10 SBU Atwari, Raziur Paper
10 SBU Atwari, Raziur Paper
10 SBU Atwari, Raziur Paper
Abstract: Atwari upazilla is situated in the furthest north region of Bangladesh. Its outlying location and remoteness
made it unique in the traditional use of medicinal plants by the local people. Since, there is no previous report indicating
conduct of ethnobotanical study in this area. The present study thus attempted to document knowledge on uses and
management practices of medicinal plants by the local people in study area. The medicinal use information has been
documented by interviewing randomly selected traditional healers, various elderly men and women following different
ethnobotanical methods/techniques during October 2014-June 2015. Recorded plants species have been collected, identified
and preserved at the Chittagong University Herbarium (CTGUH). A total of 97 vascular plant species belonging to 86
genera of 53 families have been documented which are used to treat 47 diseases/illness. In context to the number of species,
the most frequent used family is Fabaceae. According to life form, herb (49.48%) is used most frequently and the most
utilized plant parts are leaves (34.58%). A total of 25 local healers have been interviewed. Of them 88% were above 31
years. Most of the information has been documented form the male informants (96). This study showed that local people
still depends on plants around them for the treatment of various ailments and diseases. From the present study, it can be
concluded that further scientific studies conducted with the plants can lead to discovery of novel phytochemicals and
Keywords: Atwari, Panchagarh, ethnobotany, medicinal plants, drug discovery.
* Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh, E-mail: omf@cu.ac.bd
the northern part of the country is not as bestowed Bernard 2002). Six repeated field trips have been
naturally as rest of the country, but there still present conducted during October 2014 to June 2015 and 38
lot of different natural treasures and their methods interviews have been made among 25 informants.
of application in the day-to-day life of the The information collected followed by
inhabitants of the locality. Atwari is an Upazila of recommended techniques, viz: direct observation,
Panchagarh district in the division of Rangpur, field interview, plant interview and group interview
Bangladesh, with an area of 209.92 sq. km is (Alexiades 1996, Martin 2004, Thomas et al 2007).
bounded by West Bengal on the north, Panchagarh Several types of questions (direct, indirect, open or
sadar upazila on the north-east, Boda upazila on the closed) have been used during the fieldwork. In
east, Thakurgaon sadar and Baliadangi upazilas on addition, an audio recording was done by using
the south, and Indian border on the west. Due to its voice recorder.
remoteness the vegetation and the socio-cultural,
ethnobiological culture and practices are quite ENUMERATION OF TAXA
different from the rest of the country. Distant
Plants have been collected, dried and preserved at
location is also a curse to this place because this place
the Chittagong University Herbarium (CTGUH)
is still mostly devoid of modern cultures and trends.
with voucher number. Plants are identified with
The most diversified and reach vegetation of the
author citation by reviewing taxonomist and recent
country is situated in the south-west and
book (Pasha and Uddin, 2013). Recorded plant
southeastern part, yet Atwari has some precious
species have been tabulated along with their local
natural gifts and unique ethno biological practices.
name, family, parts used, illness treated and using
The new generations are getting more and more
information and frequency of distribution (Table 1).
interest to the modern allopathic practices instead
of following their ancestors. This trend is seriously
threatening the age-old traditions and cultures of RESULTS
the local people. That necessitated the proper Total 25 informants have been selected for the
documentation, elaborated research and present study. The informants consisted of 96% male
conservation of the age-old ethnobotanical practices, and only 4% female. According to the age, most
because all of these might result in discovery of informants were near 31-45years (40%) old and
important and noble phytochemicals and drugs as other interviewees were 46-60 years (28%) old,
well. followed by more than 60 years (20%) old,
respectively (Table 2).
