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International Journal of Green Energy

ISSN: 1543-5075 (Print) 1543-5083 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ljge20

Impact of various blends of Mimusops elengi

methyl esters on performance and emission
characteristics of a diesel engine

R.L. Krupakaran, T. Hariprasad & A. Gopalakrishna

To cite this article: R.L. Krupakaran, T. Hariprasad & A. Gopalakrishna (2018): Impact of various
blends of Mimusops elengi methyl esters on performance and emission characteristics of a diesel
engine, International Journal of Green Energy

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/15435075.2018.1469496

Published online: 11 May 2018.

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Impact of various blends of Mimusops elengi methyl esters on performance and

emission characteristics of a diesel engine
R.L. Krupakarana, T. Hariprasada, and A. Gopalakrishnaa,b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, India; bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, India

The basic objective of the research work was to study the effect of various blends of Mimusops elangi Combustion; emission;
methyl ester (MEME) on engine performance, combustion, and emission characteristics of a single- Mimusops elengi methyl
cylinder direct-injection compression ignition engine, running at constant speed. The raw oil was ester; Mimusops elengi oil;
extracted from Mimusops elangi seeds through mechanical crusher. The neat MEME was obtained
through transesterification process and mixed with diesel in versatile proportions of 10% of MEME
(10% MEME–90% Diesel), 20% of MEME(20% MEME–80% Diesel), 30% of MEME(30% MEME–70% Diesel),
40% of MEME(40% MEME–60% Diesel), and 100% MEME on a volume basis. Their properties were
validated based on ASTM standards. Experimental investigation revealed that the 20% blend resulted in
4.18%, 5.12% more prominent performance characteristics of brake thermal efficiency, brake specific
energy consumption, and superior emission diminution of 5.26% of HC, 16.6% of CO, 6.2% of smoke
when compared with base diesel fuel, despite marginal penalty of 5.26% of carbon dioxide and 4.8% of
oxides of nitrogen emission at full load condition. Characteristics of combustion parameters like pressure
inside the cylinder and rate of the heat released were superior for 20% blend of MEME at the peak load

Introduction community all around the world according to Kumar and

Chauhan (2013).
Increasing population, industrial enterprise, and urbanization
Many research works have been carried out using the first-
have put a high level of stress on the global energy resource.
generation biofuels. As the vegetable oil is more viscous, it is
The global energy relies mainly on the fossil fuels with the
not suitable for diesel engine operation; the researchers have
maximum contribution of 80% and its effect on climate
been looking for various techniques, such as transesterifica-
change has a major impact on the developing countries.
tion, microemulsion, and pyrolysis to step down the viscosity.
Nonfossil fuel exporting countries like the United States,
Transesterification is a nontedious-free process for converting
European countries, China, Japan, and India have to face a
vegetable oil into biodiesel by reducing its viscosity and by
major threat in the future economic growth as their transpor-
improving the cetane number as done in the article of Arbab
tation sector greatly relies on the availability of fossil fuel.
et al. (2013). Habibullah et al. (2014) examined the conse-
Diesel engines are the prevailing power source for the public
quence of using palm and coconut oil biodiesel in a 10-kW
transport, school and college buses, and industrial transporta-
diesel engine. In that study, palm oils were preferred due to
tion owing to their reliability and efficiency according to
better combusting characteristics and coconut oil owing to its
Atabani et al. (2013). This frightful position has forced the
superior oxygen content (Sharon et al. 2012). Palm oil
non-Gulf nations to look for alternative energy sources to
blended with coconut oil led to the reduction in hydrocarbon
tackle their future energy demands. The alternative energy
(HC), carbon monoxide (CO) emission, and improved ther-
source of fossil fuel is biofuels. Biofuels are renewable and
mal efficiency when compared with their sole fuel blend, and
can be produced from different source materials, such as
higher emission of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were observed
biological waste or biomass, which provide a greater security
for all alternative test fuels for diesel fuel. Hemanandh and
for countries that import oil according to Koh and Ghazi
Narayanan (2015) conducted an observational finding on
(2011). From evaluation of the biofuels, it comes across
diesel engine with a single cylinder powered by sunflower
three generations. Sugarcane, corn, and vegetable oils are
oil. The engine was made to be functioned with a proportion
under the first generation. The second generation focused
of 25% sunflower oil and 100% diesel fuel. From their find-
on grass oils and waste cooking oil. In the third generation,
ings, the authors listed out that 100% biodiesel yielded in
algae-based biofuel is preferred by the biofuel research
superior performance with 10% hike in brake thermal

