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Bar (counter)[edit]

A row of liquor bottles behind a bar

Liquor and wine bottles displayed in a cabinet behind a bar in Baden, Austria

The counter at which drinks are served by a bartender is called "the bar". This term is applied, as
a synecdoche, to drinking establishments called "bars". This counter typically stores a variety
of beers, wines, liquors, and non-alcoholic ingredients, and is organized to facilitate the bartender's
Counters for serving other types of food and drink may also be called bars. Examples of this usage
of the word include snack bars, sushi bars, juice bars, salad bars, dairy bars, and ice
cream sundae bars.

In Australia, the major form of licensed commercial alcohol outlet from the colonial period to the
present was the pub, a local variant of the English original. Until the 1970s, Australian pubs were
traditionally organised into gender-segregated drinking areas—the "public bar" was only open to
men, while the "lounge bar" or "saloon bar" served both men and women (i.e. mixed drinking). This
distinction was gradually eliminated as anti-discrimination legislation and women's rights activism
broke down the concept of a public drinking area accessible to only men. Where two bars still exist
in the one establishment, one (that derived from the "public bar") will be more downmarket while the
other (deriving from the "lounge bar") will be more upmarket. Over time, with the introduction
of gaming machines into hotels, many "lounge bars" have or are being converted into gaming rooms.
Beginning in the mid-1950s, the formerly strict state liquor licensing laws were progressively relaxed
and reformed, with the result that pub trading hours were extended. This was in part to eliminate the
social problems associated with early closing times—notably the infamous "six o'clock swill"—and
the thriving trade in "sly grog" (illicit alcohol sales). More licensed liquor outlets began to appear,
including retail "bottle shops" (over-the-counter bottle sales were previously only available at pubs
and were strictly controlled). Particularly in Sydney, a new class of licensed premises, the wine bar,
appeared; there alcohol could be served on the proviso that it was provided in tandem with a meal.
These venues became very popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s and many offered free
entertainment, becoming an important facet of the Sydney music scene in that period.
In the major Australian cities today there is a large and diverse bar scene with a range of ambiences,
modes and styles catering for every echelon of cosmopolitan society.

Public drinking began with the establishment of colonial taverns in both the U.S and Canada. While
the term changed to Public house especially in the U.K., the term Tavern continued to be used
instead of Pub in both the U.S and Canada. Public drinking establishments were banned by
the Prohibition of alcohol, which was (and is) a provincial jurisdiction. Prohibition was repealed,
province by province in the 1920s. There was not a universal right to consume alcohol, and only
males of legal age were permitted to do so. "Beer parlours" were common in the wake of prohibition,
with local laws often not permitting entertainment (such as the playing of games or music) in these
establishments, which were set aside for the purpose solely of consuming alcohol.
Since the end of the Second World War, and exposure by roughly one million Canadians to
the public house traditions common in the UK by servicemen and women serving there, those
traditions became more common in Canada. These traditions include the drinking of dark ales and
stouts, the "pub" as a social gathering place for both sexes, and the playing of games (such as darts,
snooker or pool). Tavern became extremely popular during the 1960s and 1970s, especially for
working-class people. Canadian taverns, which can still be found in remote regions of Northern
Canada, have long tables with benches lining the sides. Patrons in these taverns often order beer in
large quart bottles and drink inexpensive "bar brand" Canadian rye whisky. In some provinces,
taverns used to have separate entrances for men and women. Even in a large city like Toronto the
separate entrances existed into the early 1970s.
Canada has adopted some of the newer U.S. bar traditions (such as the "sports bar") of the last
decades. As a result, the term "bar" has come to be differentiated from the term "pub", in that bars
are usually 'themed' and sometimes have a dance floor. Bars with dance floors are usually relegated
to small or Suburban communities. In larger cities bars with large dance floors are usually referred to
as clubs and are strictly for dancing, Establishments which call themselves pubs are often much
more similar to a British pub in style. Before the 1980s, most "bars" were referred to simply as
Often, bars and pubs in Canada will cater to supporters of a local sporting team, usually
a hockey team. There is a difference between the sports bar and the pub; sports bars focus on TV
screens showing games and showcasing uniforms, equipment, etc. Pubs will generally also show
games but do not exclusively focus on them. The Tavern was popular until the early 1980s, when
American-style bars, as we know them today became popular. In the 1990s imitation British- and
Irish-style pubs become popular and adopted names like "The Fox and Fiddle" and "The Queen and
Beaver" reflect naming trends in Britain. Tavern or pub style mixed food and drink establishment are
generally more common than bars in Canada, although both can be found.
Legal restrictions on bars are set by the Canadian provinces and territories, which has led to a great
deal of variety. While some provinces have been very restrictive with their bar regulation, setting
strict closing times and banning the removal of alcohol from the premises, other provinces have
been more liberal. Closing times generally run from 2:00 to 4:00 a.m.
In Nova Scotia, particularly in Halifax, there was, until the 1980s, a very distinct system of gender-
based laws were in effect for decades. Taverns, bars, halls, and other classifications differentiated
whether it was exclusively for men or women, men with invited women, vice versa, or mixed. After
this fell by the wayside, there was the issue of water closets. This led to many taverns adding on
"powder rooms"; sometimes they were constructed later, or used parts of kitchens or upstairs halls, if
plumbing allowed. This was also true of conversions in former "sitting rooms", for men's facilities.


