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H4 CNG Engine Manual

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Bharat Stage IV

mar 2014
Important please read

In the event of serious leak

On no account should a naked flame be used to detect a leak. Shut off all engines
and electrical equipment in the immediate vicinity and leave off until the gas hazard
is removed.

Smoking or naked lights must not be allowed. Extinguish all heaters, lights, gas rings,
stoves and boilers in the immediate vicinity.

Move all people to a safe distance from the leak in an upwind or crosswind direction.

Unless the leakage is of minor nature or the leak can be quickly controlled by those
present on site, the Fire Service and Police Department should be notified, advising
them of the location. Material and volume involved.

action in the event of Fire

In the event of fire, expert help from the Fire Service must be sought immediately and
the Police Department notified. Advice them of location material and quantity involved.
Carry out the same precautions as under “SERIOUS LEAK”.

Do not attempt to extinguish flames other than by cutting off the flow of natural Gas.
Control resulting fires with dry powder type extinguisher.

Fire extinguisher recommended: confirming to IS: 2171 of dry chemical powder type.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual


Group - 16
Hae4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
section subject page no.

16.0 General ........................................................................................................ 16.01

16.0.0 IntroduCtIon to exHaust emIssIon ..................................................... 16.02 Combustion ................................................................................................. 16.02 Formation of Pollutants ............................................................................... 16.02 Characteristics of Pollutant Components .................................................... 16.02

16.0.1 Emission norms - for India - GVW of vehicles > 3.5 Tonnes .................... 16.03

16.0.2 Properties of Fuels ............................................................................... 16.03

16.0.3 Characteristics of CNG ............................................................................... 16.03

16.0.4 Combustion systems for CNG .................................................................... 16.03

16.0.5 Engine Type and Number ........................................................................... 16.04

16.0.6 Design and Operation ................................................................................. 16.05

16.0.7 General Data .............................................................................................. 16.07

16.0.8 Repair Data ................................................................................................ 16.08

16.0.8 Repair Data ................................................................................................ 16.09

16.0.8 Repair Data ................................................................................................ 16.10

16.0.8 Repair Data ................................................................................................ 16.11

16.0.8 Repair Data ................................................................................................ 16.12

16.0.10 Crank Shaft Journals and Crankpin Grinding Dimensions. ......................... 16.13

16.0.11 Main and Thrust Bearing Shells Sizes ....................................................... 16.13

16.0.12 Connecting Rod Big End Bearings Sizes. (Thickness) ............................... 16.13

16.0.13 Crankcase Parent Bore Cylinder Liner Outer Dia ...................................... 16.13

16.0.14 Recommended Coolant ............................................................................... 16.14

16.0.15 Recommended Lubricants ........................................................................... 16.14

16.0.16 Filling Capacity ........................................................................................... 16.14

16.0.17 Liquid Gasket And Application Points ......................................................... 16.15

16.0.18 Trouble Shooting ......................................................................................... 16.16

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service manual


Group - 16
Hae4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
section subject page no.

16.6 exHaust and IntaKe manIFold ............................................................... 16.25

16.6.0 To Remove and Refit Exhaust Manifold .................................................... 16.25

16.6.1 To Remove and Refit Intake Manifold ........................................................ 16.25

16.7 assemBly oF eGC enGIne sIde wIrInG Harness ............................... 16.28

16.8 to test enGIne CompressIon ................................................................. 16.32

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service manual


Group - 16
Hae4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
section subject page no.

16.11 CranKCase ................................................................................................... 16.47

16.11.0 To Remove and Refit Cylinder Liners ......................................................... 16.47

16.11.1 To Remove and Refit Timing Casing Cover a nd Back Plate ..................... 16.48

16.11.2 To Remove and Refit Flywheel Housing..................................................... 16.49

16.11.3 Install the Oil Seal in the Flywheel Housing .............................................. 16.49

16.11.4 To Remove and Refit Flywheel ................................................................... 16.49

16.11.5 To Remove Ring Gear ................................................................................ 16.50

16.11.6 To Install Ring Gear ................................................................................... 16.50

16.11.7 Install Flywheel ........................................................................................... 16.50

16.11.8 Mass Balancer ............................................................................................ 16.51

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Group - 16
Hae4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
section subject page no. Inspection .............................................................................................. 16.52 Installation ........................................................................................... 16.52

16.12 CranKsHaFt ................................................................................................. 16.53

16.12.0 To Remove and Refit Crankshaft................................................................ 16.53

16.12.1 To Remove Crankshaft Gear ...................................................................... 16.54

16.12.2 To Refit the Crankshaft Gear...................................................................... 16.54

16.12.3 To Remove Ring Gear ................................................................................ 16.54

16.12.4 To Refit Rim Gear ...................................................................................... 16.54

16.12.5 To Check Crankshaft Bend ......................................................................... 16.54

16.12.6 Installation ................................................................................................... 16.54

16.12.7 To Renew Crankshaft Main & Connecting Rod Bearing and Check
Main & Connecting Rod Bearing Spread .................................................. 16.54

16.12.8 To Check and Grind Crankshaft ................................................................. 16.55

16.12.9 To Remove and Refit Crank Pulley ............................................................ 16.56

16.13 pIston and ConneCtInG rods ................................................................ 16.57

16.13.0 To Remove Piston Assembly ...................................................................... 16.57

16.13.1 To Dismantle and Assemble Piston and connecting rod ............................ 16.57

16.13.2 Connecting Rod Bush ................................................................................. 16.57 To Remove Bush .................................................................................. 16.57 Installation of Connecting Rod Bush .................................................... 16.58 Inspect the Bushing Position after Installation ...................................... 16.58 Check for Bend of Connecting Rod ............................................................ 16.59 Install Connecting Rod Bearing ............................................................ 16.59

16.13.3 Piston and Piston Rings ............................................................................. 16.60 Piston General ..................................................................................... 16.60 To Remove Piston rings........................................................................ 16.60 Assemble Piston and Connecting Rod ................................................. 16.60 Install Piston Rings ............................................................................ 16.60 Installation ............................................................................................. 16.61

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service manual


Group - 16
Hae4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
section subject page no.

16.14 CylInder Head assemBly......................................................................... 16.63

16.14.0 To Remove Cylinder Head .......................................................................... 16.63

16.14.1 To Grind Valves and Valve Seats ............................................................... 16.64

16.14.2 To Remove Valve Seat ............................................................................... 16.64

16.14.3 Valve Seat Installation ................................................................................ 16.64 To Check the Valve Guide .................................................................... 16.65 To Renew Valve Guide ......................................................................... 16.65 To Refit Valve and Valve Stem Seals .................................................. 16.65 To Check Valve Springs ....................................................................... 16.66

16.14.4 To Assemble the Cylinder Head ................................................................. 16.66

16.15 tImInG ............................................................................................................. 16.67

16.15.0 To Remove and Refit Rocker Levers.......................................................... 16.67

16.15.1 To Remove, Refit and Check Push Rod and Tappets ................................ 16.67

16.15.2 To Remove and Refit Camshaft.................................................................. 16.67

16.15.3 Removal and Replacement of Camshaft Bushes ....................................... 16.68 Camshaft Bush Dimensions (in mm) .................................................... 16.68 Removal of bushes ..................................................................................... 16.68

16.15.5 Installation: .................................................................................................. 16.69

16.15.6 Install the camshaft gear on the shaft........................................................ 16.70

16.15.7 To Refit the Camshaft ................................................................................. 16.70

16.15.8 To Remove and Refit Intermediate Timing Gear ........................................ 16.70

16.15.9 Install the Idler Gear Shaft (Spindle) .......................................................... 16.71

16.15.10 Install the Idler Gear ................................................................................... 16.71

16.15.11 To Re-bush Intermediate Gear ................................................................... 16.71

16.15.12 To Position Timing Gears for Valve Timing. ............................................... 16.72

16.15.13 Timing Gear Backlash Checking ................................................................. 16.72

16.15.14 To Fit Air Compressor ................................................................................. 16.72

16.15.0 To Adjust the Valve Clearance.................................................................... 16.72

16.15.01 To Adjust the Valve Clearance.................................................................... 16.73

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service manual


Group - 16
Hae4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
section subject page no.

16.16 enGIne luBrICatIon ................................................................................... 16.74

16.16.0 Design and Operation ................................................................................. 16.74

16.16.1 To Remove and Refit Oil Pump .................................................................. 16.75

16.16.2 To Overhaul Oil Pump ................................................................................ 16.75

16.16.3 To Refit the Oil Pump ................................................................................. 16.75

16.16.4 To Overhaul Oil Cooler and Filter Assy ...................................................... 16.76 To Remove ............................................................................................ 16.76 To Overhaul Assembly ................................................................................ 16.76 To Refit Oil Cooler ...................................................................................... 16.77 Engine Piston Cooling Nozzle ............................................................. 16.77 Inspection Method for Piston Cooling Nozzle ....................................... 16.77

16.17 CoolInG system .......................................................................................... 16.78

16.17.0 General ....................................................................................................... 16.78

16.17.1 To Flush Cooling System ............................................................................ 16.78

16.17.2 Baffle Plate ................................................................................................. 16.79

16.17.3 Pipe Coolant Pump Outlet .......................................................................... 16.79

16.17.4 Coolant filter ............................................................................................... 16.79

16.17.5 External Cleaning of Radiator ..................................................................... 16.79

16.17.6 Engine Cooling Fan and Fan Clutch .......................................................... 16.79

16.17.7 Service Tips for Viscous Fan / Clutch ........................................................ 16.79

16.17.8 Thermostat .................................................................................................. 16.80

16.17.9 To Test Thermostat ..................................................................................... 16.80

16.17.10 To Remove and Refit Water Pump ............................................................. 16.81

16.17.11 To Overhaul Water Pump ........................................................................... 16.81

16.10.12 To Remove and Refit Fan Belt - To adjust fan belt tension ..................... 16.82

16.18 exHaust and IntaKe manIFold ............................................................... 16.84

16.18.0 To Remove and Refit Exhaust Manifold ..................................................... 16.84

16.18.1 To Remove and Refit Intake Manifold ........................................................ 16.84

16.18.2 Maintenance and Servicing of Dry Type Air cleaner .................................. 16.84
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service manual


Group - 16
Hae4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
section subject page no.

16.19 alumInIum radIators and CHarGe aIr Cooler ................................ 16.85

16.19.0 Service Instruction ...................................................................................... 16.85 Introduction ........................................................................................... 16.85 Details of Radiator ................................................................................ 16.85 Servicing Kit .......................................................................................... 16.85 Procedure for Servicing ........................................................................ 16.85 Radiator Installation .............................................................................. 16.87 Do's and Don'ts .................................................................................... 16.87

16.21 tIGHtenInG torque .................................................................................... 16.93

16.22 maIntenanCe sCHedule ............................................................................ 16.95

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual


Experienced personnel should carry out any repair work on the aggregate and utmost
cleanliness must be observed.

A dismantling of the aggregate should only be undertaken for the purpose of replacing
or worn components. After the aggregate has been removed from the vehicle it should
be thoroughly washed with a suitable cleansing liquid before it is opened.

Dismantling and assembly should be carried out on a clean work bench and the
special tools, manufactured for this purpose to be used.

Any old sealing compound adhering to joint surfaces of parts and cover must be
removed before the components are installed. Burrs or similar defects must be
removed carefully with a oil stone.

Damaged and badly worn components must be renewed.

