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Flinch Rules

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Rules for playing Parker Brothers numerical card game

For 2 to 8 players
1. OBJECT: The object of the game is to be the first player to dispose of the cards dealt to him as a "game pile" by
playing them in proper sequence to the center of the table.
2. EQUIPMENT: The equipment consists of a deck of 150 cards made up of ten series, each numbered from 1 through 15,
and a plastic card holder.
3. PLAYERS: Any number from 2 to 8 may play. When more than 4 play, players find the game more enjoyable if 2
decks of cards are used.
4. THE LAYOUT: Cards in play are laid out in several different piles. These are shown in Example A and are referred to
in the rules as follows:
a) THE GAME PILES. These consist of the first 10 cards dealt face down to each of the players. Each player places his
cards in a pile directly in front of him and turns the top card of the pile face up.
b) THE HANDS are the next five cards dealt to each player. Each player picks up his hand so that he can see the cards but
does not expose them to other players.
c) THE STACK is made up of all the cards remaining after the Game Piles and the Hands have been dealt. These are
divided into groups of five cards each without being exposed and are placed in the holder in crisscross fashion so that each
group lies crosswise on top of the group immediately beneath it.
d) THE RESERVE PILES are formed after play has started. Whenever a player passes or completes his play he must
place one card in front of his Game Pile. He places these cards alongside each other until he has started 5 piles. From then
on he may play on top of any of the five piles that he chooses. If, during the course of the play, he exhausts one or more of
these piles, he must start them again before he can play on top of any of his remaining Reserve Piles.
5. THE DEAL: Select a player to deal. Shuffle the entire deck thoroughly and deal the cards as described above. The
Game Piles, the Hands, and the Stack.
6. THE PLAY: The player to the left of the dealer plays first. If he has a 1 card exposed on his Game Pile he plays it to the
center of the table and turns up the next card. If that should also be a 1 card he must play it in the center of the table
alongside the first card. When the card exposed on his Game Pile is not a 1, he looks in his hand and plays in a similar
manner any 1 cards that he may be holding. If he has been able to play a 1 card and holds in his hand, or has exposed on
his Game Pile a 2 card, he may play it on top of any 1 card that has already been played. He may continue to play as long
as he can build up in sequence on top of the cards that have been played. All 1 cards must be played, but other cards may
be held or played as desired.
If during his turn the player exhausts his hand he draws a new hand of five cards from the Stack and continues to play.
When he cannot make or does not wish to make any further plays, he selects a card from his hand and places it on the table
face up to start a Reserve Pile.
The player to his left plays in a similar manner, and other players follow in turn.
If, as frequently happens on the first turn, the first player cannot play, he simply passes and does not play a card to his
Reserve Pile.
If, as occasionally happens, no player has a 1 card to start the game, each player lays down all five cards from his hand to
start his five Reserve Piles, and each in turn draws a new hand from the stack. If there is still no player able to play a 1
card, players again place their entire hands in their Reserve Piles, but since all five piles have now been started, they may
distribute them as they wish. All five cards may go on one pile if a player thinks it is to his advantage to do so. After the
first 1 card has been played each player must end his turn by playing a card from his hand to one of his Reserve Piles.
7. THE RESERVE: Once a Reserve Pile has been established, a player may play from it to the center of the table if he has
the proper card on top. He may do so at any time during his turn after he has played all of his 1 cards. 1 cards may never be
played to a Reserve Pile.
A player is not required to play from his Reserve Pile, but should do so if it will help him to play from his Game Pile, or
hinder his opponents from doing so.
Card Layout Positions A: B: C: D: GAME PILES of ten cards with top card always face up, all others face down. E: THE
STACK bundles of five cards each placed criss­cross, face down. F: THE PLAYING PILES each built up card 1 to
15 in numerical sequence. G: RESERVE PILES started by each player, face up no more than 5 for each player.

EXAMPLE B: Opening Play - back to top

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1. A plays a 1 card to Center from his Hand.

