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Indian Standard: Code of Practice For Water Supply in Buildings

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IS :2065-1983

( Reaffirmed 1996 )

Indian Standard

( Second Revision)
First Reprint NOVEMBER 1990

UDC 696’11 : 006’76

0 Copyright 1985


NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 9 February 1985

Indian Standard

( Second Revision)
Water Supply and Sanitation Sectional Committee, BDC 24

SH~I J. D’Cnnz Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Undertaking,

New Delhi

CHI~EN~NEER (CIVIL I ) (Alternateto

Shri J. D’Cruz )
bVISER ( PHE) Ministry of Works and Housing
DasTJTY ADVISER ( PHE ) ( Altwok )
SEBI N. S. BHAI~AVAN Public Health Engineering Department
I Government of Kerala ).,* Trivandrum
SEBI I. CHANDRA Haryana PWD, Public Health Branch
( Government of Haryana ), Chandigarh
SHRI K. K. GA~HI ( Alternate )
CEIEP ENOIX~EEB( CONSTRUCTION) Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Lucknow
SHBI R. C. P. CHAUDEARY Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI H. V. RAO ( Alternutc )
SHRI S. K. DAS~UPTA Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority,
SHRI S. R. MUKHEBJEE (Alternate )
PBOY J. M. DAVE Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
SHRI S. G. DEOLALI~AR In peraonal capacity (Flat No. 403, Savitri Cinema
Commacial Com@x, Greater Kailash II,
N6W alhi )
SHRI B. R. N. GUPTA Ministry of Defence, EngineerioChief’s Branch,
New Delhi
HYDRAULIC ENGINEER Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay,
PBOJEOTS) ( Altsrnatr )
( Continuedon#age2 )

Oofiyright 1985


Thll publication is protected under the Zidian Cofgright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permissionof the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright tinder the said Act.

( Continu6dJIam plrgs 1)
Mumbun Rujwusunting
Sass R. A. KHANXA Public Health ineering Department,
Government of M2 hya Pradesh, Shop01
SHRI D. K. MIT~A ( Akmate I)
Smr I. S. BAW~CJA(Al&n& II )
SHBI P. KRISHNAN Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
SdkVEYOR OF WOEXS-1 ( NDZ 1 I Alkfnnk ‘)
SHEI M. Y. MADAN * ’ ?he Hindhrtan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay
SH~I C. E. S. RAO ( Altmmtr )
SH~I S. L. Mm Public Works Derurrtment, Public Health Branch.-I
Governmehtbf Punjab, Patiala
S-1 R. NATAEAZU Hindustan Dorr-Oliver Ltd, Bombay
SH~I B. M. RAHUL ( AItunatr )
SEBI K. J. NATE All IIzxyczxttFtitute of Hyiiene and Public Health,

SHBI D. Gum ( .hrnak )

SICB~ A. PO~ABALAX Tamzayr;u Water Supply & Drainage Board,

Psot V. RAYAN National Environmental Engineering Research

Institute ( CSIR ), Nagpur
S-I S. R. KSHIIUAOAR ( Afturnotu )
Smr RAXJIT SIXOH Ministry of Railways
Da A. V. R. RAO National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
Saar 0. P. RATRA ( AlraMtu )
S~R~~TABY Indian Water Works Association, Bombay
SECRETARY GENERAL Institution of Public Health Engineers India,
SHRI R. N. BANERJEE ( Akfttzfu )
SEMI L. R. SEHQAL L. R. Sehgal & Co, New Delhi
S-1 S. K. SEARYA Cent~~o~e~ding Research Institute ( CSIR ),

SHRI B. N. TEYAQARAJA Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board,

SHRI V. VARADARAJAN Madras Metropolitan Water Supply and
Sewerage Board, Madras
S~ar G. RAY-, Director General, IS1 ( &oficio hfumb6r )
Director ( Civ Engg )

tluwant PtecSor ( civ EBgg ), ISI

Indian Standard



( Second Revision)

0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 30 November 1983, after the draft finalized by
the Water Supply and Sanitation Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 This standard, first published in 1963 ‘and subsequently revised in 1952,
made an attempt to provide the minimum standards for the design, layout
and workmanship governing water supply in buildings and helped in bring-
ing about desired uniformity in the bye-laws and regulations framed by
different water supply authorities in the country. The need for following
the regulations are imperative as they are intended for the prevention of
waste, misuse, undue consumption and contamination of drinking water,
the conservation of which has become an urgent necessity in view of its
increasing demand.
0.2.1 The salient changes made in the revision are for estimating the
demand load for water supply system, for which the minimum water supply
requirements for residential purposes has been changed to 200 liters per
head per day and the discharge curve are now based on Hazen and
William formula.
0.2.2 A separate Indian Standard laying down guidelines for registra-
tion of plumbers is under preparation.

0.9 For the purpose of deciding whether a ,particular requirement of this

standard is complied with the final value, observed or calculated,
expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off iA
accordance with IS : 2-1960*. The rmmber of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value
in this standard.
*Rulea for roundingoff numerical saba ( s&d ).

1.1 This code deals with water supply in buildings, and covers general
requirements and regulations for water supply, plumbing connected to
public water supply, licensing of plumbers, design of water supply systems,
principles of conveyance and distribution of water within the premises,
storage, water fittings and appliances, and inspection and maintenance.
1.2 Many administrative authorities controlling water supply have their
own set of bye-laws, rules and regulations for supply of water to suit local
conditions. These should be strictly conformed to before operations are
commenced for laying of pipelines or plumbing systems which are to be
connected to public water supply.
1.3 This code does not cover aspects of water supply for fire fighting

2iO For the purpose of this code, the following definitions shah apply.
2.1 Addition to a Building - Addition to the cubic contents or to the
Aoor area of a building.
2.2 Air Gap - The distance between the lowest point of a water inlet or
feed pipe to an appliance and the spill-over ‘level ( or the overflowing
level ) of the appliance.
2.3 Anchors - See2.53.
2.4 Appliance - A receptacle or apparatus in which water is heated,
treated or measured, or in which it is utilized before passing to waste.
2.5 Approved - Accepted or acceptable under an applicable specification
stated or cited in this code or accepted as suitable for the proposed use
under the bye-laws or regulations of the Authority.
2.6 Area of a Floor or Floor Area of a Building - The area of a
horizontal section taken at the plinth or floor level of any storey of a buil-
ding inclusive of all projecting and overhanging parts of the external walls
and of such portions of the partition walls as belong to the building.
2.7 Available Head - The head of water available at the point of
consideration due to main’s pressure or overhead tank or any other source
of pressure.
2.8 Authority Having Jurisdiction - l%c authority which has been
created by a statute and which for the purpose of administering the code
may authorise a committee or an official to act on its behalf; hereinafter
called the * Authority ’
18 i 2065- 1983

2.9 Backdow - The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances

into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water system from any
source or sources other than its intended source ( see 2.11 ).
2.10 Backftow Prevention Device - Any approved measure or fitting
or combination of fittings specifically designed to prevent backflow or
backsiphonage in a water service.
2.11 Back Siphonage - The flowing back of used contaminated or
polluted water from a plumbing fixture or vessel into a water supply pipe
due to a reduced pressure in such pipe ( see 2.9 ).
2.12 Branch - Any part of the piping system other than a main.
2.13 Building - Any pertinent or temporary structure built for the
xllpp~& shelter or enclosure for persons, animals, chattels or properly of
any kind, and includes a house, outhouse, stable, shed, hut and every
other such structure, whether of masonry, bricks, wood, mud, metal or any
other material but does not include a watchman’s booth, a mandap or
other similar kinds of temporary structures erected on ceremonial occa-
2.14 Capacity - The volume of a storage .&tern measured up to the
maximum water line.

2.15 Code - The word, where used, alone shall mean these regulations,
subsequent amendments thereto, or any emergency rule or regulation which
the Authority may lawfully adopt.

2.16 Combined Area of the Floors - Sum total of the area of two pr
more. number of floors.

2.17 Communkation Pipe - That part of a service pipe which vests

in the water undertakers. It starts at the water main and terminates at a
point which differs according to the circumstances of the case.

2.18 Consent - Consent obtained or given in writing,

2.19 Consumer - Any person who uses or is supplied water or on whose
application such water is supplied by the Authority.

2.20 Consumer’s Pipe - The portion of service pipe used for supply
of water and which is not the property of the Authority ( sac Fig. 1 ).

2.21 Cross Connection - A connection between two normally indepen-

dent pipelines which permits flow from either pipeline into the other.

2.22 Diameter - Unless specifically stated, the nominal (internal j

diameter of the pipe.

GH. C(l.HJ, JM;
NOTE- The illustration H not intended to indicate recommended poritim of
underground storage tank ( where provided ), piper, etc, and thir will d-d w
local IlltuatlozlS.

2.23 Direct Tap - A tap which is connected to a supply pipe and subject
to pressure
- from the water main.
-Z24 Domestic Pmposes - All purposes incidental to the occupation of
a dwelling.
2.25 Downtake Tap - A tap connected to a system of piping not subject
to water pressure from the water main.
2.26 Dwelling - A building used or constructed or adapted for use wholly
or principally for human habitation. It may include garages, other out-
houses appurtenant thereto.
2.27 Effective Opening - The minimum cross-sectional area at the point
of water supply, measured or expressed in terms of (a) diameter of a
circle, (b) if the opening is not circular, the diameter of a circle of equi-
valent cross-sectional area.
2.MI Existing Work - A plumbing system or any part thereof which has
been installed prior to the date on which the code comes into effect and is
made applicable by the Authority.
2.23 Factory - A place to which the provisions of the Indian Factories
Act of 1948 and amendments thereto from time to time apply.
2.30 Feed Cistern - A storage vessel used for supplying cold water to a
hot water apparatus, cylinder or tanks.
2.31 Fitting - Coupling, Range, branch, bend tees, elbows, unions, waste
with plug, P or S trap with vent, stop ferrule, stop valve, bib tap, pillar
tap, globe tap, ball valve, cistern storage tank, baths water-closets, boiler
gyser, pumping set, with motor and accessories, meter, hydrant valve and
any other article used in connection with water supply and santitation.
2.32 Float Operated Valve - Ball valves or ball taps and equilibrium
by valves operated by means of a float.
2.33 Flushing Cistern - A cistern provided with a device for rapidly
discharging the contained water and used in connection with a sanitary
appliance for the purpose of cleansing the appliance and carrying away
its contents into a drain.
NOTE - The nominal siie of a cistern is the quantity of water discharged per

2.34 General Washing Place - A washing place provided with necessary

sanitary arrangement and common to more than one tenement.

