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Performance Analysis of Conventional Controller for

DC-DC Cuk converter operating in Buck Mode

Y. Thiagarajan, Dr. S. Ashok Kumar and Dr. V.S. Arulmurugan

Assistant Professor /EEE, Excel college of Engineering & Tech, Tamil Nadu, India
Professor /EEE, FEAT, Annamalai University, Chidhambaram, TamilNadu, India
Professor /EEE, Excel college of Engineering & Tech, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract: This paper deals with the design of dc-dc Cuk converter. The converter operation is monitored and
controlled by using conventional control technique. The output voltage is step down with the help of Cuk
converter. Thus the converter is operating in buck mode, which is achieved by reversing the diode direction.
The experimentally validated theoretical results of this paper provide an improved understanding of the
dynamics of the converter beyond the linear regime and this may lead to less conservative control design and
newer applications. In this paper, the converter operation is analyzed for typical switch-mode power supply
applications, where the input voltage varies widely but the output voltage is fixed and is well regulated.

Key words: Cuk converter


Several efforts are being done in order to reduce the

impact of conventional rectifiers on the grid in terms of
power factor and current harmonics. For this purpose,
standard topologies like Boost and Flyback are widely
used. Other converter topologies, like Cuk and Sepic, are
also gaining attention due to their characteristics: high- Fig. 1: DC-DC Cuk converter scheme
frequency insulation, inherent short-circuit protection,
step-up and step-down regulation, reduction of input low-voltage applications. Note, however, that high
current ripple by inductor coupling. voltage devices like IGBT's can be profitably used at high
These latter structures have different operating frequency due to the soft commutation.
modes, some of which are well suited for the use as Power
Factor Pre regulators (PFP's) as shown by Simonetti at al. Circuit Description: Let us consider the dc-dc Cuk
Brkovic and Cuk. This operating mode feautures: unity converter. Its main waveforms are reported in Figure 2 and
power factor at constant duty cycle and switching are drawn in the hypothesis of negligible ripples on
frequency; zero voltage switching at turn-off and inductor currents and output capacitor voltage. As we
reduction of reactive element values. The converter is first can see looking at voltage U1 across energy transfer
analyzed with inductive output filter (current-fed capacitor C1, this operating mode requires that, at every
approach, Freeland (4)) and power stage design criteria switching cycle, capacitor C1 is discharged to zero by the
are given. It is shown that the use of variable frequency output inductor current. The switching period is divided
control overcomes the problem of limited load range. in three intervals D1Ts, D2Ts, D3Ts.
Then, the same converter with capacitive output filter During the first one, the switch is on while the diode
(voltage-fed) stresses and associated reverse recovery of is still off and C1 is discharged by current I2. During D2Ts
the freewheeling diode this approach is appealing only for both switch and diode are on and C1 is short-circuited

Corresponding Author: Hesam Saiedy, Department of Industrial Management, Kar University, Qazvin, Iran.

Fig 1 Dc-dc Cuk converter scheme using voltage-

balance condition across L1, maximum voltage This
equation shows that this operating mode causes high
voltage stress across the devices.

Design of Conventional Controller: Many industrial

processes are non-linear and are thus complicated to be
described mathematically. However, it is known that a
good many non-linear processes can satisfactorily be
controlled using PID controllers provided that controllers’
parameters are tuned well. Practical experience shows that
this type of control has a lot of sense since it is simple
and based on three basic behavior types or modes:
proportional (P), integrative (I) and derivative (D). Instead
of using a small number of complex controllers, a larger
number of simple PID controllers is used to control
processes in an industrial assembly in order to automate
the certain more complex process. Controllers of different
types such as P, PI and PD are today basic building
blocks in control of various processes.
In spite of simplicity, they can be used to solve even
a very complex control problem, especially when
combined with different functional blocks, filters
(compensators or correction blocks), selectors etc.
Fig. 2: Switching diagram of cuk converter
A continuous development of new control algorithms
insure that the PID controller has not become obsolete
and that this basic control algorithm will have its part to
play in process control in foreseeable future. It can be
expected that it will be a backbone of many complex
control systems. While proportional and integrative
modes are also used as single control modes, a derivative
mode is rarely used in control systems.
Basic DC-DC conversion involves modifying the
output of a dc power to a load. This includes lowering,
Fig. 3: Block diagram of PI controller raising or inverting the supply voltage. To ensure that the
dc-dc converter output meets the load requirements a
until the switch is turned off, starting the recharging controller operates a dc- dc converter to force the
phase (interval D3Ts). Note that the switch turn off converter output to match a desired output. For a varying
occurs at zero voltage. where D is the duty-cycle. From desired output or changing loads conventional controllers
the voltage balance across L2 and the current balance in are employed.
C1 we can write respectively:
Substituting (3) and (4) in (2) and using the power The standard way of testing a plant with controller is
balance condition (efficiency is assumed unity), the made under the following modes:
voltage conversion. As for any converter operating in Without disturbances.
discontinuous mode, the voltage conversion ratio Input disturbance at a particular instant
depends on the load resistance. The square root Effect of load variation
dependence on RL allows use of this topology as Reference tracking ability of the controller
"automatic current shaper" when employed as a rectifier.
This means that a sinusoidal input current can be In PI controller K takes a measured value from (or)
achieved without duty cycle modulation along the line other apparatus and compares it with a reference set point
period. value. The difference (or error signal) is then used to


