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STDeBSI BS 4190-ENGL 2001 9 lb24bb9 0897287 247 = BS 4190:ZOOl


I S 0 metric black
hexagon bolts, screws
and nuts -

ICs 21.060.10;21.060.20


COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD*BSI BS 4II90-ENGL 200L m - l b 2 4 b b 9 0897288 II83
BS 4190:2001

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical
Committee, FME/9, bolts, nuts and accessories (+ QA and hose clamps), upon
which the following bodies were represented

British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd.

Confederation of British Forgers
Electricity Association
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited
UK Steel Association

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Engineering
Sector Board, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Committee and
comes into effect on
15 February 2001

O BSI 02-2001

First published October 1967

Second edition February 2001
Amd. No. Date Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this British
Committee reference FMEYS
Draft for wmment 00/711041DC

ISBN O 680 33263 2

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD*BSI BS LiLSO-ENGL 2 0 0 1 Lb24669 0897289 OLT
BS 4190:2001
~~ ~~

Committees responsible Inside front cover

1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Finish 2
4 General dimensions 2
6 Length of bolts and screws 2
6 Ends of bolts and screws 3
7 Screw threads 3
8 Length of thread 4
9 Nuts - Squareness of thread to face 6
10 Chamfering and facing 6
11 Diameter of shank of bolt 8
12 Drilled bolts and split pin holes 8
13 Strength grade designation system for steel bolts and screws 10
14 Material and manufacture of steel bolts and screws 10
15 Mechanical properties of bolts and screws 10
16 Strength grade designation system for steel nuts 10
17 Material and manufacture of steel nuts 11
18 Mechanical properties of steel nuts (excluding thin nuts) 11
19 Marking and identification 11
20 Inspection and testing 11
21 Complete designation for the purpose of an enquiry or order 12
Annex A (normative) Testing of mechanical properties of steel nuts
(see clause 18) 20
Annex B (normative) Sizes greater than 68 mm diameter 22
Annex C (informative) Manufacturers’ recommended range of sizes 23
Figure 1 -Rounded end 3
Figure 2 -Rolled thread end 3
Figure 3 - Hexagon head bolt 4
Figure 4 - Hexagon head screw 6
Figure 5 - Head chamfering 7
Figure 6 -Alternative types of normal thickness nut 7
Figure 7 -Thin nut 8
Fimire A . l - Proof load test for nut 20
Table 1 - Product categories 2
Table 2 - Tolerance on nominal length 2
Table 3 - Thread tolerance classes 3
Table 4 - Thread lengths 4
Table 5 -Thread runout (bolts) and underhead distance (screws) 5
Table 6 - Split pin holes 9
Table 7 - Strength grade designations for steel bolts and screws 10
Table 8 - Strength grade designations for steel nuts 10
Table 9 - Recommended bolt and nut combinations 11
Table 10 - Dimensions of IS0 metric black hexagon head bolts and screws 13

8 BSI 02-2001 i
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STDmBSI BS 4L90-ENGL ZOOL - l b 2 4 b b 9 0897290 e34

Table 11- Dimensions of IS0 metric hexagon head bolts and screws faced
under head or faced under head and turned on shank 14
Table 12 -Dimensions of IS0 metric hexagon nuts and hexagon thin nuts 15
Table 13- Standard nominal lengths and preferred sizes of IS0 metric
black hexagon bolts and screws 16
Table 14 - Mechanical properties of steel nuts 18
Table 15 - Chemical composition of steel nuts 18
Table 16 - Proof loads for steel nuts (coarse pitch series) 19
Table B.l- Sizes greater than 68 mm diameter 22
Table C.l- Hexagon head bolts 23
Table C.2 - Hexagon head screws 24

11 8 BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-BSI BS 4190-ENGL 2001 m Lb24669 0897291 778
BS 4190:2001

This new edition of BS 4190 has been prepared by Sub-committeeFME/9/6,
General purpose fasteners and accessories, on behalf of Technical Committee
FMW9, Bolts, nuts and accessories. It supersedes BS 4190:1967, which is
withdrawn. This new edition embodies the text of amendment No, 1 (AMD1778),
amendment No.2 (AMD2690) and amendment No. 3 (AMD8226).
The need for bolts, screws and nuts covered by this British Standard has been
reviewed and it has been decided, in the interests of safety, to delete
BS 4190:1967 Tables 14 and 18 (mechanical properties for bolts and screws) and
to produce a new edition. In this edition, BS EN IS0 898-1 has been referred to
as it reflects current thinking and practice of the mechanical properties for such
products. This edition cross-refers to tables for mechanical properties of bolts,
and brings the specification into line with BS EN IS0 898-1.
Annex A and Annex B are normative. Annex C is informative.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the execution
of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people,
for whose guidance it has been prepared.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 24, a n inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.

