Air Pollution Mapping Using GIS Application
Air Pollution Mapping Using GIS Application
Air Pollution Mapping Using GIS Application
This study is a regional assessment of the potential There are well proven computer models for
impacts on air quality of utilization of Sabalan predicting dispersion of the gas plume in the
geothermal power plant northwestern Iran. A network atmosphere. In these studies, the meteorological
of thirty sampling point and a meteorological station conditions and potential emissions were used to
were installed to characterize the air quality and prepare predicted dispersion model of H2S
atmospheric transport properties of the area before concentrations and defined the area under risk.
development. These instruments measured the Modelling results can be used to assess whether to
concentrations of H2S, CO2, SO2, NO, NO2 and employ pollution abatement technology and
particulates. Wind velocities and directions were also monitoring areas. The Industrial Source Complex
measured to determine atmospheric stability. By Model ISC3View, (Jesse and Cristiane, 1998) was
using these data the background dispersion model for used for H2S dispersion modelling in the Sabalan
each gas were prepared in the GIS environment. area. This model is a Gaussian diffusion model
designed for two emission categories, continuous
In the current study the prediction distribution of H2S (steady-state) or instantaneous (transient). In steady-
after utilization of geothermal power plant (GPP) state releases, source characteristics do not vary with
were modeled. To achieve this goal the geothermal time and the release duration is long.
steam were analyzed chemically to estimate potential
emission rates of air pollutions from the planned 50 The Sabalan area in northwest Iran has considerable
MW geothermal power plant. geothermal energy resources that can be used for
power generation. The Sabalan Geothermal Power
The Industrial Source Complex Model (ISC3View) Plant, Environmental Impact Assessment Project
was applied to make the prediction dispersion model (GPP-EIA) tries to evaluate the potential effects of
of H2S which will be release to the local atmosphere the project. Its aim is to ensure that any development
from the 50 MW planned geothermal power plant. proceeds in an environmentally acceptable manner.
The prepared background and prediction model were An integral part of this project is assessment the
combined in the GIS environment. potential impact of the project on the local air quality.
The results show that the H2S concentrations will be Basically GPPs release a variety of gaseous to the
lower than standard in 98% of the area and the atmosphere. From an environmental perspective the
pollutant from power plant, will be transferred to the most important gaseous contaminants are CO2, H2S,
northeast and east. The maximum concentration of NH3, CH4, Rn, Hg, H3BO3 and As. The experiences
H2S about 31 ppb will be in the areas close to the of other GPPs show that the principle gases of
powerhouse. The concentration of H2S will be close concern are H2S and CO2 and other constituents are
to the Department of Environment (DOE)’s standard less likely to have a significant adverse effect on the
level for ambient air quality. In the study area will be surrounded environment. Contaminant non-
only small impacted parts of the areas close to wells condensable gas concentration in the exhausted gas
in site A and C. The concentrations of H2S in these and steam will depend on the steam chemistry, power
areas will be 28-31 ppb which can be defined as areas plant technology and the ambient air quality.
under risk. These mean at least once a year in these
areas the concentration of H2S will be exceed than air In this study to evaluate the impacts of non-
quality standard. Therefore monitoring of H2S condensable gases on the environment, the Khiavchai
periodically is recommended. The areas under risk river watershed as a study area and the following
are 5.8 km2 which is around 2% of the study area. tasks were addressed:
• Investigating and modelling of the background power stations and in fumaroles and monitoring is
air quality prior to utilization, required continuously. H2S can react with oxygen to
form more oxidised sulphur compounds.
• Estimate potential contaminant flow rate from
the planned GPP and make predicted model,
• Combination of background and predicted model
to defined the impacted and the areas under risk. The pollution mapping section of the ISC3View
program allows the user to perform H2S dispersion
To carry out these tasks a network of 30 sampling calculations using a simple Gaussian Plume model to
point and a meteorological air quality monitoring predict the level of concentrations downwind from
stations were erected in the study area. Each station the source. The user can input the following
gathered air quality data on the concentration of variables: wind speed, direction, atmospheric
selected gaseous, pollutants and airborne particulates. stability, H2S flow rate, and one of two terrain
roughness classes. The terrain classes represent a
STUDY AREA facility surrounded by a flat, open field with crop
The Sabalan geothermal field is located in northwest stubble, or surrounded by elevated barriers. The
part of Iran. The study area is 282 km2 including output of the model is a color-coded map of the H2S
Khiav river watershed located in the east of the field. plume. The map indicates estimates of the plume
It is located between 38° 12' and 38° 22’ North and
47° 39’ and 47° 49’ east. its population centers are GIS IN AIR QUALITY MANAGMENT
villages Moil, Valezir and Dizo. Moil the biggest
By doing air quality modeling in a GIS environment,
village with 400 families located approximately 16
the output of the pollutant records can be obtained in
kilometer paved road from Meshkinshahr city.
the form of spatial records.
