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Competitiveness and Innovativeness in Management - 2012

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Competitiveness and Innovativeness in

Management -2012


Management is required on each and every level of organization to succeed

with business activities. Good management is the boon for companies,
whose can lead the organization to prosperity. In the present era of
Globalization ,The companies have to face varied dynamic challenges ,to
tackle all these challenges the management of company should be
innovative and competitive. Now companies management by using their
strategies and tactics split the major task in to small group of activities and
divide them among the concerned groups. As in retail sector some
companies use their innovative management ability to compete the
competitors either in terms of advertising or selling and try to cover the
maximum market share. In telecommunication sector, Mobile SIM
companies, management are using their innovative strategies to attract the
customer on economical price ,even provide the extra talk time and free
seconds with new as well as old SIM, still they earn higher profit.
Thus the innovativeness and competitiveness in management is required to
transform the business from unfavorable situation to favorable situation and
earn maximum profit with customer satisfaction.

Key words :Levels of Organization,Competitors,Market share, Customer

satisfaction, Dynamic challenges.

Research paper on “Competitiveness and innovativeness in

management –2012”
Management is one of the important concept which is required on each and
every level of organization to succeed with business activities
.Innovativeness in management brings the changes in organization, These
changes may be lead the organization toward prosperity. In present scenario,
most of companies management using democratic style through which
employee even customers get a chance to say their views in management. A
good management is one which utilize the available resources efficiently and
produce maximum quality product with customer satisfaction. Customer
satisfaction is one of the primary motive of any organization ,for this the
good management go for market research and generate the views and
requirement of prospect customer in new product .and then management
uses their innovative tactics to satisfy the need of customers.

“Management is an activity of working with others efficiently”

The focus of innovative management is to allow the organization to respond

to an external or internal opportunity and use its creative efforts to introduce
new ideas, processes or products .Innovation process can be viewed as an
integration of organization, technology and market .Innovation management
involves workers at every level in contributing creatively to a company's
development, manufacturing, and marketing. Without adopting competitive
strategies, it is not possible for R&D to be efficient; innovation management
includes a set of tools that allow managers and engineers to cooperate with a
common understanding of goals and processes.,. It leads towards the
continuous development of a company.

The idea of business sustainability attract more attention. Therefore

innovation management has never been as central as today since multi-
national firms, government agencies, World Bank, and IMF are seeking
solutions in recession. Innovative management plays a more important role
in the current economic climate. Innovation and competitive management
strategies are the key to tackling the slow recovery of economy, and to
solving unemployment issues.

In any organization the innovative and competitive management ability

depend upon these skills.
Technical Skill

The technical skill implies an understanding of ,and proficiency in a specific

kind of activity, methods, processes, procedures, or techniques; it involves
specialized knowledge, analytical ability within that specialty, and facility in
the use of the tools and techniques of the specific discipline.

Human Skill

This refers to the ability to work with, understand and motivate other people;
the way the individual perceives his superiors, equals, and subordinates, and
the way he behaves subsequently. The person with highly developed human
skills is aware of his own attitudes, assumptions, and beliefs about other
individuals and groups; he is able to see the usefulness and limitations of
these feelings

Conceptual Skill

This skill involves the ability to see the enterprise as a whole; it includes
recognizing how the various functions of the organization depend on one
another, and how changes in any one part affect all the others; and it extends
to visualizing the relationship of the individual business to the industry, the
community, and the political, social and economic forces of the nation as a

