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Surah Nabaa

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Surah Al-Naba

Ayah 1-3

Doubt about Day of Judgement

Disbelievers of Makkah were in doubt and
questioning about the reality of the Day of
Would it really happen or not?
Their questions were out of curiosity and
‫الَّ ِذ ۡى ُه ۡم ِف ۡي ِه ُم ۡخت َ ِلفُ ۡو َن‬ ‫ع َِن النَّبَ ِا ۡالعَ ِظ ۡي ِم‬ ‫سا ٓ َءلُ ۡو َن‬
َ َ ‫ع َّم يَت‬

About what are they

That over which they About the great news
asking one another?
are in disagreement
Ayah 4-5

Allah S.W.T answered their question

Allah S.W.T answered that they would soon

know that this day would definitely happen
َ ‫ث ُ َّم َك ََّّل‬
‫سيَ ۡعلَ ُم ۡو َن‬ ‫سيَ ۡعلَ ُم ۡو َن‬
َ ‫َك ََّّل‬
No! They are very soon going to know
Then, no! They are very soon going to know
Ayah 6-16
Allah S.W.T mentions how He has created different things. Such as……

• Earth to live
• Day to earn
• Mountains for stability
• Sun source of light • Grains and vegetation as
• Pairs of creations
• 7 Skies
• Sleep for rest provision
• Rain to produce • Gardens for beauty
• Night for calmness

That's how life came into existence on this earth. Everything that has a beginning
will eventually come to an end. So Allah makes us think….
How an amazing creator can create such an amazing world without a reason?
Why are you in doubt of Allah’s power and think that He can not give life again?
‫اَلَ ۡم نَ ۡجعَ ِل ۡالَ ۡضۡر َ ِمد ا‬
‫َّو َخلَ ۡقنك ُۡم ا َ ۡز َواجا‬ Have We not made the
And We created you in pairs earth a resting place?

‫َّو ۡال ِجبَا َل ا َ ۡوتَا ا‬

And the mountains as pegs?

ُ ‫َّو َجعَ ۡلنَا نَ ۡو َمك ُۡم‬
َ ‫َّو َجعَ ۡلنَا النَّ َد‬
‫اضۡر َمعَاشا‬
And We made the And We made your
‫َّو َجعَ ۡلنَا الَّ ۡي َل ِلبَاسا‬
day for livelihood sleep as a rest

And we made the

night as covering
ِ ‫َّو َجعَ ۡلنَا‬
‫س َضۡراجا َّو َّهاجا‬ َ ‫َّوبَنَ ۡينَا فَ ۡوقَك ُۡم‬
ِ ‫س ۡبعا‬
‫ش َا ا‬
And We constructed above
And We made a burning lamp (Sun)
you seven strong (heavens)
‫ِلـنُ ۡخ ِضۡر َج ِب ٖه َحبًّا َّونَبَاتا‬
That We may bring forth thereby
grain and vegetation
ِ ‫َّوا َ ۡن َز ۡلنَا ِم َن ۡال ُم ۡع ِصضۡر‬
‫َما ٓء ث َ َّجاجا‬
‫ت ا َ ۡلفَافا‬
ٍ ّٰ‫َّو َجن‬ And We sent down, from the
And Lush green gardens rain clouds, abundant water
Ayah 17

Why did Allah SWT create this world and humans?

Allah S.W.T answers that He made this world

for a certain day, on which people will be
judged and be assigned their final, eternal
homes based on their life.
‫ان ِم ۡيقَاتا‬ ۡ َ‫ا َِّن يَ ۡو َم ۡالف‬
َ ‫ص ِل َك‬
Indeed, the Day of decision is an
appointed time
Ayah 18-20
What will happen on Day of Judgement?

Allah tells us that on this day, all His amazing

creations will come to an end and so will all
human beings.
1. A trumpet will be blown
2. All dead will wake up
3. Be gathered in groups before Allah
waiting for His decision
‫فَت َ ۡات ُ ۡو َن ا َ ۡف َواجا‬ ُّ ‫يَ ۡو َم يُ ۡنفَ ُخ ِفى ال‬
‫ص ۡو ِضۡر‬
then you will come in groups The Day the trumpet will be blown
َ ‫ت ۡال ِجبَا ُل فَ َكانَ ۡت‬
‫س َضۡرابا‬ ِ ‫س ِي َضۡر‬
ُ ‫َو‬
‫س َما ٓ ُء فَ َكانَ ۡت ا َ ۡب َوابا‬ ِ ‫َوفُتِ َح‬
And the mountains will be moved
so they will become a mirage َّ ‫ت ال‬

And the heaven will be opened

so it will become gateways
Ayah 21-26

People of Hell

People will either go to Jannah or Hell. No

third option. In these ayaat, First Allah S.W.T
mentioned those people who will be punished
in Hell because of their evil deeds.
ّٰ ‫ِلل‬
‫ط ِغ ۡي َن َمابا‬ َ ‫ا َِّن َج َدنَّ َم َكانَ ۡت ِم ۡضۡر‬
‫صا ا‬
For the transgressors, a place of Indeed, Hell has been lying in
destination wait
‫َل يَذُ ۡوقُ ۡو َن فِ ۡي َدا بَ ۡضۡر ا َّو َل ش ََضۡرابا‬ ‫لّٰ ِب ِث ۡي َن ِف ۡي َد ۤا ا َ ۡحقَابا‬
They will not taste in it any They will remain in it for ages
coolness or drink
‫َج َزآء ِوفَاقا‬
‫ساقا‬ َ ‫ا َِّل َح ِم ۡيما َّو‬
َّ ‫غ‬
An fitting recompense Except boiling water and
secretion of wounds
Ayah 27-30
Why they ended up in Hell?

