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Design & Application of Power Circuit Breakers

Industry Standards which govern the design, testing and application of power circuit
breakers have undergone significant changes throughout the years since their original
publication. This natural evolution of standards follows changes in both the advancing
technology of the equipment as the increasing demands imposed on them due to the
complex environment which they are applied. This never-ending process makes it
critical for system design engineers and planners to be aware of the current status of, and
recent changes to, these standards in order to properly specify and apply this equipment.

This tutorial will begin with a historical review of the standards, describe the evolution of
various rating methods used, and review the significant changes made in the current
publications. This will be useful to those engineers faced with the task of specifying new
circuit breakers that will be used to replace equipment that was manufactured to previous
editions of the standards.

A review of the most common types of circuit breaker interrupter technologies will be
conducted. Transient recovery voltage (TRV) application considerations and specific
switching duties will be presented. These include terminal faults, short line faults, and
out-of-phase switching. Changes to the TRV envelope specifications which are in the
process of being implemented into the IEEE Standards will be reviewed. Unique
characteristics of switching capacitive and inductive loads are also presented.

A review of the methods used to test high power circuit breakers is part of this tutorial.
Considerations that are necessary for proper design and selection of equipment destined
for installations in seismic areas are also covered.

It is recognized that time constraints limit the scope of this tutorial to provide summary
information on the topics presented. However, sufficient background and reference
material will be identified to enable the attendees to probe further in each topic covered.

The contributions of the authors for each section are gratefully acknowledged. They are
each recognized experts in the field which they have written and presented, as well as in
the related fields of circuit breaker design, ratings and applications.
Design & Application of Power Circuit Breakers

Summary of Topics
This chapter traces the evolution of standards for alternating current high-voltage circuit
breakers in the IEEE, formerly AIEE, from approximately 1900 to 2007. It reviews
differences in rating principles and application methods in the original "total current" and
the presently used "symmetrical current" basis of rating standards and outlines some of
the new areas of circuit breaker standardization recently completed or currently under
development in industry committees.


This chapter will describe and show the method of operation of the various technologies
of interrupters that have been and currently are being used in medium and high voltage
circuit breakers. These include air magnetic, 2-pressure air, 2-pressure SF6 and various
types of single pressure SF6 breakers.


Vacuum Switching part of the tutorial will include topics on: vacuum as dielectric,
vacuum as interrupting medium, brief comparison of vacuum with other switching media,
fundamental design characteristics of vacuum interrupters, basic characteristics of
vacuum-interrupter-based devices, issues related to applications and maintenance of
vacuum switchgear.


Kirk Smith
Transient recovery voltages (TRV’s) associated with short-circuit current interruption are
presented, starting with general considerations that explain the different shapes of TRV’s
and how they are influenced by several parameters. TRV’s are then presented in detail for
terminal faults, short-line faults and out-of-phase breaking operations. The last part
presents application considerations and the selection of circuit breakers for TRV’s.


Transient phenomena associated with the switching capacitive and small inductive
currents are covered in this section. Special emphasis is on specification and application
considerations of circuit breakers for these duties which include switching shunt
capacitors and reactors, transformers, and no-load transmission lines. Surge control
methods are covered, including controlled switching.
Insulation element and design factors to handle overvoltages (60 Hz, lightning, and
switching surges) and respective insulation withstand levels are reviewed. Various
ANSI, IEEE and IEC standards are applied and discussed in relation to studies, test
procedures, and results on insulation design studies for high voltage circuit breakers.


Testing of switchgear/circuit breakers is the last but crucial step in the quality assurance
of such equipment. In this presentation, test-methods for switchgear regarding the
withstand to and the interrupting capability of fault current will be highlighted:

1) Fault current withstand: basic fundamentals and short-time current test topics will be
2) Fault arc withstand: internal arc ("arc resistance") test-methods and evaluation of
results, as well as KEMA's experiences will be discussed;
3) Verification of fault current interruption capability: the so-called "synthetic test
method" and some selected topics of testing under various service conditions, as
simulated in the testlab, will be explained.


IEEE Std 693-2005, ‘Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations” is
reviewed. This standard primarily covers the seismic design and test qualification of
electrical equipment, excluding nuclear Class 1E equipment used in substations. It does
not cover the civil and structural design of the substation.

This chapter will present the seismic levels and qualification process as specifically
applied to high voltage power circuit breakers, which can require either analysis or test,
depending on the voltage rating.

