Gas Nitriding: Tool & Die Making
Gas Nitriding: Tool & Die Making
Gas Nitriding: Tool & Die Making
Gas Nitriding
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Gas nitriding is a case-hardening process whereby nitrogen is introduced into
the surface of a solid ferrous alloy by holding the metal at a suitable
temperature in contact with a nitrogenous gas, usually ammonia. The nitriding
temperature for all steels is between 495 and 565°C (925 and 1050°F).
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Principal reasons for nitriding are:
Nitridable Steels
Of the alloying elements commonly used in commercial steels, aluminum,
Material chromium, vanadium, tungsten, and molybdenum are beneficial in nitriding
Aluminum because they form nitrides that are stable at nitriding temperatures.
Alu comparison table Molybdenum, in addition to its contribution as a nitride former, also reduces the
Aluminum Tempering risk of embrittlement at nitriding temperatures. Other alloying elements, such
Carbon Steel as nickel, copper, silicon, and manganese, have little, if any, effect on minding
Copper alloy characteristics.
Low alloys Although at suitable temperatures all steels are capable of forming iron nitrides
Material nations & in the presence of nascent nitrogen, the nitriding results are more favorable in
Equivalents those steels that contain one or more of the major nitride-forming alloying
Nickel alloys elements. Because aluminum is the strongest nitride former of the common
Stainless Steel alloying elements, aluminum-containing steels (0.85 to 1.50% Al) yield the best
Stainless Steel nitriding results in terms of total alloy content. Chromium-containing steels can
comparison table approximate these results if their chromium content is high enough. Unalloyed
Tool Steel equivalent carbon steels are not well suited to gas nitriding because they form an
Tungsten Carbide extremely brittle case that spalls readily, and the hardness increase in the
Wrought stainless Steel diffusion zone is small. 4/4/2012
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Nitriding Process
Quality Control Prior Heat Treatment. All hardenable steels must be hardened and tempered
AQL before being nitrided. The tempering temperature must be high enough to
Process Capability CPK guarantee structural stability at the nitriding temperature: the minimum
Sampling plan tempering temperature is usually at least 30°C (50°F) higher than the
Level I, II, III maximum temperature to be used in nitriding.
In certain alloys, such as series 4100 and 4300 steels, hardness of the nitrided
case is modified appreciable by core hardness: that is, a decrease in core
Engineering Plastic hardness results in a decrease in case hardness. Consequently, in order to
Machining of plastic obtain maximum case hardness, these steels are usually provided with
Selection of plastic maximum core hardness by being tempered at the minimum allowable
tempering temperature.
The first stage of the double-stage process is, except for time, a duplication of
the single-stage process. The second stage may proceed at the nitriding
temperature employed for the first; stage, or the temperature may be increased
to from 550 to 565°C (1025 to 1050°F): however, at either temperature, the
rate of dissociation in the second stage is increased to 65 to 80% (preferably,
75 to 80%). Generally, an external ammonia dissociator is necessary for
obtaining the required higher second-stage dissociation.
Furnace Purging. After loading and sealing the furnace at the start of the
nitriding cycle, it is necessary to purge the air from the retort before the furnace
is heated to a temperature above 150°C (300°F). This prevents oxidation of
parts and furnace components, and, when ammonia is used as the purging
atmosphere, avoids production of a potentially explosive mixture. Nitrogen is
preferred in place of ammonia for purging, but the same precautions should be 4/4/2012
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Close furnace and start flow of anhydrous ammonia gas at as fast a flow rate
as is practical with first step.
Set furnace temperature control at 150°C (300°F) simultaneously. Heat furnace
to this temperature but do not exceed.
When the furnace has been purged to the degree that 10% or less air and 90%
or more ammonia are present in the retort, the furnace may be heated to the
nitriding temperature.
It is not feasible to incorporate preoxidation as part of the cycle unless nitrogen
is available as a purging medium at the end of the 320°C (625°F) oxidizing
stage. Under no circumstances should ammonia be introduced into a furnace
containing air at 330°C (625°F) because of the explosion hazard.
Purging is employed also at the conclusion of the nitriding cycle when the
furnace is cooled from the nitriding temperature. It is common practice to
remove the ammonia remaining in the retort with nitrogen to reduce the amount
of ammonia that would otherwise be released into the immediate area when
the load is removed. Dilution of the ammonia lessens the discomfort to
employees working near the furnace. The introduction of nitrogen into the retort
can be delayed until the nitrided parts have cooled to below 150°C (300°F). 4/4/2012
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