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Current Injection System: Features

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Current Injection System
 Clear and simple user interface
 0-100A output current
 Current limit mode for fine current control
 True RMS metering with single cycle
capture memory ammeter
 Multi-function auto-ranging timing system
 Auxiliary DC and AC output
 Large back-lit liquid crystal display
 Thermal and over-current protection
 Compact and portable
 Automatic mains voltage selection

The 100ADM mk4 provides commissioning and maintenance The unit has a range of outputs allowing injection of currents as low
engineers with a flexible system for testing protective systems. It as a few mA and as high as 100A. Voltages up to 240V are
has an easy to understand panel layout and a simple user interface. available allowing high impedance current relays and voltage relays
The status of every function can be seen at a glance, and there are to be tested. Four true RMS metering ranges are provided, and the
no complex menus to navigate. full scale of the meter (and trip level) can be set independently of
output tap. Industry standard safety connectors are used on all
The 100ADM mk4 keeps the familiar user interface of previous
inputs and outputs for convenience, reliability and safety.
models but adds a new metering system that accurately measures
the RMS of a single cycle. It also features a new current limit mode A very flexible two channel timing system is provided, allowing trip
to provide very fine control of low currents, even into low impedance times, reset times and reclose times to be quickly measured to a
loads. Current limit mode also assists in testing self-powered high degree of accuracy. The timer auto-ranges to measure from
overcurrent protection as fitted to many 11kV ring main units. 1ms to 99999.9s.

The back-lit display on the 100ADM mk4 is bright and

clear with a wide viewing angle. The results of a test can
be seen here as they appear on the display.

A 24-220VDC switch-mode stabilised DC supply with current limiting The outputs of the 100ADM mk4 are well protected. The main
is provided to power the relay under test. An isolated, separately output is protected by overcurrent, duty cycle and thermal trips. The
switched 110VAC auxiliary supply is also provided. auxiliary dc supply is protected by a current limit, and the auxiliary
AC supply is fuse protected.

100ADM mk4 Applications

IEEE no. Type IEEE no. Type
27/59 Under/over voltage 79 Auto recloser
37 Undercurrent 86 Lockout relay
50/76 Instantaneous overcurrent 94 Tripping relay
Ground fault relay 90V Voltage regulating relay
51 IDMT overcurrent relay Miniature circuit breakers
59G Neutral voltage displacement Circuit breakers for
67 Directional overcurrent (basic equipment
tests) Thermal relays

100ADM mk4 Specification
Main Output Timing System
The main output on the unit has four taps, allowing the selection of Range 0-999.999s/9999.99s/99999.9s autoranging
output voltages up to 240V and output currents up to 100A. Resolution 1/10/100ms
Accuracy 0.01%rdg+2d (+4d current operated mode)
Current Output @230V Contact o/c 24V
Cont 5 min* 1 min* O/C Load V Contact s/c 20mA
Vdc 24—240V
10V 33A 67A 100A 10.5V 8.7V@100A
Each contact circuit will auto-select for normally open or normally
35V 10A 20A 30A 36V 32V@30A
closed contacts. A DC voltage of 24—240VDC may also be used to
100V 3A 6A 10A 108V 99V@10A trigger either timer channel. Contact state is shown by an LED. The
240V 1A 2A 3A 276V 259V@3A output automatically switches off at the end of the test to safeguard
the relay under test.
240Vdc 1A 2A 3A
*Off time of 15 minutes. On times based on an ambient temperature of 25°C. Mode Timer Start Timer Stop
Internal start Press ‘ON’ C1 or C2 change
I Limit Mode
The main output has a current limit mode that gives very fine control 1 contact C1 1st change C1 2nd change
of output currents up to 10A. It also allows fine current control into 2 contacts C1 change C2 change
very low impedance loads such as digital relays. Current > 10% of Current < 10% of
Current operated
metering range metering range
Current (A) Output V @230V
Range Pulse Press ‘ON’ 200ms
Short Cont. 5 min 2 min O/C Load V
Pulse mode is used for setting the current level in devices sensitive
10V 10A 3A 6A 10A 8.6V 5V@5A to heating. Current is injected for 200ms.
35V 3A 1A 2A 3A 29V 13V@2A RS232 and T&R Link
100V 1A 0.3A 0.6A 1A 88V 40V@0.6A An RS232 port is provided to allow connection to a PC or a printer.
The T&R Link output allows a T&R DVS3 mk2 voltage source to
240V 0.3A 0.1A 0.2A 0.3A 224V 130V@0.2A
phase lock to the 100ADM mk4 current.

Auxiliary AC and DC Outputs Protection and Safety

A switched, isolated auxiliary DC supply with current limit protection The unit is designed to comply with BSEN61010 and is CE marked.
is available to power the relay under test, and a 110Vac auxiliary An earth terminal is provided for connection to a local earth for
output is available for tests. testing in sub-station environments.

DC stabilised output 24V, 48V, 60V 1.0A Dimensions Weight

110V, 220V 0.23A 560mm x 456mm x 265mm 23.9kg
Fixed AC output 110Vac 300mA
Temperature Range
Metering Storage -20°C to 60°C Operating 0°C to 45°C
The output is metered by a digital true RMS system with a single
cycle capture memory ammeter—whenever the timer stops and the Lead Set specifications
The 100ADM mk4 is supplied with a lead set consisting of:
output is switched off, the reading is held on the display. A current
2 x 5m 25mm2 100A leads terminated in M10 ring crimps
trip is set to 110% of full scale of the selected metering range.
2 x 5m, 2 x 0.5m 2.5mm2 25A leads terminated in 4mm plugs
Trip Acquisition 1 x 5m 2 core 0.75mm2 lead terminated in 4mm plugs
Range Resolution Accuracy
current time Accessories
2.000A 0.001A 2.2A ±0.5%rdg±5d 20ms Operating manual, output lead set, mains lead and spare fuses.

10.00A 0.01A 11A ±0.5%rdg±5d 20ms Optional Accessories

20.00A 0.01A 22A ±0.5%rdg±5d 20ms 100ADM-F Filter unit, RB10 resistor box, Printer, pushbutton lead
for runback timing on disc induction relays.
100.0A 0.1A 110A ±0.5%rdg±5d 20ms

Supply Requirements
115/230V±10% auto-selecting 50/60Hz 1ph 1200VA max

Note: Due to the company’s continuous research programme, the information above may change at any time without prior notification. Please check that you have the most recent data on the product.
T&R Test Equipment Ltd, 15-16 Woodbridge Meadows, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1BJ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1483 207428 Fax: +44 (0)1483 511229 email: sales@trtest.com

8 www.trtest.com 100ADM mk4 Data Sheet Rev 2 11/11/14

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