2.35 Horizontal Pipe - Any pipe or fitting which makes an angle of

more than 45” with the vertical.


2.36 Insanitary - Contraiy to sanitary principles or injurious to health.

2.37 Licensed Plumber - A person licensed under the provisions of
this code.
2.38 O&et - A pipe fitting used to connect two pipes whose axis are
parallel but not in iine.
2.39 Period of Supply - The period of the day or night during which
water supply is made available to the consumer.
2.40 Pipe Work - Any installation of piping with its fitting.
2.41 Plinth - The portion of a structure between the surface of the
surrounding ground and surface of the floor,, immediately above the
2.42 Plumbing - (a) The pipes, fixtures and other apparatus inside a
building for bringing in the water supply and removing the liquid and
water borne wastes; (b) The installation of the foregoing pipes, fixtures
and other apparatus.
2.43 Plumbing System - The plumbing system shall include the water
supply and distribution pipes; plumbing fittings and traps; soil, waste, vent
pipes and anti-siphonage pipes; building drains and building sewers inclu-
ding their respective connections, devices and appurtenances within
the property lines of the premises, and water-treating or water-using
2.44 Potable Water - Water which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary
and domestic purposes and meets the requirements of the Authority.
2.45 Premises - Premises shall include passages, buildings and lands of
any tenure, whether open or enclosed, whether built on or not, and
whether public or private in respect of which a water rate or charge is
pa&Mr to the Authority or for which an application is made for supply
2.46 Public Building - A building used or intended to be used either
ordinarily or occasionally as a church, chapal, temple, mosque or any place
of public worship, DHARAMSHALA, college, school, theatre, cinema,
public concert room, public hall, public bath, hospital, hotel, restaurent,
lecture room or any other place of public assembly.
2.47 Residual Head - The head available at any particular point in the
distr‘ibution system.
2.48 Service Pipe - Pipe that runs between the distribution main in the
street and the riser in the case of a multistoreyed building or the water in
the case of an individual house and is subjected to water pressure from
such main.
2.49 Stopcock - A cock fitting in a pipeline for controlling the flow &f ’
2.50 Stop Tap - Stop tap includes stop bock, stop valve or any other
devices for stopping the flow of water in a line or system of pipe at will.
2.51 Storage Cirtem, - A cistern for storing water.
2.52 Supply Pipe - So much of any service pipe as is not a communica-
tion pipe.
2.53 Supports - Supports, hangers and anchors or devices for suppor-
ting and securing pipe and fittings to walls, ceilings, floors or structural
2.54 Tenement - A room(s) in the occupation of or meant for the
occupation of one tenant.
2.55 Vertical Pipe - Any pipe which is installed in a vertical position
or which makes an angle of not more than 45’ with the vertical.
2.56 Warning Pipe - An overflow pipe so fixed that its outlet, whether
inside or outside a building, is in a conspicuous position where the
discharge of any water therefrom can be readily seen.
2.57 Washout Valve - A device located at the bottom of the tank for
the purpose of draining a tank for cleaning, maintenance, etc.
2.58 Water Line - A line marked inside a cistern to indicate the highesf
water level at which the supply valve should be adjusted to shut off.
2.59 Water Main ( Street Main ) - A pipe laid by the water under-
takers for the purpose of giving a general supply of water as distinct from
a supply to individual consumers and includes any apparatus used in
connection with such a pipe.
2.60 Water Outlet - A water outlet, as used in connection with the water
distributing system, is the discharge opening for the water (a) to a fitting,
(b) to atmospheric pressure ( except into an open tank which is part of the
water su.pply ), and (c) to any water-operated device or equipment
requiring water to operate.
2.61 Water Stapply System - Water supply system of a building or
premises consists of the water service pipe, the water-distribution pipes, and
the necessary connecting pipes, fittings, control valves, and all appurte-
nances in or adjacent to the building or premises,
2.62 Waterworks - Waterworks for public water supply ‘include a lake,
river, spring, well, pump with or without motor and accessories, reservoir,
cistern, tank, duct whether covered or open, sluice, water main, pipe
culvert, engine and any machinery, land, building or a thing used for
storage, treatment and supply of water.

3.1 For grant of license to plumbers, ‘ Indian Standard Guidelines for
Registration of Plumbers ( under prefiaration' ) ’ may be followed.


4.1 Application Forms - Every consumer requiring a new supply of
water or any extension or alteration to the .existing supply, shall apply in
writing in the prescribed form given in Appendix A to the Authority.
4.2 Bulk Supply - In the case of large housing colonies or where new
services are so situated that it Will be necessary for the Authority to lay
new mains or extend an existing main, full information about the proposed
housing scheme shall be furnished as early as possible to the Authority.
The Authority shall also be given information regarding the phased require-
ments of water supply with full justifications. Such information shall
include site plans showing the layout of roads, footpaths, buildings and
boundaries, and indicating thereon the finished line and level of the roads
or footpaths and water supply lines and appurtenances.
4,3 Completion Certificate - On completion of the plumbing work for
the water supply system, the licensed plumber shall give a completion
certificate in the prescribed form ( see Appendix B ) to the Authority for
getting the water connection from the mains.


5.1 General - Proper design of the water distributing systems in a buil-

ding is necessary in order that the various fittings may function properly,
and there is an adequate supply to meet the needs of the occupants of the
bnilding, both with regard to their domestic as well as flushing ( of sani-
tary appliances ) requirements.
NOTE- ln general, a daily per capita water consumption of at least 200 litres
may be used for most of the large towna and cities in India as design figure to meet
domestic and flushing needs, However, for lower income group ( LIG ) and econo-
mically weaker section of the society the value of water supply may he reduce-d to.
185 litres per capita per day.
5.1.1 There shall be at IeaSt a residual head of 0.018 N/mms at the
consumer tap.
Norm-The residualhead shall be taken at the higheatlfarthest outlet in the

5.2 Esdnutte of Demand Load - m
system in a building is not exactly determinable.
fittings varies not only for diKerent classes of buildings
class of buildings depending upon the habits of the
flow that will be satisfactory for any part of
depend upon the consumer, his standard of living, his professional needs,
the size of the family and other, ancilliary requirements, such as
5.2.1 The water supply requireme&.s for’ residences and. for buildings
other than residences have been specified in IS : 1172-1983*. Whereas
in the case of buildings other than residences, the number of persons
normally required to occupy the same is usually known; in the case of
residences, the number of persons occupying the premises varies largely
from place to place. In many large cities, there is over-crowding in
residential buildings. The requirements stipulated in this code are based
upon an average family of 5 and a consumption of 1000 litres per one
dwelling unit. Thus if a building contains ten dwelling units, the rquire-
ment of water has been taken as 10 000 litres per day.
5.3 Rate of Flow - One of the important items that needs to be deter-
mined before the sizes of pipes and fittings for any part of the water piping
system may be decided upon, is the rate of flow in the service pipe which,
in turn,.depends upon the mimber of hours for which the supply. is avai-
lable at sMciently high pre ure. If the number of hours for which the
supply is available is less, t$ epe will be large number of fittings in use
simultaneously and the rate df flow will be correspondingly large.
5.3.1 “me data rquired for determining the size of the communication
and service pipe are (a) the maximum rate of discharge required, (b) the
length of the pipe, (c) the head loss by friction in that length, and (d) the.
roughness of the jnterior surf& of the pipe. In determining the head
loss by friction, allowance shall be made for the elevation of the
intake works in relation to the available pressure in the water main and of_
the losses in fittings, such as bends, stoptaps meters f see IS : 2951 _
( Part 2 )-1965t]and any obstnxtions to the flow of water. As the pipe-
line tends to accumidate internal jncrustation in course of time, normally
a~ average value for w co-eEcient 6 C ’ is assumed.
5.4 Di+harge compu-&m
5.4.1 Several formulae, diagrams and tables of calculated values are
available for the measurement of flow through pipes. However, almost
all studies based on the Reynolds number of flow, pipe roughness and flow

*Code of basii re-quirementr for water supply, drainage and sanitation ( ftird
tRecommend&tion for estimation of Rowof Iiuids in closed conduits : Part 2 Head
loa in valves and &tin*.

pattern ( like turbulent, transient, laminar ) yields accurate and mutually
consistent results over a very large range of the flow compared to emperi-
cal formulae which have limitations regarding their range of applicability.
Although non-dimensional parameters are used, these rational formulae
based on Raynolds number need information on viscosity and the calcula-
tions are more involved. To obviate the involved calculations, a universal
pipe friction diagram as prescribed in IS : 2951 ( Part 1 )-1965* and
IS : 2951 ( Part 2 )-1965t may be followed.
5.4.2 Temperature of water and consequently its viscosity at a place is
an extremely variable factor, depending upon season and time. Further,
commercially available standard sizes of pipes are only to be used against
the size arrived at by actual design. Therefore, several emperical formulae
are used, even though they give less accurate results. The Hazen and
William formula and the charts based on the same may be used without
any risk of inaccuracy in view of the fact that the pipes normally to be
used for water supply are of smaller sizes.. Nomogram of Hazen and
William’s equation has been provided in Appendix C.
6.1 Standards for Materials, Fittings and Appliances- All materials
used in the construction of any of the works or any of the appliances
described in this code shall conform to the relevant Indian Standards where
available in so far as these standards are applicable. Where no such
standards exist, the materials shall be of the quality and workmanship
acceptable to the Authority, and shall be open to inspection at the manu-
facturer’s works before despatch.
6.2 Materials for Pipes - Pipes may be of any of the following
a) Cast iron, vertically cast or centrifugally ( spun ) cast ( see IS :
1.536-1976$ and IS : 1537-1976s;
b) Steel ( lined or coated with bitumen or bituminous composition
and out-coated with cement concrete or mortar, where necessary )
( see IS : 1916-196311and IS : 3589196611);
c) Reinforced concrete ( se6 IS : 458-1971** );
*Recommendationfor estimation of flow of liauids in closed conduits: Part 1 Head
loss in straight pipes due to frictional resirtance.
tRecommendation for estimation of flow of liquids in closed conduits: Part 2 Head
loss in valves and fittings.
$Specification for centrifugally cast ( spun ) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and
sewage ( s.scoad rarisim ).
&Specification for vertically cast iron pressure pipes water, for gas and sewage ( firzt

rahioi ) .
llSpecilication for steel cylinder reinforced concrete pipes.
T(Specificatioa for electrically welded steel pipes for water, gas and sewage ( 200 to
2000 mm nominal diameter ).
**Specification for concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement ) ( second r&.&s ).

