Standards-Based, Thematic Units Integrate The Arts and Energize Students and Teachers
Standards-Based, Thematic Units Integrate The Arts and Energize Students and Teachers
Standards-Based, Thematic Units Integrate The Arts and Energize Students and Teachers
magine a middle school where teachers and upon core curricular standards and instructional
administrators spiritedly collaborate, where methodologies reflecting best practices in middle
parents and community members enthusiastically level education.
participate, and where young adolescents eagerly • Students are eagerly engaged in the learning
engage in the learning and discovery of meaningful process and show measurable academic growth.
content, look forward to attending school, have
• Parents enthusiastically participate in the planning,
opportunities to excel, and show encouraging
implementation, and culmination of these units.
academic growth.
In our small mid-western urban school district, This vision was congruent with a major goal
a planning committee, charged with restructuring which emerged in Turning Points 2000, “to integrate
the junior high schools, read Turning Points (Carnegie what is known from education research and practice
Council on Adolescent Development, 1989) within a coherent approach toward adolescent edu-
and identified several critical issues challenging cation that educators can use in their own efforts to
our schools: transform middle grade schools” (Jackson and Davis,
2000, p. xiii).
• the educational challenges created by a gap
This article recounts our experience designing
between advantaged and disadvantaged students
a program for one of our restructured middle
• disappointing test scores schools that reflects a national movement in
• lack of teacher enthusiasm middle level reform.
• lack of parental involvement
Our Inspiration
• community dissatisfaction
A visit from Howard Gardner began our remarkable
• absence of community partnerships.
journey. Gardner (1993, 1999) believes humans possess
As a result, a group of parents, community at least eight different forms of intelligence, each
members, teachers, and administrators in our reflecting an individual’s potential to solve problems
school district combined their talents, energies, or to fashion products valued in cultural settings.
and passions to try a different way to educate our The eight intelligences are logical/mathematical,
children. They envisioned a middle school where: verbal/linguistic, musical, spatial, bodily/kinesthetic,
• Educators and community members collaborate interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. Most
to plan interdisciplinary thematic units based often teachers use instructional strategies falling
Karen Bolak, a former principal, is an assistant professor of teacher development and education studies at Oakland University,
Rochester, Michigan. E-mail:
Donna Bialach, a former district gifted and talented coordinator, is a lecturer in teacher development and education studies at
Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, and an instructor in Walden University’s master of science in education program,
Minneapolis, Minnesota. E-mail:
Maureen Dunphy, a former school board member, is a special lecturer in the Department of English, Oakland University,
Rochester, Michigan. E-mail:
Figure 1
Overview of Multiple Intelligences
Intelligence Key Features Examples of Activities How Students Learn Using the Intelligence
Verbal/Linguistic Make sense of the world through • Read fiction, biographies, • Students learn the elements of fiction by reading and
language and communicate. textbooks. analyzing a narrative work.
• Write poems, short stories, essays, • Students learn about life in ancient Greece by reading
or create newsletters. the Greek myths.
• Tell stories, recite poetry. • Students learn persuasive writing by reading adver-
tisements and composing their own.
Logical/Mathematical Discern logical and numerical patterns • Create a timeline. • Students learn the concept of tessellation by
and understand abstract relations. • Design a geometric pattern. studying M.C. Escher's art and designing a
• Find the answer to a logic puzzle. tessellating quilt pattern.
• Students learn simple machines by inventing a device
that uses one or more simple machines.
• Students learn the concept of gravity by calculating
weights on different planets.
Visual/Spatial Perceive visual or spatial information • Draw football game plays. • Students learn the geography of a country by
and transform this information to • Create a mind map. constructing a topographical map.
recreate visual images from memory. • Design a building. • Students learn how the economics of two countries
compare by constructing a bar graph of statistical
• Students learn the dynamics of a volcano by building
a working model.
