AIS Complete Testbank Quiz
AIS Complete Testbank Quiz
AIS Complete Testbank Quiz
9. It monitors the manufacturing process at various 15. This system determines the nature of the
points to ensure that the finished products meet information required, its sources, its destination,
the firm’s quality standards. and the accounting rules that must be applied.
a. REA model system
a. Production Planning
b. Manual model system
b. Maintenance
c. Quality Control c. Database approach system
d. Materials Management d. Conceptual system
CHAPTER 3 — ETHICS, FRAUD, AND 19. A key modifying assumption in internal control is
INTERNAL CONTROL that the internal control system is the responsibility
of management.
TRUE/FALSE (True – Red) 20. Database management fraud includes altering,
updating, and deleting an organization’s data.
1. The ethical principle of justice asserts that the 21. While the Sarbanes-Oxley Act prohibits auditors
benefits of the decision should be distributed fairly from providing non-accounting services to their
to those who share the risks. audit clients, they are not prohibited from
2. The ethical principle of informed consent suggests performing such services for non-audit clients or
that the decision should be implemented so as to privately held companies
minimize all of the risks and to avoid any 22. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires the audit
unnecessary risks. committee to hire and oversee the external auditors.
3. Employees should be made aware of the firm’s 23. Section 404 requires that corporate management
commitment to ethics. (including the CEO) certify their organization’s
4. Business ethics is the analysis of the nature and internal controls on a quarterly and annual basis.
social impact of computer technology, and the 24. Section 302 requires the management of public
corresponding formulation and justification of companies to assess and formally report on the
policies for the ethical use of such technology. effectiveness of their organization’s internal
5. Para computer ethics is the exposure to stories and controls.
reports found in the popular media regarding the 25. The objective of SAS 99 is to seamlessly blend the
good or bad ramifications of computer technology. auditor’s consideration of fraud into all phases of the
6. Source code is an example of intellectual property. audit process.
7. Copyright laws and computer industry standards
have been developed jointly and rarely conflict. MULTIPLE CHOICES
8. Business bankruptcy cases always involve
fraudulent behavior. 1. Which ethical principle states that the benefit from a
9. Defalcation is another word for financial fraud. decision must outweigh the risks, and that there is no
10. The trend toward distributed data processing alternative decision that provides the same or greater
increases the exposure to fraud from remote benefit with less risk?
locations. a. minimize risk
11. The external auditor is responsible for establishing b. justice
and maintaining the internal control system. c. informed consent
12. Segregation of duties is an example of an internal d. proportionality
control procedure. 2. Individuals who acquire some level of skill and
13. Controls in a computer-based information system knowledge in the field of computer ethics are
are identical to controls in a manual system. involved in which level of computer ethics?
14. Preventive controls are passive techniques designed a. para computer ethics
to reduce fraud. b. pop computer ethics
15. Ethical issues and legal issues are essentially the c. theoretical computer ethics
same. d. practical computer ethics
16. Internal control systems are recommended but not 3. All of the following are issues of computer security
required of firms subject to the Foreign Corrupt except
Practices Act. a. releasing incorrect data to authorized
17. Operations fraud is the misuse or theft of the firm’s individuals
computer resources. b. permitting computer operators unlimited
18. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act requires only that access to the computer room
a firm keep good records. c. permitting access to data by unauthorized
d. providing correct data to unauthorized 10. Who is responsible for establishing and maintaining
individuals the internal control system?
4. Which characteristic is not associated with software a. the internal auditor
as intellectual property? b. the accountant
a. uniqueness of the product c. management
b. possibility of exact replication d. the external auditor
c. automated monitoring to detect intruders 11. The concept of reasonable assurance suggests that
d. ease of dissemination a. the cost of an internal control should be less
5. For an action to be called fraudulent, all of the than the benefit it provides
following conditions are required except b. a well-designed system of internal controls
a. poor judgment will detect all fraudulent activity
b. false representation c. the objectives achieved by an internal
c. intent to deceive control system vary depending on the data
d. injury or loss processing method
6. One characteristic of employee fraud is that the d. the effectiveness of internal controls is a
fraud function of the industry environment
a. is perpetrated at a level to which internal 12. Which of the following is not a limitation of the
controls do not apply internal control system?
