Goodman Diag
Goodman Diag
Goodman Diag
August, 2001
aspiring engineer. I am also thankfiil to Amerada Hess Corporation and other members
of the Production and Lift Optimization Consortium for providing funding and assistance
gratitude for all your valuable suggestions and guidance. Your assistance on the
problems I faced to complete the thesis project was extremely helpful. Also, 1 am
thankful to you for providing me with a Research Assistantship all through my graduate
with all the help and guidance to conduct the experiments and write this thesis. It is only
with your timely advice and directions that I could finish this thesis project in a timely
and professional maimer. Also, I am thankful to Dr. Javad Hashemi for agreeing to be on
I would also like to express my thanks to Dr. Paulus Adisoemarta for all his
assistance in conducting the experiments. His timely suggestions and guidance on the
I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Akanni Lawal's assistance in my efforts to
complete my duties as a graduate student. To Dr. Akanni Lawal, I am grateful to you for
assisting me as a graduate student advisor and providing me with all the guidance to
I am so grateful to my wife, Devakikutty Leena, and son, M. P. Anand, for all the
continued support and encouragement and for strongly standing by me to achieve our
goals in life.
Finally, I am dedicating this thesis to my parents for all their encouragements and
Fatigue Loading 21
in Sucker-Rod Selection 23
Overview 36
Specimen Preparation 39
Specimen Storage 41
Specimen Dimensions 41
Specimen Loading 41
Test Control 46
metals is of great importance primarily in the selection of sucker rods. Of all the
components of the oil-well pumping mechanism, sucker rods have the greatest effect on
the action and performance of the whole pumping system. The behavior of the sucker
rods in the transfer of forces and loads determines the action of the pump. Their inherent
characteristics affect the loads imposed on the surface equipment. For years, the
Goodman diagram is the basis of analyzing the endurance (fatigue) life of ferrous
material. Goodman published the diagram during the year 1908. An American
Petroleum Institute (API) Committee suggested several design factors for Goodman
The diagram is known as the API Modified Goodman diagram. The committee had
suggested the following revisions to original Goodman Diagram. They are: (1) The apex
of the diagram should be set at the tensile strength of the material. (2) The >^-intercept
should have a factor of safety of two. (3) The safety factor on the material tensile strength
The result was the creation of API Modified Goodman Diagram. The design
S,={TIA^MS^JSF, (1)
Sg = Allowable maximum stress, psi,
Since this diagram is used for the design of permissible stresses for sucker rod
installations, it is imperative that the design engineer understands the loads imposed on
the sucker rods; however, conventional polish rod dynamometer analysis does not
Since the rods available today is superior due to the improved manufacturing
processes and testing facilities, this thesis is an experimental study the effectiveness and
accuracy of the "API Modified Goodman Diagram." Tests conducted at 160% of the
stress range as specified in the API Modified Goodman Diagram on 5/8 inch. Grade 'D'
2. The slope of the allowable stress line is found to be 0.3 as compared to the
In effect, the test results indicate that the present API Modified Goodman diagram is
conservative and the formula for the allowable stress line could be revised to
5, =(7/2.5+ M5^)SF (2)
R - Stress ratio = - ^ ^
SF - Safety Factor.
behavior under steady loads. This behavior is called fatigue and is distinguished by three
main features: loss of strength, loss of ductility, and an increased uncertainty in both
strength and service hfe. All material, even the most perfect crystals, is full of
Metal fatigue can be defined as a general term used to describe the behavior of
materials under repeated cycles of stress and strain which cause a deterioration ofthe
material that results in a progressive fracture. Factures resulting from fatigue are among
the most difficult to foresee because conditions producing fatigue are frequently not
clearly recognizable. Fatigue occurs at stresses well within the ordinary elastic range as
measured in the static tension tests. Like other forms of brittle behavior, it is strongly
metals is of great importance primarily in the selection of sucker rods. Of all the
components ofthe oil-well pumping mechanism, sucker rods have the greatest effect on
the action and performance ofthe whole pumping system. The behavior ofthe sucker
rods in the transfer of forces and loads determines the action ofthe pump. Their inherent
sucker-rod string can handle without too frequent breakage, limits the pumping depth and
the economics ofthe installation. Because ofthe important role the rods play in the
system, the study ofthe fatigue strength and factors goveming the selection of sucker
Most sucker rod failures are due to the result of overstressing. The mechanism of
sucker rod failure is that of fatigue and corrosion fatigue. Under conditions of repeated
loadings, a material will fail under a load smaller than that which will cause failure on
one or a few applications. The ability of a material to resist fatigue failure is measured by
the "endurance limit." Endurance limit is defined as the maximum stress, which may be
applied indefinitely, under conditions of repeated loadings, without causing the failure.