CONTACT R.L. Krupakaran krupakaran1305@gmail.com Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, Andhra
Pradesh, India.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/ljge.
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

efficiency (BTE) and a striking step-down in HC and CO investigated on the low-viscous plant-based biofuels. The
emission. Interestingly, the authors had observed a reduction authors conducted their study on pine oil. The pine oil was
in the oxides of nitrogen emission by 10% and 18% for extracted through steam distillation process and its blends;
biodiesel 25% and biodiesel 100%, respectively, and it was namely, 25%, 50%, and 75% were prepared with diesel fuel.
due to fuel’s lower flame temperature. Özener et al. (2014) The study resulted in a comparatively higher thermal effi-
analyzed the impact of diesel engine empowered with various ciency for the considered fuels. Sharma and Murugan (2017)
blends of soybean oil with base fuel, diesel at 10%, 20%, and conducted the experiment on the effect of the nozzle open-
50%, respectively. The test was conducted at a steady state ing pressure (NOP) for behavior of a single-cylinder direct-
with varying speed from 1300 to 3000 rpm. The authors also injection compression ignition engine fueled with a nonpe-
observed decreased fuel usage and increased harmful tailpipe troleum fuel, i.e., JMETPO20 blend, which contains 80%
emission, namely NOx and carbon dioxide (CO2). Like all Jatropha methyl ester and 20% tyre pyrolysis oil on a volume
biofuels, soybean oil blend also resulted in the superior reduc- basis. They reported the results that for the blend
tion in HC and CO emission dramatically. The researchers (JMETPO20) with the NOP of 220 bar, the BTE increased
had stated that first-generation biofuels, which are mainly by about 5.12%, while the smoke opacity, brake specific CO,
edible oils, were preferred owing to their better land utiliza- and HC emissions were decreased by about 9.5%, 1.57%, and
tion, superior yielding capacity, and productivity. The truth 6.26%, respectively, when compared to those of the original
and threat behind the usage of edible oil is evident from the operating condition at full load. Dhinesh et al. (2016b)
steep rise of palm oil price in Malaysia as established by Onga performed their study on the novel plant-based biofuel
et al. (2011). Therefore, attention had turned toward the Cymbopogon flexuosus. They found that the superior cetane
nonedible second-generation feedstocks which include grass number and oxygen content paved the way for better ther-
oil with low viscous property and waste cooking oils accord- mal efficiency and emission reduction for the 20% blend fuel
ing to Zafer Utlua et al. (2008), Pugazhvadivu et al. (2005) and when compared with the other blends, namely 30%, 40%,
Abedin et al. (2016). and 100%. Ali et al. (2016) discussed about the usage of
The second-generation researcher, Ong et al. (2014) stu- waste cooking oil in the diesel engine in their article. The
died the effect of Jatropha curcas (43%−59% of oil yield), blends considered were 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, and 70%.
Ceiba pentandra (25%–28% of oil yield), and Calophyllum The test resulted in higher thermal efficiency for biodiesel
inophyllum (65%–75% of oil yield) biodiesel in a 7.7-kW 20% and marginal variation for biodiesel 30% and biodiesel
diesel engine. The test was carried with blends of 90% of 50%. The harmful tailpipe discharge of CO and NOx were
diesel and 10% of biodiesel. From their observation, they lessened, whereas smoke opacity and emission of HC raised.
concluded that a 10% blend of biodiesel with diesel resulted Sharma and Murugan (2016) conducted the experiment on
in more prominent performance level and lower fuel intake single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine powered with the
when compared with other biodiesel blends. Since the blend advanced (24.5 °CA bTDC), standard (23°CA bTDC), and
percentage was very minimal, the biodiesel tends to burn off retarded IT (21.5 °CA bTDC) for the blend of JMETPO20,
completely and result in lower HC and CO emission but and results were compared with diesel fuel and also with
higher emission of NOx. JME operation. They conclude that with the advancement of
Venkanna and Venkataraman Reddy (2015) conducted the IT, the maximum cylinder pressure and cumulative heat
experiment to evaluate the behavior of a diesel engine over the release rate are enhanced.
entire load range when fueled with honne oil/diesel fuel Hariram and Mohan Kumar (2013), the third-generation
blends: H10 (10% honne oil + 90% diesel fuel) to H50. The researchers, performed the experimental investigation using
engine behavior of fuel blend H20 is found to be close to Algae oil methyl ester (AOME) of 5%, 10%, and 15%. Among
diesel fuel, whereas higher blend ratios are found to be infer- the considered blends, AOME 15% resulted in loftier thermal
ior to diesel fuel. efficiency when compared with the base fuel and a lower
Vedharaj et al. (2013) studied the outcomes of kapok exhaust emission with a penalty of marginal increment in
biodiesel in the research engine. The test was accomplished NOx. From the survey of related literature, it is concluded
in a single-cylinder engine with varied power output. From that biofuels in general can show improved thermal efficiency
their observations, they reported that biodiesel 25% and for lower blends and reduced harmful emissions such as HC,
biodiesel 50% could give superior performance than that of CO, smoke, and slight improvement in NOx as shown by
the diesel fuel. It was ascribed to the superior cetane number Silitonga et al. (2013). Sharma and Murugan (2014) also
of the blend. With regard to the emission of CO, smoke and conducted the experimental investigations on four-stroke die-
NOx resulted in marginal reduction in the diesel fuel. sel engine fueled with JMETPO20 for various injection pres-
Güngör et al. (2015) investigated the experiment on various sures 210, 220, 230, 240, and 250 bar. They reported that, for
blends of plastic oil produced from waste polyethylene JMETPO20 at 220 bar pressure, the BTE was marginally
(WPE) with diesel fuel (D). The blends of plastic oil with improved and the HC, CO, and smoke emissions were
diesel were selected at various proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, decreased.
20%, and 100% on volume basis. The authors reported the At present, the researchers are striving for the emission
results that CO emission is decreased by 20.63%, CO2 emis- reduction by adding nano-additives to the fuel, thereby
sion is increased by 3.34%, and NOx emission is increased by enhancing the performance and emission reduction simulta-
9.17% with WPE-D (WPE5) blend compared to diesel fuel at neously (Dhinesh et al. 2016; Annamalai et al. 2016a;
5% WPE-D (WPE5) blend. Vallinayagam et al. (2013) Krupakaran, Hariprasad, and Gopalakrishna 2016).