They thought that they would never be

questioned about their actions, and refused to
obey Allah S.W.T
ؕ ‫َو َكذَّبُ ۡوا ِبايتِنَا ِكذَّابا‬ َ ‫اِنَّ ُد ۡم َكانُ ۡوا َل يَ ۡضۡر ُج ۡو َن ِح‬
Indeed, they were not
And they denied Our verses , expecting accountability
a strong denial
َ ‫فَذُ ۡوقُ ۡوا فَلَ ۡن نَّ ِز ۡي َ ك ُۡم ا َِّل‬
‫عذَابا‬ َ ‫َو ُك َّل ش َۡى ٍء ا َ ۡح‬
‫ص ۡينهُ ِكتبا‬
And all things We have
So taste (the consequences), and We recorded in a Book.
will never increase you except in
Ayah 31-36

People of Jannah

In these ayaat Allah mentions those People who

will get Jannah because they made Allah happy by
doing good deeds in their life. They will get plenty
of rewards in Jannah
‫ا َِّن ِل ۡل ُمت َّ ِق ۡي َن َمفَازا‬
Indeed, for the righteous is a success
‫َّو َك ۡاسا ِ َهاقا‬ ‫ق َوا َ ۡعنَابا‬
َ ‫َح َ آ ِٕٮ‬
And a cup full (of exotic drinks) Gardens and grape yards

‫ب ا َ ۡت َضۡرابا‬
َ ‫َّو َك َوا ِع‬
And companions of equal age
‫سابا‬ َ ‫َج َزآء ِم ۡن َّضۡر ِب َك‬
َ ‫ع‬ ‫َل يَ ۡس َمعُ ۡو َن ِف ۡي َدا لَ ۡـغوا َّو َل ِكذّٰبا‬
َ ‫طا ٓء ِح‬
A reward from your Lord, a They will not hear any ill
calculated gift speech or any falsehood there
Ayah 37-38

Everyone will be in awe of Allah

The supreme Kingship and majesty of Allah

S.W.T will be so visible on that Day, that no
one will dare speak before Him without His
َ ‫َل يَ ۡم ِلك ُۡو َن ِم ۡنهُ ِخ‬
‫طابا‬ َّ ‫ت َو ۡالَ ۡضۡر ِ َو َما بَ ۡينَ ُد َما‬
‫الضۡر ۡحم ِن‬ ِ ‫سمو‬
َّ ‫ب ال‬
ِ ‫َضۡر‬
They will not have any power The extremely Merciful Lord of the heavens
from Him to argue. and the earth and whatever is between them
َّ ُ‫َّل يَت َ َكلَّ ُم ۡو َن ا َِّل َم ۡن ا َ ِذ َن لَه‬
‫الضۡر ۡحم ُن‬
they will not speak except for one
whom the Most Merciful permits
َ ‫َوقَا َل‬
‫ص َوابا‬ َ ُُ‫ح َو ۡال َملٓ ِٕٮ َك‬
ؕ ‫صفًّا‬ ُّ ‫يَ ۡو َم يَقُ ۡو ُم‬
ُ ‫الضۡر ۡو‬
and he will say The Day, the Spirit and the angels
what is correct TRUTH will stand in rows
Ayah 39
Day of Judgment is a reality

Don’t doubt about day of judgement, it’s a great reality

that will definitely happen. And all humans will go back
to Allah S.W.T. So it is up to humans whoever wants can
do good and make a happy and beautiful return to his
ُّ ‫ذ ِل َك ۡاليَ ۡو ُم ۡال َح‬
ۚ ‫ـق‬
That Day is the ultimate truth

َ ‫فَ َم ۡن‬
‫شا ٓ َء ات َّ َخذَ اِلى َضۡر ِب ٖه َمابا‬
so who want to take a refuge to his Lord
Ayah 40

Regret on seeing outcomes of their actions

Through prophets and the Quran Allah warned us

about the day of judgment.
But whoever doesn’t take this warning seriously will
regret over his bad deeds and its horrible outcome.
‫َويَقُ ۡو ُل ۡالـك ِف ُضۡر يلَ ۡيتَنِ ۡى ك ُۡنتُ تُضۡربا‬ َ ‫اِنَّ ۤا ا َ ۡنذَ ۡضۡرنـ ُك ۡم‬
‫عذَابا قَ ِضۡر ۡيبا‬

and the disbeliever will say, Indeed, We have warned

"Oh, I wish that I were dust!" ُ ‫يَّ ۡو َم يَ ۡن‬
ُ‫ظ ُضۡر ۡال َم ۡضۡر ُء َما قَ َّ َم ۡت يَ ه‬ you of a near punishment

A Day when a man will see what

his hands have sent forth


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