The endurance limit of material is determined on a testing machine by subjecting the test
specimens are tested to failure under gradually decreasing stresses until the stress is
found under which the specimen can withstand an indefinite number of cycles of
reversals. In the case of steel it has been found that a stress, which permits 10 million
maximum stress, range of stresses, and number of reversals. When we consider sucker
rods, this statement can be interpreted as meaning that, for a given set of non-corrosive
conditions, the frequency of failures of rods depends on peak polished-rod load, range of
loadings, and speed of operation. The latter govems the number of changes of stresses
The Goodman diagram as shown in Figure 1 illustrates the principle that the
minimum stress must increase with increase in maximum stress in order to maintain the
Figure 1
The theory behind Goodman Diagram is discussed in detail in the coming chapters. The
diagram shows only the pattern ofthe allowable stresses, emphasizing the importance of
the range of stresses. It is of interest to note that in deep well pumping, with weight of
sucker rods representing a very large part ofthe polished-rod load, conditions are
favorable for maintaining a narrow range between the upstroke and dowm stroke loadings.
In the medium and shallow depth pumping of large volumes of fluid, particularly with
high speeds of operation, the down stroke load may be low compared to the upstroke load
and caution must be exercised in selecting the allowable maximum stress to maintain the
In order to take care of these types of conditions, an API committee had suggested
modifications to the Goodman Diagram. Hardy^ explains the factors which led to the
for hypothetical steel. Hardy's explanations are illustrated in detail in the coming
chapters. Because ofthe compressive stresses in rods, if they do occur, have highly
damaging effects; the line ofthe minimum stress is started at the zero stress line. The
determined air-fatigue limit ofthe steel. Hardy considered different safety factors for
constructing the diagram, as the modem day manufacturing standards and quality control
are superior to the standards followed during the Goodman time and to represent various
Sucker rod manufacturers had different opinion regarding the safety factors.
Some manufacturers used minimum yield strength for the apex whereas others chose
1 1 1 -
^ U
1 —1—
_L . 1 ^ ^ ^ >
I 6 8 , 4 2 0 PSI
^ ~^
50,0uu Hbl
— t — 1 — 1 — 1 ^ — ,
^ B ^P==T"
>M /
^ ^
1 ! ^ "1^=^^
^ 1^ TENSION , B^
^•-h- 33.00Q/PS'| / V- 1
1 I
" ^ ^
/ I1 —'—^ / \ j
1 : j '
\/ 1
1 ^ i-^ Tt" j —f—1
^—i— 1 1 /' ——
1 i
• y / I1
i t
— j — A 33,000 PSI 1 \/
•' ; 1
1 1 ! i 1 > 1 1 1
! I u I
(5 8 A5>n P<=: 1 —^
Ll n1 '^ 6 5 % ULIINIA I t STRENGTH-
> —•
^ 1
-t /
^^t^/ /
^7 3 /
D —7
\^ 1
1 fA
A" 1
Figure 2
too use the ultimate tensile strength. In order to have a consensus in the usage of
Goodman diagram, the American Petroleum Institute task force put forward several
suggestions and decided upon the Modified Goodman diagram given in 'API
sucker rod selection and is currently used by the oil industry for determining the
y ^ /
\ /
OL cir-
UJ (y
I- ^^ /
^> /
s /
ro _H if^
2 /
X /
z /
< /
2 10
V) /
10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 3
The purpose of this research project is to evaluate the validity ofthe Modified
Goodman Diagram as per today's standards. The testing method used to arrive at the
Modified Goodman Diagram was not the stress controlled axial cyclic testing but with a
reverse side bending tests. In addition, we are depending on some unverified safety
Because ofthe above reasons, it is thought that the testing ofthe rods in true
varying axial loading will resuh in much better evaluation ofthe fatigue life of sucker
rod specimens and interprets these results to demonstrate how these results affect the
T/4 + MSMIN)SF 1
SA = {0.25T + 0.5625 SMWISF 2
AS^ = S^ -
SA = maximum allowable stress, psi
^SA = maximum allowable range of stress, psi
M = slope of SA curve = 0.5625
S/vf//v = minimum stress, psi (calculated or measured)
SF = service factor
7" - minimum tensile strength, psi
Figure 4
The first fatigue investigations seem to have been reported by German mining
engineers, who in 1829 performed some repeated loading tests on iron chain. Some of
the earliest fatigue failures in service occurred in the axles of stagecoaches. When
railway systems began to develop rapidly about the middle ofthe nineteenth century,
fatigue failures in railway axles became a widespread problem that began to draw the first
serious attention to cyclic loading effects. This was the first time that many similar parts
of machines had been subjected to millions of cycles at stress levels well below the yield
Wohler, a German railway engineer, set up and conducted the first systematic
fatigue investigation. He conducted tests on fiill-scale railway axles and also small-scale
bending, torsion, and axial cyclic loading tests for several different materials. Some of
Wohler's original data were reported as shown in Table 1. These data for Krupp axle
steel are plotted in Figure 5 on what has become known as the S-N Diagram. Fatigue
Wohler is shown in Figure 5. This arrangement has only undergone minor changes since