Sealing rings with rough, torn or hardened sealing lips must be renewed. Care must
be taken that grease\sludge or other foreign matters do not obstruct oil holes and

The tightening torque and adjustment data, given in the manual must be followed very
strictly during the assembly of the aggregate. Tightening torque’s for bolts and nuts,
which are not contained in the table “ tightening torque and adjustment data” can be
obtained from standard specification tables.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.5 engine type and number

The engine no is stamped onto the crankcase on the left side rear top corner.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.7 General data

description Hae4nG106
Type Text H Series 4TI CNG BSIV Turbo Charged Engine
Bore and Stroke 104 x 113 mm
Piston displacement 3.839 l
Max output 106 kW @ 2400 rpm
Max torque 450 Nm @ 1600 - 2000 rpm
Compression Ratio 11.5
Firing order 1-3-4-2
Direction of rotation
Compression pressure 16 - 20 kg/cm² @ 280 rpm (with throttle kept in open position)
Idling revolution 700 ± 50 rpm
Max. revolution 2640 rpm
Valve seat angle
Intake 30°
Exhaust 45°
Valve Face angle
Intake 30°
Exhaust 45°
Valve timing
Intake opens 8° Before Top Dead Centre
Intake closes 48° After Bottom Dead Centre
Exhaust opens 60° Before Bottom Dead Centre
Exhaust closes 8° After Top Dead Centre
Valve clearance (when cold)
Intake 0.30 mm
Exhaust 0.45 mm
Governing System ECU control
Spark plug gap 0.3 ± 0.05 mm
engine oil pump
Type Full forced Pressure feed by gear pump
Drive By gear
Engine oil cooler Multi plates type, water cooled
Coolant pump
Type Forced circulation by volute pump
Drive By Poly V-belt
Thermostat Wax type, Bottom bypass system
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.8 repair data

description (measurements in mm) measuring device and remarks


0.05 (limit 0.1) Straight edge rule and feeler gauge
Ref. section 15.0.13 W,X,Y,Z, punch marked on
crank case LH side adjacent to each bore
W,X,Y,Z, paint mark given on cylinder liner collar
Cylinder liner outside diameter Ref. section 15.0.13

Selective assembly
crankcase bore Transition Fit
104.008 - 104.040 Bore dial gauge (To be measured
Cylinder liner bore: Size
(limit 104.15) at 80 mm from top) stand
Liner projection 0.01 - 0.08 Dial gauge with magnetic
Block Top Surface to Crankshaft Centre 299.950 - 300
Block Top Surface to sump face height 370
Main journal dia 77.985 - 78.00 Micor meter
Cylinder counter bore depth 8.020 - 7.980 Vernier depth gauge
Cylinder counter bore dia 112.00 (+0.290 to 0.150) Micro meter & bore dial gauge
piston and Connecting rod assembly
Piston diameter Standard size 103.960 Micrometer (measure at gudgeon pin axis)
Diametrical piston clearance (at skirt) 0.140 - 0.172 Feeler gauge
piston ring Groove width
Top 2.57 - 2.59 (limit 3.10)
Second 2.03 - 2.05 (limit 2.14) Micrometer
Oil Ring 5.01 - 5.03 (limit 5.08)
piston ring width
Top 2.47 - 2.49 (limit 2.32)
Second 1.97 - 1.99 (limit 1.88) Micrometer
Oil Ring 4.97 - 4.99 (limit 4.95)
piston ring side clearance in groove
Top 0.08 - 0.12 (limit 0.7)
Second 0.04 - 0.08 (limit 0.2) Feeler gauge
Oil Ring 0.02 - 0.06 (limit 0.1)
piston ring gap
Top 0.30 - 0.45 (limit 1.2)
2nd 0.30 - 0.45 (limit 1.2) Feeler gauge
Oil 0.30 - 0.45 (limit 1.0)
Maximum permissible piston weight No need to check weight difference as pistons
difference per set are serviced as set
34.987 - 35.003
Piston pin hole inside diameter Bore dial gauge
(limit 35.020)
34.989 - 35.00
Gudgeon pin outside diameter
(limit 34.980) heated to 80oC)
Clearance between Piston pin and Piston -0.013 - 0.014
pin hole (limit 0.04)
35.015 - 35.025
Small end bush bore Bore dial gauge
(limit 35.07)
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.8 repair data

description (measurements in mm) measuring device and remarks

0.015 - 0.036
Diametrical clearance between gudgeon
pin and con. rod small end bush bore (limit 0.08) Bore dial gauge and micrometer
Max. permissible clearance

0.035 - 0.092 Bore dial gauge and micrometer

connecting rod

Connecting rod centre to centre distance 181.480 - 181.520

Connecting rod bend / twist limit 0.1 per 200

Connecting rod big end dia 65.985 - 66

A : 1710 - 1750

Max. permissible connecting rod B : 1750 - 1790 Grades A, B, C, D, E are punched on big end
weight (gms) Grading C : 1790 - 1830 of the connecting rod. An engine should have
D : 1830 - 1870 connecting rods of same grade.

E : 1870 - 1910
Crankshaft journals and crankpin grinding
Ref. section 15.0.10 Micrometer
Surface hardness of journals and Hardness Tester. No further heat
269-311 BHN
crankpins treatment recommended
Maximum permissible run-out of centre
Ref. section 15.0.10 V-Blocks and dial gauge
Journals and crankpins Ref. section 15.0.10 Micrometer

Crankshaft Bend limit 0.04

Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap roundness 0.06

Main and thrust bearing shells Ref. section 15.0.11 (Standard and undersize)
Crankshaft end clearance 0.05 - 0.22 Feeler gauge

Maximum permissible clearance 0.4 (limit)

0.039 - 0.09
Diametrical clearance between
main journal and bearing Maximum 0.13 (limit) Bore dial gauge and micrometer
permissible clearance

Main bearing inside diameter 77.985 - 78.00 Bore dial gauge

Main bearing spread 79.00 - 79.06 Vernier Calliper

Connecting rod big end bearings Ref. section 15.0.12 (Standard and undersize)

Connecting rod side clearance 0.20 - 0.52 (limit 0.6) Feeler gauge

Diametrical clearance between Connecting 0.031 - 0.082

Bore dial gauge and micrometer
Rod Big End Bearing & Crank pin (limit 0.12)

Connecting rod Big End bearing inside dia 65.985 - 66.00 Bore dial gauge

Connecting rod Big end ovality/taper 0.06

Connecting rod big end bearing spread 67.05 - 67.55 Vernier caliper

Connecting rod bend/twist limit 0.1 per 200 Fixture and feeler gauge

Connecting rod twist limit 0.1 per 200 Fixture and feeler gauge

Flywheel face out limit 0.15 Dial gauge

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.8 repair data

description (measurements in mm) measuring device and remarks

Cylinder Heads and Valves

0.05 (limit 0.1) Straight edge and feeler gauge

Cylinder head height 87.0 (limit 86.8) Vernier caliper

Valve sink (Valve head depth below cylinder
head face)
Dial gauge
Inlet 2.65 - 2.75
Exhaust 2.37 - 2.47
Valve stem diameter
Inlet 8.95 - 8.97 (limit 8.9)
Exhaust 8.93 - 8.95 (limit 8.8)
Intake and Exhaust Valve Guide dia 9.000 - 9.015 Internal micro meter
Diametrical valve stem clearance in guide
Intake 0.035 - 0.068 Plug gauge and Micrometer
Exhaust 0.050 - 0.083
Valve seat angle
Intake 30° - 30° 15'
Bevel Protractor (for both inlet and exhaust)
Exhaust 45° - 45° 15'
Valve seat seating depth on cylinder head
Inlet 8.9 ± 0.1
Exhaust 7.3 ± 0.1
Valve seat thickness
Inlet 7.5 - 7.7
Exhaust 6.0 - 6.2
Valve seat seating dia on cylinder head
Inlet 46.5 (+0.016, - 0.0)
Exhaust 41.0 (+0.10, - 0.0)
Outer dia of valve seat
Inlet 46.5 (+0.10 to +0.085)
Exhaust 41.0 (+0.145 to 0.130)
Valve angle
Intake 29° 45' - 30°15'
Protractor (for both inlet and exhaust)
Exhaust 44° 45' - 45°15'
Valve head diameter
Inlet 45.3 - 45.5
Exhaust 39.8 - 40.0

Maximum permissible out of true 0.03

Lathe and dial gauge
head face head to stem

0.010 - 0.039 Plug gauge and micrometer

cylinder head
Height of valve guide above spring seat 14.5

Maximum permissible out of true of 0.030

valve seat to guide

Valve spring straightness 2.0 (limit) Tri Square

24.2 kg at 44.9 mm
Spring load Valve spring scale (inlet and exhaust)
(limit 20.6 kg)

Valve stroke 12.3 - 12.4 mm Depth gauge (inlet and exhaust)

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.8 repair data

description (measurements in mm) measuring device and remarks


Rocker arm shaft diameter 18.966 - 18.984

Diametrical clearance between rocker 0.036 - 0.079 Plug gauge and micrometer

lever on rocker shaft (limit 0.15)

Push Rod Bend 0.3 Centres and dial gauge

Tappet Diameter 26.95 - 26.97 Micro meter

Tappet guide inside diameter 27.00 - 27.02 Internal micro meter

Diametrical tappet clearance in crankcase 0.025 - 0.071 Bore dial gauge and micrometer

bore Maximum permissible limit 0.1 (limit)

Camshaft Bend 0.05 (limit) Dial gauge and V blocks

Camshaft Cam lift (Intake) 6.8354 Vernier height gauge & V blocks

Camshaft Cam lift (Exhaust) 6.8933 Vernier height gauge & V blocks

Camshaft end play 0.10 - 0.18 (limit 0.3) Dial gauge with magnetic base

Camshaft Journal Diameter

Journal 1 56.95 - 56.97 (limit 56.85)

Micro meter
Journal 2 56.75 - 56.77 (limit 56.65)

Journal 3 56.55 - 56.57 (limit 56.45)

Camshaft Journal Bearing inside Diameter Bore dial gaugeafter

pressing the bushes.

Journal 1 57.0 (limit 57.070)

Journal 2 56.8 (limit 56.870)

Journal 3 56.6 (limit 56.670)

Diametrical camshaft clearance in 0.03 - 0.12

Internal measuring gauge and micrometer
bushes Max. permissible clearance 0.15 (limit)

Idler Shaft Diameter 49.95 - 49.975 (limit 49.94) Micrometer

Idler Gear bushing inside Diameter 50.00 - 50.025 (limit 50.05) Internal micro meter

Diametrical clearance between Idler Gear 0.03 to 0.08

Internal measuring gauge and micrometer
shaft and Bush (limit 0.1)

Idler Gear end play 0.04 - 0.10 (limit 0.15) Dial gauge

Tooth Backlash between Crank gear &

0.068 - 0.194 Feeler gauge or dial gauge
Idler gear

0.065 - 0.182
Tooth Backlash between Idler gear & Oil
Feeler gauge or dial gauge
Pump gear (limit 0.3)

Tooth Backlash between distributor drive

0.065 - 0.232 Feeler gauge or dial gauge
gear & Idler gear

Tooth Backlash between Cam gear & 0.065 - 0.182

Feeler gauge or dial gauge
Oil Pump gear
(limit 0.3)
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.8 repair data

description (measurements in mm) measuring device and remarks

engine lubrication

Max. oil pressure

Full-load 4.5/4.8 kg/cm² Pressure gauge

Idling 1.2/1.6 kg/cm² Pressure gauge

Minimum oil pressure 1.0 kg/cm² (engine idling)

21 - 24 l per minute at 4 kg/cm² at 1000 rpm

Release valve 3.7 - 4.3 kg/cm² Hydraulic pump with pressure

By-pass valve for paper element 4 kg/cm² gauge

By-pass valve for heat exchanger 1.5 kg/cm²

Oil Pump Gear Height 22.5

Oil Pump gear Outer Diameter 49.2

Oil Pump Gear Backlash (Drive & Driven) 0.09 - 0.21 (limit 0.30) Feeler gauge

Drive Gear shaft Diameter 18.088 - 18.106 (limit 18.060) Micro meter

Drive shaft Bushing inside Diameter 18.146 - 18.173 (limit 18.20) Internal micro meter

Clearance between Drive Shaft & Bushing 0.040 - 0.085 (limit 0.1) Bore dial gauge/Micro meter