8 BSI 02-2001 111

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
SGD-BSI BS 4170-ENGL 2001 = 1 b 2 4 b b 7 0877292 b04 D
BS 4190:ZOOl

1 Scope
This British Standard gives the general dimensionsand tolerances of black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts
with IS0 metric threads, in diameters from 5 mm to 68 mm inclusive. Mechanical properties are included
for steel bolts, screws and ordinary plain nuts, which may be produced by hot or cold forging at the option
of the manufacturer. Dimensional requirements are included for bolts, screws and nuts finished black all
over and for those which have partially machined finishes.
NOTE 1 The term '%lack"does not necessarily relate to the appearance of the products, since these may be of bright appearanceor
black in the finished state. The term implies the comparatively wider tolerances to which these products are usually made.
NOTE 2 Nuts with an effective height of less than 0.6d or a width across flats or outside diameter of less than 1.46d,or both, are
excluded from the mechanical requirements specified in this standard.
NOTE 3 It is consideredthat the range of nominal sizes included in this standard is adequate for most of the applications for which
this series is likely to be employedbut, for the convenience of users requiring larger sizes, further information is provided in Annex C.

2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this British Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of
these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to
BS 1916-1:1953,Limits and fits for engineering -Part 1: Limits and tolerances.
BS 3643-1:1981, I S 0 metric screw threads -Part 1: Principles and basic ohta.
BS 3643-2:1981,I S 0 metric screw threads -Part 2: Limits and tolerances for coarse pitch series threads.
BS 3692:2001, I S 0 metric precision hexagon bolts, screws and nuts - Specification.
BS 7345:1990 ( I S 0 R 888), Nominal lengths for bolts, screws and studs - Thread lengths for general
purpose bolts.
BS 7371-6:1998,Coatings on metal fasteners -Part 6: Specification for hot dipped galvanized coatings.
BS EN IS0 4042:2000,Fasteners - Electroplated coatings.
BS EN 10002-1:1990, Tensile testing of metallic materials -Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature.
BS EN 10109-1:1996,Metallic materials - Hardness test -Part 1: Rockwell test (scales A, B, C, O, E, F,
G, H, K) and Rockwell superficial test (scales 15 N,30 N,45 N,15 T, 30 T and 45 T).
BS EN 10109-2:1996,Metallic materials - Hardness test - Part 2: Verification of Rockwell hardness
testing machines (scales A, B, C, O, E, F, G, H, K, N, T).
BS EN 10109-3:1996,Metallic materials - Hardness test -Part 3: Calibration of standardized blocks to
be used for Rockwell hardness testing machines (scales A, B, C, O, E, F, G, H, K, N, T).
BS EN 20286-1:1993,I S 0 system of limits and fits - I S 0 system of limits and fits - Part 1: Specification
for uses of tolerances, deviations and fits.
BS EN 20286-2:1993, I S 0 system of limits and fits -I S 0 system of limits and fits -Part 2: Tables of
standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts.
BS EN 20898-2:1994,Mechanical properties of fasteners - Nuts with specified proof load values -
Coarse thread.
BS EN IS0 1234:1998, Split pins.
BS EN IS0 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel -
Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs.
BS EN IS0 6506-1:1999,Metallic materials -Brinell hardness test -Part 1: Test method.
BS EN IS0 6506-2:1999,Metallic materials -Brinell hardness test - Part 2: Verification of Brinell
hardness testing machines.
BS EN IS0 6506-3:1999,Metallic materials -Brinell hardness test -Part 3: Calibration of reference
BS EN IS0 6507-1:1998,Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test -Part 1: Test method.

~ ~~

O BSI 02-2001 1

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD.BSI BS .4LïO-ENGL 2OOL m L b 2 4 b b î 0897293 540 9
BS 4190:ZOOl

Non-machined products Partially machined products

(finished black all over)
Black bolts Bolts faced under head only
Bolts faced under head and turned on shank
Black screws Screws faced under head only
Black nuts Nuts faced under head only
Thin nuts (faced both sides)
~~ ~ ~

NOTE 2 If the purchaser requires the bolts, screws or nuts to be coated, he should state the type of coating required in his enquiry
and order. Where possible, reference ~houldbe made to the appropriateBritish Standard (e.g. BS 7371-61998 or
BS EN I S 0 4042:ZOOO).
4 General(irnensions
The general dimensions and tolerances of bolts, screws and nuts shall be in accordance with
Table 2,Table 3,Table 4,Table 5, Table 6,Table 10,Table 11,Table 12 and Table 13 and clauses 5 to 10
5 Length of bolts and screws
5.1 The nominal length of the bolts and screws shall be the distance from the underside of the head to the
extreme end of the shank, including any chamfer or radius.
NOTE The standardnominal lengths are given in Table 13.
6.2 The permissible tolerance on the nominal length shall be as given in Table 2.
Table 2 - Tolerance on nominal length
Dimensions in miilimetres
Length Bolts faced under head oniy or black Screws faced under head only or bolts
Over Up to and bolts and screws faced under head and turned on hank
10 18 hO.90 *O.%
18 30 i1.05 i0.65
30 60 *1.25 ztO.80
50 80 *1.50 i0.95
80 120 *1.75 i1.10

120 180 *2.0 I1.25

180 250 e.30 *1.45
i50 315 k2.60 I1.60
I15 400 *2.85 24.80
coo 500 *3.15 *2.00

O BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

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STD-BSI BS 4190-ENGL 2002 D 1624669 0897294 487 BS 4190:2001

6 Ends of bolts and screws

The ends of bolts and screws may, at the option of the manufacturer, be finished with either a 45' chamfer
to a depth slightly exceeding the depth of the thread or with a radius approximately equal to 1%times the
nominal diameter of the shank. When bolts are made with rolled threads, the lead formed at the end of the
bolt or screw by the thread rolling operation may be regarded as providing the necessary chamfer to the
end with no other machining operation being necessary, and the end shall be reasonably square with the
centre line of the shank. (See Figure 1and Figure 2.)