b. involves misstating financial statements a. errors are made due to employee fatigue
c. involves the direct conversion of cash or b. fraud occurs because of collusion between
other assets to the employee’s personal two employees
benefit c. the industry is inherently risky
d. involves misappropriating assets in a series d. management instructs the bookkeeper to
of complex transactions involving third make fraudulent journal entries
parties 13. The most cost-effective type of internal control is
7. Forces which may permit fraud to occur do not a. preventive control
include b. accounting control
a. a gambling addiction c. detective control
b. lack of segregation of duties d. corrective control
c. centralized decision making environment 14. Which of the following is a preventive control?
d. questionable integrity of employees a. credit check before approving a sale on
8. Which of the following best describes lapping? account
a. applying cash receipts to a different b. bank reconciliation
customer’s account in an attempt to conceal c. physical inventory count
previous thefts of funds d. comparing the accounts receivable
b. inflating bank balances by transferring subsidiary ledger to the control account
money among different bank accounts 15. A well-designed purchase order is an example of a
c. expensing an asset that has been stolen a. preventive control
d. creating a false transaction b. detective control
9. Operations fraud includes c. corrective control
a. altering program logic to cause the d. none of the above
application to process data incorrectly 16. A physical inventory count is an example of a
b. misusing the firm’s computer resources a. preventive control
c. destroying or corrupting a program’s logic b. detective control
using a computer virus c. corrective control
d. creating illegal programs that can access d. feedforward control
data files to alter, delete, or insert values
17. The bank reconciliation uncovered a transposition c. separates the duties of data entry and report
error in the books. This is an example of a generation
a. preventive control d. records all financial transactions promptly
b. detective control 23. Which of the following is the best reason to separate
c. corrective control duties in a manual system?
d. risk minimization a. to avoid collusion between the programmer
e. proportionality and the computer operator
18. In balancing the risks and benefits that are part of b. to ensure that supervision is not required
every ethical decision, managers receive guidance c. to prevent the record keeper from
from each of the following except authorizing transactions
a. justice d. to enable the firm to function more
b. self interest efficiently
c. risk minimization 24. Segregation of duties in the computer-based
d. proportionality information system includes
19. Which of the following is not an element of the a. separating the programmer from the
internal control environment? computer operator
a. management philosophy and operating style b. preventing management override
b. organizational structure of the firm c. separating the inventory process from the
c. well-designed documents and records billing process
d. the functioning of the board of directors and d. performing independent verifications by the
the audit committee computer operator
20. Which of the following suggests a weakness in the 25. Which of the following is not an internal control
internal control environment? procedure?
a. the firm has an up-to-date organizational a. authorization
chart b. management’s operating style
b. monthly reports comparing actual c. independent verification
performance to budget are distributed to d. accounting records
managers 26. The decision to extend credit beyond the normal
c. performance evaluations are prepared every credit limit is an example of
three years a. independent verification
d. the audit committee meets quarterly with the b. authorization
external auditors c. segregation of functions
21. Which of the following indicates a strong internal d. supervision
control environment? 27. When duties cannot be segregated, the most
a. the internal audit group reports to the audit important internal control procedure is
committee of the board of directors a. supervision
b. there is no segregation of duties between b. independent verification
organization functions c. access controls
c. there are questions about the integrity of d. accounting records
management 28. An accounting system that maintains an adequate
d. adverse business conditions exist in the audit trail is implementing which internal control
industry procedure?