(Yousefi, 2004).
GIS science and technology is capable of supporting
The study area is remote, covered by intensive grass the development of geospatial air quality models. For
and full of hot and cold springs. The location of the modelling in GIS environment, AQMS (Air Quality
study area is shown in Figure. 1. Management System) may consider as be thought of
comprising three phases namely, monitoring,
development of DSS (Decision Support System) and
execution. The milestone capabilities of GIS for
AQMS are as fallow (Hussain, 2003):
a) To locate the monitoring stations
b) To develop geospatial air quality models
c) To develop spatial decision support system
QKVD y 2
C = × exp [− 1 ( ) ] deviation of the wind direction to define the stability
2π u s σ y σ z 2 σ y
Q=Pollutant emission rate, Table1.The relationship between the Pasquill
K= Scaling coefficient, stability categories (SC) and the wind
(default value for Q of 1×106 g/s and speed (m/s) parameters (WS)
concentration in µg/m3), SC A B C D E
V= Vertical term,
D= Decay term, WS 1.54 3.09 5.14 8.23 10.18
σX, σ y= Standard deviation of lateral and
vertical concentration distribution (m), and
Us= wind speed at release height (m/s). Wind patterns
Wind data analysis was carried out for the whole year
Cox and Sheppard (1980) and Cox and Sandalls 2001. It is evident that the dominant wind pattern is
(1974) have estimated average removal rates of one of the important requirements for the model.
hydrogen sulphide. Using an average reaction rate The dominant wind directions were east and
5×10-12 cm3/s and an average hydroxyl concentration northeast; this means that maybe transport of H2S in
of 3×106 molecules/m3, an average removal rate of the area will be towards east and northeast. Annually
hydrogen sulphide was estimated to be approximately wind rose diagrams of the field are shown in Figure2.
5 % per hour. This will give an exponential decay
rate of 1.425×10-5 s-1 when used in the ISC3View
model.In the present study a similar removal rate of
5% hour was used. (Noorollahi, 1999)
In this research the monitored environmental data
from meteorological station in the site, were
collected, and then the accuracy of the data was
assessed by using statistical analysis to detect and
remove errorly recorded data. The required
meteorological parameters by the model are surface
and upper observation data in ASCII meteorological
format. The required surface data are temperature,
cloud cover percent, cloud height, wind speed and
direction. The upper air data is the mixing layer
height. ICS3View can estimate the mixing layer
height from the surface data. Figure.2. Wind rose diagram of NW Sabalan (2001)
There is a meteorological station in Sabalan Temperature
geothermal field. In this study the data for the year
2001 were used to analyze and modeling to predict The temperature fluctuations in the study area are
and compare the condition of ambient air before and large from -35 in January to +30 in June and July.
after utilization of power plant were conducted. The average temperature variation in the study area
from 2000 to 2003 is shown in Figure 3.
Atmospheric stability
Together with distance from source, the atmospheric
stability affected the dispersion parameters (σx, σy).
It is often defined by the Pasquill stability categories,
which ran from category A for a stable atmosphere to
E for an unstable atmosphere. In the model the
default wind speed parameter ranging from 1.54 m/s
to 10.18 m/s is used in place of the discrete stability
categories, and also wind speeds that are changeable
by user. The relationship between the Pasquill
stability categories and the wind speed parameters
used in the model are shown in Table 1.To define the
stability parameter, the model employs one of two
methods, using wind speed or using the standard Figure.3. Temperature variation in the study area
Humidity Sabalan geothermal field is an unexploited natural
The humidity in the area is not very high because of area without any industrial or other air polluting
high elevation. Average annual humidity in the study activities. Only gases from geothermal manifestations
area is 59.5%. The maximum humidity is in May and transportation vehicle escape to the atmosphere.
with 85 % and the minimum is in June, 13%. The mentioned air quality parameter concentrations
have been monitored in the whole Khiav river
Precipitation watershed about 132 km2 where most of the
geothermal manifestations are located. Comparisons
The measurements from April 2000 to March 2005 between the standards (30 ppb) and result of the
show the average annual precipitation in the area is measurements show that the concentrations value of
around 358 mm/year, with maximum precipitation in all data are below standard or in the other hand there
December about 89 mm and the minimum is zero in is no air pollution related to H2S in the study area.