4 Prestressed concrete ( see IS : 784-1978* );
e) Mild steel tubes or tubulars ( galvanized ) [ see IS : 1239 ( Part 1 )-
19797 1;
f 1 Copper ( see IS : 1545-19823 );
lit>Brass ( see IS : 407-19815 );
h) Wrought iron;
3 Asbestos cement (see IS : 1626196011 and IS : 1592-198Oj );
W Lead [ see IS : 404 ( Part 1 )-1977** 1;
m>Polyethylene ( see IS : 3076-1968fi ) and ( IS : 4984-1978# ); and
4 Unplasticized PVC pipes ( ses.IS : 4985-1981@ ).
6.2.1 In choosing the material for piping and fittings, account shall be
taken of the character of the water to be conveyed through it, the nature
of the ground in which the piping is to be laid and the relative cost as
compared with its useful life. The material shall be resistant to corrosion,
both inside and outside or shall be suitably protected against corrosion.
6.2.2 Lead piping shall not be used to convey domestic water supply as
most of the waters in India are plumb0 solvent and are liable to cause lead
poisoning. Lead piping may, however, be used for flushing and overflow
pipes. It is liable to corrosion on contact with fresh cement mortar or
concrete and shall be protected by wrapping with a protective material
which will also permit movement due to expansion and contraction.
6.2.3 Copper piping may be used particularly in hot water installations
provided water is not capable of dissolving an undue amount of copper.
6.2.4 Asbestos cement pipes may be used; however, adequate safeguards
should be taken while laying backfilling ( see IS : 6530-1972 ]]I]).
- -
*Specification for prestressed concrete pipes ( including fittings ) (iirJf r&&n ).
tSpecification for mild steel tubes, tubulara and other wrought steel fittings: Part 1
Mild steel tubes (fourth rcuision ).
iSpecification for solid-drawn copper alloy tubes for condensersand heat exchangers
( $oah rerision ).
SSpecification for brass tubes for general purposes ( flrird revision),
(\Specification for asbestos cement building pipes, gutters and fittings - (spigot
.- and
socket types ).
TSpecification for asbestos cement pressure pipes ( second revision ).
**Specification for lead pipes: Part 1 For other than chemical purposes (suond
revision ) .
especification for low density polyethylene pipea for potable water supplies (&t
rmisibn ) .
StSpecification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies, sewage
and industrial effluents ( second r&ion ).
@Specification for unplasticized PVC pipes for potable! water supplies (JW rroision ).
j\&ode of practice for laying of asbestos cement pressure pipes.

6.2.5 Mild steel tubes used in plumbing system shall be of medium class
conforming to IS : 1239 ( Part 1 )-1979*.
6.2.6 Polythene pipes and PVC pipes should not be laid on hot surfaces
or in too close a proximity of hot water pipes. Care should also be taken
to avoid locations where they are likely to be exposed to atmospheres
charged with coal gas [ see IS : 7634 ( Part 2 )-1975t and IS : 7634 ( Part
3 )-1975f 1.


7.1 B&c Principles - Some of the details of plumbing which are consi-
dered necessary for properly designed, acceptably installed and adequa-
tely maintained plumbing systems are given in 7.2 to 7.12. Though the
details of construction may vary, the basic sanitary and safety principles
are the same, and they merit serious study. Furthermore, in the event
of any unforeseen situation not covered by specific provisions in this code,
the principles enumerated may serve as useful guides.
7.2 Wholesome water supply provided for drinking and culinary purposes
shall not be liable to contamination from any less satisfactory water. There
shall, therefore, be no cross-connection whatsoever between a pipe or
fitting for conveying or containing wholesome water and a pipe or fitting
for containing impure water or water IiabIe to contamination or of uncer-
tain u&y or water which has been used for any purpose.. The provision
of re f ux or non-return valves or closed and sealed stop valves shall not
be construed as a permissible substitute for complete absence of cross-
7.3 The,design of the pipe work shall be such that there is no possibility~
of backflow towards the source of supply from any cistern or appliance
whether by siphonage or otherwise. Reflux or non-return valves shall not’
be relied upon to prevent such backflow.
7.4 Where a supply of wholesome water is required as an alternative or
stand-by to a supply of less satisfactory water or is required to be mixed
with the latter, it shall.be delivered only into a cistern, and by a pipe of
fitting discharging into the air gap at a height above the top edge of the
cistern equal to twice its nominal bore, and in no case less than I50 mm.
It is necessary to maintain a definite air gap in all appliances or taps used
in water-closets.

*Specification for mild steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought stdel fittings: Part 1
Mild ateel tubes ( fanth miripn 1..
t&de of practice for~+tl~ pipe work for potable yater supplies:
Part 2 Laying an Jomtmg polyethylene ( PE pipes.
Part 3 Laying and jointing of unplasticiaed P 3 C pipes.

l8:2065- 1983

7.5 All pipe work shall be so designed, laid or fixed, and maintained as to
be and to remain completely watertight, thereby avoiding waste of water,
damage to property and the risk of contamination of the water conveyed.
7.6 No piping shall be laid or fixed so as to pass into, through or adjoin-
ing any sewer, scour outlet or drain or any manhole connected therewith
nor through any ash pit or manure pit or any material of such nature
that would be likely to cause undue deterioration of the pipe, except as
permitted in 7.7.

7.6.1 Where lines have to be laid in close proximity to electric cables

or in corrosive soils, adequate precautions should be taken to avoid elec-
trical accidents and corrosion.
7.7 Where the laying of any pipe through corrosive soil or pervious mate-
rial is unavoidable, the piping shall be properly protected from contact
with such soil or material by being carried through an exterior cast iron
tube or by some other suitable means as approved by the Authority. Any
existing piping or fitting laid or fixed, which does not comply with the
above requirements, shall be removed immediately by the consumer and
relaid by him in conformity with the above requirements and to the
satisfaction of the Authority.
7.8 In designing and planning the layout of the pipe work, due attention
shall be given to the maximum rate of discharge, required economy in
labour and materials, protection against damage and corrosion, protection
from frost, if required, and to avoidance of airlocks, noise transmission and
unsightly arrangement.

7.9 To reduce frictional losses, piping shall be as smooth as possible inside.

Methods of jointing shall be such as to avoid internal roughness and
projection at the joints, whether of the jointing materials or otherwise.
7.10 Change in diametef and in direction shall preferably be gradual
rather than abrupt to avoid undue loss of head. No bend or curve in
piping shall be made which is likely to materially diminish or alter the

7.11 Underground piping shall be laid at such a depth that it is unlikely

to be damaged by frost or traffic loads and vibrations. It shall not be laid
in ground liable to subsidence, but where such ground cannot be avoided,
speci’al precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to the piping. Where
piping has to be laid across recently disturbed ground, the ground shall be
thoroughly consolidated so as to provide a continuous and even support.

7.12 No boiler for generating steam or closed boilers of any description or

any machinery shall be supplied direct from a service or supply pipe.
Every such boiler or inachinery shall be supplied from a feed cistern.

8.1 Gene4 - The following general principles shall apply in the layout
and planning of the pipe work,
al.1 Any pipe going underground should have adequate cover.
8.1.2 Every communication ipe shall have inserted in it, in an acces-
sible position, a stop cock o F the prescribed kind, having an area of
waterway at least equal to the internal sectional area of the communication
pipe. It should be fixed with a cover or guard box so as to be accessible
to the Authority.
8.1.3 Where the service pipe is of diameter less than 50 mm, the stop
valves shall be of the screw-down type and shall have loose washer plates
to ac:t as non-return valves ( SM IS : 781-1977* ). Other stop valves in
the service line may be of the gate type ( see IS : 778.198Ot ),
8.1.4 In flats and tenements supplied by a common service pipe, a stop
tap &all be fixed to control the branch to each separately occupied part.
In e buildings a sufficient number of stop valves shall be fixed on
bran?J! pipes, and to control roups of ball valves and draw off taps,
so as to minimize interruption o P the supply during repairs. All such stop
valves shall be fixed in accessible ‘positions and properly protected from
being tampered with; they may be of the gate type to minimize loss of head
b,’ friction.
8.13 Water for drinking or for culinary purposes shall not, as far as
possible, pass through any cistern, and, therefore, direct taps supplying
water for these purposes shall be on branch pipes connected directly to the
service pipe.
8.1.8 Pumps shall not be allowed on the service pipe as they cause a
drop of pressure on the suction side thereby affecting the supply to the
adjoining properties. In cases where pumping is required a pro erly
protected storage tank of adequate capacity shall be provided to fee B the
8.1.7 Service pipes thall be so designed and constructed as to avoid air-
locks, so that all piping and fittings above ground can be completely
emptied of wafer to facilitate repairs. There shall be draining taps or
draw-off taps ( not underground ) at the lowest points, from which the
piping shall rise continuously to draw-off taps, ball valves, cisterns, or vents
( where provided ) at thG high points.