22. According to SAS 78, an effective accounting a. access controls
system performs all of the following except b. segregation of functions
a. identifies and records all valid financial c. independent verification
transactions d. accounting records
b. records financial transactions in the
appropriate accounting period
29. Employee fraud involves three steps. Of the d. access controls
following, which is not involved? 35. The office manager forgot to record in the
a. concealing the crime to avoid detection accounting records the daily bank deposit. Which
b. stealing something of value control procedure would most likely prevent or
c. misstating financial statements detect this error?
d. converting the asset to a usable form a. segregation of duties
30. Which of the following is not an example of b. independent verification
independent verification? c. accounting records
a. comparing fixed assets on hand to the d. supervision
accounting records 36. Business ethics involves
b. performing a bank reconciliation a. how managers decide on what is right in
c. comparing the accounts payable subsidiary conducting business
ledger to the control account b. how managers achieve what they decide is
d. permitting authorized users only to access right for the business
the accounting system c. both a and b
31. The importance to the accounting profession of the d. none of the above
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 is that 37. All of the following are conditions for fraud except
a. bribery will be eliminated a. false representation
b. management will not override the b. injury or loss
company’s internal controls c. intent
c. firms are required to have an effective d. material reliance
internal control system 38. The four principal types of fraud include all of the
d. firms will not be exposed to lawsuits following except
32. The board of directors consists entirely of personal a. bribery
friends of the chief executive officer. This indicates b. gratuities
a weakness in c. conflict of interest
a. the accounting system d. economic extortion
b. the control environment 39. The characteristics of useful information include
c. control procedures a. summarization, relevance, timeliness,
d. this is not a weakness accuracy, and completeness
33. Computer fraud can take on many forms, including b. relevance, summarization, accuracy,
each of the following except timelessness, and completeness
a. theft or illegal use of computer-readable c. timeliness, relevance, summarization,
information accuracy, and conciseness
b. theft, misuse, or misappropriation of d. disaggregation, relevance, timeliness,
computer equipment accuracy, and completeness
c. theft, misuse, or misappropriation of assets 40. Internal control system has limitations. These
by altering computer-readable records and include
files a. possibility of honest error
d. theft, misuse, or misappropriation of printer b. circumvention
supplies c. management override
34. When certain customers made cash payments to d. stability of systems
reduce their accounts receivable, the bookkeeper
embezzled the cash and wrote off the accounts as
uncollectible. Which control procedure would most
likely prevent this irregularity?
a. segregation of duties
b. accounting records
c. accounting system
41. Management can expect various benefits to follow GROUP 3 QUIZ: ETHICS, FRAUD, AND INTERNAL
from implementing a system of strong internal CONTROL
control. Which of the following benefits is least
likely to occur? 16. It pertains to taking appropriate action when
a. Reduced cost of an external audit. code violations occur. What is it?
b. Prevents employee collusion to commit a. Accountability
fraud. b. Legal Compliance
c. Availability of reliable data for decision- c. Computer Security
making purposes. d. Misuse of Computers
d. Some assurance of compliance with the 17. What is the federal law that established
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977. sweeping auditing and financial regulations for
e. Some assurance that important documents public companies?
and records are protected. a. Saines-Oxley Act
42. Which of the following situations is not a b. Sarbanes-Oxley Act
segregation of duties violation? c. Sarbanes-Oakley Act
a. The treasurer has the authority to sign d. Saines-Oakley Act
checks but gives the signature block to the 18. This level of fraud does not involve the direct
assistant treasurer to run the check-signing theft of assets. What is it?
machine. a. Management Fraud
b. The warehouse clerk, who has the custodial b. Employee Fraud
responsibility over inventory in the c. Vendor Fraud
warehouse, selects the vendor and authorizes d. Shell Company Fraud
purchases when inventories are low. 19. It ensures that all material transactions processed
c. The sales manager has the responsibility to by the information system are in line with
approve credit and the authority to write off management’s objectives.
accounts. a. Independent Verification
d. The department time clerk is given the b. Accounting Records
undistributed payroll checks to mail to c. Transaction Authorization
absent employees. d. IT Controls
e. The accounting clerk who shares the record 20. The following are the three levels of computer
keeping responsibility for the accounts ethics, except:
receivable subsidiary ledger performs the a. Pop
monthly reconciliation of the subsidiary b. Hypothetical
ledger and the control account. c. Para
43. Which of the following is not an issue to be d. Theoretical
addressed in a business code of ethics required by 21. Which is not an element of the fraud triangle?
the SEC? a. Opportunity
a. Conflicts of interest b. Ethics
b. Full and Fair Disclosures c. Pressure
c. Legal Compliance d. Risk
d. Internal Reporting of Code Violations 22. What is the scheme in which an employee
e. All of the above are issues to be addressed makes a claim for reimbursement of fictitious or
inflated business expenses?
