
Khamalwa, Wotsuna. 2004. Identity, Power, and Culture: Imbalu: Initiation Among the Bamasaba of Uganda.
Magesa, Laurenti. 1997. African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life, # 7..
Mbiti, John S. 1969, 1979. African Religions and Philosophy, # 15.
__________. 1975, 1992. Introduction to African Religion, # 14.
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2005. African Cultural Knowledge : Themes and Embedded Beliefs # VI-VII
Waliggo, John-Mary. 1989. In African Heritage and Contemporary Christianity, Mugambi, Jesse N. K. & Magesa
L. (Eds) # 12, 13.
Nyathi, Pathisa. 2001. Traditional Ceremonies of AmaNdebele.

7. African Traditional Rites of Passage: Definitions and Functions; Birth, Initiation, Marriage and
Parenthood/African Lineage, Aging; Enthronement/Elderhood, Death/Ancestorhood.

Bahemuka, Judith. M. 1983. Our Religious Heritage. # 6, 8, 9, 11.

Bourdillon, M.F.C. 1990. Religion and Society: A Text for Africa
Cox, James L. 1998. Rites of Passage in Contemporary Africa.
Gennep, Arnold Van. 1960. Rites of Passage.
Githiga, John Gatungu. 1996. Initiation and Pastoral Psychology: Towards African Personality Theory.
Kenyatta, Jomo. 1978. Facing Mount Kenya, # 6-8.
Khamalwa, Wotsuna. 2004. Identity, Power, and Culture: Imbalu: Initiation Among the Bamasaba of Uganda.
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2008. African Cultural Domains: Life Cycle of an Individual. # I-II, V-X.
Kirwen, Michael C. Comp. & Ed. 2005. African Cultural Knowledge : Themes and Embedded Beliefs # IX-X, XV
Magesa, Laurenti. 1997. African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life, # 3.
Mbiti, John S. 1969, 1979. African Religions and Philosophy, # 11-14.
________________.1973. Love and Marriage in Africa.
__________. 1975, 1992. Introduction to African Religion, # 9-11.
Mwiti, Peter R. 1999. Understanding Grief as a Process.
Ngugi, James 1973. The River Between.
Nyathi, Pathisa. 2001. Traditional Ceremonies of AmaNdebele.
Odunze, Don. 1993. Successful Family Living: An African View.
Ongong'a, Jude.J. l983.Life and Death: a Christian/Luo Dialogue, Spearhead No. 78.
Theological Advisory Group. 1994. A Biblical Approach to Marriage and Family in Africa.
Turner, Victor. 1969. The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure.
Waruta, Douglas W. ed. 1999. Caring and Sharing: Pastoral Counselling in the African Perspective.
Waruta, Douglas W. & Hannah W. Kinoti, eds. 1994. Pastoral Care In African Christianit.
Zahan, D. 1979. The Religion, Spirituality and Thought of Traditional Africa, # 4.
Zuesse, E. M. 1985. Ritual Cosmos: The Sanctification of Life in African Religion.

8. African Cultures: Change, Challenges and Prospects; causes/agents, forms/dimensions,


Ayisi, Eric O. 1972. 1992. An Introduction to the Study of African Culture, # 13.
Bahemuka, Judith. M. 1983. Our Religious Heritage. # 1, 15.
Bourdillon, M.F.C. 1990. Religion and Society: A Text for Africa
Gyekye, Kwame. 1996. African Cultural Values, # 12.
Khamalwa, Wotsuna. 2004. Identity, Power, and Culture: Imbalu: Initiation Among the Bamasaba of Uganda, # 6, 7.
Magesa, Laurenti. 1997. African Religion: The Moral Traditions of Abundant Life.
Mbiti, John S. 1969, 1979. African Religions and Philosophy, # 18-20.
__________. 1975, 1992. Introduction to African Religion, # 17, 18.
Mugambi, Jesse N. K. 1989. African Heritage and Contemporary Christianity, # 9-13.
Sanneh, Lamin. 1989. Translating the Message: the Missionary Impact on Culture.
Shorter, Aylward. 1998. African Culture: An Overview, # 4, 14.
Theological Advisory Group. 1994. A Biblical Approach to Marriage and Family in Africa.
Waruta, Douglas W. ed. 1999. Caring and Sharing: Pastoral Counselling in the African Perspective.
Waruta, Douglas W. & Hannah W. Kinoti, Eds. 1994. Pastoral Care In African Christianity.

Refer to Hekima Academic Programme and Calendar 2009/2010: class attendance/participation; semester paper and
final examination will constitute assessment.


Faithful and regular attendance of all class sessions; active participation in class discussions and sharing.; wide reading
of recommended literature.; successful performance in class assignments.

Refer to the Hekima Academic Programme and Calendar 2009/2010

Lectures; class discussion/reflection and sharing; video; class assignments.


Week Week Wednesday

1. 25th August 2010 Introduction: Definitions and Concepts
2. 1st September 2010 Social groupings
3. 8th September 2010 African Traditional Belief Systems
4. 15th September 2010 African Traditional Communication Systems
5. 22nd September 2010 African Political and Economic Systems
6. 29th September 2010 African Traditional Education Systems/ Rites of Passage
7. 13th October 2010 Change, Challenges and Prospects
Final Exam

This course syllabus is meant to be an overview guideline of the envisaged content coverage and may be subject to
change with time, in which case students will be notified accordingly.

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