Driven Gear shaft Diameter 17.979 - 17.997 (limit 17.970) Micro meter

Driven Gear Inside Diameter 18.037 - 18.054 (limit 18.070) Bore dial gauge/Internal micro meter

Clearance between driven gear and shaft 0.040 - 0.075 (limit 0.1) Dial gauge

Oil Cooler air pressure testing 6 kg/cm²

Cooling system

Permissible maximum cooling temp. 95°C Temperature gauge

Maximum water pump output 125 lpm @ 0.5 kg/cm² Test tank

Distance between Impeller end face to

9 Vernier caliper/ Depth gauge
shaft end face
Commencement of thermostat opening 74°C + 2°C Test tank thermometer & dial gauge
Thermostat working stroke at 95°C 10 mm or more Test tank thermometer & dial gauge
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.10 Crank shaft Journals and Crankpin Grinding dimensions.

desCrIptIon mm

1. Std diameter of main journals 72.94 - 72.96

2. Std diameter of conrod journals 61.94 - 61.96
3. Fillet Radius main journal 3.00 - 3.50

5. Wear limits
Taper (across total width) 0.1
Ovality 0.1
Bend 0.04
Wear limit 0.2
Concentricity 0.03
Maximum permissible out of round 0.02
6. Available under sizes (only 4 under sizes) 0.25/0.50/0.75/1.00

16.0.11 main and thrust Bearing shells sizes

under size Crank pin main Journal

mm mm mm
0.25 61.69 - 61.71 72.69 - 72.71
0.50 61.44 - 61.46 72.44 - 72.46
0.75 61.19 - 61.21 72.19 - 72.21
1.00 60.94 - 60.96 71.94 - 71.96

Width of crank pin - 38.00 - 38.25 mm

Correct by regrinding if worn unevenly more than 0.10 mm
regrind if the wear is more than 0.2 mm
replace crankshaft if wear is more than 1.2 mm

16.0.12 Connecting rod Big end Bearings sizes. (thickness)

under size (mm) thickness (mm) tolerance

STANDARD 2.00 -0.003 To -0.013
0.25 2.125 - do -
0.50 2.250 - do -
0.75 2.375 - do -
1.00 2.500 - do -
16.0.13 Crankcase parent Bore Cylinder liner outer dia
Grade size (mm) Grade size (mm)
W 107 + 0.0060 W 107 - 0.0125
+ 0 - 0.0190

X 107 + 0.0125
X 107 - 0.0060
+ 0.0060 - 0.0125

Y 107 + 0.0190
Y 107 + 0
+ 0.0125 - 0.0060

Z 107 + 0.0250
Z 107 + 0.0060
+ 0.0190 + 0.

Interchangeability is allowed w.r.t. next oversize or undersize liners.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.14 recommended Coolant

GGulf eurocool ll max 50 & servo cool alt premixed coolant (AL Spec : JIS K 2234 - 94 Class 2
and Plus Plus)

Gulf Eurocool LL Max 50 & Servo cool ALT are pre mixed coolant (pre mixed with water at 50% ratio) and
has been formulated with a view to offer extended service life. No addition of water is required.

The recommended coolant change interval is 200,000 kms or 2 years whichever is earlier. Gulf Eurocool
Max 50 is available in convenient pack sizes of 1, 3, 20, 50 liters & also as 210 liter barrel.

For topping up use only Gulf eurocool ll max 50 or servo cool alt directly. do not dilute with
NOTE plain or demineralised water for top up.

16.0.15 recommended lubricants

Use of correct grades of lubrication is most important to prevent the wear and tear of components. The
charts show the oil grade recommended by AL.

Co-branded approved
lubricant lubricant

ambient Gulf oil Indian oil Change period
aggregate leyland
temp. °C India Corporation (km)

"Low ash gas Gulfco 1049 servo pride

BHarat staGe -15 and Oil change period
engine oil max sae Geo alt
II & III above every 10,000 km.
API CD/CF " 20w-50 20w-50

16.0.16 Filling Capacity

aggregates maximum ()

H series H4e4nG CnG engine

Lubricating Oil 12.5

Coolant 14.5
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.17 liquid Gasket and application points

The engine use liquid gasket (Anabond 673) instead of conventional sheet gaskets. Apply liquid
gasket, therefore, taking the following items into account.
liquid gasket application points and coating width
parts name application Coating width
a) Oil pan Flange face which mate with cylinder 3 - 4 (0.12 - 0.16)
block and timing gear cover
b) Timing gear cover Faces which mates with timing gear 1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)
plate (flange face, boss face)
c) Flywheel housing Faces which mate with cylinder block 1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)
(flange face, boss face)
d) Oil cooler Flange face which mates with cylinder block 1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)
e) Coolant pump Flange face which mates with timing gear cover 1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)
f) Thermostat case Flange face which mates with cylinder head 1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)
g) Intake pipe Flange face which mates with intake manifold 1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)
h) Seal plate Flange face which mates with power timing gear cover1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)
I) Oil pipe Flange face which mates with cylinder head 1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)
j) Camshaft end plate Flange face which mates with cylinder block 1.5 - 2.5 (0.06 - 0.10)

Coating liquid Gasket and parts assembly procedure

1. Completely remove old liquid gasket from each part and the respective mating part, and
remove oil, water, and dirt using cloth.
2. Be careful not to apply excessive or insufficient liquid gasket. Also, be sure to overlap the
start and end of each coating.
3. When assembling coated parts, be careful that there is no misalignment between mating parts.
If there is any misalignment, coat the parts again.
4. Assemble the various parts within 20 minutes after applying liquid gasket. If more than 20
minutes have elapsed, remove the liquid gasket and apply it again.
5. After assembling the various parts wait for at least 15 minutes before starting the engine.
applicator Gun

loading Cartridge
Press lever 1 and simultaneously pull lever 2 back completely. Insert the cartridge. The open
cartridge can be dispensed by pressing lever 3.

unloading Cartridge

Press lever 1 and simultaneously pull lever 2 back completely - Remove cartridge from the gun.

when removing the oil pan, the flange of the oil pan may sometimes become deformed
preventing it from being reused. to prevent this, first insert plates with a thin edge
at several points around the periphery of the oil pan, then remove the oil pan using a
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.0.18 trouble shooting

Fault possible Cause remedy

1. engine not Starter motor not working * Check for battery charge level.
starting * Check starter motor condition.
* Check starter kill system.

Miss Spark / No spark / Erratic spark * Check spark plug condition

* Check other terminals for loose connection.

Wrong or improper throttle wiring assembly * Check throttle wiring assembly.

* Check proper mounting of throttle.

Insufficient gas pressure * Refill gas

Compression leak through spark * Check compression pressure.

plug sleeve * Check de-colourisation of spark plug
porcelain part.
* Check Metallic/Ceramic detachment of
* Change spark plug if necessary.

2. less pickup Fuel quantity insufficient/improper

* Blocked air induction path. Check & ensure proper air induction.

* Defective closed loop circuit Check and replace if necessary.


* Blocked / Melted catalytic Locate the fault in ignition system and

convertor replace catalytic convertor.

* Clutch slip Check clutch slip and rectify.

* Compression pressure leak Check compression pressure.

* Metal/Ceramic detachment in Check and change spark plug if

spark plug. necessary.

* Leakage through spark plug sleeve. Change cylinder head.

* Fault in ignition system. Check and correct.

3. Gas flow improper Regulator pressure * Change regulator, if necessary.

reduction improper
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.8 to test enGIne CompressIon

Warm-up engine to normal operation temperature (approx\ 80°C). Disconnect spark plug connection
and remove all six spark plugs.

Set the Adaptor Cylinder Compression with standard gauge compression on First cylinder.

Check valve clearance.

Keep the ignition key in switch OFF position and open the throttle fully. Since the air flow and fuel flow
will be restricted with the throttle remain closed, there is a possibility of recording a low compression
pressure. It is preferred to evacuate the gas pipe lines before the compression pressure testing.

Crank the engine approx 8 to 10 revolutions by actuating the starter motor. The battery must be in
properly charged condition as to achieve a cranking speed of atleast 280 rpm. Keep engine stop cable
in pulled in condition.

Repeat this procedure for all 6 cylinders.

wet Compression pressure Check

If the particular cylinder compression pressure is below 300 psi as per above dry check procedure, to locate fault
with valve tightness or piston clearance repeat the compression pressure check after pouring few drops of engine
oil thru spark plug hole. If low compression persists, the fault is with valve seats.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.9 operatInG InstruCtIons Provide suitable trap door for inspection of timing
(using timing device). No cross bearers should
16.9.0 precautions to be taken Before/
come exactly over the timing windows.
during Body Fabrication of CnG
bus. Provide bigger bonnet to ensure better ventilation
of the engine.
Cylinders are filled with CNG gas which is
inflammable, it is therefore very important that the LH/RH louvers at front grille provided - to ensure
individual valves provided on each cylinder should air cleaner - air entry on LH and for ventilation for
be closed completely during the entire body building trigger box on RH side. Louvre arrangement should
stage and can be opened only for moving the finished ensure no ingress of water.
bus. The residual gas in the pipe line after closing
Front grille centre portion - louvre ventilation to
the valves should be removed by running the engine
fully cover radiator core area for efficient cooling.
for sufficient time.
In front grille opened position, water filling, oil filling
In case of Gas leak at cylinder connections. Use
and oil level checking, radiator removing should be
teflon tape over the threads and tighten to arrest
Gas leak.
Welding should never be done over the gas cylinders Body builder not to tamper with ignition system
or anywhere near. Proper shielding of the gas wiring.
cylinder should be done, so as to isolate welding
High voltage wiring should not rub with body
Provide flap doors on either side of the chassis to
have access to the cylinder adaptors/pipe joints.
Provide openings at the gas filling points (size 250
mm x 250 mm)
Trap doors in floor with rubber sealing to provide
access to tighten the cylinder strap nuts on either
Shielding guard (hinged) below cylinder piping and
connection points for safety against flying stones to
be given. These covers to be removable.
The four gas cylinder mounting cross bearers have
to be integrated with bus body.
Fuel pipes to be supported from body structure
members during body building wherever required.
Drilling of holes or welding on the main frame is
not allowed.
During welding, disconnect the battery terminal and
electronic ignition system.
Bonnet insulation inside - 40 mm fibre glass wool
or PU foam and outside foam and rexine - to be
Body building structure material used should not
carry leaking gas if any; e.g through pipes or hat
section in to the passenger compartments. Proper
sealing at the entry points need to be done.
There should not be any open holes on the floor
to avoid any entry of leaking gas, if any. This is a
safety precaution.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.9.7 description of leading engine


Crankshaft - an alloy steel forging, mounted in

five bearings with exchangeable shells. The main
journals and crank-journals are induction hardened.

Cylinder Block - Made of high grade cast iron.

Cylinders and the crankcase form an integral
casting. The crankcase is enclosed from below
by the oil sump.

Vibration damper - is mounted on the front end of

the crankshaft. Care should be taken while handling
the vibration damper.
main and small - end Bearing shells - thin-walled,
with aluminium and tin or lead bronze linings for
sliding surfaces.
Cylinder liners (dry, pre finished, hard, easy fit Camshaft - made of steel, mounted in the cylinder
type) - Mild Interference Fit Liner is made of cast block in three exchangeable bearing bushes. Drive
iron. There are four selectable sizes available i.e. is supplied from the engine crankshaft through a
W, X, Y, Z based on liner outer diameter. gear train.
Valves - made of high-grade alloy steel. Valve stem
seals prevent oil leakage into combustion chamber.

