Aao Syllabus PDF
Aao Syllabus PDF
Aao Syllabus PDF
No.A.34012/142/2001/MF.CGA(E)/ —1/c
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
New Delhi-110003.
Subject : Corrigendum to the "Regulations for the Assistant Accounts Officer ( Civil) Examination for
the appointment as Assistant Accounts Officer in Departmentalised Accounts Organisations" 2006.
Please find enclosed herewith Corrigendum No.2 i.e. Amendment - to the "Regulations for the
Assistant Accounts Officer (Civil) Examination for the appointment as Assistant Accounts Officer in
Departmentalised Accounts Organisations" 2006 for information & necessary action.
Yours faithfully
Encl. As above : • s -.
(Chandan Mishra Dwivedi)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts (Exam)
0/0 C4A
Pt 8--- b 1, ■ ?a,c7,3
V4P (Zi_er-y
: No. A-34012/142/2006/Syllabus Review/MF.CGA(E)/115
Subject:- Amendment to Rules, Regulations & Syllabus of the Junior Accounts Officer (Civil)
Consequent upon the redesignation of the merged cadre of Junior Accounts Officer and
Assistant Accounts Officer as "Assistant Accounts Officer" vide this office O.M. No.A-
60015/1/2008/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/Pay Comm/29 dated 2.06.2009, the Junior Accounts Officer
(Civil) Examination will henceforth be called the "Assistant Accounts Officer (Civil)
Examination". Accordingly, the words "Junior Accounts Officer (Civil) Examination",
wherever they appear in the Rules, Regulations & Syllabus of the Junior Accounts Officer
(Civil) Examination effective from the year 2006, shall be replaced with the words "Assistant
Accounts Officer (Civil) Examination". Further references to "JAO" and "Junior Accounts
Officer" in the said Rules, Regulations & Syllabus may be treated as references to" d
"Assistant Accounts Officer" respectively.
( M. aran )
Jt. Controller General of Accounts
34012/142/2006/Syllabus Review/MF.CGA(E)/ 6. 8
Dated: - 04.08.2008.
Subject:- Amendment to Rules, Regulations & Syllabus of the Junior Accounts Officer (Civil)
Examination. •
Reference is invited to Para 4.1 of the Regulation for the Junior Accounts Officer
(Civil) Examination for appointment as Junior Accounts Officers in the Departinentalised
Accounts Organisation effective from the year 2006. The Controller General of Accounts has
approved the following amendments to the said Para:
(a) In the said Para, in line 3, after the words "Stenographers Grade II and Grade-I", the
words "Caretaker in the Institute of Government Accounts & Finance" and in line 9,
after the words "Central Civl Accounts Service (Stenographer Grade —I) Recruitment
Rules, 2000", the words "Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure (Institute of
Government Accounts and Finance), Caretaker Recruitment Rules, 1996" may be
"Note:- In the case of persons who have joined the Central Civil Accounts Service
(CCAS) as Accountants initially on deputation basis and who have been absorbed
subsequently An the said Service in accordance with the provisions contained in the.
Central Civil Accounts Service (Group C) Recruitment Rules relating to the post of
Accountants, the period of three years mentioned in Para 4.1 will be counted from the
date of their joining the CCAS as Accountant on deputation basis. 1-107,vevcr they will
be eligible to appear in the Examination only it - they havc passed the Dep9,eftreriiral-. %
Confir,natory Examination for Accountants on the date their names ar('sponsored
by the concerned PrCCAJCCA/CA.
• (ivtt-Sild h a ran )
it. Controller (rjeniA•al of Accounts
To .
(1) All Pr.CCAs/kAs/CAs
(2) Director instituteof Government Accounts & Finance (INGAF), New Delhi.
I 1,
N.s• _ . W'')
V-Vb PvtiA
• • •
.° 1( • .
1 ;.,.
Dated: -22.11.2007.
Ministry of
New Delhi.