*Specificationfor cast copper alloy screw-down bib tapn and #top valver for water
rervicer ( s6cond rmin’on ).
tSpecification for copper alloy gate, globe and check valve8 for water works
purposes ( third revision).

8.l.8 Service pipes shall be designed so as to reduce the production and

tr:lnsmission of noise as much as possible. Appliances which create noise
shall be installed as far distant as possible from the living rooms of the
house and shall be housed in sound-proof cabins. The planning of the
building shall allow for such arrangements. High velocity of water in
piping and fittings shall be avoided. Piping shall be confined as far as
possible, to rooms where appliances are fixed; it shall have easy bends, and
where quietness is particularly desired, holder bats or clamps shall be
insulated from the piping by suitable pads.
8.1.9 The rising pipe to the storage cistern, if any, or any feed cistern
shall be taken as directly as possible to the cistern and shall be fixed away
from windows or ventilators.
8.1.10 Piping shall be so located that it is not unduly exposed to
accidental damage, and shall be fixed in such positions as to facilitate
cleaning and avoid accumulations of dirt.
8.1.11 All pipe work shall be planned so that the piping is accessible for
inspection, replacement and repair. To avoid its being unsightly, it is
usually possible to arrange it in or adjacent to cupboards, recesses, etc,
provided there is sufficient space to work on the piping with the usual
tools. Piping shall not be buried in walls or solid Jloors. Where unavoidable
piping may be buried for short distances provided that adequate protection
is given against damage and that no joints are buried. If piping is laid
in ducts or chases, there shall be enough space to facilitate repairs and shall
be so constructed as to prevent the entry of vermin. To facilitate removal
of pipe casing, floor boards covering piping shall be fixed with screws or
8.1.12 When it is necessary for a pipe to pass through a wall or floor,
a sleeve shall be fixed therein for reception of the pipe and to allow
freedom for kxpansion and contraction and other movement. Piping laid
in timber floors shall, where possible, be parallel with the joists.
8.1.13 In buildings where it is desirable to have some means of identi-
fying the use of the various pipes, they shall be painted in accordance with
Appendix D ( see also IS : 2379-1963* ).
8.2 Prohibited Connections - A service pipe shall not be connected
into any distribution pipe; such connection may permit the backflow of
water from a cistern into the SeXViCe pipe, in certain circumstances, with
consequent danger of contamination and depletion of storage capacity. It
might also result in pipes and fittings being subjected to a pressure higher
than that for which they are designed, and in flooding from overflowing
*Colour code for the identificationaf pipelines.
8.2.1 No pipe for conveyance or in connection with water supplied by
the Authority shall communicate with any other receptacle used or capable
of being used for the conveyance other than water supplied by the
8.2.2 Where storage tanks are provided no person shall connect or be
permitted to connect any service pipe with any distributing pipe.
8.2.3 No service pipe shall be connected to any water-closet .or urinal.
All such supplies shall be from flushing cisterns which shall be supplied
from storage tank ( see 12.3 ).
8.2.4 No service or supply pipe shall be connected directly to any hot-
water system or to any apparatus used for heating other than through a
feed cistern thereof. This shall also apply to every gas producer, gas
engine, compressor, oil engine, cooling jacket or other apparatus in or by
which water supplied by the Authority may be heated.


9.1 Excktion and killing - The bottoms of the trench excavations
shall be carefully prepared so that the barrels .of the pipes, when laid, are
well bedded for their whole length on a firm surface and are true to line
and gradient. The width of the excavation shall be sufficient to allow the
pipes to be properly laid and jointed, joints holes being made where
9.1.1 In the refilling of the trenches, the pipes shall be surrounded with
fine selected material, well rammed so as to resist subsequent movement
of the pipes. No stones shallbe in contact with the pipes, and when the
excavation is in rock, the bottom shall be cut deep enough to permit the
pipes to be bedded on alayer of fine selected material, or ( especially where
there is a steep gradient ) on a layer of concrete.
9.2 Preparing Pipes for Laying Underground - The pipes shall be
carefully cleared of all foreign matter before being laid. They shall be
thoroughly brushed out internally with a well-fitting hard brush, and after
laying the open end shall be temporarily plugged to prevent ingress of
water, soil, etc, precaution shall be taken to prevent floatation of the
plugged pipes, should the trench become flooded.
9.2.1 Any coating, sheathing or wrapping of the pipes shall be exa-
mined for damage and repaired, where necessary, and shall also be made
continuous over the joints.
9.2.2 Concrete Pipes and Cast Iron Pipes - Pipes should be laid in
accordance with the requirements given in IS : 783-1959* and IS : 3114-
1965?, respectively.

*Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes.

t&de of practice for laying of cast iron pipes.

93 ‘Laying Underground Mains - Where the trench is on a slope,
pipe laying shall proceed in an c uphill ’ direction to facilitate joint

9.3.1 Except in the case of small pipes under low pressure, thrust blocks
of concrete shall be formed at all bends to transmit the hydraulic thrust
on to undisturbed ground and to spread it over a sufficient area. Whw
the hydraulic thrust is in an upward direction, anchor-blocks of sufficient
weight shall be provided to which the pipes shall be secured with steel
straps. The displacing forces in the mains due to end and radial thrust
on bends are given in Appendix E.

,9.4 Surface Bores - Iron surface boxes shall be provided to give access,
to valves ( see IS : 3950-1979* ) and hydrants, and shall be supported on
concrete or brickwork which shall not be allowed to rest on the pi s,&d
transmit traffic loads to them, allowance being made for set05” ement,
Vertical iron guard pipes may be provided to enclose the spindles of sluice
valves. It is not generally necessary entirely to enclose the valves and
hydrants in brick or concrete chambers, but if the latter are provided they
shall be of sufficient dimensions to permit repairs being carried out to the

9.4.1 If the surface box, mounted on a guard pipe, is fixed over the
underground stop valve merely to give access for operating the latter, the
limited space provided by this arrangement will not permit the repacking
of the stop valves gland or other repairs to be carried out with excavation.
The guard pipe may be supported on bricks, and should not rest on the
supply pipe.

9.5 Meters - If the service pipe is to be metered, the meter may be

provided and fixed by the Authority. Private meter of approved type may
be permitted to be used subject to such conditions as the Authority may
prescribe. Meters of domestic type shall conform to the requirements of
IS : 779-1978t. Meters of bulk type shall conform to the requirements of
. IS : 2373-19811. The meter shall be installed in accordance with IS : 2401-
19734. The meter shall be fitted beyond the stopcock with unions to
facilitate the necessary periodic changing of the meter. If fitted in an
exposed position outside the building, the meter shall be housed in
water meter boxes conforming to IS : 2104-198111.

*Specificationfor surfaceboxesfor sluice valves (f;rs: rwision).

tSpecificationfor water meten ( domestictype ) ( ftr r&&n ).
$Specificationfor water meters ( bulk type ) ( ihirB noidar ).
&ode of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of domestic water
meters (first rwision ) .
IlSpecification for water meter boxes ( domestic type ) (PIJt ru&n ).,


9.6 Laeg Service Pipes - Service pipes of less than 50 mm bore may
be connected to mains by means of right-angled screw-down ferrule of non-
ferrous metal conforming to IS : 2692-1978*, but the ferrule itself shall not
be more than 25 mm bore. Ferrule of 20 mmbore and above shall not be
used in‘mains of less than 100 mm bore. The main is drilled and tapped
and the ferrule screwed in. In case of large-sized trunk mains, this
may be done by a tapping under pressure machine, which will obviate any
interference with the use of the main.

9.6.1 Service pipes of 50 mm bore and upward shall be connected to

special T-branches which have to be inserted into the line of the main.
Special branch pipes shall also be used for service pipes of less than 50 mm
bore where the bore of the main is not greater than thrice that of the
service pipe.

9.6.2 In the process of installing or repairing any part of a plumbing

installation, the finished.&ors, walls, ceilings, tile-work or any other part
.of the building or premises, which shall be changed or replaced, shall be
left in a safe structural condition in accordance with. the requirements of
the relevant codes and any building bye-laws approved by the Authority.
All exterior openings provided for the passage of pipe shall be properly

9.6.3 Precautions against contamination of the mains shall be taken

when making a connection, and where any risk exists, the main shall be
subsequently disinfected ( see 13.1 and 13.2 ). The underground water
service pipe and the building sewer or drain shall be kept at a sufficient
distance apart to the satisfaction of the Authority so as to prevent conta-
mination of water. Water service pipes or any underground water pipes
shall not be run or laid in the same trench as the building sewer or drai- .
nage pipe. Where this is unavoidable, the following conditions shall be
fulfilled :
4 The bottom of the water service pipe, at all points, shall be at
least 30 cm above the top of the sewer line at its highest point.
b) The water service pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated
at one side of the common trench.
Cl The number_ of ‘joints in the service pipe shall be kept to a
4 The materials and joints of sewer and water service pipe shall be
installed in such a manner and shall possess the necessary strength
and durability SO as to prevent the escape of solids, liquids, and
gases therefrom due totemperature changes, settlement, vibrations
and superimposed loads.

*Specilieation for ferrules for water services ( firerfe&ion ).

9.6.4 The service pipe shall. pass i’nt& or beneath the building at a
depth below the external ground level of not less than O-75 m ( provided
the foundation is deeper than 0.75 m ) and at its poi.nt of entry through
the structure should be accommodated in a sleeve which should have
previously been solidly built in. The space between the pipe and the sleeve
shall be filled with bituminous or other suitable material for a minimum
length of 15 cm at both ends.