In this investigation, a novel nonedible feedstock Deepanraj et al. (2015) analyzed the conversion process of
Mimusops elengi, mainly available in south Asia, is evaluated Mimusops elengi biodiesel through transesterification process.
as an alternative power source for the direct-injection diesel From their findings, they observed that 74% of methyl ester of
engine Kalita and Saikia (2004). Not much work has been MEME can be achieved. Further to increase the yield, the
done on the Mimusops elengi oil as reported by the research authors have suggested the usage of a new heterogeneous
community. Nevertheless, researchers like Bora et al. (2014) catalyst, namelyKAlSiO3. The raw oil consists of higher visc-
analyzed the effect of five different oils and compared their osity and it was converted to Mimusops elengi biodiesel
formation into biodiesel using two techniques, namely (1) by through transesterification process. The physiochemical prop-
addition of butanol and ethanol and (2) by transesterification erties of Mimusops elengi oil, and its derivatives based fuel
technique but did not focus on the engine behavior. To reduce were compared with base diesel fuel and the results are listed
this research gap, the authors of this article performed the in Table 3.
study on Mimusops elengi seeds, and extraction of oil using The chemical reaction involved in the preparation of bio-
mechanical crusher. Further, the Mimusops elengi oil having diesel is transesterification by which Mimusops elengi oil is
higher viscosity was transesterified into MEME. Then, various transformed into esters of Mimusops elengi. Esterification is
proportions, namely 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%, were prepared the process used to produce an ester. Transesterification is the
by blending with diesel fuel and its properties were listed out. modification of esters through chemical reactions. The main
The primary aim of this field of study was to look into the difference between esterification and transesterification is that
behavior of the diesel engine powered by MEME and its esterification includes an ester as the end product, whereas
blends. transesterification includes an ester as a reactant.