The bar in the coach terminal at Udine, Italy

In Italy, a "bar" is a place more similar to a café, where people go during the morning or the
afternoon, usually to drink a coffee, a cappuccino, or a hot chocolate and eat some kind of snack
such as sandwiches (panini or tramezzini) or pastries. However, any kind of alcoholic beverages are
served. Opening hours vary: some establishments are open very early in the morning and close
relatively early in the evening; others, especially if next to a theater or a cinema, may be open until
late at night. Many larger bars are also restaurants and disco clubs. Many Italian bars have
introduced a so-called "aperitivo" time in the evening, in which everyone who purchases an alcoholic
drink then has free access to a usually abundant buffet of cold dishes such as pasta salads,
vegetables, and various appetizers.


The oldest bar serving pasztecik szczeciński in Szczecin

In modern Polish, in most cases a bar would be referred to as pub (plural puby), a loan from English.

Polish puby serve various kinds of alcoholic drinks as well as other beverages and simple snacks
such as crisps, peanuts or pretzel sticks. Most establishments feature loud music and some have
frequent live performances. While Polish word bar can be also applied to this kind of establishment,
it is often used to describe any kind of inexpensive restaurant, and therefore can be translated
as diner or cafeteria. Both in bary and in puby, the counter at which one orders is called bar, itself
being another obvious loanword from English.
Bar mleczny (literally 'milk bar') is a kind of inexpensive self-service restaurant serving wide range of
dishes, with simple interior design, usually opened during breakfast and lunch hours. It is very similar
to Russian столовая in both menu and decor. It can be also compared to what is called greasy
spoon in English-speaking countries. Bary mleczne rarely serve alcoholic beverages.
The term bar szybkiej obsługi (lit. 'quick service restaurant') also refers to eating - not drinking -
establishments. It is being gradually replaced by the English term fast food. Another name, bar
samoobsługowy may be applied for any kind of self-service restaurant. Some kinds of
Polish bar serve only one type of meal. An example are restaurants serving pasztecik szczeciński, a
traditional specialty of the city of Szczecin. It can be consumed at the table or take-out.