Please find enclosed a corrigendum issued in respect of Rule 7 " Result/Pass marks"
on the above subject. The corrigendum is effective from the JAO(C) Examination to be
conducted from 2007 onwards. All others provisions concerning the regulation for Junior
Accounts Officer (Civil) Examination for appointment of Junior Accounts Officers in the
Departmentalised Accounts Organisations remains unaltered. The above corrigendum may be
brought to the notice of all.eoncemed.
( 0. R. Ranganathan )
r. Accounts Officer (Exam)
Corrigendum No. 1 to the "Regulation for the Junior Accounts
Officer (Civil) Examination for the Appointment as Junior
Accounts Officer in Departmentalised Accounts Organisation
effective from 2006".
A candidate who has passed all 8 papers and also qualifies the examination on
Computers will be declared as passed and will be eligible for promotion as Junior
Accounts Officer. In order to pass in a Paper a candidate should secure a minimum of
50% marks, where upon he/she will also be exempt from reappearing in that paper. For
SC/ST candidatesthe pass mark will be 45%".
No. A-34012/142/2006/J.A.0 (C)/ Syllabus Review/MF CGA (E)/43
Min./Deptt. of
New Delhi.
Sir/ Madam,
End: as above
Yours faithfully,
e. 1)44,4
(Renu. C. Deshpande)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Expenditure
Office of the Controller General of Accounts
Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi
1■ -,4
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
— a_ -
Grade -I) Recruitment Rules 2000, respectively who have rendered a minimum
service of three years in their grades as on 1 st October of the year of
Examination will be eligible for taking part in the examination. In respect of
persons transferred from other organisations the service rendered in the relevant
grade prior to the transfer shall also be included.
4.2 Candidates would be required to pass all the 8 papers along with the
course and examination on Computer Concepts within a period of 12 successive
examinations conducted by the Controller General Accounts commencing from
of his/her first appearance under the new regulation in order to be eligible for
promotion as Junior Accounts Officer. The period of 12 successive
examination will include any examination in respect of which the candidate has
been allowed to withdraw his candidature under Paragraph 6.
Note:- In respect of candidates who have appeared under the earlier Regulation
and passed Part-I of the examination or secured an exemption in any subject
under Part-I or Part-II, as indicated in Paragraph 8, the period of 12 successive
examination would be counted from the examination to be held in 2006.
4 N-Nr-Nr\j
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
- 3 --
6.1 While notifying the schedule for receipt of the list of candidates for the
examination the Controller General of Accounts may at his discretion prescribe
a date before which a candidate may be permitted by the Pr.CCA/CCAs/CAs/
Heads of Accounting Organisation to withdraw the candidature without
assigning any reason. A consolidated statement of withdrawals giving reference
to the relevant entries in the list of candidates (form CGA/JAE-12) of all the
candidates who have been permitted to withdraw under this clause should be
sent to the Controller General of Accounts on a date which will be specified for
this purpose. Allotment of Index Nos. to the candidates would be taken up after
the receipt of this list from the Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs etc. A 'NIL' statement
should invariably be sent if no such cases has arisen. Candidates included in the
consolidated statement of withdrawals will not be given Index Nos. and no
candidate will be permitted to appear for the examination after being permitted
to withdraw the candidature.
Additional Controller General of Accounts
6.3 Within a week after the examination is concluded, a final list indicating
the names & Index Nos of candidates who have been permitted by the
Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs/Heads of Accounting Organisation to withdraw their
candidature under this clause should be forwarded to Controller General of
Accounts (A 'Nil' statement is required if no such case has arisen). This
information will be utilised by the Controller General of Accounts at the time of
publication of results of the Examination wherein such candidates will be
marked 'withdrawn' in the result sheet.
A candidate who has passed all 8 papers and also qualifies the
examination on Computers will be declared as Passed and will be eligible for
promotion as Junior Accounts Officer. In order to pass in a paper a candidate
should secure 55% (50% in the case of Paper-1 and Paper-4) where upon
he/she will be exempt from reappearing in that paper. For SC/ST candidates the
pass mark will be 50% (45% in the case of Paper-1 and Paper-4).
