Evaluation of Lightning Voltages Base On Experimental Results: Propsal For Revision of IEC 60060-1 and IEC 61083-2
Evaluation of Lightning Voltages Base On Experimental Results: Propsal For Revision of IEC 60060-1 and IEC 61083-2
Evaluation of Lightning Voltages Base On Experimental Results: Propsal For Revision of IEC 60060-1 and IEC 61083-2
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7-th of February 2002
2. Experimental
Table -I. Test program
The aim of the project was to
study the effects of Determination of the U50- Breakdown
superimposed oscillations on Parameter
U50 impulse breakdown Test Parameter to vary to keep
voltages in air, oil, paper-oil, Group constant
SF6 gas and XLPE dielectric Configuration Limits Fixed value
media. Oscillations up to 5 Polarity (+ and -) 0.5s T1 2.0s T2 = 50s
MHz and 20% amplitude were I Homogeneous and
superimposed on smooth 1.2/50 non-homogeneous 40s T2 60s T1 = 1.2s
standard lightning impulses. field
Polarity (+ and -) 0.2MHz f 5MHz A = Ai
The test program shown in II Homogeneous and 0.2s d 5.0s T1 = 1.2s
Table I was divided into two non-homogeneous Ai = 5%, 10%, 20% T2 = 50s
main groups. Group I deals field
with the influence of the time Note: f = oscillation frequency; d = overshoot duration;
parameters T1 and T2. Group II A, Ai = oscillation or overshoot amplitude.
deals with the influences of the
duration of the frequency/-
overshoot, and the amplitude of
the frequency/overshoot on the
breakdown voltage.
1 2
Each laboratory developed its 1 2
own test generator and
measuring system. The test 6
arrangements comprising 5 7
Control Recorder
generating circuit, test vessel, 7
5 6
measuring system and evalu-
ation software are described in
detail in 5. Using the general
schematic diagram of the test 4
circuit shown in Fig. 1, test 3 3
voltages up to 120 kV were
achieved for all dielectric
media. Tests on air gaps were
made with voltages up to 500 Figure 1. Schematic test circuit used in the European project: 1- Generator of
kV using a conventional smooth LI. 2- Measuring system of LI according IEC 60060-1. 3- Generator of
lightning impulse generator oscillating waves shapes. 4- Measuring system with an adequate bandwidth for
modified by means of series the oscillation measurements. 5- Trigger control and impulse analysis. 6- Digital
inductance. recorder. 7- Test vessel.
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7-th of February 2002
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7-th of February 2002
is less than 0.5 MHz, and it is means of the formula: k for the dielectrics tested can
the peak value of the mean be described by the following
curve for frequencies equal to Uref(50) - Upmc(50) equations:
or higher than 0.5 MHz. k = ---------------------- (4)
Ue(50) - Upmc(50) - k= 1 when f f1
- k log f 2 log f (5)
4.2 Test voltage according to The test voltage factor k has log f 2 log f1
the new research also been analysed for with-
when f1 < f < f2
stand voltages (breakdown
The conclusions from the probability about 10%) and the - k = 0 when f f2
experimental work reported in results show a constant test
The evaluation criteria in the
this paper lead to different voltage factor k50% k10% k.
criteria for the evaluation of the present standard 2 for
test voltage, based on a certain The empirical test voltage impulses with oscillations or
frequency interval for the factors k have been calculated overshoot can also be expressed
superimposed oscillations as using double exponential using the test voltage factor
introduced in 8. The results functions as mean curves. which changes from 1 to 0 at a
show that the test voltage lies frequency of 0.5 MHz, as
between the extreme value of The relation between the test shown by the dotted line in Fig.
the impulse Ue and the peak voltage factor and oscillation 4.
value of the mean curve Upmc. frequency is not the same for
The actual value can be all dielectrics. The regression k
evaluated by using a test line shown in Fig. 3 is the best
voltage factor k which varies fit for all of the measured 1 a)
from 1 to 0 according to values and represent the
whether the oscillations are of average value for the different b)
lower or higher frequency. dielectrics tested.
0,3 0,5 1,6
The 50% breakdown voltage k 1
Figure 4. Test voltage factor k
can be calculated using the test 0,8 a) Current IEC 60060-1
voltage factor k from: 0,6 b) New Proposal
Uref(50)= Upmc(50) + k . ß (2)
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