Materials and method

In this research work, the fuel was extracted from the
Mimusops elengi seeds and it was used as a renewable energy
source for operation with the single-cylinder diesel engine.
Mimusops elengi trees are evergreen shade or ornament tree
that is grown in the roadways, sidewalks, and forests and it
belongs to the family of Sapotaceae; matured Mimusops
elengi trees can grow up to 15-m high. It is mainly available
in Sri Lanka and India, which are in Asian continent. The tree
is known by different vernacular names, in English Bullet Transesterification is also called alcoholysis; it is the dis-
wood, in Spanish cherry, whereas in Tamil, it is called placement of alcohol in an ester by another alcohol in a
Magadam and Muhunain, and the oil content of the seed is chemical process, which is similar to hydrolysis, but an alco-
18%. Mimusops elengi seed oil is extracted through Soxhlet hol is used instead of water. The transesterification reaction is
extraction process and it consists of a high fatty substance, represented by the following
general equations.
namely Palmitic acid (53.55%) and Oleic acid (28.52%) Dutta RCOOR’ + R’’OH , RCOOR’’ + R’OH
and Deka (2014). And the detailed fatty acid composition of
the various nonedible feedstocks when compared with Where R, R’, and R” are long-chain hydrocarbons.
Mimusops elengi are represented in Table 1 (Ashraful et al. Mimusops elengi biodiesel is prepared by reacting
2014; Senthil Kumar, Senthil Kumar, and Annamalai 2015) Mimusops elengi oil with methyl alcohol at 65°C in the
and cost estimation of MEME on comparison with various front of catalyst, namely potassium hydroxide, to form bio-
nonedible feedstocks are shown in Table 2. Researchers diesel and the by-product obtained is glycerol. In the prepara-
tion process for a Mimusops elengi biodiesel, the major
components include oil, catalyst, and methyl alcohol and all
Table 1. Fatty acid composition of the various nonedible feedstocks.
the components are stirred using a magnetic stirrer. The
Fatty acid (wt%) JOME POME KOME MEME
process is repeated for 30 min and kept at a temperature of
Myristic (C14:0) 1.4 0.09 – –
Palmitic (C16:0) 13.6–15.1 3.7–7.9 16–28.2 27.62 65°C. And at last, the mixture was heated beyond the boiling
Palmitoleic (C16:1) – 2.5 – 0.26 point of water to remove the presence of water in the
Stearic (C18:0) 7.1–7.4 2.4–8.9 20.0–25.1 10.75 Mimusops elengi biodiesel. The separated biodiesel was
Oleic (C18:1) 34.3–44.7 44.5–71.3 41.0–51.0 48.52
Linoleic (C18:2) 31.4–43.2 10.8–18.3 8.9–18.3 6.85 mixed with diesel fuel at various proportions as follows:
Oil content (wt%) 20–60 25–45 35–50 18–20 10MEME-90D (Mimusops elengi biodiesel 10% + Diesel

Table 2. Cost estimation of MEME on comparison with various nonedible feedstocks.

Study parameters MEME (Rs) KOME (Rs) POME (Rs) JOME(Rs)
Cost estimation of raw oil from mechanical crushing 28 per liter 50 per liter 52 per liter 25 per liter
Bio diesel preparation charge 10 per liter 10 per liter 10 per liter 10 per liter
Total cost of production 38 per liter 60 per liter 62 per liter 35 per liter

Table 3. Test fuels’ properties.

Properties Raw MEO 100 MEME 10MEME-90D 20MEME-80D 30MEME-70D 40MEME-60D Diesel
Density (kg/m3) @ 15°C 905 873 833 843 846 867 831
Kinematic viscosity (cSt) @ 40°C 28.12 4.646 2.39 2.76 2.89 3.27 2.14
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 39.42 41.89 44.02 43.574 42.92 41.67 44.5
Cetane number 41 49 52 53 53.4 53.6 55
Flash point (OC) 286 185 64 76 86 99 52

90%), 20MEME-80D (Mimusops elengi biodiesel 20% + which are highly preferred nonedible feedstocks in the
Diesel 80%), 30MEME-70D (Mimusops elengi biodiesel 30% research world in Table 4 as mentioned in Senthil Kumar,
+ Diesel 70%), 40MEME-60D (Mimusops elengi biodiesel Senthil Kumar, and Annamalai (2015). Both the raw
40% + Diesel 60%), and 100MEME (Mimusops elengi Mimusops elengi biofuel and transesterified Mimusops elengi
100%). Initially, raw Mimusops elengi, Mimusops elengi bio- biodiesel consist of an oxygen molecule, which was confirmed
diesel, and diesel fuel properties were experimentally evalu- with the help of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
ated and the results are listed in Table 3. Furthermore, Table 3 (FTIR) results. Figures 1 and 2 show the FTIR results of the
lists out the properties of Mimusops elengi; Mimusops elengi raw Mimusops Elengi biofuel and transesterified Mimusops
biodiesel blend with diesel were compared with the standard elengi biodiesel, respectively. When the transmittance peak is
diesel. As figured in the table, the majority of the thermo- observed in between the wavenumber of 2500 and 3000, it
physical properties were closer to base diesel fuel, thereby reveals the presence of oxygen molecules in the fuel, as shown
validating that the biodiesel we chose for our study is a in Figure 1. It was clear that the wavenumber of 2921.427 and
promising alternative fuel for the diesel engine. To get a 2852.296 represents the presence of oxygen molecules in raw
clear view about the properties of MEME, it is equated with Mimusops elengi biofuel. Similarly in Figure 2, it was clear
Jatropha oil methyl ester (JOME), Pongamia oil methyl ester that the wavenumber of 2921.738 and 2852.478 represents the
(POME), diesel fuel, and Kapok oil methyl ester (KOME) presence of oxygen molecules in Mimusops elengi biodie-
sel too.
Table 4. Comparison of Mimusops elengi methyl esters with other esters and diesel.
Properties Diesel JOME POME KOME MEME
Density (kg/m3) @ 15°C 831 880 898 875 873 Experimental arrangement and test method
Kinematic viscosity (cSt) @ 40°C 2.14
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 44.5 38.45 39.15 36.29 41.89 A diesel engine used in agricultural application is a single-
Cetane number 55 50 57.9 54 49 cylinder (Kirloskar TAF-1) air-cooled engine which was
Flash point (OC) 52 182.5 196 156 185
tested in the present study. The fuel injection details are