9.6.5 Care shall be taken to ensure that before the pipeline is charged
all piping and fittings are clean internally, and free from particles of sand
or soil, metal fittings, chips, etc, which besides causing obstructio& may:
lead to failure by corrosion.

9.7 Securing and Supporting of Pipes - Lead piping of not more

than 25 mm bore, in vertical runs, may be secured direct to brick walls
( other than external walls ) by iron pipe clamps driven into the wall joints,
or may be secured to wooden battens or other wood work by iron or brass
clips with ears for screw fixing, the clamps or clips or holder bats being at
not more than 90 cm intervals. Damage to the piping by the ~clamps~
shall be prevented by the insertion of small lead pads.

9.7.1 Copper piping shall be secured by copper or copper-alloy clips

direct to wood work, or by similar bracket-clips built-in to walls or screwed
to plugs.

9.7.2 Wrought iron and steel piping shall be secured in a manner similar
to that used for copper piping, except that the clips shall be of iron or steel.

9.7.3 Plastic pipes should be secured and suppored in accordance with

the recommendations given in IS : 7634 ( Part 2 )-1975* and IS : 7634
( Part 3 )-19757.

9.8 Pipes Laid Througb Ducts, Chases, Notches or Holes - Ducts

or chases in walls for piping shall be provided during the building of the
walls. If they are cut in existing walls, they shall be finished sufficiently
smooth and large enough for fixing the piping. In the case of lead pipes,
the joints may be wiped outside the duct, and the pipes eased back into the
duct after jointing.

9.8.1 Wherever possible back-boards shall be provided rn chases for

fixing the piping; otherwise lead piping shall be protected from contact
with lime or cement by building paper or felt. Where covers are provided
to chases, they shall be fixed with screws for easy removal.

*Code of practice for plastics pipe workfor potable water supplies;

Part 2 Laying and jointing polyethylene ( PE ) pipes.
Part 3 Laying andjointing of unplasticizedPVC Pipes’.

.r .
21 .,’
,992 Piping laid in notches or holes shall not be subjected to external
ure, and shall be free to expand and contract without noise due to
iction on the wood.
9.9 L8 ging for Pipe* - Where lagged piping outside buildings is
attachea to walls, it shall be entirely covered alround with waterproof insu-
lating material and shall not be in direct contact with the wall. Where it
passes through a wall, whether into a building or not, the lagging shall be
continued along the pipe throughout the thickness of the wall, and where it
emerges-from the ground, the lagging shall be continued into the ground
until the depth of O-75 m is reached.
9.9.1 Lagged piping connected to cisterns, enclosed by insulating casing
shall pass at right angles through the casing and be lagged independently
of the casing if the piping is sandwiched between the cistern and the
casing, it will, probably, not be sufficiently insulated..
9.9.2 The minimum thickness of insulating material for lagging hot-
water piping inside buildings shall be 12 mm in the case of glass in fibre
form, compressed felt, and felted slag or mineral wool and 20 mm in the
case of asbestos, 85 percent magnesia, compressed backed cork and granu-
lated cork ( raw or baked ).
9.9.3 All lagging exposed to moist conditions shall be waterproof or
covered with a waterproof wrapping.
9.10 Spacing of Fixings for Internal Piping - Fixing on internal
pipes shall be spaced at regular intervals as given in Appendix F.


10.1 Cast &on Piper - The spigot and socket joints of cast -iron pipes
are usually caulked with lead. The’common form of joint is made by first
caulking in sp/un yam, then fillin the space left in the joint by running in
molten lead, taking care that no b oss enters the joint, and then thoroughly
caulking the lead. The spun yarn shah be clean and sterile and the lead
shall conform to IS : 782-19788. The lead need not extend into the joint
further than the back of the groove formed in the socket.
10.1.1 The spun yarn is used to centre the spigot in the socket, to
prevent the flow of molten lead into the bore of the ‘pe, to reduce the
amount of lead required to complete the joint an$ to make the joint
watertight. Spun yarn may become infected with bacteria, which may
contaminate the water and, therefore, shall be effectively sterilized before
use by being exposed to the vapours of 40 rcent formaldehyde in an air-
. tight chamber for not less than 3 hours. i&etematively, proprietary brands

for esulkiag lead ( U&dpsirirn).


of sterilized spun yarn may be’ used. Threaded lead or lead wire or strip
may be used instead of spun yarn, thus producing a solid lead joint.
-Lead covered yarn may also be used which does not have the disadvan-
tages of pkln yarn. Cold lead may be caulked into the joint space first
followed by spun yarn, and the joint then completed with ccdd or molten
10.1.L1 Rubber ring joints may also be suitable wherever there is a
provision for them in the spigot made by the manufacturer.
10J.2 Caulking may be done with neumatic tools or with a hand
hammer weighing not less than 2 kg. G hen working with lead wool, it
is very important to use caulking tools of appropriate thickness to fill the
joint space, and to thoroughly consolidate the material horn the back to
the front of the socket. Lead run joints shall be preferably finished 3 mm
behind the socket face.
Nom - Attention is *ISOdrawn to IS : M 14-1965* for Jointing of caat iron
pipes, quantity of lead anchpun iron for dtt%rent skes of pipes, etc.
10.M Cast iron pipes may-also be jointed by means of flanges of cast
iron and steel pipes with flanges. welded-on.
XL1.4 Flanged joints shall be made with jointing rings of good quality,
smooth, hard, compressed fibre board ( not less than 1”5 mm thick ) and
of such width as to fitinside the circle of bolts. The rings shall be
smeared thkdy with graphite paste. Alternatively, the jointing rings may
be of rubber or rubber insetion or gutta-percha, or may be corrugated
non-corrosive alloy together with a suitable jointing paste. The nuts shail
be carefully tightened, in opposite pairs, until the joint ring is only just
sufficiently compressed between the flanges to ensure watertightness of the
joint under the desired water pressure.
10.1.5 Several proprietary flexible joints are avaihtble for jointing cast
iron pipes and these may be used with the specific approval of the Autho-
rity. However, they shall be used strictIy in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
10.1.6 For joints in small diameter wrought iron or steel piping and
cast iron piping, copper-alloy screwed unions or ferrules shall be used and
for large diameters, the joints shall be made by flanged ,connecting pieces.
10.2 Welded Steel Pipes — Plain-ended steel piping may be jointed by
welding except where the piping is provided with a Iining which wotdd be
damaged by heat ( see IS : 5822-197~ ).
10.3 Wrought Irsm sutd Steel Screwed Pipes - Screwed wrought iron
or steel piping is jointed with screwed and socketed joirm, using screwing
WOde of practice for laying of cast iron pipes.
-e of practice for iqhg of weIddd steel pipes for wter supply.

fS ; b6!! - 1983

fittings of wrought iron, steel’ or malleable cast iron. Care shall be taken
to remove any burr from the ends of pipes after screwing. A jointing
compound, which may be one of the many proprietary makes, may be used
according to the maker’s instructions together with a grummet of a few
strands of fine yarn, but compounds containing red lead shall not be used
because of the danger of contamination of the water. Any threads exposed
after jointing shall be painted, or in the case of underground piping,
thickly coated with bituminous or other suitable composition to prevent
10.3.1 Screwed wrought iron or steel piping may also be jointed with
screwed flanges of wrought iron, steel or cast iron.
10.4 Asbestos Cement Pipes - Asbestos cement pipes are jointed with
flexible joints supplied by the pipe makers.
lo._5 Copper, Pipes - Screwed copper piping shall be jointed with
scretied copper-alloy fittings. The screw threads of the pipe shall be
cleaned out and the joint made by screwing the fittings on after first treating
the threads with raw linseed oil or other suitable jointing compound.
Alternatively, the screw threads of the pipe and the fittings may be tinned,
and the joint heated to the melting point of the solder when being
10.5.1 Plain copper piping shall be jointed with compression ( manipu-
lative or non-manipulative ) or with capillary joints, in each case using
copper-alloy fittings, or by welding. Only manipulative compression
joints, that is, joints in which the pipe ends are flanged, belled or swaged,
are suitable for use with fully annealed copper piping.

10.5.2 In the case of the captllary joint, the pipe end and the interior
of the socket of the fitting shall be cleaned- with steel wool, fluxed, and
fitted together, and the joint then heated to just above the melting point
of the solder, which is either provided in the fitting or is touched into the
joint with a solder stick, and which then flows by capillarity to fill the joint
space. If the pipe is of fully annealed copper, its ends shall be made truly
round before jointing.
10.5.3 It is important that the correct size of fittings is used to suit the
nominal size of the pipe.
10.5.4 Copper piping may be autogenous welded or bronze welded, the
latter giving the stronger joint. The piping may be jointed directly or by
the use of weldable copper or copper alloy fittings.. The welding may be
done by an oxy-acetylene blow pipe, using filler rod of copper or bronze and
a suitable flux. Bronze rod shall be genuine bronze which is not likely to
fall by dezinciiication. Copper piping may be welded to cast brass fittings
by this method. Copper to be welded shall be ‘ deoxidized copper ’ and
. -

not ( to gh.pitch..copper ‘. Welding shall be .done by skilled craftsman

only._ u
_ . Clapper piPing of
small diameter shall be__jointed to. cast. iron,
Wrought iron, or steel pIping by the use of copper-alloy screwed unions or
ferrules. For screwed copper piping of diameter, larger than about 40 mm,
a Ranged joint shall be used, the copper pipe shall’ have a copper alloy
flange screwed, brazed or welded on, and this shall be jointed to the iron
or steel flange by alloy bolts or nuts.
10.6 Lead Piped- Lead and lead alloy piping shall be jointed with
wiped solder joints or by other suitable methods.
166.1 Lead and lead alloy piping shall be jointed to cast iron, wrought
iron, steel or copper piping by the use of copper alloy screwed unions or
ferrules. I\
10.7 Concrete Pipca - Concrete pipes shall be jointed in accordance,
with the recommendations given in IS : 783-1959*.
10.8 Polyethylene and Unplasticized BVC Pipes - These pipes shall
be jointed in accordance with the Fecommendations given in IS : 7634
( Part 2 )-1975t and IS : 7634 ( Part 3 )-1975t, respectively.


