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Eng 105

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At first, I need to thank my instructor Shafayat Nazam Rasul, who recommended me to do research on this topic. His

valuable advice observation and motivation helped me to complete my work throughout the semester. Without his help, it would

not be conceivable to finish this research paper. I also need to thank my friend Ridwan Hasan and Sayed Hasan for helping me to

build my questionnaire. Their support and help make me encouraged more in this research. I thank all individuals who helped me

to broadcast the questionnaire, without their help my sample size of the research cannot reach that much. Finally, of course, I

want to thank my all informants who helped me by sharing their valuable knowledge and time for my research and of course

without them; I could never accomplished the capacity to deliver this work.


The main focus of my research will be on what is the profession needs of NSU students. Entrepreneurship vs Employment: What are

NSU students choosing now? The response to that question is distinctive for everybody. The genuine thing to ask is, what are you working for?

Is it accurate to say that you are hoping to get a check and return home? Would you like to be prepared and develop your abilities? Or are you

looking to get your hands dirty and actually build something? Many students of North South University are talking about business ideas. I

wanted to know, are they actually interested in startup? For this research, a survey was done among 30 students of North South University.

The analysis of the survey proved my hypothesis partially correct.



Unemployment is an incredible worry in Bangladesh. Consistently many thousands student are coming out of college and

university. Though it is one of the major responsibilities of the Government to provide job to those young generation but the

Government is failed to meet the job demand among the large population. Just a little portion of total jobless is managed by

different government workplaces and private association but a majority remain unemployed. The economy has been good for jobs

over the past decade. Between 2003 and 2015, job growth outpaced the growth of the working age population. This not only cut

unemployment rates but also brought millions of new workers into the labor market. Startups are also the centers of innovation

and are a great way to enhance employment creation in the economy. Many people dream of quitting their day job and joining

the ranks of the self-employed; but according to a 2016 Kauffman Foundation Study, only 6 percent of Americans actually own

their own business (Hughes, 2018). Being an entrepreneur can be risky, but if executed correctly, can have big payoffs. One of the

biggest perks that entrepreneurs enjoy is that there is no cap to their potential, but being an entrepreneur is risky as about 50% of

all startups fail in the first 5 years (Mathews, 2018).



1. What is your plan after finishing your graduation Program?

I wanted to know about their career plan after finishing their graduation. What they are planning for?

2. Do they think entrepreneurship could solve unemployment?

Maximum students think that entrepreneurship could solve unemployment.

3. Why do people go for a job instead of starting a new business?

Most of the students think that this is very risk to cope up with risk. Some of them think fear of failure in business.

4. Do they think being an entrepreneur is better than finding an employment?

Some of them think it is better than employment but most of them have a neutral opinion.

5. Why do people go for an own venture instead of starting a job?

To implement their own business idea, many students are thinking for entrepreneurship. A student, he or she has

the capability if being an entrepreneur, he or she shouldn’t have fear of unemployment. Many students want a

career advancement. So they think entrepreneurship is a good choice that.

6. Do you think government should encourage youth to start their own venture?

Most of them think government should encourage youth to start their own venture.

7. How would you describe the abilities of entrepreneurs within NSU?

Most of the students think, the abilities of entrepreneurs within NSU to identify and utilize untapped or virgin

business opportunities is average.


‘Entrepreneurship vs Employment’ It is a controversial thing nowadays. From my research, I expect to many students whose

are very much into entrepreneurship. I think a lot of students prefer entrepreneurship as it is a way to earn more; I also expect that

the rest of the students would not like entrepreneurship because of the risk. Most of the people does not have the risk taking

tendency. I am expecting that many student have the risk taking ability. I think I will find some student who would like to do some

kind of job or prefer employment. However, it would not be as many as entrepreneurship.


For my primary research, I conducted a survey of a representative sampling of the students in North South University who actually

thinking about their profession after finishing their graduation. For that, I designed a questionnaire with 13 multiple choice questions to get a

range of useful data, which helped me answering my research questions. There were 30 participants. All of them were the undergraduate


For my secondary research, I contacted few books and research papers. Mostly, I browsed the internet to get information.

Primary Data Presentation & Analysis

My primary research focused on NSU Students preference of entrepreneurship or employment. My questionnaire contains 13

questions, which were answered by 30 respondents. All of them were male and female between the ages of 21-25. The questions I asked

them are given below:

 What is your plan after finishing your graduation Program?

The pie chart above shows about student's career preference. The interpretation of the chart above indicates that the

higher percentage of students, around 63.33% are planning for entrepreneurship where 36.67% students intend to start their

career on employment after finishing their graduation. They have reason behind, most of the students who has set their aim to be

an entrepreneur has an established family business which they will take forward after completing their graduation and rest of

them expressed that they will start their own business as they have tendency to do something by their own and seems passionate

about it. Where the other side, 36.67% chose to go for employment. There is two probable reasons behind their aptitude to go for

employment. Either they do not want to take any risk about their career or they want to be an employee as their parents work as

a service holder for some individual organizations. However to the conclusion, maximum portion of my samples are preferring

entrepreneurship over employment

 Do they think entrepreneurship could solve unemployment?

