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Guide Specifications For Design of Metal Flagpoles: Ansi/ Naamm American National Standard

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NAAMM FP 1001-07


October 5, 2007

October 5, 2007




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This standard was developed by representative members of the
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National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
All Rights Reserved

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3

1. SCOPE .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................ 4
3. FLAGPOLE LOADS ........................................................................................................................ 4
4. FLAG LOAD .................................................................................................................................... 9
6. STRESS ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 11
7. CALCULATION PROCEDURE .................................................................................................... 16
8. TERMINOLOGY.............................................................................................................................. 17
Appendix A – SAMPLE CALCULATIONS ................................................................................... 19

Appendix B – FLAG SIZES............................................................................................................... 23


The design of safe flagpoles requires knowledge of the loads to which they will be subjected. The principal
loads acting on flagpoles are the wind loads, and it is these loads which must be most carefully determined.
Maximum wind speeds to which flagpoles are exposed depend on the geographical location, whether or not
it is in the center of a large city, the outskirts of a small town, the seashore at ground level or on the roof of a
high rise building. Wind speeds are generally higher along coastal areas than inland. They are also higher in
open country than in the center of cities, and wind speed increases with height above ground.
ASCE 7-05, page 300, third paragraph states “It is not the intent of this standard to exclude the use of other
recognized literature for the design of special structures,….. For the design of flagpoles, see ANSI/NAAMM
FP1001-97, 4th Ed., Guide Specifications for Design of Metal Flagpoles.” This 5th Edition of the Guide follows
the same design procedure as the 4th Edition.
The wind will exert a force on the pole itself as well as on the flag, and these two forces must be taken into
consideration to determine the total load. Different size flags are flown from different poles, and it is important
that flagpoles be selected which are capable of supporting the largest size flag intended to be flown under the
highest speed wind to which it will be subjected. Loads on the flagpole are resisted by the mounting and the
foundation or building structure (roof or wall) to which it is secured. The procedures used to determine wind
loads on flagpoles are those set forth in the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for
Highway Signs, Luminaires and Traffic Signals. There is sufficient similarity between flagpoles and the poles
used for signs, lights and signals to justify this approach. Furthermore, there has been a vast amount of
knowledge and data accumulated by AASHTO on the requirements for pole design because of experience
with many types of poles installed all across the country which are subjected to the wind conditions occurring
in these varied geographical locations. NAAMM believes that the procedures developed by AASHTO over the
years provide a sound basis for the determination of flagpole loadings without the flag flying
However, a flagpole’s function is to fly flags, and hence this standard presents procedures for determining the
loads applied to poles as a result of the wind loads on flags. The original procedures set forth in the first edition
of this standard in 1983 were developed by NAAMM as a result of a laboratory test program conducted in the
fall of 1979 in which flags attached to a flagpole were subjected to winds generated by an aircraft engine and
propeller. There were limitations to flag sizes and wind speeds in this program. Recognizing the limitations of
the laboratory test program, NAAMM initiated a program of actual flight testing of flags in sizes ranging from
5 ft x 8 ft (1.5 m x 2.4 m) through 20 ft x 30 ft (6.1 m x 9.1 m) and at air speeds from 60 mph (27 m/s) up to
110 mph (49 m/s). This flight test program, completed in the fall of 1984, yielded the most complete and
reliable data obtained to date on the loading of flags under high speed wind conditions. The results of this test
program provided the basis for the development of the flag drag formulas given in the later editions of these
guide specifications.
In the determination of the pole design, the inclusion of the wind load on the flag with the wind load on the
pole, provides an added degree of safety for the flagless pole. Flags are not always lowered when a high
speed wind occurs. Under such a circumstance the flag can be ripped off of the pole. Some flags are made of
materials such as nylon which are very strong and resist the tendency to rip away as flags in years past were
prone to do. NAAMM recommends that flagpole designers consider both pole and flag loads when selecting
a flagpole design. Building codes that do not take into account the load caused by the flag drag do not require
a design as safe as that required by this standard. Nevertheless, the designer shall check to be certain that
his design meets or exceeds the requirements of the governing building code.
This 5th edition of the standard has replaced the basic wind speed map found in the previous editions with
the new wind speed map in ASCE 7-05 which is based on 3-second gust speeds.



1.1 These specifications set forth the procedures for determining the design loads for metal flagpoles of
hollow circular cross section.
1.2 The method for determining the wind speed and resulting wind load on the pole is part of these
1.3 The method for determining the wind load on the flag and the resulting load imposed on the pole is
part of these specifications also.
1.4 Methods of analysis are given with sample calculations for a typical flagpole.
1.5 Minimum properties of materials typically used in the design of flagpoles are included.

The publications listed in this section form a part of this
specification to the extent referenced. The publications are
referenced in the text by basic designation only. When a more
recent standard is available, the specifier should verify its
applicability to this Guide prior to its inclusion.
2.1 Aluminum Design Manual, 8th Edition, 2005
The Aluminum Association
1525 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600
Arlington, Virginia 22209
2.2 Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires and
Traffic Signals, 4th Edition 2001, Interim Revisions 2002, 2003 and 2006
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 249
Washington, DC 20001
2.3 ASCE/SEI 7-05. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
American Society of Civil Engineers
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, Virginia 20191-4400
2.4 ASTM Standards
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428

3.1 Dead Load. The dead load shall consist of the weight of the flagpole plus the fittings, accessories
and flag.
3.2 Wind Load. The wind load shall be the pressure of the wind on the flagpole and the load created by
the wind drag on the flag. For nautical flagpoles, the pressure of the wind on the yardarms and gaffs
plus the load created by the wind drag of the flags flying from these members shall be included to obtain
the total wind load. Equations with a suffix of “M” indicate a metric formula.
3.2.1 Wind Pressure. Wind pressure shall be computed by the following formula:
P = 0.00256 x V x Cd x Ch x G Equation 1
(0.613 x V x Cd x Ch x G) Equation 1 M