A number of ethno-medicinal studies in
Bangladesh have been carried by Rahman et al., Throughout the survey, a total number of 97
(2007), Yusuf et al., (2006, 2007), Roy et al., (2008), species under 86 genera in 53 families have been
Faruque and Uddin, (2011), Mohiuddin et al., (2012), recorded include different life forms, viz:, herb (48),
Uddin et al., (2006, 2011, 2012), and Sajib and Uddin tree (30), shrub (12) and climber (7). In context to
(2013). However, no specific work has been done the number of species the most frequently used
on the medicinal plants of rural community of family were Fabaceae (8), followed by
Atwari Upazila. The present study intends to Caesalpiniaceae (5), Liliaceae (4), Euphorbiaceae (4),
document the information on the plants used for Asteraceae (4) and Amaranthaceae (4). (Table 3).
medicinal purposes at Atwari. Various plant parts have been found to be
widely used for the treatment of 47 (table:4) types
METHOD OF STUDY of diseases/illness. The most widely used plant
A multidisciplinary approached fieldwork parts were leaves (34.58%) followed by fruits
combines botanical inventories, collection of plant (18.69%), roots (12.15%), seeds (9.35%) and whole
specimens, structured, semi structured, and plant (6.54%). (figure 1). The maximum utilized
informal interviews and classic anthropological plant part were leaves by them it is indicate that
participant observation techniques (Vogl et al 2004; they are conservative in plant uses because it does
No Scientific name Local name Family Habit Disease/ Illness Parts Using information Frequency of
(Voucher number) treated used occurance
1 Abroma augusta (L.) Ulatkambal Sterculiaceae Shrub Urinary irritations Bark Bark extract is taken a cup of full once a day Common
jaundice, asthma.
14 Alstonia scholaris (L.) Chatim Apocynaceae Tree Ulcer Sap Milky juice is taken to treat ulcer once a day Occasional
R. Br. (ARI1016) until cure.
least concern
No Scientific name Local name Family Habit Disease/ Illness Parts Using information Frequency of
(Voucher number) treated used occurance
15 Amaranthus spinosus L. Katanoty Amaranthaceae Herb Dysentery Root Root juice along with sugar or molasses is Common
(ARI1020) given in dysentery
16 Amaranthus viridis L. Notey Amaranthaceae Herb Bronchitis Leaves Leave extract is taken to treat bronchitis Common
17 Ananus comosus (L.) Anaras Bromeliaceae Herb Intestinal disorder. Immature Juice of leaf is taken one teaspoon full once a Common
Merr. (ARI1039) Leaves, day for three days for the treatment of
Sucker intestinal disorder.
18 Andrographis paniculata Kalomegh Acanthaceae Herb Liver Whole plant extract taken to treat liver cirrhosis Common
(Burm.f.) Wall. ex cirrhosis plant
Nees. (ARI1043)
19 Annona reticulata L. Ata Annonaceae Tree Tumors Leaves Leaves extract is taken to treat tumors Common
20 Neolamarckia cadamba Kadam Rubiaceae Tree Coolant & Fruit Fruits is taken as coolant & Analgesic occasional
(Roxb.) Bosser Analgesic
21 Aphanamixis polystachya Pitraj Meliaceae Tree Rheumatism Seed Seed oil is applied to treat rheumatism Common
(wall.) R. Parker
least concern
22 Areca catechu L. Shupari Arecaceae Tree Urinary irritation Fruit Seed is taken to treat urinary irritation Abundant
23 Argemone maxicana L. Shialkanta Papaveraceae Herb Cancer Latex Latex is taken to treat cancer twice a day Common
(ARI1008) for 30 days.
24 Artocarpus lacucha Dewa Moraceae Tree Skin disease Bark An infusion of the bark is applied for Common
Buch-Ham. skin disease
25 Asparagus racemosus Satamuli Liliaceae Herb Gastritis Root Pasted of root is taken one spoon full once Common
Willd. (ARI1031) a day for three days for the treatment of
26 Averrhoa carambola L. Kamranga Oxalidaceae Tree Tonic, Fruit Fruit is used to treat jaundice, taken two or Abundant
(ARI1029) Jaundice. three times until cure; it is also used as tonic.
Khondakar Raziur Rahman, Mohammed Omar Faruque, Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin and Imam Hossen
27 Azadirachta indica A. Nim Meliaceae Tree Skin disease Leaves, Powder of leaf\bark is taken one teaspoon Abundant
Juss. (ARI1001) Bark. full twice a day for three days against skin
28 Basella rubra L. Puishak Basellaceae climber Constipation, Leaves, The juice of the leaves is taken in constipation, Common
29 Bombax ceiba L. Shimul Bombacaceae Tree Dysentery Root Extract of young root is taken one teaspoon Common
(ARI1006) full twice a day for three days.
