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Name: Mustafa Khader Abdel Abbas. Stage: (Morning) .: Biodisel Processing and Production

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Name: Mustafa Khader Abdel Abbas.

Energy Department
Stage: 4th (morning).

Biodisel Processing and Production

Asst.lecture: Ethar Aqeel
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel for diesel engines that is produced
by chemically reacting a vegetable oil or animal fat with an
alcohol such as methanol. The reaction requires a catalyst, usually
a strong base, such as sodium or potassium hydroxide, and
produces new chemical compounds called methyl esters. It is these
esters that have come to be known as biodiesel. Because its
primary feedstock is a vegetable oil or animal fat, biodiesel is
generally considered to be renewable. Since the carbon in the oil
or fat originated mostly from carbon dioxide in the air, biodiesel is
considered to contribute much less to global warming than fossil
fuels. Diesel engines operated on biodiesel have lower emissions
of carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, particulate matter,
and air toxics than when operated on petroleum-based diesel fuel.
The objective of this paper is to describe the processing and
production of biodiesel. The emphasis will be on processing as it
is conducted in the United States, where most biodiesel is
produced by reacting soybean oil or used
Raw Materials for Biodiesel Production.
The raw materials for biodiesel production are vegetable
oils, animal fats and short chain alcohols. The oils most
used for worldwide biodiesel production are rapeseed
(mainly in the European Union countries), soybean
(Argentina and the United States of America), palm (Asian
and Central American countries) and sunflower, although
other oils are also used, including peanut, linseed,
safflower, used vegetable oils, and also animal fats.
Methanol is the most frequently used alcohol although
ethanol can also be used. Since cost is the main concern in
biodiesel production and trading (mainly due to oil prices),
the use of non-edible vegetable oils has been studied for
several years with good results Besides its lower cost,
another undeniable advantage of non-edible oils for
biodiesel production lies in the fact that no foodstuffs are
spent to produce fuel [4]. These and other reasons have led
to medium- and large-scale biodiesel production trials in
several countries, using non-edible oils such as castor oil,
tung, cotton, jojoba and jatropha. Animal fats are also an
interesting option, especially in countries with plenty of
livestock resources, although it is necessary to carry out
preliminary treatment since they are solid; furthermore,
highly acidic grease from cattle, pork, poultry, and fish can
be used. Microalgae appear to be a very important
alternative for future biodiesel production due to their very
high oil yield; however, it must be taken into account that
only some species are useful for biofuel production.
Although the properties of oils and fats used as raw
materials may differ, the properties of biodiesel must be the
same, complying with the requirements set by international

Treatment of Raw Materials.
The content of free fatty acids, water and non-degradable
substances is key Parameters to achieve high conversion
efficiency in esterification reaction. The use of essential catalysts
in triglycerides with a high percentage of free fatty acids Not
recommended [18], as part of the latter reacts with the catalyst to
form soap. in a As a result, part of the catalyst is spent, and is no
longer available for Esterification. In short, the efficiency of the
reaction is diminished with Increase the acidity of the oil. Basic
independence is applicable if it is content Free fatty acids (FFAs)
are less than 2%. In the case of highly acidic raw materials.
(animal fats from cattle, poultry, pork; vegetable oils from cotton,
coconut, most used oils, etc.) an acid transesterification [19] is
necessary as a preliminary stage, to reduce the level of FFAs to
the above-mentioned value. Besides having low humidity and acid
content, it is important that the oil presents a low level of non-
saponificable substances. If the latter were to be present in
significant amounts and soluble in biodiesel, it would reduce the
level of esters in the product, making it difficult to comply with
the minimum ester content required by the standards. The AOCS
standards [20] list the required properties of oils. Anyway, the
properties required by the oils are finally determined by the
biodiesel industry in each country. For instance, in Argentina the
oils for biodiesel production usually have: • Acidity level \0.1 mg
KOH/g • Humidity \500 ppm • Peroxide index\10 meq/kg • Non-
saponificable substances \1%
biodiesel processing and production
1-Supercritical Methanol Process.
RPS offers Biodiesel Production Process through Supercritical
method. The Supercritical Biodiesel Production Process is the
third generation technology that does not require any catalyst
whatsoever to convert Feedstocks (Oils & Fats) with a wide range
of Fatty Acid range between 0 to 100 percent to Methyl Esters and
high-quality Glycerin. This production method has simplified
operations compared to a conventional production process (such
as esterification, glycerolysis, enzymatic and transesterification
production methods) and involves minimal monitoring. The
overall processing cost compared to a traditional production
process is reduced by 30 percent including the carbon footprint.
RPS has built to date two Supercritical Biodiesel Production
facilities and are the largest facilities in the world. We have the
exclusive rights to the Patents related Supercritical Biodiesel
Production Process. The future of renewable fuels such as
Biodiesel and its intrinsic value is dependent on energy efficient
processing method and processing capability of low-value
feedstocks. The Supercritical Biodiesel Production Process fits
very well in the above criteria.