it was introduced a century ago. The maximum fiber stress occurs at the point where the
cylindrical part of specimen B merges with the enlarged tapered end T. The bending
moment being, F^, the stress is computedfi-omequation a^ = —^ where
! a
800 - ^
[Steel supplied in 1862)
10" to' 10*
Cycles to Foilure
Figure 5
The force, F, is developed by adjustable loading springs, P. Today, dead weights are
used in modem machines in order to induce the lateral force. Noting that a^^ depends
on both the bending moment and the section modulus, it is possible, by using a suitably
tapered specimen, to locate cr^^ at some distancefi-omthe clamped end. The concem
It is to be noted that the original Goodman Diagram was prepared on the basis of
moment type is shown schematically in Figure 6. A general view ofthe machine and test
arrangement is shown in Figure 7. With this type of device, the region ofthe rotating
beam between the inboard bearings is subjected to a constant bending moment all along
While under the influence of this constant moment, the specimen is caused to
rotate with the drive spindles about a longitudinal axis. Any point on the surface is
above except that the bending moment varies along the beam, making the axial location
ofthe critical section important in applying the proper stress level. The stress-time
pattem is completely reversed unless some special device is added to produce an axial
All the above arrangements show that the data obtainedfi-omthese types of tests
are the basis ofthe original Goodman Diagram; however, this does not represent the real
values, which can be deduced by testing the samples in constant amplitude, stress
controlled cyclic fatigue testing. Axial load fatigue testing systems subject the
a ^ L r
/7777777 /77777777
mm _.
jg^i^^rr^-^ M
Figure 6
Figure 7
reasonably uniform throughout the cross section. The major advantage ofthe axial-load
system is that it produces a relatively uniform load distribution over a relatively large
volume of material in the specimen, thus eliminating the perturbing effects ofthe stress
(or strain) gradient present in the bending tests. Even though MTS type testing machines
were developed, there are no published data pertaining to the sucker-rod testing.
these experiments, various materials were subjected to tensile, compressive and torsional
stresses, which were wholly or partially removed, and in some instances were even
reversed from tension to compression in the same bar. The intensity ofthe stresses were
at first large, almost approaching the static tensile strength ofthe material. Such stresses
caused fracture after a small number of repetitions, but as the intensity ofthe stresses was
limit of stress was reached, it appeared that the bar was capable of withstanding an
infinite number of repetitions. This stress appears to depend upon the ultimate tensile
Goodman"* used these test results to develop a permissible stress diagram that
bears his name. The experimental results used to develop the Goodman Diagram are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1
A'ru/'/s AxU SUel.
Tensile strength, varying from 42 to 49 ton, per sq. inch.
Tensile stress applied Nominal bending stress
in tons per square Number of Number of
repetitions before in tons per square
inch inch repetitions before
from I to fracture. fracture.
from I to
Krupp's spring Stftl.
Tensile strength, 57-5 tons per sq. inch.
Goodman had based his arguments on the "dynamic theory" which assumes that
the varying loads applied by Wohler were equivalent to suddenly applied loads, and
consequently a piece of material will not break under repeat loadings if the momentary
stress of sudden applications, does not exceed the static yield strength ofthe material.
Goodman attempted to show, through his diagram, the results of all the
In every case represented, the material stood over foiu- million repetitions before
fi*acture. The horizontal scale is immaterial; the vertical scale shows the ratio of
applied stress to the static breaking stress. The minimum stress on the material is
plotted on the line aob, and the corresponding maximum stress, which may be
repeated four million times, is shovm by the small circles above. If the dynamic
theory were perfectly true, all the points would lie on the line marked "maximum
stress"; for then the minimum stress (taken as being due to a dead load) plus twice
the range of stress {i.e. maximum stress - minimum stress) taken as being due to a
live load should together be equal to the statical breaking strength ofthe material,
(p. 540)
The results ofthe tests of revolving axles are shown in-group A; the dynamic theory
demands that they should be represented by a point situated 0.33fi-omthe zero stress
shown at B', by the dynamic theory, they should be represented by a point situated 0.5
fi-om the zero axis. For all other cases, the upper point should lie on the maximum stress
So, Goodman concludes that when designing a member which will be subjected
to both a steady load (W^^) and a fluctuating load (W^^ - W^^), the equivalent static
l^=f^„±2(^x-^.„) (3)
The plus sign is used when both the loads act together (when both are tension or both are
compression), and the minus sign when they act against one another.
