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Age of Chivalry: Hegemony: Installation

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Age of Chivalry: Hegemony v2.

Kor Bosch / Andrew Dunn

Thank you for downloading Age of Chivalry: Hegemony!

Before installation, make sure your copy of Age of Empires II: The Conquerors has
the C-patch installed. If you have the Gold Edition or Collectors Edition, there is a
good chance the patch was automatically installed. In that case, don’t install it
If you do not have the patch, however, you can download it here:

Suffice it to say, no spyware is included with Age of Chivalry.

To install Age of Chivalry, simply run “Install Age of Chivalry.exe”. All the files will be
extracted to their correct location. No files of the original game will be affected.

To uninstall Age of Chivalry, you should run the Uninstall Age of Chivalry.exe, a file
that will appear on your desktop after installation. The uninstall file will also be
accessible from the Start menu.

Where to start?
We realise new players may be overwhelmed by many of the new features available
to them in Age of Chivalry. To provide you with some support, we’ve included a
number of documents that give a brief rundown of the many features, including a
technology tree and a list with civilization bonuses. You can find these files in the
Support folder, available from your Start menu.

Furthermore, it is advised you play with the Advanced Help enabled. The help lists
some of Age of Chivalry’s features and gives pointers on how to use units and
buildings, as well as giving some additional historical background.

To help designers and scripters, we’ve also included files with lists of the new
heroes, units, buildings, and technologies. There’s also a document included which
explains how the new features affect the scenario editor.


Version 2.03 (24-12-2018)

General changes
 Now utilises Userpatch 1.5.
 Random map scripts have been adjusted so they no longer provide desert or
jungle terrains, unless appropriate for the map (such as in the cases of Arabia
or Yucatan)

Gameplay changes
 Brandenburg: picking the Teutonic Order policy decision will cause the faction
to be renamed to Teutonic Order.

 Denmark: picking the Kalmar Union policy decision will cause the faction to
be renamed to Kalmar Union.

 England: Combined Arms no longer gives +1 range to Archers.

 England: Combined Arms no longer gives +1 attack to Routiers/Ecorcheurs.
 England: Routiers and Ecorcheurs now have +1 attack by default.

 Florence: fixed a bug where Granulated Gunpowder did not get the 25%
university building discount, which is part of its faction bonus.
 Florence: Banking is now free, rather than receiving a 50% discount.

 Genoa: the Guelfi and Ghibellini Policy Decisions have been renamed to
Rampini and Mascherati, the local Genoese names for the same factions.

 Naples: after researching Durazzo Angevins, the free Berroviere upgrade now
requires the player to first have researched Light Cavalry.
 Naples: the tech tree now correctly displays that the Feditore (Italian Trooper)
is unavailable.

 Savoy: Serpentine/Falconet minimum range changed to 1, maximum range

changed to 8.

 Saxony: picking the Hanseatic League policy decision will cause the faction to
be renamed to Hanseatic League.

 German Militia now always speak German.
 Renamed Scorpion and H. Scorpion to Springald and Great Springald.

Graphical changes
 Complete new building graphics sets for Genoa, Florence, Milan, Naples,
Papal States, Venice.
 New graphics for Doppelsöldner and Almugavar, made by jorgito_aqua.
 New graphics for the Man-at-Arms for the German and Italian factions, made
by jorgito_aqua.
 The turkey has been replaced with the chicken, graphics from 0AD, rendered
by Achesun. In addition, an editor-only chicken has been added to the editor
which behaves like a deer (under Gaia, Units).
 Fixed instances where Bombard Tower and Watch Tower/Guard Tower/Keep
used different building sets for the same faction.
 Fixed sail animations on the move for Galley, Galleass, Longship.
 Fixed idle sail animations for War Cog and Holk.
 Restored Great Fish (Dolphin), replacing one of the duplicate Marlins, using
graphics compiled by Agamemmnon.
 New editor unit: Doe, from the Wildlife Pack by Vardamir.

Scenario editor changes

 New editor building: Triumphal Arch (Fortified).
 New editor building: Vatican Basilica.
 New editor building: Vatican Courtyard
 New editor object: Roman Ruins (Small). Renamed the other two Roman
Ruins buildings to ‘Roman Ruins (Large)’ and ‘Roman Ruins (Medium)’ for
ease of use.
 New editor object: Wood Pile, extracted from AoK by jan dc/den cekke.
 New editor object: Pillars, partly extracted from AoK by jan dc/den cekke.
 New editor object: Willow Tree, made by Lord Tael'Endyr and taken from his
‘Enchanted Forest’ mod pack.
 New editor object: Forest Floor, made by Agamemmnon for his Expansion.
 New editor object: Grass 2, made by Agamemmnon for his Expansion.
 New editor object: Cypress Tree, made by jorgito_aqua.

 New editor object: Stone Bridge, imported from Rise of the Rajas.
 New editor object: Marsh Tree, by the Expanding Fronts team, imported via
the Realms mod by Vardamir.
 New editor object: Reeds, by the Expanding Fronts team, imported via the
Realms mod by Vardamir.
 New editor object: Wheat Sheaves, made by Pesquiera, for his HD Graphic
 New editor object: Plant 2 & 3, made by Pesquiera, for his HD Graphic
 New editor object: Dead Tree, from the Tales of Middle Earth mod.
 New editor objects: Rock 7 (mossy rock), Rock (Water) 1 & 2 and Rock
(Snow) 1 & 2, from the Tales of Middle Earth mod.

 Translation support: all scenario text (excluding only scenario and campaign
titles) is now stored in the language.dll file, to facilitate translation into other
 Documentation: the musical credits can now be found in a separate Word file
in your Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\Games\Age of Chivalry\Support\
 Documentation: the data_aok.xml file, for use with Trigger Studio, has been

Version 2.02 (15-05-2017)

 New building graphics for Liège.
 Correctly set the garrisoning flags for military/naval training buildings.
 The Houfnice has new graphics, thanks to Daniel Pereira!
 Fixed the sails of the Demolition Ship.
 Resolved consistency problems with the sails of Brandenburg, Brittany,
Burgundy, Friesland, and Liège.
 New real world map: Baltic Sea, made by into darkness. Thanks!
 Fixed a serious bug affecting Flanders’ 15th century tech selection.
 Added Sheep Shearing and Sheep Husbandry to the tech tree.
 A Trigger Studio data xml file is now included in the Games\Age of
Chivalry\Support\ folder.

