Faq & Errata: Bolt Action Rulebook - ERRATA
Faq & Errata: Bolt Action Rulebook - ERRATA
Faq & Errata: Bolt Action Rulebook - ERRATA
Page 67, Flamethrower special rule, last paragraph on page. Page 127, the following paragraph will be added.
e first sentence should be changed to read as follows: OFFICERS IN BUILDINGS
A unit hit by a flamethrower must check its morale once If an officer has entered a building, his morale bonus and
firing has been worked out and pin markers allocated, as his 'You men, snap to action!' ability can be used on
described above. friendly units occupying a floor immediately above or
below the officer's unit in the same building, or within 6"
(or 12", depending on rank) of any opening the officer
Page 79, Assaulting through terrain. e second paragraph will would be able to shoot out of.
be followed by a third paragraph, as follows:
[] Note that the defenders will also benefit from the defensive Page 131, Hidden set-up. Second paragraph, the second sentence
position bonus in the ensuing fight, as explained above. from the last will be changed to read as follows:
Note also that, if the target unit is more than 6" away, and the In addition, hidden units can never be chosen as targets
assaulting unit could move up to 12" and reach its target by going for air strikes.
around rough ground or an obstacle, the assault is allowed (though
the defensive positions bonus still applies as the defenders have time Page 137, Objective, second sentence. Change defenders to
to see the enemy running around the rough ground or obstacle). opponents
Page 86, Warplane Type Chart, Strafing Fighte. e first and Page 137, First Turn. Replace entire paragraph with:
second sentences should be replaced by the following:
The battle begins. There is no first wave in this scenario. All
The target unit takes one additional pin marker and suffers units not held in reserve are deployed at the start of the game.
2D6 hits with a +2 Pen value.
Page 124-125, HE weapons against buildings. e second and Page 173, M4 Sherman 75mm. Change 134pts (Veteran) to
third paragraph will be changed to read as follows: 234pts (Veteran)
This means that when rolling to hit you ignore any to-hit Page 195, T-34/76 Medium Tank. Change 134pts (Veteran) to
penalties for cover. All other modifiers apply as normal for 234pts (Veteran)
example, Down in this case might represent the unit hiding in
the building and if the enemy misses the shot, this might Page 222, Orders table. Change rule for Down in Orders table to
represent the them not having taken the shot at all, and read gain an extra -2 to be hit
instead still be searching for the target (and similarly a small
team is more difficult to spot inside a building).
Rangers lead the way! Units of Rangers are allowed to - Any tank that has the option of adding a Culin hedgerow
make a Run move after both sides have finished set-up, cutter may do so for +10 points per model. A tank so
but before the first turn of the game. During this move, the equipped
unit cannot assault enemy units, and cannot be targeted
by enemies in Ambush. Page 45 and 46, all AA vehicles. e option to add an additional
rear-facing pintle-mounted machine gun should be ignored.
Page 26, US Marines Squad (Mid- /Late-War). Cost line should
be changed to: Page 5, M3 Half-track. e Tow options should be changed to:
Cost: Regular Infantry 70pts or Veteran Infantry 91pts. Tow: Any anti-tank gun or anti-aircraft gun; light or
medium howitzer.
Page 26, US Marines Squad (Mid- /Late-War). Weapons line
should be changed to: Page 50, Dodge ton truck. e following option will be added:
Weapons: M1 Garand rifles - May upgrade the MMG to an HMG for +10pts.
Page 32, Light Artillery (M1A1) and Medium Artillery (M2A1). Page 52, LVT-4 Water Buffalo landing vehicle. Add following
Add the following option: options:
- May add a gun shield for +5 points. - May upgrade both pintle-mounted MMGs to pintle-
mounted HMGs for +20pts
Page 37, M5/M5A1 Stuart. Replace the current HMG option with: - May have an additional forward facing hull-mounted
MMG for +10pts
- May have an additional pintle-mounted MMG for +15pts
or pintle-mounted HMG for +25pts.
Bicycle/Welbike-mounted infantry: These follow the Page 60, M5 Half-track. e Tow options should be changed to:
same rules as infantry, except when moving entirely on a
road, in which case they double their Run move to 24" (this Tow: Any anti-tank gun or anti-aircraft gun; light or
move cannot be used to assault). In addition, the first time medium howitzer.
they receive any order other than Run, or if they receive a
pinning marker, they dismount and abandon their bicycles Page 62, LVT-4 Buffalo. Add following options:
for the rest of the game replace the models with models
on foot. - May upgrade both pintle-mounted MMGs to pintle-
mounted HMGs for +20pts
Page 24, Paratroop section. Change the second sentence of the
Stubborn rule to read: - May have an additional forward facing hull-mounted
MMG for +10pts
If forced to check their Morale, then they always test on
their full morale value, ignoring any pin markers. Page 69, Raiders! Selector. e anti-tank team entry will be
changed as follows:
Page 42, Cruiser Tank Mk VIII Centaur CS. Delete 1 hull-
mounted MMG. e points values is correct as is. 01 Anti-tank team: Boys anti-tank rifle team, PIAT team.