Hein and Hermanson^ describe the evolution ofthe modified Goodman diagram
load or stress between the extremes of complete reversal to a static stress equal to the
tensile strength ofthe material. A curve generated usually shows the expected stress
range for a given life or cycle time ofthe material. This diagram shows that for every
minimum load, there is a maximum load to provide the required service life. The smaller
The basic diagram was developed using short, polished metal specimens to reduce
the variables and achieve relatively consistent results. This was done in a short period of
time by running tests at very fast cycle rates of approximately 1750 rpm to develop an
As the original tests were conducted with short, polished specimens, the
application ofthe Goodman Diagram in designing sucker rods caused factors of safety to
be considered. Sucker rod manufacturers had different opinion regarding the safety
factor to be applied. Some manufacturers used yield strength for the apex whereas some
have chosen to use the tensile strength. Various factors were used for both the tensile
strength and left hand portion ofthe diagram instead of using the K-intercept of one-half
ofthe tensile strength. Each manufacturer vigorously defended their companies
sucker rods, an American Petroleum Institute task force was formed to develop a
consensus to this issue. The committee met in the early 1960s at the Mayo hotel in Tulsa,
1. The committee had agreed that the apex ofthe diagram should be the tensile
2. The y-intercept should have a factor of safety of two. This reduced the
3. The factor of safety on the tensile strength apex was recommended to be 1.75.
The result ofthe above was the API Modified Goodman Diagram, which is published in
effect of steady and ahemating stress on the fatigue limit. In constructing the diagram it
is assumed that the fatigue limit for complete reversal is one-third ofthe ultimate static
tensile strength.
Hardy' in his paper "Sucker-Rod String Design and the Goodman Diagram"
presented the reasons for the modification ofthe Goodman Diagram by the API
committee for usage in the Sucker Rod selection. To illustrate the derivation of a usable
stress-range diagram for sucker rod applications. Hardy selected AISI C-1036 steel, a
material used by all rod manufacturers and designated as Grade C in the API standard
BRl 1. Summary of his explanations on the reasons for the modification ofthe diagram
The manner in which the endurance limit varies with different ranges of stress
was first illustrated by the original Goodman Diagram. The steels of Goodman's day
were not forged to the standards as present day manufacturing processes. Depending on
the alloy and heat treatment, it is found that the endurance level is varyingfi-om48 to 56
percent ofthe tensile strength as against 33 percent ofthe tensile strength, which was
used for the original Goodman Diagram. Using fatigue endurance tests carried out in the
lab for normahzed AISI C-1036 steel with an average ultimate tensile strength of 100,000
psi, an endurance limit of 52,000 psi is found. With this information, a diagram is
endurance limit of 52,000psi and AUand B'Urepresent the stress range limits. The
safety factor shall be applied in deriving the modified diagram which will illustrate
usable working stress levels and ranges for designing sucker rod strings.
First of all, as sucker rods normally do not operate in compression, the portion of
the diagram lying to the left ofthe zero ordinate is eliminated as shown in Figure 2. This
leaves triangle OCU . Next, since operation at or near the ultimate strength is
strength as the apex ofthe triangle. This 65 percent was based on the years of experience
of Hardy and others with the knowledge that rod string would hang in a non corrosive
well at that stress with no cyclic load variations indefinitely. The following method was
S l o p e ^ ' ^ = '""'Q°Q-"'Q"Q=0.31578
100,000 + 52,000
Creech^ states that the reverse bending values ofthe fatigue endurance limit as
determined by the rotating-beam method must be reduced by a factor of 0.72 for pull-pull
endurance limits.
concentration factor of 1.25 to be used which ftirther reduces the above figure by a factor
of 0.80. Also, a safety factor of 1.5 is applied for operating unknowns, which ftirther
reduces the figure by 0.66. Applying these factors to the y-intercept at C , the Y-
Hein and Hermanson^ have addressed the necessity of revising the API Modified
Goodman Diagram for Sucker Rod selections. As per them, the following factors
The current sucker rod bar stock is a hot rolled product whereas thirty years ago
when API has recommended the usage ofthe Modified Goodman Diagram, bars were
mills with continuous casting and up-graded rolling processes. This produces a
group during 1983. This provides tighter requirements for straightness, smoother surface,
and limited surface discontinuities. Current day manufacturers also have better control
on the sucker rod chemistry, increased cleanliness ofthe steel, finer grain size and better
heat treatment requirements. They speculated that all these improvements should result
Hem, and Hermanson also argued that, although the Modified Goodman
Diagrams is considered a usefial tool to determine the maximum allowable stress for a
given minimum stress, it is a very conservative theory ofthe effect of mean stress on the
fatigue life. They predict that the Gerber theory may be more reliable if all the applicable
Fatigue failure investigations over the years have led to the observation that the
fatigue process embraces two domains of cyclic stressing or straining that are
different physical mechanisms. One domain of cyclic loading is that for which
significant plastic strain occurs during each cycle. This domain is associated with high
loads and short lives, or low number of cycles to produce fatigue failure, and is
The other domain of cyclic loading is that for which the strain cycles are largely
confined to the elastic range. This domain is associated with lower loads and long lives,
or high number of cycles to produce fatigue failure, and is commonly referred to as high-
cycle fatigue.
