Dioxin Formation and Control in A Gasification - Melting Plant
Dioxin Formation and Control in A Gasification - Melting Plant
Dioxin Formation and Control in A Gasification - Melting Plant
DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3104-4
Received: 14 January 2014 / Accepted: 26 May 2014 / Published online: 5 June 2014
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Abstract We investigated dioxin formation and removal in a compounds for plant monitoring was further evaluated. The
commercial thermal waste treatment plant employing a gasi- levels of these surrogates did not exceed values corresponding
fication and melting process that has become widespread in to 0.1 ng TEQ/m3N dioxins established from former tests. This
the last decade in Japan. The aim was to clarify the possibility further substantiated that surrogate measurement therefore can
of dioxin formation in a process operation at high tempera- well reflect dioxin levels.
tures and the applicability of catalytic decomposition of di-
oxins. Also, the possible use of dioxin surrogate compounds Keywords Catalytic bag filter . Catalytic decomposition .
for plant monitoring was further evaluated. The main test Dioxin formation . Incineration plant . Gasification and
parameter was the influence of changes in the amount and melting process . Surrogate organic halogen compounds
type of municipal solid waste (MSW) supplied to the thermal
waste treatment plant which from day to day operation is a
relevant parameter also from commercial perspective. Here Introduction
especially, the plastic content on dioxin release was assessed.
The following conclusions were reached: (1) disturbance of Municipal waste incineration is associated with several im-
combustion by adding plastic waste above the capability of portant environmental problems related to combustion and
the system resulted in a considerable increase in dioxin con- discharge of residue. In addition to the emission of inorganic
tent of the flue gas at the inlet of the bag house and (2) bag air pollutants such as hydrochloric acid and nitrogen oxides
filter equipment incorporating a catalytic filter effectively (NOx) or heavy metals, also hazardous organic
reduced the gaseous dioxin content below the standard of micropollutants such as polychlorinated dibenzo-para-di-
0.1 ng toxic equivalency (TEQ)/m3N, by decomposition and oxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs),
partly adsorption, as was revealed by total dioxin mass bal- and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) (together
ance and an increased levels in the fly ash. Also, the possible referred as dioxins in this paper) are of concern and have
use of organohalogen compounds as dioxin surrogate attracted a great deal of attention. Historically high levels of
emissions from hazardous waste incinerators (Holmes et al.
1994, 1998; Liem et al. 1991; Malisch et al. 1999) but also
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues
municipal waste incinerators (Takeda and Takaoka 2013) have
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article resulted in the contamination of surrounding soils via atmo-
(doi:10.1007/s11356-014-3104-4) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users. spheric deposition of dioxins or releases from wet scrubbers.
Soils have also been polluted by dioxins by the disposal of
K. Kawamoto (*)
contaminated ashes from incineration processes (Holmes et al.
Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama
University, 3-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-8530, 1994, 1998; Pless-Mulloli et al. 2001; Watson 2001; Weber
Japan et al. 2008). Such soil contamination has resulted in the
e-mail: kkawamoto@okayama-u.ac.jp contamination of food products such as meat, milk, or eggs,
whose adulteration through the food chain and the ultimate
H. Miyata
Formerly, Sanki Engineering Co., Ltd., Seiroka Tower, Akashi-cho, exposure to humans highlights the need for an assessment of
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 110-0015, Japan areas around waste incinerators or metal industries known to
14622 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:14621–14628
Materials and methods increase in plastic content, wastes containing plastics from
crushed bulky items such as furniture were added to the usual
Thermal treatment plant investigated MSW at two different rates. These wastes were known to
contain relatively high share of plastic/polymers above
The flow of the incineration plant and the measurement points 20 %, while the precise plastic content was not determined
is shown in Fig. 2. The plant employs a fluidized bed-type because of quantification difficulties at the plant. The bag
gasifier in which the temperature is around 600 °C and a high- filter was operated at a temperature of 190 °C.