Figure 1 - Rounded end

Product Tolerance clase

Black bolts
Black screws 8g
Bolts faced under head only
Screws faced under head only
Bolts faced under head and turned on shank 6g
Nuts (black or faced) 7H

O BSI 02-2001
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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8 Length of thread
8.1 Bolts
8.1.1 The length of thread on bolts shall be the distance from the end of the bolt (including any chamfer or
radius) to the leading face of a screw ring gauge that has been screwed as far as possible on to the bolt by
hand. (See Figure 3.)

-m- u
NOTE Washer face c -Alternative at manufacturer’soption.
Figure 3 Hexagon head bolt

Nominal length of bolt Length of thread

1 b
Up to and including 125 mm 2d+6mm
Over 126 mm up t o and including 200 mm 2d + 12 mm
Over 200 mm 2d + 25 mm
~~ ~

8.1.3 The length of thread runout shall not exceed the values given in Table 5 except where 8.1.4 applies.

4 o BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-BSI B S 4L90-ENGL 2 O O L W Lb24bb9 089729b 25T
BS 4190:2001

Table 5 - Thread runout (bolts) and underhead distance (screws)

Dimensions in miilimetres
Nominal sise and thread diameter Thread runout on bolta listance of ring gauge from underside
d a of head on screws
max. max.
M5 2 3
M6 2.5 4
M8 3 4.5
M10 3.5 5
M12 4 6


M30 8 12
W33) 8 12
M36 LO 15
(M39) LO 15
M42 11 16

11 16
12 18
12 18
19 20
19 20

M64 21 22
W68) 21 122
NOTE Sizes in brackets are non-prefen ~ ~

8.1.4 In order t o provide for structural applications, particularly shear connections where the thread is not
allowed in the shear plane, bolts in the diameter range M12 to M30 inclusive up to 125 mm nominal length
may alternatively have a shorter thread length, equal to lWd, only if the purchaser, in his enquiry and
order, states that he requires this shorter thread length.

Q BSI 02-2001 5
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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BS 4190:2001
. . .
3624669 0897297 39b =

8.1.5 Bolts that are too short for minimum thread lengths shall be threaded as screws and shall be
designated screws.
NOTE Guidance in this respect is given in Table 13.
The tolerances on bolt thread lengths shall be plus two pitches for all diameters.
8.2 Screws
Screws (see Figure 4) shall be threaded to permit a screw ring gauge being screwed by hand to within a
distance from the underside of the head not exceeding the values given in Table 5.

See Clause 8.2

7T 1$ - r rad.

NOTE Washer face c -Altemative at manufacturer'soption.
Figure 4 - Hexagon head screw
9 Nuts - Squareness of thread to face
9.1 The bearing surface of unmachined (black) nuts shall be square to the axis of the thread of the nuts
within 2'.
9.2 The bearing surface of machined nuts shall be square to the axis of the thread of the nuts within lo.
10 Chamfering and facing
10.1 Bolts and screws
Bolt and screw heads shall be chamfered at an angle of approximately 30' on their upper faces. The
diameter of the ring formed by the chamfer on the upper face of the bolt or screw head shall not be smaller
than 90 % of the minimum across flats dimension. (See Figure 5.) The lower or bearing face shall be
machined if specified by the purchaser. A washer face may be provided at the option of the manufacturer.

O BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

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~ ~

STD-BSI BS 4390-ENGL 2001 Lb24669 0897298 O22

BS 4190:2001

- 90% A/F min.

NOTE Attention is drawn to the fact that these alternative methods of finishing the lower face of the nut
are associated both with the nominal size and the particular method of manufacture. A request by the purchaser for a specifii
type of finish limita the maniifacturing processes available, and it is therefore recommended that the purchaser avoids
making such a request unless circumstances fully justify it.
Figure 6 - Head chamfering
10.2 Nuts
Hexagon nuts shall be chamfered at an angle of approximately 30°,on one or both faces at the option of the
manufacturer. The diameter of the ring formed by the chamfer on the nut shall not be smaller than 90 %
of the minimum across flats dimension (see Figure 5). The nuts shall be machined on the bearing side if
specified by the purchaser unless the purchaser, in his enquiry or order, specifically states that nuts to be
“full bearing” or “double chamfered” are required. (See Figure 6.)

Figure 6 -Alternative types of normal thickness nut

Q BSI 02-2001 7
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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- ~ ~

STD-BSI BS 4190-ENGL 2001 L b 2 4 b b 9 0897297 Tb9 m

BS 4190:2001

10.3 Thin nuts

Thin nuts shall be chamfered at an angle of approximately 30"on both faces. (See Figure 7.) The diameter
of the ring formed by the chamfer shall not be smaller than 90 % of the minimum across flats dimension.
Thin nuts shall be machined on both faces.