P = Wind pressure in pounds per square foot (Newtons per square meter)
V = 3-sec gust wind speed in miles per hour (meters per second) Figure 3.2.2
Cd = Drag Coefficient (Table 3.2.4)
Ch = Coefficient for height above ground for wind pressure (Table 3.2.3A)
G = Gust Effect Factor. Use minimum value of 1.14.
z = Height above grade.
3.2.2 Wind Speed. Wind speeds based on a 50-year mean recurrence interval shall be used for the
design of flagpoles. Figure 3.2.2 shows the 3-second gust speed at 33 ft (10 m) above the ground
associated with an annual probability of 0.02 of being equaled or exceeded (50-year mean recurrence
level). Select the appropriate wind speed for the geographical area in which the flagpole will be located.
Use this value in Equation 1 (1M) to compute the wind pressure.
3.2.3 Coefficient of Height. The coefficient of height, Ch, to be used in computing the wind pressure
on an area a given height above grade can be determined using the following forrmulae:
Ch = 2.01 (z/900) ^ (2/9.5) for 16.4 ft < z <= 900 ft Equation 2
Ch = 2.01 (z/274) ^ (2/9.5) for 5 m < z <= 274m Equation 2M
For z <= 16.4 (5m) Ch = 0.86
The coefficients of height to be used in calculating wind pressure for a given height above ground are
shown in Table 3.2.3 A.
3.2.4 Wind Force. The wind force is calculated from the wind pressure at increasing heights above
ground. To find the wind force, Wp, on the segment multiply the design wind pressure, P, by the
projected area, A, of the segment and by the drag coefficient Cd, as specified in Section 5.1.1, using
Equation 3.
Wp = P x A x Cd Equation 3
A is in square feet (square meters)
For heights up to 300 ft (91.4m) and wind speeds from 85 mph (38m/s) to 150 mph (67m/s), wind
pressures given in Table 3.2.3B (3.2.3B[M]) have been computed from Equation 1 (1M) using the
coefficients of height from Table 3.2.3A, a drag coefficient (Cd = 1), and a gust effect factor of 1.14. To
compute the design wind pressure for any segment of the flagpole, find the wind pressure from Table
3.2.3B (3.2.3B[M]) corresponding to the height of the segment and the wind speed, and multiply this
value by the appropriate drag coefficient from Table 3.2.4.


Reproduced, with permission, from ASCE Standard
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7-05
by the American Society of Civil Engineers


Figure 3.2.2
Basic Wind Speed

NAAMM/FP 1001-07
TABLE 3.2.3A

Height Above Coefficient of Height, Ch

Ground Level, z for Wind Pressure
ft (m)
(0-5) 0.86
20 (6.1) 0.90
25 (7.6) 0.94
30 (9.1) 0.98
40 (12.2) 1.04
50 (15.2) 1.09
60 (18.3) 1.14
70 (21.3) 1.17
80 (24.4) 1.21
90 (27.4) 1.24
100 (30.5) 1.27
120 (36.6) 1.32
140 (42.7) 1.36
160 (48.8) 1.39
180 (54.9) 1.43
200 (61.0) 1.46
250 (76.2) 1.53
300 (91.4) 1.59

Note: Linear interpolation for intermediate values of height z is acceptable.

TABLE 3.2.3B

WIND PRESSURE ON FLAGPOLES (for Cd = 1 and G = 1.14)

Height Above
Ground Level, z, ft Pressure, psf, for indicated wind speed, mph
85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
0-16.4 18 20 25 31 36 43 49 57
20 19 21 26 32 38 44 52 59
25 20 22 28 33 40 47 54 62
30 21 23 29 35 41 48 56 64
40 22 25 30 37 44 51 60 69
50 23 26 32 39 46 54 63 72
60 24 27 33 40 48 56 65 75
70 25 28 34 41 49 58 67 77
80 25 29 35 43 51 60 69 79
90 26 29 36 44 52 61 71 81
100 27 30 37 45 53 62 72 83
120 28 31 38 46 55 65 75 86
140 29 32 40 48 57 67 78 89
160 29 33 41 49 59 69 80 92
180 30 34 42 51 60 71 82 94
200 31 35 43 52 62 72 84 96
250 32 36 45 54 65 76 88 101
300 34 38 47 58 67 79 91 105
Note: Linear interpolation for intermediate values of height z is acceptable.


TABLE 3.2.3B(M)

WIND PRESSURE ON FLAGPOLES (for Cd = 1 and G = 1.14)

Height Above
Ground Level, z, m Pressure, N/m , for indicated wind speed, m/s
38 40 45 49 54 58 63 67
0-5 873 967 1224 1452 1763 2034 2400 2714
6.1 910 1009 1277 1514 1839 2121 2502 2830
7.6 954 1057 1337 1586 1926 2221 2621 2964
9.1 990 1097 1389 1647 2000 2307 2722 3079
12.2 1053 1167 1477 1752 2127 2454 2896 3275
15.2 1103 1223 1547 1835 2228 2570 3033 3430
18.3 1147 1271 1609 1908 2317 2673 3154 3567
21.3 1185 1313 1661 1970 2392 2760 3256 3683
24.4 1219 1351 1709 2027 2462 2840 3351 3790
27.4 1249 1384 1752 2077 2522 2910 3433 3883
30.5 1278 1416 1792 2124 2580 2976 3512 3972
36.6 1328 1471 1862 2207 2681 3093 3649 4127
42.7 1371 1520 1923 2280 2769 3195 3769 4263
48.8 1411 1563 1978 2345 2848 3286 3877 4385
54.9 1446 1602 2028 2404 2920 3368 3974 4495
61.0 1478 1638 2073 2458 2985 3444 4063 4596
76.2 1549 1717 2173 2576 3129 3609 4258 4816
91.4 1610 1784 2257 2677 3251 3750 4424 5004
Note: Linear interpolation for intermediate values of height z is acceptable.

