EVS Presentation
EVS Presentation
EVS Presentation
“Environmental Studies”
BCA 1st Year
N Innovation:
Policy Waste Public
Developing Minimization: Awareness:
G Implementation:
E better waste Encouraging Educating people
Enforcing rules and
M management practices that about responsible
guidelines for
E methods reduce waste waste disposal
proper waste
N through and recycling.
management. generation.
T research.
C Monitoring: Keeping track of Resource Recovery: Extracting
waste activities for efficient value from waste, such as energy
O management. generation.
Challenges In Solid
Waste Management
Waste Volume: Managing the increasing volume of waste generated, especially in urban areas, is a
critical challenge. Rapid population growth and urbanization contribute to this problem.
Proper Disposal and Recycling: Ensuring that waste is properly disposed of and recycled is vital for
environmental sustainability. Effective recycling programs and waste segregation at the source are
essential but challenging to implement.
Hazardous Waste Management: Proper handling and disposal of hazardous waste, such as
chemicals and medical waste, are crucial to prevent environmental contamination and health risks.
Public Awareness and Participation: Educating the public about the importance of waste
management, recycling, and responsible disposal is fundamental. Encouraging active citizen
participation is key to the success of waste management programs.
Policy and Regulation: Developing and enforcing stringent policies and regulations related to waste
management, including penalties for improper disposal and incentives for recycling, is essential for
creating a systematic and sustainable waste management approach.
Total Solid Waste Generated In India
Domestic Industrial
Waste waste
Commercial Agricultural
Waste Waste
1. Industrial waste:
Industrial waste refers to any waste materials produced by
manufacturing, mining, construction, or other industrial
processes. It can include hazardous materials, non-hazardous
materials, and byproducts of production. Proper management
and disposal of industrial waste are critical to prevent
environmental pollution.
2. Commercial waste:
Commercial waste is generated by businesses, shops, and
offices. It encompasses various waste types, such as paper,
cardboard, packaging materials, food waste, and general office
waste. Proper disposal and recycling of commercial waste are
essential for maintaining a clean and sustainable environment
3. Domestic waste:
Domestic waste, also known as household waste, is the waste
produced by individuals and families in their daily lives. This
waste can include kitchen scraps, packaging materials, old
clothing, and other items discarded at home. Effective waste
management at the household level includes recycling and
proper disposal.
4. Agricultural waste:
Agricultural waste is generated by farming and related
activities. It can include crop residues, manure, pesticides, and
other agricultural byproducts. Proper management of
agricultural waste is essential for maintaining soil health and
preventing pollution, particularly in rural areas.
Ways/Methods of
Solid Waste
Gunter Pauli