Cylinder Head - made of high-grade cast

iron, accommodating all cylinders, fitted with
exchangeable, pre finished valve seats and valve
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Flywheel - machined with 4 slots on the priphery engine Coolant temperature sensor : It is a
to facilitate engine speed sensing by engine speed thermistor, mounted on coolant return line from
sensor. These slots are equispaced and dimensions cylinder head. It measures the engine operating
are controlled to achieve perfect speed pulse output temperature.
waveform from the speed sensor.
engine speed sensor : Engine speed sensor is a
Flywheel housing - fitted with sensor mounting inductive type sensor. It is mounted on the flywheel
holder facilitates fitment of engine speed sensor over housing. Electric pulses are generated when the
formed slots on the flywheel pass thro the sensor
the flywheel for engine speed sensing. Aluminium
axis. The Electric pulse - Frequency (Sine Wave)
is used for the holder as a non-magnetic base is generated by the sensor is proportional to the
required for the magnetic pulse pickup to avoid signal engine speed.

Valve spring - made of spring steel, constant pitch

coil type springs.

engine Boost pressure sensor : Engine Boost

Pressure sensor is mounted on the intake pipe
before throttle to measure to boost pressure.
electronic Control unit (eCu) : The ECU is the
heart of the system that compares the requirements
thru sensors and the accelerator pedal movement
with the fuel mappings already stored in the ECU
and decides on the fuel delivery. It operates on
24V DC. Another function of ECU is the CAN
communication to ACU.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.9.8 trouble shooting engine

symptom possible Cause remedy/prevention

Engine overheating Coolant
* Insufficient coolant Add coolant
* Defective thermostat Replace the thermostat
* Overflow of coolant due to leakage Repair
of exhaust into cooling system
* Coolant leakage from cylinder head gasket Replace gasket.
* Defective coolant pump Repair or replace.

* Clogged with rust and scale Clean radiator.
* Clogged with iron oxide due to Clean coolant passage and correct
leakage of exhaust into cooling system exhaust leakage.
* Clogged radiator core due to mud Clean radiator.
or other debris
* Defective radiator cap pressure valve Replace radiator cap
* In correct gap between radiator and fan Correct the gap
* Deration pipes blocked due to mud Clean and use coolant.
* CAC & Radiator fins out side for dust Clean.
* Malfunctioning of thermo sensing fan Check and correct.

Other problems
* Defective or deteriorated engine oil Change engine oil.
* Unsatisfactory operation of oil pump Replace or repair
* Insufficient oil Add oil.
* Brake drag Repair or adjust.

Excessive oil
consumption Piston, cylinder liners and piston rings
* Wear of piston ring and cylinder liner Replace piston rings and cylinder liner.
* Worn, sticking or broken piston rings Replace piston rings and cylinder liner.
* Insufficient tension on piston rings Replace piston rings and cylinder liner.
* Unsuitable oil (viscosity too low) Change oil as required and replace piston
rings and cylinder liners.
* Incorrectly fitted piston rings (upside down) Replace piston rings.
* Gaps of piston rings in line with each other Reassemble piston rings.

Valve and valve guides

* Worn valve stream Replace valve and valve guide
* Worn valve guide Replace valve guides.
* Incorrectly fitted valve stem seal Replace the stem seal.
* Excessive lubricant on rocker arm Check clearance of rocker arm and shaft.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

symptom possible Cause remedy/prevention

excessive oil
consumption excess oil feed
* Defective oil level gauge Replace oil level gauge
* Oil level too high Drain excess oil.

Other problems
* Overcooled engine (low temperature wear) Warm up engine before moving vehicle.
Check cooling system .
* Oil leakage from miscellaneous parts Repair.
piston seizure operation
* Abrupt stoppage of engine after running Operate engine properly.
at highspeed
* Hill climbing using unsuitable gear Select suitable gear

* Insufficient oil Add oil.
* Dirty oil Change oil.
* Poor quality oil Replace with proper engine oil.
* High oil temperature Repair
* Defective oil pump Repair oil pump.
* Reduced performance due to worn oil pump Repair oil pump.
* Suction strainer sucking air Add oil and/or repair strainer.

Abnormal combustion See symptom:”Engine overheating”

Coolant See symptom:”Engine overheating”

lack of power Intake
* Clogged air cleaner Replace element.

Abnormal combustion See symptom:”Piston Seizure”

Piston, cylinder liners and piston rings See symptom:”Excessive Oil Consumption”

other problems
* Breakage of turbine or blower Repair
* EGC system defective Use diagnostic tool for trouble shooting
and rectify.
* CAN communication failure Use diagnostic tool for trouble shooting
and rectify.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

symptom possible Cause remedy/prevention

difficult starting
engine electrical system
* Discharged battery Charge battery

* Defective wiring in starter circuit Repair wiring of starter.

* Loose or open-circuit battery cable Tighten battery terminal connections or
replace battery cable.
air cleaner
* Clogged element Replace the element.

oil system
* Oil viscosity too high Use proper viscosity oil, or install an oil
immersion heater and warm up oil.

other problems
* Seized piston Replace piston, piston rings ,and liner.
* Seized bearing Replace bearing and /or crankshaft
* Reduced compression pressure Overhaul engine
* Ring gear damaged or worn Replace the ring gear and/or starter
* Check relays and fuses of EDC system Replace defective parts.

rough idling

* Improper valve clearance Adjust valve clearance
* Improper contact of valve seat Replace or repair valve and valve seat.
* Idling speed too low Warm up engine.
* Compression pressure of cylinders Overhaul engine
markedly different from one another
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.9.9 special tools

0102001 (3802) - Drift oil seal gear case

To press oil seal

on timing gear

0102002 (3803) - Adapter idler gear spindle

To be used with
0102003 - sliding
hammer, to extract
idler gear spindle

0102003 (3804) - Sliding hammer

To remove idler
gear spindle
etc., With their

0102004 (3805) - Drift (1) oil seal flywheel hsg (4

mm step height)

To press oil seal

- crankshaft rear
end in flywheel

0102005 (3806) - Compressor valve spring

To assemble and
disassemble inlet
& exhaust valves

Z06DH0430025 - Drift valve stem seal

To install valve
stem seal.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.9.9 special tools

0102021 (3801) - Gauge compression checking

Check the
pressure in each

0102009 (3811) - Drift valve guide

To install valve

0102010 (3812) - Special socket cylinder head bolt

To tighten cylinder
head bolts after
fixing rocker shaft

0102011 (3813) - Extractor cylinder liner

To extract cylinder

0102012 (3814) - Guide cylinder liner

To guide the
cylinder liners
while inserting it in
to bore.

0102013 (3815) - Retainer cylinder liner (3 nos.)

To hold the
cylinder liners
while removing the
piston assembly
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.9.9 special tools

0102014 (3816) - Compressor piston ring

To compress
piston rings during

0102017 (3836) - Drift & extractor con-rod bushes

To extract and
install connecting
rod bushes

0102018 (3839) - Drift & extractor cam bushes

To extract and
install cam shaft

0102019 (3840) - Wrench engine cranking

To rotate the
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.9.10 Factors which determine when an Repeat the procedure to the remaining cylinders.
engine overhaul is needed Low compression pressure may be due to leakage
The following factors determine the engine condition past / thru piston rings / valves / blown cylinder
and the necessity of engine overhauling. head gasket.
To find out the exact point of leakage, a small amount
1. low compression pressure. of engine oil may be sprayed into the cylinder
through nozzle hole and recheck the compression
Follow the procedure given below for measuring
engine compression pressure.
If the compression pressure increases, wear in
a. Before measurement
piston rings/cylinder bore is indicated. If it does
Warm up the engine to operating temperature not, leak is through the valves.
(bring the coolant temp to about 80°C)
If compression pressure of adjacent cylinder is on
Check and correct valve clearance. lower side it may be due to cylinder head gasket.

Charge the battery fully. do not continuously operate the

starter for more than 15 seconds at
b. Measurement a time.

Measure the compression pressure for each

cylinder. If the compression pressure is low, be
sure to repeat the measuring.

make sure no leakage through the

sealing face.

C. Compression pressure (Recommended


Minimum : 24 kg/cm² @ 280 rpm

Maximum : 29 - 32 kg/cm² @ 280 rpm

Pressure difference between each cylinders should

Remove the injector. be below 3 kg/cm²
Install the gauge adapter (Special Tool 0102023) 2. low oil pressure
in the nozzle holder hole and connect compression
gauge (Special Tool 0102021). Check the oil pressure warning lamp when the oil
and coolant temperature is hot and at about 80°C.
Keep the EDC reset switch in “OFF” position.
a. If the warning lamp is lighted , check the
Crank the engine with the starter motor (ensure min.
oil level.
cranking speed of 280 rpm).
The gauge needle will start rising. Cranking should b. Check oil deterioration. If oil quality is
be continued until the needle in the gauge stops, poor, replace with a suitable grade oil.
without any further rising.
c. Measure the oil pressure at coolant
temperature about 80°C.

Standard oil pressure for Turbo engines

Idling : 1.0 kg/cm²

Max. : 4.8 kg/cm²

3. Other factors

a. Blow by gas increases.

b. Engine does not start easily.
c. Engine output decreases.
d. Fuel consumption increases.
e. Engine makes greater noise.
f. Excessive oil consumption.
Note the reading. Loose gauge vent knob to ensure
the needle returns to zero.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.10 to remoVe and reFIt enGIne From - Engine should be thoroughly washed with a
VeHICle suitable cleaning liquid before it is dismantled.
16.10.0 to remove engine - Dismantling and assembly should be carried
out by experienced personal and atmost
- Disconnect battery terminals and choke the
cleanliness must be observed. Special tools
manufactured for this purpose to be used.
- Drain engine oil
16.10.1 to refit engine
- Drain the coolant and remove cooling system,
radiator, pipes, hoses etc. - The above mentioned procedure to be followed
in reverse order.
- Remove air intake system, turbo connection,
charge air cooler, exhaust system and fuel pipe - Ensure the alignment of the engine in the exact
connections, centre of the chassis frame.

- Disconnect the clutch / gear linkage system. - Before initial starting of the engine, check
whether, gear box and cooling system have
- Remove gear box and clutch. been filled with lubricants and coolants
- Unscrew engine fixing bolts of the engine according to specifications.
mounting pad. - Ensure proper matching of connectors with
- Fasten hoisting cable to the lifting eyes on right respective sensors.
front and left rear of engine.

- Use multipurpose jip crane SME 11001 to lift

the engine.
- Lift the engine slightly and move it outwards.
- Place the engine on suitable platform keeping
in mind that the oil sump is not damaged.

use engine stand of proper dimensions

to keep the engine or use special
NOTE maintenance equipment, sme no.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.11 CranKCase

16.11.0 to remove and refit Cylinder liners

Use Special Tool 0102011 - Extractor Cylinder Liner for

removal of cylinder liners.

Similarly, the matching I.D. markings of the cylinder

bore is indicated by W, X, Y or Z on crank case LH
side top for each Bore.

special tool to be used for liner removal.

Apply a small amount of clean engine oil on the

outer periphery of liner. The special tool should be
Incase you want to reuse the liner be sure to put used as liner is extremely thin and can easily get
matching marks with marker pen on the cylinder damaged. When reusing a liner, insert the liner in
block and liner flange for repositioning. its original position aligning the markings marked
before disassembly. Use Special Tool 0102012 -
After removing the cylinder liners, put numbers on Guide Cylinder Liner.
their periphery or arrange them in sequence. only multi layered Gasket (mls)
should be used along with mild
Make sure that the liner grade mark has the same
NOTE Interference liners (mIF).
mark on the cylinder block.
measure the projection of the cylinder liner.
There are 4 different grades of liners and cylinder
block matches. Each liner has any one of the following
markings W, X, Y or Z of the OD. These indicate
the size of the O.D. of the liner.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Fix Special Tool 0102013 - Retainer Cylinder Liner Cylinder blocks of engines with MIF liner will have
"I" as prefix in block sl. no. for easy identification.
(e.g OVHN 31894 is with out MIF liners and IOVHN
31894 is with MIF liners).