10 cycles, and high-cycle fatigue for lives greater than 10^ cycles. As the sucker rod
lives are expected to be above 10 million cycles, we are concentrating on the high-cycle
fatigue criteria.
Fatigue Loading
occur throughout the design life of a part under consideration. A designer is interested in
the effects of various loading spectra and associated stress spectra, which will in general
be a fiinction ofthe design configuration and the operational use ofthe part.
applied for a specified number of cycles. Such a stress-time pattem, often referred to as
spectrum shown in Figure 8(b). This pattem is very similar to the completely reversed
case except that the mean stress is tensile or compressive, in any event different fi-om
zero. The non-zero mean case may be thought of as a static stress equal in magnitude to
the mean cr^, with a superposed completely reversed cyclic stress of amplitude G^ .
Another case of nonzero mean stress is illustrated in Figure 8(c). In this special
case, the minimum stress ( T ^ is zero. The stress rangesfi-omzero up to the tensile
maximum and then back to zero. This type of stressing is often called released tension.
For released tension it may be noted that the mean stress is half the maximum stress, or
upstroke to a minimum tension on the down stroke, and back again. This follows a
^ mm
Om.n = 0 - ^ Time
Figure 8
The most basic property of any sucker-rod string is its elastic behavior, which is
responsible for the complexity of its operation. The forces that excite the string at its two
ends produce elastic force waves that travel in the rod material at the speed ofthe sound.
These waves are of different magnitude and phase, and their interference and reflection
can greatly affect the actual forces that occur in any rod section. Due to the complexity
of describing these force waves, most rod string design procedures disregard the rod
The possible rod loads during a complete pimiping cycle at any depth in the string
1. Weight of rods. This force is distributed along the string. At any section, it is
equal to the weight ofthe rods below the given section. It is positive for both
2. Buoyant force. This force always opposes the rod weight and is equal to the
hydraulic lift caused by immersing the rods into the produced liquid. It is
customary to handle the sum ofthe rod weight and buoyant force by using
3. Fluid Load. This is concentrated force acting at the bottom ofthe string only
pressiu"e ofthe fluid lifted, acting on the area ofthe pump plimger. It is always
4. Dynamic Loads. They are the results of changes in acceleration, during the
pumping cycle, ofthe moving masses (rods and fluid column). The
pump stroke, but generally dynamic loads result in a positive net load for the
5. Friction Forces. These forces are of two kinds: fluid ftiction and mechanical
fiiction. Fluid is moving with the rods during upstroke and against the rods
on the down stroke. Mechanical fiiction forces oppose the movement of rods;
they are positive during upstroke and negative during down stroke.
An examination of these forces during a complete pumping cycle shows that the
rod string is exposed to a cyclic loading. Although the upper rods are always in tension,
the tension level considerably increases during the upstroke due to the load ofthe fluid
lifted, the dynamic loads, and the fiiction forces. The down stroke load consists of only
the buoyant weight ofthe rods minus dynamic loads and fiiction forces. Thus the loading
ofthe sucker-rod string is pulsating tension, which must be accoimted for its mechanical
design. This is why the rod string has to be designed for fatigue endurances, as done in
most ofthe present-day procedures using the API Modified Goodman Diagram. Figure 9
on the APIRP IIL specification. Peak Polished Rod Load {PPRL) and Minimum
Polished Rod Load {MPRL) are calculated. PPRL represents the maximum load and
MPRL represents the minimum load. Analysis is made to see the suitability ofthe
specific rod as per these conditions using the "API Modified Goodman Diagram" as
( S -S ^
% Goodman = max( actual) min * 100, (5)
C _ c-
V^ '^ imx,allowable ^ mm J
50 75 100
Position from Bottom of Strolte (in)
Figure 9
Table 2
Rod Node Depth(ft) Stroke Power (hp) Max. Load Min. Load Min.Eff.Load
Length (in) (Ibf) (Ibf) (Ibf)
The Percent Goodman as calculated above will show whether rod size is suitable for a
given beam pump installation. When the value ofthe percent Goodman is below 100%,
it implies the rod is capable of withstanding the predicted operating stress ranges.
The general factors that affect the fatigue strength of materials are illustrated
Load Spectrum
Fatigue strength of any given material is influenced by the load spectrum to which
the material is exposed. It is always not possible to conduct fatigue tests that will
represent the exact behavior ofthe machine part while in service. The idea of any test is
to have a close match ofthe load spectrum to which the material is exposed. Some parts
are miming in varying amplitude spectmm with both tension and compression and some
other parts will be exposed to only a tensile stress during the operation which is the case
for sucker-rods. The present test method is designed to have constant amplitude; stress
controlled loading whichftillyrepresent the behavior of sucker rods during the pumping
Mean Stress
It is possible to have stress pattems, which have the same stress amplitude but
differ in mean stress. It is a proven fact that cycles with higher mean stress will produce
Effect of Rest Periods
It was believed that, for some materials, rest periods between groups of cycles
have no effect on the fatigue life; while in other cases, the rest periods considerably
improve the fatigue life. Sines states that for the same size of specimen with same test
conditions, the rest periods don't have any apparent effect on the fatigue life of materials.