Figure 7 - Thin nut

11 Diameter of shank of bolt
11.1 The diameter of the unthreaded portion of the shank of the bolts shall be in accordance with the
dimensions given in columns 3 and 4 of Table 10for black bolts, columns 3 and 4 of Table 11 for bolts faced
under head and columns 5 and 6 of Table 11for bolts faced under head and turned on shank.
11.2 The unthreaded portion of the shank on bolts shall be machined only if required by the purchaser in
his order.
12 Drilled bolts and split pin holes
12.1 Bolts with split pin holes shall be supplied only when specially ordered. The purchaser should state
in his enquiry and order, dimension Zp (see Figure 3) and the diameter of hole required. Table 6 gives the
tolerance on dimension Lp.
12.2 The split pin holes shall be drilled through the centre of the bolt, perpendicular to the axis.

8 o BSI 02-2001
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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STDnBSI BS 4LSO-ENGL 2001 L b 2 4 b b 9 0897300 500
BS 4190:2001

Table 6 - Split pin holes

Dimensions in miiiimetres
Nominal size and thread diameter Tolerance on dimension I ,
d (see Figure 3)
M5 4) -0.8
M6 -o -0.8
M8 -o -0.8
M10 -o -0.8
M12 -o b0.8

M16 -0 1-1.2
M20 -o b1.2
0422) -0 k1.2
M24 -o k1.2
0427) -0 k1.6

M30 -o t1.6
0433) -o t1.6
M36 -o t1.6
0439) -o t1.6
M42 -o t1.6

0445) -o 4-1.6
M48 -o +1.6
0452) -o +1.6
M56 -o +1.6
0460) -o +1.6

M64 -0 +1.6
W8) -0 +1.6
NOTE 1 Sizes in brackets are non-prefei
I NOTE 2For information,refer to BS EN IS0 1234.

Q BSI 02-2001
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
$IS 4190:ZOOl
. .. 2003, - 3624669 0897303 447 ~-
* -

13 Strength grade designation system for steel bolts and screws

The strength grade designation system shall be in accordance with BS EN IS0 898-1.It consists of two
figures; the first is one-hundredth of the minimum tensile strength in N/mm2, and the second is
one-hundredth of the ratio between the minimum yield stress and the minimum tensile strength, expressed
as a percentage. Multiplication of these two figures will give the yield stress in newtons per square
This is illustrated below for strength grade 4.6, in accordance with Table 7. Table 7 shows strength grade
minimum tensile strength of 400 N/mm2 gives the symbol “4”.

yield strength yo = -x 240 x 100 gives the symbol “6”.
minimum tensile strength 100 400 1

Strength grade designation 4.6 4.8 6.8 8.8 10.9

Tensile strength
R, min. Nlmmz 400 400 600 800 1 O00
Yield stress
Re min. N/mm2 240 320 480 640 900

Strength grade designation 4 6 8 10 12

Proof load stress N/mm2 400 600 800 1 O00 1 200

10 o BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-BSI BS 4190-ENGL 2 0 0 1 L b 2 4 b b 7 0897302 383
BS 4190:2001

Grade of bolt 4.6 4.8 6.8 8.P 8.88 10.98 10.ga

Recommended grade of nut 4 4 6 8 10 10 12

17 Material and manufacture of steel nuts

17.1 Method of production
Steel nuts may be produced by cold forging, hot forging or by turning from bar. The choice of method shall
be left to the manufacturer.
17.2 Chemical composition
The chemical compositions of the steels from which nuts are made shall conform to those given in Table 15.
18 Mechanical properties of steel nuts (excluding thin nuts)
Steel nuts (excluding thin nuts) shall conform t o the requirements for mechanical properties given in
Table 14.The nuts shall withstand the proof load stress given in Table 14 when tested in accordance with
Annex A, Nuts that are proof load tested shall have a hardness not in excess of the maximum given in
Table 14.Nuts which are not proof load tested shall have a hardness not less than the minimum agreed
between the purchaser and the supplier and not more than the maximum given in Table 14.The tests shall
be made in accordance with Annex A.
19 Marking and identification
19.1 Bolts and screws
Marking of bolts and screws shall be in accordance with clause 9 of BS EN IS0 898-1.
19.2 Nuts
Nuts of grades 8 and 10 shall be marked in accordance with clause 9 of BS EN 20898-2:1994.Nuts of
grades 4 and 6 will not normally be marked but, at the option of the manufacturer, nuts turned from
hexagon bar may bear the IS0 metric symbol "M", as illustrated in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Example of marking of bar turned nut (optional)

20 Inspection and testing
20.1 The manufacturer shall take the necessary steps t o ensure that the requirements of this standard are
fulfillled,but if, in addition, the purchaser desires the manufacturer to certify or demonstrate that the bolts,
screws and nuts conform to this standard, the details and cost of any further inspection entailed shall be
the subject of agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
20.2 Tests for mechanical properties shall be in accordance with BS EN IS0 898-1and Annex B.