Effectiveness of innovative management in various sectors

1. Competitiveness of Management in Promotional Activities-

Promotional activities are the means which attract the attention of the
customer and make them ready to purchase the product. Under the
promotional activities the companies uses various modes like advertising,
personal selling ,publicity etc ,according to their operation. The companies
management applied their innovative strategies to make advertisement
fruitful .They put the slogan which reflect the realty in customer life
somewhere .The innovative management follow such kind of tactics which
helpful to coverage mass group of customer through promotional means. By
the promotional activities the awareness about new as well as old product

increased. Due to the competitive management skills the companies enlarge

their market share and successful to increased the sale and customer
satisfaction. Some companies management produced series advertisement
like Product Idea Mobile SIM .In series advertisement of IDEA SIM film
actor Abhishek Bacchen deliver every advertisement these kind of
advertisement put a special impact on customer memory while consumer go
for shopping in mall and shop so he also found the sign board of same
product on shop or mall .Through these way of advertisement the consumer
buying prospect defiantly changed , he become ready to purchase the same
product .These kind of competitive skills lead the organization on peak of
success and companies get succeed to retained the customer for long time
with customer satisfaction..
2. Competitiveness in Project Management-

Project is a task which may be large scale or on small scale. The

management of these project must be vigilant toward his work and he should
apply the innovative strategies to split the major task in to small group of
activities and divide those activities among concerned groups and set their
starting as well as finishing time of job, for this management uses project
evaluation technique like CPM (Critical Path Method) ,PERT(Performance
Evaluation Review Technique).The competitive management is one who
check the feasibility of project on time to time, So project could be
completed on time by using available resources. A good project is that
which increases the employment opportunity and society could get benefit a
lot after completion of project.

3. Competitiveness of Management in Banking Sector-

Banking sector is one of the leading sector of countries which consist of

both private as well as public sector banks. Banks provide the liquidity to the
market. To run the banks and further branches successfully the management
must be pro-active . Due to the management competitive ability these banks
are able to sell their wide financial product line includes Loan, Insurance
,Deposits etc. The main motive of management of any banking organization
is to provide the information regarding the customer finance as easy as
customer wants ,For solving this problem management use their innovative
skills and brought a concept Mobile banking through which a customer can
get his financial information on his mobile and received many offers and
schemes. This kind of facility helpful to save the time of consumer and
banker, can utilized their saved time in other financial activity.
4. Competitiveness of Management in Telecom Sector-

Telecommunication sector is one of the major sector of countries. It provide

a mean of communication to each other. There are vast resource of
telecommunication spread throughout the world but all these were under
utilized, Now the scenario has changed, the innovative management applied
competitive strategies to utilized these resources and provide a sophisticated
mean of communication to the society which is helpful to make life easier.
In mobile means of communication the facilities like 3G,2G even Wi-Fi
provided to customer on affordable price with these facility consumer can
access the world by a single click on mobile screen with fastest speed.
Through the management innovative and competitive strategies these facility
not only give customer satisfaction but succeed to enlarge the sale of
telecom sector and improvement in the standard of living of society.

Objectives of Research
1. To measure the impact of innovative managerial skills over telecom
sector and how it is helpful to change the standard of living of peoples

2. To study how banking sector is reformed by following the competitive

management skills

3. To study how management competence influence the sales and buying

behavior of consumer through promotional activities .

1. Every organization would like to invest in promotional programs, but
management skills make differences in utilization of investment.

2. Financial requirement of companies changes according to their


Research methodology

1. Universe- It include entire field of management because management

is an multi disciplinary approach used in each and every organization
either working on micro level or macro level.

2. Sampling- In this study, I have opted some specific sector where

competitive management is required to produce fruitful result. These
sector like Telecom sector, Banking sector, Technology sector,
promotional activities(Advertising) has selected.

3. Data collection- In this study, I gathered the data through personal

observation and Secondary data .

Analysis of Research
Banks are the palace where the people save their funds. The management
responsibility is to create the synchronization between deposits and
creditability Banking management apply their competitive skills to cover the
large market share customer satisfaction.
Hypothesis- I Financial requirement of companies changes according to their operation.