16.11.1 to remove and refit timing Casing

Cover a nd Back plate

Measure the amount of projection of the liner from

the cylinder block with a dial gauge and magnetic

mIF liner Identification

For BS III Engine, Identification mark is punched

MIF liners can be identified by the absence of flame

arrestors as shown above. Backout fixing screws of the Timing back plate.
Take off the Timing back plate, taking care of
both dowel pins. Before refitting, remove the old
Liquid gasket material and clean front face of the
Apply fresh liquid gasket (Anabond 683) with new
gasket to crank case face of the Timing Back plate.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Screw down Timing Back plate with hex screws and 16.11.3 Install the oil seal in the Flywheel
spring washers. Housing

Using a special tool, press in the oil seal in the

flywheel housing.
Timing back plate mounting bolt holes, in which one
Special tool 0102004 : Drift for Oil Seal Flywheel
mounting hole is provided with a counter bore, use special
bolt with a thread sealent (without washer).
Before refitting, remove the old Liquid gasket
material and clean rear face of the crankcase. Apply
fresh Liquid gasket to inner side of the flywheel

screw. Start with M14 bolts (8 nos.) and M8 bolts (6


16.11.4 to remove and refit Flywheel

Remove timing cover and Replace new oil seal using

Special Tool 0102001 - Drift Oil Seal Gear Case.
Installation should only take place with engine in normal
upright position.

Flywheel Housing
Backout fixing screws and remove flywheel.
Check ring gear, if necessary replace.

do not damage the slots on the

NOTE flywheel

M8 bolts (6 nos.) and then M14 bolts (8 nos.).

oil seal.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.11.5 to remove ring Gear 16.11.7 Install Flywheel

- Heat the ring gear with a blow torch in a uniform

manner (approx. 180°C).
Align the 'O' mark on the flywheel and crankshaft
collar knock pin.

- Using a metal rod as pad and strike all around

the ring gear in uniform manner and remove
the ring gear.
Install the flywheel and tighten the bolts through
16.11.6 to Install ring Gear several repetition of the tightening order so as to
- Heat the ring gear uniformly using a blow torch reach specified torque evenly and gradually then
(approx. 180°C). slacken and tighten them one by one to the specified
torque as per sequence.
- Drive the ring gear with its chamfered gear teeth
When tightening the bolt, apply engine oil to the
rod. threads and flywheel surface of the bolts.

Install the pilot bearing and stopper.

Check the flywheel faceout and it should be with in

the recommended value.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.12 CranKsHaFt 16.12.0 to remove and refit Crankshaft

Backout collared bolts and remove bearing caps.

The crankshaft is supported by 5 main bearings.

Thrust is taken up by the thrust washer at the fourth Remove thrust bearing cap (4th) last.
Identification of engine crankshaft.

Timing Gear Side

Arrange all the caps bearing and thrust washer in

order. The bearing caps are match marked with the
BS III 4Cylinder crankshaft is punch marked with crankcase by the punch mark 1 - 5, commencing
4CT on the first web. from timing gear side.
1St & 4th crank pin and 1st & 5th main journal fillets
are induction hardened.

Lift the crankshaft out of the crankcase.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.12.1 to remove Crankshaft Gear 16.12.5 to Check Crankshaft Bend

By using Conventional puller remove crankshaft Maximum permissible bend is 0.04 mm.
gear from crankshaft.
16.12.6 Installation
16.12.2 to refit the Crankshaft Gear
Clean crankcase, crankshaft and bearing shells by
blowing compressed air through the lubrication holes.

16.12.3 to remove ring Gear 16.12.7 to renew Crankshaft main &

Connecting rod Bearing and Check
main & Connecting rod Bearing

Hold the bearing shell without applying any pressure

and measure the outside diameter.

Main bearing dimension : 79.00-79.60 mm

Connecting rod
bearing dimension : 67.05 - 67.55 mm

Pull out the ring gear as shown

16.12.4 to refit rim Gear

Heat the gear upto 130°C in a oven and fix it to the

crank shaft matching the key way on the dowel in
the crank shaft.

Install the crankshaft, main bearing on the crankcase

and bearing caps.
Lubricate crankshaft journals, bearing shells, cap
bolt threads and under the bolt heads with the
engine oil.

Carefully lower the crankshaft into position.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Check endplay of crankshaft as follows:

Force crankshaft in one axial direction and measure

the gap between thrust bearing side and crank web

Fit bearing caps and starting off with the thrust

bearing No.4, adhering to the match marks. Match
ring gear & Mass Balancer gear marks. Connecting
faces, of bearing caps and crankshaft should be
perfectly clean.
The initial end clearance with new thrust and main
Bearing cap set identification number is punched
bearings should amount to 0.05 to 0.22 mm end
on the bearing cap and LH side rear end of the
clearance should not exceed 0.4 mm.
16.12.8 to Check and Grind Crankshaft

Clean crankshaft and blow out lubrication holes with

compressed air, check journals and crankpins for

Check wear of crankshaft if wear is more than 1.2

mm from standard size, replace crankshaft.

No further heat treatment is recommended.

Support crankshaft at front and rear journals. The

bend must not exceed 0.04 mm.

Check journals & crankpins for ovality,

Tighten collared bolts uniformly in three stages in Max. permissible ovality = 0 . 0 2
tightening order 3-2-4-1-5, to the recommended mm
Max. permissible Taper = 0 . 0 2

Concentricity = 0.03 mm

Grind the crankshaft according to the available

replacement bearing shells. This work may only
be performed by experienced crankshaft grinders.
For repair data of undersize big end bearings and
main bearings refer section 16.0.7.

Do not attempt to rotate crankshaft before all bearing

caps have been bolted down. The crankshaft must
turn freely without binding i.e. a strong push by hand
should make it turn atleast one revolution.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.12.9 to remove and refit Crank pulley

Backout the hex nut with box spanner.

Withdraw the crank pulley.

If found external damage, replace with new one.

Fit the new O ring on the inner dia of the hub.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.13 pIston and ConneCtInG rods

16.13.0 to remove piston assembly

Fix Special Tool 0102013 - Retainer Cylinder Liner

to hold the liner.

Backout connecting rod bolts and remove bearing


Place a copper drift on the pin and strike it out with

the hammer.

16.13.2 Connecting rod Bush to remove Bush

Using a special tool 0102017 - Drift and extractor.

Align supporting surfaces of the guide and press

Scrape off carbon deposit from the upper end of sub assembly flush on the flat plain.
the cylinder liner with the help of emery paper or

Extract all the pistons and connecting rod assemblies

through top of the cylinders.

16.13.1 to dismantle and assemble piston

and connecting rod

Set the connecting rod assembly without crank pin

bearing on the guide and press assembly.

Remove gudgeon pin circlip with the circlip plier.

Install the spindle into the bushing. Align the

grooving of the spindle with the oil hole of the bush.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Using a hydraulic press, remove the bush slowly Align oil hole 'B' in the bushing with the rifle hole
and smoothly. of the connecting rod. Installation of Connecting Rod Bush Always operate the press slowly and smoothly. Inspect the Bushing position after


Chamfer one edge of the bush hole at the small end

of the connecting rod uniformly by C 0.5 - 1.0 mm.

Set the bush and guide on the spindle then secure

them with the bolt. Make sure that the oil holes of the bushing and connecting
rod are aligned.

Insert a pin of 3 mm dia into the hole at the end of the

connecting rod, and make sure that the pin fully goes in.

If there is any deviation in the alignment of the oil holes

correct it with a drill of 3 mm dia. If drilling is carried out,
take care to remove the machined burrs clears off the
connecting rod small end bore and oil holes.

Be sure to slip the bushing over the spindle in the

proper direction, so that oil hole 'A' will later align
with the rifle hole in the connecting rod.

lubricate the bush guide and bush bore on the

connecting rod.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual Check for Bend of Connecting rod Install Connecting rod Bearing

Check for bend of connecting rod by means of bend Confirm the notch are aligned both in the connecting
checking tool and feeler gauge. The permissible rod and bearing.
tolerance is 0.1 measured at the distance of 200
mm from the longitudinal axis of connecting rod.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.13.3 piston and piston rings assemble piston and Connecting
rod Piston General

Heat the piston to approximately 80°C temperature.

Insert the gudgeon pin into the piston with connecting
The piston combustion chamber is of shallow type
for faster and more efficient combustion.

The piston consists of two compression Ring

grooves, one oil scraper ring groove and crown face
with a valve pocket.

Max. difference in the weight of the piston in an

engine set of 4 pistons should not exceed 5 gms.

Weight group identification mark is punched on the

piston crown. to remove piston rings

O mark on the piston top and and connecting rod

match mark should remain opposite to each other,
while assembling the piston to connecting rod. Install Piston Rings

Remove compression rings and oil scraper rings

with the aid of piston ring plier.

Remove carbon deposits from piston ring grooves.

Before fitting new piston rings, check each ring gap

separately by inserting the ring into the cylinder
bore at right angles and measure the ring gap (Butt
clearance) with a feeler gauge.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Apply oil over the piston ring. use a piston ring Installation
expander while fitting the piston rings. Lubricate piston, piston rings, cylinder bore and con
Install the piston ring in sequence viz; oil ring, rod bearing with engine oil.
second ring and top ring with the identification mark Displace the piston ring gaps relative to each other
at the top of the ring facing upwards. by 120°.
Make sure that 'O' mark on the piston top is on the
tappet side, when fitted.
Rotate crankshaft so that the crankpin of the
respective piston is in B.D.C. position.

Connect the ends of the coil expander and then fit

the coil inside the piston ring after ensuring that the
gap of the piston ring is 180° away from the joint of
the coil. Coil expander and piston scraper ring are
supplied together.
Insert piston with connecting rod assembly into the
cylinder bore compressing the piston rings by means
of Special Tool 0102014 - Compressor Piston Ring.
Push the piston into the crankcase until the big end
bearing is seated on the crankpin.

Check the lateral clearance of the piston rings.

Align the punch mark on the connecting rod and cap.

Fit bearing cap with bearing, taking care that the bearing
halves are seated properly in the connecting rod and cap.

Stagger the piston ring gaps so that they are not in line,
approximately at 120o away from each other.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Tighten con rod bolts alternatively to recommended

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.14 CylInder Head assemBly

16.14.0 to remove Cylinder Head

Using Special Tool 0102005 - Compressor Valve

Spring, remove the exhaust and inlet valves.
Before removal of all valves, punch the serial nos
Loosen the cylinder head bolts / rocker arm support of cylinder numbers on the valve face, to avoid
bolts as per sequence shown. Start with M10 bolts mixing of valves.
and then M12 bolts. Clean the cylinder head, valves, spring and all other
parts thoroughly with the suitable solvent.
Using a special tool 0102010 - Wrench Cylinder
Head Bolt

Lift the cylinder head from the dowels on the cylinder

block and place it on wooden blocks (supporting on
both the ends) to avoid nozzle tip damage.

Check cylinder head surface unevenness.

Hand lap valve and valve seat.

Nozzle protrusion from the cylinder head surface is

2 ± .a2mm .
Ensure that all the nozzles are removed from the
cylinder head.
Remove the valve split cone lock, collar and spring
from cylinder head.
Remove coolant sensor from the cylinder head.

Lightly apply lapping compound to the valve face.

Install the valve with a Valve Lapping Tool, tap and
rotate valve against the seat.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.14.1 to Grind Valves and Valve seats 16.14.3 Valve seat Installation

Heat the cylinder head to about 80° - 100°C with

hot water. On the other hand, cool the valve seat
with dry ice or liquid nitrogen for about 30 minutes.

Hold the seat with pincers and place it into the

heated cylinder head.

Valve seat section machining specifications

Grinding of valves and valve seats

should only be performed when
handlapping does not result in proper

any conventional valve grinding

machine can be used.

After grinding, always recheck the valve sink.

For repair data refer section 16.0.3.