Page 44, Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill I-VI & IICS. Change the Page 76, Fall of Singapore selector. Add all transport and tows
fourth Option to read: options from the Burma theatre selector on page 67
- May replace the 6-pdr with a 95mm medium howitzer at Page 77, Burma selector. e anti-tank team entry will be
no points cost (making the vehicle a Churchill Mk V) changed as follows:
Page 45, Infantry Tank Mk IV Churchill VII-VIII. Replace the 01 Anti-tank team: Boys anti-tank rifle team, PIAT team.
armament Option to read:
Page 80, Normandy selector. e Infantry sections entries will be
- Replace the 75mm gun with a 95mm medium howitzer changed to:
for -10pts (making the vehicle a Churchill Mk VIII)
2 Infantry sections: Regular Infantry sections (mid-/late-war),
Page 51, Bishop and Sexton. Add the following option to both Inexperienced Infantry sections, Veteran Infantry sections
vehicles: (late-war), Paratroop sections, Commando sections.
May add AT rounds for the main gun for +10 pts. These 04 Infantry sections: Regular Infantry sections (mid-/late-
allow the light howitzer to be alternatively fired as a war), Inexperienced Infantry sections, Veteran Infantry
light anti-tank gun. Declare which round is chambered if sections (late-war), Paratroop sections, Commando
the vehicle is put on Ambush. sections.
Change the first line in the options to: Page 75 onwards. In all theatre selectors from the Battle of
Stalingrad onwards, add the KV-8S tank to any that include
- Add up to 7 additional soldiers at +10pts each (Regular) a KV-8 tank.
or +13pts each (Veteran).
Page 77, 10th Motorized Cavalry Brigade Infantry Section. Cost: 35 pts (Inexperienced), 50 pts (Regular),
Change the second option entry to read: 65 pts (Veteran)
Team: 2 (sniper and assistant)
Up to 1 man can be armed with a BAR automatic rifle for
+5 pts. Weapons: Sniper has a rifle and assistant has a pistol
Special rules:
- Team weapon
- Sniper
Apply the ability before resolving the shooting or close combat. Bulgarian cavalry units may not move into contact with an
The result rolled then applies for the rest of the game. enemy unit while mounted.
Page 17, Paracadutisti. e ski troops rule should be deleted, as Page 68, 20mm FLak 38. e following should be added to the
the Paratroopers dont have the option to take skis. Special Rules:
Page 28, Trucks. Under the heading Tow: the second instance of - Gun shield.
light anti-tank gun will be changed to light anti-aircraft gun.
Page 68, Renault R35 tank. e entry is incorrect. Use instead the
Page 30, 1940-41: The Invasion of Greece. entry for Captured Renault R35 on page 24-25 of the same book
Page 31, 1940-43: The War in Africa. In both of these selectors, (Italian list), which is correct.
change 75/36 heavy AA gun to 75/46 heavy AA gun in the
Artillery section. Page 70, 1941-44: Occupation Force
Page 33, 1941-43: The Eastern Front. Under Tanks, Self-Propelled Sd Kfz 232 (8-rad) should be changed to Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad)
Guns and Anti-Aircraft Vehicles, remove the following line:
Page 74, Infantry Section. Change the Special Rule to read:
0-1 vehicle from Semovente 47
- Tank Hunters if unit equipped with anti-tank grenades.
Page 44, Kaukopartio squad. e Deep Strike Mission rule will
be reworded as follows: Page 76, Hungarian Mounted Section, Special Rules. e
second sentence should read:
Deep Strike Mission: when a Kaukopartio unit that is
Outflanking as described on page 119 of the BA rulebook Hungarian cavalry units may not move into contact with
becomes available, it may enter the battle from anywhere an enemy unit while mounted.
along either the right/left table edge (depending on the
chosen side) or any point along the enemys own table Page 78, 40mm Bofors Anti-aircraft gun. Amend the weapons
edge. For example, if a Kaukopartio decided to outflank left, Team entry to read:
it could enter from any point along the left table edge
(regardless of the turn it became available), or any point Team: 4 men
along the enemys table edge.
Page 89, Late War Infantry Section, Cavalry Section, motorized
Page 46, Panzerschreck team. Add the following option to the infantry section. Remove the special rule which states that units
unit listing: gain Tank Huters if equipped with a Panzerfaust
- The team may be equipped with skis for +2 pts. . Page 89, Romanian Mounted Section, Special Rules. e second
sentence should read:
Pages 56-60, Finnish Theatre Selectors. All instances of 0-1 Romanian cavalry units may not move into contact with an
Allied Infantry will be deleted. enemy unit while mounted.