YEARS Year Year Year Year 2012

2009 2010 2011 ( Expected)
SERVICES Private Public Private Public Private Public Private Public
OFFERED Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks

Customer Low Moderate Good Moderat High Increase High High

satisfaction e d
No of new
accounts open
Reduced Increased Moderate High High Good
Good High
product line Short Short Enlarge Long Longest Longest
Moderat Enlarge
Investment by Withdraw Increased Increased e High High High
existing n High
customer money Increase
Increased Increased d Increase Increase Increased
No of branches
Increased d Increase d
Interpretation-In the above analysis, Financial services provided by private
and public banks are classified in five sub categories on which study has
done. In 2009 customer satisfaction was low towards private financial
system because the people had much trust on government banks and its
policies. In 2010 the private sector banks increase their facilities to cover the
large group of people after than the people started to open their accounts in
private banks. In the year 2009 ,financial product line was limited but till the
end of 2011 banks enlarged their financial product line according to
customer requirnment.In 2009 the existing customer withdraw money from
private banks because recession was prevailing in the economy, in this
period people shown their confidence in public sector banks but number of
branches of banks increased every year.


In telecom sector the companies management split the market in various
segments and then available the more offers and scheme for mobiles as well
as SIM in weaker segments to enhance the sale and market share.
Value added
Year Mobile Sales services New offers
2005 300 MODRATE LEVEL  Mobile SIM
 Internet on slow  Companies
2006 310 speed available
2007 325  2G  Many offers
 Multimedia with  And scheme
2008 350 less application In market
2009 420  HIGH LEVEL  to increased
2010 510  3G Wi-Fi   Sale
 Multimedia with  and enlarge
2011 600 high Applications market share
2012 720   More features  
( Amount in Average Billion USD)



2014 800

2010 600
2008 Year
2006 Mobile Sales
2004 200
2000 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Interpretation -In the above analysis ,from 2005 to 2008 the mobile
companies provide moderate level facility due to which the sale was
increasing but diminishing rate, because in this period mobile was costly
instrument and call rate was also high, but by beginning of 2009,the
companies uses their innovative skills and offer various scheme with
affordable price and many high-tech facilities ,So mobile sale has been
started to rise with incremental rate and mobile became a basic needs for
human being.
Effect of management innovativeness in Promotional activities
Promotional activities are the mean which directly impact the buying
behavior of customer. Here we selected a sample of four malls (selling
point) and study the impact of promotional activities over sales.
Selling Point Sales( percentage)

Mall A 80
Mall B 100
Mall C 140
Mall D 190

Hypothesis-2 Every organization would like to invest in promotional programs, but

management skills make differences in utilization of investment.


Mall A, 80,

D, 190, 37% Mall A

B, 100, 20%

C, 140, 27%

In the above analysis, I have studied the sales of four malls, which is
effected by promotional activities of organization. In Mall A, the sale was
very less because there is no use of much advertisement and other
promotional activities ,but in Mall D the sale is very high because the
management utilized their innovative strategies and advertise their products.

1. The competitive management has changed the scenario of banking
sector by enlarging financial product line and by Mobile banking
facility to the customer.

2. The competitive management succeed in telecom sector by offering

various scheme and offers in mobile SIM and Internet facility with
high applications helpful to coverage the large market share with
customer satisfaction.

3. The innovative strategies in promotional mix help the companies not

only to sale the product but customer retention and satisfaction for
long time.


Thus management competitive skills leads the organization from

unfavorable situation to favorable situation. Effective management is one
who utilized the available resource in such a way to produce the maximum
and give customer satisfaction and improve standard of living and provide
the benefits like Employment opportunity ,Pollution free Environment to the

At last but not least ,I want to say in this research paper

competitive and innovative management strategies leads the organization
towards prosperity with customer satisfaction.

 Marketing Management written by Philip Kotler second edition

 Principal of marketing written by A.K.Jain
 Marketing Management written by C.N. Sonatakki first edition 1992
reprint 1999
 Gujrati D. N. & Sangeetha (2007): Basic Econometrics: India: Tata Mc
 Economic times news paper
 Times of india news paper

 http:oppaper.com/eassays/fdi-in-india/225551
 www.emraldinsight.com
 http.//management.about.com/
 www.innovationmanagement.se/
 www.imconferance.eu/submitted_papers.pdf
 www.corporateinnovationonline.com/best.management practices/

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