Surah Nabaa
Surah Nabaa
Surah Nabaa
Ayah 1-3
• Earth to live
• Day to earn
• Mountains for stability
• Sun source of light • Grains and vegetation as
• Pairs of creations
• 7 Skies
• Sleep for rest provision
• Rain to produce • Gardens for beauty
• Night for calmness
That's how life came into existence on this earth. Everything that has a beginning
will eventually come to an end. So Allah makes us think….
How an amazing creator can create such an amazing world without a reason?
Why are you in doubt of Allah’s power and think that He can not give life again?
اَلَ ۡم نَ ۡجعَ ِل ۡالَ ۡضۡر َ ِمد ا
َّو َخلَ ۡقنك ُۡم ا َ ۡز َواجا Have We not made the
And We created you in pairs earth a resting place?
People of Hell
People of Jannah
ب ا َ ۡت َضۡرابا
َ َّو َك َوا ِع
And companions of equal age
سابا َ َج َزآء ِم ۡن َّضۡر ِب َك
َ ع َل يَ ۡس َمعُ ۡو َن ِف ۡي َدا لَ ۡـغوا َّو َل ِكذّٰبا
َ طا ٓء ِح
A reward from your Lord, a They will not hear any ill
calculated gift speech or any falsehood there
Ayah 37-38
َ فَ َم ۡن
شا ٓ َء ات َّ َخذَ اِلى َضۡر ِب ٖه َمابا
so who want to take a refuge to his Lord
Ayah 40
Drinking Cheating