Bars are common in Spain and form an important part in Spanish culture. In Spain, it is common for
a town to have many bars and even to have several lined up on the same street. Most bars have a
section of the street or plaza outside with tables and chairs with parasols if the weather allows it.
Spanish bars are also known for serving a wide range of sandwiches (bocadillos), as well as snacks
called tapas or pinchos.
Tapas and pinchos may be offered to customers in two ways, either complementary to order a drink
or in some cases there are charged independently, either case this is usually clearly indicated to bar
customers by display of wall information, on menus and price lists. The anti-smoking law has
entered in effect January 1, 2011 and since that date it is prohibited to smoke in bars and
restaurants as well as all other indoor areas, closed commercial and state owned facilities are now
smoke-free areas.
Spain is the country with the highest ratio of bars/population with almost six bars per thousand
inhabitants, three times UK's ratio and four times Germany's, and it alone has double the number of
bars than the oldest of the 28 members of the European Union. The meaning of the word 'bar' in
Spain, however, does not have the negative connotation inherent in the same word in many other
languages. For Spanish people a bar is essentially a meeting place, and not necessarily a place to
engage in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. As a result, children are normally allowed into
bars, and it is common to see families in bars during week-ends of the end of the day. In small
towns, the 'bar' may constitute the very center of social life, and it is customary that, after social
events, people go to bars, including seniors and children alike.

United Kingdom[edit]

Jimmy Wales at the bar during Wikimania 2014 in the Barbican Centre, London

In the UK, bars are either areas that serve alcoholic drinks within establishments such as hotels,
restaurants, universities, or are a particular type of establishment which serves alcoholic drinks such
as wine bars, "style bars", private membership only bars. However, the main type of establishment
selling alcohol for consumption on the premises is the pub. Some bars are similar to nightclubs in
that they feature loud music, subdued lighting, or operate a dress code and admissions policy, with
inner city bars generally having door staff at the entrance.
'Bar' also designates a separate drinking area within a pub. Until recent years most pubs had two or
more bars – very often the public bar or tap room and the saloon bar or lounge, where the decor was
better and prices were sometimes higher. The designations of the bars varied regionally. In the last
two decades, many pub interiors have been opened up into single spaces, which some people
regret as it loses the flexibility, intimacy, and traditional feel of a multi-roomed public house.
One of the last dive bars in London was underneath the Kings Head Pub in Gerrard Street, Soho.

United States[edit]

The bar of the Club Moderne in Anaconda, Montana

In the United States, legal distinctions often exist between restaurants and bars, and even between
types of bars. These distinctions vary from state to state, and even among municipalities. Beer
bars (sometimes called taverns or pubs) are legally restricted to selling only beer, and possibly wine
or cider. Liquor bars, also simply called bars, also sell hard liquor.
Bars are sometimes exempt from smoking bans that restaurants are subject to, even if those
restaurants have liquor licenses. The distinction between a restaurant that serves liquor and a bar is
usually made by the percentage of revenue earned from selling liquor, although increasingly,
smoking bans include bars as well.

A bar named "Bar" in New Haven, Connecticut

In most places, bars are prohibited from selling alcoholic beverages to go, and this makes them
clearly different from liquor stores. Some brewpubs and wineries can serve alcohol to go, but under
the rules applied to a liquor store. In some areas, such as New Orleans and parts of Las
Vegas and Savannah, Georgia, open containers of alcohol may be prepared to go. This kind of
restriction is usually dependent on an open container law. In Pennsylvania and Ohio, bars may
sell six-packs of beer "to-go" in original (sealed) containers by obtaining a take-out license. New
Jersey permits all forms of packaged goods to be sold at bars, and permits packaged beer and wine
to be sold at any time on-premises sales of alcoholic beverages are allowed.
During the 19th century, drinking establishments were called saloons. In the American Old West the
most popular establishment in town was usually the Western saloon. Many of these Western
saloons survive, though their services and features have changed with the times. Newer
establishments have sometimes been built in Western saloon style for a nostalgic effect. In
American cities there were also numerous saloons, which allowed only male patrons and were
usually owned by one of the major breweries. Drunkenness, fights, and alcoholism made the saloon
into a powerful symbol of all that was wrong with alcohol. [8] Saloons were the primary target of
the Temperance movement, and the Anti-Saloon League, founded in 1892, was the most powerful
lobby in favor of Prohibition. When Prohibition was repealed, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked
the states not to permit the return of saloons.[9]
Many Irish- or British-themed "pubs" exist throughout United States and Canada and in some
continental European countries.
As of May, 2014, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had the most bars per capita in the United States.[10]

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