30 Cajanus cajan (L.) Arhar Fabaceae Shrub Jaundice Seed Paste of leaves mixed with bark of mango, Common
43 Citrullus lanatus Tormuj Cucurbitaceae Climber Coolant Fruit Ripe fruits is taken as coolant. Common
(Thunb.) Matsumura
& Nakai (ARI1053)
contd. table 1
No Scientific name Local name Family Habit Disease/ Illness Parts Using information Frequency of
(Voucher number) treated used occurance
44 Citrus aurantiifolia Lebu Rutaceae Shrub Sinusitis, Leaves, Smashed leaves are effective on vomiting Abundant
(Christm.) Swingle Vomiting and Fruit and sinusitis. Fruit extract with sugar is
(ARI1056) Energetic. energetic, taken twice a day for three days.
45 Citrus maxima (Burm.f.) Jambura Rutaceae Tree Asthma Fruit Fruits is taken to treat asthma. Common
Merr. (ARI1063)
46 Cleome gynandra L. Sada Capparaceae Herb Tumors Root Root is taken to treat tumors. Abundant
(ARI1076) hurhure
47 Clerodendrum indicum Bamunhatti Verbenaceae Shrub Asthma Root Root paste is taken to treat asthma. Common
(L.) Kuntze (ARI1072)
48 Clerodendrum viscosum Bhat Verbenaceae Shrub Fever, Cough Immature Leaves extract with 21 black pepper is taken Abundant
Vent. (ARI1074) and Cold Leaves one teaspoon full once a day for 21 days to
cure Fever, cough and cold.
49 Coccinia grandis (L.) Telakucha Cucurbitaceae Climber Diabetes Whole Juice of plant is taken to diabetes. Common
Voigt (ARI1064) plant
50 Cocos nucifera L Narikel, Arecaceae Tree Intestinal Fruit Drinking of green coconut heals intestinal Abundant
(ARI1042) dab disorder, Fever disorder, taken twice a day for three days.
and Urinary Fruit is useful in fever and urinary
irritations irritations.
51 Colocasia esculenta (L.) Kachu Araceae Herb Tumors Leaves Leaves juice is taken to treat tumors. Abundant
Schott (ARI1061)
Least Concern
52 Commelina benghalensis L. Dholpata Commelinaceae Herb Cuts and Stem Stem sap is applied to stop cuts and wounds. Common
(ARI1081) wounds
Least Concern
53 Crotalaria juncea L. Shonpat Fabaceae Herb Hair tonic, Seed seed is applied to treat skin disease and Abundant
(ARI1078) Skin diseases hair tonic.
54 Crotalaria verrucosa L. Jhanjhani Fabaceae Herb Dyspepsia Leaves leaves is taken to treat dyspepsia. Common
55 Cucumis sativus L. Shasha Cucurbitaceae Climber Energetic, Fruit Green fruit is energetic, taken 250 gm Common
(ARI1077) Obesity twice a day every day; it is also used to
reduce fat from the body.
Khondakar Raziur Rahman, Mohammed Omar Faruque, Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin and Imam Hossen
56 Curcuma longa L. Halud Zingiberaceae Herb Blood purifier, Rhizome Paste of the rhizome along with Abundant
(ARI1084) Diabetes Azadirachta indica leaf is taken one glass
every day in the morning in empty
stomach to control diabetes; it is also
blood purifies blood.
57 Cyperus rotandus L. Mutha, Cyperaceae Herb Dysentery Root Extract of root mixed with 2-5 black pepper Common
(ARI1087) Kalna taken one teaspoon full thrice a day for seven
Least Concern days to cure dysentery.
70 Heliotropium indicum L. Hatisur Boraginaceae Herb Dysentery Root Root extract is taken one teaspoon full Abundant
(ARI1086) once a day for three days in the morning
on empty stomach to cure dysentery.
contd. table 1
No Scientific name Local name Family Habit Disease/ Illness Parts Using information Frequency of
(Voucher number) treated used occurance
71 Justicia adhatoda L. Basak Acanthaceae Shrub Cough Leaves Leaf extract with zinger & black pepper is Common
(ARI1085) taken one tea spool full twice a day until
cure to treat cough.