June and July.
To make the background dispersion model for H2S in
BACKGROUND AIR QUALITY the study area pessimistically between the 16
measured values for each station, the maximum
A network of thirty sampling point and a
concentrations were chosen for the stations (Figure5).
meteorological station for air quality monitoring
were erected in the study area (Figurer 4).
Figure 6 shows the model which was made in GIS Based on the Sabalan reservoir steam specifications
environment by using the background data. and using Engineering Equations Solver (EES)
program, steam consumption was calculated for
50MW electricity. It will be around 380 ton/hour.
The ISC3View dispersion modeling software was dispersion model (Figure 6) and prediction calculated
used to make prediction dispersion model of H2S gas dispersion model (Figure 8) of the study area were
from the future power generation. The program takes combined cell by cell in the raster format by using
in account the calculated amount of gas (32g/s) GIS map calculation operator. The results of this
which most probably will be released to the local function are shown in Figure 9.
atmosphere from the power generation (Table 3).
Results for H2S distribution prediction model show
PREDICTION MODEL the gases from power plant, will be transferred to
northeast and east. The maximum concentration of
The selected sources type for geothermal power plant H2S about 31 ppb will be in the areas close to the
in the current study is point pollutant which is located powerhouse. The concentration of H2S will be close
in 739480 and 4238380 in the Zone 38 of UTM to the DOE’s standard level for ambient air quality.
coordinate system.
In the 282 km2 study area will be only small impacted
After running the ISC3View model the results surfer parts of the areas close to the production wells in site
gird digital data and dispersion map were opened in A and C. The concentrations of H2S in these areas
the GIS environment by using AQMS. The data were will be 28-31 ppb which can be defined as areas
edited and drawn again to achieve better visualized under risk (Figure 9). These mean at least one time
maps. per year in these areas the concentration of H2S will
be exceed than air quality standard. Therefore
Figure 8 shows the prediction dispersion model map monitoring of H2S periodically is recommended to
of H2S in the Sabalan geothermal area if the power the developer after utilization. The areas under risk
plant is located in site B which is one of the suitable are 5.8 km2 which is around 2% of the study area.
sites to install the power plant (Figure 4). The location of these areas and the concentrations
relieved that there is no need for health risk
assessment project.
The experiences of other geothermal power plants
show that the principle gases of concern in their
surrounded environment are H2S and CO2 and other
constituents are less likely to have a significant
adverse effect on the local environment.
The potential flow rate of these gases depends on the
steam chemistry and geothermal power plant
technology. The dispersion type of gases and average
removal rate depends on the meteorological
conditions such as wind directions, wind speed,
precipitations, atmospheric stability and surface
roughness and topography. Determination of the
effects on air quality, the affected area and the area
under risk depends on the background concentrations
of the gases, national standard and morphology of the
ground surface.
H2S distribution prediction model was prepared in
this study to find the impacts on local air quality from
planned 50 MW geothermal power plants in the NW
Sabalan geothermal field.
Figure.8. Prediction dispersion model of H2S,
from 50 MW GPP, NW Sabalan The results show that there is no adverse effect of
H2S concentrations in 98% of the area and only 2%
AIR QUALITY IMPACT PREDICTIONS will be impacted close to the wells in site A and C.
To predict the impacts of planned power generation The concentrations of H2S in the under risk areas will
on air quality of Sabalan area needs to resort to be 28-31 ppb and at least once a year the
atmospheric transport modeling. concentration of H2S will be exceed than national air
To predict the air quality impacts from the planned quality standard. Therefore monitoring of H2S
50 MW geothermal power plant and to define the periodically and development of air quality
area under the risk, the background concentration management system is recommended.
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oxidation of hydrogen sulphide and dimethyl sulphide study, report, for the Renewable Energy Organization
in air, Atmos. Environment 8, 1269-1281. of Iran, Tehran, 92 pp.
Cox, R.A., and Sheppard. D., (1980), Reactions of Noorollahi, Y., (1999), H2S and CO2 dispersion
OH radicals eight gaseous sulphur compounds. modelling for the Nesjavellir geothermal power plant
Nature 20, 330-331. SE Iceland and Preliminary Geothermal
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Jesse, L. and Cristiane, L., (1998), User’s guide of
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Figure.9. Final prediction dispersion model of H2S and the area under risk, NW Sabalan