O BSI 02-2001
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
21 Complete designation for the purpose of an enquiry or order
21.1 Information to be given
When designating IS0 metric black bolts, screws and nuts for the purpose of an enquiry or order, the
following information shall be given.
a) General product description, e.g. “Black bolts”, “Screws faced under head only”, “Black nuts”, etc. as
appropriate, in accordance with Table 1.
b) The letter “M“, indicating that the product is IS0 metric.
c) The nominal size (thread diameter) of the product in millimetres.
d) The nominal length in millimetres - this applies only to bolts and screws.
e) The number of this British Standard, i.e. BS 4190.
f ) Details of the coating (if required), in accordance with the appropriate British Standard
(e.g. BS 7371-6or BS EN IS0 4042:2000).
g) The strength grade.
21.2 Examples of information to be given
a) Black bolts 10 mm diameter, 50 mm long, strength grade 4.6,would be designated
“Black bolts M10 X 50,4.6to BS 4190”.
b) Screws faced under head only, 8 mm in diameter, 20 mm long, strength grade 4.8,would be
“Screws faced under head only, M8 X 20,4.8to BS 4190”.
c) Black nuts 24 mm in diameter, galvanized, strength grade 4,would be designated
“Black nuts M24,4to BS 4190,galvanized to BS 7371-6”.
21.5 Special requirements or options
Special requirements not dealt with in this standard are subject to agreement between the purchaser and
the manufacturer. The user options referred to in the standard, relating to the thread length (clause 8) and
the drilling of split pin holes (clause 12) shall be specifically set out (if required) by the purchaser in his
enquiry and order.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-BSI BS 4L90-ENGL 2001 3624bb9 0897304 L5b
BS 4190:2001

Table 10 - Dimensions of IS0 metric black hexagon head bolts and screws
(see figure 3 and Figure 4)
Dimensions in millimetres
I 13
üominal FmöF
s la SIS
Diameter of Width across
1 1 8
Width across Height of head

h e and thread unthreaded flats corners under face dia.

thread (coarse shank head
iameter pitch
d series) d 8 e k r
max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min.
[5 ) .8 5.48 4.52 8.00 7.64 9.2 8.63 3.875 3.125 ).35
i6 1 6.48 5.52 10.00 9.64 11.5 10.89 4.375 3.625 3.40 8.7 O.5
18 1.25 8.58 7.42 13.00 12.57 15.0 14.20 5.875 5.125 1.8 11.5 0.6
[lo 1.5 10.58 9.42 17.00 16.57 19.6 18.72 7.45 6.55 3.8 15.5 0.6
[12 1.75 12.70 11.30 19.00 18.48 21.9 20.88 8.45 7.55 1.25 17.2 0.6

i16 2 16.70 15.30 24.00 23.16 27.7 26.17 10.45 9.55 1.25 22.0 0.8
120 2.5 20.84 19.16 30.00 29.16 34.6 32.95 13.90 12.10 1.78 27.7 0.8
r122) 2.5 22.84 21.16 32.00 31.00 36.9 35.03 14.90 13.10 1.78
i24 3 24.84 23.16 36.00 35.00 41.6 39.55 15.90 14.10 1.78 33.2 0.8
a27) 3 27.84 26.16 41.00 40.00 47.3 45.20 17.90 16.10 2.28

I30 3.5 30.84 29.16 46.00 45.00 53.1 50.85 20.05 17.95 2.28 42.7 0.8
M33) 3.5 34.00 32.00 50.00 49.00 57.7 55.37 22.05 19.95 2.28
I36 4 37.00 35.00 55.00 53.80 63.5 60.79 24.05 21.95 2.7 51.1 0.8
M39) 4 40.00 38.00 60.00 58.80 69.3 66.44 26.05 23.95 2.7
142 4.5 43.00 41.00 65.00 63.80 75.1 72.09 27.05 24.95 2.8 60.8 1.0

M45) 4.5 46.00 44.00 70.00 68.80 80.8 77.74 29.05 26.95 3.3
248 5 49.00 47.00 75.00 73.80 86.6 83.39 31.05 28.95 3.8 70.8 1.0
M52) 5 53.20 50.80 80.00 78.80 92.4 89.04 34.25 31.75 4.7
156 5.5 57.20 54.80 85.00 83.60 98.1 94.47 36.25 33.75 4.9
M60) 5.5 61.20 58.80 90.00 88.60 103.9 100.12 39.25 36.75 4.9

264 6 65.20 62.80 95.00 93.60 109.7 105.77 41.25 38.75 4.9
U68) 6 69.20 62.80 100.00 98.60 115.5 111.42 44.25 41.75 4.9
m zes in bra kets are non-pre ,red.
?OTE2 Calculationsof washer face diameters for other sizes may be obtained from the following formulae:
1) for sizes up to and including M 2 0
washer face diameter (min.) = smb.- IT16
2) for sizes over M 2 0
washer face diameter (min.) = smb.- IT17;
IT stands for standard tolerance, and belongs to the IS0 series of tolerances (see BS EN 20286-1and BS EN 20286-2).