Intake exhaust
16.14.2 to remove Valve seat (mm) (mm)
46.500 - 41.000 -
Cut the circumference of a valve head at three places Cylinder A
46.516 41.016
with a grinder and install it into seat and weld valve to Head
seat. Then to remove, drive out valve and seat with a Dimension B 8.8 - 9.0 7.2 - 7.4
hammer and a brass block.
46.630 - 41.130 -
Valve Seat 46.645 41.145
D 7.5 - 7.7 6.0 - 6.2
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual To Check the Valve Guide To Refit Valve and Valve Stem Seals

Install the valves, lower spring seat and stem seals.

The Valve guide may require replacement if stem to valve
guide clearance exceeds
Intake - 0.035 - 0.068 mm
Then apply engine oil to the lip of the stem seal and
Exhaust - 0.050 - 0.083 mm install the stem seals. to renew Valve Guide Remove and scrap the fitment sleeve.

Remove the valve stem seal. Drive the special tool until it hits the lower spring
Using a brass rod and hammer, drive out the valve guide.

Install the valve guide.

Special Tool 0102009 - Drift Valve Guide.

apply engine oil lightly to the valve

guide outer circumference before

Special Tool 0102006 - Drift Valve Stem Seal.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual To Check Valve Springs Install the cylinder head over the dowels on the
cylinder block.
Check valve springs on a valve spring scale for
re-usability Insert push rod in correct position.
Valve spring only multi layered Gasket (mls)
should be used along with mild
straightness = 2.0 mm NOTE Interference liners (mIF).
Setting load

Outer = 27.4 ± 1.4 kg at 45.5 mm

Inner = 8.8 ± 0.4 kg at 43.0 mm

16.14.4 to assemble the Cylinder Head

Apply engine oil to contact surface of all the parts.

Make sure that the valves are installed in the
respective cylinders.

Valve springs are constant pitch in place of

progressive spring (Equal pitch coil).

Press valve spring and collar to install split cone


Using Special Tool 0102005 - Compressor Valve Recommend to replace the existing bolts with new with
Spring. new cylinder head bolts while reassembly.

Install the Cylinder Head Apply oil on bolt thread and bolt head seating area.

Install the cylinder head gasket, always use new Tighten the cylinder head bolts in two stages as per
tightening sequence and recommended torque. Start
cylinder head gasket. After cleaning the surfaces of
with M12 bolts and then M10 bolts.
the cylinder head, cylinder block and head gasket
free from dirt, water and grease. Mount the rocker arm assembly on the cylinder head,
make sure that the push rods interlock with the adjusting
Fit 8 numbers valve tappets on to the cylinder block
after applying the oil to the tappet bores on the
cylinder block.

Ensure fitment of two dowel pins on the cylinder

block top, to locate cylinder head and gasket.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.15 tImInG
aligns with shaft oil hole.
16.15.0 to remove and refit rocker levers
Improper installation will result in seizure of the entire
valve assembly.

Reassemble rocker arm assy. in the order as follows:- 16.15.1 to remove, refit and Check push
rod and tappets
Bracket, Inlet valve lever, Spacer, Exhaust valve
lever, Bracket . . . , Remove push rods and tappets.

Check out of true (bend) of push rods between centres.

Maximum permissible out of true = 0.3 mm.

Examine push rod ends for wear. Replace if necessary

and check rocker lever and tappet lubrication in this case.

Check diametral clearance of tappet in crankcase bore

and inspect sliding surface and push rod seat for wear.

If necessary replace worn out parts.

for removal.

16.15.2 to remove and refit Camshaft

Unscrew 2 Nos Hex screws of 12mm size from

camshaft holding flange through opening provided
in camshaft gear.

Do not unscrew camshaft drive gear holding bolt and

try to pull the gear using puller.

Extract camshaft after removing push rods and

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual removal of bushes

Proceed in the following manner to remove the

camshaft bushes.

Pull out the camshaft slowly turning it, so that the

bearings are not damaged.

16.15.3 removal and replacement of

Camshaft Bushes
1. Remove the 1st bush using collapsible puller
Use Special Tool 0102018 - Drift & Extractor Camshaft assembly and support bracket from front.

2. Compress the collapsible puller and insert the

extraction same in to the bush until the collapsible bunk
expands and holds the bush snugly.
The cylinder block is designed with minimum aperture,
the camshaft bushes are not approachable from the LH 3. Lightly tighten the nut next to the collapsible
side or bottom side of the engine. bunk so that the bunk does not collapse when
the bush is being pulled out.
Hence the parent bores of camshaft bushes in the 4. Place the support bracket and thrust bearing in
cylinder block have been machined in different diameters place and using the nut and handle assembly,
pull out the bush.
For this reason, the diameters of the camshaft bearing
journals are in descending order. Camshaft Bush Dimensions (in mm)

Parent bore diameter

First Bush - 60

Second Bush - 59.8

Third Bush - 59.6

Bush inner diameter

First Bush - 57

Second Bush - 56.8 5. Fix the extractor bunk on the appropriate

groove on the puller shaft, insert the puller
Third Bush - 56.6
shaft from rear side of the engine carefully
locating the bunk inside the 3rd bush.

6. Arrange the guiding bunk, support bracket,

thrust bearing and nut & handle assembly at
the front end of the engine on the puller shaft
and extract the 3rd bush.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

The 3rd bush will be in between the 3rd and

2nd parent bores of the camshaft bushes now.

2. Remove the puller from the cylinder block and

fix the drift bunk in the appropriate groove as
7. Guide the extractor bunk along with the shown in figure. Place the 3rd camshaft bush
extracted 3rd bush in to the 2nd bush and on the bunk and insert the puller shaft from rear
continue to rotate the nut & handle assembly end of cylinder block until the front end of the
until the 2nd bush is extracted. drift bunk is sufficiently inside the parent bore
of the 3rd camshaft bush as shown in figure.
8. Take out the puller arrangement along with the Arrange the guide bunk, support bracket,
2nd and 3rd bushes carefully through the 1st thrust bearing and nut & handle assembly at
bush parent bore of the camshaft. the front end of the cylinder block as shown
and tighten the nut & handle assembly until
16.15.5 Installation: the 3rd camshaft bush is in its place. Check
The camshaft bushes are pre-finished; hence for the alignment of oil holes. When the bush
handle them carefully. is in its place, it would be about 2 mm inside
the parent bore.

1. Place the 2nd camshaft bush on the drift bunk.

4. Remove the puller from the cylinder block and
Insert the puller from the front side of the
place the 1st gear bush on the drift bunk. Insert
engine until the front portion of the drift bunk
the puller from front end until the front portion
sufficiently enters the 2nd camshaft bush
of drift bunk is sufficiently inside the parent
parent bore.
bore of 1st camshaft bush parent bore.
Arrange the guide bunk, support bracket,
Arrange the support bracket, thrust bearing,
thrust bearing and nut & handle assembly at
nut & handle assembly and the guide bunk (in
the rear end of the cylinder block as shown and
about 2 mm space provided by bush) at the
tighten the nut & handle assembly until the 2nd
front end of the cylinder block as shown in the
camshaft bush is in its place.
figure, at rear and tighten the nut & handle
assembly until the 1st camshaft bush is in its

To refit camshaft reverse the procedure for removal.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

If necessary, remove the camshaft gear 16.15.7 to refit the Camshaft

Hold the camshaft assembly with a suitable vice

through wooden supports.

'E2' punch mark is punched on the rear end of the

Remove the nut, then using a gear puller, remove
the gear. Set the no. 1 piston to Top Dead Centre of the
compression stroke.
16.15.6 Install the camshaft gear on the
shaft Lubricate all journals of the camshaft and insert the
camshaft assembly into the cylinder block, by slowly
turning, so that the bearing will not be damaged.

Align the camshaft timing gear matching mark with the

oil pump gear mark.

16.15.8 to remove and refit Intermediate

timing Gear

Install the camshaft bearing with a thrust bearing. When

installing the gear to the camshaft, heat the gear in
hot water (approx. 100°C), then install the gear on the
camshaft by using a press. When tightening the bolts,
apply engine oil to the threads and bearing surface of
the bolt.

withdraw intermediate gear.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Install the Idler gear, be sure that the matching

marks of the crankshaft gear, oil pump drive gear
and idler gears are aligned correctly.

Check end play within 0.040 - 0.095 mm.

Ensure backlash - 0.068 - 0.194 mm.

tightening torque procedure for idler gear bolt

- Apply oil on bolt thread and face

- Initial torque by 100 Nm, then loosen the bolt.

- Then torque the bolt to 40 Nm + 60° - 65°

To remove the spindle use special tool 0102003 - Sliding 16.15.11 to re-bush Intermediate Gear
Hammer and special tool 0102002 - Adaptor Idler Gear

16.15.9 Install the Idler Gear shaft (spindle)

Press out the worn bush with a suitable drift.

Drive in the new bush.

Install idler gear shaft with thrust plate using a The replacement bush is supplied finished.
plastic hammer.
Max. oil clearance
Make sure that the two oil holes is facing downward
(oil pan side) so that it does not become clogged between spindle
due to accumulation of sludge and other foreign and bush = 0.1 mm
material in the oil.
Intermediate gear
16.15.10 Install the Idler Gear endplay = 0.15 mm
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Bush internal diameter = 50.00 mm 16.15.0 to adjust the Valve Clearance

Spindle dia = 49.95-49.97 mm Method for determining if the No. 1 or No.6 piston
is at the Top Dead Center on compression stroke.
16.15.12 to position timing Gears for Valve
timing. Turning the crankshaft, align the mark "1-6" on the
flywheel pointer on the flywheel housing.
16.15.13 timing Gear Backlash Checking
In this position either the No. 1 or No. 6 piston is at
the top dead center on compression stroke.

If both No. 1 intake and exhaust rocker arms can

be moved easily by hand, the No. 1 piston is at top
dead center on compression stroke.

With the No. 1 piston positioned at top dead center

on compression stroke, adjust the No. 1 valve
clearance using a feeler gauge.

The feeler gauge should move with a very slight pull.

Valve clearance

Check tooth backlash with feeler gauge.

Backlash between driving gear and intermediate gear,

should be with in the recommended values.

Max. limit = 0.3 mm.

16.15.14 to Fit air Compressor

While as
' ' punch mark on the gear teeth with the bottom mounting
To adjust the other cylinder valves, by turning the
hole, then assemble the compressor and tighten the
crankshaft clockwise 120° (viewed from the front
mounting bolts.
side). Adjust the valve clearance for each cylinder
as per firing order.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.15.01 to adjust the Valve Clearance

Method for determining if the No. 1 or No.4 piston

is at the Top Dead Center on compression stroke.
* Turning the crankshaft, align the mark "1-4" on
the flywheel pointer on the flywheel housing.
* In this position either the No. 1 or No. 4 piston is
at the top dead center on compression stroke.
If both No. 1 intake and exhaust rocker arms can
be moved easily by hand, the No. 1 piston is at top
dead center on compression stroke.
With the No. 1 piston positioned at top dead center
on compression stroke, adjust the No. 1 valve
clearance using a feeler gauge.
The feeler gauge should move with a very slight pull.

To adjust the other cylinder valves, by turning the

crankshaft clockwise 180° (viewed from the front side).

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.16 enGIne luBrICatIon The oil pump forces the oil from the sump to the oil cooler.

16.16.0 Design and Operation

The diagram illustrates the arrangement of the equipment, After cleaning the oil passes to the main gallery via oil
pressure relief valve it is forced through oil ducts to the
crankshaft and camshaft bearings. The connecting rod
The engine is arranged for forced feed lubrication. The
big end bearings are supplied with lubricant from the
oil pump supplies the lubricating oil for engine.
crankshaft main bearings, through inclined oil ducts.
The oil pump is located within timing gear cover and The lubricating oil rises from the camshaft bearing No. 3
driven by Intermediate gear, the oil pump gear in turn to the rocker shaft assembly. The intermediate gear pin
drives the engine camshaft. is lubricated from the 1st main Journal Bearing & Aux.
gallery. This oil also lubricates the other timing gears.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.16.1 To Remove and Refit Oil Pump gear shaft and Bushing inner dia separately. The drive
gear shaft diameter dimension - 18.088 - 18.106 mm
(limit 18.06 mm).