Version 2.01 (02-04-2017)
 Burgundy and Liège now receive the French Stone/Fortified Wall graphics.
 Milan, the Papal States, Florence and Venice receive new Stone/Fortified
Wall graphics.
 England, Scotland and Wales have a variety of new building graphics.
 Various other new building graphics have been added, such as the Austrian
 New Fortified Gate graphics have been made for a number of countries.
 New graphics have been added for the Galley, Galleass, War Cog, Holk, and
Longship, all of which made by Carcoma.
 New editor units have been added: Dhow (graphics by Carcoma), Goat,
White Stork (graphics for both of these by Jorgito_aqua) and Sparrowhawk
(graphics by Jan dc); as well as crow and gull (graphics imported from
 New editor objects have been added: Orthodox Church and Stonehenge,
graphics by Agamemmnon.
 New editor objects have been added, including Targets and Church Tower.
 New editor objects have been added: Standing Stones and Tumulus (burial
mound), graphics by webbird.
 New terrain graphics have been added, thanks to Jorgito_aqua.
 Stability of editor objects Arab Buildings and Yurts improved, thanks to Daniel
Pereira and JustTesting1234.
 Female queens no longer automatically garrison inside nearest garrisonable
building, thanks to Daniel Pereira and JustTesting1234.
 New conditions and effects have been added to the trigger section of the
Scenario Editor, thanks to Daniel Pereira and JustTesting1234.
 The AI has been updated, thanks to Wergorne.

Version 2.0 (16-11-2015)

 Capped ram research now available in the 14th century.
 Five new countries available: Brandenburg, Florence, Liège, Milan and
 New technology: Renaissance: relics and wonder victories take longer, spies
cheaper (requires Humanist Historiography, available to Bohemia, Burgundy,
Flanders, Florence, France, Genoa, Milan, Venice).

 New technology: Granulated Gunpowder: Handgunners and gunpowder
artillery +2 range, reload +10% more quickly.
 New technology: Fish Preservation: fishing boats carry +15 food.
 New technology: Drift Netting: fishing boats work 25% faster.
 Careening and Dry Dock now both provide ships with +2 P armour.
 Humanist Historiography now also boosts Hero armour (+3/+3).
 New Guerrilla Warfare stats: +1 attack, +1 pierce armour, +10% attack speed
for skirmishers and javelineers.
 Petite Ordonnance now gives +2 attack rather than +1.
 Ordonnance Companies now available in 14th century.
 Roman Law/Representation/Fourth Estate have been tweaked and no longer
give a work rate boost - they just improve silver reserves now, as intended.
 Armour upgrades have been reconfigured. Infantry and Cavalry no longer
have separate armour upgrades. Instead, armour upgrades affect only Light,
Medium or Heavy troops.
 Researching conversion-boosting technologies will increase the price of
priests by 5 florins; countries that can gain conversion abilities naturally (i.e.
not via the Papal States’ team bonus) will also see a priest price increase
once they gain access to conversion abilities.
 Footmen and Halberd Militia have +1 pierce armour.
 Genoese Crosbowmen +10% accuracy.
 Halberd Militia no longer affected by Close Order Drill.
 Lancers are now available in the 13th century.
 Mercenary Longbowmen +5% accuracy, +4 vs spearmen, +1 pierce attack.
 Mounted Crossbowmen/Cranequiniers are now considerably more accurate,
take slightly longer to reload
 Galleys and Galleasses have been boosted.
 Longships have fewer hit points.
 Merchant Barques carry more florins.
 Scorpions/Heavy Scorpions have increased pierce armour.
 Onagers have 10 range.
 Guard Towers +1 attack, +1 range, +1 arrow (for a total of 6 arrows when fully
 Keeps +1 attack, +1 range, +1 arrow and +1 arrow when garrisoned (for a
total of 7 arrows when fully garrisoned)

 For the Italian states, the Handgunner is now called Scoppettiere.
 Renamed technologies: Folktales is now called Popular Grievances;
Nationalism is Koninkstavelrijen; Cuirass is Statutes of Nieszawa; Double-bit
Axe is Forest Law; Bow-saw is Sawmill; Coinage is Currency Exchange;
Caravan is Trading Posts; Horse Collar is Heavy Plough; Heavy Plough is
Fertiliser; Silver Mining is Cupellation; Silver Shaft Mining is Metallurgy; Stone
Mining is Trench Mining; Stone Shaft Mining is Shaft Mining; armour
technologies have also been renamed.
 Austria: team bonus now affects all scout cavalry units.
 Bohemia: Czech voices for Bohemian soldiers should work again.
 Brittany: Scorched Earth now has a different effect: Peasants +10% faster,
carry +5 resources, have -5 hit points.
 Denmark: Team Bonus now only boosts anti-archer attack rather than base
melee attack for Militia Lancers/Ordonnance Lancers.
 Denmark: Priests are now more expensive.
 Friesland: Ruiter stats improved (see Guelders).
 Friesland: Fetkeapers now enables a new technology, Black Company of
Arum: Ruiters +2 attack, +20 hit points, +1/+2P armour.
 Genoa: Genoese Arbalester/Guard now has improved accuracy and smaller
accuracy error radius, costs wood instead of food (same values).
 Guelders: Ruiter stats have been boosted (11 attack, 11 bonus vs infantry,
120 hp). Wapentuer is unaffected.
 Poland: Mounted Cranequinier now always has +2 attack (no longer
dependent on researching 15th century).
 Savoy: Statuta Sabaudiae now also grants +1/+1 pierce armour to militia
infantry units.
 Savoy: Ribalds/Ribaudequins are renamed to Serpentines/Falconets
 Savoy: Cannon Foundries now has an additional bonus: Serpentines,
Culverins, Privateers train 33% more quickly.
 Saxony: Has access to Chivalric Order again (replacing Close Order Drill).
 Scotland: Cliarthaire/Arras attack and speed improved.
 Wales: Helwr -1 attack, Helwr and Saethwr more accurate.
 Many new unit graphics, made by Jorgito_aqua!
 Many new building graphics.

 AI scripters: internal unit and tech IDs have been significantly simplified.
 Scenario editor: Capture Points have been revised and should no longer
cause crashes.
 Scenario editor: many new objects, including aqueduct, campfire, grass,
vines, statues, mosaics, etc.

Version 1.83
 Age of Chivalry: Hegemony now has its own .exe: it can be found in your AoK
folder at: \Age of Empires II\age2_x1\aoc.exe.
 For Urban societies farms now cost 50 rather than 40 wood.
 Mounted Crossbowmen/Mounted Cranequiniers now take longer to reload.
 Gascon Crossbowman now only has 1 melee armour.
 Javelineers have +1 bonus attack vs. archers.
 Skirmishers have +2 bonus attack vs. archers.
 Town Halls are now available from the 13th century.
 Carroccios and Beguines can no longer convert units if converted by a
country that has the conversion ability.
 Fixed the anchor for the Bajoras’ javelin.
 Fixed the graphical movement rate of the Militia Lancer.
 The towers of Wales, Scotland and Helvetia are no longer Germanic in
 The size of the Town Hall is now identical to the visual size of the building.
 Tech trees are viewable again (although they still do not accurately display
units, buildings or technologies available to a country).
 New AI included, made by Wegetitin/Wergorne based on the AI originally
created by Leif Ericson. Select the AI called “AoC edited 3.2”.