11.1 Purposes for Providing Storage - In a building, provision is
required to be made for storage of water for one or more of the following
reasons :
a) To provide against interruptions of the supply caused by repairs
to mains, etc;
b) To reduce the maximum rate of demand on the mains;
c) To tide over periods of intermittent supply; and
d) To maintain a storage for the fire fighting requirement of the
11.2 Materialr for Construction of Storage Tanks - They shall be
constructed of iron, wrought iron or mild steel plates or sheets and shall
be made watertight without the use of putty. The materials used shall be
of suEciPnt strength and thickness. Reinforced cement concrete tank or
tanks made of any other suitable building material may be allowed as
storage tanks.
11.2.1 Tanks made of galvanized steel sheets may be of welded, riveted’
or pressed construction. The pressed-steel tanks are normally 120 cm

*Code of practice dr laying of concrete piper.

*Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water mpplir
Part 2 Laying and jointing polyethylene ( PE ) pipes.
Part 3 Laying and jointing of unplasticized PVC pipes.
square* the thickness of sheet varying according to the depth of the tank.
Tanks with-cxfernal flanges are ‘most con6enient except where space is
limited or where it is required to erect them direct on to a flat roof or
floor. Where special sizes of tanks are necessary, these are provided for
by the use of the special making-up plates allowing considerable variation
in size. If of iron or steel, the metal shall be galvanized or coated inter-
nally with bituminous composition or other suitable material of a kind.
which does not impart a taste or odour to the water, especially if this has
been chlorinated, and externally with a good quality anti-corrosive
weather-resisting paint. Lead lined tanksshall not be used. Rectangular t
r;;,sed steel tanks shall conform to the requirements given in IS : 804-
11.3 Storage Tanks and Ball Valves - Every storage tank shall be of
the prescribed kind and shall at all times be made and at all times be
maintained watertight and shall be properly covered with a closed fitting
dust, light and mosquito-proof lid fitted with a lock and key and shall be
provided with a sound and suitable ball valve conforming to IS : 1703-
1977? securely fixed to the tank and set in such a position that the body of
the ball valve cannot become submerged when the cistern is full up to the
water line. Every valve shall be so adjusted as to limit the level-of the
water in the cistern to 25 mm below the lip of the warning or overflow
pipe. A stop valve conforming. to IS : 781-1977$ shall be provided as
near the tank as practicable on every outlet pipe from a storage tank,
excepting on the warning pipe.
11.4 Warning Pipes of Storage Tanks - Every tank shall be
provided with an efficient mosquito-proof warning pipe. The outlet of
the warning pipe shall be in such a position outside the building as will
allow the discharge of water from such warning pipe being readily seen.
The position of the warning pipe shall not be changed except with the
permission of the Authority. The outlet of the warning pipe shall be not
less than 60 cm above any drain, sink or gully over which the’ same may
be fixed. No overflow pipe shall be allowed to be connected directly to
any drain or sewer, nor .shall it discharge on to any street. All warning
pipe unions shall be not less than 20 mm in bore so fixed that the bottom
of the pipe will be 25 mm above the top water level. In every storage
vessel, the water line shall be set below the overflowing level of the warning
pipe,. or of the overflow pipe if there is no warning pipe, at a distance of
not less than 25 mm or of not, less than the internal diameter of the pipe,
whichever is greater.

*Specificationfor ractangularpressedateeltanks(first r&ion ).

tspecification for ball valves ( horizontal ?
- type
.-’ I includingffoatsfor water
ruppli purposes ( second r&ion ). ’
$Spec&ation for cast copper alloy screw-down bib taps and atop valver for water
aewicea ( second revision ) .

11.5 Provision of Stop Valves - Storage tanks shall be provided with a
stop valve or stop tap at every outlet other ‘than overflow pipes, so that
there shall be no necessity to empty the vessel to enable repairs to be
carried out to the downtake pipes, fittings, etc. Such valves or taps shall
preferably be full-way gate valves so as not to impose any undue obstruc-
tion of the flow of the water. A stop valves shall be provided on the.inlet
connection also to facilitate stopping of %ow temporarily in the event of
itiproper functioning of ball valve or for cleaning of. storage tank.

11.6 ,Position of Storage of Tanks - Every storage tank used or %xed

in connection with the water supplied by the Authority shall be easily
accessible and placed in such position as to admit of thorough inspection
and cleaning, and if placed within the house or building, it shall have a
clear space of not less than 60 cm between the top of the cistern and
ceiling, rafter or roof. If the capacity of tank is bigger than 500 litres, a
greater clear space shall be provided.

11.6.1 In cases where overhead storage tanks are supported on roof slab
of the building, careful inspection and calculation shall be carried out to
ascertain whether the structure of the building is of sufficient strength to
take the increased load. The tanks shall be preferably supported on
beareis so as to distribute the load. The tieight of the tank; and its
contents of water shall be calculated and taken into account in the design
of bearers and supports. Where bearers are used as supports, the height
shall not be less than 200 mm clear space.

11.7 Grouping of Storage Tanks - If the storage required is more than

5 QOO1, it is advantageous to arrange it in a series OS tanks or in compart-
ments so inter-connected that each, can be isolated for cleaning and
inspection,without interfering with the supply of water. This can conve-
niently be done by the use of a header pipe to which each tank/compart-
ment is connected and from which the distributing pipes branch off, each
branch into and out of the header pipe being provided with a stop valve.
Each- tank/compartment shall have its own float-operated valve and over-
%ow pipe, and a draining valve to facilitate cleaning out. It is often
convenient, even in smsill installations, to provide two tanks coupled
together in this way. In large storage tanks, the outlet shall be at the end
opposite the inlet, to avoid stagnation of the water. In high rise buildings,
storage tanks may be placed in different tiers to ensure more equitable
pressure distribution of water.

11.8 Proivision of Outlets - The outlet pipe shall be %xed 50 to 75 inm

above the bottom of the tank and provided preferably with copper gauge
miners. The wash-out or draining pipe shall be made flush at the bottom
of the tank at its lowest point. The %OOF of the tank shall be erected so
as to give a slight fall to the wash-out pipe for cleaning purposes.

11.9 Underground Storage Tanks - When buried or underground
storage tanks are used for the storage and reception of water for domestic
purposes, the following requirements shall be complied with:
a) The tank shall project at least 30 cm above the highest flood level.
Where this is not possible the manhole cover shall be raised 30 cm
above the highest flood level of the locality or ground level
whichever is higher.
b) The design of the tank shall be such as to provide for the draining
of the tank when necessary and water shall not be allowed to
collect round about the tank.
c) The tank shall be perfectly watertight,
d) The inner surface of the tank shall be rendered smooth as far as
e) The top of the tank shall’be so levelled as to prevent accumulation
of water thereon.
,f) The .tank. shall’have a complete cement concrete cover leaving a
manhole opening provided with a properly fitting mosquito-proof
hinged cast iron cover fitted with a leakproof cast iron frame.
Where tank is of a large size, adequate number of manholes shall
be provided.
g) No gap shall be allowed to remain round the suction pipe and
arrangement shall be provided for proper discharge, of spill water
from the electric pump by connecting the pump cabin to the water
drain, or by providing a small hole which will enable the water
to flow out.
h) The overflow pipes or vent shafts, if provided, shall have a
wiregauge cover of 1.5 mm mesh properly screwed tightly to the
11.10 Jointing of Pipes to Storage Tanks - For jointing steel pipe to
a storage tank, the end of the pipe shall be threaded, passed through a
hole in the tank and secured by backnuts both inside and outside. The
pipe end shall be flush with the face of the inside backnut to obvrate corro-
sion of the pipe threads. For joining copper pipe to steel or copper tank
a connector of non-ferrous metal shall be used having a shoulder to bear
on the outside of the tank and secured by a backnut inside.
11.11 Storage Capacities - The quantity of water to be stored shall be
calculated taking into account the following factors:
a) Hours of supply at ‘sufficiently high pressure to fill up the over-
head storage tanks;
b) Frequency of replenishment of overhead tanks, during the
24 hours;


c) Rate and regularity ofsupply; and

d) Consequences of exhausting storage particularly in case of public
buildings like hospitals.
If the water supply is intermittent and the hours of supply are
irregular, it is desirable to have a minimum storage of half-a-day’s supply
for overhead tanks.
11.11.1 The particulars of water supply requirements of residential
buildings and of buildings other than residences are given under 3.1 and 3.2
of IS : 1172-1983*. It has been stipulated that, where there is full-
flushing system a minimum of 200 litres per head per day shall be assured
out of which about 45 litres per head per day may be taken as flushing
requirements and the remaining 155 litres for other domestic purposes.
11.11.2 When a single supply is provided it is not necessary for health
reasons to have separate storage for flushing and sanitary purposes.
In such cases when only one storage tank has been provided, tapping of
water may be done at two different levels so that a part of the water will
be exclusively available for flushing purposes.

11.12 Pamping of Water

11.12.1 In case of multi-storey buildings where the height of the fitting

or storage tank is such as will not permit of their being fed with the avail-
able pressures in the water main, pumping is necessary. The house service
pumps are usually of the centrifugal type driven by electric motors, where
electric power is available.

11.12.2 In cases where pumping is necessary, storage tank shall be

provided either at the ground level or partially buried underground, in
which case it shall conform to the requirements given under 11.9 for
underground storage tanks. The storage tank should have a minimum
capacity of 50 percent of the overhead storage tank. The advantage of
the storage tank is that it can be fed continuously during low pressure
hours and, therefore, the pump can be worked at any time of the day and
the overhead storage ‘may be replenished continuously. The pump also
works at a steady head and there is no chance of overloading.