a. Non-cash Fraud
b. Computer Fraud
c. Expense Reimbursements Fraud
d. Payroll Fraud
1. It is when an employee causes the employer to 7. It is a guide of principles designed to help
issue a payment to a false supplier or vendor. professionals conduct business honestly and
a. Cash Larceny with integrity. What is it?
b. Skimming a. Ethical Standards
c. Billing Schemes b. Ethical Responsibility
d. Check Tampering c. Ethics
2. Which of the following are the five conditions d. Code of Ethics
to be met for an act to be fraudulent? 15. Materially misstating financial data and internal
a. Fabrication, Material Fact, Intent, reports is usually a fraudulent act of which level
Justifiable Reliance, Injury of management?
b. False Representation, Material Fact, a. Top Management
Intent, Justifiable Reliance, Injury b. Middle Management
c. False Representation, Material Fact, c. Lower-level Management
Intent, Unjustifiable Reliance, Injury d. Intermediate Management
d. False Representation, Substance, Intent, Group 3
Justifiable Reliance, Injury 1. Even if judged acceptable by principles, the decision
3. It involves giving, or soliciting something of should be implemented so as to __________ all of the
value because of an official act that has been risks.
a. Bribery a. Maximize
b. Conflicts of Interest b. Minimize
c. Economic Extortion c. neutralize
d. Illegal Gratuities d. ignore
4. Which of the following are the four areas of 2. Which refers to the analysis of the nature and social
ethical issues? impact of computer technology and the corresponding
a. Equity, Rights, Honesty, Exercise of formulation and justification of policies for its ethical
Company Power use?
b. Equality, Rights, Honesty, Exercise of
Corporate Power a. Technology Ethics
c. Equity, Rights, Honesty, Exercise of b. Business Ethics
Corporate Power c. Computer Ethics
d. Equity, Rights, Integrity, Exercise of d. Social Ethics
Corporate Power
5. These are passive techniques designed to reduce 3. The desire to be in full control of what and how much
the frequency of occurrence of undesirable information about themselves is available to others and
events. What are these? to whom it is available is an issue of __________.
a. Detective Controls
a. Privacy
b. Preventive Controls
b. Ownership
c. Physical Controls
c. equity access
d. Corrective Controls
d. insecurity
6. Which of the following is a benefit for misstate
of financial statements? 4. The following are the areas of ethical issues in
a. Diminished chances of promotion, or business, except:
endeavor firing or demotion.
b. Reduced stock price. a. rights
c. Delayed cash flow problems or b. equity
bankruptcy. c. exercise of corporate power
d. Declined incentive-based compensation. d. privilege
5. It is the theory and development of computer systems 11. Below are the broad objectives of internal control,
able to perform tasks that normally require human except:
intelligence, such as visual perception, speech
recognition, decision-making, and translation between a. To ensure accuracy and reliability of accounting
languages. records
b. To safeguard the assets
a. Technology c. To give the management full authority without
b. Computer Science complying with the prescribed policies
c. Artificial Intelligence d. To promote efficiency
d. Computer Ethics
12. It is the absence or weakness of a control.
6. Which of the following is not a principal type of
corruption? a. Defense
b. Exposure
a. Bribery c. Shield
b. Illegal Gratuities d. Risks
c. Conflicts of Interest
d. Asset Misappropriation 13. One of the three levels of internal control shield that
screens out aberrant events through forcing compliance
7. Which of the following is a reason why financial with prescribed or desired actions. This is the first line of
losses from fraud are difficult to quantify? defense in the control structure.