Present tests are conducted with minimal rest periods imtil the 10 million cycles are
Effect of Frequency
A factor related to rest periods is the effect offi-equencyof cycling on the fatigue
life. An increase infi-equencywill produce two simultaneous changes: the speed of stress
application will increase and the time the specimen is allowed to dwell at low stresses
different materials. The obtained data shown that there is no effect when thefi-equencyis
varied up to 5000 cpm. The present tests are conducted at afi-equencyof maximum 20
cycles/second, which is less than the specified 5000 cycles per minute.
Corrosive Environments
The simultaneous action of corrosion and fatigue is well known. When conditions
conducive to fatigue and to corrosion are superimposed, the resultant failure may occur
many times more quickly than the cumulative effects acting separately. Many materials
show an appreciable lowering ofthe fatigue strength, even in the normal atmosphere,
objective ofthe project is to validate the Goodman diagram, which was based upon tests
factor that the fatigue life of a given steel material reduces with increase in temperature.
Surface Coatings
The application of any coating on a metal may affect the fatigue life. The effect is
rather complex that the coating application may make itself felt in any or all of a number
of different ways. Cleaning prior to coating may either smoothen or roughen the surface.
The application process may induce tensile or compressive stresses in the base metal and
in the coating. This is the reason why a safety factor is considered in defining the API
There are various grades of sucker-rods used in the beam pumping applications.
The major grades used are Grade D, Grade C, Grade K, etc. For this experiment, all
fatigue tests were performed on Grade D rods with a minimum tensile strength of
115,000 psi.
The machine being used to conduct the testing is MTS series 810.13 Material Test
c. Service Manifold
d. Hydraulic power supply rated 10 GPM at 3000 psi, for 460 volt, 3 phase
1. Servo-controller
2. Valve driver
3. DC Transducer Conditioner,
4. AC Transducer Conditioner,
5. Feedback Selector,
6. Limit Detector,
7. Control Panel,
9. Coimter Panel.
variety of material tests. The machine uses standard interchangeable assemblies for great
flexibility and reliability. The machine is capable to operate in force ranges from 1,000
pounds to 400,000 pounds with precise displacement and speeds of up to 30 inches per
Figure 10
The standard components ofthe MTS system are divided into three categories as
a. A Load Unit that allows application ofthe desired test loads to the specimen
and defines the test force limits. These include the load frame, load cell and
hydraulic actuator.
b. A Performance Package that provides energy for the test in the form of
controlled pressurized oil flow. These include the hydraulic power supply,
control and parameter limits for the tester, as well as readout and failsafe
The machine uses a closed-loop control as shown in Figure 11. The force, strain, or
displacement imposed on the test specimen is measured and continuously compared with
the desired command input. The difference between the measured value and the
command value is used to provide a continuous correction signal to the servo valve,
which causes this difference to be minimized. Transducer conditioners are used to excite
the transducer, and provide conditioning for the output signal from the transducer, which
may then be used, for control and readout. Force, strain or displacement may be used as
^~^^~- Transducer
I —I signal
Readout |-* conditioners
instrumentation Load
i Mode selector
• ^ Servo
IZF Displacement
Figure 11
The system maintains the command value throughout the test by continuously
driving the servo valve to provide a precisely controlled test under static or dynamic
conditions. Closed-loop control using feedback selection, allows the test engineer to
select control variables for the test and to use a variety of command devices.
specimen, but pressure sensors (or a load cell) can detect changes in the maximum or
minimum force and through feedback circuits, automatically adjust the controls so that
the forces are maintained at the desired level, regardless ofthe change in specimen
stiffiiess associated with crack growth. The whole system has to be calibrated as per the
This procedure covers the present test method to analyze the fatigue life of grade
D sucker rods. As API Modified Goodman diagram is considered as the basis for
selection of sucker rods, the aim ofthe present test is to find out the range of stresses,
which can be applied to the grade D rods considering 10 million cycles. It is a well-
accepted norm that if the material does not fail until 10 million cycles, it can be
considered as having infinite life. The test is designed to apply 160% ofthe load range
specified in the Modified Goodman diagram and run samples for 10 million cycles.