2. Since A has no 2 card, he plays an 8 card from his Hand to his Reserve.
3. B is unable to play to Center, hence plays the 7 card from his Hand to his Reserve.
4. C next plays 2 to Center from his Game Pile on top of 1 card previously played by A.
5. C, not having a 3, plays the 10 card from his Hand to his Reserve.
6. D then plays 1 card to Center from his Hand, starting another Playing Pile.
7. D thereafter plays a 3 card to Center from his Hand, on top of 2 card played by player C. Next D plays his 15 card from
his Hand to his Reserve.
So. A player may not look underneath the top card of any Reserve Pile but should try to remember what is there. It is
usually wise to try to build Reserve Piles in reverse sequence for ease in remembering and in order to make possible the
play of more cards on a single turn.
When a Reserve Pile is exhausted it must be restarted by placing the next discard in the open space to bring the number of
Reserve Piles back to 5 as quickly as possible. Cards, once played, cannot be moved from one Reserve Pile to another.
Reserve Piles may be exhausted and re­established several times during the course of a game.
The Playing Piles go to 15 and are then removed from the table. When several Piles have been removed and all the cards
have been used from the Stack, and the game is not finished the removed cards are shuffled and dealt out again to continue
the game.
8. CHALLENGING: On each turn players must play first from the Game Pile if possible. If they fail to do so, any
opponent may call "Challenge." Any player so challenged must discontinue playing immediately, draw a card from the
Game Pile of the opponent who challenged, and place it at the bottom of his own Game Pile. A player may also challenge
an opponent if he believes he is holding a 1 card in his hand after it should have been played. If he is correct the player
challenged is penalized as above, if not the challenger draws the penalty. A player successfully challenged ends his turn
and does not discard to his Reserve Piles on that turn. If hvo players challenge at the same time, the caller nearest to the left
of the challenged player receives the credit.
9. TO WIN: The player who first succeeds in playing all of the cards from his Game Pile wins.
10. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Once a card is exposed from a player's hand, it must be played. If it cannot be played, it
must be taken back into the hand. That player's turn ends, and he does not discard to the Reserve Pile. If a player exposes a
card when it is not his turn, he must play that card on his next turn. If he cannot, he must pass that turn.
If the game should be blocked, the Stack exhausted and no players able to play except one who refuses to play, the player
holding the releasing card must play it. If there is more than one player holding releasing cards, the first player with a
releasing card, beginning with the player on the dealer's left, must play it.
11. VARIATIONS: An interesting variation is to start the Table Piles with both the 1's and 15's, building up on the 1's and
down on the 15's.
Another variation is to start with 8's, building both up and down. The 9,10, etc. are built across one end of each 8, and 7, 6,
etc. across the other. All other rules apply in both of these variations.
12. PARTNERSHIP GAME: The same rules apply, except that a player in a Partnership Game may play from his
partner's Game Pile and Reserve Piles. If he has an opportunity to play from both his own and his partner's Game Pile at
the same time, he must play from his own first. Otherwise, he plays from his partner's Game Pile exactly as he would from
his own. After one Game Pile is exhausted, both partners continue playing from the remaining Pile until it is exhausted,
after which the game ends.
A player may be challenged for neglecting to play from his own or his partner's Game Pile, for giving his partner
information as the best way to play, for looking at a card underneath in the Reserve or Game Piles, for playing out of turn,
or for failing to play 1 cards.
Rules For Other Games
(For 2 or more players)OBJECT: The object of this game is to be the first player to play all the cards from his hand and
his stock pile to the table.
PREPARATION: Select one player to be dealer. He shuffles the entire deck and deals one card at a time to each player
until all the cards are dealt. Each player holds his cards face down in his hand without looking at them.
THE PLAY: The player to the left of the dealer begins. He draws the bottom card from his hand and shows it to all the
players. If it is a 1 he plays it to the center of the table to start the first table pile. (Any time that a player draws a 1 he starts
a new table pile.) He then turns up the next card from the bottom of his hand. If it is a 2 he plays it on the 1 and so on until
he draws a card from the bottom of his hand which is not in sequence to the top card on a table pile or is not a 1. When this
happens he places the card face up in front of him to form his own stock pile and his turn ends.
The second player draws the bottom card from his hand. If it is the next card in sequence to the top card on any table pile
he plays it on top of that card or if it is a 1 he starts a new table pile. If he draws a card other than a 1 which cannot be
