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The Deck Setup: King's Priviledge Sacraficing

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Mate The deck Setup

Mate is derived from a game found by Sid Sackson, and Each card displays one of five chess pieces in one of four Mate can be played with a Single Mate deck, or a Double
appears in his classic book, A Gamut of Games. According colors. Mate deck, each of which is comprised of twenty cards.
to Sackson, the game first appeared in Hanover, Germany
in 1915, when G. Capellen published the rules to “two new The five types of pieces are ranked (from highest to low- Prepare the deck in either the Single or Double Mate
wargames,” one of which was Mate. est): King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight. format, as players prefer.

The original game used twenty cards from a standard deck The four colors are ranked, from highest to lowest: Blue, Shuffle the deck and randomly select a starting player to
of cards, with different cards representing various chess Green, Yellow, Red. deal. Deal ten cards to each player.
pieces. For example, the Ace represented the Queen, and
was worth ten points, whereas the Queen represented a
Rook, and was worth three. This version of Mate redes-
igns the deck to avoid the obvious confusion caused by this
method of substitution.

The objective in Mate is to “checkmate” your opponent by

playing your hand of cards so that you force your oppo-
nent into not being able to make a legal play.
Mate card distribution, for Single Mate deck Mate card distribution, for Double Mate deck
Mate is a game of perfect information, involving no luck.
Equality is assured by switching hands after a round and
replaying the hand.

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Course of play Mating Completing a game
The dealer begins by leading any card. The other player If the second player cannot legally play, he has been mated, After the first round ends and is scored, players exchange
must follow color. If he cannot follow color, he must and loses the round. their hands, and play another game. The player who did
follow rank. not deal for the first game starts with the lead.
The winning player receives points equal to the value of
The player who played the highest rank (within a color), or the card he played on the final trick, multiplied by the Two such rounds constitute a game. The player with the
the highest color (when rank has been matched) takes the trick on which it was played. highest score is the winner. The difference between the
lead for the next trick, retaining it until the round ends or two players' scores may be used as a relative measure of
he loses the lead. victory.

Cards are played face up to the table, in front of each Typically, players play three games. The player with the
player, rather than into a common pile. highest cumulative score wins.

Play begins when the near

player leads the red Rook. The
far player follows color, playing
the red bishop. After losing the
green Queen to the green King,
The far player plays the blue rook, and the near player has
the lead is lost. The near player
no response. He has been mated on the 4th card. The far
is void in blue.
player thus scores 4 x the Rook’s value of 7, or 28 point.

3 4 5
Advanced play Advanced play About the Cards
This design uses graphical elements taken from William
King’s priviledge Sacraficing Caxton’s Game and Playe of the Chesse, the third book
printed in English with mechanical type, and the first
On playing a King card, the moving player may demand After dealing, but before play, each player may remove a published in England. It was also the first printed book in
that the opposing player must play a King. If a King can- card from his hand and place it face up in front of him. English to make extensive use of woodcuts for pictures.
not be played, follow with a card of the same color. This sacrificed card cannot be used in play. Like many other books on chess written in the period,
Caxton uses the pieces as the basis of social allegory. The
A mate scored by a player with a card sacrificed is an book is a translation of a thirteenth-century political trea-
"overmate," and scores double. tise by Jacobus de Cessoli, The Book of the Morals of Men
If both players sacrifice, the value of the mate is increased and the Duties of Nobles and Commoners, on the Game of
by one move (that is, a mate occurring on the 5th move is Chess. As had other authors, de Cessoli used chess to
scored as if it occurred on the 6th). describe the proper roles of monarchs, nobles, the clery,
and a range of middling sorts, stressing the various moral
If only one player sacrifices, the 9th card also counts as the studies god had assigned them in the well-ordered society.
10th. Even the moves of the pieces reflected the proper qualities
In the example above, the
and mutual inter-dependencies of the social orders repre-
far player sacrificed a
yellow Bishop at the start sented by the pieces themselves. While not much of a
of the round. His 4th handbook on success at play, the work offers fascinating
turn mate will yield 56 insight into the role of chess in the medieval European
points. Had the near world. For more on Mate, visit Boardgamegeek.com, and
player also sacrificed, the
far player would score 5 x
7, or 35, points. © 2011 Patrick Rael. Some rights reserved.
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