72 Kalanchoe pinnata Patharkuchi Crassulaceae Herb Urinary Mature Mature leaves extract is taken thrice a day Common
(Lam.) Pers. (ARI1046) irritations Leaves for three days to treat urinary irritations.
73 Lablab purpureus (L.) Shim Fabaceae Herb Skin Leaves, Paste of leaf mixed with salt and applied to Abundant
Sweet Subsp: disease seed the affected area once a day for three days
purpureus (ARI1006) to cure skin diseases.
74 Leucas aspera (Roth) Dulfi Lamiaceae Herb Skin Leaves The juice of leaves is applied in psoriasis Abundant
Spreng. (ARI1016) disease and other skin eruption.
75 Melastoma Datrenga, Melastomataceae Shrub Jaundice Fruit Fruit is taken twice a day for five days to Abundant
malabathricum L. Lutki treat jaundice
76 Mimosa pudica L. Lojjaboti Mimosaceae Shrub Toothache Root Root extract is taken one tea spoon full once Abundant
(ARI1049) a day for three days to treat toothache
Least Concern
77 Moringa oleifera Lam. Sajina Moringaceae Tree Cold and cough Bark Bark extract is taken 50 gm twice a day for Common
(ARI1023) two days to treat cold and cough.
78 Musa paradisiaca L. Aittakola Musaceae Herb Dysentery, Fruit The unripe fruit is taken to control diabetes, Abundant
(ARI1047) Diabetes. also used to treat chronic dysentery.
79 Nigella sativa L. Kalojira Ranunculaceae Herb Jaundice, Cough Seed Powder of seed is taken one teaspoon full Common
(ARI1057) and Piles. once a day for three days for the treatment
of jaundice also used to cure cough and piles.
80 Ocimum suave Willd. Tulsi Lamiaceae Shrub Fever, Cough. Immature Leaf extract is taken to cure from fever and Common
(ARI1085) Leaves cough, taken one teaspoon full once a day
for three days.
81 Polygonum lapathifolium Bishkatali Polygonaceae Shrub To control insect Whole Plant extract is applied in the rice field as an Abundant
L. var. lapathifolium shada of rice field plant insecticide.
82 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Khajur Arecaceae Tree Stomach Sab Sap is taken to treat stomach pain, taken one Common
Roxb. (ARI1101) pain glass once a day until cure.
Khondakar Raziur Rahman, Mohammed Omar Faruque, Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin and Imam Hossen
83 Phyllanthus emblica L. Amloki Euphorbiaceae Tree Blood pressure, Fruit, Root extract is taken one teaspoon full once a Common
(ARI1120) Liver cirrhosis, Root day for seven days to treat sensuality. Fruit is
Sensuality; used used in blood pressure & liver diseases.
as a hair tonic. Fruit oil is also used in hair tonic.
contd. table 1
84 Piper longum L. Pipul Piperaceae Herb Cough Fruit Fruit with boiling water or tea is taken twice Occasional
(ARI1131) a day for three days to cure cough.
85 Piper nigrum L Golmarich Piperaceae Climber Cough and Fruit Extract of the fruit taken to treat cough and Common
Khondakar Raziur Rahman, Mohammed Omar Faruque, Shaikh Bokhtear Uddin and Imam Hossen
Table 2
List of Families
Table 4
Recorded disease/ illness treated
as ‘data deficient’ (Alstonia scholaris) and 10 plant species has not yet been assessed for the IUCN Red
species were recorded as ‘least concern’. The other List (figure 3).
Figure 3: Comparative representation of data of local and IUCN red list data
course of study. They also want to thank to the senior faculty Rahnman, M.A., Uddin, S.B. and Wilcock, C.C. (2007),
of the same institute for helping in identification of plants and Medicinal plants used by Chakma tribe in Hill tracts
suggestions. districts of Bangladesh. Indian J. Traditional Knowledge,
6(3), pp. 508-517.
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