Figure 1. The FTIR result of the raw Mimusops elengi biofuel.


Figure 2. The FTIR result of the transesterified Mimusops elengi biodiesel.

23° bTDC and 200 bar pressure. The test was carried out in engine was made to run in an idle state for 20 min to achieve the
the steady-state condition with fixed speed and diverse load steady-state condition by maintaining its temperature level. As
outputs. The load was altered using a swing field electrical already stated, the fuels considered for this study were 10MEME-
dynamometer, from the maker of Power Star. The length of 90D (Mimusops elengi biodiesel 10% + Diesel 90%), 20MEME-
engine bore and stroke were 87.5 mm and 110 mm, respec- 80D (Mimusops elengi biodiesel 20% + Diesel 80%), 30MEME-
tively. The engine was operated with the manufacturer’s 70D (Mimusops elengi biodiesel 30% + Diesel 70%), 40MEME-
specified injection parameters, such as compression ratio 60D (Mimusops elengi biodiesel 40% + Diesel 60%), and
of 17.5:1 and combustion chamber of hemispherical com- 100MEME (Mimusops elengi 100%). For every test fuel run,
bustion bowl. The in-cylinder pressure was determined the engine was priorly drained and filled with base diesel fuel.
using the pressure transduced AVL GH14D/AH01 with The 4.4-kW diesel engine was loaded with an electrical dynam-
regard to crank position encoder AVL 365C. The data ometer by 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. For clear evaluation, low-
obtained from the pressure transduced needed to be con- load condition was also determined. At last, the engine was
verted into readable formatter using AVL INDIMICRA analyzed for its behavior with the test fuels considered. For a
602-TI0602A and AVL INDICOM MOBILE software. The clear understanding and for maintaining the accuracy level, the
emission parameters, namely HC, CO, and NOx, were eval- average values were noted by repeatedly observing the values for
uated by AVL DI GAS 444 (five gas analyzer). The smoke three consecutive times. Errors and uncertainty had been taken
intensity was determined by AVL 415 SMOKE METER. into account to get a clear idea regarding the deviation in the
The detailed engine specifications and setup are shown in experimental values. The uncertainty of the experiment carried
Table 5 and Figure 3(a,b), respectively. out was found to be 2.06% using the analytical method which is
The test was performed for various fuel blends with varying shown in Table 6 as done by Vedharaj et al. (2013).
load conditions at an invariant speed of 1500 rpm. Initially, the
Result and discussions
Table 5. Test engine specification. Performance characteristics
Engine Make Kirloskar TAF1
Type Vertical diesel engine, four stroke
No. of cylinders, Fuel One, Diesel The comparison of BTEs against various engine loads for fuels
Cooling system Air cooled such as neat diesel, neat 100MEME, 10MEME-90D,
Ignition system Compression ignition
Rated brake power 4.4 kW @ 1500 rpm 20MEME-80D, 30MEME-70D, and 40MEME-60D are
Displacement 661 cm3 depicted in Figure 4. Up to 75% of engine load, the thermal
Bore and stroke 87.5 mm and 110 mm
Compression ratio 17.5:1 efficiency was increased in our case, while at 100% loading
Injection timing 23° bTDC (rated) condition, decreased BTE was observed. The drop in effi-
Injection pressure 200 bar ciency at 100% loading condition can be attributed to the

Figure 3. (a) Test engine set-up and (b) Photographic view of engine set-up.