Bodily/Kinesthetic Use all or part of the body to express • Role play using process drama. • Students learn and gain perspective and empathy
ideas and feelings, create products, and • Use manipulatives. regarding issues of the Civil War era by participating
solve problems. • Participate in physical education in a process drama.
activities. • Students learn measurement by planning a menu,
shopping for ingredients, preparing and serving a
meal for their class camping experience.
• Students learn the anatomy of a frog by dissecting
one in the biology lab.
Musical/Rhythmic Create, communicate, and understand • Create an original song. • Students learn about indigenous birds by listening to
meanings using sound. • Tap out a rhythm for a dance. their song.
• Listen to instrumental music from • Students learn the state capitals by singing a song
another culture. that includes all the capitals.
• Students learn the harmonies of classical music by
listening to and analyzing Mozart etudes.
Interpersonal Recognize and make distinctions about • Work on a cooperative group project. • Students learn about the larger community by
others' feelings and intentions. • Serve on student council. participating in community service projects.
• Conduct an interview. • Students interpret expository text by analyzing it in a
cooperative group.
• Students learn how to resolve conflict by participating
in peer mediation training and mediation groups.
Intrapersonal Reflect upon perceptions, experiences, • Write in a journal. • Students learn if their eating habits promote personal
and feelings to make decisions about • Complete a self-assessment. health by collecting data for a week regarding snack
one's life and identify personal • Create a personal timeline. choices and determining their nutritional content.
strengths and weaknesses. • Students learn to evaluate their own work by using
a rubric and deciding how to improve their grade in
the future.
• Students learn to assess their own achievement level
by planning and participating in a student-led parent
Naturalist Distinguish among, classify, and use • Classify and care for plants and • Students learn about urban environmental concerns
features of the environment to exhibit animals. by designing a neighborhood plan that includes
knowledge about the natural world. • Plan/participate in a family recycling green areas, roads, housing, transportation, schools,
project. government, retail and industrial complexes, and
• Plan/participate in a school environ- recreational areas for people to live and work.
mental conservation project. • Students learn how to care for wild and domestic
animals by partnering with personnel at a shelter for
abandoned animals.
• Students learn about hydroponics by planting seeds
and growing plants without the use of soil.
(adapted from Parkay & Stanford, 2004, p. 292)
within only two of the intelligences: logical/ Hurley (2002) made a case for improving the
mathematical and verbal/linguistic (Figure 1). Con- school culture by fostering aesthetic experiences
sequently, traditional instructional strategies, narrow among staff members:
in scope, represent only part of a complete educational Because we emphasize raising students’ test scores in
program. Gardner’s (1993) theory introduced our today’s schools … aesthetic experiences provide an
community to the concept that the arts are more opportunity for principals to balance the intellectual
than an extra; they are vital to the balanced devel- and rational approaches [by] … experiencing and
opment of a child, cognitively as well as affectively. exploring human creativity. We reach our potential
We realized we were not addressing all our as we develop our aesthetic sensibilities and share
students’ learning needs because we were not them with others. (pp. 25-26)
engaging all of their intelligences. We became
convinced that the theory of multiple intelligences Applying Current Brain Research
was part of the answer to ensuring all students, Current brain research supports integrating the arts
regardless of their profile of intelligences, become with the core curriculum. Jensen (1998) repeated that,
proficient learners. “today’s biology suggests that it’s the arts that lay
the foundation for later academic and career success.