Version 1.82
 Age of Chivalry now utilises the Userpatch (included in install), which allows
you to set the population limit to 1000, play with widescreen, and many more
features besides!
 Buildings receive strength boosts for each century: +250 hp, +2 pierce
armour, +2 melee armour for the 13th century, with an additional +100 hp, +1
pa and +1 ma for the town hall; +125hp, +1 pa and +1ma for the 14th and 15th

 Mendicant Orders has been fixed and now affects Priests, Priests with relic,
and Missionaries.
 Missionary has +2 range, is now affected by Cistercian Reform.
 Liv Auxiliaries have +3 attack vs. archers, +1 pierce armour.
 Guild Halls are now affected by Murder Holes.
 Changed age-up requirements. Guild Halls, Assembly Halls, Princely Courts
now count as relevant buildings in the relevant century.
 Freeman now has the same price as the Town Militia.
 Militia Lancers are now faster.
 Mounted Crossbowmen and Mounted Cranequiniers now attack more quickly.
 Gascon Crossbowmen now cost 30 wood, 50 florins; have +1 range, have +2
attack, no longer require Mercenaries.
 Bohemia’s Luxembourg Dynasty now also grants Ministeriales +15 hit points.
 Bavaria’s demolition ship bonus has been removed.
 Flanders’ hunting bonus has been removed.
 Scaerwetter no longer requires construction of Castle.
 Denmark’s team bonus has been removed.
 New Danish team bonus: Militia/Town Lancer +2 attack.
 Danish Repairer hit point bug fixed.
 Brittany receives Siege Engineers.
 Brittany receives Caravel.
 Brittany receives Arbalester.
 Guelders’ cheap 15th century upgrade has been removed.
 Guelders’ gates now affected by their building hp bonus.
 Guelders’ Wapentuer upgrade now costs 1200 rather than 1600 food (cost in
florins remains identical).
 Helvetian skirmishers now cost 30 food, 40 wood.
 Scotland’s team bonus and siege bonus have been removed.
 New Scottish team bonus: spear infantry +2 attack vs. cavalry.
 Cliarthaires now have 9 attack, move and attack more slowly.
 Arras now have 13 attack and attack more slowly.
 Cliarthaires and Arras are more expensive.
 Urban societies (Bavaria, Flanders, Genoa, Saxony) get adjusted farms,
which are smaller (2x2 rather than 3x3) and cost 40 wood, but carry -45 food.
 Town Lancers are now called Ordonnance Lancers.

 Ducal Lancers are now called Guard Lancers.
 Militia Lancers and Ordonnance Lancers have new graphics, made by Matt
 The Bajoras now has new graphics, made by Furik91.
 Riga Militia now have the same graphics they had before (the Roundshield
 The German Town Hall graphics have been slightly adjusted by den cekke.
 Fixed the Town Hall placement/construction outline (thanks to den cekke).
 Fixed anchors for flags on Gate towers.
 Fixed anchors for Town Hall garrison flags.
 Fixed Polish soldier sounds.
 New heroes: Friedrich von der Pfalz, Regnier Grimaldi, Guy de Brimeu,
Dominic Guzman (priest).

Version 1.81
 Turkeys now carry more food.
 Trebuchets, Privateers/Carracks, Bombard Towers and Florentine Gunners
now have 1 more range (carried over from previous patch).
 Onagers now have 9 range (carried over from previous patch).
 Flemish Imports now requires Normanisation (for Scotland).
 Scotland no longer gets the Siege Onager.
 Bohemia’s team bonus now gives +2 attack to Mangonels/Onagers/Siege
Onagers rather than bonus range.
 Helvetian Javelineers/Skirmishers now have -1, rather than -2 range.
 New icons have been added (or old ones restored) for wildlife, Beguines,
Carroccios, Siege Onagers, Demolition Ships, Missionaries, and a variety of
 Semi-transparent shadows have been added to all Castles, Guild Halls,
Princely Courts and Monuments (the only exception being the English
monument) as well as to a number of Universities.
 New editor heroes: Albrecht the Brave, Edzard Cirksena, Sibet Attena, Sibit
Papinga, Tanne Kankena, Thomas Aquinas, Ulrich Cirksena, William

Version 1.8
 Forage bushes, deer, wild boar, fish and sheep now carry more food.

 Gwaster now has 0 range, Kigner has 1. Their LOS has also been reduced.
 Research of Town watch is now cheaper.
 Upgrade to crossbow is now more expensive.
 Research of Crossbow Companies is now more expensive.
 Palisade walls have +100 hit points, 5 melee, 12 pierce armour.
 Stone walls have 10 melee, 20 pierce armour.
 Fortified walls have 15 melee, 25 pierce armour.
 Swiss Javelineer/Skirmisher are more expensive.
 Mangonel/Onager/Siege Onager now have +5 pierce armour.
 Mangonels and Siege Onagers now have +2 range.
 Onagers, Bombard Cannons, Privateers, Carracks, Trebuchet and Bombard
Towers now have +1 range.
 Castles now have +1 range in the 15th century.
 Mounted Crossbowman and Mounted Cranequinier have +1 LOS.
 Danish Freeman now has 20 hit points.
 French Foot Knights no longer take up population even in death.
 Flemish Relations (for Burgundy) now blocks research of Bills of Exchange.
 Helvetia’s Policy Decisions have been altered. Communal Democracy has
been renamed to Landsgemeinde, effects remain the same. Noble Rule has
been renamed to Reichsstadt, new effects: Swiss Halberdiers have +2
attack and Mounted Crossbowmen reload +20% faster.
 Helvetia’s policy decisions are no longer disabled by researching Bow
Practise or other assembly hall upgrades.
 New technology: Humanist Historiography. Improves hero attack and hit
points, available to all countries at the Church.
 When researching Communes, France will now be able to train Bertrand du
Guesclin rather than Philippe Augustus.
 Frisian Kriichsman has now been renamed to Partiefiuchter.
 Hobescorene/Partiefiuchter now has new graphics, courtesy of Dave3377.
 New torch projectile graphics for the Kigner, courtesy of fr steve.
 More buildings now have transparent shadows.
 New editor heroes: Niklaus von Flüe (priest), Rudolf Stüssi, Jan Borluut,
Willem van Gulik, Filips van Artevelde, Gwijde van Namen, Nicolaas
Zannekin, and Pieter van den Bossche.