a. Payroll Fraud
b. Expense Reimbursements
c. Bribery
d. Non-Cash Misappropriations
1. The revenue cycle consists of
TRUE/FALSE (True – Red) a. one subsystem–order entry
b. two subsystems–sales order processing and
1. The packing slip is also known as the shipping cash receipts
notice. c. two subsystems–order entry and inventory
2. The bill of lading is a legal contract between the control
buyer and the seller. d. three subsystems–sales order processing,
3. Another name for the stock release form is the credit authorization, and cash receipts
picking ticket. 2. The reconciliation that occurs in the shipping
4. Warehouse stock records are the formal accounting department is intended to ensure that
records for inventory. a. credit has been approved
5. The purpose of the invoice is to bill the customer. b. the customer is billed for the exact quantity
6. In most large organizations, the journal voucher file shipped
has replaced the formal general journal. c. the goods shipped match the goods ordered
7. The cash receipts journal is a special journal. d. inventory records are reduced for the goods
8. In the revenue cycle, the internal control “limit shipped
access” applies to physical assets only. 3. The adjustment to accounting records to reflect the
9. In real-time processing systems, routine credit decrease in inventory due to a sale occurs in the
authorizations are automated. a. warehouse
10. In a computerized accounting system, segregation of b. shipping department
functions refers to inventory control, accounts c. billing department
receivable, billing, and general ledger tasks. d. inventory control department
11. A written customer purchase order is required to 4. Which document triggers the revenue cycle?
trigger the sales order system. a. the sales order
12. Inventory control has physical custody of inventory. b. the customer purchase order
13. The principal source document in the sales order c. the sales invoice
system is the sales order. d. the journal voucher
14. Sales orders should be pre-numbered documents. 5. Copies of the sales order can be used for all of the
15. Integrated accounting systems automatically transfer following except
data between modules. a. purchase order
16. If a customer submits a written purchase order, there b. credit authorization
is no need to prepare a sales order. c. shipping notice
17. Sales return involves receiving, sales, credit, and d. packing slip
billing departments, but not accounts receivable. 6. The purpose of the sales invoice is to
18. A remittance advice is a form of turn-around a. record reduction of inventory
document. b. transfer goods from seller to shipper
19. A bill of lading is a request for payment for shipping c. bill the customer
charges. d. select items from inventory for shipment
20. In point of sale systems, authorization takes the form 7. The customer open order file is used to
of validation of credit card charges. a. respond to customer queries
b. fill the customer order
c. ship the customer order
d. authorize customer credit
34. What control maintains complete, current, and GROUP 9 QUIZ: DATABASE MANAGEMENT
consistent data at all information processing units? SYSTEMS
a. deadlock control
b. replication control 1. At the physical level, the database is a collection of
c. concurrency control records and files. Relational databases are based on the
d. gateway control _____ structure. This structure uses an index in
35. Data concurrency conjunction with a sequential file organization.
a. is a security issue in partitioned databases a. Inverted sequential list
b. is implemented using timestamping b. Indexed symmetrical file
c. may result in data lockout c. Indexed sequential file
d. occurs when a deadlock is triggered d. Indexed conjunctional file
36. Entities are 2. Which of the following is not a feature of database
a. nouns that are depicted by rectangles on an management system?
entity relationship diagram a. Database usage reporting
b. data that describe the characteristics of b. Database access
properties of resources c. Both a and b
c. associations among elements d. Neither a nor b
d. sets of data needed to make a decision 3. It is a programming language used to define the
37. A user view physical database to the Database Management System.
a. presents the physical arrangement of records in a a. Data Definition Language (DDL)
database for a particular user b. Data Definition Speech (DDS)
b. is the logical abstract structure of the database c. Data Description Language (DDL)
c. specifies the relationship of data elements in the d. None of the Above
database 4. Which of the following statements are correct?
d. defines how a particular user sees the database I. The conceptual view or schema represents the
38. All of the following are advantages of a partitioned database logically and abstractly, rather
database except than the way it is physically stored.