Q BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Table 11 - Dimensions of IS0 metric hexagon head bolts and screws faced
under head or faced under head and turned on shank
(see Figure 3 and Figure 4)
Dimensions in millimetres
3 1 4 1 6 1 6 - ï q Ï T Ïäp-
Diameter of unthreaded shank Width across Height of head Radius under
corners head

head and
turned on e K R
series) shank
6.48 5.52 6.00
max. min.
10.00 9.64
MS 1.25 8.58 7.42 8.00 7.78 13.00 12.57 15.0 14.20 5.74 5.26 0.8 0.4
M10 1.5 10.58 9.42 10.00 9.78 17.00 16.57 19.6 18.72 7.29 6.71 0.8 0.4
M12 1.75 12.70 11.30 12.00 11.73 19.00 18.48 21.9 20.88 '8.29 7.71 1.25 0.6
M16 2 16.70 15.30 16.00 16.73 24.00 23.16 27.7 26.17 10.29 9.71 1.25 0.6

M20 2.5 20.84 19.16 20.00 19.67 30.00 29.16 34.6 32.95 13.35 12.65 1.78 0.8
W22) 2.5 22.84 21.16 22.00 21.67 32.00 31.00 36.9 35.03 14.35 13.65 1.78 0.8
M24 3 24.84 23.16 24.00 23.67 36.00 35.00 41.6 39.55 15.35 14.65 1.78 0.8
Y27) 3 27.84 26.16 27.00 26.67 41.00 40.00 47.3 45.20 17.35 16.65 2.28 1.0
M30 3.5 30.84 29.16 30.00 29.67 46.00 45.00 53.1 50.85 19.42 18.58 2.28 1.0

M33) 3.5 34.00 32.00 33.00 32.61 50.00 49.00 57.7 55.37 11.42 20.58 2.28 1.0
M36 4 37.00 35.00 36.00 35.61 55.00 53.80 63.5 60.79 13.42 22.58 2.7 1.0
M39) 4 40.00 38.00 39.00 38.61 60.00 58.80 69.3 66.44 15.42 24.58 2.7 1.0
M42 4.5 43.00 $1.00 42.00 41.61 65.00 63.80 75.1 72.09 16.42 25.58 2.8 1.2
M45) 4.5 46.00 44.00 45.00 44.61 70.00 68.80 80.8 77.74 18.42 27.58 3.3 1.2

M48 5.0 49.00 47.00 48.00 47.61 75.00 73.80 86.6 83.39 50.42 29.58 3.8 1.6
M52) 5.0 53.20 50.80 52.00 51.54 80.00 78.80 92.4 89.04 t3.50 32.50 L.7 1.6
M56 5.5 57.20 54.80 56.00 55.54 85.00 83.60 98.1 94.47 t5.50 34.50 6.9 2.0
WO) 6.5 61.20 58.80 60.00 59.54 90.00 88.60 .03.9 00.12 B.50 37.50 L.9 2.0
M04 6 65.20 62.80 64.00 63.54 95.00 93.60 .09.7 05.77 m.50 39.50 L.9 2.0
Y@) 6 69.20 66.80 68.00 67.64 00.00 98.60 ,155 11.42 L3.50 42.50 L.9 2.0
gOTE Sizesinbra kets are non-preferred.

14 o BSI 02-2001
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
S T D = B S I BS 4190-ENGL 2001 M Lb24bb9 089730b T29 = BS 4190:2001

Table 12 - Dimensions of IS0 metric hexagon nuts and hexagon thin nuts
(see Figure 6 and Figure 7)
Dimensions in miilimetres
9 1 4 6 1 6 7 1 8 1 9 10 1 11 12 I
Pitch of ridth across flats Width across Thickness of nut Thickness of
size and thread 8 comers m thin nut
thread (coarse e Black Faced one side faced both sides)
diameter pitch t
max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max. min.

65 1.8 8.00 7.64 9.20 8.63 4.375 3.625 4.0 3.52 - -

kí6 1 10.00 9.64 11.50 10.89 5.375 4.625 5.00 4.52 - -
a8 1.25 13.00 12.57 15.00 14.20 6.875 6.125 6.50 5.92 5.00 4.52
a10 1.5 17.00 16.57 19.60 18.72 8.45 7.55 8.00 7.42 6.00 5.52
a12 1.75 19.00 18.48 21.90 20.88 10.45 9.55 10.00 9.42 7.00 6.42

M16 2 24.00 23.16 27.70 26.17 13.55 12.45 13.00 12.30 9.00 8.42
M20 2.5 30.00 29.16 34.60 32.95 16.55 15.45 16.00 15.30 9.00 8.42
M22) 2.5 32.00 31.00 36.90 35.03 18.55 17.45 18.00 17.30 10.00 9.42
M24 3 36.00 35.00 41.60 39.55 19.65 18.35 19.00 18.16 10.00 9.42
N27) 3 41.00 40.00 47.30 45.20 22.65 21.35 22.00 21.16 12.00 11.30

