A. Site Access / 1. Uninformed 2 1. Unable to start 1. All workers, including subcontractors must have
Plant induction workers - unaware operation completed the Induction training;
of the hazards and 2. Unauthorized 2. Advise workers and other persons on the site of the
dangers at the site / and incompetent
4 2 8 work to be carried out. 2 2 4
work area / plant. personnel to do
2. Not knowing and work 3. Conduct a site specific induction for all project workers
understanding of 3. Unorganized and have them sign a site induction attendance
emergency and unplanned including but not limited to:
procedures. work will expose Hazard specific to the site of the work to be
3. poor / no / personnel to carried out.
miscommunication hazard
between workforce Safety controls and revised SWMS (Safe Working
and supervisor. Method Statement)
Use and maintenance of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE);
Emergency and Evacuation procedures; and
Location of amenities and first aid facilities.
B. Prepare PTW 1. Non-compliance on 2 1. Unable to start 1. Follow establish Linde permit system and make sure
Linde permit operation all precautions are followed prior commencing work.
system 3 2. Unauthorized 2. Competent personnel to perform the task being
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8. Check for any items that may cause slips, trips and
falls and remove or secure them as required
E. Load / unload 1. Manual Lifting / 2 1. Back injury 1. Identify approved material lay-down area
& transport manual handling 2. Property 2. Assess lift, lift within capabilities, use correct lifting
Tools & 2. Traffic / Site access 3 damage procedure, 1
3 9 2 2
Materials to 3. Damage / injury 3. Fatality 3. 2-man lift or mechanical aid (Skates, etc.), if required.
work area and due to crane or 4. Work loss 4. Ensure correct manual handling techniques, warm up
unload boom truck / forklift 5. Hand injury & stretch to avoid strains / sprains.
failure or 6. Cuts and 5. Do not carry long or awkward materials on your own.
incompetent abrasion 6. Review prospective route of access prior to carrying
operator 7. Personal injury materials to work area with consideration given to any
4. Ergonomic Hazard obstacles / trip or slip hazards.
5. Tripping and 7. Stick to designated pathways as much as possible.
Slipping hazard 8. Use gloves to protect hands.
6. Pinch point 9. Supervisor shall ensure personnel involved at work
have attended safe manual lifting and handling training
10. Ensure equipment are placed firmly on floorings, and
load is evenly distributed.
11. Seek help; ensure adequate manpower to carry the
12. Discuss correct manual lifting method and work posture
during toolbox meeting.
13. Take rest breaks for repetitive task.
14. Avoid working in awkward position / posture.
15. Ensure tools and equipment used only for its intended
purpose and according to proper handling technique or
manufacturer recommendation.
16. Co-ordinate delivery / site access with site controller
17. Loads projecting beyond vehicle must be flagged
18. Park vehicle in a stable position, in gear with
handbrake on
19. Operators / helpers must be competent and qualified.
20. Plant and lifting equipment must be in serviceable
condition and have documented maintenance records.
21. Wear gloves during all manual handling
22. Ensure material is carried in small quantity to
23. Minimize the weight carried.
24. Use of mechanical aid if necessary
25. Keep access and egress routes clear and segregate
the work area from others and vehicles in access
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26. remove any items that may obstruct the work activity;
27. Check for any items that may cause slips, trips and
falls and remove or secure them as required.
28. Maintain good housekeeping at work area.
29. Educate worker on proper hand placement
30. Buddy system
31. Proper communication and coordination before lifting
tubular pipes.
32. Provide an awareness training regarding line of fire and
hand finger safety.
33. Ensure hand gloves is worn in any operation
F. Preparation of 1. Poor access and 2 1. Back injury 1. Make sure all access and egress, access ladders,
work area egress 2. Property steps and ramps are safe and secure.
2. Poor or bad 3 3 9 damage 2. All personnel to have read and understood the RA that 1
2 2
weather condition 3. Fatality is specific for their area of work.
4. Work loss 3. RA is to be modified where and when necessary to
5. Hand injury reflect the changing work area.
6. Cuts and 4. Personnel to wear mandatory PPE's on site such as
abrasion but not limited to hardhat, safety glass, safety shoes,
7. Personal injury and earplug/earmuff.
5. Immediately cease work in hazardous weather
condition such as:
1. strong winds that may cause loss of balance
2. Rain is causing a slippery work surface.
G. Setting up 1. Being struck with 2 1. Fatality 1. Ensure that cable stands are set up correctly facing
cable drum cable drum lifted by 2. Serious Injury the direction of pull
prior to cable a boom truck 3 4 12 3. Personal Injury 2. Stay clear of rotating cable drum 3
2 6
pulling using a 2. Falling of lifting 4. Hand injury 3. Ensure that the lifting equipment has good condition
boom truck object 4. Lifting equipment operator and rigger are certified
3. Pinch point / caught 5. Always use approved equipment for handling drums,
in between never use improvise equipment
6. Never allow a drum to move in an uncontrolled
7. Always wear appropriate PPE
8. Always use drums in the direction of travel.
9. Wear gloves during all manual handling tasks.
10. Be aware of sharp steelwork & splinters from the
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J. Tie in cables 1. Cuts , Abrasions, 1. Hand Injury 1. Wear suitable gloves as required.
Laceration 2. Cut ties, square and be aware of sharp edges.
3. Cut ties when the cable has been stalled
4. Position ties to underside of cable tray where
K. Housekeeping 1. Scattered material 2 1 Personnel 1. Working area should be clear of unnecessary
2. Slip and trip Injury material and waste
3. Obstruction to other 2 3 6 2 Fracture 2. Walkway should be maintained without tripping 3
2 6
trade contractor caused material
3. When work finishes, housekeeping shall be
4. Supervisors need to inspect the area before
dismissal of work
5. Isolate or remove all tripping hazards in the
workplace and passage area.
6. Remove any items that may obstruct the work
activity; and
7. Check for any items that may cause slip, trip and falls
and remove or secured them as required.
8. Ensure all material off cuts and rubbish are removed
as they are generated and disposed of in appropriate
9. Ensure all materials/tools and equipment is removed
from the work area when departing.
10. Cleanup work area and dispose of all rubbish in bins.
11. Maintain good housekeeping practices before, during
and after the activity.
12. Only competent personnel to do the task.