Supercritical Process Advantages.

1. Process can handle Oils & Fats with Fatty Acid up to 100
2. No use of Acid or Base Catalyst whatsoever.
3. Processing cost far below Conventional Process.
4. No Soaps, No Salts and No Side Products formed during the
5. Glycerin Purity greater than 95 percent and sold as
Technical Grade.
6. Hands free operation with low maintenance and no

inished Biodiesel exceeds ASTM-6751 Standards.

2-Hybrid.T Biodiesel Process.
RPS introduces Hybrid.T Biodiesel Production Process to convert
oils & fats with a fatty acid range between 0 – 20 percent to high-
quality Methyl Esters (Biodiesel). The Hybrid.T process combines
the advantages of both Supercritical and Conventional
Transesterification processes, and it is the most efficient method to
produce Biodiesel compared to the existing Biodiesel production
technologies. The filtered and degummed feedstock is stripped of
fatty acids to produce low fatty acid feedstock and converted to
Methyl Esters through Conventional Transesterification step with
very low base catalyst consumption. The stripped high fatty acid
feedstock is converted to Methyl Esters using the Supercritical
Esterification step without acid catalyst whatsoever. The Methyl
Esters produced through both Transesterification and Supercritical
steps are blended to be washed and distilled to 98 percent yield
Biodiesel. The total Methanol used in the process is far below a
conventional method which helps reduce methanol recovery and
distillation cost. There is no salt formation in the process, due to
no use of an acid catalyst. The glycerin quality is quite superior
and exceeds 95 percent purity. The overall processing cost to
produce Biodiesel is the lowest in the industry.
Hybrid.T Process Advantages.
1. Process can handle Oils & Fats up to 20% FFA.
2. Methanol usage 1/4th compared to Acid Esterification.
3. SMO usage 1/4th compared to Conventional Process.
4. No use of catalyst in Supercritical step whatsoever.
5. 98% by weight Biodiesel production yield.
6. Lowest processing cost in the Industry.
7. No salt deposits with low maintenance.
8. Distilled Biodiesel that exceeds ASTM-6751 standards.
9. Smaller footprint, delivered within 8 to 10 months.

Biodiesel is an important new alternative transportation fuel. It can
be produced from many vegetable oil or animal fat feedstocks.
Conventional processing involves an alkalicatalyzed process, but
this is unsatisfactory for lower cost high free fatty acid feedstocks
due to soap formation. Pretreatment processes using strong acid
catalysts have been shown to provide good conversion yields and
high-quality final products. These techniques have even been
extended to allow biodiesel production from feedstocks like
soapstock that are often considered to be waste.

1-G.B. Bradshaw, New soap process, Soap, 18, May (1942) 23–24, 69–70.
2-G.B. Bradshaw, W.C. Meuly, Process of making pure soaps. U.S. Patent
No. 2,271,619 (1942).
3-G.B. Bradshaw, W.C. Meuly, Preparation of detergents, U.S. Patent No.
2,360,844 (1944

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