temperature melting furnace that is operated at about
1,300 °C. The plant has a capacity of 70 t MSW per day in Flue gas and ash sampling
two systems. The capacity is rather small since this plant was
constructed to serve a small city with a population of about Experiments on gas and ash measurement of dioxins and
62,000. Combustibles in the MSW are first gasified in the related PAHs were conducted in the incineration plant five
gasification reactor by contact with fluidized silica sand. Then, times (once a day for 5 days). Flue gas was sampled both
the mixture of gas, char, and noncombustibles emitted from before and after the bag filter and over a period of 4 h, from
the gasification process is introduced in a gyrating motion into about noon to 1600 h every day. During flue gas measure-
the melting furnace. The gas emitted from the melting process ment, fly ashes were sampled several times from the bottom of
is cooled in two apparatuses by the addition of water. After it the bag filter, and a composite sample was made to ensure a
has been cooled, the flue gas is cleaned in the bag filter and representative sample with an average dioxin content of the
further in the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) equipment. testing period. Dioxin surrogates comprising organic halogen
This bag filter contains a dioxin decomposition catalyst in the compounds such as gaseous chlorobenzenes in the flue gas
fil ter material to degrade semi-volatil e gaseous were also quantified after the bag filter. This surrogate sam-
micropollutants such as dioxins within the dust collection step pling was performed simultaneously by using two methods in
(Babcock-Hitachi 2014). The TiO2-based V2O5 catalyst is order to evaluate the different measurement methodologies.
impregnated into the fabric of the filter at a rate of 500 g/m2 Gas samples were collected by using two kinds of adsorption
of the filter felt. tube sets and then quantified by using different methods. In
this study, monitoring of organic halogens in flue gas samples
after bag filtration has been conducted over the whole series of
Plant operation 5 days of dioxin measurement experiments.
1 40 60 Usual 1,225 –
2 32 68 Usual 1,400 –
3 50 50 Usual 1,490 –
4 40 60 Addition of waste containing a 1,155 10
high percentage of plastics
5 40 60 Addition of waste containing a 1,205 17
high percentage of plastics
at upper limit of designed
MSW municipal solid waste
bromine (O-Br), and those quantified by the latter are referred TEQ/m3N) probably because of post-furnace synthesis during
to as total organic halogens (TOX). gas cooling. All measurements at the outlet of the bag filter
were below 0.1 ng TEQ/m3N with an average mean value of
0.082 ng TEQ/m3N (standard deviation was 0.010 ng TEQ/
Results and discussion m3N), demonstrating that the catalytic filter would be enough
for reaching the 0.1 ng TEQ/m3N regulation limit. The mea-
Dioxin and PAH measurements and their relationship to plant surement study was conducted at 18 months after the thermal
operation waste treatment plant began to operate, and this fact suggests
that the catalytic effect of the bag filter could last long time.
Measurement data for dioxins in flue gas and fly ash are The dioxins were further substantially reduced by the SCR
shown in Table 2. However, the detailed data of PCDD, performed by the catalytic de-NOx system as shown in Fig. 1.
PCDF, and dl-PCB are given in the Online Resource. We The values were finally below 0.01 ng TEQ in the final
found that the concentration of dioxins in the gas at the outlet exhaust to the atmosphere which was in agreement with
of the catalytic bag filter was in each run below 0.1 ng TEQ/ measurements from the operator over the preceding 4 years
m3N with a bag filter inlet concentration of around 2.0 ng (average was 0.0062 ng TEQ/m3N and the standard deviation
TEQ/m3N in runs 1 to 4. Also, levels in the fly ash were quite was 0.0055 ng TEQ/m3N).
low (between 0.11 and 0.24 ng TEQ/g). In run 5, the dioxin Increasing the content of plastic waste with a high calorific
concentrations in the inlet gas (11 ng TEQ/m3N) and in the fly value above the feeding capacity of the thermal waste treat-
ash (3.0 ng TEQ/g) were by far the highest of all runs. ment plant reduced the stability of combustion. From the
The measurements demonstrate that the dioxin decompo- calorific value data for the usual MSW incinerated at the plant
sition catalyst performed very well. The average percentage and from the mixing ratio of the plastic-rich waste in run 5, the
removal of dioxin concentration from the gases in runs 1 to 4 heat value of the waste supplied in this run was roughly
was 94 and 96 % for the toxic equivalent. Although the flue estimated to be about 12,000 kJ/kg. This value was beyond
gas sampling between the gasification and melting step could the designed maximum value for the plant (10,600 kJ/kg).