All Finnish eatre selectors, except for the Winter War, should
include the option for an air observer as an alternative to the Page 90, Heavy Mortar. e Weapon line should be changed to
artillery observer.
Weapon: 1 heavy mortar
Page 61, War in Lapland. e selector is missing the Artillery
entry. Use the same one of the selector on page 60 (i.e. the same Page 92, Renault R35 tank. e entry is incorrect. Use instead the
artillery guns, anti-tank guns and anti-aircraft guns). entry for Captured Renault R35 on page 24-25 of the same book
which is correct.
Ostfront - ERRATA
Page 79. Strafbattalion Penal Infantry Squad. e first line in the
options should be changed to:
Page 153 says the transport loses "transport/tow" capacity, but I want to collect an army of paratroopers. However there are no
the Jeep entry (page 176) just says it loses "transport capacity". specific paratrooper officers, snipers, MMG teams, etc to go
Which one is it? with my paratroopers squads. The same goes for all units of
All vehicles that lose transport capacity also lose tow capacity, as they infantry with special rules, like commandos, gurkhas etc
can no longer carry the crew of the towed weapon, and basically We assume that the special rules only apply to the proper (and
change their role from that of transports into that of mobile weapons normally larger) squads of paratroopers, but not to their HQs and
platforms. . support teams, as they are not big enough for the rule to come into
play, or that their tactical role is different, as represented by their own
When allocating orders out by using an officers You men, snap special rules or specialised weaponry. So, we normally just select
to action special ability, can I allocate Order dice to other officers and support teams of the same quality as the relative infantry
officers teams within range? If so, can these other officers also squads in the case of paratroopers for example, choose all of your
then in turn use their You men, snap to action special ability to officers and support teams as Veterans they are not going to be as
order more units within range (including potentially other hard as the men, but still not bad. Also, when possible equip them with
officers and so on?)? weapons that make them as similar as possible to their main troops.
For example, equip Gurkha HQs with submachine guns, so they become
Yes, you can.
exactly as effective as Tough Fighters in close quarters.
The Panzer 38(t) options say you can upgrade for -30pts
"(reconnaissance version)". Does this means it also gains the "Recce" Armies of Great Britain - FAQs
special rule? Or is it just called the reconnaissance version? Looking at the 25-pounder model, it looks like the model is
Its just the name of the different version, the vehicle does not gain the platform-mounted, but in the Armies of Great Britain it doesn't
Recce rule. have the platform-mounted rule. So is the 25 pdr platform-
mounted or not?
The Panzersphwagen P204 (F) (page: 72) is not mentioned in No it is not, that rule refers to guns mounted on fast-rotating platforms
any theatre selectors. In which can be fielded? designed to track aircraft in flight.
Any selector that allows armoured cars from the Operation Barbarossa
selector onwards. Can you clarify how the Gurkhas Scary Blighters! rule interacts
with some other melee rules?
Do the Tiger I tank and other vehicles armed with 88mm guns Tough fighters vs Gurkhas? If a unit of tough fighters fights Gurkhas
have the versatile special rule? in close combat, they simply halve their initial attacks. For example, ten
tough fighters attack a unit of Gurkhas - they roll five attacks instead of
No, only the Flak 36 88mm artillery version of the gun has the versatile rule.
ten, but then for any hit scored they can roll to hit again, as normal.
Can a nebelwerfer or other multiple rocket launcher be Tough as boots vs Gurkha? The unit calculates its attacks (counting
manhandled? 'tough as boots), then it halves its attacks.
Yes, they follow the normal rules for artillery units.
Tough as boots, some with SMGs, vs Gurkhas? The unit calculates
its attacks (counting Tough as Boots), then it halves its attacks, then
Which vehicles are allowed to tow a Nebelwerfer or other the player can re-roll as many hits as there are tough fighters (i.e. men
multiple rocket launchers? armed with SMGs) in the unit.
Treat them as light howitzers for towing purposes.
Can the free Regular Artillery Forward Observer from the
Artillery Support special rule (page 17) be upgraded to Veteran
by paying the difference in points? Particularly in the Market
Armies of the US - FAQs Garden selector, where it is mandatory (if possible).