, f, f, f, f,„
.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
9.3 Lecturers shall be entitled to purchase one set of books prescribed for the
paper concerning them out of the respective office contingencies. They shall
also be entitled to reimbursement of conveyance charges from office to the
place of lecture hall as otherwise admissible under the rules for performance of
official duties.
9.6 Where joint training classes have been held, the Co-ordinating
Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs shall certify the number of lectures delivered by each
PA0s/JA0s etc. participating in the training programme to the respective Pr.
CCAs/CCAs/CAs holding administrative control to enable them to accord
necessary sanction and arrange payment of the honorarium out of their
respective office funds.
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
-6 -
• Question papers on all the subject prescribed under the Junior Accounts
Officer (Civil) Examination Regulation,2006 will be bilingual i.e. both in Hindi
and English. Candidates may answer particular paper in its entirety either in
Hindi or English. However, they will not be allowed to answer a particular
question paper partly in Hindi and partly in English. Option of the candidates
for answering a paper in Hindi or English is not required.
12.3 Candidates would have to provide themselves with the books at their own
cost and are also forewqrned that they would be using these books at their own
risk. Controller General of Accounts is not responsible with regard to the
accuracy or completeness of the publications.
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Travelling allowance as on tour but without any allowance for halt may
be allowed under S. R. 132 to outstation candidates for the journeys between
their Headquarters and the place at which they appear for the Junior Accounts
Officer (Civil) Examination conducted by the Controller General of Accounts.
The T. A. claim will be restricted to what would be admissible for journey to
and from the Examination Centre which is nearest to the station of posting of
the candidate.
15.1. The candidates appearing for the Junior Accounts Officer (Civil)
Examination under the new Regulation and also those candidates who have to
appear only in the paper on Computer System of the old syllabus will have to
enroll themselves for the 'Course on Computer Concepts' (CCC) with the
accredited institutes of DOEACC Society and qualify the CCC Exam conducted
by the Society. Qualifying the CCC exam conducted by DOEACC Society is
mandatory for promotion as Junior Accounts Officer.
15.2 The list of accredited institutes of the DOEACC Society to which the
Junior Accounts Officer (Civil) examination candidates will get enrolled, obtain
training and appear the CCC examination will be circulated separately.
15.3 The cost of initial training of the candidates will be borne by the ministry
from which the candidate would be appearing for the examination.The
Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CsA etc are required to make necessary provision of funds to
meet the expenditure of the training of the candidate. The schedule of fees to be
paid to the accredited institute would be intimated separately. The DOEACC
Society will be charging an examination fee (currently Rs.340.00) for each
appearance in the CCC exam after training. The Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs etc will
bear the cost of examination fee for each candidate not more than twice. The
cost of examination fee for subsequent attempts, due to failure/ absence, will be
borne by the respective candidates and will be remitted by the candidates
directly to the DOEACC Society.
15.4 The DOEACC Society are currently conducting the exams for the CCC
course thrice in a calendar year i.e January, May & September. However, the
Junior Accounts Officer (Civil) examination are currently held once in a year.
Accordingly the candidates . o qualify the CCC exam of DOEACC upto the
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
September batch each year, as per the schedule of DOEACC, will be considered
for promotion as Junior Accounts Officer and will be included as a passed
candidate of the J.A.0 (Civil) examination for that year. (provided the
candidates have qualified the other 8 papers).
15.5 The candidates would be free to take the required training and the CCC
examination at any time during the year.
16.2 The Controller General of Accounts shall have the authority to add to or
alter the list of categories eligible to appear in the examination as also the other
eligibility conditions in respect of the examination.
16.3 The Controller General of Accounts shall have the authority to exempt
any candidate possessing specified educational or professional qualification
from appearing in any paper or papers in the examination.
16.4 The Controller Generatof Accounts shall have the authority to vary, relax
or modify any of the regulations, conditions and procedures of the examination
for a specified class / group of persons.
16.5 The Controller General of Accounts shall have the authority to vary, relax
any of the regulations, conditions and procedures in the examination.