Version 1.75
 Gwaster/Kigner is now more expensive and takes up 1.5 population.
 Petite Ordonnance now disables Close Order Drill for Flanders and Genoa.
 Chivalric Order and Petite Ordonnance now affect Szlachta as intended.
 To achieve this, Poland now has its own IDs for those technologies: 645 and
644, respectively.
 For the Teutonic Order, Surgery is now available at the Castle.
 The Dismounted Knight (editor unit) now has the correct unit graphics.

Version 1.74
 The Breton Hobelar is now called the Brigandier.
 Polish Town Halls support +1 population.
 The Condotierro’s bonus cavalry armour has been removed; his melee
armour has seen a slight raise.
 Man-at-Arms/Foot Knight and Knight/Royal Knight now have +2 pierce
 Mounted Crossbowmen/Cranequiniers now cost 65 florins (rather than 70).
 Danish peasants no longer start with bonus armour.
 Fixed bug with the Witte Caproen upgrade.
 Fixed bug with the Militia Guilds upgrade.
 Karelsprivileezje no longer makes the Hobescorene/Kriichsman more
 Ius Teutonicum now additionally makes the Town Hall work 20% faster.
 Chivalric Order no longer benefits light cavalry.
 Bow Practise no longer benefits skirmishers.
 Breton Policy Decision, English Alliance, now gives Kigner/Gwaster the
correct amount of armour.
 New tech: Petite Ordonnance. Improves light cavalry units, including
Militia/Town Lancer, Bajoras, Gwaster/Kigner, Liv Auxiliary. Disables Chivalric
Order etc. Available to Guild Hall (ID: 639)/Princely Court (ID: 638) civs.
 New tech: Guerrilla Warfare (ID: 640). Improves skirmishers/javelineers.
Disables Chivalric Order etc. Available to Assembly Hall civs.
 New editor heroes: Johan van Heinsberg, Arnold von Winkelried, Leopold von
Habsburg, Etienne Marcel.

 New female heroes with peasant and beguine graphics: Isabelle de France,
Maria van Gelre and Julian of Norwich.
 New editor unit: Dismounted Knight (slow but strong unit with the appearance
of Halberd Militia).
 New editor object: Wagon (immobile packed Trebuchet, visible in FoW, for
creating wagon camps).
 New starting music for a few countries, such as Brittany, Wales, Guelders,
Flanders and Friesland.

Version 1.73b
 Longships are more expensive.
 Bohemian hero availability has been fixed.

Version 1.73
 Halberd Militia now deals the same bonus damage to buildings as the
 The Cliarthaire/Arras/Scots Guard, Herreman/Livgarde, Italian Infantry and
Hobescorene/Kriichsman now take up 1.5 population instead of 1.
 The Arras deals slightly less bonus damage against buildings.
 Cliarthaire and Arras take longer to train.
 The War Wagon/Hussite War Wagon takes up 2 population.
 The Genoese with Ghibellini now get a different heavy cavalry unit, but no
Knight. The Berroviere is no longer available after researching Ghibellini.
 Savoyard Town Militia and Freemen have -5 hit points.
 War Cogs are more expensive.
 The Welsh Teulu is now called the Uchelwr.
 Galleys are now available from the 13th century.
 Cuman/Mongol Auxiliaries are more expensive.
 Heroes enabled by Policy Decision. Every PD unlocks a different hero.
 Minor Nobility and Militia Guilds now cost silver rather than wood.
 Trees now contain 150 wood rather than 100.
 Approximately 30 heroes have been added to the editor; some heroes now
have different unit graphics and one unit type will no longer have the same
hero icon twice, to expand hero choice for scenario designers.

 There is now a ‘Shrubs’ unit that cannot be selected or harvested for
resources, using the jungle tree graphics. Eventually the jungle trees
themselves will be removed, leaving the bushes.
 Fixed Helvetian gate construction graphics.
 Genoese fortified gate tower updated.
 New interface graphics for Bohemia, Brittany, England, Flanders, and
 Internal technology names have been changed to reflect their content.
 Small fixes and adjustments have been made to various scenarios.
 New Real World Western Europe map.
 The tech tree file has been expanded to include more civilisations, courtesy of
Leif Ericson.
 The Counters file has been updated by Herzog de Puce.

Version 1.72b
 Fixed a bug where the game would not display the graphics of the Central
European university.

Version 1.72
 Flemish walls now have more hit points; French walls no longer have more hit
 For Savoy, Imperial Principality is now called Imperial Vicariate; French Fief
is called Statuta Sabaudiae.
 For Brittany, French Fief is now called Francisation.
 For Guelders, Rhenish League is now called Treaty of Arnhem.
 Herbal Medicine is now called Surgery and available at the university/chapter
school; the effect and availability remain the same.
 As a consequence, for the Teutonic Order – which lacks the university –
Surgery can be researched at the Guild Hall. For scripters, the new tech ID is
 As a further consequence, Denmark's priest no longer receives bonus hit
points for Surgery.
 The English/French etc. university has new graphics.
 The Polish/Bohemian etc. university has new graphics.
 The Welsh/Scots and Helvetian university has new graphics.

 Bohemian Bracer now costs the same amount as it does for other countries.
 Bohemian skirmishers are no longer cheaper.
 War Wagons and Hussite War Wagons now fire an extra arrow.
 Fixed Thumb Ring accuracy bug.
 Frisian Merchants now cost more wood, take longer to train.
 The Frisian skirmisher/javelineer +1 attack bonus has been revoked.
 The Saethwr has -1 range.
 The Saethwr (not the Helwr) is now more accurate.
 For Wales, English Vassal now gives Knights +1 attack.
 Danish shepherds are now, like their other peasants, affected by hit point and
armour bonuses.
 For Burgundy, Flemish Alliance no longer disables Bills of Exchange.
 The Boeyer is now called the Holk. Kogge and Holk have new graphics.
 The Kogge/War Cog is now available to all countries, the Holk is limited to
 Prices of both War Cogs and Galleys have been adjusted.
 The Oerfaller is now called Hobescorene.
 Genoese walls and towers have new graphics, courtesy of Wildfire Games
and Rome at War.
 The Kogge/War Cog is now more expensive and slower to train for Genoa,
Bavaria, Savoy, Helvetia and Austria; it is cheaper and faster to train for
Saxony, Flanders, Brittany and Denmark.
 Friesland now also has access to the Longship.
 The Herwr and Herwr Mawr are now called Gwaster and Kigner respectively,
courtesy of fr steve.
 Hero units no longer cost kills, but the player is limited to one for the duration
of the game. Thanks to Matt LiVecchi for thinking of the ingenious solution
that made this possible.
 Heroes are also cheaper in terms of other resources.
 There are some new technology icons.
 The Monastery (editor only building) no longer has pre-set terrain under it.
 Bohemian troops now speak Czech. Hussite troops have a distinct speech.
Courtesy of Michal Mraz.
 New national music plays when a player selects to play Bohemia or Poland.
 Some updates to the history section.