12.1 Bath, Lavatory and Mixing Taps - Bath, lavatory and mixing
taps shall generally comply with the requirements specified for bib taps in.

*Code of basic requirements for water rupply, drainage and sanitation ( third
rechn ).




IS : 781-1977*. Combination taps, mixing valves ( see IS : t701-196Oj )

or blenders, for mixing hot and cold water and discharging the mixture
through a single outlet shall be fed with both hot water and cold water
under pressure only from cisternsat the same level or from the same
cistern; the cold water should not be s&lied directly from a seroice pipe as other-
&e, there is danger of scalding if the pressure in the service pipe unexpee
tedly fails. To ensure satisfactory results from such fittings, it is also
desirable that the feed pipe does not also feed other fittings.
12;2 Position Where Self-closing Taps are Permissible - Self-closing
taps and other special fittings of makes approved by the Authority may be
permitted to be used on direct pipes and distributing pipes from tanks.
Self-closing taps shall be of non-concussion type and shall comply with
IS : 171L1970$.
12.3 Water-Closet Flushing Cistern - All water closets and urinals
shall be supplied with water from proper flushing cistern or from other
equally efficient and suitable waste preventing apparatus. Flushing cisterns
having 10 litres discharge capacity and discharging at an average rate
of 5 l/s are considered suitable for wash-down water closets and squatting
pans IS : 2556 ( Part 2 )-19818 and IS : 2556 ( Part 3 )-198111.
12.4 ‘vaier-Closet Flush Valves - No person shall fix, fit or use upon
any premises any flush valves, or similar apparatus through which water
supplied by @e Authority is intended to pass unless previous permission of
the Authority is obtained. ‘, Such flush’ valves or flushing apparatus shall
be of the self-closing type and shall be allowed on watersclosets only. The
design of the flushing valve or flushing apparatus of similar type shall be
such that no single flush shall exceed 15 1. All flush valves shall be fitted
with regulating stop cock or valve in addition to the regulating screw on
the top of the valve which shall be sealed by an authorized officer. Every
flush valve shall be provided with a suitable and approved type of stop
cock on the upstream.side of the flush valve.
X2.5 UrinaI Flushing Cistern - Every urinal flushing cistern, in which
water supplied by the Authority is used, shall have an efficient waste
preventing apparatus so constructed as to prevent discharge of more than
5 litres of water to each, stall, basin or compartment at each flush ( see IS .:
2326-19708 ).

%pecification for cast copper alloy screw-down bib taps and‘ stop valves for water
services( suond w&ion ) .
tSpeciticationfor mixing v&es for ablutionary and’domestic purposes.
Specification for aelf closing taps (fira: red&e ).
L pedkatioo for vitreous sanitary appliances ( v&our china): Part 2 Specific
requirements of wash-down water-closets ( :A)*I r&ion ).
!lSpecification for vitreous saoitary appliances (vitreous china): Part 3 Specific
requirements of squatting pa& ( thN r&n ).
$Specification for automatic flushii cisterns for urinals (Jrsf rnidrn ).
12.6 Use of Automatic Flashing Cistetis b Flushing ‘apparatus
capable of discharging automatically ( -SWIS : 2326;1970* ) may be allowed
to be fitted on water-&sets,
12.7 Use of Ball Valves - Ball valves shall be of one of the classes,
namely high pressure or low pressure and shall conform to the require-
ments specified in IS : 1703-1977t.
12.8 Silendng Pipe+ of Ball Valves - A silencing pipe may be fitted
to a ball valve when 4 ermitted by the- Authority and in such cases anti-
siphonage holes shall be provided in the pipe or in the body of valves and
these holes shall be above the overflow level.


13.4 All water mains, communication pipes, service and distribution pipes
used for water for domestic purposes should be thoroughly and efficiently
disinfected before being taken into use and also after every major repair
The method of disinfection shall be subject to the approval of the Autho-
rity. They shall also be periodically cleaned at intervals,depending upon
the quality of water and the treatment it receives before use. It is,
however, desirable that the communication pipes and the storage cisterns
are thoroughly. cleaned at least once every year in order to remove any
suspended impurities that may have settled in the pipes or the tanks.
13.2 Disinfection of Storage Tanks and Downtake Distribution
Pipes - Storage tanks and downtake distribution pipes shall be disinfected
as follows:
The storage tanks and pipes shall first be filled with water and
thoroughly flushed out. The storage tanks shall then be filled with Water
again and disinfecting chemical containing chlorine added gradually while
the tanks are being filled, to ensure thorough mixing. SUacient chemical
shall be used to give the water a dose of 50 parts of chlorine to- one million
parts of water. If ordinary bleachin powder is used, the propor-
tion will be 150 g of powder to 1000 $ of water. The powder shall
be mixed with water to a creamy consistency before being added to the
water in the storage tank. If a pro rietary brand of chemical is used, the
proportions shall be as specified by tRe makers. When the storage tank is
full, the supply shall be stopped and all the taps on the distributing pipes
opened successively, working progressively away from the storage tank.
Each tap shall be closed when the vater discharge. begins to smell of
chlorine. The storage tank shall then be topped up with water from the
supply pipe and .witb more disinf’ixting chemical in the recommended
+Specithtion for automatic flushingci8te~ far unriu& (@St r&ion ).
*paeifieation for b8ll v&x ( horizontal.plv + ) UIC~* hats for water

proportions. The storage tank and pipe shall then remain charged at
least for three hours. Finally the tank and pipes ahall be thoroughly
flushed out before any water is used for domestic purposes.


14.1 Testing of Mains Before Conmmdng Work - AU pipes, flttings
and appliances shall be inspected, before delivery at the site to see whether
they bear, where appropriate, the certification mark of the Indian Stan-
dards Institution or the mark of the testing station of the Authority. All
pipes and fittings shall be inspected and tested by the manufacturers at
their factory and shall comply with the requirements of this Code. They
shall be tested hydraulically under a pressure equal to twice the maximum
permissible working pressure or under such ,greater pressure as may be
specified. The pipes and fittings shall be inspected on site before laying
and shall be sounded to disclose cracks. Any defective item shall be
clearly marked as rejected and forthwith removed from the site.
14.2 Testing of Mains After Laying -- After laying and jointing, the
main shall be slowly and carefully charged with water, so that all air is
expelled from the main by providing a 25-mm inlet with a stopcock
allowed to stand full of water for a few days if time permits, and then tested
under- pressure. The test pressure shall be O-5 N/mm* or the maximum
working pressure plus 50 percent, whichever is the greater. The pressure
shall be applied by means of a manually operated test pump, or in the
case of long mains or mains of large diameter, by a power-driven test
pump, provided that ,the pump is not left unattended. In either case due
precaution shall be taken to ensure that the required test pressure is not
exceeded. Pressure gauges shall be accurate and shall preferably have
been recalibrated before the test. The test pump having been stopped,
the test pressure shall maintain itself without measureable loss for at least
half an hour. The mains, shall be tested in sections as the work of laying
proceeds; it is an advantage to have the joints exposed for inspection
during the testing. The open end of the main may be temporarily closed
for testing under moderate pressure by fitting a watertight expanding plug
of which several types are available. The end of the main and the plug
shall be secured by struts or otherwise, to resist the end thrust of the water
pressure in the mains.
14.2.1 If the section of the main tested terminates with a sluice valve,
the wedge of the valve shall not be used to retain the water. Instead the
valve shall be temporarily fitted with a blank flange, or iq the case of. a
socketed valve, with a plug, and the wedge placed in the open position
while testing. End support shall be given as m 14.2.
14.3 T&ting of Service Pipes a&l Fitting - When the service line is
complete, it shall be slowly and carefully cha 4, cd with water, allowing all

IS t 2965 - 19113

air to escape and avoiding all shock or water hammer. The service shah
then be inspected under working conditions of pressure and flow. When
all draw-off taps are closed, the service pipe shall be absolutely watertight.
All piping, fittings and appliances shall be checked over for satisfactory
support, and protection from damage, corrosion and frost. Because of
the possibility of damage in transit, cisterns shall be re-tested for water
tightness on arrival on the site, before fixing.

15.1 Storage tanks shall be regularly inspected and shall be cleaned out if
necessary. Tanks showing signs of corrosion shall be emptied, thoroughly
wire-brushed to remove loose material ( but not scrapped ), cleaned-and
coated with anti-corrosive paint of inert composition not liable to impart
taste or odour or otherwise contaminate the water. Before cleaning the
cistern, the outlet shah be plugged to prevent debris entering the pipe.
The tank shall be examined for corrosion and water tightness after
15.2 Record drawings showing pipe layout and valve positions shall be kept
up to date and inspection undertaken to ensure that any maintenance
work has not introduced cross-connections or any other undesirable
15.3 Any temporary attachment fixed to a tap or outlet shall never be left
in such a position that back-siphonage of polluted water into the’ supply
system may occur.
15.4 All valves shall be periodically operated to maintain free movement
of the working parts.
15.5 All taps and ball valves shall be inspected for water tightness; glands
shall be made PO&~: washers shall be reolaced and machanism of spring
operated taps &d iall valves shall be reiaired where required.
15.6 All overflow pipes shall be examined and kept free from obstructions.

( Ch.w 4.1 )



I/WC . . . . . . . . . ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby

make application to
the* , . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the temporary/permanent supply
of water/for the following additions and/or alterations to the water supply
requirements and water fittings at the premises, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WardNo .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Street No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Road/Street

known as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the purpose described below and

agree to pay such charges as the Authority may from time to time be
entitled to make and to conform to all their bye-laws and regulations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . licenced phunber, has been
instructed by me/us to carry out the plumbing work.

Description of the premises . . . .. . . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “a. . . . . *. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

Purpose for which water is required . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The connection/connections taken by me/us for temporary use shall

not be used by me/us for permanent supply unless such a permission is
granted to me/us in writing by the Authority.