Check clearance between driven gear and shaft

0.040 - 0.075 mm (limit - 0.1mm). Replace gear or
shaft whichever is worn excessively.
Driven gear Shaft Diameter 17.979 - 17.997mm
(Limit 17.970 mm). Driven gear inside diameter
18.037 - 18.054 mm (Limit 18.070 mm).
Ensure height of the oil pump gear is between 32
to 32.4mm.

16.16.3 to refit the oil pump

Remove oil pump from front face of Crank case after

removing intermediate gear and camshaft.

16.16.2 To Overhaul Oil Pump

The oil pump assembly is fixed by means of 7

screws, two of which are located at the counter
sunk area.

Check Gear backlash between oil pump gears
specification is 0.09 - 0.21 mm (limit - 0.30 mm). 2 5
Replace the gear if Backlash exceeds the limit.


6 1


The bolts used at these 2 locations have controlled

head thicknesses and are to be fitted using thread
sealant and without washers. Tightening sequence
of the oil pump.
Make sure adequate clearance between idler gear
Drive gear shaft diameter to drive gear Bushing Inner and oil pump cover, in view of the increased width
diameter clearance should not exceed 0.040 mm - of idler gear.
0.085 mm, If found excess by measuring the Drive
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.16.4 to overhaul oil Cooler and Filter Clean the oil cooler.
assy Assemble the oil cooler by-pass valve. to remove

engine after draining coolant from cylinder block and oil

all Bolts are of 13 mm size, But of

Varied length. Be careful to identify
NOTE the bolts to its original place during
reassembly. remove & refit o-rings 4
nos during reassembly to overhaul assembly

Assemble the oil filter by-pass valve.
Assemble oil pressure regulator valve.
Assemble oil pressure gauge adaptor.
Assemble the oil cooler on the oil cooler plate.
Replace the `O' ring at oil filter centre bolt and
position the bolt in oil filter bowl.
Replace the ‘O’ ring on the top of filter bowl.
Refit the spring and the plate washer in the bowl.


the centre bolt.

Also tighten the drain plug.

Clean the oil filter head and oil cooler plate.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual To Refit Oil Cooler The piston cooling nozzles are mounted directly
on the main oil gallery. These nozzles are set to
operate at oil pressures 1.5 ksc and above. Inspection method for piston

Cooling nozzle

Clean the gasket sealing faces thoroughly.

* At a pressure of 4 bar, the oil jet from the nozzle

should penetrate a hole of dia 10 mm placed
at a height of 170 mm.

* At 1.5 bar, no oil should flow out of the nozzle.

* When pressure is increased to 2.75 bar oil jet

should issue from nozzle.

while complete / semi overhauling of

the engine in the field the following
For oil cooler / oil filter assembly a compressed
NOTE care to be taken.
asbestos gasket is used.
* Do not assemble the engine with non – PCN
This will prevent oil cooler casing from direct contact
piston which will cause damage to the piston,
with coolant, in turn aluminium surface erosion.
cooling nozzles etc.

* Care to be taken while installing piston assembly

Install oil Cooler with filter. along with connecting rod. If the connecting
rods are not properly directed towards crank
pins, will damage piston cooling nozzle. engine piston Cooling nozzle
* Nozzle should be free from dust and dirt while

* Position of Piston cooling nozzle is taken care

by the reamed mounting hole in the crankcase.

* In case any damage noticed on the piston

cooling nozzle, the same should be replaced
with a new one. Please do not try to repair, as
it will lead to improper installation with respect
to angle and pressure.
1. Cooling jet 3. Cap
4. Ball
2. Jet pipe
5. Spring

In order to improve the piston crown cooling of

engines, Piston Cooling Nozzles are fitted. This
arrangement is expected to improve the cooling of
the piston crown.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.17 CoolInG system

CoolInG system
Deaeration Line (Radiator) Water Filling
Radiator Point

Make up line Deaeration


Water Pump

Deaeration Line (Engine)

By Pass Port

Cylinder Block
Oil Cooler

Cylinder Head


16.17.0 General 16.17.1 to Flush Cooling system

Flushing of the cooling system might become
The engine is water cooled, and forced circulated by a
necessary because of impurities in the coolant itself.
water pump.
The cooling system may also be clogged by rust
The coolant, drawn by the pump from the radiator or the deposits, grease or other impurities in the coolant.
thermostat control by-pass enters the crankcase and oil This should be removed by flushing the system several
times with hot water containing a grease dissolving
cooler. It is then passed to the cylinder head. The coolant
returns to the radiator via thermostat housing.
Let the engine run when flushing the system.
During vehicle operation the thermostat functions to make sure that solution does not
maintain the operating temperature of 80° to 85°C. contain any acid as even the smallest
amount of it in the cleaning fluid is
The thermostat installed in the cooling system controls likely to affect the cooling system
Having drained off the solvents, flush the system
several times whilst the engine is running.
The use of hard water fosters the formation of fur
pass fully and vice versa. which may be removed with aid of an acid free
solvent. The fur removing agent must not be
The sensing unit of the coolant temperature is provided aggressive to copper brass and zinc materials used
at thermostat housing. It shows the engine coolant outlet in the cooling systems.
temperature. Also flush the cooling system several times after
application of a fur solvent.
Should lime has deposited too heavily in the radiator
tubes remove radiator and have it cleaned mechanically
by a specialised workshop.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.17.2 Baffle plate

Baffle plates are provided for increasing the oil

cooler efficiency by guiding the water through the
oil cooler plates.
These plates are fitted behind the cooler plates.

16.17.3 pipe Coolant pump outlet

The flow area on the coolant pump outlet is

increased to suit higher flow rate and a provision
for water filter mounting is provided.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.17.8 thermostat 16.17.9 to test thermostat

Remove hose connection and take out thermostat.

Inspection of thermostat function

Place the thermostat in hot water and check the

valve opening temperature and valve lift. The
thermostat valve opening temperature is punched
on the thermostat seat, and it should be confirmed.

Check commencement of opening. This is the

temperature at which the stroke of the thermostat
has risen to 0.1 mm in a gradually heated water

Commencement of opening = 82°C ± 2°C.

Measure the stroke with the aid of special device

and vernier calliper.

Thermostat housing is modified for accommodating Check full working stroke.

twin thermostat (parallel) of current engine to
Working stroke = 7.5 mm at 95°C
achieve recommended flow restrictions.
Install the thermostat
Consequently thermostat cover is also modified
for accomodating twin thermostat and position Remove the water and dirt adhering to the thermostat
changed from vertical to horizontal. casing.

Replace the gasket without fail, if it is corroded,

damaged or flattened.

Before install the casing cover apply the liquid

gasket or the casing joint.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.17.10 to remove and refit water pump Unscrew water pump mounting Hex screws, remove
water pump by screwing in two 10 mm dia, 1.5 mm
pitch bolts in the water pump casing at locations A
and B.

Remove the water pump vane from shaft by

screwing in a bolt of 10 mm dia, 1.5 mm pitch.

Drain off coolant collecting it in a clean container if

anti-freeze has been added.

Unscrew fan and remove V belt for water pump fan

and alternator.

Remove hose connection from water pump and Using a conventional puller remove the pulley from
backout attaching bolts. the shaft.
To refit water pump reverse the procedure for Remove the circlip before removing the shaft and
removal. the bearing.

16.17.11 to overhaul water pump


Using a steel pipe and press, remove the water

pump shaft along with sealed bearings from water
pump body.
To install new water pump seal apply a little liquid
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

sealant to the water pump seal outer circumference 16.10.12 to remove and refit Fan Belt - to
and water pump body. Install the slinger and coolant adjust fan belt tension

To install Vane. (Impeller)

Using a press install the Vane to the shaft.

apply a little engine oil to the seal

NOTE face.

Maintain distance between water pump mounting face

to impeller outer dia end tip.

Loosen the necessary fasteners, slacken the

pulleys & remove the old belt.
Check pulley grooves for wear / damage and replace
the pulley if required
Clean the pulley grooves for debris and ensure not
to apply oil or grease on the pulley grooves.
Check alignment of the pulleys.

misalignment of pulleys will produce

noise & shorten the belt life.

Mount the belt over pulleys and ensure that the belt
ribs are seated in the respective pulley grooves.
Tension the belt and tighten all the fasteners.
Run the engine for 3 to 5 minutes with the applied
tension to allow the belt to seat in the respective
pulley grooves properly. Reset tension.
Apply initial belt tension of 700N by adjusting the
alternator position.
To ensure the applied tension, measure it in the
middle of span between water-pump pulley and
Dimension (in mm) alternator using electronic type tension gauge.
A B C Verify the initial tension after running the engine
HA4CTI3N 17 100 dia 95 for 24 hours
tensioning of fan belt
Refit the water pump assy after applying fresh liquid
A tight belt results in rapid wear of
sealant over clean surface.
a) Fan belt
Using a press install the pulley drive flange. For
b) Alternator and Water pump bearings
distance from water pump installation face to flange
A loose fan belt result in
outer face.
a) Squeaking noise
b) An undercharged battery
c) Engine overheating
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Belt tension procedure

- Hold the sensing head steadily across the belt

span within 5~10 mm distance above the top
surface of the belt.

- Tap the belt gently near the mid span using a

rod or with similar tool to cause the belt span
to vibrate.

- Check the required tension display on the LCD

panel of the Tension Meter.

- If a reading is not obtained, check the sensing

head for correct positioning and ensure that it Visually inspect the belt.
is positioned properly.
replace the belt if it is frayed or pieces
- Repeat the same procedure to recheck. of material missing or longitudinal
NOTE cracks intersect with transverse
do’s: cracks.

- Check belt tension at regular intervals and

adjust as needed.

- Check for any abnormal wear and damage in

pulleys / Belt

- Check for pulley alignment

- Make belts free of fluffs and dirt.


- Don’t over tension the belt

- Don’t apply oil/grease or paint on pulley


- Don’t fix the belt improperly aligned

- Don’t use worn out belts

- Don’t pry the belt using sharp tools.

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.18 exHaust and IntaKe manIFold 16.18.2 maintenance and servicing of dry
type air cleaner
16.18.0 to remove and refit exhaust

Maintenance of Air cleaner plays a major role

in engine performance and life. Poor air cleaner
Disconnect front exhaust pipe from the turbocharger
maintenance will result in complaints like excess
outlet elbow. liner wear, high engine oil consumption, excess
blow by and poor pick up.
Backout manifold attaching screws from cylinder
heads and remove the exhaust manifold taking care Maintenance and Servicing
of the gaskets. Following maintenance recommendations need to
be strictly followed.
To refit manifold, reverse the procedure for removal. Remove dust deposit weekly by squeezing the
dust evacuator valve.
16.18.1 To Remove and Refit Intake Manifold
Replace dust evacuator valve immediately if it
is torn, cracked, remains open or missing.
Never operate the engine, if the restriction
indicator is either broken or missing.

do not clean the air filter elements.


Replace primary filter element as soon as

vacuum indicator shows red band.

Backout fixing screws and remove the vertical

intake pipe. Backout manifold attaching screws
from cylinder head and remove intake manifold.

Clean thoroughly inlet manifold gasket sealing face

and refit new gasket.

To refit intake manifold, reverse the procedure for


use liquid gasket. take care that the

gasket does not get in to the inside Replace the secondary filter element at the
surfaces. tighten down the attaching time of every third replacement of the primary
screws evenly. filter element.

the wing nut should be tightened

with hand alone. excessive tightening
CAUTION would damage the air cleaner.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.19 alumInIum radIators and CHarGe Servicing Kit

aIr Cooler
The radiator servicing kit consists of following
16.19.0 service Instruction
* Screw Driver Introduction
* Monkey Plier
This manual explains the procedure for servicing
(specifically, the sealing of leakages) of aluminium * Sealant resin and hardener containers
radiators fitted with plastic tanks that may damage (Araldite Standard of M/s Ciba Geigy make or
in actual usage due to improper handling before on equivalent Epo x y based system)
installation on the vehicle.
* Alumaseal container
The procedure covers the following aspects of
servicing:- * Araldite applicator

* Leakage spot detection * Brush

* Sealing Techniques and the tools required araldite rapid may be used in place of
araldite standard for faster drying and
* Confirmation of proper sealing CAUTION curing of seal. Details of Radiator Procedure for Servicing

removal of radiator from vehicle -

* Allow the coolant in the radiator to reach to the

room temperature.