 Two new eye-candy editor objects: reeds (bamboo without terrain restrictions
or resource) and rocks (stone mines without terrain restrictions or resource).
 A new editor-only unit is now available, the Swabian Knight. He is a medium
infantry unit using the original AoK Teutonic Knight graphics.
 Some hotkeys, when double or missing, have been reassigned. Units affected
are the Trebuchet (T), the Rhenish Knight (R), the Gefolgsmann/Reichsritter
(R), the Knight and Royal Knight (N), the Cliarthaire/Arras (G), the Halbbruder
(T), the Ritterbruder (R) and the Handgunner (G).

Version 1.71
 Swordsmanship should no longer affect militia infantry.
 The sound of a handgun being fired is no longer omnipresent.
 Italian mercenaries now make the correct sounds when being selected or
ordered to move or attack.
 Helvetians speak more softly now.

Version 1.7
 Landesaufgebot works for Rhenish Knights again.
 Welsh Independence no longer makes Saethwyr cheaper; instead, it is a
prerequisite for the 15th century +1 range bonus for foot archers.
 The Welsh Longbow technology no longer improves skirmishers.
 Fixed a bug where England unintentionally no longer received the Plackart
due to a change in 1.68.
 French priests now cost 40 food, 50 florins.
 Routiers are a little faster.
 Burgundian Chevaliers now have 220 hit points.
 English Footmen now have 65 hit points.
 Savoyard Men-at-Arms/Foot Knights now take up only 1 population slot.
 Danish Town Militia now have 35 hit points.
 Upgrade bugs with Swordsmanship and Skieringers have been fixed.
 The Overvaller is now called the Oerfaller; Plundertocht is Opstallisbaem
Accord; Frisian Liberty is Karelsprivileezje; Schieringers is Skieringers;
Vetkopers is Fetkeapers.
 The Stadswacht is now called the Scaerwetter, the Liebaert the Witte

 Helvetian soldiers now speak with a Swiss-German accent.
 Mercenaries: Mercenary Longbowmen speak English; Gascon Crossbowmen
French; Genoese Crossbowmen, Florentine Gunners and Italian Infantry
Latin; Flemish Infantry and Flemish Gunners Flemish; Swiss Guards Swiss-
German; Scots Guards Gaelic; German Gunners German; Mongol Auxiliaries
Mongolian; Cuman Auxiliaries Turkish.
 The Ruiter/Wapentuer/Rhenish Knight has new graphics; the
Trooper/Coustilier/etc now utilises the old Ruiter graphics; the Szlachcic
graphics remain the same.
 The Flemish castle now flies the flag of Flanders when garrisoned.
 Italian Infantry graphics have been improved by Courtjester1.
 Various descriptions have been updated or clarified.
 A bug in the scenario 1253 – The Exile has been fixed.
 Leif Ericson has been working on an improved AI. It is included in beta-
version under the name AoC1 edited 3.0. At the moment it has been
optimised for Austria, Bavaria and Bohemia.
 A presently incomplete technology tree made by Leif Ericson has been
included as a separate .xls file. The file, AoC – Technology Tree.xls, will
install to your AoK root directory.

Version 1.69
 The Guild Hall Army Reforms bug has been fixed for Saxony.
 Various descriptions have been updated or clarified.

Version 1.68
 English Alliance now works properly for Brittany.
 Priests now cost 75 florins.
 Disabled conversion abilities for priests by default.
 Enabled conversion abilities for: Bohemia (14th century); Saxony (Teutonic
Order); Denmark (Baltic Crusades); Guelders (Baltic Crusades); Bavaria
(Romzug); Austria (Romzug); France (Papal Protector).
 Papal Approval has been renamed to Chiliasm and is now only available to
 New unit for Genoa: the Carroccio. This is a cart with motivational healing
powers, available from the 13th century from the Guild Hall. Can only heal, not
convert or carry relics, but it has high hit points, so is useful in battle.

 New unit for Flanders: the Beguine. This is a female unit with healing powers.
Moves quite quickly so can keep up with armies. Is cheap, but unable to
convert or carry relics.
 The Saxon infantry hit point bonus now also applies to the Halberd Militia.
 Hanseatic League now gives 10, rather than 20, additional hit points to militia
 Flemish wall hit point bonus now also applies to their gates; no longer affects
French gates.
 The Tower House and Torenstins now only provide 15 population.
 The French and English Castle now provides 25 population.
 Freemen now take up 1 population, rather than 0.5 (except for Savoy).
 The Savoyard Ecuyer and Chevalier are now cheaper, as noted in the civ
 The Szlachcic is no longer twice affected by Chivalric Order.
 The Szlachcic now becomes a little more expensive with each century.
 The Overvaller/Kriichsman is now more expensive after researching Frisian
 Treadmill Crane price changed.
 The Genoese Crossbowman now benefits from archery attack and armour
 The pikemen and lancer unit lines are once again 25% cheaper for Guelders.
 A number of units now take up 1.5 population: the Trooper, Szlachcic, Lancer,
Ducal Lancer, Bajoras, and Rhenish Knight.
 Swiss Halberdiers, Swiss Pikemen and Swiss Guards are now affected by
anti-infantry bonuses.
 Altered the Assembly Hall/Guild Hall/Princely Court armour.
 Population upgrade techs available at the GH/AH/PC: City Rights - City
Councils - Municipal Storehouses granting +25, +25 and +50 population in the
13th, 14th and 15th centuries.
 New AH/GH tech: Popular Assembly. Militia infantry (including Riga Militia)
have +5 hit points; Militia Lancers (including Liv Auxiliaries) have +10 hit
points (the Halbbruder and Ritterbruder will lose 5 hit points when
 Ius Teutonicum no longer enables the Lancer, but in stead gives a +15%
silver mining bonus (previously such a bonus was applied to Bohemia from
the get-go – not any more).