Coming Together to Design a Program A strong arts foundation builds creativity, concentra-
For our district, merging theory with practice in the tion, problem solving, self-efficacy, coordination,
schools began with a team effort by teachers, admin- and values attention and self-discipline” (p. 9).
istrators, and parents that identified our strengths as
a school district and as a community. The first of
these strengths was ethnic, racial, and socio-economic
Why not capitalize on our district strengths
diversity. The community was proud of the 31 flags by applying Gardner’s theory of multiple
gracing the high school commons that recognize the intelligences as well as current research to
heritage of each member of the student body. Being
recognized statewide for its achievements, the school
solve the educational challenges presented
district was also proud of longstanding success with by our diverse middle school learners?
its music and drama programs. The planning team
recognized that the arts employ many of the intelli-
gences identified by Gardner. For example, whereas Sylwester’s (1998) neurobiological research indicated
constructing a set for a performance relies heavily on that by using the arts, students develop a variety of
logical/mathematical and visual/spacial intelligences, channels in the brain, enhancing their ability to
choreographing and performing a dance depends on connect their learning experiences to better construct
musical, bodily/kinesthetic, visual/spatial, and inter- meaning and make sense of the world. An arts-
personal intelligences. Why not capitalize on our integrated model is also consistent with Marzano,
district strengths by applying Gardner’s theory of Pollock, and Pickering’s (2001) research synthesis on
multiple intelligences as well as current research to best classroom practices. They reviewed psychologists’
solve the educational challenges presented by our findings regarding learning through nonlinguistic
diverse middle school learners? representation or imagery. When students are
encouraged to discover and apply knowledge using
Arts Integration graphic representations or drawing, making physical
models, or engaging in kinesthetic activity, the
Integrating the arts with the core curriculum is an effects on achievement are strong. “By learning and
energizing solution at the middle level. For those practicing in the visual and performing arts, the
whose lives are richer because of a connection to the human brain actually rewires itself to make more
arts, the value of an arts-integrated academic and stronger connections” (Kolb & Whishaw, 1990
program is clear. Fowler (1994) stated, “The arts … as quoted in Chan & Petrie, 1998).
invite students to explore the emotional, intuitive,
and irrational aspects of life … while affirming the Envisioning a Paradigm Change
interconnectedness of all forms of knowing. This is
why an education without the arts is an incomplete Ultimately, district stakeholders envisioned a middle
education” (p. 9). level program that would:
• apply Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences The principal overseeing this pilot program recog-
• include the arts as a cornerstone nized that the district strategic planning goals for
restructuring the middle schools, the CSRD grant
• transfer current middle level educational research goals, and the pilot program objectives matched.
and theory into practice Moreover, the staff’s professional development goals
• involve community partnerships were congruent with the pilot program objectives:
• employ integrated thematic units • increase achievement for all learners while
• authentically assess student learning integrating the curriculum
• create teams for program planning and • form collegial teams to transfer best practices
implementation in middle level theory to practice in the
classroom and to integrate the arts through
• choose from a variety of appropriate teaching
thematic instruction
• improve parental and community participation.
• provide professional development opportunities.
To manifest these goals, the pilot program principal
The thematic units would integrate content from
spearheaded a team whose members shared the
the core academic areas and extensively use four arts
belief that the responsibility for change lies with
areas to support learning. The state content standards
educators, parents, and community members who
and benchmarks in language arts, social studies,
come together believing that the effort is worthwhile
science, and math—integrated with the national
for their children.
standards in arts for music, creative movement,
visual arts, and drama—would be the starting point
for planning. The selected standards would be clearly Designing an Arts-Integrated Program
referenced. Student outcomes would be measured by: On a hot mid-August day, with water bottles every-
• rubric assessment by students and teacher where, volumes of Michigan state curricular standards
lay open on the table. Based on our understanding
• teacher-made tests of Glickman (2002), we knew that the most successful
• personal reflection by the students schools are those whose staff members share and
• national norm-referenced tests. collaborate. Thus, a team—middle school core,
visual arts, physical education, and music teachers;
After much discussion and refining of vision, we
the high school drama teacher; the district’s gifted
presented our plan to the Board of Education as a
and talented coordinator and the district’s fine arts
new district program for middle level students that
coordinator; the principal; parents; and members
would incorporate a broad range of educational goals.
of the community—began creating the first arts-
integrated thematic unit for the 51 sixth graders in
The Board Gives the Go-Ahead the pilot program.