a. increased user control by having the data stored II. The user view presents the physical arrangement
locally of records in the database. This is the lowest level of
b. deadlocks are eliminated
representation, which is one step removed from the b. (1) an entity must consist of two or more
physical database. occurrences and (2) an entity must
III. The internal view defines how a particular user contribute more than one attribute that is not
sees the portion of the database that he or she is provided through other entities
authorized to access. To the user, the internal view is the
database. c. (1) an entity must consist of two or more
a. Only statement I is correct. occurrences and (2) an entity must
b. Statements I and II are correct. contribute at least one attribute that is not
c. Statements I, II, II are correct. provided through other entities
d. No statement is correct. d. (1) an entity must consist of one or more
5. This position is responsible for managing the occurrences and (2) an entity must
database resource and this does not exist in the flat-file contribute at least two attributes that are not
environment. provided through other entities
a. Database assessor
b. Database administrator
c. Database personnel
d. None of the above
1. Because of network protocols, users of networks 1. The primary difference between a LAN and a WAN
built by different manufacturers are able to is
communicate and share data. a. the geographical area covered by the
2. Electronic commerce refers only to direct consumer network
marketing on the Internet. b. the transmission technology used
3. Business to consumer is the largest segment of c. the type of workstation used
Internet commerce. d. the size of the company
4. The phrase “.com” has become an Internet buzz 2. To physically connect a workstation to a LAN
word. It refers to a top-level domain name for requires a
communications organizations. a. file server
5. The standard format for an e-mail address is b. network interface card
DOMAIN NAME@USER NAME. c. multiplexer
6. The network paradox is that networks exist to d. bridge
provide user access to shared resources while one of 3. One advantage of network technology is
its most important objectives is to control access. a. bridges and gateways connect one
7. Business risk is the possibility of loss or injury that workstation with another workstation
can reduce or eliminate an organization’s ability to b. the network interface card permits different
achieve its objectives. networks to share data
8. IP spoofing is a form of masquerading to gain c. file servers permit software and data to be
unauthorized access to a Web server. shared with other network users
d. a universal topology facilitates the transfer d. illegal programs downloaded from the Net
of data among networks to sniff passwords from the encrypted data
4. Which topology has a large central computer with of Internet customers
direct connections to a periphery of smaller 9. In a ring topology
computers? Also in this topology, the central a. all nodes are of equal status
computer manages and controls data b. nodes manage private programs and
communications among the network nodes. databases locally
a. star topology c. shared resources are managed by a file
b. bus topology server which is a node on the ring
c. ring topology d. all of the above
d. client/server topology 10. The client/server technology
5. In a star topology, when the central site fails a. increases the amount of data that is
a. individual workstations can communicate transmitted between the central file and the
with each other network node
b. individual workstations can function locally b. eliminates the need for nodes to
but cannot communicate with other communicate with each other
workstations c. reduces the number of records that must be
c. individual workstations cannot function locked by having the file server perform
locally and cannot communicate with other record searches
workstations d. functions only with a ring and bus topology
d. the functions of the central site are taken 11. A star topology is appropriate
over by a designated workstation a. for a wide area network with a mainframe
for a central computer
6. Which of the following statements is correct? The b. for centralized databases only
client-server model c. for environments where network nodes
a. is best suited to the token-ring topology routinely communicate with each other
because the random-access method used by d. when the central database does not have to
this model detects data collisions be concurrent with the nodes
b. distributes both data and processing tasks to 12. In a ring topology
the server’s node a. the network consists of a central computer
c. is most effective used with a bus topology which manages all communications between
d. is more efficient than the bus or ring nodes
topologies b. has a host computer connected to several
7. What do you call a system of computers that levels of subordinate computers
connects the internal users of an organization that is c. all nodes are of equal status; responsibility
distributed over a wide geographic area? for managing communications is distributed
a. LAN among the nodes
b. decentralized network d. information processing units rarely
c. multi-drop network communicate with each other
d. Intranet 13. Which method does not manage or control data
8. Sniffer software is collisions that might occur on a network?
a. software used by malicious Web sites to a. multiplexing
sniff data from cookies stored on the user’s b. polling
hard drive c. carrier sensing
b. used by network administrators to analyze d. token passing
network traffic 14. Network protocols fulfill all of the following
c. used by bus topology Intranets to sniff for a objectives except
carrier before transmitting a message to a. facilitate physical connection between
avoid data collisions network devices
b. provide a basis for error checking and a. is the document format used to produce Web
measuring network performance pages
c. promote compatibility among network b. controls Web browsers that access the Web
devices c. is used to connect to Usenet groups on the
d. result in inflexible standards Internet
15. All of the following are true about the Open System d. is used to transfer text files, programs,
Interface (OSI) protocol except spreadsheets, and databases across the
a. within one node different layers Internet
communicate with other layers at that node e. is a low-level encryption scheme used to
b. one protocol is developed and applied to all secure transmissions in higher-level format
the OSI layers 20. Which one of the following statements is correct?
c. specific layers are dedicated to hardware a. Cookies always contain encrypted data.
tasks and other layers are dedicated to b. Cookies are text files and never contain
software tasks encrypted data.
d. layers at each node communicate logically c. Cookies contain the URLs of sites visited by
with their counterpart layers across nodes the user.