I/we hereby undertake to give the* . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

due notice of any additions or alterations to the above mentioned supply
which I/we may desire to make.

’ MY/ our requirements of water supply are as under:

a) I/we request that one connection be granted for the whole of the

%m&t here the name of the Authority.

b) I/we request that separate connections may be granted for each
floor and I/we undertake to pay the, cost of the separate connec-

4 My/our probable requirements for trade purposes are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

litres per day, and for domestic purposes are .I. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
litres per day.

4 Our existing supply is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . litres per day.

Our additional requirements of supply is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
litres per day.

4 The details as regards proposed additions and aIterations in fittings

are as follows :

. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘i . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Signature of the licensed plumber Signature(s) of the applicant(s)

Name and’address of the licensed Name and address E of the appli-

plumber ................................. cant(s) ._. ....................................

........................................... ***-*. ........................ . ................

Date .............................. Date ..............................

NOTE l- Please strike out whichever is not applicable.

NoTF.~- The application should be signed by the owner of the premises or his
constituted attorney and shall be countersigned by the licensed plumber.

( qaw 4.3 )



Certified that I/we have completed the plumbing work of water con-
nection No . .._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the premises as detailed below.
This may be mspected and connection given:

Ward No. Road/Street

Block No. House No.
Existing water connection No. ( if any )
Owned by
Owner’s address
Applicant’s name Son of
Size of main on street
Where main is situated
Size of service pipe
Size of ferrule
No. of taps No. of closets
No. of other ‘fittings and appliances
Road cutting and repairing fee
Paid ( Receipt enclosed )

Dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. . . . . . . . . . Signature of licensed plumber,,,,,,

Name and address of the
licensed plumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

..I.. “.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Authorities report :
Certified that the communication and distribution pipes and all water
fittings have been laid, applied and executed in accordance with the
provisions of bye-laws and satisfactory arrangements have been made for
drainaing off waste water.

Connection will be made on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date . . . . . . . . . ..; . . . . . . .**,i... . . The Authority

( Clause 5.4.2)

( &e Fig. 2 )
C-l. Examples of the nomogram are given below:

Example 1
Find the total friction loss in 25 mm 4 G.I. pipe discharging 0.25 l/s
in total length of 300 m.
Q = 0.25 l/s
Pipe 4 = 25 mm
Frictional loss from nomogram = 30 m/l 000 m
30 x 300_9m
Total friction loss in 300 m length -

Examptc 2
Find suitable diameter pipe to carry 15 l/s from service line to over-
head tank,
Total length of service main - 200 m.
Residual pressure available at the take off point on supply line is
15 m.

- 03
04 - e4
-100 v) o
i? -
t 0
- 70 s -- 05
r-60 h ’i
-50 8 2- - 0.6
-40 c 3- % -&7
r 30 a 5y g - O-6
r200 ow
O- - 0.9

,20 c * lo-
-150 I” -1.0
z - P
t -
& - G -
; -10 0 _
6 - 8
-’ d -PS
> _
z ,-.- 5 - 2.0
w -4 ii!_
50 z 200-
3 -
s -3 L -40 2 sbo-
2’ - 3mo
LL -2 5 -30
E 1000 =
9 - 4.0
0 -20


- 0.3
- .0*25
(C- 100 )
38 LL
Available head = 15 m
Deduct residual head - 2m
Deduct 10 percent for losses in bends and specials = I.3 m
Friction head available for loss in pipe of 200 m 1 \:;2; 1.3

Friction head available-for loss, in pipe of 1 0OO.m..

11.7 x 1000
= e: 58.5 m/l 000 m
From the nomogram for a discharge of 15 1/s and friction loss. of
58.5 m/l 000 m dia of nearest commerical size of pipe is 100 mm dia.

( Clause 8.1.13)




D-J.1 To indicate the class of its contents, each pipe shall be marked with
the appropriate primary identification colour as per details given below:

Contents Identification Colour

Water Sea green
Steam Silver grey
Air Sky blue
Drainage and other wastes Black
Gases Canary yellow
Oils Light brown
Acids and alkalis Dark violet
Fire installations Fire red

D-l.2 The colour marking shall be applied to the entire length of pipe or
as a band of colour near valves, junctions, walls, etc. The minimum
width of colour band shall be 25 mm.

D-l.3 Where, in the-usual course of manufacture or to satisfy the require-
ments of any other Indian Standards, the pipes are painted to a required
colour, the identification colour shall be applied after the pipe is fixed
in position. The final colour marking shall not be conflicting with the
provision given in D-1.1.
D-l.4 Charts showing the colours for primary identification should be
displayed at those points where they are likely to be needed for reference.

( Clause9.3.1 )


( Calculated for a pressure of l-0 N/mms )

Diameter End Radial Thrust on Bends of the Following Angles

of Maih Thrust c---- --_-h-,__----__
90” 45O 22) 11)”
mm t t t t t
50 0.196 O-278 O-150 o-077 O-036
80 o-503 0.711 0.385 O-196 o-09 1
100 0.785 1.111 O-601 0.306 0.142
150 1.767 2.499 l-353 O-690 0.321
225 3.976 5.623 3.043 l-551 o-721
300 7.067 9.994 5.409 2.757 1.282
NOTE - For pressuresother than I.0 N/mms, multiplyby the prez.aure
and divide
by 10.

( Clause9.10 )


Sizs of Pipe Internal for I?ltemalf~

Kindof Piping vertical Runs
Horizontal Runs

mm m m

AU sizes 2 3

;: : 22.5

25 2 2.5
32 2.5 3

i 40 2.5
Copper, light gauge s
50 25
65 3 3.5
80 3. 3.5
I 3-5
1100 3
;: 3
i 25 3
I 32
Copper, heavy gauge; 3.5
wrought iron and mild 40
50 3.5
1 65 5
I 80
1 100
( 50 2 2
80 2.5 2.5
Cast iron
100 2.5 2.5

( C&mud&m pagr 2 )
Water Supply and Plumbing Subcommittee, BDC 24 : 1

COnwn8r Rafiwnting
SERI K. D. MULEKAR Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay,
cm ENQINIMB ( bw8laAQl8 ) ( &tmmZtU t0
Shri K. D. Mulekar )
SEEI J. D’Csnz Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay,
SH~I S. A. SWAXY ( Altanute )
SHSI S. G. D~OLALIKAZ~ In personal
capacity (Flat X0. 403, So&i CinaM
Commercial Complex, Greater Rkilash II, .NNW
Delhi 1
SHBI Dlpvm~~ SINQ= In perso& ca acity ( 16, Maya Mahal, 17th Roud,
$ar, Bornf ay )
SEBI K. GOVI~DA MUON TamiaNac Water Supply and Drainage Board,

SHBI T. G. SSIN~P~AN (A&mats )

Smzr W. GOVIXDAN NAIL Public Health Engineering Department,
Government of Kerala, Trivandrum
SEBI N. S. BEAI~AVAX ( Altmute )
SHRI B. R. N. %fPTA Ministry of Defence, Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch,
New Delhi
SH~I S. T. KHAR~ Health Engineering Department,
Government of Maharashtra, Bombay
SEBI A. S. KULEA~NI Municipal Corporation of ‘Greater Bombay
( Bombay Fire Brigade ), Bombay
SEBI V. B. NIKAX ( Alkvnatr )
DE R. P. MATFIU~ University of Roorkee, Roorkee
SH~I P. K. NA~AXKAX Maharashtra Engineering Research Institute,
Na.sik -
SEBIJ. N. K~BDICI ( dltumutr )
SEBI 0. P. RAT~A National Buildinga Organization, New Delhi
SEBI S. K. SEAIOCA Central Building Resea&h Institute ( CSIR ),
S~sr A. K. SETH National Environmental Engineering Research
Institute ( CSIR ), Nagpur
SEBI A. K. BISWA~ ( AStmatr )
SEBI R.S. SUNDABAY Delhi Fire Service, New Delhi
SHBI S. S. L. SE-~. ( Altffnatr )
S-1 D. K. MITBA ( Ahmutr I )
Sss81 I. S. BAWNA (dltrrMlr II )

7’ .


Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones : 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
( Common to all offices)
Regional Ofnces: Telephones
Central : -Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, [ 3311375
331 01 31
NEW DELHI-110002
*Eastern : 1 /I4 C.I.T. Scheme VII M, V. I. P. Road, 36 24 99
Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
Northern : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C, 21843
CHANDlGARH 160036 [ 31641
41 2442
Southern : C. I. T. Campus, MADRAS 600113 41 25 19
41 2916
twestern : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East), 6 32 92 95
BOMBAY 400093
Branch Offices:
‘Pushpak’ Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur,
A,H MEDABAD 380001 [ 26348
2 63 49
*Peenya Industrial Area, 1 st Stage, Bangalore Tumkur Road
BANGALORE 560058 II 38 49 55
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T. T. Nagar, 66716
BHOPAL 462003
Plot No. 82/83, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27
5315, Ward No. 29, R. G. Barua Road, 5th Byelane, 3 31 77
58-56C L. N. Gupta Marg ( Nampally Station Road ), 23 1083
RI 4 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAI PUR 302005
[ 6 98 32
21 68 76
117/418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005
[ 21 8292
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 6 2305 t
T.C. No. 14/1421, University P.O., Palayam 6 21 04 :
TRIVANDRUM 695038 1 62117 ;
Inspection Office (With Sale Point) :
Pushpanjali, 1st Floor, 205-A West High Court Road, 251 71
Shankar Nagar Square,, NAGPUR 440010
Institution of Engir@ers ( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, 52435
PUNE 411005
*Sales Office in Calcutta is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P-0. Princep 27 68 00
Street, Calcutta 700072
fSales Office in Bombay is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, 89 65 28
Bombay 400007
*Sales Ofice in Bangalore is at Unity Building, Narasimharaja Square 22 36 71
Bangalore 560002
Prlntrd at Slmco Printing Press. Delhi, India

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