Table 6. Percent of uncertainty. may also be attributed to the fuel richness inside the combus-
Parameter Percent uncertainty tion zone. At 75% of engine load, the maximum magnitudes
Pressure 1.1% of the BTEs obtained were 30.36% for 20MEME-80D blend,
Speed 1.2%
Load 0.6% while the other blends 30MEME-70D and 40MEME-60D
Brake power 0.5% resulted in 28.5% and 24.04%, respectively, at the similar
Brake specific energy consumption 0.3% load term. A substantial fluctuation in the BTE for the blend
Break thermal efficiency 0.4%
Carbon monoxide 0.6% 20MEME-80D was observed, and it was about 4.18% higher
Hydrocarbon 0.2% when compared with that of standard diesel fuel. As the 20%
Oxides of nitrogen 0.5%
Smoke opacity 0.3% of biodiesel mixed in the standard diesel fuel enhanced the
combustion process, higher efficiency could be obtained. The
properties like density and viscosity for the 20% blends of
fact that the operation of the engine with constant speed of Mimusops elengi biodiesel had a positive nod with its other
1500 rpm at a maximum load condition needs higher quantity blend resulting in better fuel atomization and combustion
of fuel injection to run at stable condition (Ali et al. 2016). It process. The lowered BTE was observed in higher

BSEC minified with the gain in the engine load achieved by eddy
current dynamometer. It also led to the gain in temperature at the
wall region of the engine block (Ong et al. 2014). However, BSEC
increased with the gain in the blending proportions; in essence,
the ample mixtures of biodiesel resulted in a towering BSFC curve
when compared with that of diesel. The BSEC of 10MEME-90D
and 20MEME-80D do not have more fluctuation to base diesel
fuel level, although the left-out blendings, namely 30MEME-70D,
40MEME-60D, and 100MEME, show higher values (Sharma and
Murugan 2013). This shows that the large quantity of fuel flow is
called in for the gain of load ranges of the engine to run at the fixed
speed of 1500 rpm. It may also be attributed to the fluctuation on
the calorific value of the biodiesel blend preferred. In general, the
oxygen-enriched fuel results in lower calorific values (Ali et al.
2016). As it is shown from Figure 5, 100MEME causes the
increased fuel consumption against the various engine loads
mainly due to its depressed percentage level of the lower heating
value by 5.87% and higher density by 5.05%, as well as kinematic
Figure 4. Brake thermal efficiency variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel.
viscosity of 117.15%. At 75% of loading condition, 20MEME-80D
has 4.6% of lower specified fuel consumption.
concentration blends of 30MEME-70D and 40MEME-60D
owing to the negative impact of the fuel’s thermophysical
properties, namely the lower heating value, kinematic viscos- Emission magnitude
ity of MEMEs, the penalty of inadequate atomization, and
Unburnt HCs
vaporization rate which resulted in incomplete combustion as
The unburned HC emissions for the different fuels, namely neat
stated in Ong et al. (2014). The 100MEME fuel had lower BTE
diesel, neat 100MEME, 10MEME-90D, 20MEME-80D,
in comparison with the prepared fuels because of relatively
30MEME-70D, and 40MEME-60D, were compared in Figure 6
high viscosity about 4.645 in value when compared with base
for different loading conditions from no zero load to 100% of
fuel and it is evident from Table 4. It also led to inferior
load. The HC emission decreased with increasing load up to 75%
atomization, vaporization, and to inadequate formation of
of load, due to the growth of the temperature profile over the
air-biodiesel blend which resulted in a combustion deficiency
engine wall region; further, it increased at a maximum load due
as stated in Ahmed et al. (2014).
to the fuel affluence in the combustion zone as stated by Ruhul
et al. (2016). The traditional diesel fuel has a more eminent
Brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) emission of HC in comparison with all other fuels; it is clearly
Figure 5 depicts the change of the BSEC regarding engine loads shown in Figure 6; it was mainly due to the fuel affluence and
from zero load to a maximum load condition for different fuels, inexistence of the oxygen molecule in the HC-based diesel fuel.
namely neat diesel, neat 100MEME, 10MEME-90D, 20MEME- The 10MEME-90D and 20MEME-80D blended fuels showed
80D, 30MEME-70D, and 40MEME-60D. In our experiment, the lower HC emission; this was due to the occurrence of complete

Figure 5. Brake specific energy consumption variation in the MEME blends and
diesel fuel. Figure 6. Hydrocarbon variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel.

combustion, which was facilitated by the presence of oxygen

atom in fuel along with the better air–fuel mixture preparation.
Rich blends 30MEME-70D, 40MEME-60D, and 100MEME
show higher HC emission compared with lean blend owing to
higher magnitude of viscosity and poor volatility of rich blends
which in turn resulted in incomplete combustion. At a max-
imum load condition, there was a cutdown in the HC emission
by 5.26% in 20MEME-80D which was noted to be comparatively
lower than that of the diesel fuel (Senthil kumar et al. 2016).