The pie chart above shows about percentage of the students who thinks entrepreneurship could solve the unemployment

or not. The interpretation of the graph above is that 83.33% students are thinking it could solve the unemployment problem.

Consistently thousands of student are coming out of college and university every year nonetheless we don’t have enough vacancy

for them. If they will start their own business it will help them be self-reliant and can resolve the unemployment problem of the

nation. To mention I have found out an interest data from my research and that is, 30% out of 83.33% scholar are female who

agreed to the fact that entrepreneurship can solve unemployment and have tendency to be a successful entrepreneur after

completing their graduation. This is a great thing that women are being more independent and confident about themselves. There

are around 16% students who disagreed and they have their own explanation. They think that start a new business would cause

them wasting few years that which they can use to build up their career by working on an established organization. Few of them

do not have the courage to take risk to start their own business where lack of capital is also a great matter.

 Why do people go for a job instead of starting a new business?

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The bar chart above shows why students are going for a job instead of starting a new business. The graph above is

illustrating that 20% of the students do not have any interest to start a business. This is because they are more passionate to be an

employee for an organization. They think employment can secure their future where they will not have worry about lose. 43.33%

students are not going ahead with entrepreneurship because of lack of self-confidence. They have this misbelief that they cannot

cop up with all difficulties and risks in future and that is what causing them give up without even trying. The rest of the scholars

who do not want to start their own business is because they fear that they could never overcome if their business fails. It is called

atychiphobia. A phobia which stop them doing the things that can move them forward to achieve their goals. To the conclusion, a

lot of student who chose employment over entrepreneurship because of fear and lack of encouragement. They have stopped even

before starting. They gave up without even trying.

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 Do they think being an entrepreneur is better than finding an employment?

The bar chart above shows how many of them think being an entrepreneur is better than finding an employment. The

interpretation of the graph above is that 30% of the students agreed to discussion that it is better to be a successful entrepreneur

then work as a service holder for an organization. They are more passionate about entrepreneurship than employment. Despite

all the risk and difficulties they chose to start their own business. Where the other hand, 16.7% of the students have voted no to

the discourse that being an entrepreneur is better than finding an employment. They think it safer that they would find a job and

build their career through it than start a business and risk everything. However the most interest thing I have found from my

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research is, most of the students, around 53% are being neutral to this deliberation. They think both entrepreneurship and

employment is better for a bright career.

 Why do people go for an own venture instead of starting a job?

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The bar chart above showing the different percentage of individual students to the discussion that why do people go for an

own venture instead of starting a job. Approximately 56.7% of the students think people would chose startup because they have

their unique business idea which they want to implement. They are confident that their business ideas can lead them to a

successful entrepreneurship. 20% of the student think startup has more career advancement. They think own venture has more

progression than taking and following orders. 23.3% student agreed to the discussion because of they think that it will be more

competitive and hard to find a job. They stated that people might have this negative feelings that they will end up being


 Do you think government should encourage youth to start their own venture?

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The bar chart above shows the opinion of students who thinks government should encourage youth to start their own

venture. The interpretation of the graph above is that Maximum students are thinking government should encourage youth to

start their own venture. If government can successfully encourage most of the youth to start their own business, then it is

obviously possible to reduce the unemployment problem drastically. Not but least 5% students disagreed to the discussion that

government should not countenance new generations to start their own venture. If everyone led themselves to start their own

business there would be no one to perform as a service holder as every employee has their own responsibility and importance. . .

. Less than 30% scholars has kept themselves to neutral position by saying that everyone has their own opinion whether they

choose entrepreneurship or employment. If someone is passionate about starting their own venture, they can or if they decide to

go for employment, they are free to be. They stated that does not matter whether its entrepreneurship or employment, every

position has its own responsibilities, importance and respect.

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7. How would you describe the abilities of entrepreneurs within NSU to identify and utilize untapped or virgin business opportunities?

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I did face some limitations to this project. First, the time spent was not enough for a broad topic like this one. Then again, the

sample size was only 30, I worked on with was very small compared to the population of the students in North South University.

Not only these but also, I think some of the answers from the responders were not honest. The most difficult thing I found out

gathering secondary resources on this research topic.

If I had more time for this research, I would make the sample size much bigger including students from the different institution

and economic background, and people from different parts of Bangladesh.


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References List

 Hughes, B. (2018). Are You an Entrepreneur or an Employee?. Retrieved from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/313640

 Mathews, D. (2018). Entrepreneurship Vs. Employment: Which Is the Best?. Retrieved from https://www.red-

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