16.6 In all the matters relating to the Examination, the decision of the
Controller General of Accounts shall be final.
16.7 These Regulations would supercede all previous Regulations issued with
regard to the conduct of the Junior Accounts Officer (Civil) Examination.
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Syllabus content:-
1. This paper would be set in Hindi as well as in English language
and candidates would have an option to select one of them. For the
grammar portion in the Hindi paper questions will be set to test the
ability of the ordinarily used words in official work. A question requiring
the candidate to translate a passage from English to Hindi language
containing official/technical terms will also be given (in lieu of the
paragraph writing prescribed for the English paper)
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Paper No. 2-Service Rules
Syllabus content:-
1 Swamy's Compilation of FRSR Part-l- General Rules( excepting the portion on
Govt. residences covered under Section 26 to 28 of S.R)
1. Books will be allowed to the candidates for answering this paper.
2. The candidates would be expected to answer in a clear and cogent manner
and invite reference to the relevant provisions of Rules (wherever
3. The paper would also contain objective type questions. This section
would not carry negative marking
4. The following books would be permitted for use in the examination hall.
(a) Chaudri's Compilation of CSR.
(b) Swamy's Compilation of FRSR Part-II General Rules.
(c) Swamy's Compilation of FRSR Part-II Travelling Allowances.
(d) Swamy's Compilation of CCS Pension Rules.
(e) Swamy's Compilation of FRSR Part-III Leave Rules
(f) Swamy's Compilation of Central Civil Services-Leave Travel Concession
(g) Swamy's Compilation of General Provident Fund Rules.
(h) Swamy's Compilation of Group Insurance Schemes 1980.
(i) Swamy's Compilation on Re-employment of Pensioners (Civilians and
(j) Department of Economic Affairs and CGA's orders on Defined
Contributory Pension Scheme
(k) Swamy's Compilation of Medical Attendance Rules
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Paper No. 3 - Accounting Procedure
Syllabus content:
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Syllabus content:-
4. Rules & Procedures and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha Ninth Edition,
Chapter XIX
1. This paper will be set in Hindi and English languages and candidate will
have an option to select either of them.
2. From the parts of the Constitution prescribed above, questions on
matters such as manner of elections, conditions for eligibility of
election, qualifications, • rocedural details, jurisdiction of court etc. will
be excluded. tOk ‘
.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
3. The paper would contain objective type question. This section would
not carry negative marking.
4. The following Books will be permitted for use in the examination hall
(a) Constitution of India
(b) Swamy's Compilation of General Financial Rules,2005 incorporating
Compendium of Rules and Advances to Government Servants. Or
(c) Nabhi's Compilation of General Financial Rules,2005 and Compendium of
Rules on Advances to Govt. Servants-2006
(d) Swamy's Compilation of DFPR
(e) FRBM Act and FRBM Rules-2004
(f) Rules and procedures and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha - Ninth
(g) Contingency Fund of India Rules 1952
(h) Contingency Fund of India Act.
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Paper No. 5 - Specialised Account Rules and Office Management
1. Manual for Collection of Revenue and Payment of Refund etc and their
accounting in the formations under the Central Board of Excise and Customs.
2. System of Accounting for Direct Taxes - Receipts and Refunds.
3. Compendium on Advances to Government Servants.
4. Suspense Manual
5. CCS (Conduct) Rules.
6. CCS (CCA) Rules
7. Manual of Office Procedure
8. DDO Manual
9. Accounting for External and Internal Debt
10. Budgeting and Accounting of externally aided projects (Chapter-10 of GFR-
1. Books will be allowed to the candidates while answering this paper.
2. The paper would contain theoretical and practical questions.
3. The paper would also contain objective type questions. This section
would not carry negative marking.
4. The candidates would be expected to answer in a clear and cogent
manner and invite reference to the relevant provisions of the Rules
(wherever applicable).
