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Health Teaching Guide

Topics: Diabetes Mellitus: definition and its disease process, types, signs and symptoms and
Importance of CBG monitoring
Self-injection of Insulin.

Time Allotment: 1 hour

Objectives Content Teaching Strategy Evaluation
After 1 hour of
health teaching, the
patient will be able
I. State the Diabetes mellitus is a group of Lecture- discussion The patient will
definition of metabolic diseases be able state the
Diabetes Mellitus characterized by high blood definition and the
and its disease sugar (glucose) levels, which disease process of
process correctly. result from defects in insulin Diabetes Mellitus
secretion, or action, or both. correctly.
Elevated levels of blood
glucose (hyperglycemia) lead (Oral Recitation)
to spillage of glucose into the
urine, hence the term “sweet
urine”. Normally, blood
glucose levels are tightly
controlled by insulin, a
hormone produced by the
pancreas. Insulin lowers the
blood glucose level. When the
blood glucose elevates (for
example, after eating food),
insulin is released from the
pancreas to normalize the
glucose level. In patients with
diabetes, the absence or
insufficient production of
insulin causes hyperglycemia.
Diabetes is a chronic medical
condition, meaning that
although it can be controlled,
it lasts a lifetime.

II. Identify the 2 There are two major types of Lecture discussion The patient will
types of Diabetes diabetes: be able to identify
Mellitus. the 2 types of
A.Type 1 or Insulin- Diabetes Mellitus
Dependent Diabetes Mellitus- through an oral
impaired or inability of the recitation.
pancreas to secrete insulin

B.Type 2 or Non-Insulin
Dependent Diabetes Mellitus-
pancreas can still produce
insulin but inadequately for
their body's needs, or the cells
are resistant to it.
III. Recite at least 5 Signs and Symptoms: Questioning The patient will
signs and 1.Polyuria- frequent urination. be able to recite at
symptoms of 2.Polydipsia- increased thirst. least 5 signs and
Diabetes Mellitus. 3.Polyphagia- increased symptoms of
appetite Diabetes Mellitus
4.Fatigue and weakness through an oral
5.Sudden vision changes recitation
6.tingling or numbness in
hands or feet.
7.skin lesions or wounds that
are slow to heal.

IV. Verbalize at Treatment: Lecture discussion The patient will

least 5 ways of CBG monitoring be able to
treating Diabetes Insulin therapy if necessary. verbalize at least
Mellitus. Oral Hypoglycemic Agents 5 ways of treating
Proper Nutrition (Strict Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetic Diet) through an oral
Exercise recitation.

V. State the Home blood sugar (glucose) Discuss The patient will
importance of CBG testing is an important part of be able to discuss
monitoring. controlling blood sugar. One the importance of
important goal of diabetes CBG monitoring
treatment is to keep the blood through an oral
glucose levels near the normal recitation.
range of 80 to 120 mg/dl
before meals and under 140
mg/dl at two hours after
eating. Blood glucose levels
are usually tested before and
after meals, and at bedtime.
The blood sugar level is
typically determined by
pricking a fingertip with a
lancing device and applying
the blood to a glucose meter,
which reads the value

Date of possible discharge: January 5, 2011

1. Medication
Acalka 1 tab BID
Ketosteril 1 tab TID
Wosulin 30/70 30”u” pre-breakfast
Wosulin 30/70 44”u” pre-supper

2. Exercise
The client can perform any exercise than she can tolerate, regularly. She is
advised to take a rest for 2-3 days before resuming to daily activities.

3. Treatment
CBG monitoring
Insulin therapy if necessary
Proper Nutrition (Strict Diabetic Diet)

4. Health Teachings (See Health Teaching Guide)

The patient will be informed about:
1. Definition of diabetes and its disease process.
2. The different types of Diabetes
3. Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes
4. Importance of Blood Sugar monitoring at home.
5. Complications of Diabetes
6. Treatment of Diabetes

5. Out-patient check-up schedule

Follow-up after 1 month rm. 708 on Tuesday or Thursday

6. Diet
The patient is on Strict Diabetic Diet. 1600kcal divided into 3 meals, 2 snacks, no
source of refined sugar

7. Spiritual Care

The health care provider can help the patient spiritually by being supportive when patient
experience doubt, fearfulness and suffering. Also by listening actively, using therapeutic
communications effectively and suggesting the uses of prayer. Counseling regarding the
importance of prayer in our religious life and how this can greatly help us build our
relationship with God.

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