M30 3.5 46.00 45.00 53.10 50.85 24.65 23.35 24.00 23.16 12.00 11.30
M33) 3.5 50.00 49.00 57.70 55.37 26.65 25.35 26.00 25.16 14.00 13.30
M36 4 55.00 53.80 63.50 60.79 29.65 28.35 29.00 28.16 14.00 13.30
0439) 4 60.00 58.80 69.30 66.44 31.80 30.20 31.00 30.00 16.00 15.30
M42 4.5 65.00 63.80 75.10 72.09 34.80 33.20 34.00 33.00 16.00 15.30

W45) 4.5 70.00 68.80 80.80 77.74 36.80 35.20 36.00 35.00 18.00 17.30
M48 5 75.00 73.80 86.60 83.39 38.80 37.20 38.00 37.00 18.00 17.30
W52) 5 80.00 78.80 92.40 89.04 42.80 41.20 42.00 41.00 20.00 19.16
M56 5.5 85.00 83.60 98.10 94.47 45.80 44.20 45.00 44.00 - -
(M60) 5.5 90.00 88.60 103.90 100.12 48.80 47.20 48.00 47.00 - -

M64 6 95.00 93.60 109.70 105.77 51.95 50.05 51.00 49.80 - -

6 100.00 98.60 115.50 111.42 54.95 53.05 54.00 - -
NOTE Size shown in ZZG non-Dref ed.


O BSI 02-2001
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
BS4190:2001 i
-~ - BS 4190-ENGL 2004 -= L b 2 4 b b 9 0897307 965

m X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X K X


2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X






Fa in

B 8



I 1'

8 BSI 02-2001
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-BSI BS 4L90-ENGL 2 O O L Lb24bb9 0897308 8 T 1 = BS 4190:ZOOl

Table 13 - Standard nominal lengths and preferred sizes of IS0 metric black hexagon
bolts and screws (concluded)
Dimensions in millimetres
Nominal size Standard nominal lengths
and thread 1
190 200 220 240 260 280 300 325 350 375 400 425 460 475 500
M5 Screws and bolts
Ml0 X
M12 X X X X X X
M16 X X X X X X
M20 X X X X X X
N22) X X X X X X
M24 X X X X X X
(M27) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
M30 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
W33) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
M36 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
W39) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
M42 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
W45) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
M48 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
0452) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
M56 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
W60) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
M64 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
W68) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
NOTE 1 Sizec Lown in brackets are non-preferred.
NOTE 2 The inclusion of dimensional data in this standard is not intended to imply that all of the products described are stock
oroduction sizes. The ourchaser is reauested to consult with the manufacturer concerning lists of stock moduction sizes.

O BSI 02-2001 17
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
~ ~ ~

- -

STD.BSI BS 4190-ENGL 2001- D - 1 b . 2 4 6 b î û 8 ï 7 3 û î 738

BS 4190:ZÒOl

Strength grade Chemical composition limits (check analysis)

designation Carbon Phosphorus Sulfur
max. max. max.
% % %
4 and 6 (see note) 0.50 o.110 0.150
8 0.58 0.060 0.150
10 0.58 0.048 0.058

18 o BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD-BSI BS 4190-ENGL 2 0 0 1 1b24bb9 0897310 4 5 T W
BS 4190:2001

Table 16 - Proof loads for steel nuts (coarse pitch series)

Nominal size Tensile stress

4 6 8 10
I 12

of nut area of bolt

400 I 600 800 I 1 O00 I 1 200

mm mm2 N
VI5 14.2 5 680 8 500 11400 14 800 17 O00
66 20.1 8 040 12 O00 16 O00 20 O00 24 O00
68 36;6 14 600 22 O00 29 O00 36 500 43 O00
u110 58.0 23 200 35 O00 46 O00 58 O00 69 500
u112 84.3 33 700 50 500 67 O00 84 O00 100 O00

VI16 157 62 800 94 O00 125 O00 157 O00 188 O00
VI20 245 98 O00 147 O00 196 O00 245 O00 294 O00
M22 303 121 O00 182 O00 242 O00 303 O00 364 O00
M24 353 141 O00 212 O00 282 O00 353 O00 423 O00
M27 459 184 O00 276 O00 367 O00 459 O00 550 O00

U30 561 224 O00 336 O00 448 O00 561 O00 673 O00
M33 694 278 O00 416 O00 555 O00 694 O00 833 O00
M36 817 327 O00 490 O00 653 O00 817 O00 980 O00
M39 976 390 O00 585 O00 780 O00 976 O00 1170 O00
U42 1120 448 O00 672 O00 896 O00 1 120 O00 1340 O00

M45 1300 520 O00 780 O00 1400 O00 1300 O00 1560 O00
M48 1470 588 O00 882 O00 1180 O00 1470 O00 1760 O00
M52 1760 704 O00 I 060 O00 1410 O00 1760 O00 2 110 O00
M56 2 030 812 O00 I 220 O00 1620 O00 2 030 O00 2 440 O00
M60 2 360 944 O00 I 420 O00 1890 O00 2 360 O00 2 830 O00

M64 2 680 1072 O00 1610 O00 2 140 O00 2 680 O00 3 220 O00
M68 3 060 1224 O00 1840 O00 2 450 O00 3 060 O00 I
3 670 O00
NOTE 1 Proof load = stress under proof load x msile stress area divided by 1C O.
NOTE 2 For stress under proof load, see Table 16.
NOTE 3 Nuts with a specified proof load above 500 O00 N may be exempted from proof load testing; see clause 18 and Table 14.

