SPM 2004 BM Bi K2
SPM 2004 BM Bi K2
SPM 2004 BM Bi K2
Jadual 1/ Table 1
(i) Nyatakan satu bahan dari Jadual 1 yang wujud sebagai molekul.
State one substance from table 1 which exists as a molecule. [1M]
(ii) Antara iodin, kuprum dan naftalena, bahan yang manakah mempunyai
takat lebur paling tinggi?
Which substance has the highest melting, iodine, copper or naphthalene? [1M]
(iv) Nyatakan bahan dari Jadual 1 yang boleh mengkonduksikan arus elektrik
dalam keadaan pepejal.
State the substance in Table 1 which can conduct electricity in the solid state.
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Paper 2 SPM 2004
(b) Graf 1.1 menunjukkan graf suhu melawan mas a bagi pemanasan pepejal
Graph 1.1 shows the temperature against time when solid naphthalene is
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2. (a) Semasa proses penyediaan sabun, larutan alkali kuat ditambah kepada
lemak. Campuran dipanaskan dan kemudian natrium klorida ditambah.
In preparing soap, a strong alkali solution is added to fats. The mixture is
heated and the sodium chloride is added.
(i) Namakan satu alkali kuat yang digunakan dalam proses penyediaan sabun.
Name one strong alkali used in preparing soap. [1M]
Anda mempunyai dua helai stoking yang terkena kotoran berminyak. Huraikan
dengan ringkas prosedur eksperimen, pemerhatian dan kesimpulan untuk
membuktikan pernyataan di atas, dengan menggunakan bahan seperti sabun,
detergen dan air liat.
You have two socks stained with oil. Describe briefly the experimental
procedure, observations and conclusions to prove the above statement, by using
substance such as soap, detergent and hard water.
Prosedur eksperimen:
Procedure of the experiment: [3M]
Observations [1M]:
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Conclusions [1M]:
(c) Analgesik dan psikoteraputik adalah ubat yang digunakan bagi merawat
pesakit. Aspirin adalah contoh ubat analgesik dan barbiturat adalah contoh
ubat psikoteraputik.
Analgesic and psychotherapeutic medicines are used to treat patients. Aspirin is
an analgesic medicine and barbiturate is a psychotherapeutic medicine.
Rajah 2/ Diagram 2
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Rajah 3/ Diagram 3
(ii) Apakah perubahan tenaga yang berlaku dalam proses elektrolisis itu?
What is energy change that occurs in the electrolysis process? [1M]
(ii) Dalam jadual di bawah, tuliskan ion-ion di (b)(i) yang bergerak ke elektrod X
dan elektrod Y
In the table below, write the ions in (b) (i) which moved to electrodes X and Y.
Elektrod X Elektrod Y
Electrode X Electrode Y
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Elektrod X: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Electrode X
Elektrod Y: …………………………………………………………………………………….
Electrode Y
(ii) Isi padu gas yang terkumpul di elektrod X ialah 20.0 cm 3. Berapakah
bilangan mol gas yang di kumpul?
Gunakan maklumat 1 mol gas menempati 24.0 dm3 ruang pada suhu dan
tekanan bilik.
The volume of gas collected at electrode X is 20.0 cm3. How many moles of the
gas were collected?
Use the information that 1 mole of gas occupies a volume of 24.0 dm 3 at room
temperature and pressure. [1M]
(iii) Berdasarkan jawapan anda pada (c)(ii), berapakah bilangan molekul gas
yang di kumpul?
Based on the answer in (c) (ii), what is the number of gas molecules collected?
Use the information that Avogadro number is 6.02 X 1023 mol-1. [1M]
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(b) (i) Berdasarkan perubahan suhu dalam eksperimen itu, nyatakan jenis
tindak balas yang berlaku.
Based on the change of temperature in the experiment, state the type of
reaction that occurred. [1M]
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(d) Persamaan ion bagi tindak balas pemendakan argentum klorida ialah:
The ionic equation for the precipitation reaction of silver chloride is:
(i) Berapakah bilangan mol ion Ag+ yang bertindak balas dengan ion Cl-?
What is the number of moles of Ag+ ions that reacted with Cl- ions ? [1M]
(e) Nilai haba pemendakan yang telah dihitung bagi tindak balas ini didapati
kurang daripada nilai sebenar. Berikan sebabnya
The calculated value of the heat of precipitation for this reaction is less than the
actual value. Give a reason. [1M]
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Eksperimen Kaedah
Experiment Method
Rajah 5/ Diagram 5
(ii) Nyatakan bagaimana serbuk kuprum(II) oksida yang berlebihan itu boleh
diasingkan daripada hasil tindak balas itu.
State how the excess copper(II) oxide powder can be separated from the
products. [1M]
(iii) Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas yang berlaku dalam
Eksperimen II. [1M]
State the chemical equation for the reaction that takes place in Experiment II.
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(c) Eksperimen I diulang. Asid sulfurik digantikan dengan asid hidroklorik yang
berkepekatan sama. Ramalkan isi padu hidroklorik yang diperlukan untuk
tindak balas lengkap.