not be done due to the actual difficulty in the flue gas sam- This was seen with the CO concentrations of run 5 with
pling, the gas entering the bag house was assumed to have 100 ppm, while runs 1 to 4 had CO levels of 26, 9, 30, and
relatively high dioxin concentrations (between 1.7 and 2.3 ng 38 ppm, respectively. These demonstrate that incomplete
combustion occurred especially in run 5. The conditions of Therefore, the PAH concentration at the outlet gas of the bag
run 4 in which a certain amount of high calorific waste fraction filter was low.
has been added were estimated to be roughly equivalent to the
maximum design value. This explains that the CO and dioxin Dioxin mass balance and composition profile
levels in run 4 were similar to those in runs 1 to 3. The changes
in the proportions of air injected before the inlet of the melting The point of mass balance analysis of dioxins around the bag
furnace and at the inlet port did not affect the dioxin concen- filtration process is usually the point at which these com-
tration, as shown in the data from runs 2 and 3 compared with pounds are removed from gas entering the bag filter and
those under the standard conditions of run 1 (Tables 1 and 2). moved to the fly ash collected in the filter (Yasuda et al.
The results of PAH measurements in Table 3 also show a 2009). However, the most marked difference in the measure-
difference between run 5 and other runs. Two points can be ment data in this study was that the catalytic filter efficiently
made. The first is that the total amount of PAHs in the fly ash reduced dioxin concentrations through decomposition at
in run 5 was high (170 ng/g dry), at 6.8 times than in run 1. 190 °C operation compared to the general de-NOx tower
This trend was similar to that with the dioxin data. Four reduction. In this removal, decomposition of gaseous compo-
compounds—phenanthrene, naphthalene, pyrene, and fluo- nents is the basic process that occurs, and the ratio of dioxins
ranthene—predominated. However, the PAH gas concentra- decomposed may differ according to the distribution of flue
tions in run 1 at the inlet of the bag filter were generally higher gas dioxin homologs and congeners between the gaseous and
than those in run 5: For example, the naphthalene concentra- particulate components.
tion was 6,400 ng/m3N at 12 % O2 in run 1 and 3,300 ng/m3N We calculated the mass balances of dioxins around the
in run 5. This result differed from that for the dioxins. The catalytic bag filtering process in runs 1 and 5 (Fig. 3). The
difference in gaseous PAH concentration and fly ash concen- amounts of dioxins in gases and fly ashes were calculated
tration might be explained by the higher adsorption quality of from measured concentrations in those media. The decompo-
fly ash in run 5 with the lower combustion quality. The sition amount was simply calculated as the difference between
removal efficiencies in the bag filter were almost the same the inlet amount and the amounts in the outlet gases and fly
(96.2 % in run 1 and 95.5 % in run 5). These measurement ash combined. The amount of dioxins in the outlet gas in run 1
data show that gaseous PAHs are decomposed with high was only 0.38 μg TEQ/h (3.2 %), compared with 12 μg TEQ/
efficiency by the catalytic filter or catalyst as has been shown h in the inlet gas, while the amount of dioxins in the fly ash
in laboratory experiments (Weber et al. 1999, 2001a, b). was 4.0 μg TEQ/h (33 % of the inlet amount). Therefore, the
Table 3 PAHs in flue gases (ng/m3 N at 12 % O2), with gas removal ratios and fly ash contents (ng/g dry)
Run 1 Run 5
Inlet of BF Fly ash Outlet of BF Removal ratio (%) Inlet of BF Fly ash Outlet of BF Removal ratio (%)
Run 1 Decomposition : 8.1 difference is probably the higher adsorption quality of the fly
ash in run 5 with higher carbon content compared to the other
Inlet :12
runs with better combustion quality.