The tutorial will show how to select the seismic qualification level and then apply the
appropriate sections of the document to define the qualification analysis or test procedure
for the equipment. A power circuit breaker example will be used to illustrate process.
Design & Application of Power Circuit Breakers

Introduction Rich York

History of Circuit Breaker

Jeff Nelson

Review of Interrupting
Air, Oil, SF6
Rich York
Mietek Glinkowski

Transient Recovery Voltages &

Fault Current Application Denis Dufournet & Kirk
Considerations Smith

Lunch Break

Switching of Capacitive &

John Brunke
Inductive Loads

Steve Lambert
Insulation Coordination

High Power Testing of Circuit

Harm Bannink

Seismic Considerations of Willie Freeman

Circuit Breakers
Speaker Biographies

Harm Bannink
Harm Bannink was born in Oosterbeek, The Netherlands (NL) in 1972. He received his
Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Power Engineering from the Hogeschool Enschede,
Enschede, NL in 1998 Harm Bannink has been with KEMA for the past 9 years of which
7 years working as a Test Engineer in the High Power Laboratory in Arnhem, NL.
Because of his thorough knowledge of ANSI and IEC standards as well as related testing
procedures he is currently on a two year assignment at KEMA-Powertest in Chalfont,
Pennsylvania to optimize and standardize the testing procedures and methods between
the two high power laboratories. He is also a member of the IEC SC17A/MT47 Working
Group of IEC switchgear Technical Subcommittee on automatic reclosers.

John H. Brunke
John H. Brunke (F’94) was born in Portland Oregon. He attended Portland State
University where he received a B.S. in Applied Science and Engineering in 1974 and a
MS in Applied Science in 1980. He received the degree of Doctor of Technical Science
from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Switzerland (ETHZ) in 1998
writing his dissertation on controlled switching of large power transformers. Dr. Brunke
was employed by the Bonneville Power Administration in Portland Oregon from 1975
through 2005 in various positions including Chief of the Test and Development Section,
Chief of the Specifications Section, and Principal Engineer for High Voltage Equipment.
He has taught graduate courses in power systems and high voltage engineering at
Portland State University. He is presently a consultant for Siemens PT&D. John is a past
Chairman of the IEEE Switchgear Committee and past Chairman of CIGRE Study
Committee 13 (Switching Equipment). John is a Fellow of the IEEE, Distinguished and
Honorary Member of CIGRE and a Registered Professional Engineer in Oregon and
Washington. He is also a retired Naval Reserve Engineering Duty Officer.

Denis Dufournet
Denis Dufournet graduated from ENSEM Nancy in Electrical engineering, in 1975. He
joined AREVA T&D (then Delle Alsthom) in 1977 as a research engineer. He is
currently Senior Expert, Head of research in AREVA T&D, Villeurbanne, France. Since
1983 he is member of Working groups and Technical Committees in IEC, IEEE and
CIGRE. While participating in these activities, he received several awards from CIGRE:
Distinguished Member in 2002, Diplôme d'Honneur from the Technical Committee in
In IEC, he is Chairman of IEC TC 17 (Switchgear and Controlgear) and SC17A (High
Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear) since April, 2004, he is member of Maintenance
teams 36 and 37.
In CIGRE, he is presently member of WG A3-19 and A3-22. Previously he has been a
member of CIGRE WG 13-01 (Practical applications of arc physics), CIGRE-CIRED
CC03 (TRV in Medium voltage networks)and CIGRE WG A3-11 (Application Guide for
IEC 62271-100 and 62271-1)
He has been elected Fellow of the IEEE in 2005, and is chairman of IEEE WG C37.011.
He received the IEEE Standardization Association International Award in 2005.

Willie Freeman
Willie Freeman is Engineering Manager at ABB High Voltage Products in Mt. Pleasant.
He has over 35 years of experience in the design and development of high voltage
switchgear and other equipment. Previously, he held design engineering positions at the
Westinghouse Power Circuit Breaker and Machinery Technology Divisions. He holds
MSME and BSME degrees from the University of Pittsburgh and Georgia Tech and is a
licensed professional engineer.

Mietek T. Glinkowski
Mietek T. Glinkowski was born in Czestochowa, Poland on December 29, 1956. He
received his M.S. degree (cum-laude) in Telecommunication Engineering from Poznan
Polytechnic, Poznan, Poland, in 1980, the M.E. degree in Electric Power Engineering
from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, in 1985, and his Ph.D. in Electric
Power Engineering in 1989. He was a Fulbright Scholar in 1984-1985. Between 1989-
1997 Dr. Glinkowski was a Professor of Electric Power Engineering at Rensselaer. His
area of expertise included power switchgear (especially vacuum switching), electrical
discharges, power systems, system protection, mathematical modeling of power system
components, electrical transients in power systems, as well as novel AI (Artificial
Intelligence) techniques applied to power engineering. Dr. Glinkowski has also taught
power engineering courses, graduate and undergraduate, as well as core engineering
courses in dynamic systems. At his private consulting practice he has worked with many
industrial and utility customers world-wide concerning operation, design, and analysis of
power equipment. His major customers included General Electric, Cooper Power
Systems, Con Edison of New York, S&C Company, TVA, SCE, ABB, Alstom, and
many others.

Dr. Glinkowski joined ABB Inc. in June 1997 where he was first a Technology Team
Leader for Electric Systems Technology Institute’s Switchgear and Insulation Systems
and later a Program Manager for Equipment and Application Technologies. Since 2000
Dr. Glinkowski has been a Director of Engineering for the ABB North America
Technology Center (NAM TC) and more recently he is also a Global Technology
Manager for MV Outdoor Equipment coordinating global business development projects
and technologies of ABB outdoor distribution equipment worldwide. In this capacity his
main business focus is on United States, Canada, India, and China. During 2002-2004 Dr.
Glinkowski has been on an international business assignment working in two business
locations ABB Raleigh (USA) and ABB Dalmine in Italy.