5. The following books would be permitted for use in the examination hall
(a) Manual for Collection of Revenue and Payment of Refund etc and their
accounting in the formation under the Central Board of Excise and
Customs.- issued by Ministry of Finance, Dept of Revenue, Central Board
of Excise & Customs
(b) System of Accounting for Direct Taxes Receipts and Refunds issued by
Directorate of Income Tax (Research Statistics, Publication & Public
(c) Swamy's Compilation of General Financial Rules 2005 Incorporating
Compendium of Rules on Advances to Government Servants. OR Nabhi's
Compilation of General Financial Rules,2005 and Compendium of Rules on
Advances to Govt. Servants
(d) Suspense Manual (First Edition) issued by Controller General of Accounts
(e) Swamy's Compilation of Conduct Rules.
(f) Swamy's Compilation of GCS CCA Rules.
(g) Manual of Office Procedure (Diglot) issued by DOP & T or Swamy's Manual
on Office Procedure.
(h) Manual of Drawing and Disbursing Officers issued by Controller General of
(i) Quality Manual on Aid, Accounts & Audit Division (AAAD), Dept. of
Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance.
(j) Manual of Rupee Loan Sections, Office of the AGCR
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
No. 6 - Public Works Accounts
Paper No.
3. The paper would also contain objective type questions. This section
would not carry negative marking
5. The following Books would be permitted for use in the examination hall
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Paper No. 7 -Procurement, Supply Accounts and Internal Audit and Control
Syllabus content:-
1. DGS&D Manual
2. General Conditions of Contract - Published by DGS & D.
3. (a) Central Govt. Accounts (Receipts & Payments) Rules, 1983. Part - Ill
Section IV- Purchase of Stores.
(b) General Financial Rules - 2005 (Chapter-6,7 & 8).
4. Supply Accounts Manual (Second Edition 1997)
5. The Indian Contract Act, 1872
6. The Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
7. The Limitation Act.1963
Internal Audit and Control (35 Marks)
8. Inspection Code issued by Controller General of Accounts (1982 Edition)
9 Internal Audit .
(i) Concepts ,Objectives, Principles and Techniques of auditing
(ii) Types of Audit
(iii) Internal Control System
(iv) Sampling in auditing
(v) Auditing in an EDP environment
(vi) Government Audit
(vii) Verification of Assets
(viii) Audit of special Institutions
1. Book will be allowed to the candidates for answering this paper.
2. This Paper will contain theoretical and practical questions
3. The paper would also contain objective type questions. This section
would not carry negative marking.
4. The candidates would be expected to answer in a clear and cogent
manner and invite reference to the relevant provisions of the Rules
(wherever applicable).
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
5. The following would be permitted for use in the examination hall
(i) DGS&D Manual published by Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals.
(ii) Conditions of Contract Governing Contracts Placed by the Central Purchase
Organisation of the Government of India (Now Under Department of Supply)
(iii) Swamy"s Compilation of Central Government Account Receipts and Payments
(iv) Swamy's Compilation General Financial Rules 2005 Incorporating
Compendium of Rules on Advances to Government Servants.
(v) Nabhi's Compilation of General Financial Rules,2005 and Compendium of
Rules on Advances to Govt. Servants
(vi) Supply Accounts Manual Second Edition - 1997 issued by the Chief Controller
of Accounts, Department of Supply, New Delhi.
(vii) The Limitation Act, 1963 (Bare Act).
(viii) The Indian Contract Act-1872 (Bare Act)
(ix) The Central Sales Tax Act-1956. (Bare Act)
(x) Inspection Code by the Controller General of Accounts (1982 Edition)
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Paper No. 8 Commercial & Management Accounts (Without Books)
Syllabus content:-
3. Financial Statements:
(i) Measurement of Income
(ii) Profit & Loss Account, Adjustment entries.
(iii) Balance Sheet
(iv) Analysis of Financial Statement - Ratio Analysis, Fund Flow and Cash Flow
5. Accounting Standards
(i) Frame work for the preparation and presentation of financial statement
(ii) Brief overview of the Indian Accounting Standards for the topics under 3 & 4
7. Management Accounting
(i) Basics of Cost Accounting.