 Bohemia can no longer research Halberd Militia before choosing a Policy
Decision (this was a bug).
 Thumb Ring now applies to more archer units.
 Austria now need Cuman Auxiliaries before they can research Plackart.
 The Welsh Team Bonus no longer makes Archery Ranges faster, but in stead
improves Assembly Halls and Guild Halls.
 The Saxon Team Bonus now grants Guild Halls and Assembly Halls +500 hit
 The Bohemian Foot Knight is now as expensive as their Man-at-Arms.
 There are new graphics for all Town Halls.
 Wall shadows have been improved.
 Halbbrüder and Ritterbrüder have new graphics, thanks to Courtjester1.
 Made minor changes to the real world maps to increase playability/balance.
 The AI has seen improvements, courtesy of Belisarivs.

Version 1.67
 Unit attack and defence bonuses fixed – in some cases, specific units were
immune to a number of attack bonuses (for example, when units with a bonus
against siege weapons attacked Ribalds, the bonus was not taken into
account); in other cases, units received bonus damage when they shouldn't
(for example, Swiss Pikemen received bonus damage from anti-archer units).
This has been fixed. (N.B.: Bonuses in the unit descriptions have not been
 Burgundian militia infantry is no longer cheaper.
 The Burgundian UU system has been changed. The old Coustilier/Ecuyer unit
is now only available in 15th century, with the stats of the old Ecuyer, but is
now called Italian Mercenary (requires preliminary research).
 Burgundian Flemish Infantry no longer gets an attack and hit point upgrade
straight away.
 There are three new technologies, available to all countries: Roman Law,
Representation and Fourth Estate. These will decrease the amount of
resources extracted from silver mines while still gathering the same amount of
florins from them, causing silver mines to last longer (20%, 20% and 10% of
the base value, respectively). The technologies are available at the Princely
Court/Assembly Hall/Guild Hall in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries.

 1407 – Siege of Maastricht somehow played without AI and provided no
challenge at all. The AI has been reinstated.
 Teutonic Order castles are now also affected by castle-boosting technologies
researched prior to becoming the Order.
 Militia Lancers, Town Lancers, Cuman Auxiliaries and Mongol Auxiliaries can
no longer garrison inside rams or towers and are now affected by the correct
armour upgrades.
 Fixed hit point glitch for Bavarian peasants.
 Fixed sound glitch for Welsh female peasants.
 Hero priests can no longer pick up relics.
 Swiss and Danish Merchants now always look like European Merchants.
 Chivalric Order now also benefits light cavalry units.
 The Man-at-Arms now has new graphics, to resemble pre-plate armour heavy
 The Swiss Halberdier/Pikeman/Guard has new graphics, made by
 The Italian Mercenary/Riga Militia has new graphics, also made by
 The Halberd Militia has new graphics, also also made by Courtjester1.
 The monuments for Savoy and Scotland have been remade.
 A number of building anchors and ground sizes have been adjusted, so they
better fit their allotted space.
 Knights have been renamed for many countries: France, Brittany, Burgundy
and Savoy have the Ecuyer; Bavaria, Saxony, Helvetia and Austria have the
Ritter; Guelders and Flanders have the Schiltknecht; Genoa has the
Condottiero; Denmark has the Ridder.
 Royal Knights have also been renamed for some countries: France, Brittany,
Burgundy and Savoy now have the Chevalier; Guelders has the
Huusgesinde; Bohemia has the Slechtic.
 For France, Burgundy, Savoy and Brittany the Trooper is now called the
 The Guelders elite UU, formerly the Ridder, has been renamed to
 The Habsburger Knight is now called the Gefolgsmann; the Imperial Knight
is called the Reichsritter.

 A variety of new heroes are now available to designers: Sigismund de
Luxembourg, Vaclav II, Jacobo Galeoto, Erik Menved, Roger Mortimer, Frans
Ackerman, Sigismund Korybut, Heinrich von Plauen, Liduina van Schiedam,
John Wyclif, Meister Eckhart and Wladyslaw Lokietek.
 The AI has once again been updated, and now trains all units and researches
all new technologies.
 For AI scripters, a number of units have been reassigned. This is to eliminate
a bug in previous versions, where the AI was incapable of training these units.
This means that these old units will now have different IDs. This will affect
scenarios including these units (all scenarios in the Chivalry campaign have
been altered so that they will have the intended units). The affected units and
their new IDs are:
Knight 166
Royal Knight 847 (for Guelders, research tech ID 608; for Bohemia tech ID 609)
Szlachcic 877 (to train use 'scout-cavalry-line')
Ritterbruder 878
Halbbruder 879
Man-at-Arms 880
Foot Knight 881
Bajoras 882
Rhenish Knight 883
Mercenary Longbow 884
Reichsritter 885
Flemish Infantry 886
Swiss Guard (French Swiss Pikeman) 887
Italian Infantry 888 (to enable research tech ID 364 in 15th century)

Version 1.66
 Plackart now also affects Routier and Cuman Auxiliary unit lines; no longer
affects Habsburger Knights. It has been enabled for England and Austria.
 Saxon guild hall no longer available in 13th century.
 Gaelicisation now gives the correct armour bonus to light cavalry.
 French farm upgrade bonus now applies to Guelders, not to France.
 English Blacksmith bonus has been removed; their Blacksmith archery
technologies are 50% cheaper, now.
 New civilisation specific interface screens.
 Two new real world maps have been included: Central Europe and Northern
Italy. These replace the Nippon and Middle East real world maps. The Low

Countries and Western Europe maps have been adjusted to improve
 The AI has been updated. It is more competitive than it used to be.

Version 1.65
 The Gaelicisation policy decision is now required for Scotland to be able to
research the Hobigiuir.
 Liv Auxiliary now train faster.
 Lett Auxiliary now cost 25 florins and 45 wood (was 60 florins).
 Riga Miltia now cost 60 food, 15 florins (was 60 food, 25 florins).
 All Hobelar-type units now have 8 melee attack.
 The Polish and Genoese castles now have proper garrison tags.
 Reskinned the Guelders castle (still same appearance, but less bright red).
 The red brick Stone Wall now has proper construction graphics.
 Two real world maps have been replaced. Texas and Central America are
now Western Europe and the Low Countries.
 Editor only: the Jeanne la Pucelle unit has had her idling graphics fixed.

Version 1.64
 Routiers and Ecorcheurs are now affected by Blacksmith archer upgrades.
 The Helvetian archer price reduction now applies to their Mounted
Crossbowmen and Cranequiniers rather than to archers.
 The armour for the Overvaller and Kriichsman was incorrectly displayed. This
has been fixed.
 Fixed the description for the Schieringers technology, which contained an
 Improved the pierce armour for the Stadswacht from 1 to 2 and for the
Liebaert from 1 to 3. Other stats are unaltered.
 The description for Nationalism (Flemish UT) was incorrect – it mistakenly
informed the player Levy Quarters would work faster, while in reality Guild
Halls were being affected. The description has been fixed to reflect reality.
 The Boeyer and Kogge have been tweaked. They take up one more
population slot and have no more melee armour, so they are more vulnerable
versus Longships. Their hit points have also been reduced.
 Clarification: the Overvaller/Kriichsman did not have a normal anti-cavalry
bonus, but one only applying against lancer cavalry.