TABLE 3.2.4
Wind Speed x Diameter Drag Coefficient, Cd
V d < 39 (5.33) 1.10
1.3 1.3
39 (5.33) < V d < 78 (10.66) 129 / [V d] ( 9.69 / [V d] )
V d >78 (10.66) 0.45
V = wind speed in mph (m/s)
d = diameter of cylindrical pole or segment or average diameter
of tapered pole or segment in feet (meters)


4.1 Wind. The load acting on the pole as a result of the wind acting on the flag shall be computed by
the following formulas:
for nylon and cotton flags,
WF = 0.0010 x V x √AF x Ch x G Equation 4
WF = 0.0730 x V x √AF x Ch x G Equation 4M
for polyester flags,
WF = 0.0014 x V x √AF x Ch x G Equation 5
WF = 0.1022 x V x √AF x Ch x G Equation 5M
WF = flag load on pole in pounds (Newtons), including height correction
V = 3-second gust wind speed in miles per hour (meters per second) Figure 3.2.2
AF = area of flag in square feet (square meters)
Ch = coefficient of height for wind pressure from Table 3.2.3A, calculated at top of flag.
G = Gust effect factor, use minimum value of 1.14
Note: Equations 4 and 5 are empirical formulas based on data obtained from actual flight testing of nylon
rectangular flags 5 ft x 8 ft (40 sq ft), 8 ft x 12 ft (96 sq ft), 12 ft x 18 ft (216 sq ft), 15 ft x 25 ft (375 sq ft), and
20 ft x 30 ft (600 sq ft). In addition to the five nylon flags, one 15 ft x 25 ft polyester flag was tested. The tow
line for the flags was connected through a load cell to the airplane so that continuous readings of the drag on
the flag were taken. Wind load data was recorded for air speeds of 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, and 110 miles per hour.
The formulas provide values which reasonably match the values obtained in testing. The flight test data
represents a significant advance over the previous laboratory test data which was used as a basis for the
original guide specifications. The flight testing has provided NAAMM with what is believed to be the best data
currently available. Although no flight testing was done with cotton flags, such flags were given comparative
laboratory wind load tests with nylon flags and found to have equivalent drag. (Use 1 ft = 0.3048 m, 1 sq ft =
0.0929 m , 1 mph = 0.447 m/s to obtain metric equivalents)


5.1 Bending Moments
5.1.1 Bending Moment due to Wind Pressure on Pole. To determine this bending moment, M, divide
the pole into segments not exceeding 15 feet (4.6 m). The cylindrical section of the pole is divided in
increments beginning at the base up to the transition to the tapered section. The tapered section is
divided in increments beginning at the transition from the cylindrical section up to the top of the pole.
Refer to Figure A 1 in Appendix A for an example. Calculate the projected areas, A, of the segments in square feet (square meters) using the
average diameters of the tapered sections and the diameters of the cylindrical sections of the pole. Locate the centroid of each segment at the intersection of the mid length of the segment and the
centerline of the flagpole.
Note: This simplification makes an insignificant difference when compared to the results obtained by
calculating the moments using tapered segments of the pole. Entasis poles are simplified in the same
manner. Determine the coefficient of drag, Cd, for each segment of the pole from Table 3.2.4 using the
basic wind speed, V, the average diameter of each tapered segment and the diameter of each cylindrical
segment. Calculate the bending moment, M, for each segment of the pole by multiplying the wind force,
Wp, by the distance, L, from the ground surface to the assumed centroid of the segment. The wind force,
Wp, is determined using Equation 3 in Section 3.2.3.
M = Wp L Equation 6

NAAMM/FP 1001-07 DESIGN OF METAL FLAGPOLES 9 Calculate the total bending moment due to wind pressure on the pole, Mp, as the sum of the
bending moments of all the segments.
Mp = M1 + M2 + M3 + ... + Mn Equation 7
5.1.2 Bending Moment due to Wind Pressure on the Yardarm. For nautical flagpoles, calculate the
bending moment, My, due to wind pressure on the yardarm by multiplying the wind force on the yardarm,
Wy, by the distance, L, from the ground surface to the centerline of the yardarm. The wind force, Wy, is
determined using the procedure stipulated in Section 5.1.1 to calculate the wind pressure on the pole.
My = Wy L Equation 8
5.1.3 Bending Moment due to Flag Wind Load. For regular flagpoles, calculate the bending moment, MF, due to the flag load, WF, by adding the
product of one-half of WF and the height of the pole, L, to the product of one-half of WF, and the height
of the pole minus the width of the flag, b.
MF = 0.5 WF L + 0.5 WF (L - b) = WF (L - b/2) Equation 9
Note: An analysis of loads applied by flags flown from halyards indicates that this simplified method of
calculation provides conservative values for flag storing poles as well as poles to which the halyards are
secured to cleats near the base. The values calculated by the simplified method will be not greater than
10% more conservative when compared to the theoretically correct values. For nautical flagpoles with yardarms only, determine the bending moment, MFY, caused by wind
load on flags flying from the yardarm by multiplying 95% of the flag force, WF, by the distance, L, from
the ground surface to the centerline of the yardarm. Assuming two flags of equal size and the same
material the moment will be
MFY = 2 x 0.95 WF L = 1.9 WF L Equation 10
Note: The total bending moment caused by the wind load on flags flying from the yardarm is
conservatively taken into account by considering that 95% of the flag force acts through the sheave at
the end of the yardarm. The remainder of the force acts through the halyard down to the cleat. For nautical flagpoles with yardarm and gaff, determine the bending moment, MFG, caused by
the wind load on flags flying from the gaff by multiplying 95% of the flag force, WF, by the distance, L,
from the ground surface to the point of attachment of the gaff to the pole,
MFG = 0.95 WF L Equation 11
5.1.4 Total Bending Moment. The total bending moment, MT, is the sum of the bending moments due
to wind pressure and the bending moments due to flag forces. For the regular flagpole,
MT = MP + MF Equation 12 For the nautical flagpole with yardarm only,
MT = MP + MY + MF + MFY Equation 13 For the nautical flagpole with yardarm and gaff,
MT = MP + MY + MF + MFY + MFG Equation 14
5.2 Shear Force
5.2.1 Shear Force due to Wind Pressure on Pole. Add the wind forces (Equation 3, section 3.2.4) on
all segments of the pole to get the shear force, WP.
5.2.2 Shear Force due to Wind Pressure on Yardarm. Add the wind forces on the yardarm to get the
shear force, WY.
5.2.3 Shear Force due to Flag Load. The shear forces, WF(pole), WF(yardarm), and WF(gaff), due to
flag load are the forces exerted by flags as found in Section 4.1.