The CO emissions for the different fuels, namely neat diesel, neat
100MEME, 10MEME-90D, 20MEME-80D, 30MEME-70D, and
40MEME-60D, were compared in Figure 7 for different loading
conditions from no zero load to 100% of load. Normally, the CO
emission falls with the gain in loading, as the injection of fuel
amount rises accordingly. In our case, the CO emission was
notably reduced by about 8.1% and 16.6% for the blends of Figure 8. Carbon dioxide variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel.
10MEME-90D and 20MEME-90D, respectively, when compared
with the value of base fuel. The decreased CO formation could be
due to the presence of oxygen atom in the MEME which could to the emission occurrence irrespective of the fuels. 20MEME-
facilitate complete combustion. However, ample mixtures such as 80D, which has a lean mixture of biodiesel, had a marginal hike in
40MEME-60D and 100MEME did not have a substantial differ- CO2 emission when compared with diesel that assured an efficient
ence of CO formation when equated with the base fuel; this was combustion process. The rich blends 40MEME-60D and
due to higher eminent viscosity and depressed lower heating value 100MEME had a lower BTE and a higher fuel intake, which causes
in the MEME biodiesel blends, which in turn resulted in incom- inferior combustion that in turn results in step-down of CO2
plete combustion. It may also be due to the fuel rich zone and emission. At a maximum load condition, the CO2 emission of
unavailability of oxygen molecule in the combustion zone (Ali 20MEME-80D was 5.26% higher when compared with that of
et al. 2016). At a maximum load condition, irrespective of the diesel fuel (Sharma and Murugan 2013, Senthil kumar 2016).
usage of test fuels, the CO emission improved because of the
enhanced fuel affluence to maintain the higher load condition NOx
(Ong et al. 2014). Figure 9 describes the comparison of NOx emission for various
blendings of Mimusops elengi biodiesel, its blends, and diesel
CO2 fuels. The emission of NOx enhances with a hike in the measure
The variation in CO2 emission for different fuels, namely neat of biodiesel with the base fuel as mentioned in Sanjid et al.
100MEME, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of MEME blended with (2014). There was an increased NOx emission in comparison
diesel and traditional diesel fuel for various loads, are shown in with the diesel for the blends 10MEME-90D, 20MEME-80D,
Figure 8. The CO2 emission for MEME and its blends was 30MEME-70D, 40MEME-60D, and 100MEME, respectively, at
observed and it was concluded that loading is directly proportional a maximum load operation. When there is a gain in the load,

Figure 7. Carbon monoxide variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel. Figure 9. Oxides of nitrogen variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel.

the temperature builds within the cylinder, resulting in higher

NOx formation. It may also be on the account of the enhanced
calorific value of the biofuel blend, which in turn increases the
combustion efficiency (Senthil Kumar, Senthil Kumar, and
Annamalai 2015). The MEMEs contain 20% of oxygen mole-
cule by its whole weight, which accelerated the combustion
process effectively and increased temperature inside the cylin-
der. At a maximum load condition, NOX emission of
20MEME-80D was 4.8% higher when compared with that of
the base fuel.

Smoke opacity
The interpretation of smoke emission for the varying blends
of Mimusops elengi biodiesel and diesel versus the various
engine loads is shown in Figure 10. The smoke emission rises
with an increase in loading owing to the higher amount of
energy source being injected to maintain the constant speed of Figure 11. Exhaust gas temperature variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel.
the engine (Senthil Kumar, Senthil Kumar, and Annamalai
2015). The smoke opacity was reduced by 2.49%, 6.2%, 12.7%,
and 14.9% for the blends 10MEME-90D, 20MEME-80D, Combustion behavior
30MEME-70D, 40MEME-60D, and 100MEME, respectively, Exhaust gas temperature (EGT)
when compared with that of base diesel fuel at 100% of The comparison of the temperatures of exhaust gas for the
loading condition. Decrease in carbon-to-hydrogen ratio, Mimusops elengi biodiesel, its blends, and diesel are given in
redundant of oxygen capacity in the MEME, and nonaromatic Figure 11. The engine load increased gradually from 0% load to
substance are important causes for lower smoke opacity emis- 100% load which in turn improved the EGT in all blended and
sion. It may also be attributed to the fact that the absence of the standard diesel fuel, respectively. It could be due to the
sulfur content paved the way for the effective reduction in quantity of fuel burned within a short span of time during the
smoke emission for the biodiesel blends as stated in Dhinesh power stroke which resulted in higher EGT. The EGT of
et al. 2016b. Rich blends 30MEME-70D and 40MEME-60D 10MEME-90D and 20MEME-80D were same as that of standard
reported somewhat higher smoke opacity when compared diesel fuel. The rich blends of 40MEME-60D and 100MEME
with base fuel at 75% loading condition. Incomplete combus- caused higher EGT in comparison with the considered fuels due
tion of HC and lowered BTE are important factors which to its property of being more viscous, which causes a late burning
increase the smoke opacity emission for the rich blends. The of energy source in the tailpipe region. Lower EGT was observed
neat 100MEME had relatively low smoke opacity when equa- in lean bends as stated in Annamalai et al. (2016). It was attrib-
ted with the considered fuel because of the higher redundant uted to efficient combustion that takes place inside the engine
of oxygen capacity in the energy source that ensured better cylinder and hence a minimal amount of heat is released in the
combustion taking place inside the combustion zone. expansion stroke. Actually, an indication of higher value of EGT

