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Environment Menagement

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Environmental Management Plan is the key to ensure that the environmental quality
of the area does not deteriorate due to the operation of the plant under study. The
treatment and disposal of effluents for the plant have been described in
Chapter 2. The probable impacts have been predicted in Chapter 4. Present

chapter covers the management of the overall environmental issues including the
requirement of capacity building for environmental management.
Management plan consists of the following activities:
i) Specific action plan for implementing mitigation measures
ii) Monitoring of Environmental Quality
iii) Rainwater Harvesting
iv) Training
v) Statutory requirements and Implementation
vi) Documentation
vii) Green Belt Plantation
viii) Social Responsibility

The different aspects of the Environmental Management Plan are discussed below:

Implementation Plan

Mitigation Plan is the key to ensure that the environmental qualities of the area will
not deteriorate due to the construction and operation of the project. The Mitigation
Plan covers all aspects of the construction and operation phases related to
The mitigation plan needs to be implemented right from the conception and should
continue till the end. Implementation of Environmental Mitigation Measures is the
most important task of EMP. The Plan can be divided into two phases -
(a) During construction phase
(b) During operational phase.
An implementation task list is formed and the important mitigation measures
are included. The list also includes the time frame for implementation and also
the responsibilities of the concerned authority.
Important mitigation measures and the implementation schedule are presented in
Table 6.1 and Table 6.2 at the end of this chapter.

Monitoring of Environmental Quality

The success of environmental control measure can only be understood by proper
monitoring of the environmental parameters. A detailed monitoring for different
environmental parameters will be carried out as per direction of Assam Pollution
Control Board. Monitoring methodologies will follow standard methods prescribed
by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
USEPA, AWWA etc. Major monitoring parameters are discussed below. All
monitoring reports will be submitted to Orissa Pollution Control Board.

Ambient Air Quality

Ambient air quality will be monitored within the plant and in the vicinity as
directed by Assam Pollution Control Board. The parameters will include SPM,
RPM, SO2 and NO2. The report will be submitted to Assam Pollution Control

The sampling and analysis of air pollutants will be done as per the norms suggested by Central
Pollution Control Board (Emission Regulations Part-III) and also the Bureau of Indian Standards IS-
Stack Emissions
Emission from boiler stack will be monitored monthly or as directed by West
Bengal Pollution Control Board. The results will be analyzed to find out whether
those are meeting the required level. PM, SO 2 and NOx and gas flow will be
monitored. Online automated stack monitoring equipment’s will be installed for
monitoring of stack emissions.

Noise Monitoring
Noise monitoring will be carried out inside the units near the high noise generating
areas once in a month. Ambient noise monitoring just outside the plant limit will be
conducted monthly. Noise levels monitored will include L eq day & night, Lmax, and

Water Quality
Water quality at the discharge point from CMB will be monitored everyday for the
relevant parameters as mentioned for GCS Makum Assam. Water quality near the
discharge point on Brahmaputra River will be monitored monthly. More parameters
or locations may be included for monitoring if directed by Assam Pollution Control
Board. The sampling and analysis methodologies of the water samples will be as
per IS-2488, IS-3025, APHA 20th Ed etc.

Quality Assurance
A quality assurance plan should be developed which will include all references
methods for monitoring, relevant analytical techniques, calibration of equipment,
standard of reagents, collection and presentation of results etc. All monitoring
activities will be reviewed to find out the implementation of all the required norms.
Periodic environmental audit may be arranged to make quality assurance a success.
Periodic Preventive Maintenance
All pollution control, monitoring and safety equipments shall be periodically
checked and calibrated.

Safety & Health

Periodic monitoring of the health of the workers will be carried out as required by
Factories Act. For safety, mock drill of the concerned employees for handling the
emergency situation will be carried out, as a part of On-Site Emergency Plan. Air
Quality at the work place will be measured intermittently.

Green Belt Development

There will be all efforts for improving the environmental quality of the plant
complex through tree planting in organised manner. The trees will be planted inside
the plant in vacant areas, along the boundary walls in rows to develop a wide green
belt and also in dust- prone area i.e. Coal yard, ash pond along with vacant area for
landscaping including gardening.
The green belt area will turn to be a large green park.

Green belt plan is shown in the Layout Plan

Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is now an important component of wise resource use and
environmental management. During operation of the plant following approach will
be taken to implement the Rainwater harvesting plan.
Rainwater from the roofs of all the Station Buildings of the units, storm water
drains . All storm water drains of the main plant area shall be connected to the
rainwater collection tank. Rainwater collected in the rainwater tank is to be utilised
for further use. This is achieved by installing a suitable pump at one end of the
tank. This shall pump the collected water to the synthetic PVC tank installed on the
roof of superstructures like Station Building, etc. The size of the synthetic tank
shall be suitably sized based on the rainfall intensity and the runoff there-of.
Additional tanks could be installed as and when the underground tanks are added.
PVC pipe is proposed for pumping water from the rainwater collection tank to the
tanks on top of the buildings.