5.2.4 Total Shear Force. The total shear force, WT, on the flagpole is the sum of the shear forces due
to the wind pressure and the shear forces exerted by the flag. For the regular flagpole,
WT = WP + WF(pole) Equation 15 For the nautical flagpole with yardarm only,
WT = WP + WF(Pole) + WY + 2 WF(yardarm) Equation 16 For the nautical flagpole with yardarm and gaff,
WT = WP + WF(Pole) + WY + 2 WF(yardarm) + WF(gaff) Equation 17
5.3 Torsional Moment
5.3.1 Torsional Moment due to Wind Pressure on Gaff of Nautical flagpole. Determine the coefficient of drag, Cd, for the gaff from Table 3.2.4, using the basic wind speed
and the diameter of the gaff. Calculate the wind force, WP, using Equation 3. Calculate the torsional moment, MZP, by multiplying WP by the horizontal distance, LG, from the
center of the pole to the centroid of the gaff.
MZP = WP x LG Equation 18
5.3.2 Torsional Moment due to Flag Load on Gaff of Nautical Flagpole. Calculate the torsional
moment, MZF, by multiplying 95% of the flag force, WF, as determined from Section 4.1, by the horizontal
distance, LF, from the center of the pole to the point of attachment of the flag to the gaff.
MZF = 0.95 x WF x LF Equation 19
5.3.3 Total Torsional Moment. The total torsional moment on the flagpole, MZT, is the sum of the
torsional moment due to the wind pressure, MZP, and the torsional moment due to the flag load, MZF.
MZT = MZP X MZF Equation 20

Axial compression, bending, and shear stresses shall be calculated for all flagpoles. In addition,
torsional stress shall be calculated for the nautical flagpole with gaff.
Note: Where the stress analysis is based on the pole with the flag flying, the bending moments, shear
forces and torsional moments resulting from the flag loads are added to those resulting from wind
pressure to obtain the total loads to which the flagpole is subjected. Stresses due to shear forces and
torsional moments are generally small compared to the stresses caused by bending moments. Flagpole
design is primarily determined by the bending moments to which the pole is subjected. However, a check
of the combined stress ratio shall always be made using Equation 25 to be sure the ratio is within the
6.1 Compressive Stress. The compressive stress, fa, is the axial dead load, DP, caused by the weight
of the pole plus accessories and flags, divided by the cross sectional area, A, of the pole at the base.
fa = DP / A Equation 21
Where A is in square inches (square millimeters).
6.2 Bending Stress. The stress in bending, fb, is the total bending moment, MT’ divided by the section
modulus, S, of the pole at the base.
fb = MT / S Equation 22
6.3 Shear Stress. The shear stress, fv, is the total shear force, WT, multiplied by 2 and divided by the
cross section area, A, of the pole at the base.
fv = 2 WT / A Equation 23
Where A is in square inches (square millimeters).


6.4 Torsional Shear Stress (For nautical flagpole with gaff). The shear stress, fs, due to torsional
moment, MZT, for flagpoles of circular cross section with wall thickness, t, and outside radius to
midthickness of wall, R, is found from the approximate equation for torsional shear stress.
fs = MZT / 6.28 R t Equation 24
6.5 Stresses. Stresses shall not exceed allowable values for the metal of which the pole is fabricated.
(Sections 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11)
6.6 The Combined Stress Ratio, CSR. Actual stresses shall be compared to allowable stresses in axial
compression, bending, and shear. Equation 25 gives the relationship which shall exist for a satisfactory
pole design. Include torsional shear if gaff is present.
CSR =fa /0.6 Fy + fb / CA Fb + (fv / Fv) < 1.0 Equation 25
In the combined stress ratio, CA is a coefficient of amplification that accounts for secondary bending
moment caused by an axial load. For flagpoles, this is not a major consideration since, except for flags
and light accessories, flagpoles do not usually support concentrated axial loads at their top. For
CA = 1 - (0.38 DP L / 2.46 E IB) / 0.52 Equation 26
For the unusual case in which a concentrated axial load is supported at the top of the pole, Equation
26a, which is valid for Fa < 0.26 Fy, shall be used to calculate the coefficient of amplification.
3 2
CA = 1 - ( (0.38 DP + PT √IB/IT) L / 2.46 E IB) / 0.52 Equation 26a
6.7 Allowable Stresses. Except for the axial compressive stress, Fa, the mechanical properties and
allowable stresses for metal flagpoles are given in Sections 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, and 6.11. In determining the
allowable axial compressive stress, flagpoles shall be considered as cantilevered columns. Equation 27
is used to calculate the stress for such columns.
2 2
Fa = π E / 1.95 (2 L/ r) Equation 27
For tapered poles and poles with straight and tapered sections, the average radius of gyration, r, shall
be used (see Section 6.12 for equations for r).
Note: In Equation 27 the factor of safety used is 1.95 which is based on the ultimate stress of the metal.
This factor of safety is used only for axial compression. Bending due to wind loads causes the critical
stress in flagpoles. Axial compression and shear stresses will generally be found to be well within
allowable limits. Since bending and shear stresses are caused by wind and dead loads combined, the
allowable stresses for bending and shear are increased 33% over the allowable stresses for dead loads.
Tables 6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.9.2, 6.10.2, and 6.11.2, show the dead load allowable, the 33% increase allowed
for the wind loads in accordance with the AASHTO standard, and the allowable wind load stress.
6.8 Allowable Stresses for Aluminum. The mechanical properties and allowable stresses for extruded
aluminum pipe and tube, alloy 6063-T6 are given in Tables 6.8.1, 6.8.2, and 6.8.3.
6.8.1 Yield stresses and modulus of elasticity for aluminum alloy 6063-T6
TABLE 6.8.1
non-welded Yield Stress, Fy Shear Yield Stress, Fsy Modulus of Elasticity, E
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
25,000 (172) 14,000 (97) 10,000,000 (68,900)
welded with no Yield Stress,Fyw Shear Yield Stress, Fsw Modulus of Elasticity, E
postweld heat psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
treatment 8,000 55 4,600 (32) 10,000,000 (68,900)