Experiment I is repeated. Sulphuric acid is replaced by hydrochloric acid of the
same concentration. Predict the volume of hydrochloric required for a complete
reaction. [1M]
Eksperimen I Eksperimen I
Experiment I Experiment II
(e) (i) Nyatakan jenis tindak balas bagi penyediaan garam dalam Eksperimen I
dan Eksperimen II
State the type of reaction in the preparation of salts in Experiments I and II.
(ii) Nyatakan satu jenis tindak balas penyediaan garam selain daripada (e)(i).
State one type of reaction in the preparation of a salt other than that in (e) (i).
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O Mangkin X
Catalyst X
C3H5[OC(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7CH3] (l) + H2
Minyak sayur hidrogen Suhu Marjerin
Temperature Y
Vegetable oil hydrogen Margarine
Rajah 6 / Diagram 6
(b) (i) Namakan mangkin X dan nyatakan julat suhu Y dalam penghasilan
Name catalyst X and state the range of temperature Y in the production of
margarine. [2M]
Mangkin X
Catalyst X : …………………………………………………………………………….
Suhu Y
Temperature Y : …………………………………………………………………………….
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(c) Namakan satu contoh minyak sayuran yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan
Name one example of a vegetable oil used in the production of margarine. [1M]
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Bahagian B
Section B
7. Rajah 1 menunjukkan simbol kimia yang mewakili tiga unsur iaitu unsur X,
unsur Y dan unsur Z
Diagram 1 shows the chemical symbols which represent three elements, X, Y and Z.
23 35 12
11 17 6
Rajah 1/ Diagram 1
(ii) Nyatakan bilangan neutron dalam atom bagi unsur Z dan tuliskan simbol
bagi satu isotop unsur Z
State the number of neutrons in an atom of element Z and write the symbol for
an isotope of element Z. [2M]
(b) Tindak balas antara atom X dan atom Y membentuk sebatian ion manakala
tindak balas antara atom Y dan Z membentuk sebatian kovalen.
Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, jelaskan bagaimana sebatian ion dan sebatian
kovalen terbentuk
The reaction between atoms of X and Y forms an ionic compound whereas the
reaction between atoms of Y and Z forms a covalent compound.
Based on the above statement, explain how these ionic and covalent compounds
are formed. [8M]
(c) Sebatian ion yang terbentuk daripada tindak balas antara unsur X dan
unsur Y boleh mengkonduksi elektrik apabila melebur atau larut dalam air.
The ionic compound formed from the reaction between elements X and Y is able
to conduct electricity when it is melted or dissolved in water.
Describe how you could prove that this statement is correct. [8M]
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(a) Lukiskan formula struktur bagi dua isomer propanol. Namakan kedua-dua
isomer itu.
Draw the structural formulae of two propanol isomers. Name both isomers. [4M]
Karbon 85.7%
Carbon 85.7 %
Hidrogen 14.3%
Hydrogen 14.3%
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Prosedur Pemerhatian
Procedure Observations
Air bromin ditambah kepada alkena Warna perang dilunturkan
Y menjadi tanpa warna
Bromine water is added to alkene Y Brown colour is decolourized
Air bromin ditambah kepada Warna perang kekal
propana Brown colour remains
Bromine water is added to propane
Prosedur Pemerhatian
Procedure Observations
Asid propanoik ditambah kepada Susu getah menggumpal
susu getah dengan serta merta
Propanoic acid is added to latex Latex coagulations immediately
Susu getah dibiarkan pada keadaan Susu getah menggumpal
semulajadi dengan lambat
Latex is left under natural conditions Latex coagulations slowly
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Bahagian C
Section C
9(a) Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan penyediaan asid sulfurik secara industri melalui
Proses Sentuh.
Diagram 3.1 shows the waste product from a factory which affects the quality of
the environment.
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Sarah boleh membengkokkan dengan mudah gelang yang dibuat
daripada logam tulen tetapi tidak dapat membengkokkan gelang
emaknya yang diperbuat daripada aloi logam itu.
Sarah could easily bend her bangle which is made of pure metal but she
could not bend her mother’s bangle which is made of alloy.
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Paper 2 SPM 2004
10. (a) Terangkan maksud tindak balas redoks dengan menggunakan satu
persamaan kimia
Explain what is meant by redox reaction using a chemical equation. [2M]
Jadual 4/ Table 4
(c) Anda dibekalkan dengan kepingan logam W, logam X, logam Y dan logam Z
serta larutan garam masing-masing. Huraikan bagaimana anda dapat
menunjukkan susunan logam itu dalam siri elektrokimia berdasarkan sifat
keelektropositifan secara menurun ialah W, X, Y dan Z. Huraian anda perlulah
mengandungi pemerhatian dan kesimpulan.
You are provided with strips of metals W, X, Y and Z and their salts solutions.
Describe how you would show that the order of these metals in the
electrochemical series is W, X, Y and Z in descending order of electropositivity.
your explanation should include observations and conclusions. [10M]
End Of Question
19 aDaZ Jan09