8 BSI 02-2001 19
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Annex A (normative)
Testing of mechanical properties of steel nuts (see clause 18)
Al Proof load test
A.l.1 The proof load test consists of applying the relevant proof load given in Table 16, which was obtained
from the proof load stress given in Table 14.
k1.2Assemble the nut to be tested on a hardened and tempered mandrel as shown in Figure B.l and apply
the specified load in an axial direction.
A1.3 The nut should withstand this load without failure by stripping or rupture, and should be removable
by the fingers after the load is released. If the threads of the mandrel are damaged during the test, the test
shall be discarded.
NOTE It may be necessary to use a manual wrench to start the nut in motion. Such wrenching is permissible providing it is
restricted to a half turn and the nut is then removable by the fingers following initial loosening.
k1.4 Hardened mandrel: The mandrel shall have a hardness of not less than Rockwell C45. The thread
shall be tolerance class 5h except that the tolerance on the major diameter shall be the last quarter of the
6g range on the minimum material side.
k1.5 Hardened test plate: The test plate shall have a hardness of not less than Rockwell C38.

Hardened and tempered test plate

D = d with limits to Class O11 (8s 1916)

Hardened and tempered mandrel

Figure Al - Proof load test for nut

20 o BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services ~~
S T D - B S I BS 4170-ENGL 2001 Lb24bb7 0877332 222
BS 4190:2001

A.2 Hardness tests on nuts

A.2.1 Brinell, Rockwell or Vickers hardness may be determined. Apply the impression to the top or bottom
face of the nut, or on the side of the nut.
A.2.2 Perform a Brinell hardness test in accordancewith the requirements of BS EN IS0 6606-1,-2and -3.
A.2.3 Perform a Rockwell hardness test in accordance with the requirements of BS EN 10109-1,-2and -3.
k2.4 Perform a Vickers hardness test in accordance with the requirements of BS EN IS0 6507-1,-2
and -3.

8 BSI 02-2001 21
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
STD*BSI BS q o O - E N G L 2OOL Lb9
BS 4190:20(n

Annex B (normative)
Sizes greater than 68 mm diameter
Although it is considered that the range of nominal sizes included is adequate for most of the applications
for which this series is employed, information is provided in Table B.l for the convenience of users
requiring larger sizes.
Table B.l- Sizes greater than 68 mm diameter
Dim nsions in miiiimetra
Nominal size a n d Width across flats Width across Nominal height Nominal thicknesi
thread diameter 8 corners of head of nut
d e k m
k72 103.60 117.07 45 58
3476) 108.60 122.72 48 61
M80 113.60 128.37 50 64

M85) 120 118.60 134.02 54 68

M90 130 128.40 145.09 57 72
M95) 135 133.40 150.74 60 76

Ml00 145 143.40 162.04 63 80

sJ1105) 150 148.40 167.69 66 84
u110 165 153.40 173.34 69 88

M115) 165 163.40 184.64 72 92

M120) 170 168.40 190.29 76 96
M125 180 178.40 201.59 79 100

M130) 185 183.15 206.96 52 104

a140 200 198.15 223.91 58 112
a150 210 208.15 235.21 95 120

22 o BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
Annex C (informative)
Manufacturers’ recommended range of sizes
NOTE Depending on popular demand, the sizes in Table C.l and Table C.2 may, from time to time, be revised. The purchaser is
advised to consult the supplier concerning current production sizes.
Table C.l- Hexagon head bolts
Nominal length Nominal diameter
mm M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M2O M24
20 O
25 O O O O

30 O O O O O
35 O O O O O O
40 O O O O O O
46 O O O O O O
50 O O O O 8 O
55 O O 8 O
60 O O O O 8 8 O
65 O O 8 8
70 O O O O 8 @ e
75 O O 8 8
80 O O O O 8 @ @
90 O O O 8 @ 8
100 O O O O e 8 8
110 O O O O

120 O O O O O O

130 O O

140 O O O O O

150 O

160 O O O O
180 O O O

200 O O O O

220 a O O O

260 O O O O

300 a O O a
Standard thread lengt
O Short thread lengths.
Available in standard and short thread lengths.

Q BSI 02-2001

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

Licensed by Information Handling Services
_ 41elO-ENGL
-_-_ - -2001
~ lb24bb9
~ 0897335
_ -"33 m
BS 4190:2001 L " ~

Table C.2 - Hexagon head screws

Nominai length Nominai diameter 1
mm Y6 M8 M10 Ml2 Ml6 M20
16 O O
20 O O O
26 O O O O
30 O O O O
35 O O O O

40 O O O O O

45 O O O O O

50 O O O O O
60 O O O O O
70 O O O O O

80 O O O

100 O O O
IStandard thread lengths.

24 o BSI 02-2001
COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
BS 4190:ZOOl
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