6.8.2 Allowable stresses in non-welded members of aluminum alloy 6063-T6
TABLE 6.8.2
Dead Load 33% Increase allowed Allowable Wind Load Stress
for Wind Load
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
Fb 18,000 (124) 6,000 (41) 24,000 (165)
Fs 8,500 (59) 2830 (20) 11,330 (79)

The allowable bending stress, as shown in Table 6.8.2, for non-welded, round, aluminum flagpoles is
valid for slenderness ratios not exceeding R/t = 33. For slenderness ratios exceeding 33, but not more
than 102, the allowable dead load stress shall be calculated using Equation 28 (28M). Most aluminum
flagpoles are within the slenderness ratio of 33. For slenderness ratios exceeding 102, refer to the
Aluminum Design Manual. For non-welded members and for welded members at locations farther than
1 in.(25mm) from a weld use
Fb = (27.7 - 1.70 √R/t) 1000 psi Equation 28
Fb = (190.6 - 11.67 √R/t) MPa Equation 28M
6.8.3 Allowable stresses in welded members within 1.0 in. (25 mm) of weld of 6063-T6
TABLE 6.8.3
Dead Load 33% Increase allowed Wind Load
for Wind Load
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
Fb 8,000 (55) 2,640 ( 18.2) 10 642 (73.2)
Fs 3,900 (27) 1,287 (8.91) 5 187 (35.91)

The allowable bending stress, as shown in Table 6.8.3, for welded, round, aluminum flagpoles is valid
for slenderness ratios not exceeding R/t = 62. For slenderness ratios exceeding 62, but not more than
206, the allowable dead load stress shall be calculated using Equation 29 [29M]. For slenderness ratios
exceeding 206 refer to the Aluminum Design Manual.
Fb = 12.8 – 0.61 √R/t 1000 psi Equation 29
Fb = 88.3 - 4.21 √R/t Mpa Equation 29M
Note: When heat treated and artificially aged aluminum is welded, the properties at the weld and in the
heat affected zone will be reduced. This in turn will reduce the allowable stress. For welded poles, the
yield stresses and the allowable stresses within 1.0 in. (25 mm) of the weld are shown in Tables 6.8.1
and 6.8.3 respectively. These are the stresses which provide a structurally safe design at the weld joint.
However, there are exceptions to this. For alloy 6063 flagpole assemblies, up through 0.375 in. (10 mm)
thick, which are welded in the -T4 temper with filler alloy 4043 and precipitation heat treated (artificially
aged) to the - T6 temper, by an approved method after welding, the allowable stresses within 1.0 in. (25
mm) of the weld shall be 85% of the values for nonwelded alloy 6063-T6. Additional information on
welded aluminum construction in general and, in particular, for information on allowable stresses in fillet
welds joining round members subject to bending and transverse loading, can be found in The Aluminum
Association’s Aluminum Design Manual.
6.9 Allowable Stresses for Steel. The mechanical properties and allowable stresses for carbon steel
seamless pipe, ASTM A 53, Type S, Grade B, and cold-formed welded and seamless carbon steel
structural tubing, ASTM A 500, Grades B and C, and ASTM A 501, are given in Tables 6.9.1 and 6.9.2.


6.9.1 Yield stresses and modulus of elasticity for carbon steel
TABLE 6.9.1
Yield Stress, Fy Modulus of Elasticity, E
psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
ASTM A 53, Type S, Grade B 35,000 (240) 29,000,000 (200,000)
ASTM A 500, Grade B 42,000 (290) 29,000,000 (200,000)
ASTM A 500, Grade C 46,000 (317) 29,000,000 (200,000)
ASTM A 501 36,000 (250) 29,000,000 (200,000)

6.9.2 Allowable bending stresses for carbon steel

TABLE 6.9.2
Fb = 0.66 Fy Fv = 0.33 Fy
Dead Load 33% Increase allowed Wind Load
for Wind Load
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
ASTM A 53 Fb 23,000 (159) 7,700 (53) 30,700 (212)
Type S, Gr B Fv 11,500 (79) 3,800 (26) 14,800 (105—)
ASTM A 500 Fb 28,000 (193) 9,300 (64) 37,300 (257)
Grade B Fv 14,000 (96) 4,700 (32-) 19,600 (128)
ASTM A 500 Fb 30,000 (207) 10,000 (69) 40,000 (276)
Grade C Fv 15,000 (103) 5,000 (34) 20,000 (137)
ASTM A 501 Fb 24,000 (165) 8,000 (55) 32,000 (220)
Fv 12,000 (82) 4,000 (27) 16,000 (109)

6.10 Allowable Stresses for Stainless Steel. The mechanical properties and allowable stresses for
stainless steel annealed pipe, ASTM A 312, and tubing, ASTM A 554, Type S30400, are given in Tables
6.10.1 and 6.10.2.
6.10.1 Yield stress and modulus of elasticity for stainless steel
TABLE 6.10.1
Yield Stress, Fy Modulus of Elasticity, E
psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
ASTM A 312 and A 554 30,000 (207) 28,000,000 (193,000)
S30400, Annealed