The Board approved a one-year integrated arts pilot A teacher-friendly planning framework guided the
program for two classes of sixth grade students and process that helped meld research-based curriculum
their teachers who were headed for a restructured models with the theory of multiple intelligences.
middle school the following fall. The superintendent Student outcomes, areas of integration, focus
selected a pilot program principal who understood questions, and key concepts were clearly articulated
the importance of standards-based, integrated thematic in the framework. (See Figures 2 through 5 which
units, teaching teams, collegiality, flexibility within include some sample concepts for lesson develop-
an organization, and the value of community ment as well.) Selected standards and benchmarks
partnerships. A member of the district long-range from the core curriculum and the arts curriculum
strategic planning committee and a leader in were referenced and addressed as we developed the
professional development, the principal had just thematic units. Higher order thinking skills were
written a proposal for a Comprehensive School always considered in lesson development. Assess-
Reform Demonstration (CSRD) grant. The CSRD ment was formative and summative, standardized
grant was awarded to the district middle school and authentic. (See Figures 6 and 7 for sample
where the pilot students and teachers would be rubrics which are authentic and summative.)
placed the following year.
Figure 2
Integration Plan for Thematic Unit Using Multiple Intelligences
Integration Plan for Thematic Unit Using Multiple Intelligences Theme: Celebrating Our Cultures Grade: 6
Thematic Statement: In celebrating world cultures, we recognize and appreciate Focus Questions: Key Concepts:
(Student Outcomes) the diversity, inventiveness, and creativity of the world’s 1. How do different cultures meet their needs through invention? x Appreciation for diverse cultures
peoples. 2. How do individuals and groups within cultures construct x Geography of the Western
scientific knowledge? Hemisphere
3. How do different cultures express their beliefs and human spirit x Invention/Newton’s laws
Areas of Integration: Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, Visual Arts,
through the arts?
Music, Creative Movement, and Drama. x Writing in a variety of genres
4. How do we celebrate our own culture? x Reading for a variety of purposes
x Extensive use of the arts to support
KEY: R – Required O – Optional activity S – Supporting program, learning
C – Culminating event A - Assessment
Figure 3
Content Standards and Benchmarks Addressed in “Celebrating Our Cultures” Unit
Core Curriculum Areas: (from State Curriculum Framework (Michigan Dept. of Education, 1998))
Social Studies - Western Hemisphere: Canada, U.S., Mexico, Central America, South America
1. Locate information using a variety of print, non-print, and electronic resources.
2. Use atlas, almanac, bibliography, thesaurus, dictionary, and encyclopedia as reference tools.
3. Understand use of thematic maps to investigate the geographic, physical, and political characteristics of the Western Hemisphere.
Language Arts
1. Read and spell high-frequency words and a selected weekly list that supports and aligns with current units of study.
2. Be actively involved in writers' workshop, working through the writing process from pre-writing to publishing. Students' publications will include a variety of
genre, such as: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, biography, persuasive, and expository writing.
3. Write daily for a variety of authentic purposes, exhibiting the appropriate style, across all areas of study.
4. Identify, then use, a variety of writers' strategies (metaphors, interrupted dialogue, slow motion, threes, etc.) in his or her poetry, narrative, and when
appropriate, expository writing.
5. Maintain a journal, a note-taking notebook, and a writing portfolio.
6. Use rubrics to examine and evaluate selected pieces of his or her writing.
Genre Study
1. Understand the following literary elements: plot, characterization, setting, and theme.
2. Understand realistic fiction to help you recognize yourself and your present problems through literature characters that have been successful in
solving their problems because struggles in life are universal and no different than those encountered in literature.
3. Understand historical fiction is fiction which weaves the past with the present, and looks into the future to gain knowledge about people, values, beliefs, hard-
ships, heritage, and physical surroundings common to a period in time.
4. Understand these are types of traditional literature: folktales, fables, myths, legends, and the criteria for each type.