played on a table pile, he may play it on the first player's stock pile if it is the next card in sequence either up or down to
the card on the first player's stock pile. When the second player draws a card from the bottom of his hand which cannot be
played to the center of the table or on the first player's stock pile, he places it in front of himself face up to form his own
stock pile and his turn ends. Play passes to the next player.
Once a player has started a stock pile he must always play from it in preference to playing from his hand. A player may
only play from his hand when he is unable to play from the top of his stock pile. On each turn a player continues to draw
cards one at a time from the top of his stock pile or from the bottom of his hand as long as he can play them in sequence on
any of the center piles or in sequence either up or down on his opponents' stock piles. Whenever he draws a card from his
hand or stock pile he must play it on one of the table piles in preference to playing it on an opponent's stock pile. However,
a player continues to play on each turn as long as he can to the table piles and to his opponents' stock piles. When he draws
a card from his hand that cannot be played, he places it on top of his own stock pile and his turn ends. Whenever possible,
a player must play from the top of his stock pile but when the top card in his stock pile cannot be played, he draws from the
bottom of his hand.
Should a player deviate from the above, or should he have an opportunity to play and does not do so, his opponent calls
"Muggins" and he is obliged to take a card from the top of the Hand of the player who calls "Muggins" and place it on his
own Stock Pile. If a card is wrongly played, he takes back that card. This will end his play until his turn comes again .
When a player's Hand is exhausted, he turns the cards in the Stock Pile face down and plays them through again as a hand,
continuing until some player exhausts both his hand and stock pile, and thus wins the game.
(For any number of players)
OBJECT: The object of the game is to secure "books" consisting of four cards of the same number.
PREPARATION: Select one player to be dealer. He removes four series of cards from 1 to 15 from the deck and shuffles
them. He deals ali 60 cards one at a time to each player even though some players may end up with one more card than the
others. Players arrange the cards in their hands so that any cards with the same number are together.
THE PLAY: The player to the left of the dealer goes first. He asks any other player for one card in any series such as a 5,
but he may ask for a card only if he has in his hand one with the same number. If the other player has the card, he must
give it to the player who asks for it. He may continue to ask for cards one at a time from any player as long as he succeeds
in getting what he asks for. When he fails to get the card asked for, his turn ends and play passes to the left.
Whenever a player gets four cards in his hand of the same series such as four 5's, he has a "book" and he lays these cards
on the table. Play continues until all the books have been made. The player with the most books wins the game.
PATIENCE (For 1 player)
Use four series of cards from 1 to 15. Shuffle them and lay down 4 cards in a row face up. If there are any 1's place them in
a separate row well above the first row. Using the remainder of the pack, turn up one card at a time and build up on the 1's
and down on the other piles. If a card cannot be played in either row, place it face up and begin a stock pile. Play from the
stock pile whenever possible. Likewise, play from the piles in the lower row to the piles in the upper row whenever
possible. You may move one of the piles in the lower row onto another pile in the lower row if the sequence is right. When
this is done, take the next card from the pack and start a new pile. Play only from the top of the stock pile and go through
the pack only once. If you get all the cards onto the 1 piles you win. A player should be able to win once in seven times.
For Children
GO TO THE STORE (For 2, 3 or 4 players)
Use four series of cards 1 to 15. Deal six cards to each player and place the remaining cards in the middle of the table face
down. This is the STORE.
The first player at the dealer's left says to any player he chooses, "Give me all of your fives," or ones, or any other number
he chooses, but he must hold at least one of the numbers asked for in his own hand. If the player asked has any cards of the
number asked for he hands them over and the same player asks again and continues to ask until some player he asks fails to
have any of the cards asked for and replies, "Go to Store." When the player asking draws a card off the top of the store, it is
the next player's turn to ask.
The object of the game is to secure books of four cards all with the same number. As these are completed they are laid
aside. When the Store is exhausted and the books all assembled the one having the greatest number of books wins.
We will be glad to answer inquiries concerning these rules. Address: Parker Brothers, Salem, Massachusetts 01970.
Sorry if there are any typos, if you see one, let me know. Copied for your convenience only.

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