6.10.2 Allowable bending stresses for stainless steel
TABLE 6.10.2
Fb = 0.66 Fy Fv = 0.33 Fy
Dead Load 33% Increase allowed Wind Load
for Wind Load
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
ASTM A 312, A 554 Fb 20,000 (138) 6,700 (46) 26,700 (184)
S30400, Annealed Fv 10,000 (69) 3,300 (23) 13,300 (92)

6.11 Allowable Stresses for Copper Alloys (Bronze). The mechanical properties and allowable
stresses for copper alloys are given in Tables 6.11.1 and 6.11.2.
6.11.1 Yield stresses and modulus of elasticity for copper seamless pipe, alloy C23000
TABLE 6.11.1
Yield Stress, Fy Modulus of Elasticity, E
psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
ASTM B 43 12,000 (83) 17,000,000 (117,000)
Temper 061, Annealed
ASTM B 43 18,000 (124) 17,000,000 (117,000)
Temper H58, Drawn

6.11.2 Allowable bending stresses for copper alloys.

TABLE 6.11.2
Fb = 0.66 Fy Fv = 0.33 Fy
Dead Load 33% Increase allowed Wind Load
for Wind Load
psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa)
ASTM B 43 Fb 8,000 (55) 2,700 (18) 10,700 (73)
Temper 061, Annealed Fv 4,000 (28) 1,300 (9) 5,300 (37)
ASTM B 43 Fb 12,000 (83) 4,000 (28) 16,000 (111)
Temper H58, Drawn Fv 6,000 (41) 2,000 (14) 8,000 (55)

6.12 Properties of the Hollow Circle

2 2 2 2
A = Π (R0 -Ri ) = Π (Do - Di )/4
x = Ro = Do/2
4 4
I = Π (Ro - Ri )/4 = Π (Do - D i )/64
4 4 Ro
4 4 4 4
S = Π (R - R )/4 Ro = Π (D - D )/32 Do
o i o i
Di Do

2 2 2 2
r = √Ro + Ri )/4 = √(Do + Di )/16


Note: The procedure outlined here and the sample calculations shown in Appendix A are for
conventional ground set flagpoles. The principles employed, however, are applicable to other types of
mountings and flagpoles. Procedures for nautical flagpoles are not included here.
7.1 Select a flagpole of aluminum, steel, stainless steel, or bronze from the Construction Details and
Data Section of the NAAMM Metal Flagpole Manual. Alternatively, make a selection from a
manufacturer’s catalogue.
7.2 Note the configuration of the pole and its dimensions.
7.3 Note the maximum size flag, or flags, which are to be flown from the pole.
7.4 Divide the flagpole into segments as described in Section 5.1.1 and illustrated in Figure A 1 in
Appendix A. Calculate the area of each segment and determine the distance above ground of the
centroid of the segment as called for in Sections and
7.5 Refer to Figure 3.2.2 to find the wind speed to be used for the geographical location of the flagpole.
Confirm the value of wind speed with the local building official.
7.6 From Table 3.2.3B or 3.2.3B(M) find the wind pressure for the wind speed found in Calculation
Procedure Step 7.5 for the heights to the centroids of the flagpole segments. Follow the procedure of
Section to locate the centroids of the areas of the segments.
7.7 To facilitate calculations prepare a table similar to Table A1 in Appendix A to include the following
1. segment numbers (refer to Section 5.1.1)
2. distances to centroids (refer to Section
3. wind pressures (refer to Table 3.2.3B or 3.2.3B[M])
4. areas of segments (refer to Section
5. drag coefficients (refer to Table 3.2.4)
6. wind forces on segments (refer to Section 3.2.4)
7. bending moments (refer to Section
7.8 Multiply the wind pressure on the segment by the drag coefficient and the area of the segment to
find the wind force on the segment as per Table 3.2.3. Use Equation 3 of Section 3.2.4.
7.9 Multiply the wind force of the segment found in Calculation Procedure Step 7.8 by the distance from
the ground to the centroid of the segment to find the bending moment caused by the segment. Use
Equation 6 of Section
7.10 Total the wind force on all of the segments to find the total shear force due to the wind pressure on
the pole.
7.11 Total the bending moments on all of the segments to find the total bending moment due to the wind
pressure on the pole. Use Equation 7 of Section
7.12 Follow Section 4.1 to find the wind load acting on the pole due to wind load on the flag. Use
Equation 4, 4M, 5, or 5M.
7.13 Add the total force of the flag to the total force on the pole due to wind pressure to obtain the total
shear force on the pole. Use Equation 15 of Section
7.14 Follow procedure in Section 5.1.3 to find the bending moment due to the flag. Equation 9.
7.15 Add the bending moment for the flag found in Section 7.14 to the bending moment for wind
pressure found in Section 7.11 to obtain the total bending moment for the pole. Use Equation 12 of
7.16 Add the weight of the pole, accessories, and flag to obtain the axial load.


7.17 Make a stress analysis to ascertain whether or not axial compressive, bending, and shear stresses
are within allowable limits.
7.18 Calculate axial compressive stress from Equation 21 in Section 6.1.
7.19 Calculate bending stress from Equation 22 in Section 6.2.
7.20 Calculate shear stress from Equation 23 in Section 6.3.
7.21 Check calculated stresses against allowable stresses.
7.22 Calculate allowable stress for axial compression using Equation 27 in Section 6.7.
7.23 Check combined stress ratio using Equation 25 in Section 6.6.
Note: For a nautical flagpole with yardarm, the concentrated load caused by the wind acting on the
yardarm and its flags is added to the pole at the point of attachment of the yardarm. If the pole also has
a gaff, the wind load on the gaff and its flag is also included in the load on the main pole. In addition, the
torsional load on the pole is determined as per Section 5.3, and the shear stress from torsion is checked
by Equations 24 and 25.