(ii) Prime Cost
(iii) Overheads
(iv) Cost Accounting Records
(v) Marginal Costing & Decision Making
(vi) Budgetary Control
11 '0
fe‘ •
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
—19 -
1. The paper would also contain objective type questions. This section
would not carry negative marking.
1 Study notes of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India specially
prepared for the Junior Accounts Officer (Civil) Examination.
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
2-0 -
Syllabus : The current Syllabus prescribed by DOEACC Society for their CCC
Exam[as downloaded from their website] is as follows. The syllabus could vary
from time to time as may be notified by the Society The candidates would be
covered by the syllabus prevalent at the time they appear in the examination.
For further information on the detailed syllabus, guidelines, sample questions
on theory paper etc the candidates are advised to log on to DOEACC website
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction to computer
1.1 What is computer?
1. Characteristics of Computers
2. Basic Applications of Computer
1.2 Components of Computer System
1. Central Processing Unit(CPU)
2. VDU, Keyboard and Mouse
3. Other input/output Devices
4. Computer Memory
5. Concepts of Hardware and Software.
1.3 Classifications of computers
1.4 Representation of data/Information concepts of data processing
1. Definition of Information and data
2. Basic data types
3. Storage of data/Information as files
2. Introduction to Windows
2.1 What is an operating system and basics of Window?
2.2 The User Interface
1. Using Mouse and Moving Icons on the screen
2. The My Computer Icon
3. The Recycle Bin
4. Status Bar, Start and Menu & Menu-selection
5. Running an Application
6. Windows Explorer Viewing of File, Folders and Directories
7. Creating and Renaming of files and folders
8. Opening and closing of different Windows
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
4.6 Formatting the Text
1. Changing font, Size and Color
2. Paragraph indenting
3. Bullets and Numbering
4. Use of Tab and Tab setting
5. Changing case
4.7 Handling Multiple Documents
1. Opening and closing of Multiple documents
2. Cut, Copy and Paste across the documents
3. Saving of Clip boards
4.8 Table Manipulation
1. Concept of table: Rows Columns and Cells
2. Draw Table
3. Changing cell Width and Height
4. Alignment of Text in Cell
5. Copying of cell
6. Delete/insertion of row and columns
7. Borders for Table
4.9 Printing
1. Printing
2. Print Preview
3. Print a selected page
5. Spread Sheet
5.1 Elements of Electronics Spread Sheet
1. Application/usage of Electronic Spread Sheet
2. Opening of Spread Sheet
3. The menu bar
4. Creation of cells and addressing of cells
5. Cell inputting
5.2 Manipulation of cells
1. Enter texts numbers and dates
2. Creation of tables
3. Cell Height and Widths
4. Copying of cells
5.3 Providing Formulas
1. Using basic functions/formalism a cell
2. Sum() function
3. Average°
4. Percentage
5. Other basic functions
5.4Spread sheets for Small accountings
1. Maintaining invoices/budgets
2. Totaling of various transactions
3. Maintaining daily and monthly sales reports
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Additional Controller General of Accounts
9.2 Creation of Presentation
1. Title
2. Text Creation
3. Fonts and Sizes
4. Bullets and indenting
5. Moving to Next Slide
9.3 Preparation of Slides
1. Selection of type of Slides
2. Importing text from word documents
3. Moving to next Slide
4. The Slide manager
9.4 Providing aesthetics
1. Slide Designs
2. Background and Text colors
3. Making your own slide format
4. Footnotes and slide numbering
9.5 Slide Manipulation and Slide Show
9.6Presentation of the Slides
1. Using the Slide Show
2. Printing the Slides and Handouts
3. Slide sorter
4. Title sorter
IYFA‘NTNrNfj\ --/V
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
Ministry of Finance
Dept. of Expenditure
Office of the Controller General of Accounts
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts
3 gs,
I I'
C.R. Sundaramurti
Additional Controller General of Accounts