BF Outlet : 0.38
The fate of dioxins can be discussed on the basis of changes
in the distribution patterns of PCDD/F congeners in the gas
and the fly ash. Figure 4 shows the changes in homolog
Fly ash : 4.0 pattern in runs 1 and 5. The pattern of the inlet gas (gas and
ash) in run 1 shows that the lower chlorinated PCDFs were the
Decomposition : 14 major congeners at standard operation. The flue gas after bag
Run 5
filtration had the same pattern. Similar homolog distributions
were observed in runs 2 to 4. However, the fly ash contained
BF Outlet : 0.54 PCDD constituents at levels similar to those of PCDFs. This
indicates that PCDD remains in fly ash more than PCDF or
PCDD was newly formed on the ash. In contrast, the inlet flue
gas in run 5 was composed of PCDFs consisting mainly of
higher chlorinated congeners but also with relatively small
Fly ash:55
amounts of PCDDs. Although the dioxin pattern in the fly ash
Fig. 3 Mass balance of dioxins around the bag filter (BF) process differed considerably between runs 1 and 5, the distribution
(numbers show dioxin flow rates in μg TEQ/h) pattern in the outlet gas from the catalyst was almost the same.
The reason is that the lower chlorinated PCDFs have a higher
volatility and are mainly present in the gas phase. In addition,
amount decomposed was estimated from these data to be PCDDs are better degraded by catalytic filters compared to
8.1 μg TEQ/h (close to 68 % of inlet amount). Also, the PCDF (Weber et al 2001b).
dioxin amounts in the fly ash from runs 2 to 4 ranged from Examination of the pattern of PCDD/Fs observed in the
17 to 39 % of the amounts in the inlets, indicating that about fly ash of run 5 revealed the predominance of PCDD
one third of the dioxins in the inlet flue gases was adsorbed to congeners—especially the more highly chlorinated
particles and retained in the ash under these operation condi- ones—and was quite different from that of run 1. This
tions. However, for run 5, most of the dioxins were adsorbed finding suggests that formation of highly chlorinated
on to the fly ash: 79 % of the dioxins in the inlet gas were PCDD congeners dominated the fly ash in run 5 during
retained by the fly ash. Therefore, the percentage decomposi- the gas-cooling process between the combustion air pre-
tion of gaseous dioxins decreased for run 5 to 20 %, compared heater and gas cooler under conditions in which the con-
with 61 to 83 % in runs 1 to 4. The major reason for this tact time may have been increased (Fig. 2).
Concentration (ng/m3N@12%O2)
80 200
60 150
40 100
Decompo- 50 Decompo-
20 sition Effluent gas sition
Concentration (ng/m 3N@12%O2)
pC s
O s
xC s
H Fs
Pe D s
P e DF s
CD s
O s
Hp Fs
O s
Hx Ds
Hx Fs
Pe Ds
Pe Fs
Hp D
1.5 1.5
BF 1
CD s
O s
Hp Fs
O s
Hx Ds
Hx Fs
Pe Ds
Pe Fs
CD s
O s
Hp Fs
O s
Hx Ds
Hp D
Hx Fs
Pe Ds
Pe Fs
Hp D
Concentration (ng/g)
Concentration (ng/g)
0.5 50
0 0
CD s
CD s
O s
Hp Fs
O s
Hp Fs
O s
Hx Ds
O s
Hx Ds
Hx Fs
Pe Ds
Pe Fs
Hx Fs
Pe Ds
Pe Fs
Hp D
Run 1 Run 5
Fig. 4 Changes in PCDD/F congener distribution patterns in runs 1 and 5
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:14621–14628 14627
TOX(µg/m3N) 250
concentration of O-Cls was approximately 1 order of magni-
tude higher compared to O-Brs. The range of concentration
changes for both was not very large, indicating that no specific
100 high bromine-containing waste was introduced to the plant
15 0.1
during these measurement campaigns. Moreover, these con-
250 Conclusions
reduced the gaseous dioxin content below 0.1 ng TEQ/ Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law specially controlled
municipal solid waste
m3N, by decomposition and partly adsorption, as was
Ministry of the Environment: National Dioxins Emission Inventory
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