16. Which of the following statements is correct? d. Web browsers cannot function without
a. TCP/IP is the basic protocol that permits cookies.
communication between Internet sites 21. A message that is made to look as though it is
b. controls Web browsers that access the coming from a trusted source but is not is called
WWW a. a denial of service attack
c. is the file format used to produce Web pages b. digital signature forging
d. is a low-level encryption scheme used to c. Internet protocol spoofing
secure transmissions in HTTP format d. URL masquerading
17. XBRL 22. A digital signature is
a. is the basic protocol that permits a. the encrypted mathematical value of the
communication between Internet sites message sender’s name
b. controls Web browsers that access the Web b. derived from the digest of a document that
c. is the document format used to produce Web has been encrypted with the sender’s private
pages key
d. was designed to provide the financial c. the computed digest of the sender’s digital
community with a standardized method for certificate
preparing d. allows digital messages to be sent over
e. is a low-level encryption scheme used to analog telephone lines
secure transmissions in higher-level (HTTP) 23. HTTP
format a. is the document format used to produce Web
18. FTP pages
a. is the document format used to produce Web b. controls Web browsers that access the Web
pages c. is used to connect to Usenet groups on the
b. controls Web browsers that access the Web Internet
c. is used to connect to Usenet groups on the d. is used to transfer text files, programs,
Internet spreadsheets, and databases across the
d. is used to transfer text files, programs, Internet
spreadsheets, and databases across the e. is a low-level encryption scheme used to
Internet secure transmissions in higher-level format
e. is a low-level encryption scheme used to 24. Which of the following statements is correct?
secure transmissions in higher-level format a. Packet switching combines the messages of
19. HTML multiple users into a “packet” for
transmission. At the receiving end, the
packet is disassembled into the individual b. Business to Consumer
messages and distributed to the intended c. Consumer to Consumer
users. d. Consumer to Business
b. The decision to partition a database assumes 5. Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) has the
that no identifiable primary user exists in the control to Web browser that can access in the Web. The
organization. Hyper Text Transport Protocol–New Generation (HTTP-
c. Message switching is used to establish NG) is the more advanced version of the HTTP protocol
temporary connections between network that keeps the simplicity of the HTTP highlighting
devices for the duration of a communication various features like security & authentication.
session. a. True
d. A deadlock is a temporary phenomenon that b. False
disrupts transaction processing. It will 6. A type of attack wherein a hacker sends ping
resolve itself when the primary computer which consequently triggers an echo request message to
completes processing its transaction and the host computer that listens for a response message
releases the data needed by other users. called echo reply.
25. NNTP a. SYN Flood Attack
a. is the document format used to produce Web b. Smurf Attack
pages c. Caesar cipher
b. controls Web browsers that access the Web d. Distributed DDoS
c. is used to connect to Usenet groups on the 7. It is a network security device that tracks incoming
Internet and outgoing network traffic and allows or blocks data
d. is used to transfer text files, programs, packets based on a set of security rules.
spreadsheets, and databases across the a. Firewall
Internet b. Antivirus
e. is a low-level encryption scheme used to c. Advanced encryption standard
secure transmissions in higher-level (HTTP) d. Digital envelope
format 8. The use of e-mail for a firewall system is under
application-level firewall.
c. Maybe
1. One of the functions that protocols perform is the d. I don’t know
promotion of compatibility among network devices 9. Which of the following are not used by businesses and
a. True organizations in improving their security, assurance, and
b. False trust?