 The Genoese hero, Carlo Grimaldi, has had his attack strength doubled.
 The Ritterbruder moves slightly faster.
 Fixed the problem of Savoyard lancers not receiving the promised amount of
melee armour upon researching the Imperial Principality policy decision. Now
they do get the 2/1 armour promised in the instruction.
 The English castle price bonus (25% cheaper castles) now only applies when
the Nobility policy decision has been researched.
 The Genoese now have their own building style. For the most part, these
buildings have been imported from the Rome at War mod, sometimes with
adjustments. Others were made by myself.
 A variety of new graphics have been implemented for the Princely Court,
Guild Hall and Assembly Hall.
 A few old graphics have been remade from scratch (the
Austrian/Bavarian/Bohemian/Saxon castle, the Guelders monument).
 The Livgarde now makes the appropriate attacking sound.
 Guild Halls are now more expensive, to prevent them from being spammed
as cheap defences. They now cost 125 stone.
 Crossbowmen and arbalesters are less accurate.
 Thumb ring no longer provides archers with 100% accuracy, but only gives a
15% bonus.
 The Bohemian +1 skirmisher attack bonus has been removed (their
skirmishers are, however, still cheaper). The attack bonus has now been
applied to Frisian javelineers and skirmishers.
 Scotland’s Normanisation PD now enables Bloodlines.
 Scotland’s Hobigiuir now has 110 hp.
 Ruiters and Ridders now take up 2 population.
 Pavises now costs wood rather than stone.
 Scenario editor: Capture Points have been added, which change ownership
to a player with an army nearby once there are no defending troops present.
These should allow the designer to more easily simulate area control.
 Scenario editor: an invisible (at least in-game) house providing 200 population
has been added to the editor.
 Scenario editor: more rocks and a new waterfall object have been added
under the Other tab.
 There are two additional documentation files: the Civilisation info, listing the
strengths and weaknesses of each civ, and the Counters file (in your AoE II

directory), showing what unit counters what. Both were made by Herzog de

Version 1.63
 Fixed the Helvetian Skirmisher/Javelineer range (the displayed range was
 Fixed the Szlachcic' pierce armour (it was incorrectly displayed)
 Fixed the Gascon Crossbowman's pierce armour and attack (again, problems
with their displayed statistics).
 Fixed Ribald/Ribaudequin’s population (it only took up 1 when it should have
taken up 2).
 Slightly nerfed the Herwr/Herwr Mawr (now deals less bonus damage to
spearmen and is slower).
 Made the Habsburger/Imperial Knight faster – it now has the same speed as
the Royal Knight.
 New editor unit: the Starosta. This is a heavy infantry unit suitable for Polish
and eastern European settings.
 When killed, the French and Welsh priest still took up one population.
 Adjusted the French/Burgundian (and some other civs’) houses; their
shadows were too lengthy.
 Renamed a few Church technologies (Fervour is now Mendicant Orders,
Illumination is now Manuscript Uniformity, Theocracy is now Girdle Book and
Sanctity is Celibacy). Their in-game names remain the same, however (so AI
scripters need not change anything).
 Swordsmanship no longer improves militia infantry.
 Enabled Plate Barding Armour for Saxony.
 Enabled Iron Casting for Bohemia with Luxembourg Dynasty (this should
already have been the case, but there was a bug with the technology).
 Liv Auxiliary has +15 hit points.
 The English king now speaks French rather than Latin.
 Like the Poles, Bohemian soldiers now speak Polish, rather than German.

Version 1.62
 Chivalric Order was invisible to the player if he chose Saxony - Teutonic
Order (because the icon was hidden under the Swordsmanship icon).
 Coustilier/Ecuyer wasn't available to Burgundy any more.

 Bavarian Crossbowmen/Arbalesters did not get the promised +2 attack.
 Poles spoke French. Now their civilians speak German, which is only slightly
better but unfortunately the best I can do. Polish military units do speak
 Overvallers/Kriichsmannen now have bonus armour and attack vs lancer
(including bajorai) units.
 Bow practise accidentally gave archers bonus melee attack, rather than
pierce attack. This is now fixed.
 There is now a distinction between units with a normal or longbow and a
crossbow. Hand bows reload more quickly but are less accurate and deal out
less damage. Crossbows reload more slowly but do more damage.
 The Pavises technology is now also available to France and Genoa.
 Herwr Mawr made slightly weaker – now has 70 in stead of 90 hit points.
 Men-at-Arms and Foot Knights now cost, for most civs, 40 rather than 50
 Knights and Royal Knights now cost, for most civs, 80 rather than 95 florins.
 Teutonic Order castles now fire clusters of arrows rather than solitary ones.
 Playing as Flanders, Friesland or Guelders your troops (but not civilians) will
now speak Middle Dutch.
 Made some changes to the campaign's scenarios. There were a few
problems - for example, the Bohemian techs in 1420 - Prague were
malfunctioning because they were in the wrong order and in 1407 - Maastricht
the Liegeois were Polish! They are now Flemish.
 New, in-game AI, courtesy of Belisarivs and Sudalphi. The other AI, ‘Chivalry’,
is still included. Players can select this as an alternative when playing a
random map.

Version 1.61
 Chivalric Order now affects Szlachcic.
 Saxon wall damage fixed.
 Bow Practise now affects cavalry archers and mounted crossbowmen.
 Saxony now has access to Chivalric Order in stead of Close Order Drill.
 Bohemia: Taborite Sect now enables Bracer rather than Fletching.
 The Teutonic Order can now construct Privateers.
 AI script now included (called ‘Chivalry’, must still be manually selected).

 Description errors fixed.