Figure 10. Smoke opacity variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel. Figure 12. Cylinder pressure variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel.

implies a large amount of heat energy being wasted through the

exhaust system.

Effect of cylinder pressure

The relationship between the crank angle and the pressure
inside the cylinder for various fuels, namely 100MEME, neat
diesel, 10MEME-90D, 20MEME-80D, 30MEME-70D, and
40MEME-60D, is shown in Figure 12. Higher the depressed
value of the kinematic viscosity, the more beneficial the air–
fuel interaction is; if it has steeper value, the air–fuel mixture
preparation would be inadequate and would result in lower
cylinder pressure (Dhinesh et al. 2016b). Figure 12 shows the
variations in cylinder pressure of various fuels at 100% of
loading condition. From the figure, it is evident that the
steeper cetane number influences the ignition delay and cylin-
der pressure. Here, all the blended fuels have cetane number
very much closer to the traditional diesel fuel, so the peak
pressures of all the fuels come skinnier to that of the tradi- Figure 14. Ignition delay variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel.
tional diesel fuel, of 64.13 bar. 20MEME-80D had higher
cylinder pressure owing to its important characteristics, such
as better air–fuel mixture preparation, lower kinematic visc- fuel, which is due to the presence of the oxygen atoms in the
osity, and higher BTE which in turn enhances the combustion biodiesel (Dhinesh et al. 2016b.).
inside the cylinder. Blends of biodiesel were dominated in the
diffusion phase of combustion rather than that of the premix Effect of ignition delay
which was evident from the heat and pressure release rate 100MEME has very higher ignition delay period which was
curve. noted when equated with other considered blends and fossil
diesel represented in Figure 14. This is because of fuel proper-
ties like higher viscosity, density, and very important property
Effect of heat release rate (HRR) of cetane number which decides the ignition delay period.
Figure 13 depicts the difference of HRR with regard to crank Higher the cetane number leads to lower ignition delay,
angle for different fuels, namely clean MEME, clean diesel, where’s the 100MEME has a lower cetane number when
and blended MEME-diesel fuel for a maximum load condi- equated with all other fuels was pointed in the fuel property
tion. A similar trend was observed for the HRR such as Table 4, which results in higher ignition delay period was
pressure inside the cylinder; the steeper the cylinder pressure, accomplished. Similarly, blend 20 has a lower ignition delay
the higher the HRR and vice versa. As mentioned earlier, which was noted when compared with all other blends
20MEME-80D had higher HRR in comparison with that of (Sharma and Murugan 2013) due to the higher cetane num-
considered fuels. It is evident from the previous research ber. Diesel was pointed as a lowest ignition delay when com-
works that biodiesel has a maximum domination in the later pared with all other fuels owing to the favorable properties of
stage of combustion due to the complete combustion of the density, viscosity, and higher magnitude of cetane number.

A novel nonedible biodiesel from Mimusops elengi seeds was
prepared and it was blended in different proportions with diesel
fuel to get the blends, namely 10MEME-90D, 20MEME-80D,
30MEME-70D, 40MEME-60D, and 100MEME. Its engine beha-
vior was analyzed. Based on the observations on emission, com-
bustion, and performance behavior of direct-injection four-stroke
constant-speed diesel engine, following results were obtained:

● The 20MEME-80D fuel showed improved BSEC and

improved BTE when compared with that of other blended
fuels and base fuel owing to the superior lower heating
value of the blend and the complete burning of biodiesel
● The 20MEME-80D fuel showed reduction in the emis-
sion of HC, CO, and smoke when compared with that of
other blended fuels and the traditional diesel fuel at a
Figure 13. Heat release rate variation in the MEME blends and diesel fuel. peak load condition. It could also be attributed to the

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