* Drain the coolant from radiator completely by

unscrewing the drain cock.

* Remove all the mounting fasteners, attachments

like shroud, hoses etc.

* Take out the radiator from the vehicle carefully

without damaging the core.

radiator core and plastic tanks are

susceptible to cracking due to impact
NOTE and deformation. Handle carefully.

detection of leakage spot –

* Connect the inlet of the radiator to air supply

at the gauge pressure of 1.5 bar.

* Seal all other outlet points.

* Dip the radiator completely in a clean water


* Tilt the radiator and shake it vigorously to let

the air bubbles trapped at the clinching area
to escape.

* Observe carefully for one minute and locate the

A typical radiator is shown for reference. source of air leakage on the radiator from the
direction of air bubbles that are coming out of
users are requested to get themselves the radiator.
familiar with all the parts and
CAUTION the assembly of radiator before
do not use the water tank that is used
undertaking the servicing.
for copper radiators.

sealing the leakage spot –

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Following procedures shall be adopted for arresting * If gap is found between the clinching projections
leakages at different locations of the radiator. of header plate and tank, softly hammer the
Replacement of Plastic tank –
* Clinch the header plate projections with
* Take out the member supports using 13 size monkey plier.

* The sequence of clinching should be followed

as illustrated in the figure.
* Release the clinch projections of header plate
using screw driver.

* After making all the clinching projections up,

take out the tank from its seat in header plate
while grasping the outlet.

* After clinching, confirm the dimension.

If any of the clinching projections

is broken during the clinching or
releasing process, discontinue the
servicing and replace the entire
* In case, it takes more effort, pat the tank with radiator by a new one.
rubber or plastic hammer lightly.
* Fix the member supports and tighten the bolts
* Take off the tank packing.
properly wherever applicable.
* Clean the area of the header plate where the
tank sits, thoroughly. Bottom Type pipe, Drain Cock and Pressure Cap –
* Insert new tank packing in the place without Bottom Type pipe -
twisting. * Take out the Bottom Type pipe using 10 size
* Insert new tank (top or bottom) as applicable. spanner.
* Remove the ‘O’ ring.
If the source of leakage is at the base
of the tank, i.e. area between header * Clean the seat of Bottom Type pipe and the ‘O’
NOTE plate and tank there is no need to ring groove.
replace the tank. * Insert a new ‘O’ ring.
* Fit the Bottom Type pipe back, ensuring proper
tank packing shall be replaced, every tightness of the bolts.
time, the tank is taken off for servicing.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

Drain Cock
do not damage the fins during the
* Unscrew the drain cock. process.
* Remove the ‘O’ ring. CAUTION

* Clean the ‘O’ ring groove. Confirm that fins are set properly, if disturbed
* Insert a new ‘O’ ring. during the process.
* Screw the drain cock back. As the Araldite is inflammable, do not dry it by
Pressure Cap –
proper cleaning of radiator core is must for
* Replace the pressure cap with a new one, if proper setting of araldite or else it will come off.
leakage is through if after cleaning the filler
neck. Confirmation of proper sealing
* After the sealing work is over, assemble the
radiator properly.
always use recommended radiator
pressure cap. * Subject the assembled radiator to leakage
NOTE test.
Radiator Core – If the problem of leakage persists, it is
Different procedure of sealing shall be followed for advisable to replace the radiator with
minor and major leaks in the radiator core. NOTE new one.
Minor Leaks : Leak spots which are very minute, Radiator Installation
are to be sealed in following manner.
* Ensure that all the openings of the radiator are
* Install the radiator onto the vehicle as explained closed properly except the inlet.
in section
* Install the radiator on the vehicle ensuring
* Pour the contents of alumaseal in the radiator. proper alignment, damping etc. as applicable.
* Fill proper quantity of coolant liquid. * Connect the inlet and outlet pipes and clamp
* Run the engine in idling for more than 20 them.
minutes to detect leakage, if any. * Fit the fan shroud.
Major Leaks: Procedure of sealing major leaks in Fill the radiator with proper quantity of fresh coolant
the radiator is as follows : as recommended.
* Wash the core with clean water and brush Do's and Don'ts
provided in the kit to remove dirt, dust etc.
* To remove the greasy spot on the core, apply
thinner with cotton swab and take off the Always use the clinching tool for removing and
grease. refitting the radiator tanks.
* Dry the core using a dryer. Always drain the radiator fully before removing it
from vehicle.,
Always refill the radiator with coolant recommended
drying by heating must be avoided.
by the manufacturer.
Always check tank packing before reassembly of
* Mix adequate quantity of Araldite resin and tank to core.
hardener in the ratio of 1:1 and stir it thoroughly. don'ts
* Apply the mixture immediately at the leakage Never open the pressure cap when the radiator is
spot with the applicator. hot.
* If required, apply the mixture to dry and harden Don't use acid for cleaning the tubes and tanks.
under the shade at room temperature for 10-12 Don't use manual force for cleaning clogged tubes.
* Allow the mixture to dry and harden under the
shade at room temperature for 10-12 hour.
* Araldite Rapid of M/s Ciba Geigy dries and hardens
within one hour and hence users may use it to
minimize the down time.
* Silver colour paint may be used for touching up
the araldite spots and impart the aluminium type
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual


max. allowed
kgm lb.ft nm
no. of tightening
Liner Pressing Special Tool 5-6 36 - 42 49 - 59
14 ± 1.5 103 ± 11 140 ± 15
Main Bearing Cap Bolts 4
90° ± 5° 90° ± 5° 90° ± 5°
Flywheel Housing Fitting Bolts (13 mm bolt) 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26
Flywheel Housing Fitting Bolts (22 mm bolt) 11 - 13 80 - 94 108 - 128
10 ± 1 73 ± 7.3 100 ± 10
Flywheel Fitting Bolts 3
60° ± 5° 60° ± 5° 60° ± 5°
10 ± 1 73 ± 7.3 100 ± 10
Connecting Rod Cap Bolts 3
60° ± 5° 60° ± 5° 60° ± 5°
Timing Gear Plate Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26
Oil Pump Assembly Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26
10 ± 1 73 ± 7.3 100 ± 10
Camshaft Drive Gear Fitting Bolt 4
60° ± 5° 60° ± 5° 60° ± 5°
Camshaft Thrust Plate Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26
10.2 ± 10 73.8 ± 7.3 100 ± 10
Idler Gear Fitting Bolt 4
90° ± 5° 90° ± 5° 120° ± 5°

Timing Gear Cover Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Crankshaft Pulley Fitting Nut 56 ± 12 405.7 ± 88.5 550 ± 120

Oil Strainer Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Oil Pan Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Oil Pan Drain Plug 4-5 29 - 32 39 - 49

FIP Drive gear bolt 3.7 - 4.5 26 - 32 36 - 44

Timer cover Mounting on Timing Casing 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Air Compressor Fitting Bolts 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Alternator Bracket 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Alternator Supporting Bolt & Nut. 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Fan Belt Adjusting Bracket 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Water Jacket Elbow 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Water Drain Plug on Elbow 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Centre Bolt - Oil Filter 4-5 29 - 32 39 - 49

Oil Cooler Element Fitting Nuts 1 - 1.5 8-5 10 -15

Oil Cooler Assembly Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Water Pump Assembly Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Water Pump Pulley Bolt 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Fan to Spacer Bolts 2.0 - 3.0 15 - 21 20 - 29

Cooling Fan Fitting Bolts 1.5 - 2.2 11 - 16 15 - 22

7.1 ± 0.5 & 52 ± 4 & 70 ± 5 &

Cylinder Head Bolts (Shorter Bolts)
150° ± 5° 150° ± 5° 150° ± 5°
7.1 ± 0.5 & 52 ± 4 & 70 ± 5 &
Cylinder Head Longer Bolts (Rocker Bolts)
180° ± 5° 180° ± 5° 180° ± 5°
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual


max. allowed
kgm lb.ft nm
no. of tightening

Rocker Shaft Locking Bolts 0.6 - 0.7 4-5 6 -7

Rocker Shaft Assembly Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Rocker Shaft Assembly Main Bolts 13 - 14 94 - 102 128 - 137

Rocker Arm Adjusting Screw Nuts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Thermostat Case 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Thermostat Cover 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Exhaust Manifold 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Turbocharger 4.5 - 5.0 33 - 36 44 - 49

Inlet Manifold Fitting Bolts 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

Cylinder Head Cover Bolts 1.3 - 1.8 10 - 13 13 - 18

Exhaust Elbow 1.9 - 2.6 14 - 18 19 - 26

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual

16.22 maIntenanCe sCHedule


sl no aCtIVIty



A General

1 Check and adjust valve clearance on cold engine 80

2 Check and tighten front and rear engine mounting 80

Check and tighten cylinder head bolts for correct torque

3 80
in correct sequence

Check vibration pulley for any damages and replace if

4 80

B Lubrication system

Check and top up engine oil if necessary. Also check oil

leakages at the time of top up

2 10

3 Clean oil cooler 80

Check engine oil pressure (min. 1 kg/cm² at idling and

80°C engine temperature)

C Cooling System

Visually inspect cooling fan / drive for any damages

1 40
and replace/rectify

2 Inspect fan clutch / hub for dust if necessary clean 20

3 Check and tight fan mounting bolts 80

Check coolant level and top up if necessary . Also

check for coolant leakages at the time of top up

Check radiator hoses and clamps for leakages and

5 80

Check fan belt tension / condition and adjust / replace if

6 40

7 Check radiator stay rod and radiator mounting bolts 40

Replace cooling system hoses, clips and radiator Every 2,00,000 km

9 rubber pads for radiator mounting & stay rod. To be
replaced along with coolant change.
H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual


sl no aCtIVIty



d CnG system

Check all the CNG pipe line (including gland nut)

or methane gas detector and ensure tightness if

2 Check for free operation of cylinder valves.

3 Check operation of fuel indicating gauge.

5 160

6 Check and service the pressure regulator if necessary 120

7 10

8 36

9 Check gas tank mounting strap for tightness 40

or once in 5
Check gas tank strap rubber packing for any defects/ whichever is
10 40 earlier
cracks and replace if necessary

e Ignition system

Replace spark plug (Mandatory as per manufacturers

2 90

F air Intake and exhaust

1 element whenever the vacuum indicator shows



3 Check air inlet hose for any puncture/damage 40

Check for any blockage / breakage at rainhood

4 40

5 Check Turbocharger mounting 40

6 20
clean the cooler if necessary

7 Check charge air cooler hoses for any damage 40

H4e4nG106 CnG BsIV enGIne
service manual


sl no aCtIVIty



Check exhaust manifold and silencer for leaks and
8 40

First at
kms and
9 Check intake and exhaust manifold mounting fasteners 40

Check for Exhaust leak in the Upstream of Catalytic

10 8

11 Check and ensure that Silencer is not choked 8

Inspect Catalytic Convertor for any physical damage

12 8

Ensure that Engine exhaust Pipe and Catalytic conver-

13 8
tor mountings

G Bosch system

Check tightness of engine speed sensors and clean the

1 40
sensor tip for any dirt/dust deposits

2 Check functioning of Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)

Check tightness of all mating connectors and ensure

3 40
they are connected properly

Check and secure wiring harness away from high tem-

4 40
perature zones on the engine/vehicle

Check functioning of ECU and sensors with diagnostic

5 80

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