Collected water from the synthetic tank is distributed by gravity to desired locations
for non-potable use like gardening, cleaning etc. Excess water will be discharged
through CMB

Training is of much importance in environmental management. Environmental
science is a developing subject and the people implementing environmental
strategies should remain up to date with the environmental control processes. The
person in charge of the environmental jobs should attend suitable training courses.
Besides, there shall be training programme for the general employees at different

Statutory Requirements and Implementation

Each industry needs to meet a number of statutory requirements under Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act; Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act; Environment (Protection) Act; Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling)
Rules; Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules etc.
Company has also to submit yearly Environmental Statements. Environment
Management plan will ensure that these entire statutory requirements are met in

Documentation is an important step in implementing Environmental Management

Plan. All statutory norms should be kept at one place for quick references. All
monitoring results should be kept at selected folders which can be easily accessed.
The presentation of the results should also be planned. Graphs and diagrams can be
used to show the trend in environmental quality or achievement. Documents should
be kept at a declared position.
Documentation will include
 Major technical information in operation
 Organizational Charts
 Environmental Monitoring Standards
 Environmental and related legislation
 Operational Procedure
 Monitoring Records
 Quality Assurance Plan for Monitoring
 Emergency plans

Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility is now an important factor in company’s project
operation. OIL group is well known for its social responsibility in the country. HOL
also will take up different social activities in future.
A Need Assessment study is under way and a Preliminary survey by a group of
volunteer from villages regarding need for medical check up is on progress
Environmental Management Cell
A separate environmental management cell should be established to implement the
management plan. The cell shall report to the Plant manager. The cell shall ensure
the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the Environment Management
Programme. The management review process will ensure that the necessary
information is collected to allow management to carry out its evaluation. This
review will be documented.

Table 6.1
Environmental Management Plan during Construction Phase

Environmental Remedial Measures Time frame Responsibility

Ground Water No extraction of groundwater Throughout Supervising
Construction Phase Engineer
Surface water sources No disposal of any Throughout Contractor,
wastewater outside. Construction Phase Supervising
Drinking Water Arrange water without Throughout Contractor,
Requirement affecting local requirement Construction Phase Supervising
Wastewater from Ensure proper sanitation and Throughout Design Consultant,
Workers’ camp drainage. No direct Construction Phase Contractor,
wastewater discharge in Supervising
water bodies or the Engineer
Air & Noise
Dust Generation Spraying of water wherever Throughout Contractor,
required Construction Phase Supervising
Gaseous Emission from Ensure checking of vehicular Throughout Contractor,
Construction work emission and obtaining Construction Phase Supervising
vehicles Pollution Under Control Engineer
Noise from machineries Ensure machineries meeting Throughout Contractor,
and construction noise level standards Construction Phase Supervising
Land Development Preserve the excavated Throughout Design Consultant,
topsoil to be used for Construction Phase Contractor,
green belt development. Supervising
Solid Waste from Ensure dumping at Throughout Design Consultant,
construction work preselected location Construction Phase Contractor,
Occupational Health Ensure necessary facilities Throughout Design Consultant,
according to Factories Act Construction Phase Contractor,

Table 6.2

Environmental Management Plan during Operation Phase

Environmental Remedial Measures Time frame Responsibility

Wastewater No discharge of untreated Throughout Manager
wastewater outside the Operation Phase Environment
Gaseous Emission Pollution Control Throughout Manager
Equipments and Operation Phase Production
Dispersion through stack and Manager
Air Quality Regular Monitoring Throughout Manager
according to schedule Operation Phase Environment
Emission Quality Regular Stack emission Throughout Manager
monitoring according to Operation Phase Environment
Water Quality Monitoring of wastewater Throughout Manager
quality before and after Operation Phase Environment
Ground water around ash
pond monitoring
Noise All machineries would Throughout Manager
follow relevant noise Operation Phase Production
regulations. and Manager
Regular Monitoring Environment
according to schedule
Solid Waste Disposal at preselected site Throughout Manager
within the plant premises Operation Phase Environment
and in ash pond
Safety Maintain all safety Throughout Manager
provisions Operation Phase Production
Statutory Meet all Statutory Throughout Manager
Requirements Requirements within Operation Phase Production
time schedule and

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