2 2
A = area, sq in. (mm ) or sq ft (m ) , as designated
b = width of flag, ft (m)
C = distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber, in. (mm)
CA = coefficient of amplification
Cd = drag coefficient
Ch = coefficient of height above ground for wind pressure
CSR = combined stress ratio
d = diameter of pole, ft (m)
Di = inside diameter of pole, in. (mm)
Do = outside diameter of pole, in. (mm)
DP = weight of pole plus accessories and flag(s),lbf (N)
E = modulus of elasticity, psi (MPa)
Fa = calculated axial compressive stress, psi (MPa)
Fb = calculated bending stress, psi (MPa)
fs, fv = calculated stress due to shear or torsion, psi (MPa)
Fa = allowable axial compressive stress, psi (MPa)
Fb = allowable bending stress, psi (MPa)
FS, Fv = allowable shear stress, psi (MPa)
Fsy = yield stress, shear, psi (MPa)
Fy = yield stress, psi (MPa)
G = gust effect factor
4 4
IB = moment of inertia at base, in (mm )
4 4
IT = moment of inertia at top, in . (mm )
L = distance from base of pole to centroid of pole segment,
or to top of pole, or to centerline of yardarm, ft (m).
Horizontal distance from center of pole to center of gaff,
or to point of attachment of flag, for nautical flagpoles, ft (m).


M = bending moment, lbf ft (Nm)
MF = bending moment exerted by flag, lbf ft (Nm)
MFG = bending moment due to flag load on gaff, Ibf ft (N m)
MFY = bending moment due to flag load on yardarm,lbf ft (Nm)
MP = bending moment due to wind pressure on pole, lbf ft (Nm)
MT = total bending moment on pole, lbf ft (Nm)
MY = bending moment due to wind pressure on yardarm, lbf ft (Nm)
MZF = torsional moment exerted by flag on gaff, lbf ft (Nm)
MZG = torsional moment due to wind pressure on gaff, lbf ft (Nm)
MZT = total torsional moment on pole, lbf ft (Nm)
P = wind pressure, psf (N/m2)
PT = top load, lbf (N)
r = radius of gyration, in. (mm)
R = radius to midthickness of wall, in. (mm)
Ri = inside radius, in. (mm)
Ro = outside radius, in. (mm)
3 3
S = section modulus, in. (mm )
t = wall thickness, in. (mm)
V = wind speed, mph (m/s) from Figure 3.2.2
Vmax = specified wind speed, which includes gust factor,
height coefficient and other factors, mph (m/s)
WF = force exerted by wind drag on flag, lbf (N)
WG = force due to wind pressure on gaff, lbf (N)
WP = force due to wind pressure on pole, lbf (N)
WT = total shear force due to wind loading, lbf (N)
WY = force due to wind pressure on yardarm, lbf (N)



Cone tapered aluminum pole - alloy 6063-T6
Exposed length, L = 60’, taper = 44’, butt dia = 12”, top dia = 4”
Wall thickness, straight 0.250”, taper 0.188”, taper in/ft = 0.182
Ground set, conventional pole. Flag 8’ x 12’ = 96 sq ft
Values of Vd and Cd, are for 90 mph wind speed.

60’ dia = 4”
dia = 4.91” = 0.409’ A = 4.09 sq ft
SEGMENT 6 - 10’
Vd = 36.8 Cd = 1.10
L = 55.0’
50’ dia = 5.82”
dia = 6.73” = 0.561’ A = 5.61 sq ft

SEGMENT 5 - 10’
Vd = 50.5 Cd = 0.79
L = 45.0’
40’ dia = 7.64”
dia = 8.55” = 0.712’ A = 7.12 sq ft

Vd = 64.1 Cd = 0.58
L = 35.0’
30’ dia = 9.45”
dia = 10.73” = 0.894’ A = 12.52 sq ft

SEGMENT 3 - 14’
Vd = 80.5 Cd = 0.45
L = 23.0’
16’ dia = 12” = 1.0’ A = 1 sq ft

SEGMENT 2 - 1’

15’ Vd = 90 Cd = 0.45
L = 15.5’
dia = 12” = 1.0’ A = 15 sq ft
SEGMENT 1 - 15’
Vd = 90 Cd = 0.45
L = 7.5’

0’ GROUND dia = 12”



Location: Columbus, Ohio
Wind Speed: from Figure 3.2.2 - 90 mph
Wind Pressures: from Table 3.2.38.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Segment Distance Wind Length Average Area Drag Wind Bending
to Pressure of Pole of Coef Force on Moments
Centroid P - psf Segment Diameter Segment Cd Segments Mp- Ibf ft
L-ft feet d-ft A-sqft Wp - Ibf
1 7.5 20.0 15.0 1.000 15.00 0.45 135.0 1,012.5
2 15.5 20.0 1.0 1.000 1.00 0.45 9.0 139.5
3 23.0 21.6 14.0 0.894 12.52 0.45 121.7 2,799.1
4 35.0 24.0 10.0 0.712 7.12 0.58 99.1 3,468.5
5 45.0 25.5 10.0 0.561 5.61 0.79 113.0 5.085.0
6 55.0 26.5 10.0 0.409 4.09 1.10 119.2 6,556.0
Total Wp Total Mp
597.0 19,060.6

Typical drag coefficient calculations: from Table 3.2.4

Segment 1: Vd = 90 x 1 = 90 90 > 78.0 Cd = 0.45
1. 3
Segment 4: Vd = 90 x 0.712 = 64.1 39.0 < Vd < 78.0 Cd = 129/(64.1) Cd = 0.58
Segment 6: Vd = 90 x 0.409 = 36.8 36.8 < 39.0 Cd = 1-10
Typical bending moment calculations: from Equations 3 and 6
Segment 4: Mp = Wp L = P A Cd L = 24.0 x 7.12 x 0.58 x 35 = 3,468.5 lbf ft
Flag load caused by wind: from Equation 4
2 2
WF = 0.0010 V √A Ch x G = 0.0010 x 90 x √96 x 1.14 x 1.14 = 103.1 lbf
Ch = 1.14 is found from Table 3.2.3A for the height at which the top of the flag is flying.
G = 1.14 minimum.
Bending moment due to flag: from Equation 9
MF = WF (L - b/2) = 103.1 (60 - 8/2) = 5,774 lbf ft
Total bending moment on pole: from Equation 12
MT = MP + MF = 19,061 + 5,774 24,835 lbf ft