Upon completion of 10 million cycles for the first sample, the maximum and minimum
load range will be changed for the subsequent samples as per the tabulation presented in
Table 3. Figure 12 and Figure 13 shows the present test ranges in comparison to the API
Table 3
Minimum Min. Stress IVIax. Allowable Allowable Max. Load
Load (Smin) Stress (Smax) Load (@160%)
(kip) (ksi) (ksi) (kip) (kip)
Stress Range Diagram
f *
^.^ M
w 30.0000 if^
/ •
^ ^
0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 40.0000 50.0000 60.0000 70.00^
Stress (ksi)
Figure 12
Load Range diagram for 5/8 inch , Grade "D", Sucker Rod
-• M in. Stress Line Original Modified Goodman Une •Present Test Une<160°/4
Figure 13
Specimen Preparation
Sucker rods upon receipt from the manufacturer is shop tested as per the
following minimum test requirements. The tests are carried out at "Permian Rod
c. Straightening of rods-if required-using hydraulic cross-roll straightening
be prepared as follows.
b. Details ofthe material in the specimen - ultimate tensile strength, yield point,
c. Detail of specimen design drawing showing the shape, size and dimensions of
Specimen Storage
The specimens, after completion ofthe mitial testing and recordings, are stored in
a clean air-conditioned atmosphere as per the normal norms as specified in ASTM STP
Specimen Dimensions
The 5/8-inch sucker rods are cut using band saw machine to pieces having length
of 12 inches. These are used as the test specimen. The minimum grip length is 3 inches
at both ends.
Visual inspections with unaided eyes or low power magnification up to X20 are
gouges, imdercuts, and so forth, are not accepted. Specimens are cleaned prior to testing
material in order to remove any surface oil films, fingerprints, and so forth. Dimensional
analysis and inspection is carried out in a manner that will not visibly mark, scratch,
Specimen Loading
1. Set the following by using the "Fl" and "F2" controls. (For this, the
Controller Current Mode POD Mode
2. Switch on the hydraulic pump first by pressing the "Low" mode on the
the control unit. (It is advisable to change the actuator position after every
test run).
4. After adjusting the actuator position, keep the Actuator Position Control to
5. Unlock the "Load Frame" control. By opening the "UP" valve on the
machine imit, lift the load frame to a desired position for easy insertion of
the specimen.
7. Mark the grip borderline on the specimen (In this case minimum 3 inches
8. By keeping the marked "border line" in line with the grip, actuate the
"Lower Grip" control. The specimen will get gripped firmly. Keep the
9. Bring down the load frame by opening the "Down" valve on the machine
unit imtil the "border line" marked on the specimen matches with the grip
10. Open the "Upper Grip Control" lever to the maximum position. This
13. Press "Fl" on the Load unit control. This will change the Current mode to
and POD mode to "Load_SG" and "Load_POD" modes. Press "F2" and
switch on the "Actuator Position Control", which will make the control
accept the change of load modes. Switch Off the "Actuator Position
Control" so that the current changes are set. Now the grip is in the "Load
Control" mode which means the grip will keep on applying a constant
force on the specimen. The load control imit will display as given
These are the preliminary steps to be followed for the safe loading ofthe
The computer control allows different settings ofthe test parameters as required.
The following steps are to be followed for the test set up.
3. Select "File, Select Procedure."
9. In the main menu, select "Parameters" which will open up the "Execution
Parameters" window.
10. Add values to "End level 1", "End level 2" and "Test Frequency" as per the
13. A new window will open up as "MTS Cyclic fatigue Test: Batch Edit."
14. Add details like specimen information, specimen diameter. Elastic Modulus,
16. In the new window, select execution parameters and enter the End level 1, End
17. Select "Test Termination Parameters" and define the required test parameters.
19. Now, select the "Execute" mode in the "MTS Cyclic Fatigue Test" menu.
21. Start the test by actuating the "Run" button on the "Execution" menu.
22. Watch for the smooth running ofthe machine. If any unnatural behavior like the
noise level from the servo valve etc is observed, stop the run and check for the
looking at the "Load vs. Time" display. The display can be selected from the
23. When the machine starts running the test, change the "Display Detector Actions"
criteria from "disabled" to "indicate". This will indicate whether the present run
is above or below the defined parameters. If there are no indications, set the
24. Have constant watch on the test run. The test conditions can be observed
25. Upon completion of 10 million cycles, stop the test run. Record the values and
The following steps are to be followed for removal and reloading ofthe specimen.
2. Release the hydraulic grip by controlling the levers. It is advisable to release the
4. Tag the specimen showing the specimen identification, number of cycles, load
Follow the steps as detailed in "Specimen Loading" and "Define Test Parameters"
above for loading ofthe new specimens and setting the test criteria.
Test Control
There are various "Display" modes available for proper control and display ofthe
test. Samples ofthe displays like "Load vs. Time," "Max/Min Load Vs Cycles," etc., are
[Hi MTS Fatigue Execulion ZMxi
Actions Parameters Display Event Log Preferences Help
Select Procedure... 1 Cycle Fatigue
Select Batch..
ker_Rod vi
Select Specimen.
