Sokrat - "I Know That I Know Nothing": 1. Dio Prezentacije - Life
Sokrat - "I Know That I Know Nothing": 1. Dio Prezentacije - Life
Sokrat - "I Know That I Know Nothing": 1. Dio Prezentacije - Life
His philosophy is a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions, and is a type
of pedagogy in which a series of questions are asked not only to draw individual
answers, but to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand. It is Plato's
Socrates that also made important and lasting contributions to the fields
of epistemology and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains
strong in providing a foundation for a lot of western philosophy that followed.
Socrates did not write philosophical texts. The knowledge of the man, his life, and his
philosophy is based on writings of his students and contemporaries. The difficulty of
finding the “real” Socrates arises because these works are often philosophical or
dramatic texts rather than straightforward histories. In general, Plato is viewed as the
most reliable and informative source about Socrates' life and philosophy. At the same
time, in some works Plato pushed his literary version of "Socrates" far beyond
anything the historical Socrates was likely to have done or said.
Despite claiming loyalty to his city, Socrates clashed with the current course of
Athenian politics and society. Plato refers to Socrates as the "gadfly" of the state (as
the gadfly stings the horse into action, so Socrates stung Athens), insofar as he
irritated the establishment with considerations of justice and the pursuit of goodness.
His attempts to improve the Athenians' sense of justice may have been the source of
his execution.
After drinking the poison, he was instructed to walk around until his legs felt numb.
After he lay down, the man who administered the poison pinched his foot. Socrates
could no longer feel his legs. The numbness slowly crept up his body until it reached
his heart. Shortly before his death, Socrates speaks his last words to Crito: "Crito, we
owe to Asclepius. Please, don't forget to pay the debt." Asclepius was the Greek god
for curing illness, and it is likely Socrates' last words meant that death is the cure—
and freedom, of the soul from the body.
To illustrate the use of the Socratic method; a series of questions are posed to help a
person or group to determine their underlying beliefs and the extent of their
knowledge. The Socratic method is a negative method of hypothesis elimination, in
that better hypotheses are found by steadily identifying and eliminating those which
lead to contradictions.
4. Dio prezentacije --> Minor socratic schools
The teaching of Socrates had had two main points: the concept and morality or
ethics. However, not all Socrates' disciples succeeded in understanding the
profundity of the master's teaching.
Some people had believed that the Socratic concept was not much different from
Protagoras' "man -- measure-of-all-things," and that the good was the same as
the one of Parmenides. The others, after the death of Socrates, returned to their
native cities and opened schools. These schools were called Minor Socratic Schools:
Socratic, because after the example of Socrates they were interested in the
knowledge of morality; Minor, because the thought of Socrates was not expounded
for its own good but with inclinations toward former positions.
1. Megarian school – Good is the ideal, it's perfect and because of it's perfection
it can't be changed
2. Cyrenaic school – the Good can be found in permanent pleasure; by boosting
the pleasure, ideal is closer to achivment
3. Cynic school – a person is happiest when he needs nothing
i. He knew to stand in one place, for days untill he „got the point“ of what
he was thinking
ii. He would just pull in people into conversations with questions
iii. He would walk around Athena all day long from square to square and
just talk to unknown citizens
iv. There were gossips about him cheating on his wife
v. Once he said about his marriage: „if you want to know how to treat
horses, first you need to learn how to treat a wild horse.“
vi. He belived that he was capable of giving birth to wisedom in yet not
aware wise man, because he wasn't wise, and also because his mom
was midwife