According to the book, the M3 White Scout Car is in transport & No, the free Observer is included in the army as normal, but cannot be
tows section with an option to be Recce vehicle. In the books upgraded, not even in Market Garden.
theatre selectors there is no M3 White Scout Car as a transport
& tows option, but only as armoured car or recce vehicle. Is it Can the free British Artillery Observer be accompanied by one
possible to take one M3 White with Recce as armoured car or or two men as normal? If so, are they also free or do I need to
recce vehicle and one per infantry unit in the reinforced pay for them?
platoon? The free observer can indeed pay additional points to add one or two
The M3 White Scout car should be in the Transport and Tows section Regular soldiers to his unit.
of the selectors. If an M3 is upgraded to recce status it counts as the
platoons recce vehicle. In the Armies of Great Britain book, the last sentence of the
Artillery Support rule (page 17) refers to selectors that do not
I have a hellcat M18 TD. They were unbelievably fast and you include FAO (like a small Commando force, for example).
attest on your site, but you have no speed rule listed with it. So However, there are no such selectors in the book
how many inches does it move and will you put it into the errata Thats right, so the free FAO is allowed in any of the selectors included
if it's more than the usual 9"? If it is only 9"(normal tracked in the book. This exception to the rule will therefore only apply in
vehicle), why? selectors that we may publish elsewhere, or that people may create
We have chosen not to go into the differences in maximum speed, as it themselves.
was often a theorical value and not a reality of real battlefields littered
with terrain, mud etc. If we change this policy, of course the Hellcat If I field a model of a British light howitzer that is not a 25-pdr
will be one of the first vehicles well look at. (like a 3.7-inch mountain howitzer, for example), can I use the
same AT shell rule as the 25-pdr?
US Engineers squads. In which theatre selector can I take them Yes, as you pay the same points. We assume that some AT shells were
as Veterans (i.e. late war)? available to all guns of this type.
As the theatre does not offer any strict ruling about whether the
engineers are the early or late war ones (i.e. Reg or Vet), you are
absolutely free to take either you make the call, you pay the points.
Armies of France
and the ALLies - FAQs TANK WAR - FAQs
If a vehicle with the One-man Turret special rule is in reserve, When you are using Crew Skills the vehicle starts at
does it need to take two separate tests to advance onto the Inexperienced and is bought at the Inexperienced cost. once
table? And what if its in a first wave instead? they have two skills, the vehicle goes up a level to Regular. do
you then pay the increase in cost for it? E.g. if you buy an
A vehicle in Reserve already has to take a test with a -1 modifier Inexperienced Chinese Panzer I for 56 points and then get two
anyway, so the One-man Turret rule effectively has no effect on skills, do you then pay 70 points for it, or do you get the Regular
vehicles in Reserve. If the vehicle is in a first wave, it must take an upgrade free?
order test before it can enter the table. If the test is failed, the vehicle
is placed in reserve (and it cannot outflank, of course). If you need to 'buy' the vehicle again (or just in order to balance
forces), use the points for the relative Quality level so pay for a
regular vehicle if the crew is now regular, and veteran cost when the
Does the Fanatic rule on the Polish HQ units have any effect, as crew is veteran.
these units are so small?
Only in the rarest of circumstances when a three-man HQ team loses Does the Force Selector on page 11 override theatre selectors
an assault by suffering a single casualty! So yes, the rule is there more (e.g. Soviets take extra armour choices in the Berlin theatre,
for colour than for real effect. Americans can take 3 MGs, etc.)?
Yes, if you use the Armoured Platoon selector, you are not using
The Partisan list states all captured vehicles must be another selector. Army special rules still apply however (so the Soviets
Inexperienced. How does this work with vehicles that don't have get an additional inexperienced squad for free, but remember that you
an Inexperienced cost (such as Panzer III Ausf L, M or Panzer III must buy a transport for them).
Ausf N)?
These vehicles cannot be included in the list. For a Radio Network (p.13/14) it mentions taking the three
compulsory vehicles from the same entry, does this mean the
The Partisans' special rule in Armies of France and the Allies variant doesn't matter? i.e. you can take three Churchills and get
says that an enemy unit moving within 6" from the bombs token the Radio Net regardless of taking a Churchill Mk I, Mk II and
is hit by the equivalent of a heavy howitzer 3D6 hits (if a 6 is Mk III?
scored). In second edition BA should we use the 3D6 or the Absolutely yes. The variant does not matter, if the tanks are taken from
howitzer HE template? the same entry in the book (as is the case for the MkI, II and III
3D6 hits, as if the target unit was in a building. Churchill tanks).
What are the rules for the Luftfaust and for the Krumlauf assault
What do I do if a vehicle gets enough skills to be promoted to
veteran, but the selector Im using does not allow veteran
These weapons will be covered by future supplement books, but in the versions of that vehicle?
meantime use the following get-you-by rules.
Such unique veteran vehicles are allowed, overruling the limitations for
the selector.
Luftfaust: Any unit included in the 1945 Last Levy selector
of the Armies of Germany book can take Luftfaust rocket
launchers. Up to two models in the unit that have been
equipped with a panzerfaust can replace their panzerfaust
with a Luftfaust for free. The Luftfaust counts as a light
autocannon that only fires HE rounds and has a range of
24" instead of 48". It also has the Flak and One-shot special