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Lemieux Gov Econ Syllabus 2020

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LeMieux’s Government &

Economics Class
San Marin High School
Welcome to Gov and Econ! This promises to be a challenging but exciting year as
we explore the major topics surrounding our government and economy.

Government Economics
Balance of Power Economic Basics
Government Branches Supply & Demand
Political Parties Business Organizations
Elections/Political Participation Macroeconomics
Civil Rights/Liberties Personal Finance

Course Goals
It is my hope that you will develop a love for learning and current events. Through our
course of study, you will develop your skills as a communicator, citizen, and critical
thinker. The curriculum is based on the California State Standards for Government and
Economics. For access to the full text of the standards, go to www.nusd.org.

Course Objectives
Students will trace the major themes and structures of US Government and Economics.

• A district issued Chromebook with regular access to Google Classroom
• Various online resources provided by teacher through Google Classroom

Progress Reporting
Students’ current grades are visible online using the Aeries system, accessible using the
district website. Please contact me if you have any questions about your student’s
progress or performance in my class. Formal grades shall be reported at the end of each
progress reporting period for all students.

Assignments will be graded based on the following weighted categories
Category %
Learning Target 40%
Other Assessments/Projects 20%
Classwork 20%
Asynchronous Work 20%

Your percentage of points earned in each of these categories will translate to the
following grade scale;
A=90-100% B=80-89% C=70-79% D=60-69% F=0-59%

Given that grades are more heavily weighted toward demonstrating understanding,
opportunities will be given to retake exams in alternate versions and opportunities.
Students are expected to behave in a mature fashion. Disrupting the online classroom
learning environment will result in referrals and calls home. Expectations and
consequences will be described for students on the first day. Please remember that Zoom
calls may be recorded and are often seen/heard by people other than your teachers and
classmates. Younger siblings, your teachers young children, other parents etc. are often
listening to classroom interactions. Let this guide your behavior.

Commitments & Expectations

• Be in class on time, prepared, and ready to work with your Chromebook charged.
• Your name and camera must be on and you must be recognizable for attendance
credit (or to be let into the Zoom session)

• Use your technology productively.
• Use your school issued Chromebook
• Be prepared for Go Guardian, especially on assessments.

• PARTICIPATE. Join class discussions as I value your unique input. Ask
Questions. Complete assignments with your best work possible. You will get out
of this class only what you put in.
• Do your own work. Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing (the fancy word
for cheating by copying) will receive a zero on the assignment and your parents
will be notified.

• Don’t be a jerk, respect your fellow classmates, myself, and my room. Watch
your language please.

Absent/Late Work
Late work is accepted at partial credit. There is always a chance to pass this class. Absent
work is due the day you return and it is the student’s responsibility to communicate with
me regarding any issues they are facing. I am a very understanding person but I cannot
understand what I do not know.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email at


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