5. Read nonfiction to understand biography and informational text.
6. Gain knowledge about the world by reading informational books to learn about our life and world.
7. Understand biography encapsulates history, significant periods or events; study the contributions of the person and people connected with the person.
8. Explore, understand, and analyze artists' styles and use of media.
Physical Sciences: Simple Machines
1. Ask questions that help them learn about the world; design and conduct investigations using appropriate technology.
2. Analyze and explain how people of diverse cultures have contributed to and influenced developments in science.
3. Describe how things around us move and explain why things move as they do; demonstrate and explain how we control the motions of objects and relate
motion to energy and energy conversions.
Arts Curriculum Areas: (from National Standards for Arts Education (Consortium of National Arts Education Associations, 1994))
Visual Arts
1. Apply media, techniques, and processes.
2. Select materials, techniques, and processes to effectively communicate ideas.
3. Choose and evaluate a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas.
4. Prepare and present a final product or exhibit.
5. Know and compare the characteristics of artworks in various cultures.
Creative Movement
1. Understand how to choreograph a series of movements to music.
2. Understand dance as a way to create and communicate meaning.
3. Demonstrate and understand dance in various cultures and historical periods.
1. Perform on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines.
3. Understand relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
4. Understand music in relation to history and culture.
1. Develop basic acting skills to portray characters that interact in both improvised and scripted scenes.
2. Research by using cultural and historical information to support improvised and scripted scenes.
gences to provide an array of situations in which research. For example, students engaged in a
students had the opportunity to learn required simulated docking of the Hubble space telescope
content. All students would participate in a without using verbal communication. After a loss of
culminating event that demonstrated their under- visual orientation, they charted their course with a
standing and mastery of the concepts studied. In the compass. Appropriately attired and by responding to
case of the “Exploring the Universe” unit, the “virtual” technological prompts to solve problems of
culminating event involved multiple simulations of working and living in space, they experienced some
scientific concepts related to space travel and of the rigors of life in space.
Assessment was project-based and authentic, The science teacher piped up, “That’s great! We
individual, cooperative, or reflective, as appropriate. could build a small model of the space shuttle,
(See Figures 6 and 7 for sample rubrics.) A timeline using NASA’s plans. Then the students can participate
was determined, and each lesson plan was “owned” in a process drama of the docking of the Hubble,
and eventually implemented by a team member. cooperatively and non-verbally.”
A parent enthusiastically joined in, “My brother
A Peek at Our First Planning Session teaches music composition at a university. I’m sure
he’d volunteer to come and help the students
How did the team create these thematic units?
compose music related to space.”
If you had dropped in on the first unit planning
The music teacher exclaimed, “Wonderful! I’ll
meeting, you would have observed team members
e-mail him and perhaps we could work together.
engaged in a brainstorming session about how to
I will teach the students about music used in the
integrate the content standards across the disciplines
movie industry related to space. Also, I will have
under the theme exploring the universe.
them make their own instruments to use with their
The art teacher led off, “I know, I will teach a
original compositions when your brother visits.”
lesson on Van Gogh’s work. We’ll read the book,
Referencing National Standards for Arts Education
Starry Night, then create a crayon resist. That will
in creative movement, the physical education
address three content standards from the National
teacher chimed in, “The students could choreograph
Standards for Arts Education (Consortium of
and perform a routine that interprets the movement
National Arts Education Associations, 1994) while
of the planets around the sun.”
integrating the universe theme with visual arts.”
Figure 4
Integration Plan for Thematic Unit Using Multiple Intelligences
Figure 5
Content Standards and Benchmarks Addressed in “Exploring and Influencing the Environment” Unit
Core Curriculum Areas: (from State Curriculum Framework (Michigan Dept. of Education, 1998))
Language Arts
Meaning and Communication
1. Read with developing fluency a variety of texts, such as short stories, novels, poetry, plays, textbooks, manuals, and periodicals.