2. Theft of passwords is an example of Intranet risks I. Digital Authentication
under “risks to consumers”. II. Encryption
a. True III. Firewalls
b. False IV. Seals of Assurance
3. This is a kind of security protocol that gives security V. Network Topologies
of transactions in the Web. VI. Value-added Network
a. Private Enhanced Mail a. I, II, III, and IV
b. Privacy Enhanced Messaging b. I, II, III, IV, and V
c. Private Communications Technology c. V and VI
d. Privacy Communications Technology d. None of the above
4. An electronic commerce model where online 10. Electronic audit trails need to be developed that
transactions only involve the manufacturers, will enable the auditor to review transactions at frequent
wholesalers, retailers etc. intervals or as they occur.
a. Business to Business a. False
b. Maybe 2. The Internet uses three types of addresses for
c. True communication. One of them is _______ that is used
d. I have no idea as the address that defines the path to a facility or
11. This can be applied to any topology. file on the Web.
a. Hierarchy Topology a. URL Address
b. E-mail Address
b. Ring Topology
c. IP Address
c. Bus Topology
d. Home Address
d. Client-Server Topology
3. It is the document format used to produce Web
12. The structure is applicable to firms with many pages. It defines the page layout, fonts, and graphic
organizational levels and must be controlled from a elements as well as hypertext link to other
central location. documents or the web.
a. Hierarchy Topology a. HMTL
b. Ring Topology b. HTTPS
c. Bus Topology c. HTML
d. Client-Server Topology d. HTTP
4. Which of the following are the fundamental
components of Ceasar cipher:
a. key and algorithm
13. It is simple, reliable, and generally less costly to b. field and key
install than the ring topology. c. field and algorithm
a. Hierarchy Topology d. none of the above
b. Ring Topology 5. It is a nonprofit organization that has been
promoting ethical business practices through self-
c. Bus Topology
regulation since 1912.
d. Client-Server Topology
14. This is a peer-to-peer arrangement in which all nodes
b. BBB
are of equal status.
c. VeriSign, Inc.
a. Hierarchy Topology
b. Ring Topology
6. Which of the following are the implications for the
c. Bus Topology accounting profession:
d. Client-Server Topology a. data integrity
15. Which of the following is not a feature of Electronic b. access controls
Data Interchange (EDI)? c. confidentiality of data
a. EDI is an interorganization endeavor. d. all of the above
b. the information systems of the trading partners 7. It is implemented to reasserts the importance of
automatically process the transaction. privacy.
c. transaction information is transmitted in a a. Safe Harbor Agreement
standardized format. b. European Union
d. EDI reduces or even eliminates the need for data c. AICPA/CICA SysTrust
entry. d. Public key infrastructure
8. It is a form of masquerading to gain unauthorized
Group 12 access to a Web server and/or perpetrate an unlawful
1. The benefits attained from electronic commerce will act without revealing one’s identity.
depend on the degree of organizational commitment a. IP Spoofing
to it as a business strategy. This can occur on three b. SVN Flood attack
levels, except: c. Denial service attack
a. Information Level d. Distributed denial of service
b. Management Level 9. It is the procedure of shifting each letter in the
c. Transaction Level cleartext message the number of positions that the
d. Distribution Level key value indicates
a. Algebra
b. Arithmetic
c. Algorithm
d. Calculus
10. These are files containing user information that are
created by the Web server of the site being visited.
a. Cache
b. Cookies
c. Candies
d. Data
11. It is a popular interactive service on the Internet that
lets thousands of people from around the world
engage in real-time communications via their
a. Internet Relationship Chat
b. Internet Recess Chat
c. Internet Rising Chat
d. Internet Relay Chat
12. The most popular technique for establishing a
communication session in WANs.
a. Token Passing
b. Poling
c. Carrier Sensing
d. Data Collision
13. Describes a network of computers with a large
central computer (the host) at the hub that has direct
connections to a periphery of smaller computers.
a. Star Topology
b. Hierarchical Topology
c. Ring Topology
d. Bus Topology
14. The most popular LAN topology. It is so named
because the nodes are all connected to a common
cable – the bus.
a. Star Topology
b. Hierarchical Topology
c. Ring Topology
d. Bus Topology
15. All are benefits of EDI, except:
a. Data keying
b. Error Reduction
c. Carrier Sensing
d. Postage