Mietek Glinkowski is a Senior Member of IEEE Power Engineering Society, full voting
member of the Switchgear Committee, Chairman of the ERP (Education, Recognition
and Publication) Subcommittee. He is a member of CIGRE, Chairman of CIGRE Joint
Working Group JWG 12/13/23.21, member of the CIGRE WG A3.13, member of the
Current Zero Club (CZC), member of New York Academy of Sciences, and member of
SEP (Society of Polish Electrical Engineers). He is also a member of the Technical
Advisory Board of the International Symposium on Short Circuit Currents (IS SCC). Dr.
Glinkowski is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the State of New York and a
member of the Sigma Xi research society. In February 2003 Dr. Glinkowski has been
awarded a 2002 IEEE Outstanding Engineer of the Year from the IEEE Eastern Section.
In January 2006 he received a 2005 CIGRE Technical Committee Award in recognition
for outstanding contribution to the work of study committee A2.

Dr. Glinkowski is a member of the peer review board for IEEE Transactions on Power
Delivery (IEEE TPWD), and is a member of the balloting pool for ANSI and IEEE
Switchgear standards.

Dr. Glinkowski co-authored one technical book and wrote over 50 technical papers and
chapters of books and encyclopaedias on power equipment and systems. He holds 6 US
Patents. He has completed Six Sigma QA program and graduated from the Duke
University ABB Leadership Management Program.

Stephen R. Lambert
Stephen R. Lambert (M’69, SM’78, F’91) received both a BSEE and MS from the
University of Illinois in 1969. After teaching at the University he joined Commonwealth
Associates, Inc. in 1970, and in 1973 he joined Power Technologies, Inc. In July of
1997, he founded Shawnee Power Consulting, LLC.

Mr. Lambert is a Registered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the IEEE. He is past
chairman of the TRV Working Group, the High Voltage Circuit Breaker Subcommittee
and the IEEE Switchgear Committee, and served as Vice-President, Technical Activities
for the Power Engineering Society
Jeffrey H. Nelson
Jeffrey H. Nelson, P.E. (S'1987, M'1990, SM'1993) was born in Montgomery, AL. He
received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from Auburn University, in Auburn,
AL USA, in December 1989.

Mr. Nelson has been employed by the Tennessee Valley Authority since 1990 in various
roles. His current position is Principal Electrical Engineer, in the Substation Projects
Group, responsible for substation equipment applications and standards, technical
management of substation equipment and material contracts, substation design standards,
and technical and design process support.

Mr. Nelson has been actively involved in IEEE/PES activities for over fifteen years. He
is Past-Chair of the Switchgear Committee, Past-Chair of the Capacitor Subcommittee,
Past-Chair of the High Voltage Circuit Breaker Subcommittee, Past-Char of the
Chattanooga IEEE Section, Past-Chair of the Chattanooga PES Chapter, WG Chair of
IEEE 18 Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors, WG Chair for IEEE C37.04 Standard for
High Voltage Circuit Breakers, an Editor for Transactions on Power Delivery, and a
member of the PES Technical Committee Advisory Board. He is a recipient of the IEEE
Third Millennium Medal and the 2002 PES Walter Fee Outstanding Young Engineer

(IEEE Membership, Student Member'73-Member'75-Senior Member'90)
Kirk Smith was born in Camden, New Jersey, USA in 1948. He received the B.S.E.E.
('70 degree in electrical engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, and the
M.S.E.E. ('71) and Ph.D. ('74) degrees in electrical engineering from the University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, with the specialization in electrical power engineering. Dr.
Smith has 33 years of research and product development experience in a wide range of
technologies in the switching of electric current. He is presently the Manager of the
Power Test Laboratory at the Eaton Electrical Vacuum Interrupter Business Unit in
Horseheads, NY, USA. Dr. Smith is a member of the Power Engineering Society and
participates in several working groups of the IEEE Switchgear Committee. He is the chair
of the TRV working group of that committee. He was also the Convenor of IEC
SC17A/WG23 a working group on power test procedures for high voltage circuit
breakers of the IEC Switchgear Technical Subcommittee.
Richard A. York
Richard A. York (IEEE Student Member-1980, Member-1982) has been employed with
the ABB Power T&D Co. Inc., Mount Pleasant & Greensburg PA, since 1987. He has
been responsible for control’s engineering, and since 1990, assigned to the Development
Engineering Department. As Sr. Development Engineer, he is responsible for test
programs for new product development and breaker applications for all product lines.
These include all single pressure SF6 circuit breakers with rated maximum voltages
through 800 kV. Mr. York is a member of IEEE Power Engineering Society, the
Switchgear Committee and is currently Chair, High Voltage Circuit Breaker

Richard graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1982 with a B.S in Electrical
Engineering. Prior to joining ABB, he was employed by the Stone & Webster
Engineering Corporation, being assigned to various power plant design and construction

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