Axial load, Dp, equals the dead weight of the pole plus accessories and flag(s). Pole weight, based on density
of aluminum = 0.1 lb/cu in.
2 2
Cylindrical section: 16 x 12 x Π (6 - 5.75 ) x 0.1 = 177 lbf
2 2
Conical section: 44 x 12 x Π (4 - 3.812 ) x 0.1 = 244 lbf
Total pole weight 421 lbf
Accessories plus flag (estimated 10% pole weight) 42 lbf
Total DP = 463 lbf
Total shear force on pole: from Equation 15
WT = WP + WF = 597.0 + 103.1 = 701.1 lbf
WP is found by totaling column 8 in Table 1 bending moment calculation table.
2 2 2 2 2
Area of pole base, A = π(Ro - Ri ) = Π(6 - 5.75 ) = 9.23 in
4 4 4 4 4
Moment of inertia at base, IB, = Π(Do - Di ) / 64 = Π(12 - 11.5 ) / 64 = 159.3 in
Section modulus at base, S = I/c = 159.3 / 6 = 26.56 in
Compressive stress: from Equation 21
fa = DP / A = 463 / 9.23 = 50 psi
Tensile stress from bending: from Equation 22
fb = MT / S = 24,786 x 12 / 26.56 = 11,198 psi
Shear stress: from Equation 23
fs = 2 WT / A=2 x 701.1 / 9.23 = 151.9 psi
The allowable stresses for aluminum are found in Sections 6.7 and 6.8.
2 2 2 2
Allowable axial compressive stress, Π E (r/2L) / 1.95 where r =√ (Do + Di )/16
Average r for 44 ft tapered length = √ (82 + 7.6252)/16 = 2.763 in.
2 2
Average r for 16 ft straight length = √ (12 + 11.5 )/16 = 4.155 in.
Average r for pole = [(2.763 x 44) + (4.155 x 16)] / 60 = 3.134 in.
2 6 2
Fa = Π x 10 X 10 x [3.134 / (2 x 60 x 12 )] 1.95 = 240 psi
Allowable bending stress, Fb = 23,940 psi
Allowable shear stress, FS = 11,305 psi
The calculated stresses are well within the limits allowed.
A limitation on the combined stress ratio, CSR, is shown in Equation 25
CSR = fa/0.6 Fy (1.33) + fb, /CA Fb + (fs/Fs) < 1.0
CA is calculated from Equation 26
2 2 2 7
CA = 1 - (0.38 DP, L / 2.46 E IB) / 0.52 = 1 -[ (0.38 x 463 x 60 x 12 )/(2.46 x 10 x 159.3)] / 0.52 = 0.955
CSR = 50/ (0.6 x 25,000 x 1.33) + 11,198 / (0.955 x 23,940) + ( 151.9 / 11,305) = 0.49 <1.0
This meets the requirement for CSR.
Check the same flagpole with 8’ x 12’ flag flying for the 130 mph requirement for certain Gulf Coast and
Atlantic Coast areas.


Follow the same calculation procedures used for the 90 mph wind speed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Segment Distance Wind Length Average Area Drag Wind Bending
to Pressure of Pole of Coef Force on Moments
Centroid P - psf Segment Diameter Segment Cd Segments
L - ft feet D - ft A - sq ft Wp - Ibf Mp - Ibf ft
1 7.5 43.0 15.0 1.000 15.00 0.45 290.3 2,177.3
2 15.5 43.0 1.0 1.000 1.00 0.45 19.4 300.7
3 23.0 45.8 14.0 0.894 12.52 0.45 258.0 5,934.0
4 35.0 49.5 10.0 0.712 7.12 0.45 158.6 5,551.0
5 45.0 52.5 10.0 0.561 5.61 0.49 144.3 6,493.5
6 55.0 55.0 10.0 0.409 4.09 0.74 166.5 9,157.5
Total Wp Total Mp
1,037.1 29,614.0

Axial load, D, = 463 lbf

Bending moment, MT = MP + MF = 29,614.0 + 12,051.2 = 41,665.2 lbf ft
Shear force, WT = WP + WF = 1,037.1 + 215.2 = 1,252.3 lbf
Compressive stress, fa = 50 psi
Tensile stress from bending, fb = 41,665.2 x 12 / 26.56 = 18,824.6 psi
Shear stress, fs = 2 x 1,252.3 / 9.23 = 271.4 psi
These stresses are well within the limits allowed.
CSR = 50/(0.6 x 25,000 x 1.33) + 18,824.6 /(0.955 x 23,940) + ( 271.4 / 11,305) = 0.83 < 1.0
This meets the requirement for CSR.


Ground Set Flagpoles Roof-Mounted
Pole Height Flag Size Pole Height Flag Size
15’ 3’ x 5’ 15’ 4’x 6’
20’ 4’ x 6’ 20’ 5’ x 8’
25’ 5’ x 8’ 25’ 6’ x 10’
30’ 6’ x 10’ 30’ 6’ x 10’
35’ 6’ x 10’ 35’ 8’ x 12’
40’ 8’ x 12’ 40’ 8’ x 12’
45’ 8’ x 12’ 45’ 10’ x 15’
50’ 10’ x 15’ 50’ 12’ x 18’
60’ 12’ x 18’ 60’ 12’ x 18’
70’ 12’ x 18’ 70’ 15’ x 25’
80’ 15’ x 25’ 80’ 15’ x 25’

Wall-Mounted Flagpoles Outrigger Flagpoles

Pole Height Flag Size Pole Height Flag Size
12’ to 15’ 4’ x 6’ 8’ 3’ x 5’
20’ to 25’ 5’ x 8’ 10’ to12’ 4’ x 6’
30’ to 35’ 6’ x 10’ 13’ to 16’ 5’ x 8’
40’ to 45’ 8’ x 12’ 17’ to 23’ 6’ x 10’



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