2. Employ multiple strategies to construct meaning, such as generating questions, studying vocabulary, analyzing mood and tone, recognizing how authors use
information, generalizing ideas, matching form to content, and developing reference skills.
3. Write fluently for multiple purposes to produce compositions, such as personal narratives, persuasive essays, lab reports, and poetry.
4. Focus on meaning and communication as you listen, speak, view, read, and write in personal, social, occupational, and civic contexts.
Depth of Understanding
1. Develop a thesis using key concepts, supporting evidence, and logical argument.
Inquiry and Research
1. Define and investigate important issues and problems using a variety of resources, including technology, to explore and create texts.
Construct New Scientific and Personal Knowledge
1. Generate scientific questions about the world based on observation.
2. Design and conduct simple investigations.
Reflecting on the Nature, Adequacy, and Connections Across Scientific Knowledge
1. Describe the advantages and risks of new technologies.
2. Recognize the contributions made in science by cultures and individuals of diverse backgrounds.
Using Scientific Knowledge from the Physical Sciences in Real-World Contexts
1. Explain how light helps us see.
2. Explain how objects or media reflect, refract, transmit, or absorb light.
Geometry and Measurement
1. Distinguish among shapes and differentiate between examples and non-examples of shapes based on their properties; generalize about shapes of graphs and
graph distributions.
Data Analysis and Statistics
1. Organize data using tables, charts, graphs, spreadsheets, and databases.
2. Critically read data from tables, charts, or graphs and explain the source of the data and what the data represent.
3. Formulate questions and problems and gather and interpret data to answer those questions
Arts Curriculum Areas: (from National Standards for Arts Education (Consortium of National Arts Education Associations, 1994))
Creative Movement
1. Understand dance as a way to create and communicate meaning.
2. Make connections between dance and other disciplines.
Visual Arts
1. Understand and apply media techniques and processes.
2. Understand the visual arts in relation to history and cultures.
3. Choose and evaluate a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas.
4. Reflect upon and assess the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others.
5. Make connections between visual arts and other disciplines.
1. Evaluate music and music performances.
2. Understand music in relation to history and culture.
3. Listen to, analyze, and describe music.
1. Do script writing by the creation of improvisations and scripted scenes based on personal experience, heritage, imagination, literature, and history.
2. Act by developing basic acting skills to portray characters who interact in improvised and scripted scenes.
A classroom teacher, with the state language arts skills, expertise, talent, and availability was constructed
benchmarks open before her, added, “We’ll read The to coordinate parent volunteer efforts.
Little Prince and study the symbolism of the central Teams worked on designing units throughout the
character living on his own planet.” year (using the planning model illustrated in Figures
As the session heated up even more, another 2 through 5). The principal facilitated the process.
classroom teacher referred to math content standards She chaired meetings, kept the vision focused,
and suggested students calculate weight on different allowed for release time, and handled communication
planets. The heat outside was forgotten as a brain- between all participants, parents, and central
storming synergy flared like wildfire, generating administration. She scheduled co-teaching time
myriad exciting learning experiences to complete and found space for the many program activities.
the unit design. The principal also provided professional development
Flushed with the initial success of designing the opportunities and nurtured both team spirit and
first thematic unit, the team turned to other issues a school culture receptive to the arts-integrated
important to program start-up: parental involvement, program. As the pilot year progressed, leadership
special student needs, and the role of the larger responsibilities were shared by all team members.
community. A parent participation model based on
Figure 6
Rubric—Space Patch for NASA Uniform
Space Patch for NASA Uniform
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Space patch design reflects the Reflects both concepts with Reflects both concepts Omits one concept or Omits one concept and
concepts of working and living good detail with some detail uses very little detail uses very little detail ______ X 3 = _____
in space
Design uses geometric shapes More than two geometric Two geometric shapes One geometric shape
shapes in design in design in design ______ X 2 = _____
Figure 7
Rubric for Volcano Project
Bibliography • Neat
• Three or more sources Missing one element ______ X 1 = _____