Table I: Simulation Parameters proportional system either oscillates, moving back and
PARAMETER VALUES forth around the set point because there is nothing to
Load resistance RL 100 remove the error when it overshoots, or oscillates and for
Switching frequency fS 50 kHz
stabilizers at a too low or too high value. By adding a
Input voltage V1 10V
Output voltage V2 8V
proportion of the average error to the process input, the
capacitor C1 5 µF average difference between the process output and the
capacitor C2 5 µF set point is continuously reduced. Therefore, eventually,
Inductor L1 30µH a well tuned PI process input will settle down at the set
Inductor L2 100 µH point.

adjust some input to the process in order to bring the Tuning Method: “Tuning” a controlled loop is the
processes measured value back to its desired set point. adjustment of its control parameters [ gain-proportional
The conventional control has two modes band, integral gain/rate] to the optimum values for the
Continuous control modes desired control response.
Composite control modes The optimum behavior on a process change (or) set
point change varies depending on the applications. Some
Here a composite control mode occurs that is nothing process does not allow an over shoot of the process
but a PI controller. The name PI is named after its to variable from the set point. Other processes must
correcting calculations whose sum constitutes the output minimize the energy expended in reaching a new set point.
of PI controller. Generally, stability of the response is required and
the process must not oscillate for any combination of
Proportional: To handle the immediate error, the error is process conditions and set points. Tuning of loops is
multiplied by a constant p [for proportional] and added to made more complicated by the response time of the
the controlled quantity. P is only valid in the band over process, it may take minutes or hours for a set point
which a controller’s output is proportional to the error of change to produce a stable effect.
the system. Here Ziegler-Nichols PI tuning method is used. A
system with step response can be approximated by the
Integral: To learn from the past, the error is integrated transfer function,
giving a period of time and then multiplied by a constant
I and added to the controlled quantity. A simple G(s) = [K/(1+sT)]e-sL

Fig. 4: Startup voltage


Fig. 5: Startup Current

Fig. 6: Output Voltage with line disturbance

Fig. 7: Output Current with Line Disturbance


Fig. 8: Output Voltage with Load Disturbance

Fig. 9: Output Current with Load Disturbance

The limitations for Ziegler-Nichols rule is that it is show the simulated output voltage and current with set
applicable if x < L/T < y and for the systems with larger point change from 10V to 8V at t=0.02sec and 8V to 10V at
value of L/T. it is advantageous to go for some other t=0.04sec. The output voltage and current with PI control
tuning methods. and 10% load disturbance are shown in Figs. 8 and 9.
The above simulation results show that the proposed PI
The output equation for the PI controller, control regulates the output voltage satisfactorily under
Output (t) = P contribute + I contribute.
Simulation Results: The regulatory responses obtained
by simulation using Matlab software with PI control under Cuk converter is one of the topology of boost buck
supply and load disturbances for continuous mode of converter. The topology features a single rounded switch
operation of the converter are presented in this section. and unlike the cascade, is easily isolated and provided
Figs. 4 and 5 show the simulated start up transient of with multiple outputs of either polarity. The advantages
output voltage and current of cuk converter with PI of Cuk converter are wider output voltage range,
controller for set point=10V with 100Ù load. Figs. 6 and 7 increasing the charging flexibility, improved line drawn


power quality of the input supply. Both input and output 3. Simonetti, D.S.L., J. Sebastian and J. Uceda, 1997.
currents are smoothed by the inductors. So, nowadays The discontinuous conduction mode sepic and cuk
the Cuk converters are widely used in industrial power factor preregulators analysis and design, IEEE
applications. Transaction Indus, Electron, 44(5): 630-637.
4. Cuk, S. and R.D. Middle brook, 1977. A general
REFERENCES unified approach to modeling switching DC-to-DC
converters in discontinuous conduction mode, in
1. Brkovic, M. and S. Cuk, 1992. INTELEC Conf. Proc., Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf., pp: 36-57.
pp: 532- 539. 5. Schenk, K. and S. Cuk, 1998. Small signal analysis of
2. King, R.J., 1991. IEEE Trans. on Industrial converters with multiple discontinuous conduction
Electronics, 38(2): 126-134. modes, in Proc. IEEE Power Electron. Spec. Conf.,
1: 623-629.

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