Supreme Court of Florida
Supreme Court of Florida
Supreme Court of Florida
TALLAHASSEE – The Florida Supreme Court has issued an order establishing a supervised
practice program that will let some applicants for the August 2020 Bar exam work in the law
during the pandemic under supervision of licensed attorneys.
The program will last until 30 days after the results of the February 2021 Bar exams are released.
It creates a way for applicants to work despite delays caused by pandemic conditions and online
testing failures.
Under the order, the Florida Board of Bar Examiners will establish the supervised practice
program by the end of August. The court order outlines the application procedure and provides
that each applicant’s supervising attorney assumes professional responsibility for all services
The Florida Supreme Court ordered the creation of this temporary program after an online testing
system developed due to COVID-19 pandemic conditions failed, causing the current delay. The
Florida Board of Bar Examiners currently is working on details of a rescheduled exam to be
administered in October.
Supreme Court of Florida
No. AOSC20-80
pandemic, the Governor of Florida has declared a state of emergency for the entire
state, and the State Surgeon General and State Health Officer have declared a
Bar, members of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners (“board”), and the board’s
WHEREAS Rules 4-11, 4-12, and 4-13 of the Rules Regulating Admissions
to the Bar require all applicants to pass the General Bar Examination before they
requires the board to administer the General Bar Examination in February and July
every year; and
social distancing guidelines required the postponement of the July 2020 General
cancelled because of technical difficulties with the software platform chosen for
WHEREAS the Court recognizes the severe hardship these delays have
caused Bar applicants who have been preparing for the bar exam for months; and
the delays through institution of a supervised practice program the Court has
article V, section 15 of the Florida Constitution, and the authority conferred upon
established, under which applicants to The Florida Bar who were registered to take
the July 2020 General Bar Examination may practice law under supervision on a
I. Definitions.
to become a member of The Florida Bar to the Florida Board of Bar Examiners and
was issued a ticket of admission to the July 2020 General Bar Examination.
been certified by the board as meeting the requirements, as set forth in paragraph
III below, for being allowed to practice law under supervision as provided in this
Administrative Order.
standing who is eligible to practice law in Florida, who has maintained that status
for at least 5 years, and who does not have any pending discipline posted in the
same law firm, state attorney, public defender, legal aid organization, or state
Temporary Supervised Practice Program, a 2020 Bar Applicant must meet the
following requirements:
A. Has graduated from an ABA-accredited law school.
practice law and in good standing in a United States jurisdiction other than Florida.
States jurisdiction, has been certified by the dean of the applicant’s law school as
being of good character and competent legal ability and such certification has not
G. Has certified in writing that he or she has read and is familiar with the
III. Application for Temporary Supervised Practice and Certification.
Supervised Practice Program shall submit to the Florida Board of Bar Examiners
prepare and make available an application form by August 31, 2020, to be used by
B. The board shall review the ATSP and if the applicant meets the
the ATSP, and file a certification stating such with the Clerk of the Supreme Court.
terms of this Administrative Order upon receiving notice that the board has
approved the ATSP and the required certification has been filed with the clerk of
the Court.
IV. Supervision.
all services provided by the Supervised Practice Participant, and for the quality of
the practice participant’s work, and shall assist in the practice participant’s
preparation to the extent the Supervising Attorney considers it necessary.
V. Services.
Officer. A Supervised Practice Participant may appear in any court or before any
appearing has indicated in writing consent to the appearance and the Supervising
Attorney also has indicated in writing approval of that appearance. In all cases, the
Supervising Attorney shall be present when required by the court or administrative
tribunal. The court or administrative tribunal shall determine the extent of the
Supervised Practice Participant may appear in any criminal matter on behalf of the
state with the written approval of the state attorney or the attorney general and of
the Supervising Attorney. In such cases, the Supervising Attorney shall be present
when required by the court. The court or administrative tribunal shall determine
tribunal in any civil matter on behalf of the state, state officers, or state agencies or
a full-time legal staff, with the written approval of the attorney representing the
state, state officer, state agency, municipality, or county. The approving attorney
must supervise the practice participant and must be present when required by the
proceeding in which the Supervised Practice Participant makes an appearance as
consent and approval shall be filed in the record of the case and shall be brought to
the attention of the judge of the court or the presiding officer of the administrative
matter in which the Supervised Practice Participant is eligible to appear, but such
in appellate courts of this state, but such documents must be signed by the
Supervising Attorney.
other persons who request such assistance in preparing applications for and
counsel in the matter is required by any constitutional provision, statute, or rule of
this Court. If there is an attorney of record, all such assistance must be supervised
by the attorney of record, and all documents submitted to the court on behalf of
oral argument in appellate courts, but only in the presence of the Supervising
Attorney. The appellate court shall determine the extent of the practice
services under this Administrative Order is not authorized to open her or his own
V. Compensation.
compensation or remuneration of any kind directly from the client on whose behalf
participant also may not negotiate a fee agreement or be a party to a fee agreement.
This paragraph shall not prevent a Supervising Attorney, law firm, state attorney,
public defender, legal aid organization, or state officer or governmental entity from
paying compensation to the practice participant (nor shall it prevent any of the
foregoing from making such charge for services).
practice under this with Administrative Order expires within 30 days after the
board releases results for the February 2021 General Bar Examination.
practice under this Administrative Order will remain in effect if the practice
participant opts not to take or is unsuccessful on the bar examination offered by the
his or her responses to the Florida Bar Application current, complete, and correct
by filing timely amendments to the application. See Fla. Bar Admiss. R. 3-14.4. If
the board determines that a Supervised Practice Participant has engaged in conduct
that requires further investigation under Rule 3-11 of the Rules Regulating
Admissions to the Bar, the board may investigate the conduct and notify the clerk
based on that investigation or upon learning that the practice participant no longer
meets all of the qualification requirements, the board shall give the practice
participant and the clerk of the Court written notification of the withdrawal of the
board’s certification.
D. A law school dean who has certified the good character and
certification; and, if the dean does so, the dean must promptly notify the clerk of
to practice under this Administrative Order at any time without notice or hearing
and without any showing of cause. Notice of the termination shall be filed with the
clerk of the Court and provided to the board and the practice participant.
AOSC20-80 8/24/2020
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady
AOSC20-80 8/24/2020
AOSC20-80 8/24/2020
John A. Tomasino, Clerk of Court
AOSC20-80 8/24/2020