Version 1.6
 War Wagons now have garrison capacity.
 Fixed descriptions of Longship and Boeyer/Kogge, to exclude the mention of
garrisonability which no longer applies.
 New monument for Friesland, the St Bernard monastery of Aduard.
 Fixed Welsh male villager bug – dead villagers still counted to population.
 Checked for bug: Communal Democracy doesn’t remove Swiss skirmishers’
minimum range. Bug not present – they fire at point blank range on stand
ground. They may, however, still seek to maintain distance from approaching
targets, which probably explains the bug report.
 Checked for bug of Troop Skiffs still costing 1.5 pop. Bug not present.
 Austria tweaks: no more arbalester available.
Romzug enables Imperial Knight (Habsburg Knight still available from the get-
Hausmacht enables Cuman Auxiliary and Mongol Auxiliary upgrade in 15th.
 Bavaria tweaks: no more Cuman/Mongol Auxiliaries available.
Romzug enables Imperial Knight.
Hausmacht enables Rhenish Knight (which will be made a little stronger).
Landesaufgebot makes militia units and Rhenish Knights cheaper.
 Bohemia tweaks: Hussite Beliefs is now cheaper and enables two further
policy decisions, from which you can pick only one. This allows the player to
further specialise in one of two ways of warfare.
 Habsburg/Imperial Knights have fewer hit points and take up 2 pop slots.
 Crossbows more expensive at the start; tech available in 14th century to
make them cheaper.
 Poland replaces Lorraine, bringing quite a few changes. Most importantly,
Poland's unique unit, the szlachcic, receives free upgrades each century.
Policy decisions either enable another cavalry unit, the bajoras, or a
combination of urban units: mounted crossbowmen, footmen and pikemen.
The castle graphic has been made by Agamemmnon for his Russian mod.
 The Teutonic Order has been added as an additional policy decision to
Saxony. The Order allows the player to gain access to a variety of all new
units, but none of its non-siege military units will remain available. The Order
military is quite different, being especially strong in late 14th/early 15th

century, but it loses its edge if the game goes on for too long, as it lacks some
late-game upgrades.
 The mounted crossbowman/cranequinier population bug has been fixed
(thanks to St Chromo for pointing this out!).
 The Rhenish Knight is now affected by Ordonnance Companies.
 Helvetia now gets cavalry armour.
 Enable Cranequin for Saxony.
 Various small changes.

Version v1.52
 The red brick building sets (Denmark, Flanders, Friesland, Guelders) now
have their own set of stone and fortified walls.
 The shadows of some of the wall towers have been fixed or, in any case,
improved where possible. Unfortunately fixing the gate tower flag anchors has
thus far proved impossible.
 The English skirmisher now no longer costs 205 food. This has been reduced
to 20.
 Higher resolution game icon.

Version v1.51
 The Genoese Hobelar is now called the Berroviere. This was the genuine
name for Italian light cavalry during this period, and referred to the ruffian-like
background of the soldiers (Hobelars originated in Scotland/Ireland as
mercenaries, but the name only caught on in Western Europe).
 New scenario editor unit added: the Carroccio. This is a banner on a carriage.
It moves at the same speed as a battering ram and is virtually immune to
arrows (20 pierce armour), though siege weapons and infantry assaults will
crack it. It has no special effects. It is recommended you use a freeze object
effect on it in your scenarios. (You can also acquire this unit during a random
map game by typing ‘I love the monkey head’ in the chat bar.)
 New scenario editor unit added: ‘Objects’. These are available only to the
Gaia player and can be found under the ‘Other’ tab. It includes nine different
scenario editor objects, ranging from wells to barrels to wheelbarrows to a
new kind of statue.

 New scenario editor unit added: ‘Bamboo Stump’. This is another Gaia only
object, available under the ‘Other’ tab. Veteran designer might remember it
from the original AoK; it has now been reinstated and no longer decomposes.
 New scenario editor unit enabled: ‘Ice patch’. The beta ice patch that was
hidden in the game is now available for the Gaia player through the ‘Other’
 New scenario editor units added: ‘Wooden Bridge’. This is a structure found in
the ‘Buildings’ tab, which can be used to construct a wooden bridge or pier.
 Bohemian monument (Karlstejn castle) made less fuzzy.

Version v1.5
 Genoese Arbalester/Guard reload time doubled.
 Denmark now has Halberd Militia upgrade.
 Danish militia infantry have +4 attack, -10 hit points (slightly less for the early
game militia infantry).
 Danish knightly infantry have +2 attack, -10 hit points and +1 pierce armour.
 Galleys are now weaker.
 Genoa is now the only state to receive Galleasses (upgraded Galleys).
 1420 – The Battle for Prague scenario added to the campaign.
 The Cavalry Archer is now the Mounted Crossbowman; the Heavy Cav
Archer is now the Mounted Cranequinier.
 The English Routier now looks like the old Cavalry Archer; the Ecorcheur still
looks like the old Heavy Cav Archer.
 Composite Bow is now Plackart.
 Saxony now gets Mounted Crossbowmen and Mounted Cranequiniers.
 Bavaria and Helvetia now get Mounted Cranequiniers and Plackart.
 Saxony’s policy decisions have been altered: Patrician Rule is now Hanseatic
League, which grants an additional (modest) speed bonus to trade units – it is
also required for the Likedeler; Noble Rule is now Kurfürst, and its +3 attack
bonus which previously applied to knightly infantry now applies to all knightly
 Fixed smoke from the Bavarian/Genoese/Savoyard blacksmith not moving.
 Ribald/ribaudequin projectile anchor fixed.
 Genoa's policy decisions have been altered: Ghibellines (disables knightly
cavalry, light cavalry +10 hp, faster) / Guelphs (spearmen +15 hp)

 Lorraine's policy decisions have been altered: Gallicisation (trading fee 10%,
militia +1 attack, +15 hit points) / Imperial Principality (lancers +3 attack,
+2/+1p armour)
 Brittany's policy decisions have been altered: French Fief (trading fee 10%,
knightly cavalry +2 attack, enable Genoese Crossbowman) / English Alliance
(herwr +20 hit points, +1 armour, enable Mercenary Longbowman)

Version v1.4
 Welsh Bombard Towers have been removed.
 Rams are once again resistant to Bombard Towers (they deal pierce, rather
than melee, damage).
 French pikemen have -5 hit points.
 The minimum range of Scorpions has been increased to 3 (from 2).
 The maximum range of Scorpions has been reduced with 1.
 Genoese Arbalester/Guard has had their range reduced to 4/5 respectively.
 Genoa has regained Archer/Crossbowman/Arbalester line.
 All ships, apart from Merchant Barques, Troop Skiffs and Fishing Ships, now
take up multiple population slots.
 The Galley has been added (the old Fireship, but without fire).
 Boeyers/Longships no longer have garrisoning capacity, so they can once
again auto-attack.
 The Privateer has been changed to Carrack for France, England, Burgundy,
Scotland, Denmark and Genoa; apart from the name, it is still the same.
 The Elite Privateer is now called the Caravel when it upgrades from the
 The Elite Privateer is now called Likedeler for Friesland and Saxony.
 The Privateer no longer requires a special tech to make available, just
Mercenaries and Alchemy.
 The Elite Privateer has been removed for Austria/Guelders/Lorraine/Savoy.
 France can now build Caravels (Elite Privateers).


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