Figure 14
Execution Parameters
l^ Amplitude Control
Stable Cycle
Termination Criteria
W Cycle Limited
Figure 15
[Hi MTS Fatigue Execution rg]x]
File Actions parameters Display Event Log Pteferences Help
J Home
" ^ •
Figure 16
Tests are conducted for all the load ranges as given in Table 3. Specimens were
changed upon completion of 10 miUion cycles to different load settings. All the
actuating the interlock. The tests proves that, the present day sucker rods are capable of
withstanding higher stress ranges compared to the ranges specified as per the API
Results ofthe tests are tabulated and a new "Modified Goodman" Diagram is
prepared as shown in Figure 17. By referring to the diagram it can be implied that the
present API Modified Goodman Diagram is conservative. The safety factor applied for
pull-pull test seems to be higher than what is required. This results in the re-definition of
2. As a result, the slope ofthe allowable stress line changes to 0.3 fi-om
The behavior ofthe specimens suggests that, the material will be able to withstand even
higher ranges of stresses. There were no visible damage to any ofthe specimens and the
interlock settings points to the fact that there were no specific deviations of loads during
the test process. So it has to be imphed that even the initiation ofthe crack growth had
not taken place during the tests. All the above confirms the conservativeness ofthe
S, = (T 12.5 + MS „,„ )SF
0.6 T/1.75
0.4 1 K ^
^ ^ ^ "
0 -I 1
Figure 17
The API Modified Goodman diagram as used today for selection of sucker-rods is
conservative. Tests conducted on the grade 'D' sucker-rods prove that current day rods
are capable of withstanding higher stress ranges up to 160% ofthe stress range specified
by API committee. The proposed revision to the "API Modified Goodman diagram" is
presented which requires the re-definition ofthe allowable stress line as:
The purpose of this thesis is to alarm the industry and the operators about the
conservative nature ofthe API Modified Goodman Diagram so that more economical
ways can be adopted while deciding about the selection of sucker-rod string.
As the present tests are carried out at 160% ofthe stress range as specified by the
API Modified Goodman diagram, it is recommended that tests shall be conducted for
different ranges of stresses like 180%, 220%, etc., until an optimum stress range is
derived. This will require testing of different specimens at different percentages of loads
until the load range at which the fatigue occurs within 10 million cycles is determined.
Then the stress range has to be reduced stage by stage until the optimum stress range at
Another area to be looked into is the validity ofthe theory that material should not
be exposed to the near ultimate strength region. The apex ofthe triangle (at tensile
strength) is considered as r/1.75. This value shall be changed to 771.2, r/1.3, etc., and
tests shall be conducted to see the ranges of stress, which can withstand 10 million cycles
without failure.
cycles a specific rod grade can withstand. It is possible that the specimens will withstand
even up to 50 million cycles without failure and this will enable us to redefine the entire
Another important suggestion is that even though the present tests are conducted to
redefine the API Modified Goodman diagram, future tests be carried out in relation to the
original Goodman Diagram. The slope ofthe Modified Goodman Diagram is not based
on any test results and so, tests conducted at stress ranges in relation to the maximum
allowable stress line ofthe original Goodman Diagram will result into a more reliable
For the future tests, which will be directed towards finding out the exact stress
range at which the specimens will fail before 10 million cycles, it is recommended that
higher diameter screw-in end connections be used on specimens as per ASTM standards
1. Hardy, A. A.: "Sucker Rod String Design and the Goodman Diagram," paper
64-Pet2, presented at the 1964 Petroleum Mechanical Conference ofthe
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Los Angeles, Sept. 20-23.
2. API RP-1 IBR, Recommended Practice for Care and Handling of Sucker Rods,
American Petroleum histitute. Eighth Edition, Washington D. C. (1989).
7. Hein Jr., N.W. and Hermanson Jr., D. E.: "A New Look at Sucker Rod
Fatigue Life"; paper SPE 26558 presented at the 1993 Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 3-6 (1993).
10. Saba, J.: Modern Oil-Well Pumping, The Petroleum Publishing Co., Tulsa,
OK (1962).
12. Steward, W. B.: "Sucker Rod Failures," The Oil and Gas Journal, (April 9,
1973) Vol. 71, No. 15, p. 53.
13. Hardy, A. A.: "Why Sucker Rods Fail," The Oil and Gas Journal, (August 12,
1963) p. 109.
14. Paul, T. W.: "Improving Sucker Rod String Design," Petroleum Engineer,
(July 1973) p. 68.
15. Neely, A. B.: "Sucker Rod String Design," Petroleum Engineer, (March
1976) Vol. 48, No. 4, p.58.
16. Powers, M. L.: "Optimization of Sucker Rod Replacement," paper SPE 3470
presented at the 46th Armual Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Oct. 3-6 (1971).
17. Moore, K. H.: "Stop Sucker Rod Failures To Save Money," Petroleum
Engineer International, (July 1981) Vol. 53, No. 8, p. 27.
18. Collins, J. A.: Failure ofMaterials in Mechanical Design, 2"^ Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, New York (1993).
20. ASTM STP 566, Handbook of Fatigue Testing, by American Society for
Testing and Materials, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 74-83946
21. Sines, G. and Waisman. J. L.: Metal Fatigue, McGraw-Hill, New York,
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